3.class xi humanities - Prelude Public School

SESSION 2017-18
1. Attempt the Literature questions in the Literature notebook and Grammar and Writing questions
in the Grammar and Writing notebook.
2. You need not copy the questions. Just mention the question numbers correctly.
3. Please adhere to the word limit in literature and writing portion questions.
I - Write short answers for the following:
Q1. What was “the last sign” of physical contact between the author and the grandmother?
Q2. What could have been the cause of grandmother’s falling ill?
Q3. Why did the grandmother stop talking before her death?
Q4. Why did the grandmother dislike music?
Q5. What was the routine of the grandmother and the author in the village?
Q6. What was the scene in the photograph?
Q7. What does the poet imply by the word ‘cardboard’? Why does she say so?
Q8. What are the girls doing in the photograph?
Q9. How many characters are the in the photograph? Who are they? Are they related to the poet?
Q10. Explain: Its silence silences
Q11. Who is the narrator in the chapter THE ADDRESS? Why is she there?
Q12. Whose home did the narrator visit? Why?
Q 13. How did Mrs. Dorling react when she saw the narrator?
Q14. What did the narrator know about Mrs. Dorling?
Q 15. Why did the narrator feel even worse when she visited Mrs. Dorling’s place the second time?
Q 16. You are the President of the Students’ council of St. Francis Sr. Secondary school, Bangalore. You have
invited a visiting Russian Ballet Troupe to give a performance in your school on the occasion of its Golden
Jubilee celebrations. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students about this event. sign yourself
as Rohit/Rakhi.
Q17. You are the Sports Secretary of your school. write a notice in not more than 50 words for the school
Notice Board, asking the students interested in Cricket to give their names for selection for your school
Cricket team.( Eligibility---students above 14 years)
Q 18. Write a notice for the school Notice Board inviting volunteers for one day Blood Donation Camp to be
organized in your school. You are B. Lal, Head Boy, Apex Public School, Bhopal.
Q 19. You are Vipin Dogra /Vibhuti Sharma, The Student Editor of the magazine of Gandhi Memorial Senior
secondary school. Draft a suitable notice for your school Notice Board inviting articles, poems, etc. for the
forthcoming edition of the magazine.
Q 20. You are Avdesh/ Avantika Secretary, Science Forum, Modern School Allahabad. Write a notice for the
school notice board inviting the students to attend a lecture to be delivered by an eminent scientist. Invent
all other details.
Q21. Rewrite the following sentences in SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE:
You took much interest in novels.
She studied at St. Stephen’s College.
The child knew how to open the door.
She thanked her friends.
Your watch will be repaired.
Q 22. Change the following in PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE using negative forms:
We are playing a game.
She is making tea.
They are going for shopping.
We will bring our pencils tomorrow.
Akhil is going to participate in the play.
Q 23. Write the following sentences in PRESENT PERFECT:
1. I live in Weymouth. I moved here in July.
2. She doesn’t eat meat. She stopped eating it last year.
3. They started studying English three years ago.
4. He plays the guitar. He started playing it when he was five.
5. I know him since childhood.
Q 24. Change the following sentences in PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS:
1. How long ……………………. (you wait) for?
2. We …………………….. in this street for twenty years. (live)
3. He …………………… in the garden since morning. (work)
4. It ……………………. (rain) since yesterday.
5. I ………………… this laptop for three years. (use)
Q 25. Make the following sentences in SIMPLE PAST interrogative:
They collected postcards.
You jumped high.
Fiona visited her grandma.
Albert played squash.
He washed the car.
Q 26. Write the following sentences of PRESENT CONTIUOUS in PAST CONTIUNOUS:
1. I am writing a letter.
2. What are you doing there?
3. Why are you crying?
4. He is preparing for the test.
5. You are disturbing me.
Q27. Attempt the following sentences in PAST PERFECT:
1. Martina won the championship beating her arch rival.
2. They planted some roses in the garden.
3. Peter decided to move to California.
4. They bought a new apartment in California.
5. They took the patient to hospital.
Q28. Rewrite the following sentences in SIMPLE FUTURE:
1. If you run fast, you can catch the train.
2. The plane is about to leave in 10 mins.
3. It have given my birthday party yesterday.
4. I have bought the same shirt piece for you.
5. Can you give me your pen?
Q29. Make interrogative sentences in FUTURE CONTINUOUS:
1. The guests are coming today.
2. Geeta is going to give her exam tomorrow.
3. Sachin performed confidently in the concert.
Will you take leave tomorrow?
