Eineiige Zwillinge, doppeltes Chaos: „Liv und Maddie“ – die neue Comedy-‐Serie in deutscher Erstausstrahlung ab 24. November im Disney Channel! Sie sind jung, hübsch, erfolgreich, gleichen sich wie ein Ei dem anderen – und sind doch so verschieden: Ab 24. November zeigt der Disney Channel die erfolgreiche US-‐Comedy-‐Serie „Liv und Maddie“ mit Dove Cameron in einer Doppelrolle täglich um 19.50 Uhr in deutscher Erstausstrahlung (21 Episoden). Die 15-‐jährigen eineiigen Zwillinge Liv und Maddie Rooney (Dove Cameron) sind mehr als unterschiedlich: Während Liv erfolgreich ihre eigene Fernsehshow moderiert, ist Maddie eine herausragende Schülerin und Star der Schulbasketballmannschaft. Als Liv nach Ende ihrer Show in Hollywood triumphierend an die Highschool nach Wisconsin zurückkehrt, müssen sich die beiden Schwestern erst wieder zusammen raufen. Auch die Tatsache, dass die Eltern, Karen (Kali Rocha) und Pete (Benjamin King) Rooney, beide Lehrer an der Highschool sind und die kleinen Brüder der Zwillinge, Joey (Joey Bragg) und Parker (Tenzing Norgay Trainor) Rooney, nur Unfug im Kopf haben, vereinfacht das Leben der lustig-‐chaotischen Familie nicht gerade. In der ersten Episode wird Maddie gerade zum Kapitän der Mädchen-‐Basketball-‐Mannschaft ernannt, als der Schuldirektor verkündet die Finanzierung des Programms deutlich zu kürzen. Entschlossen, seine Meinung zu ändern, spricht Maddie mit ihm – und muss erkennen, dass ihr Team sie aufgegeben hat. Frustriert wendet sie sich an Liv, um mit ihrer Hilfe den Respekt des Teams zurück zu erobern. Währenddessen müssen Parker und Joey eine Schar Vogelspinnen finden, die nachdem Parker sie von der Schule ohne das Wissen ihrer Mutter nach Hause gebracht hatte, entwischt sind. „Liv und Maddie“ (Prod.: 2012-‐ heute) stammt von John Beck und Ron Hart (von beiden stammt auch „Immer wieder Jim“ mit Jim Belushi), die zudem als ausführender Produzent fungieren, ebenso wie Andy Fickman („Daddy ohne Plan“, „Die Bestimmer – Eltern haften für ihre Kinder“), der auch Regie führt, Betsy Sullenger („Du schon wieder“) und John Peaslee („Immer wieder Jim“). „Liv und Maddie“ ist eine Produktion von It's A Laugh Productions für den Disney Channel. Darsteller Dove Cameron als Liv und Maddie Dove Cameron (18) spielt seit 2012 die 15-‐jährigen eineiigen Zwillinge Liv und Maddie. Sie begann ihre Schauspielkarriere im Gemeinde-‐Theater im Alter von acht Jahren und kam mit 14 Jahren nach Los Angeles um professionell zu schauspielen und zu singen. Sie hatte u.a. die erste Stimme im Chor der Burbank Highschool bei den nationalen Meisterschaften gesungen. Im Fernsehen begann Cameron mit einer Gastrolle in „Malibu Country“ und „Der Mentalist“. Des weiteren spielte sie im Disney Channel Original Movie „Halfpipe Feeling“ die Hauptrolle der Kayla Morgan, eine Snowboarderin, die von ihrem Team fallen gelassen wird und sich ihre Form durch das harte Training mit einem ehemaligen Snowboard-‐Profi zurück erkämpfen muss. Auch in der aktuellsten Disney Channel Original Movie Produktion „The Descendants“ (2015) wird sie mitspielen. Der Film ist ein modernes Abenteuer über die Teenager-‐Nachkommen von Disneys Kultfiguren – vor allem der bösen Schurken. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Seattle, mag Cameron Kochen, Nähen, Lesen, Schreiben und Singen. Sie lebt heute mit ihrer Familie in Los Angeles. Kali Rocha als Mutter Karen Rocha besuchte die renommierte Drama-‐Klasse der Carnegie Mellon University. Schon bald nach ihrem Abschluß wurde sie für ihre erste Broadway Show engagiert und trat bis heute in mehr als 25 Bühnenstücken auf. Rocha war außerdem fester Bestandteil der TV-‐Serie „Sherri“ und hatte wiederkehrende Rollen in „Grey's Anatomy" und „Buffy". Zudem spielte sie in zahlreichen Serien mit, u.a. in „Modern Family“, „CSI“, „$#*! My Dad Says“, „The Exes“, „Monk“, „Drop Dead Diva“, „Boston Legal“, „Law & Order“, „Will and Grace“ und „Without a Trace“. Sie war Co-‐Autorin und spielte in dem Kinofilm „Space Station 26“ und war außerdem in „The Loft“ zu sehen. Weitere Kinofilme waren bisher u.a. „Meine Braut, ihr Vater und ich“ „Meine Frau, ihre Schwiegereltern und ich“, „TiMER“, „Weißer Oleander“, „Es begann im September“ und „Hexenjagd“. Rocha lebte in ihrer Kindheit und Jugend in Frankreich und lebt heute mit ihrem Mann und zwei Kindern in Los Angeles. Benjamin King als Vater Pete Die Schauspielerei