5S Story Board

5S Story Board Why use a story board: When an improvement project requires the use of the 5S tool a storyboard should be implemented. 5S storyboards are meant to provide others with a snap shot of the improvements being made and catch the attention of the staff that are not on the project team by showing the before and after. It is similar to the idea behind a project charter someone should be able to read it and understand, at a high level, what you did and what the results are. You should include numerous pictures on your storyboard and highlight what was done. For example, during the sort highlight the expired items, unique things you found, or the amount of paper removed. How to create your storyboard: Using 5 pieces of bristle board create 5 storyboards, one for each step of 5S and highlight what was done in each step. For example: Sort Set in Order Before pictures What did you remove? Highlight any funny items that you may have found. Standardize Shine Pictures of the first pass for set in order A fun picture of the team clean‐
ing. Explain what you did and why.
Explain what was cleaned. Sustain Pictures of the final set in order. Explain what a 5 min 5S Audit is. Explain what you did and why Post the audit and explain who is responsible.