Children’s Services PRIMARY SCHOOLS ADMISSIONS Admission to Reception 2013/14 Online admissions: CHILDREN’S SERVICES 2013/2014 If you have difficulty in understanding this information in English, we can help you via the One Stop Shop in Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 1NN. This office is open during the week from 8.45am to 4.30pm except on Wednesdays when it opens at 9.30am, or you may telephone the Admissions and Awards Team on 020 8708 3147 or 3127, 3466, 3657. This booklet is published in accordance with the requirements of the School’s Standards and Framework Act 1998 as subsequently amended. The Children’s Service is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. Please note that admission authorities can change admissions policies, if necessary, subject to consultation. Children’s Services Pat Reynolds Director Admissions and Awards 4th Floor Rear, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1NN To Parents / Carers Please ask for: Primary Admissions Direct line: 020 8708 3147/3127 Fax: 020 8708 3593 Date: August 2012 Dear Parents / Carers Re: Admission to Primary School 2013 Joining a new primary school is a significant event in a child’s life and here in Redbridge we hope that it can be made as easy as possible for both you and your child. This booklet explains the procedure for Redbridge parents to apply for their child’s admission to primary school, whether to a Redbridge school or one in another local authority. For Reception 2013/14 if you do not live in Redbridge you must apply to your own Authority. Useful contact numbers can be found at the back of this booklet. You can apply online for a primary school place by visiting the Redbridge Council website at and using the link to eAdmissions. This service will be available between 1 September 2012 and 15 January 2013. The website is easy to follow and enables you to access other education and school websites which are helpful in the admissions process. Last year, just over half of all Redbridge applications received by the deadline date for a primary school place were made online. Applying online is quick, easy to do and it is safe to use. You can access your application at a time that suits you and you can amend or check it as many times as necessary before you finally submit your application. There is no risk your application will get lost in the post. You can also see the results of your application online without having to wait for a posted letter to arrive. The deadline for receipt of online or paper applications is Tuesday 15 January 2013 and it is very important that you submit your application by this date. May I take this opportunity to wish your child every success in his or her future primary school. Yours sincerely Pat Reynolds Director of Children’s Services 1 Contents Page Translations Introductory Letter from Pat Reynolds, Director of Children’s Services1 Introduction4 How to Make an Application4 Online Applications4-6 Paper Applications7 Timetable for Reception Admission 2013 7 Early Years Education8 Your child’s admission to primary school 10 Admissions policy and procedure 2013/14 10 What do I do if I want my child to attend a nursery? 11 How do I apply for a Primary school place? 12 How do I complete my application form? 13 How school places are allocated to children starting primary school 13 Admission Criteria for community primary schools 13-14 Examples of how the allocations process works 15-16 When will I get the outcome of my application? 16 How to appeal18 How is residence checked and what if I move? 18-19 Exceptional admissions19 Definitions20 Other Helpful Information21 Transport, Meals and Uniform Awards21-22 Leave of Absence22 Child Protection 22 Special Education22 Families Information Direct23 Fair Access Protocol23 Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy24 2 Contents Page Admissions Criteria for Schools responsible for their own admissions 25-60 Statistics showing how places were allocated for Reception 2012 61-63 Appeal Statistics64 Description of Year Groups65 List of Redbridge Primary, Infants and Junior Schools 66-68 Map of Redbridge showing the location of the Schools 69 Forms70 Common Application Form71-72 Supplementary Information Form: Avanti Court Primary School73 Clore Tikva Jewish School 75 Ilford Jewish Primary School 77 Wanstead Church Primary School 79 Supplementary Information Form for all Redbridge Catholic Primary Schools as follows:81-83 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary St Aidan’s Catholic Primary St Antony’s Catholic Primary St Augustine’s Catholic Primary St Bede’s Catholic Primary SS Peter and Paul’s Catholic Primary Contact Details for Neighbouring Local Authorities 3 84 Online admissions: Introduction This booklet is for children of primary school age and those who will start school for the first time between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 with dates of birth between 1.9.2008 and 31.08.2009. If your child was born between 1.9.2008 and 31.08.2009, you must apply for a place at a primary school by 15 January 2013. If you live in Redbridge please read this booklet as it gives you all the general information you need to know about applying for a primary school for your child. If you do not live in Redbridge, you should contact your own local authority, details on page 84. A full list of primary schools in Redbridge can be found on pages 66-68. If you have any queries about your child’s application for a place at a primary school, please contact Children’s Services either by emailing [email protected] or by telephoning to speak to the Primary Admissions Team on 020 8708 3147/3127. You can also write to Children’s Services, Primary Admissions Team, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1NN. You can get an In Year Application form for older children and a separate booklet for those about to transfer from primary to secondary school from Children’s Services in Lynton House. How to make an application It is very important that you complete your application carefully and that you understand how your application will be considered. Further details on how applications are considered are on pages 12-19. Online Applications All Redbridge parents/carers can now apply online between 1 September 2012 and 15 January 2013 via: Here are just a few benefits for submitting an online application: ● It’s quick and easy to do. ● It’s safe to use. ● There is no risk that your application will get lost in the post. ● You will get an email confirmation that your application has been submitted ● The system helps you by checking for errors ● You can get text reminders ● You can get links to education and school websites. You can also access this booklet via the Redbridge Council website ● You will be sent an email with the results of your application during the evening of the 17 April 2013 (provided you submitted your application by the deadline). ● Access to your electronic application form means that you can work on it at a time that suits you. The information you add to your online application is automatically saved so that you can come back to it and make changes before you submit your application by the deadline which is Tuesday 15 January 2013 at 23:59hrs. 4 Online admissions: On-line applications are easy as you only need to have an e-mail address to register with the eAdmissions system. If you don’t have an email address, it is easy to sign up for a free email account and more information on setting this up is available online at To apply online go to: Once you have registered on eAdmissions an e-mail will be sent to you with your username and instructions for you to follow. You will then get an e-mail with your password. t The link on your email will take you to the eAdmissions login page to start your application. Each page on your screen will explain what you need to do as clearly as possible and there are guidance notes to help you. t When you have completed your application YOU MUST SUBMIT it by the deadline of 15 January 2013. Once you have successfully submitted your completed application you will receive an e-mail confirming details of your application and you will be given an Application Reference Number. t Once you have submitted your application, if you then go back and make any further changes, you MUST SUBMIT your application again, by the deadline date. t You will be sent an email with the results of your application during the evening of the 17 April 2013 (provided you submitted your application by the deadline). t You will need to wait for the detailed letter to tell you what to do next. This will be posted first class on 17 April 2013 to all applicants whether applying online or on paper. 5 Online admissions: REMEMBER – even when applying on-line you still need to submit 3 documentary proofs of residence see page 18 for more information. Please note: If you are applying for any faith school you should complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to evidence your faith commitment. There is an online link to the Redbridge primary schools’ SIFs so that you can download any that you need. If you are applying for a faith school outside Redbridge, please check with the other Authority whether their school also requires a SIF. