topic six body parts

Topic Six
Level, age:
beginner students in primary school but can also be used in the lower grades of secondary school; 12-16 yrs
By the end of the lesson students will be able to make a few statements about appearances.
Vocabulary: head, hair, nose, mouth, eyes, ears, arm(s), hand(s), leg(s), finger(s),
big, fat, thin, long, short
revision of has / have
Expected preliminary knowledge: numbers 1-10; basic colours; the structure have/
has; some adjectives to describe people, e.g. tall, short, strong, fat,
little, pretty
Expected background knowledge: the body parts in Hungarian and HSL
Classroom management: frontal, individual and team work
40 min.
Preparation: Print and cut pictures of body parts.
Draw or find three monsters and print them.
Bring big sheets of brown wrapping paper and coloured markers or
Bring to class Blu tack® for sticking pictures on board.
Print Worksheet 6.
Procedure step by step
Step 1 Learn new words by playing “Hangman” or a similar game
a)Put the pictures of body parts on the board or display them on the IWB.
Discuss the Hungarian names and the HSL signs of the body parts with the
Ask them to write down the Hungarian forms into their vocabulary.
b)Tell them, that they will play “Hangman” to find out the English words. Explain
and demonstrate the game.
c)Play “Hangman” with the nouns: hair, hand, leg, ear, nose, mouth. After every
solution write the English words next to the Hungarians and ask the children to
copy the English words into their exercise books too.
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Step 2 Practice
Task 1 on Worksheet 6: Stick the pictures/sketches of the bodyparts on the board and
number them. Distribute the Worksheets and ask the children to match the pictures
to the words. You can do the same as an IWB task.
Step 3 Describing a monster
a)Pin the picture of a monster on the board.
b)Discuss with the children what it has got. Add numbers and adjectives. E.g.: It
has a big nose. It has three eyes. It has one ear.
Write the sentences on the board then ask the children to copy the sentences
into their exercise books.
c)Put a different monster on the board and ask the children to write as many sentences as they can in 5 minutes.
Step 4 Reading comprehension
Students read the text in Task 2 on Worksheet 6 individually. If they have any questions, they can ask you. They only need to understand enough to draw the monster.
Make pairs or small groups. Give each group crayons or markers and a big sheet of
wrapping paper. Ask students to draw Monsarno together.
Display the drawings on the wall. Let students choose the one they like best.
Homework: Find a picture of your favourite star on the Internet or in a magazine.
Write sentences about him or her using adjectives. E.g.: This is XY. He is tall. He has
got brown hair and blue eyes. His arms are strong. He has long legs and big feet.
IWB materials available at:
Follow-up lesson:
• Students can take a short vocabulary test, e.g. matching pictures to English
• Alternatively, they can do a fill-the-gaps task. Give them a picture of a distorted
stickman (pálcikaember) and a description with missing nouns or adjectives.
Students fill the gaps according to what they see.
• Sort the words from the Monsarno text into categories: colours, numbers, body
• Introduce question form: How many … does Monsarno have?
• Let students talk about themselves and their classmates. Write sentences. E.g.:
She has blue eyes and long brown hair. Who is she?
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