5. It is easy to defeat her.
Q 30. Rewrite the following sentences in FUTURE PERFECT:
1. I expect that she has changed her mind.
2. She will learn French by the end of next year.
3. Rene will come by the evening.
4. Mr. Sahni will retire by 2018.
5. By the end of this week we will shift to our new house.
Q 31. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form:
1. Jane (not/drink)
tea very often.
2. What time (the banks/open)
3. Where (John/come)
4. It (take)
5. She (not/wake)
in Britain?
me an hour to get to work.
up early on Sundays.
Q 32. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form to make different form of the Present Continuous Tense.
1. John
(read) a book now.
2. What
(you do) tonight?
3. Jack and Peter
4. Silvia
5. Maria
(work) late today.
(not listen) to music.
(sit) next to Paul.
Q 33. Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect).
1. I (not / work) _____________ today.
2. We (buy)
a new lamp.
3. We (not / plan)
our holiday yet.
4. Where (be / you)
5. He (write)
five letters.
Q 34. Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect continuous)
1.. I (wait)
for you since two o'clock.
2. Mary (live)
in Germany since 1992.
3. Why is he so tired? He (play)
tennis for five hours.
4. How long (learn / you)
5. We (look for)
the motorway for more than an hour.
Q 35. Complete the sentences, put the verb into the correct form,(simple past tense)
1. It was warm, so I
off my coat. (take)
2. The film wasn't very good. I
it very much. (enjoy)
3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I
4. I was very tired, so I
her. (disturb)
to bed early. (go)
5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I
very well. (sleep)
Q 36. Put the verbs into the correct form (Past Continuous ).
1. We (not / cycle)
2. While Aaron (work)
all day.
in his room, his friends (swim)
3. I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not)
4. What (you / do)
5. Most of the time we (sit)
in the park.
Q 37. Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect ).
in the pool.
1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) ________.
2. He (not / be)
to Cape Town before 1997.
3. When she went out to play, she (do / already)
4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make)
5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on)
her homework.
six weeks before.
Q 38. Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect continuous).
1. I (not / walk)
for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.
2. How long (learn / she)
English before she went to London?
3. Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (sing)
4. He (drive)
in the rain too long.
less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.
5. They were very tired in the evening because they (help)
6. I (not / work)
on the farm all day.
all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.
Q 39. Put the verbs into the correct form (simple future)
James, 18 years old, asked an ugly fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:
You (be)_______________________ very happy.
You (get)______________________ a lot of money.
You (buy)______________________ a beautiful house.
Your friends (envy)______________ you.
You (meet) ____________________ a beautiful girl.
Q 40. Put the verbs into the correct form (future progressive).
1. At midnight we (sleep) ____________.
2. This time next week we (sit) ___________ at the beach.
3. At nine I (watch) __________ the news.
4. Tonight we (cram up) ____________ for our English test.
5. They (dance) ___________ all night.
Q 41. Put the verb in the future perfect form:
1. Paolo __________ the teams. (to manage)
2. If we can do that - then we ____________ our mission. (to fulfil)
3. The police __________ the driver. (to arrest)
4. Anne _________ her bike next week. (to repair)
5. We ________________ the washing by 8 o'clock. (to do)
Q 42. Put the verb in the right tense:
1. (you / ever / see ) ________ a whale?
2. (they / spend) _____________ their holidays in Paris last summer?
3. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) __________ to the cinema.
4. But I (already / travel) _____________ to London a couple of times.
5. I (not / be) _________________ to Canada so far.
Q 43. Correct the following sentences:
1. I have seen him yesterday.
2. We had gone to the movies last night.
3. I had spoken to them about my holiday.
4. You must attend your teacher’s instructions.
5. The hen has lain six eggs.
Q 44. Correct the following sentences:
1. I have seen him a moment ago.
2. They discussed about the whole matter.
3. We are playing tennis every day.
4. He is sleeping for two hours.
5. Neither of the boys have returned.
Q 45. Write the correct form of verb in the following:
“I ________(1) going outside,” said Jerry. “Wait!” said Jerry’s mom. Don’t forget to wear your jacket. It
________(2) cold out there. “But mom,” said Jerry. “I don’t want to wear it. I will be fine without it. Besides,
it _____ _____ (3) that cold today.” Jerry opened the door. The wind ________(4)blowing and the trees