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBMIT THE FINAL VERSION OF YOUR APPLICATION FORM BY THE DEADLINE OF TUESDAY 15 JANUARY 2013. (eAdmissions closes at 23:59hrs) Make a note of your Username, Password and Application Reference Number Username: ........................................................................ Password: ......................................................................... Application Reference Number: ................................................................................................. 6 Online admissions: Paper Applications If you prefer to apply on paper rather than online, there is a Common Application Form on page 71 & 72 at the back of this booklet, together with the Supplementary Information Form(s) for the Redbridge faith schools. If you are applying for a faith school outside Redbridge, please check with the other Authority whether their school also requires a SIF. You should apply either online or by using the forms at the back of this booklet but please do not submit your application using both methods as this could lead to delays in your application being processed. Timetable for Reception Admissions 2013 Tuesday 15 January 2013 Deadline for all applications If you apply online you must submit your form by 15 January 2013. eAdmissions closes at 23.59hrs. If you apply using the paper Common Application Form this also must be submitted by 15 January 2013 Any Supplementary Information Form(s) that are required should be returned to the relevant faith school(s) by 15 January 2013, with the appropriate documents. Proof of residence documents should also be submitted. Between January and March, application data will be exchanged between appropriate local authorities for consideration against the individual schools’ admissions criteria. If you apply on paper by the deadline, the result of your application will be posted on 17 April 2013 If you apply online by the deadline, you will be sent an email with the result of your application during the evening of 17 April 2013 You will need to wait for the detailed letter to tell you what to do next. This will be posted first class on 17 April 2013 to all applicants whether applying online or on paper. Deadline for Parents/Carers to accept the offer of a place 2 May 2013 If you do not accept the place, the offer will be removed. Appeals against admissions will take place during July 2013 7 Online admissions: Early Years Education Under the Government’s early years programme, all three and four year olds are entitled to free part-time early education from the term following their third birthday, in settings that have been inspected by Ofsted and found to be at least satisfactory in terms of the quality of education that they are providing. These settings can include private day nurseries, nursery of a state infant or primary school, a pre-school/ playgroup or an independent school. All three and four year olds are entitled to free early years education comprising of 15 hours a week for 38 weeks or a stretched offer of 11 hours a week for 50+ weeks of the year taken over a minimum of three days or in some settings more flexibly. Some providers are listed in this booklet. A complete list of early years providers together with information and advice on early years education and funding is available from Families Information Direct – FiND on 0800 587 7500. The Early Years Foundation Stage In nursery and in the reception year, children work towards the Early Learning Goals in what is known as the Early Years Foundation Stage. There are seven areas of learning: three prime - personal, social and emotional development; communication and language and physical development and four specific areas -literacy; mathematics; Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design , planned purposeful play and a mix of adult led and child initiated activity children learn to explore, to think about problems and relate to others becoming confidant and enthusiastic learners. Going to a primary school in Redbridge Education is a link between home and school. You start your child’s education at home and it is developed and enlarged at school. Home and school are complementary – school offers new experiences and opportunities for your child, building on the learning that has taken place and continues to take place at home. We encourage parental partnership and your child will benefit from your continued involvement in all your child does at school. All schools in Redbridge follow the National Curriculum There are 11 subjects that children study in primary schools. English, mathematics, science and information and communication technology (ICT) are known as the core subjects. The other subjects are design and technology, history, geography, art and design, music and physical education. These are known as foundation subjects. Schools must also include religious education (RE) in the curriculum that, for community schools, must follow the local agreed syllabus. Pupils are also required to take part in a daily act of collective worship, which usually takes place within the context of an assembly. Each subject has a programme of study, which describes what children should be taught. The first statutory assessment of your child will take place during the reception year. This is known as the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. Your child’s progress will be assessed continuously and an annual report of their achievement will be provided for parents from the end of the reception year. At the end of Key Stage 1 (age seven) children undertake national tests or tasks which contribute to a teacher-assessed level of attainment in reading, writing and maths. At the end of Key Stage 2 (age 11) children sit national tests in reading, writing and maths. The Primary Frameworks for literacy and maths have helped to raise standards for all children. 8 Online admissions: When will my child learn to read and write? Long before children start school they will have begun to learn about reading and writing from road signs, shops and advertisements; they will have shared the enjoyment of story books with adults and communicated their ideas through mark-making and drawing. At school this development will be continued. Reading is inseparable from talking and writing, and children are encouraged to talk, draw and write about their experiences. When they realise that print has meaning and that books and stories are enjoyable, they will be well on the way to reading. What are the aims of primary mathematics? There are many aims involved in teaching mathematics. They include: to equip children with basic skills and knowledge so that they are enabled to access and be confident in a world full of mathematics; to develop mathematical language so that children may express their ideas fluently; to give children the facility to use various means of calculation as an aid to problem solving, (including mental arithmetic, calculators and pencil and paper methods). What is primary science? In the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, pupils will explore their immediate world and investigate a range of areas through first-hand experience. They will test out ideas, describe observations and ask questions such as ‘How?’, ‘Why?’ and ‘What would happen if . . . ?’ During Key Stage 2, pupils will refine their investigative skills and the concept of ‘fair testing’ together with making predictions based on scientific knowledge. They will also begin to identify patterns in results. At both Key Stages pupils study life processes and living things, materials and their properties and physical processes. How will my child use computers? Information Computer Technology (ICT) is an integral part of a pupil’s learning experience. Pupils will follow the National Curriculum for ICT and use computers in other areas of learning. In the Early Years Foundation Stage children use computers and programmable toys to broaden their knowledge and understanding. In Key Stages 1 and 2 they use computers in the ICT suite and in their classrooms, using educational programs, control and other peripheral devices, and internet sources. Redbridge pupils have the opportunity to use the London Grid for Learning and have their own webspace and email. The London Grid for Learning is designed for pupils’ use within a secure environment. By the end of Year 6, pupils are able to find and synthesise information, present their learning in different forms (words, diagrams, sound, images, multimedia) with awareness of audience, share information and ideas using email, use ICT systems to control events and sense physical data, and use ICT-based models and simulations to explore patterns and relationships. They use ICT to enhance their learning in all subject areas. What else will my child do at school? Your child will be given the opportunity to be involved in exploring a wide variety of materials, which will include paint, paper, fabric and wood. Through these materials they will express their ideas, and build up skills and techniques. In technology, children will be actively involved with the design process and have opportunities to work with materials. Other activities will help them to develop an understanding of geography through the physical and environmental study of places, to develop an interpretation of history through the use of historical sources; to communicate ideas and feelings through drama, which can be a great help in building confidence; to develop musical talents; to develop coordination and physical skills. 