wurde für King zum ernsthaften Interesse, als er in der High School an der landesweit angesehenen Drama Arts-‐Klasse an der Beverly Hills High School teilnahm. Seine erste Rolle war ein Gastauftritt in der Erfolgsserie „Saved by the Bell“. Seitdem war King in zahlreichen Werbespots und Gastrollen in bekannten Serien wie „CSI“, „CSI: Miami“, „Scrubs“, „NCIS“ und „Mike & Molly“ zu sehen. Zudem spielte er in Kinofilmen wie „A Short History of Decay“ und „A Little Inside“ mit. Der gebürtige Kalifornier machte seinen Abschluß als Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting an der University of California, Santa Barbara. King lebt heute mit seiner Frau, zwei Töchtern und drei Hunden in Los Angeles. Er liebt es mit seiner Familie und seinen Hunden zu schwimmen und ist ein begeisterter Fan der San Diego Chargers und Los Angeles Lakers. Joey Bragg als altester Bruder Joey Bragg begann seine Karriere im Entertainment Business als Stand up Comedian im Alter von 13 Jahren in der Bay area, bevor er in Los Angeles, Nevada und anderen Orten auftrat. Er ist nach wie vor erfolgreich und war u.a. in einem landesweiten Werbespot für Xbox zu sehen. Geboren und aufgewachsen ist in Union City, Kalifornien. Heute lebt er mit seinem Vater in Los Angeles. In seiner wenigen Freizeit spielt er Klavier, Gitarre und Schlagzeug. Er ist außerdem ein begeisterter Comic-‐Leser und liebt es durch die Tier-‐ und Pflanzenwelt zu wandern und sie zu erkunden. Tenzing Norgay Trainor als jüngster Bruder Parker Geboren am 4. September 2001 in Los Angeles, lieh er u.a. seine Stimme einem Hund Namens Buddha in dem Disney Film „Super Buddies“ und spielte in den Disney Channel Erfolgsserien „Good Luck Charlie“, „The Jadagrace Show“, „Stevie TV“ und „Big Time Rush“ mit. Trainor's Schauspielkarriere begann im Alter von acht Jahren. Er war Mitglied im Fort Lauderdale Children's Theater und spielte in den Ferienlager-‐ Bühnenproduktionen „Honk! JR“ und „Pirates of Penzance JR“ im Paladin Playhouse in Plantation, Florida, mit. Trainor trägt den schwarzen Gürtel in Taekwondo und Trainiert Chinese Kempo, Jujitsu und XMA. Er ist ein begeistertet Fußballspieler und hat zwie jüngere Brüder und zwei Hunde. Er geht auch während der Dreharbeiten zur Schule. Trainor ist stolz, dass er den Namen seines Großvaters Tenzing Norgay trägt, einem der beiden ersten Alleinbesteiger des Mount Everest-‐Gipfels 1953. Seine große Familie ist aktiv in der American Himalayan Foundation, die sich der Hilfe der Menschen dort und dem Umweltschutz im Himalaya verschrieben hat. 10 Dinge, die Sie noch nicht über Liv und Maddie wussten! Psst… Want the inside scoop on the new Disney Channel comedy, Liv and Maddie? You got it! Which member of the cast goes to school on set? Who has the craziest costumes in the show? And what do they sing when the cameras stop rolling? We quiz the crazy cast for the ultimate lowdown… SECRET NUMBER ONE: DOVE CAMERON BAKES FOR THE CAST! “This is true,” admits Dove Cameron, who plays both Liv and Maddie in the show. “In my free time, I love to bake and cook. I’m really intro creating things to expend my energy. When the cast found out I was into baking, they started to ask me about it, so I started to bake for them. I bring in brownies every now and then – but my specialty is blackberry cobbler and apple pie. Mmmm!” SECRET NUMBER TWO: JOEY BRAGG IS THE ON-‐SET PRANKSTER! “Joey Bragg is the biggest party animal in the cast,” admits Benjamin King, who plays Pete in the show. “Joey is hilarious – and he’s always pulling the funniest pranks. He pulled the best prank on me the other week. We had a guest star working on the show and he spent the whole week with us – but I couldn’t remember his name. I quietly said to Joey, ‘What’s this guy’s name?’ And Joey explained it was Larry. So I said to the guy, ‘Hey Larry! It’s been great spending the week with you.’ It turned out his name was Danny. Oops!” SECRET NUMBER THREE: THE ON-‐SET FOOD ROCKS! “The food on the set of Liv and Maddie is amazing,” reveals Benjamin King. “The best food I’ve tasted on set is a turkey meatloaf sandwich, which was wonderful – but we also have food trucks come along every now and then for the cast and crew. We had a truck that served crepes the other day -‐ that was pretty fantastic. They were amazing!” SECRET NUMBER FOUR: BENJAMIN SUFFERS FROM THE SWEATS! “We’re strictly professional on the show… Most of the time,” chuckles Joey Bragg, who plays a character called Joey in Liv and Maddie. “What behind-‐the-‐scenes secrets can I spill? Well, Ben sweats a lot on the set. There has been a LOT of sweating! He’s definitely the sweatiest person in the cast – and he admits it, too. He’s always being mopped down by the make-‐up team!” SECRET NUMBER FIVE: THEY HAVE A CAST PET NAMED ELODY! “We have a studio teacher who has a dog named Elody,” admits Joey Bragg. “Elody is ‘Melody’ without the ‘M’ – and she’s adorable. We love it whenever she’s around because she’s so cute. We like to think of Elody as our cast pet. Well, she’s the closest thing we have to a pet besides Tenzing!” SECRET NUMBER SIX: TENZING GOES TO SCHOOL ON SET! “Tenzing is the only person in the cast who has to do schoolwork on the set of Liv and Maddie,” continues Joey Bragg. “I think he has to do at least three hours a day or something like that, but the rest of the cast have all graduated high school. I guess we’re the lucky ones!” SECRET NUMBER SEVEN: JOEY HAS THE CRAZIEST COSTUMES IN THE SHOW! “There are a lot of fun shenanigans in the show,” chuckles Joey Bragg. “My favourite time of the week is when I get to wear crazy, weird costumes for my character. It’s hilarious! I dressed up as Elvis on the show the other week, which was really cool. I’ve also been Santa Claus and a cowboy. I think I’ve got the biggest wardrobe out of everyone in the cast!” SECRET NUMBER EIGHT: THE CAST LOVE A GOOD SINGALONG! “If we could make a CD of all the songs we make up backstage, I’m sure it would be a hilarious hit,” giggles Kali Rocha, who plays Karen in the show. “Everyone in the cast has a good sense of rhythm, so somebody lays down a beat and then we just start singing away. It’s ridiculous and really, really funny! All it needs is for someone to start beat-‐boxing.” SECRET NUMBER NINE: THERE WERE TARANTULAS ON THE SET! “We have a lot of fun with some of the props in the show, which sometimes includes live creatures,” whispers Kali Rocha. “I had to have two tarantulas crawl on my back, which was both fantastic and terrifying. I wasn’t too worried about them before we shot the scene – but then I realised that it was horrifying! I have a 5-‐year-‐old son and he was very happy because the animal handler let me take home two tarantula shells, the shed skin from the tarantulas. Now I have tarantula shells in my closet that my son likes to peek at every once in a while!” SECRET NUMBER TEN: THE GANG PLAY BASKETBALL DURING THEIR BREAK! “When we’re not needed on the set, Joey and I play a lot of basketball outside,” admits Tenzing Norgay Trainor, who plays Parker. “It’s really cool! There’s a basketball hoop right by our dressing rooms so we play on the court whenever we’ve got some spare time. Who is the best basketball player in the cast? Me! But don’t tell Joey that. Let’s just keep that a secret between us. Was nicht so glatt lief: BLOOPER TIME! Fancy a giggle? Well, you’re in for a treat! We’ve collected a ton of bloopers from the set of the new Disney Channel show, Liv and Maddie. Laugh out loud with Dove Cameron and the rest of the crazy cast as they relive their funniest memories from the cracking new show… DOVE GOES LOOPY! Dove Cameron [who plays Liv and Maddie in the show] giggles: “When it comes to bloopers, I’m definitely the worst in the cast! I play two characters in the show, so I’m constantly on set – but there are times when I start to get a little loopy. It’s hilarious! We always get to this point where nobody in the cast can make eye contact with each other without bursting into laughter. The director always asks, ‘Okay, Dove. Is it that loopy time of day?’ And I’ll say, ‘I’m so sorry, but I can’t help it.’ I just crack up!” JOEY NAMES AND SHAMES! Joey Bragg [who plays Joey Rooney in the show] chuckles: “I’m always messing up on set. My biggest blooper is always the same; I always call people by their real name instead of their character name! It happens so often that I don’t even realise it any more. I had this one line last week where I had to say, ‘The Joey Rooney experience.’ But I kept saying, ‘The Joey Bragg experience.’ People would laugh and I couldn’t figure it out. I’d say, ‘Wait a minute… Why are you guys laughing? The line isn’t that funny.’ And then they’d tell me and I’d realise my mistake. Oops!” BENJAMIN ‘FESSES UP! Benjamin King [who plays Pete Rooney in the show] reveals: “Dove has the most bloopers in Liv and Maddie, but that’s because she’s playing two roles. She’s really, really good – and she really knows her stuff. Whenever she messes up, she’ll have a smile on her face and we’ll all laugh together. Want to know an insider secret? Well, I’m the biggest sweater in the cast! I’m always sweating on the set. It’s not really a blooper, but the make-‐up guys constantly pop up on set to wipe my brow. I’m a big guy; I can’t help it!” KALI TOES THE LINE! Kali Rocha [who plays Karen Rooney in the show] chuckles: “There have been so many funny bloopers on Liv and Maddie. Most of the time we’re really good at remembering our lines, but there are always moments when someone will mess up and say something funny. My funniest blooper was the time I stepped on Benjamin’s toe really badly. Benjamin plays my husband and I stomped on his foot just before they yelled, ‘Action!’ Instead of saying his line, Benjamin let out a yelp. I felt terrible, but thankfully he laughed!” TENZING GETS THE GIGGLES! Tenzing Norgay Trainor [who plays Parker Rooney in the show] giggles: “Joey is always laughing and messing up his lines. Mind you, we all mess up from time to time. Whenever somebody gets the giggles on the set of Liv and Maddie, we all fall about laughing because the laughter is really contagious. The laughter never ever stops, especially when Joey is around!” DOVE TAKES A DIVE! Dove Cameron reveals: “In real life, I am such a klutz. I can’t help it! There have been so many times where I’ve tripped over on set and fallen in front of the cameras. I’m pretty unabashed now. If I fall over, I just giggle and get up again. It’s funny! The set is such a playground and it often gets the better of me.” BENJAMIN RUNS AROUND! Benjamin King admits: “I’ve had countless bloopers on the set of Liv and Maddie. What’s been my biggest blooper? Well, I constantly run on to the set and have no idea what I am supposed to say! Whenever that happens, I quickly turn around and run straight off set to get the line. It’s always hilarious!” JOEY GOES ON A TRIP! Joey Bragg reveals: “I don’t fall over too often in real life, but there’s something about running quickly that makes me topple over. I don’t know why, but it always happens when I’m working! I think I’ve fallen over on camera three times since we started to shoot Liv and Maddie, but every time it’s been where I’ve had to suddenly run away. Thankfully, I don’t get embarrassed when I fall over. I’m pretty tough, muscular and manly, so I just stand up and try again!” Dove Cameron über ihre Doppelrolle: TWO’S COMPANY! Meet Dove Cameron! She’s the sassy star of Disney Channel’s new show Liv And Maddie – and we’re here to find out all about it. The cool new comedy follows the exciting adventures of a pair of identical twins… Dove plays both of the twin sisters – but how does she do it? We quiz the talented actress for the lowdown… Hi Dove! How would you describe your fab new show? Liv And Maddie is an exciting new show about two identical twins called Liv and Maddie. It’s a Disney Channel show, so it’s really funny and cool. Oh, and I play both twins! Sounds awesome! How would you describe the twins in the show? Liv is an international pop star who has been living in Hollywood for a while. She’s been working on a massive hit TV show called Sing It Loud – but while this has been going on, her twin sister Maddie has been living in a small town in Wisconsin. What’s Maddie like? Maddie has been making a name for herself as her school’s local basketball star. Her popularity has been steadily rising, but everything gets turned upside down when Liv comes back into town. The two twins annoy each other because they are so different – and that means there are loads of funny stories to tell on the show! How long have the twins been apart? Liv and Maddie were apart for four years, which is a long time when you’re a teenager. They’ve grown up apart, so the show is all about how they reunite and regain their sisterhood. Exactly how different are Liv and Maddie? Are they similar at all? They look similar, but their personalities are polar opposites. Maddie is more academic. She’s like a girl next door. Liv has been living in Hollywood, so she’s not your typical girl next door! What happens when Liv returns to town? They both start to go