________(5) shaking.
Q 46. Fill in the sentences:
Leaves ________ (6) falling to the ground. He shivered a little and stood behind the door. “Jerry!” shouted
Jerry’s mom. “You close that door and get your coat young man.” “But mom!” said Jerry “But what?” said
Jerry’s mom. “I don’t understand why you don’t want to wear your new coat. ________(7) there something
wrong with it? Jerry’s face turned red. “No!” he said. “Nothing’s wrong with it!” Then he covered his mouth
with his hand. “Well then…” said Jerry’s mom. “Why don’t you want to wear it?” “Well, mom,” said Jerry. “I
kind of…well…gave it away.” “You what?” said Jerry’s mom. “You gave it away?” “Yeah. But don’t worry. It
________(8) okay. I gave it to Marvin. And he really needs it.” “Why?” “Well, every time I see him, he looks
cold. He ________(9) always cold, actually. His parents cannot afford to buy him a jacket.” “Well, that
________(10)a very nice thing for you to do, dear.
Q 47. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the past tense.
Eric and Ilsa are brother and sister. They (grow) _______ (1) up together in the city that used to be known as
West Berlin, in the former West Germany. Eric (move) _______ _______ (2) to the United States decades
ago, before the eastern and western parts of both Berlin and Germany were reunited in 1990. Ilsa and her
family (visit) ___________ (3)Eric and his family last year. llsa's Family (fly) ____________(4) from Berlin to
Detroit for the visit.
Q 48. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the past tense.
Although the children (never, meet) _______ _______ _______ (5) before,
except through e-mail, the families (have) __________ (6) a great time together. Every day for a week, the
adults and the children (play)_______ _______(7), talking, and eating together. One day, they (cook)
_______ (8) some German recipes that (be) _______ ________(9) in the family for generations.
Q 49. Choose the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the future tense:
Carrie has been training her dog, Jack, for competition for the past six months. Carrie is Jack’s “handler,” and
together they are a team. If Jack is ready, Carrie (take) _______ ______ (1) him to a rally in a nearby city this
coming September. Carrie imagines the upcoming rally. She has many questions about it. She decides to ask
one of her friends, Jessica, about it. “What _______(2) I (do) ______ ________ (3) at the rally, exactly?” she
asks. “You (compete) _______ _____ ________(4) against other teams as they complete a course of
challenging exercises,” Jessica tells her.
Q 50. Complete the following:
“The exercises at the rally (involve) _______ _______ _____ _______ (5) giving commands, jumping,
pivoting, spiraling, side stepping, and dropping. Each exercise (be) ____ _______ ____ ____(6) numbered. As
they are doing the exercises together, the handlers (talk) _______ _____ ________(7) to their dogs.” “Before
beginning the course,” Jessica continues, “Each team (receive) _______ _______ 8) 200 points. Each time a
team makes a mistake, a point is deducted by the judge. At the end of the course, the handlers (probably,
praise) _______ ________ _______ (9) their dogs and give them food as rewards. The teams (do) _______
_______ _______(10) their best together, and therefore will deserve a rest.
Ms Sabine Baijal
Prepare a handwritten project on any 1 chapter/Topic discussed in class of not less than 10 pages. You can
include maps, newspaper cuttings, photographs, pictures related to the topic.
This Project is of 20 Marks which will be added to your Term I and II exams
Ch1 From the Beginning of Time
Passage based Questions: The Discovery of Australopithecus, Olduvai Gorge 17 July 1959 (Pg 12)
1. Who or what was found at the site?
2. Where were these findings made? Name the place and continent.
3. Why did Louis not go for the excavation on 17 July?
4. Enumerate some of the dangers associated with excavation of that region, as mentioned in the passage
Passage based Questions: Cave - Paintings at Altamira ( Pg 22)
Where is Altamira?
What is the importance of Altamira?
Who discovered the cave Paintings of Altamira
When were these paintings discovered?
Why did the European archaeologists not believe that these paintings were so old?