9 Online admissions: OFSTED All state maintained schools in England have regular inspections, which are commissioned by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). The inspections focus on: ● ● ● ● Overall effectiveness: how good is the school? Outcomes: how well are pupils doing? The school’s capacity for sustained improvement What does the school need to do to improve further? The inspection team must determine what pupils know, understand and can do. They will find out what the children are learning and how well they are progressing. They also assess pupils’ attitudes and behaviour and evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching they receive. The school will receive a grade for its overall effectiveness, as below: Grade 1–Outstanding Grade 2–Good Grade 3–Satisfactory Grade 4–Inadequate The governing body is responsible for sending the inspection report to all parents. The pupils will receive a letter outlining what is good about their school and how they can help to make it better. Admissions policy and procedure 2013/14 Your child’s admission to primary school Can my child go to any school? You can apply for any school in Redbridge or another Borough. Your child will be considered together with all other applicants in accordance with the relevant admissions criteria. All places are offered in accordance with the agreed admissions criteria of the “admitting authority” of the school. In the case of community schools this is the Local Authority and in the case of a faith school, a foundation school, academy or “free school” this will be the Governing Body or Trust. There are no guaranteed admissions, even to your local school. Information about the different types of school is on the Department for Education website at Accepting a place at a school does not guarantee any younger or older children can go to the same school. Can I visit the school? Redbridge schools are pleased to welcome visitors but please contact the school first to make an appointment. Can I apply for a school in another Borough? If you live in Redbridge and want to apply for a school in another Borough you must name the school on your Redbridge application. We will then liaise with the other authority, co-ordinate the allocation of a place to your child and let you know the outcome of your application. (Each Borough has an agreed Co-ordinated Admissions Policy in accordance with which applications must be processed. Details of that for Redbridge are available at young_people/school_support_information/strategies_plans_and_policy). 10 Online admissions: What do I do if I want my child to attend a nursery class? As mentioned on page 8 there is a range of settings that cater for three and four year old children who are entitled to free early years education. Each nursery class attached to a community primary school has an agreed admission limit. Applications should be made direct to the school. Admissions are considered as follows: i.“looked after children”, and children previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence order or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a Local Authority as defined by section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and who is confirmed by that local authority to be expected to be still in public care when due to be admitted to school; ii. exceptional medical or social reasons, which should be supported by a qualified professional directly involved with the child and will be considered by the Authority’s medical or psychological advisers. Only where it is agreed that admission to that school is essential will an exception to the general policy be made. iii. siblings, with preference to older children according to their date of birth, preference will only be given to those with siblings who will still be in attendance at the date of admission; and iv. all other applicants, with preference to older children according to their date of birth. In each category, if there are more children than places available, priority will be based on the shortest measured walking distance as measured by a Geographic Information System from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school using public roads and recognised footpaths. It should be noted that when measurements involve flats in the same block, the distance will be to the entrance of each individual flat. In using distance as a tie-breaker, should there be more than one applicant for a final place living an identical distance from the school in question, the Authority will use the random allocation facility within the Tribal “Admissions and Transfers System” pupil data base which is used for allocations. Admissions to nursery classes in faith schools, foundation schools, academies or free schools are dealt with by the school. For more information please contact the school directly. The statutory right to appeal does not apply to admissions to nursery classes. If your child gets a place in a nursery class it does not guarantee that he/she will have a place in the school. You will need to apply again for admission to reception class. If your child does not attend nursery, or has a place in another early years setting this will not affect his/her chance when applying for school admission. When does my child start infant or primary school? If your child was born between 1.09.2008 and 31.08.2009 he/she is due to start full-time school in September 2013. Generally children are admitted to their chronological age group. In order to facilitate decisions on any applicants seeking admission outside their chronological age group, the Authority will require the parents to explain, with evidence, why they consider the child should be admitted out of normal chronological year at the time of admission. The Authority will also seek advice from the child’s current school (if any), the Headteacher of the school for which a preference is being expressed and from the Authority’s advisors on exceptional medical / psychological admissions before any decision is made. Parents of children of compulsory school age are required to ensure that they receive suitable education by regular attendance at school or otherwise. Failure to comply with this duty can lead to prosecution. 11 Online admissions: When should I apply for my child to start school? Children starting school for the first time in September 2013, with dates of birth between 1.09.2008 and 31.08.2009 must apply for a school place by 15 January 2013. Applications received by the deadline of 15 January 2013, before the academic year when your child is due to start school, will have priority above those who apply after this date, provided your address is the same at the date of admission and you have expressed a preference for the school. Applications received after the deadline 15 January 2013 will be considered after those received on time within the categories of the Authority’s agreed admission criteria as on page 13 and 14. How do I apply for a Primary school place? Please only use one of the following two methods to make your application: 1. Applying online As mentioned in the front of this booklet you can apply online from 1 September 2012 to 15 January 2013 via Please refer to pages 4 & 5 for more details of applying online. 2. Common Application Form If you prefer, you can use the Common Application Form at the back of this booklet on pages 71 & 72. You can use this form to apply for any community primary school, a faith school, foundation school, free school or academy whether in or out of Redbridge. You must return your completed Common Application Form by 15 January 2013 to: Children’s Services, Primary Admissions, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1NN. What do I do if I want my child to go to a Faith School? Some schools, mainly faith schools, require a Supplementary Information Form to be completed. If you wish to apply for a faith school you must complete the Common Application Form and you should also complete the appropriate Supplementary Information Form for the school you wish to apply for. You can apply online via eAdmissions, or you can use the forms at the back of this booklet. Please read the Supplementary Information Form carefully. Without this form, the faith school will be unable to confirm your religious background and your child’s application could be considered under a lower category of the school’s admission criteria. Catholic schools also require a Priest’s Reference Form that is available from the school direct. Your completed Supplementary Information Form should be returned by 15 January 2013 as shown on the form. Your child’s application will not be considered unless you also apply online or complete and return your Common Application Form by 15 January 2013. 