to the same school where everyone is enamoured with Liv. Everyone loves her, but she’s not really done anything to win this love – apart from be famous. That annoys Maddie because she’s been at the school for four years already. How much fun are you having on the show? Are you kidding me? I’m having the most fun ever! This show is huge and it’s crazy. It’s really, really fun. This is a huge opportunity for me, so I’m really grateful. How tough is it to play identical twins? It’s insane! It’s a marathon of ridiculousness, but it’s also a lot of fun, too. Before we started shooting, I was really looking forward to the challenge! Was it always the plan to have you play both roles? It wasn’t. Originally, the show started out with a completely different story. It was about one character and the title of the show was Bits And Pieces. Eventually, it turned into a twin show – and I couldn’t be happier! Have you got any sisters or brothers in real life? I do. I have a sister, but she’s not a twin. She’s seven years older than me and she’s amazing. Does your relationship with your sister inspire your acting on the show? Definitely. My sister and I are very much like Liv and Maddie. I love my sister, but like most siblings we are different. I’ve been drawing upon that in the series for sure! Maddie is great at basketball. Are you very sporty in real life? I’ll let you into a secret: I did basketball training for the role! I’m 5’2 and I’m a very small person, so I am no Michael Jordan – but I’m dunking already. I’ve been very lucky. Disney found me a really great coach! How did you react when you first heard the news that you were going to star in a Disney Channel show? I remember this moment vividly… I was sitting in traffic with my mum when my phone rang. It was an unknown number, so I thought it might be Disney – and it was. They told me the show was going to go ahead, so I started to scream. I was so loud, I’m sure I shattered a few windows! Are you ready for the huge level of attention you’re going to get when the show launches around the world? Oh my gosh… I don’t know about that! I did a launch in New York at the start of the year and that was my first taste of the attention. I know it’s going to get crazier, but I’m ready for it. Have you grown up with Disney Channel? Of course! I’ve always loved Disney Channel and I’ve watched it ever since I was a little girl. As soon as it sunk in that I’d be part of Disney Channel, I started practicing my Disney Channel lines. I started saying, “Hey I’m Dove Cameron and you are watching Disney Channel.” I’ve wanted to do that ever since I was really little! What’s life like working for Disney Channel? It’s amazing. Honestly, it’s really, really fun. Disney is just one big family. We’re really close-‐knit and everyone’s very supportive and wonderful. I’m really grateful to be a part of it. Are you looking forward to travelling around the globe promoting the show? Yes, I can’t wait for things like that to happen. I’m definitely looking forward to travelling! I grew up travelling a lot and I think that any chance to see the world is a good thing. Where in the world would you most like to visit? I would love to spend some more time in Europe because I love Paris and I love London. When I was growing up, I spent a lot of time in India, which was really great; I’d love to go back there, too. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens next! DOVE CAMERON ÜBER DOVE CAMERON: THE REAL ME Want to get inside the head of Liv and Maddie star Dove Cameron? You got it! What is her favourite possession? What item can’t she live without? How does she like to unwind? What’s her favourite food? We chat to the Disney Channel cutie to find out what rocks her world… MY LOCKETS “I’m obsessed with gold lockets. My dad used to give me a locket every year for my birthday, so they have a very special place in my life. You can wear a gold locket with anything, which is great – and I’ve now got 17 of them, but they are all different. They started out very small and they got bigger as I grew older. I cannot live without my lockets!” SEWING “Sewing is one of my biggest passions. I’ve been sewing ever since I was seven or eight years old – and I sew every day. I’m a huge fan of fashion, but if I find something in a shop that I love and it doesn’t fit me, I’ll adapt it with my trusty sewing kit. It’s called ‘upcycling’. What was the last piece I upcycled? The other day, I found a baby doll top and a skirt, so I turned it into a one-‐ piece dress with a different neckline and a felt bow. I think it looks really cool now!” APPLE PIE “When it comes to food, my biggest weakness is apple pie. I love, love, love apple pie! Who makes the best apple pie in the world? This might sound a little vain, but my own apple pie is the best. I’ve had years to hone in on exactly what I want it to taste like, so it’s amazingly delicious to me. The secret to a perfect apple pie is to include the right amount of cinnamon and butter. Oh, and you have to get the apple to the right consistency. If the apples aren’t right, the pie is ruined – but practice makes perfect. Mmmm!” EDGAR ALLAN POE “My grandfather gave me a book of Edgar Allan Poe poetry when I was nine years old and I constantly read it. It’s a really old collection of poems and it’s my favourite book in the world. I take it with me everywhere. In fact, it is currently sitting in my backpack ready for wherever I go next!” WATER “One of my favourite beauty tips is to drink a lot of water. It really helps to keep your skin clear. I’m always drinking water, but I also love a cup of black coffee every now and then. I need a lot of energy to play two characters in Liv and Maddie, so a little coffee certainly helps at times!” TIM BURTON “I cannot live without the director, Tim Burton. He is my spirit animal. He’s so creative and his movies are always awesome. I grew up watching his movies and I love them all. You know what? It would be a dream come true if I could appear in one of his movies. That would be amazing!” INDIA “When I was growing up, I spent a lot of time travelling between America and India. My parents owned a company in India, so the country feels like a second home to me. It’s such a different place to America and it’s got a very different aesthetic. There’s such a crazy energy there that I love! It’s my favourite country in the world.” GLENN MILLER “Want to know a secret? I’m not a huge technology girl. I could easily live without my mobile phone – but I couldn’t live without music. I love music. I’m always listening to lots of different musical styles, but a song called Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller is definitely one of my favourite songs of all time. It’s really romantic and it’s absolutely beautiful. It can send me to sleep no matter what!” Die coolsten Style-‐Tipps von Dove: STYLE SISTER! Dove Cameron is the sassy new star of Disney Channel’s Liv and Maddie. We catch up with the American actress to get her thoughts on fashion and beauty – and steal some style secrets along the way... How would you describe your personal sense of style, Dove? I’m super old fashioned, so I like to wear lots of pretty vintage dresses and flat shoes. I also love wearing jeans and sweaters with flats. I’m not one for getting dressed up all the time. Most of my clothing comes from second-‐hand stores and vintage shops. What’s your favourite fashion item hanging in your wardrobe right now? I’m in love with a baby blue velvet dress that I bought recently. It’s from the 50s and I’ve adapted it to fit me the way I want. It’s beautiful! You adapted it? I love sewing and I’m really into ‘upcycling’. That’s where you take an outfit or a piece of clothing that doesn’t fit you and you adapt it to your shape and style. I’m always ‘upcycling’! Where are your favourite vintage shops? I get my vintage dresses from vintage shops everywhere. They come from vintage shops in Washington, New York and LA. I shop wherever I can! And I love searching through the racks to find cool outfits. How would you describe your characters’ style in Liv and Maddie? Liv and Maddie are twin sisters in the show – and I play both of them. It’s a lot of fun and a lot of hard work, but I love the way that their fashion styles are very different. Liv has a classic look. She is very vintage, old fashioned and girlie. How would you describe Maddie’s sense of style? Maddie doesn’t focus on fashion. She grabs whatever she finds in her closet in the morning. She doesn’t think or care about what she wears, which is cool because it’s so different to Liv. What’s been your favourite outfit in the show? There is an amazing dress in the Halloween episode, but I can’t tell you about it. You’ll have to watch Liv