Ch 2 Writing and City Life
Passage based Questions: The Warka Head (pg 32)
10. Where and when was the Warka Head sculpted?
11. What material was used to make it?
12. Write any three special features of this sculpture.
Passage based Questions: The Seal-An Urban Artefact (pg 39)
13. What was the shape of the stone seals in Mesopotamia?
14. How was the design /carving of the seal transferred to the wet clay?
15. What was mentioned on some seals?
16. State two uses of seals.
Passage based Questions: Excavating Mesopotamian Towns (pg 44)
17. Name two towns from the passage that have been excavated in Mesopotamia
18. What did archaeologists find in the houses that they excavated?
19. What was found in the house burial?
Passage based Questions: An Early Library (pg 46)
20. Name the King who collected a library at his capital and which Empire did he belong to?
21. Where did the king send his men to find tablets?
22. Which different subjects did he collect the tablets of?
23. Which language were the old tablets written in?
24. Name an important text of the Mesopotamian civilization found in the library
25. How many tablets and texts were found in this library?
Chapter 3 An Empire Across three Continents
Passage based Questions: Doctor Galen on how Roman Cities treated the countryside (pg 63)
26. Why did the country people have to eat unhealthy foods in the spring?
Passage based Questions: On the treatment of slaves (pg 68)
27. Who was murdered by a slave?
28. What was the punishment for a slave’s rebellion?
29. Why had the crowds collected stones?
30. Who is the author of this passage?
Do these Questions from chapter 3
31. What are the sources for the study of the Roman Empire?
32. Who were the three main players in the political history of the Roman Empire?
33. Write a note on the importance of the army
34. Write a note on the importance of the Senate between 509BCE and 27BCE.
35. Why were emperors respectful towards the Senate?
36. Name the first Emperor of the Roman Empire
37. Write a note on the system of slavery in the Roman Empire
38. What did Columella say about the management of slaves?
39. Describe the areas of innovation/changes by Emperor Constantine
40. What was the position of women in the Roman Empire? Explain with examples
41. What do you know about social hierarchies in the early and late Roman Empire?
42. What evidence do we have to prove that the Roman economy was advanced, sophisticated and quite
43. Describe the type of labour in the Roman Empire.
44. What evidence do we have that the management of labour was carefully planned?
45. Explain the third century crisis of the Roman Empire
46. What was the traditional religion and culture of the classical world?
47. What happened to the east Roman Empire in 642 CE?
48. On an outline map of Europe locate and label Altamira, Lascaux, Grotto Chauvet, Lazaret Cave,
Neander Valley and Heidelberg
49. On an outline map of Asia, mark and name the towns of Ur, Uruk, Babylon, and rivers Tigris and
Euphrates pg 30
50. On an outline map of Europe locate and label Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Alexandria,
Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea (pg 59)
Mr Ravi Prabhakar
Indian Economy (Sandeep Garg)
Chapter 1: Question No.1-14 (Page No. 1.15)
Chapter 1: Question No.1-10 (Page No. 1.16)
Chapter 1: Question No.1-7 (Page No. 1.17)
Statistics (Sandeep Garg)
Chapter 1: Question No.1-15 (Page No. 1.10)
Chapter 1: Question No.1-7 (Page No. 1.11)
Chapter 2: Question No.1-14 (Page No. 2.15)
Chapter 2 : Do Question No.1 to 10 (Page No. 2.16)
To make a PPT on the topic below with 30 to 50 slides and email to [email protected]
“Study of a product/Company” on the basis of the following criteria:
Market Approach
Sales Planning
Special features
Economic Growth Pointers
Subject : Psychology
Teacher : Ekta Jain
Chapter - 1 What is Psychology?
General instructions:
1. All the questions need to be done in copy.
2. Learning checks are one word answers / word phrases /true and false / fill in the blanks.
3. Very short answer type questions should be of 20-30 words.
4. Short answer type questions should be of 40-60 words.
5. Long answer type questions should be of 70-100 words
Learning Checks
Indian psychological association was founded in __________________.
Psychology was derived from which two Greek words?
The Gestalt school was founded by __________________.
Experiences are subjective in nature. T /F
Cognitive perspective views human in a mechanical manner. T/ F
__________________ are responses we make or activities we engage in.
The Functionalist approach was forwarded by __________________.
The humanistic approach was developed by __________________.
Social psychology studies the role of temperature, humidity, pollution on human behaviour. T/F
The first psychological laboratory was established in the year __________________.
Give an example of covert and overt behavior.
Intelligence test was developed by Binet and Simon. T/F
What is the major perspective of Humanistic school of thought?
_____________perspective in psychology emphasized the free will of human beings and their natural
striving to grow and unfold their inner potential.
What is ‘Hypothetico Deductive Model’?
Mind can’t exist without a brain, however, mind is a separate entity. T/F
Give any two examples of processes that fall under the bracket of mental processes.
Roots of psychology lies in _____________discipline.
_____________was highly criticized because it was considered less scientific.
Is psychology an art or a scientific field or both? Suggest a reason for the same.
Very Short Answer type Questions
Q.21 What do you understand by mental processes?