12 Online admissions: How do I complete my application? If you live in Redbridge, you may ask for up to six primary schools on your application, these can include any schools in Redbridge or other Boroughs. Please note, you cannot use your application for private/independent schools. If you ask for schools outside of Redbridge, we will liaise with the other Borough on your behalf and coordinate the allocation of a school place for your child. Each of the schools you name on your application form will be considered equally. Only if your child can be offered a place at more than one of your named schools will we look at the order in which you have listed the schools. The order in which you name the schools on your application is called “Ranking.” It is very important that you complete your application form carefully because you will only be offered one school from your application form. If a place can be offered to your child at more than one school, the Authority will only offer your child the school that you have named as the highest “ranked” school on your application form. The schools which you have named as lower preferences on your form, will then be withdrawn automatically. Therefore it is important to think about how you rank the schools you would like for your child. See pages 15 & 16 for examples of ranking and how the allocation process works. How school places are allocated to children starting primary school Admission Limit Every primary school has an agreed and planned number of pupils in each year group that can be safely and comfortably fitted into the school. The published admission limit for each primary school is shown at the back of this booklet on pages 66-68. Admission Criteria All schools have admissions criteria that they must follow. All applications are considered against the admission criteria. It is, therefore, important to take account of the admissions criteria for the schools you want and to take care when ranking them. Please note that these criteria may change due to updates in Central Government and Local Education Authority legislation/policies. Admission criteria for Redbridge Community Infant/Primary Schools 2013/2014 Children with statements of special educational needs or those being re-integrated back into a mainstream school from the Roding Unit for Hearing Impaired or other such educational facility that, in the opinion of the Authority’s professional advisers, serves a similar function, will be admitted to the named school as ‘excepted pupils’ even if this causes the class size to rise above 30. If there are more applications for a community primary school than there are places available all applications will be considered on an equal basis, within the following categories: a. “looked after” children, and children previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence order or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is in the care of the local Authority as defined by section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and who is confirmed by that local authority to be expected to be still in public care when due to be admitted to school; 13 Online admissions: b. children where it is agreed that it is essential they be admitted to the school on exceptional medical or psychological grounds. (Such requests for a particular school, based on the serious medical or psychological condition of the child, must be supported by a qualified professional directly involved with the child and will be referred to the Authority’s medical or psychological adviser for observations before any decision is made); c. children with siblings who are already on roll in the main school in reception to Year 6 (not a nursery class attached to the school) and will still be on roll when the child is admitted, see note below1. d. children living nearest to the school as measured by the shortest measured walking distance as measured by a Geographic Information System from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school using public roads and recognised footpaths*. It should be noted that when measurements involve flats in the same block, the distance will be to the entrance of each individual flat. In using distance as a tie-breaker, should there be more than one applicant for a final place living an identical distance from the school in question, the Authority will use the random allocation facility within the “Admissions and Transfers System” pupil data base which is used for allocations. Within each category (a) to (c), the shortest measured walking distance as measured from home to school as detailed in (d) will be used to give priority to applicants. 1. In the case of Gordon Infants’ School, sibling priority shall include having a sibling in year 2, even though they will not be on roll at the start of the new academic year. In the case of Loxford School of Science and Technology applicants with a sibling already on roll in years Reception to 10 inclusive will be afforded sibling priority. * In recognising any route to be measured, the Authority is mindful of every child’s safety. In general, walking routes recognised for school admissions purposes will be paved or with a tarmac surface, lit, well maintained with unrestricted visibility (e.g. not overgrown) and accessible at all times. This means that there may be some footpaths or commonly used foot routes across private land that are not recognised as routes to school for the purposes of the Geographic Information System used to determine admissions. There may also be new footpaths or roads created (for example, by a new housing development) that may not be recognised. In the event of doubt about the suitability of a route, a visit will have been made to the site by a senior officer to assess its suitability. However, the recognised routes are fixed before the start of the admissions process and new routes will only be introduced after the main allocation dates ( taking account of a period within which parents can accept or decline their initial offers). Transferring from Infants to Juniors In all through primary schools, children transfer from Year 2 to Year 3 automatically. However, there are some instances where the Junior School is separate or parents might want their child to attend a different school in Year 3. Children who attend the Infants’ Schools listed below, who express such a preference, are entitled to admission to the linked Junior School when transferring from Year 2 to Year 3: Cleveland Infants’ Churchfields Infants’ Gearies Infants’ Oakdale Infants’ Parkhill Infants’ Woodlands Infants’ linked to linked to linked to linked to linked to linked to This will also accord sibling priority, where appropriate, between the linked schools. 14 Cleveland Junior Churchfields Junior Gearies Junior Oakdale Junior Parkhill Junior Woodlands Junior Online admissions: Children attending Gordon Infants’ School when transferring from Year 2 to Year 3 will be asked to express a preference for either Cleveland Junior or South Park Primary School, or any other primary school, so that their application can then be considered in accordance with the above admissions criteria. Redbridge residents will be sent further details about this in the Autumn Term 2012 so they can apply by 15 January 2013. If you live outside of Redbridge, you should contact your home authority before 15 January 2013 for further details of the transfer arrangements. Late Applications Applications for schools received after the deadline of 15 January 2013 will generally be considered as late. Only if you can provide documentary evidence giving good reason for lateness, for example if there was an exceptional incident within your family, may your application be considered as on-time. Between 15 January up to and including 17 February 2013, if you move into Redbridge but have already made an application for specific Redbridge schools to your old Borough, your application may be accepted as on-time on the basis that an on-time application already exists within the co-ordinated admissions system. After 17 February 2013, application data is exchanged between Boroughs. Any application after that date will be considered as late unless exceptional family circumstances can be evidenced. All late applications received will be considered against the admissions criteria within categories (a) to (d) but only after all the applications received on time have been processed. Examples of how the allocations process works The order in which you name the schools on your application form is called ‘ranking’. It is very important to think about how you rank the schools you would like for your child. Thomass Thomas is a baptised, practising Catholic, whose parents want him to attend St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School. He and his family attend