safety of information technology, and its importance for the

Trendy ve vzdělávání 2014
Informační a komunikační technologie ve vzdělávání
Information and information technology are increasingly determining the development of society
and serve as a new source of national power. Global process of society informatization has
encompassed virtually all countries of the world and now is the core of scientific, technical and
socio-economic development. Formation of information society is radically changes political,
social, environmental and economic spheres of life of humanity and its safety.
Key words: information, information technologies, information society, information warfare,
information safety, harmonious development, environmental awareness.
Інформація і інформаційні технології все більше визначають розвиток суспільства та
слугують новими джерелами національної могутності. Глобальний процес інформатизації
суспільства охопив практично всі країни світу і нині є стрижнем науково-технічного і
соціально-економічного розвитку. Становлення інформаційного суспільства радикально
змінює політичну, соціальну, екологічну та економічну сфери життєдіяльності людства, його
Ключові слова: інформація, інформаційні технології, інформаційне суспільство,
інформаційна війна, інформаційна безпека, гармонійний розвиток, екологічна свідомість.
Modern realities of postindustrial society, caused by significant growth of information, open
another one sphere of human activity - information. Modern means of communication and
information processing have created entirely new conditions of human existence, which led to the
emergence of an ambitious project combining national information and telecommunication systems
in the global information infrastructure.
Information and information technology are determining the development of society and
provide new sources of national power. A global process of Informatization of a society has covered
almost every country in the world and currently is the core of scientific-technical and socioeconomic development [1].
According to the modern definition, information society (eng. Information society) – this
theoretical concept of post-industrial society, historical phase of the possible evolutionary
development of civilization, in which information and knowledge are produced in a single
information space and should become the main products of the information society.
Characteristic features of the theoretical information society are:
− the increasing role of information and knowledge in society;
− the increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications
and production of information products and services, increase their share in the gross
domestic product;
Trendy ve vzdělávání 2014
Informační a komunikační technologie ve vzdělávání
− the growth of information and the role of information technologies in social and economic
− the creation of the global information space providing efficient information interaction of
people, their access to world information resources and satisfaction of their needs for
information products and services [2].
European researchers-statistics of «information society» has concluded that the conceptual
definition of the information society is not fully defined. Therefore, the concept of «information
society» and the concept require constant refinement of possible future changes in society.
The main part
The evolution of the information society radically changes the political, social, environmental
and economic spheres of mankind life. In these conditions the formation of information society
changes the object of labour to information and knowledge. In turn the basis of globalization
become integration of information systems of different States to a unified global information
system, formation of a single information space, creating a global information and
telecommunication nets, intensive introduction of new information technologies in all areas of
public life, including public administration.
Human activity is implemented simultaneously with the natural world and in specific human
society information environment, which has its own laws of development and functioning. The
information sphere is becoming as important a part of public life, economic, industrial, domestic,
political, military and other. New information technologies, mass media increased influence on the
consciousness and the subconscious as individuals and large groups of people and the population in
Personality, active social subject, his mentality is exposed to the direct impacts of information
factors that are transformed, by his behavior, activity (inactivity), have a destructive, dysfunction
influence on his life.
Issues of information security, since 1998, according to the resolution of the UN General
Assembly. They emphasize that information technology could negatively affect the security of
States, disorganize both civil and military industry. An important document of international
importance in this sphere is Oklavika Charter on global information society, signed 24.06.2000,
many countries of the world, unfortunately, except Ukraine.
Information sphere includes a set of such elements:
- objects of informational interaction or impact;
- the actual information intended for use by subjects of information sphere;
- information infrastructure that enables the exchange of information between parties;
- public relations, arising in connection with the formation, transmission, distribution and
keeping of information [1].
Modern understanding of security in the context of the relationship of interests of personality,
society and state put forward a task to consider the new aspects of this problem - security in the
information sphere of human activity, that is, information and psychological security.
In the information environment, which is a complex system of education, highlighted the
procedural component as the most dynamic and variable part - information-communicative
processes that actively influence individual, group and community psychology (mind).
Manipulating of the information environment state changes the state of spiritual spheres of society,
deformation and destructive changes which occur in the form of emotional and social tensions,
distorted standards and inadequate social stereotypes and attitudes, deceptive and unnatural
Trendy ve vzdělávání 2014
Informační a komunikační technologie ve vzdělávání
orientations and values. This significantly influences the state and processes in all spheres of public
life, including political, economic and social.