Q.22 What is studied in ‘Psychoneuroimmunology’?
Q.23 Give full form of NIMHANS.
Q.24 Distinguish between biological psychology and development psychology.
Q.25 Explain the concept of ‘behaviourism’ by John Watson.
Q.26 Explain the difference between clinical psychology and Counselling psychology.
Q.27 What is neuropsychology?
Q.28 Who founded psychoanalysis? What are its principles?
Q.29 What do you understand by introspection?
Q.30 What are the major schools of psychological thought?
Short Answer type Questions
Q.31 Distinguish between (a) psychologist and psychiatrist (b) school and educational psychologists.
Q.32 What are the functions of an environmental psychologist? How are they different from a community
Q.33 Explain the humanistic perspective of psychology.
Q.34 Explain how basic psychology is different from applied psychology?
Q.35 Discuss the relationship between psychology and medicine.
Q.36 Describe in detail cognitive perspective of psychology.
Q.37 Distinguish between development psychology and organisational psychology.
Q.38 Explain how mind and behaviour are related.
Q.39 What are the functions of Organizational psychologist and Health psychologist?
Q.40 Discuss psychology as a Natural Science and psychology as a Social Science.
Long answer type Questions
Q.41 How can you distinguish scientific psychology from the popular notions about the discipline of
Q.42 Give a brief account of the evolution of psychology.
Q.43 Describe the relationship between
a. Psychology and computer science.
b. Psychology and philosophy.
Q.44 Discuss the development of psychology in India.
Q.45 Explain the basic concerns of modern psychology.
Q.46 Explain how psychology is used in everyday life.
Q.47 Describe six different branches of psychology.
Q.48 Discuss psychology as a discipline.
Q.49 Is there a difference between mind and brain? Explain.
Q.50 Differentiate between basic and applied psychology.
On A-4 size sheets list 5 movies Indian or English based on psychological aspects. Describe about any
one of them in 150-200 words. Decorate your project well with pictures.
Physical Education
Mr Ashwini
What is Physical education?
What do you mean by SAI?
What Is NSNIS?
What is the aim of physical education?
What are the objectives of physical education?
What are traditional careers in physical education?
What are emerging careers in physical education
What was the aim of Central Advisory board of physical education and recreation?
What are the suggestions of Central Advisory board of physical education and
10.Who was the first chairman of All India Council of Sports?
11.What were the aims and functions of All India Council Of Sports?
12.Discuss about teaching career in physical education?
13.Discuss about coaching career in physical education?
14.Explain about NSNIS?
15.Write short note on SAI?
16.Write short notes on
a) Physical development
b) Mental development
c) Social development
d) Neuromuscular- coordination
17.Write a short note on Olympic flag
18.What is the criteria for Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award?
19.What do you mean by IOC?
20.Briefly describe about Olympic Oath?
21.Briefly explain about IOC?
22.Mention the rules of ancient Olympic games?
23.Discuss about opening ceremony of modern Olympic games?
24.Discuss about closing ceremony of modern Olympic games?
25.Discuss about opening ceremony of ancient Olympic games?
26.Mention the rules of modern Olympic games?
27.What is Olympic Motto
28.Write short note on Olympic flame?
29.What are Olympic Awards?
30.Describe the objectives of Dronacharya Award?
31.Write short note on Arjuna Award?
32.What is the criteria for Arjuna Award?
33.Name three national sports awards?
34.What are the objectives of Chacha Nehru sports award?
35.Explain the origin of ancient Olympic games?
36.Explain the origin of modern Olympic games?
37.Explain about Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award?
38.Explain about Dronacharya award?
39.Explain in detail about development of values through Olympic movement?
40.Discuss the main function of IOC?
41.‘Are the Olympic games free from discrimination today?’Give your views.
Computer Science
SUBJECT TEACHER: Mr Paritosh Bharti
Create a Power Point presentation (Minimum 10 slides) on the given following topics:
A study of Object Oriented Programming Methodology.
Computer Language Generations
Tour of C++
Being a Computer Science student, it is important for you to know about different inventors/
developers in the world of technology. Research on any one of the following mentioning their
achievements and contributions in the field of technology. Create a biography through PowerPoint
presentation:a. Charles Babbage
b. Steve Jobs
c. Bill Gates
d. Steve Wozniak
e. Bjarne Stroustrup
5. Nanotechnology – the new generation technology.
Submit CD of your presentation
Also Submit the Printouts of No. 1 & 3 Power Point Presentation