Mass regularly. They also live close to the school in a parish that is high on the admissions criteria of the school. Thomas also lives close to Downshall Primary School. There is also another local school in the area, Newbury Park, and Thomas’s parents have named these schools on their application form. They rank the requested schools as: 1. Downshall Primary School 2. St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School 3. Newbury Park Primary School Thomas meets the criteria closely enough to qualify for a place at St Aidan’s School. He also qualifies for a place at Downshall Primary School, but does not qualify for a place at Newbury Park Primary. As he qualifies for two schools the one named highest by the Parent is offered and the lower preference schools are withdrawn automatically. Thomas is offered Downshall and not St Aidan’s. 15 Online admissions: Marias Maria has a sister already at Glade Primary School. Her parents have read the admissions criteria and see that priority is given to applicants with a sibling. However, since sending Maria’s older sister to Glade, the family have moved to Havering. The family know they have to apply on the Havering application form and that authority will co-ordinate their application with Redbridge. On their application form, Maria’s parents also name the school in their new area, Crowlands Infants’ School. On their application form Maria’s parents rank the requested schools as: 1. Glade Primary School 2. Crowlands Infants’ School Maria qualifies for a place at Glade Primary School as she has a sibling at the school. Maria also qualifies for Crowlands Infants’ on a distance basis. As Maria’s parents ranked Glade highest on their application form, Maria is offered this school and the place at Crowlands is automatically withdrawn. sJoshuas Joshua’s Parents would like him to attend Clore Tikva Primary School. Although this is their preferred school, Joshua’s parents would consider a place for Joshua at Newbury Park Primary School which is only a short walk from their home. They rank the requested schools as follows: 1. Clore Tikva Primary School 2. Newbury Park Primary School Joshua meets the criteria closely enough for a place at Clore Tikva Primary School and he also qualifies for a place at Newbury Park Primary School. As he qualifies for two schools the one named highest by the parent is offered and the lower preference is automatically withdrawn. Joshua is offered a place at Clore Tikva Primary. sAmeenas Ameena lives in the Ilford area. However, as her mother works in Romford she requests a place at Marks Gate Infants’ School so she can drop Ameena off at school on her way to work. Although this school is some distance from Ameena’s home it would be very convenient. Ameena’s mother knows that even though Marks Gate Infants’ is in Barking and Dagenham, she must name Marks Gate Infants’ School on her Redbridge form and Redbridge will then co-ordinate her application with that authority. However, she does not name any other school on her form. As Ameena lives some distance from this school she has lower priority for a place. Unfortunately, the school was oversubscribed and places could only be offered to children living closer or who had siblings at the school. As Ameena could not be offered a place at the requested school, her mother is told that Ameena can attend the nearest school in Redbridge that has a vacancy available and Ameena’s name is added to the waiting list for Marks Gate Infants’ in accordance with its admissions criteria. When will I be given the result of my application? If you applied by the deadline of 15 January 2013, a letter will be posted to you on 17 April 2013, informing you of the outcome of your application. For Redbridge residents applying online, an email will be sent to you during the evening of 17 April 2013 with the outcome of your online application. However please wait for our detailed offer letter which will tell you what to do next: it will be posted first class on 17 April 2013 to all Redbridge applicants whether applying online or on paper. If your child has been offered a school place, you must confirm the acceptance of this place at the latest by 2 May 2013, by completing the reply slip that will be included with your letter. If your child could not be offered a place at any of the schools you requested, he/she will be automatically allocated a place at the nearest school to your home address with a vacancy. Please note that getting a place at a school for one child does not guarantee younger children (i.e. siblings) will get into the same school. 16 Online admissions: What happens if I don’t get the school I want? Can my child’s name be placed on the waiting list? If a higher preference school has been offered to you, any schools that you listed on your application form, as lower preferences than the one offered will then be withdrawn automatically. Therefore your child’s name will not appear on these schools waiting lists. In assessing a child under this policy, consideration is given as to whether the child could possibly continue to attend the available school taking account of the distance and journey to assess whether it is “reasonable”. In this context “reasonable” travelling distance is as set out in the following table: Band If you then want your child’s name to be considered for any lower ranked schools, you will have to submit a new application form naming these schools as higher preference than the school offered. This will be considered as a late application. If your child was offered a school that was your lower preference, then your child will remain on the waiting list in criteria order for your higher ranked schools. Distance How journey can be reasonably achieved Band 1 Up to 1.5 miles By walking Band 2 Over 1.5 miles and up to 3 miles By 1 or 2 bus/tube/BR journey Band 3 Over 3 miles and up to 5 miles By 1 bus/tube/BR journey Band 4 Over 5 miles No such journey is reasonable Note: All distances by the shortest walking distance In cases where the travel does not meet these conditions, the Authority would offer a place at a school in the Borough, even though this school could itself be further than the one the child is currently attending. It would be for the parent to consider this offer in relation to the school already attended and to decide whether to accept the in-Borough place or not. If your child could not be offered any of the schools you requested on your application form, your child’s name will be placed on the waiting list for these schools, in accordance with the admissions criteria as for the school concerned. We will offer you an alternative school. We make every effort to offer infant aged children an alternative school within a reasonable distance of 1.5 miles of your home (as based on the shortest measured walking distance) but this may not always be possible. What happens if all the schools in Redbridge are full? The place offered will be at the school that is least oversubscribed. If there is more than one such school, a place will be offered at the nearest to the child’s home. It should be noted that a school is full in the appropriate age group, if the number of pupils is equal to or greater than the admission number for that age group, as determined by the authority. Will my child’s name automatically remain on the waiting list? There may be occasions, when due to demand, all schools are full. While your child’s name can go on a waiting list, the Authority still has to make sure they are receiving education. Your child’s name is placed on the waiting list in accordance with the admissions criteria. As places become available they will be allocated from the waiting list. The Authority has a Fair Access Protocol that considers cases where no school place is available at a suitable maintained school within a reasonable travelling distance of the child’s home. If there is no such place, a place will be offered above a school’s agreed admission number. All waiting lists will continue until 31 August and applicants will be told in advance of the need to reapply for continued consideration. New waiting lists will then be drawn up in accordance with the agreed admissions criteria for the school concerned. For these purposes a place is available to a child if the child is a registered pupil at a school and is entitled to remain on the school register; or if the child has been offered a place at a school and that offer has not been withdrawn; or if the child would be offered a place at that school if the parents sought such a place. 