in that episode and see for yourself! Maddie dresses like a teenage boy at times, so my favourite outfit for her is in the second episode. She wears skinny jeans and a jersey – and it’s pretty cool. What do you like the most about Liv and Maddie’s wardrobe? I think Liv’s shoes are really, really cool. She’s got about 12 different pairs of ‘Mary Jane’ shoes – and they are all really cute. She’s got them in lots of different colours and she wears them with little baby doll socks. It’s a really cute look. ‘Mary Jane’ shoes are flat shoes with a strap across them. They have a really rounded toe and they look great with baby doll socks. Go online and have a look! I’m sure you’ll know exactly what I mean when you see them. What fashion tips can you share with us? My top fashion tip is simple: follow your heart. Wear the weirdest, most ‘you’ thing that you can find – and shine in the outfit. Stand out and have fun with fashion. Enjoy it. Find a style that works for you and stick with it. For me, it’s all about the classic vintage look from the 50s – but that doesn’t suit everyone’s taste. I don’t let it bother me if other people don’t like what I’m wearing. I just enjoy wearing whatever I want! When it comes to celebrities, whose fashion style do you rate the most? I think Ariana Grande is very cool. Oh, and I also think Emma Watson and Chloë Moretz have a great sense of style. They always wear amazing clothes. I love them for that. What’s your favourite fashion accessory? Most of the time, I wear the same necklace: a locket my dad bought for me. But I also wear classic pearls because I feel like they go with everything. Classic style is always cool in my eyes. How would you describe your beauty style? Personally, I don’t like to wear too much make-‐up. When I’m not working, I tend to wear no make-‐up at all. I like to keep it very natural. I think that’s the best look. When you’re working, how long do you spend in hair and make-‐up every day? I seem to spend forever in hair and make-‐up! It doesn’t take me very long to get into character – but I’m always flipping between the two girls, Liv and Maddie. I think it takes about half an hour altogether to go through hair and make-‐up for each character, but I probably spend more than two hours in there every day. What music do you play in there? I love The Dandy Warhols. I love Lana Del Rey. I love The Cranberries. I also love The Rolling Stones, Cream and Led Zeppelin. I’m a classic rock and roller at heart! And finally, what are your top beauty tips? I’ve got lots and lots of beauty tips! It’s important to sleep a lot and drink a lot of water if you want to stay healthy and keep your skin clear. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables – and take care of yourself in general. That’s the key. Infos zu den einzelnen Episoden und Bilder finden Sie hier: www.disney-‐content.de Disney Channel Der Disney Channel ist ein Free TV-‐Sender für Kinder und Erwachsene und steht für einzigartige Geschichten, die berühren, begeistern und bezaubern. Der Disney Channel bietet einen uneingeschränkten Zugang zum gesamten qualitativ hochwertigen TV-‐Programm von Disney und präsentiert TV-‐Premieren, Serienerfolge, Filmklassiker, eigenproduzierte Shows, lokale Fiction-‐Produktionen und neue Reality-‐Formate. Der Sender ist für ein breites Publikum konzipiert und für alle, die die Welt von Disney lieben. Tagsüber konzentrieren sich die Programmangebote auf Kinder und Familien, am Abend stehen Erwachsene, vor allem Frauen im Fokus. Das Programm wird über Satellit, Kabel und teilweise DVBT bereitgestellt und erreicht aktuell rund 98 Prozent der deutschen TV-‐Haushalte. Im Internet stehen den deutschen TV-‐ Zuschauern unter www.DisneyChannel.de ein Live-‐Stream und Catch Up Service zur Verfügung, daneben gibt es eine kostenlose Disney Channel mobile App für Smartphones und Tablets. Mehr Infos auf der Website: www.DisneyChannel.de Facebook: www.facebook.com/DisneyChannelDeutschland Twitter: www.twitter.com/DisneyChannelDE Bei Rückfragen: Stefanie Meyers The Walt Disney Company GSA Tel.: + 49 (0)89-‐99 340 806 E-‐Mail: [email protected] Bildredaktion Karin Schlamp T: +49 (0) 89 99 340 772 Email: karin.x.schlamp.-‐[email protected] Petra Fink Burda und Fink GmbH Tel: + 49 (0)89-‐8906491-‐12 E-‐Mail: Disney.Channel.Presse@burda-‐fink.de
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