For the first time in the post-Soviet space on the problem of information and psychological
security was noted in November 1995, at the scientific-practical conference organized by the
Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In this and subsequent conferences
were disclosed, the role of knowledge of the technologies of information and psychological
influence, the purpose of which is the manipulation, for developing directions of reforming of the
psychological protection of personality and personal information-psychological security.
The main threats information and psychological security include the possibility of negative
consequences for the subjects that are information-psychological effects, which are expressed in
such forms:
- harm to human health;
- the lock on the unconscious level of freedom, expression of the will of man, artificial
imposition of her dependence syndrome;
- loss of ability to political, cultural, moral person self-identification;
- manipulation of public opinion;
- the destruction of a single information and spiritual space of the state, the traditional
structure of the society and public morality, as well as violation of other vital interests of the
individual, society, state [1].
The basis of the system of ensuring national security of Ukraine constitute authorities, forces
and means of ensuring national security, which use the system of theoretical-methodological, legal,
investigative, human, scientific, technical, resource and other measures aimed at ensuring the
process of managing threats and hazards, for which state and non-state institutions is guaranteed
progressive development of Ukrainian national interests, sources of spiritual and inner wealth the
people of Ukraine, the effective functioning of the system of national security of Ukraine [3].
To ensure the security of the state, national interests of the individual and society must be
established and developed the system of national information security in accordance with the
Constitution of Ukraine and other normative-legal acts regulating public relations in the sphere of
management of national security.
Objects of the ensuring system national security in Ukraine are:
- national interests, values and needs of the Ukrainian nation;
- their holders (legal entities and individuals) and relations between them (public relations in
the sphere of national security, in particular, information security);
- actually, the system of ensuring national security of Ukraine.
Today Ukraine (its sovereignty, territorial integrity, security) for their trust and goodneighborly relationship is in an extremely difficult situation. For many years neighboring state in
the rough form undermined the authority of the state as on the external arena and in the internal of
The most active was used and applied means of information war. However, the reason for this
war is not in great technical achievements, but rather in a small organ of the human body - tongue
and the lack of an invisible component of the human consciousness - the conscience.
Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Lubomyr Husar recalls a few
thoughts of the Apostle James, who wrote on this subject two thousand years ago in his message,
because their content is extremely relevant today: «Tongue is one of the smallest organs of the
human body. However, thanks to it, a man can talk. Tongue generally identify with the language.
Trendy ve vzdělávání 2014
Informační a komunikační technologie ve vzdělávání
Some Nations, such as Polish, the word "tongue" means "language"». The Holy Apostle James
compares the organ of the human body with a small wheel that provides direction even for very
large ship.
The comparison is not groundless. The ship cause in motion powerful engines - or in ancient
times - strong winds, but the direction sets the small rudder!
What is the driving force in man?
Heart as the collective name of thoughts, desires, friendliness or hostility between people.
Depending on what a person's heart, distinguish she has sharp, wicked or noble tongue.
His Holiness the author reminds us that with the tongue we praise God, bringing people
together. If everyone used their tongue only for such purpose, then on the earth would be eternal
and real peace [4]. Because, unfortunately, the information war is waged not only against Ukraine,
but also against many countries in the world. And this, in turn, carries a huge threat to all
democratic values, which mankind has developed and gained throughout its existence.
1. Сучасні інформаційні технології, інформаційні небезпеки [Електронний ресурс] //
2. Інформаційне суспільство [Електронний ресурс] // http://uk.
3. Інформаційна
book_5_glava_83_6.4._Інформаційна_html .
4. Гузар Любомир. Рецепт перемоги в інформаційній війні простий: говорити правду і
викривати брехню. – Інформаційний ресурс Української греко-католицької церкви 16
Lectured by: doc. PhDr. Miroslav Chráska, Ph.D., Mgr. Jan Kubrický, Ph.D.
Contact Address:
Nagorniuk Oksana, PhD in Agriculture (ecology), Assistant professor of Department teaching methods and
management of educational faculty, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
[email protected]
Nagorniuk Olga, student of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
[email protected]