17 Online admissions: If I do not get a place at the school I want, can I appeal? By law you can appeal for a place at the school you want. If it is not possible to give you a place at the school you want we will tell you when you can appeal. The appeal form and the notes that go with it will explain what to do. To appeal for a place at a faith school, a foundation school, a free school or academy, you must contact the school direct. If your child is infant-aged your appeal will not be allowed if it would mean the class size going over 30 pupils, unless there are certain exceptional reasons. The appeal panels can take account of personal circumstances but only in exceptional situations. When places do come up in schools, these will be filled from the waiting list, whether or not the family has appealed. You can accept a place at one school and still appeal for another. This will not affect your child’s place on the waiting list. Please note that repeat appeals in the same academic year, for the same school are not considered unless there have been significant and material changes in circumstances relevant to the application. Further information on appeals can be obtained from the Department for Education website at Can I change the information on my application form? You can only make changes to your preferences for schools in exceptional circumstances. You will need to send us a new Common Application Form; the information you give on your new form will replace the information on any previous application you have made. This includes a change of address within the Borough. If we receive this information after the closing date, your new preferences will be treated as a late application. Proof of Residence The address you give on your common application form must be the one where your child normally lives, on the closing date for applications. In defining a child’s ordinary place of residence, a business address, a landlord’s tenant’s address, or a childminder’s address will not be accepted as a basis for allocating school places, nor will future addresses be accepted. Second homes with a short-term lease, will not be accepted as a normal permanent place of residence. Proof of residence will be requested from you to prove your home address. You will have to provide photocopies of at least three of the following list of documents (they should be within 3 months old at the time of application). PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBMIT PROOFS WHETHER YOU APPLY ONLINE OR ON A PAPER FORM. Acceptable documents are: Rent book ● Tenancy agreement and copy of your Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme or other deposit protection as applies to the tenancy. ● Your most recent Council Tax Statement or payment slip / book showing date of payment and your address. ● Electricity/gas/landline phone (within three months old). ● Tax credit award notice (TC602) for the current financial year 2012/13. ● UK Driving Licence. If you are unable to provide at least 3 of the above documents, we will arrange for a Residence Officer to visit you. ● Children living with relatives will NOT be considered for admission using the relatives’ address unless there are exceptional grounds. Please see page 20 for details on guardianship care. 18 Online admissions: What if I move? If you change your address you should inform the Primary Admissions team immediately after you have moved. Your application will be amended to reflect your new address once residence is confirmed. Should you move house within Redbridge after 15 January 2013 your application will be treated as late even if you had already applied from a previous address before that date. If your preferred school is full, your child’s name can be placed on a waiting list as a late applicant in accordance with the agreed admissions criteria (See page 15 for details of late applications). Fraudulent Applications If it is found that a place has been obtained on a fraudulent basis, the offer will usually be withdrawn. Deferred Entry If your child is offered a place in reception class before your child is of compulsory school age, you have the option of deferring your child’s entry until later in the school year. By law, children do not have to start school until the term after their fifth birthday. However you will not be able to defer your child’s entry beyond this period, nor beyond the academic year for which you are seeking admission for your child. You must discuss this with the Headteacher of the school at which your child has been offered a place. You must apply in writing to The Primary Admissions Team, Children’s Services, if you wish to defer your child’s entry. Part-Time Admissions Children being admitted to reception can be admitted on a part-time basis (until the child reaches compulsory school age) or a full-time basis, or choose a place at a nursery or other early learning setting if the parents prefer. Are there any special grounds? If you want to apply for a school because your child has a serious medical or psychological condition, our medical or psychological adviser can look at your application. You must give us details of your child’s condition to help us decide; you can get forms and help from The Primary Admissions Team. (Please note that it can take at least eight weeks for an answer.) Casual or In Year Applications Can my child change schools if necessary? Once your child has started school you may want your child to move to a different school for instance if you move home. Transfers can only happen if there is a place in the right age group. If there is no place, your child’s name can be added to the waiting list in accordance with the admission criteria. To move your child from one school to another, first have a word with the headteacher of their school. If you still want your child to change schools, from September 2013, you will need to apply direct to the Borough where the school is situated, or if the school is responsible for its own admissions, the school direct. The Primary Admissions Team can offer more advice. 19 Online admissions: Definitions The following definitions are in relation to the Admission criteria for Redbridge Community infant/primary Schools and nurseries. What does “guardianship care” mean? If a child is not living with their birth parents and the relatives are looking after the child, documentary evidence like a will or court order must be shown as proof that the relatives are the guardians. Proper guardianship only applies if the relatives can prove that they have full care and the “normal, permanent residence” is not the parents’ address. Picking children up from school and looking after them until the parents collect them does not apply to guardianship. Nor does it apply if the child sleeps at the relative’s house regularly but still lives part-time with the parents. If the child lives with the relatives on a full time basis, both during the week and at weekends, this is more likely to be accepted as a formal arrangement. But you must provide proof that the relatives care for the child on a full time basis, e.g: ● ● a residence order. ● where the child is registered with a GP. ● who receives the child benefit. where the child spends weekends. If a child were merely looked after by a relative during the week, this would not alter their “ordinary residence” which is assumed to be with their parents and whose address would be used for admission purposes. What does “sibling” mean? A sibling is a brother or sister and includes the following: ● Half-siblings. ● Foster children (only those “looked after” by any local authority’s Children’s Services). ● Step-children. ● ● Adopted siblings. ● Children subject of a residence order. Common law step-children. Sibling priority will apply to children only if they live in the same home as another sibling attending the named school and who would still be in attendance when the child is admitted. What if the child lives with both parents at two different addresses? When a child lives with its birth parents, legal guardian or Foster parent, that address will be considered to be the child’s normal, permanent place of residence. However, when a child has parents who are separated, the parents must name only one address for the application process: ● if one parent has parental responsibility (documents must be shown to prove this) that parent’s address must be used. ● if both parents have parental responsibility (documents must be shown to prove this) the Children’s Services Authority will normally accept the parent’s address used by the child’s nursery/primary school. ● if a child lives, full or part-time, with neither parent e.g. with a relation, the Children’s Services Authority will only accept this as the application address if the arrangement can be confirmed as long-standing. The child must sleep at this address for a minimum of 4 nights each week. 20 Online admissions: Other Helpful Information Travel Awards While free travel is available in London, it is generally very unlikely that an applicant would qualify for a Redbridge Travel Award. Free and discounted travel is available for under-18s All under 16s can travel free at any time on buses and trams and at a child-rate on Tube, DLR and London Overground services and some National Rail Services, if they have a ZIP oyster photocard. Children aged 5-10 can travel free at anytime on buses, Tube, trams, DLR and London Overground Services. A Zip Oyster photocard may be required. For further information or to apply for a Zip/Oyster visit any Post Office in London or The Authority will only issue travel awards to pupils whose journeys consist of more than 2 buses or if they travel a long distance out of the borough, therefore requiring the use of British Rail Trains or the London Underground. Travel Awards may be awarded dependant on the distance between home and school, measured over the shortest available walking route, the distances are:For a child of Infant School age 2 miles or more For a child of Junior School age 3 miles or more For a child of Secondary School age 3 miles or more Denominational School Travel Awards will be granted to pupils attending the nearest denominational school within Redbridge, subject to the distance criteria being met. If your child is not attending the nearest denominational school, you will need to attach a letter of refusal from your local denominational school when submitting your application. Normally the cheapest form of travel MUST be issued and the Authority reserves the right to amend applications to this effect. For further details on applying for a Travel Award, please contact Awards and Support on 020 8708 3561. Meals and drinks Free School Meals are awarded to pupils whose parents/legal guardians are in receipt of any of the following: Income Support (IS) Income Based job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA) An income related employment and support allowance (IBESA) Support under part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit* and have an annual income of £16,190 or less The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit *Working Tax Credit ‘run on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit Further details or to apply on-line for Free School Meals please visit the Redbridge website at or by telephoning Awards & Support on 020 8708 3561. 21 Online admissions: Uniform Awards Awards towards the cost of Uniform may be made where appropriate in cases of exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances criteria is as follows: Enforced re-housing and an associated move of school, Parent and children in a refuge necessitating a change of school Exceptional circumstances requiring a replacement of a uniform e.g. fire damage. All Exceptional factors will be assessed on an individual basis; taking into account written evidence from the professional support agency involved with your family e.g. 1) Education Welfare Officer 2) Social Worker 3) Police. To obtain further details of exceptional circumstances and application forms, please contact Awards & Support on 020 8708 3561. Leave of Absence Redbridge Children’s Services recommends that leave of absence should not be taken during term time. If leave is taken without permission of the Headteacher, a Penalty Notice may be issued and a child may be at risk of losing their school place. Under the “Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006 schools can only lawfully delete a pupil from the admissions/attendance register where there are 20 consecutive days of unauthorised absence and there is evidence that both the LA and school have tried to locate the pupil. In short, this means that where there is evidence that the pupil is truanting or at home without justifiable cause, the LA need to pursue their statutory duty under the Education Act (1996). Child Protection Child Protection Procedures have been set in line with “the London Safeguarding Board Procedures 4th Edition”. We recognise that all staff have a responsibility in relation to the Safeguarding Children Agenda and that schools have to discharge their functions as outlined by the Education Act 2002. Education Staff have to report any complaint, concern or suspicion of abuse to their “Designated Senior Person”. The “Designated Senior Person” will then fax and telephone the concerns direct to the Child Protection and Advice Team. Further information will be available from Children’s Services or through the designated senior person. Special Education Wherever possible, children will be educated in their local mainstream school. Some children will require additional support which is usually provided through the school’s own resources or sometimes through the provision set out in a statement of special educational needs. All mainstream schools have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), who is a teacher responsible for co-ordinating the assessment and support for children with special educational needs within school. Younger children with additional needs are likely to be known to the pre-school services, which include the Pre-School Liaison Group, the Pre-School Home Visiting Service or the Early Years Advisory and Support Service. These services support children and families either in the home, centres or nursery and reception classes. Some schools are adapted to provide accessibility for pupils who use wheelchairs and mobility aids. 22 Online admissions: Information for families in Redbridge Families Information Direct (FiND) is a ‘one stop’ information and advice service for families and people who work with families. It specialises in providing information and advice on a wide range of issues that impact on family life – from childcare and childcare funding (including lists of childcare settings that offer free places for three and four year olds and guidance about the free places); activities for children and young people through to care and support services available for when the going gets tough! Children do not come with an instruction manual and most families need guidance and support at some time as they face the rewards and challenges of bringing up children. FiND can provide general advice and information to parents about school applications and can signpost parents who are having difficulties understanding the application process to national organisations that can provide additional guidance and support. FiND is made up of a small team of knowledgeable information/outreach officers and project workers who are happy to assist with any question you may have – so long as it is related to you and your family’s needs. Their philosophy is ‘If we can’t help you, we’ll find someone who can!’ Telephone 0800 587 7500 Email [email protected] Website Fair Access Protocol Redbridge has an agreed protocol to achieve a fair and balanced approach in the placement of vulnerable children including those unplaced through a shortage of places. This includes admitting children above the published admission number to schools that are already full and such admissions take precedence over others on waiting lists. (All Redbridge schools are subject to this protocol even if they are responsible for their own admissions.) Further details are available from Admissions and Awards on 020 8708 3282. 23 Online admissions: Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy In response to recent legislation and guidance, the London Borough of Redbridge has developed a Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy. The Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the guidance on the Home to School Travel and Transport Guidance, which was released in 2007, support this document. Essentially this strategy is a compilation of all the travel and transport information for the school journey that is available through a number of documents. This document is aimed at the parents, carers and pupils of schools in Redbridge. It aims to provide information so that these people can make an informed decision on how to undertake the journey to school. The strategy also aims to encourage these people to use more sustainable forms of transport to make that journey to school. A summary of the Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy is below but should you want to read it in more detail, the link to the Strategy is on Redbridge i at; available on the Travel Plan pages. Executive Summary The Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy seeks to draw together the existing measures, initiatives and schemes that influence parents’, carers’ and students’ choices in the mode of transport that they will use to travel to school. It draws together all the information within Redbridge relating to the school journey into a single coherent document. This strategy outlines Redbridge’s initiatives and measures that are in place within schools relating to the provision and promotion of home to school travel, particularly the use of sustainable travel options for the school journey. The strategy also outlines measures that will be implemented in the future years to continue the good work that Redbridge has already achieved, particularly in relation to the school travel plan process, increasing the awareness of sustainable transport, road safety education and improvements to road safety surrounding schools. The strategy highlights the development of school travel plans as a key to improving the school journey, as well as increasing the awareness of sustainable travel options available to those making the school journey. Individual school travel plans set out what a school will do in relation to increasing sustainable school travel and improving the road safety initiatives within and surrounding the school. This strategy emphasises the benefits of sustainable forms of transport, particularly walking and cycling, when travelling to school, for example through cycle training, providing cycle parking and setting up walking school buses. The safety of a school and surrounding area plays an important part in influencing the decision of parents and carers of how their child will travel to school. If an area is perceived to be unsafe, particularly on the road and footpaths, then it is less likely that a child will be allowed to walk or cycle to school. However this could lead to an increase in congestion and casualties, causing a reduction in more sustainable forms of transport. The Council has a programme of implementation of road safety measures to improve the areas surrounding the schools, to reduce the impact the cars can have on other road users and to make the areas more attractive for the more vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. The strategy outlines the measures that the Council has already implemented and also sets out the measures that will be carried out in the future. The strategy also outlines what is available to parents and carers in terms of transport provision to schools. Redbridge falls under the Mayor’s transport schemes as it is a London borough and the strategy outlines what concessions are available through Transport for London – including free transport on London buses and trams and discounts on the London Underground. Travel awards are also available to some pupils, depending on the circumstances. Information on this is also provided in the strategy. 24 Online admissions: Admission Criteria for Schools responsible for their own admissions 2013/2014 25 Online admissions: Arrangements for “own-admitting authority” schools In Redbridge there are a number of schools that are responsible for their own admissions criteria. This includes voluntary aided faith schools (Catholic, Church of England, Hindu and Jewish schools), academies and free schools. If there are more applications than places available, the responsible governing body or trust will use their own admission criteria to decide how places are allocated for their school. The admissions criteria for the following schools in Redbridge are detailed below: Aldborough E-ACT Free School Avanti Court Primary School Clore Tikva Jewish Primary Ilford Jewish Primary Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary St Aidan’s Catholic Primary St Antony’s Catholic Primary St Augustine’s Catholic Primary St Bede’s Catholic Primary SS Peter & Paul’s Catholic Primary Wanstead Church School To apply for any of these schools remember you can apply on line Faith Schools – Parishes Within the admission criteria for the Catholic Primary Schools and Wanstead Church School there are references made to Parish boundaries. Please contact the relevant school directly, to obtain more information regarding the Parish boundaries. Faith Schools - Supplementary Information Form Each faith school has its own Supplementary Information Form. The Supplementary Information Forms for all of the Redbridge faith schools can be found at the back of this booklet. If you are applying online, you can download the relevant Supplementary Information Form for the faith school you are requesting. Please read the form carefully as it tells you what supporting documents are required and where you should return the form. The deadline date for returning Supplementary Information Forms is 15 January 2013. Please note: If you are applying for Catholic schools, there is also a Parish Priest Reference form available for completion that you can get from the school itself or from the school’s website. All parents who list a preferred faith school on the local authority’s common application form are regarded as having made a valid application. However, without a Supplementary Information Form/Priest’s Reference Form as appropriate, the school will be unable to determine the applications against the religious criteria and the child will be considered accordingly. 26 Online admissions: Definitions These definitions are in relation to the admission criteria for schools with their own admissions criteria, except where individual arrangements spell out a different definition. Sibling Sibling refers to brother or sister half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner, and in every case who is living in the same family unit at the same address. Distance Distance will be measured in a straight line/by the shortest walking route from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school, using the Local Authority’s computerized measuring system, with those living closer to the school receiving higher priority. Parent/Family members A parent is any person who has parental responsibility or care of the child. Where admission arrangements refer to ‘parent’s attendance at church’ it is sufficient for just one parent to attend. ‘Family members’ include only parents and siblings. 27 Online admissions: Avanti Court Primary School Admissions Policy 2013-2014 Introduction Avanti Court Primary School (“the School”) is an I-Foundation Voluntary-Aided Hindu-based faith school. We hold an open and inclusive approach to faith education, welcoming children from all faiths and backgrounds. The school was opened in September 2012 with 120 Reception children and 30 Year 1 children. Each year the school will grow incrementally. The four-form entry school will be full by 2018. The Ethos Statement of the School reflects its distinct character, which is based upon: Educational Excellence, Character Formation and Spiritual Insight. The School admits children aged four to eleven. The normal date of entry for children joining a reception class is the September following the child’s fourth birthday. There are 120 places available across four classes. This is the School’s Published Admission Number (PAN). Additional children may be admitted under limited exceptional circumstances. The School will offer Nursery provision for children aged from 3 to 4 (see separate Admissions Policy) for 52 children from September 2013. Admissions The Governing Body intends to admit no more than a total of 120 pupils into its Reception Year in September 2013. It is their intention that admissions will be in following categories: 1) 30 Hindu children (completed SIF forms required additionally) 2) 90 children of any faith and other applicants. In case of under subscription in category 1, places will be available in category 2. In the case of over subscription in category 1, unsuccessful applications will be put in category 2. The submission of an application does not guarantee an offer of a place at the School. Over Subscription Criteria Where there are more applications for places than the number of places available in each of the above categories, places will be offered according to the following order of priority: a) Children who are adopted, looked after by a local authority, or a child who was previously looked after b) Children for whom the school is appropriate on genuine medical or social grounds c) Children with siblings who are already on roll in the School and will still be on the roll when the child is admitted d) Children of members of staff employed directly by Avanti Court Primary School at the time at which the application for admission is made e) Remaining applicants. 28 Online admissions: Tie-break In the event of more applicants than places available within each of the above criteria, priority will be given to children living nearest the School. Distance will be measured from the main gate of the home address to the main gate of the School site using the Local Authorities measurement technology. In cases where more than one applicant lives equidistant from the School, and places cannot be offered to all these children, the available place will be determined by random allocation supervised by a person independent of the School. Statement Children The law provides a separate process for the admission of children with a Statement of Special Educational Need. The governing body will work in full co-operation with the appropriate agencies to ensure such applications are processed in accordance with the Code of Practice for Children with Special Educational Needs. Deferred Entry If your child is offered a place in reception class before your child is of compulsory school age, you have the option of deferring your child’s entry until later in the year. By law children do not have to start school until the term after their fifth birthday. You will not be able to defer your child’s entry beyond this point, nor beyond the academic year for which you are seeking admission for your child. Please contact the School if you wish to defer entry. Requests to defer entry must be in writing to the Head Teacher. In year admission Applications for in-year admissions are made in the same way as those made during the normal admissions round. If more applications are received than there are places available applications will be ranked by the governing body in accordance with the admissions/over subscription criteria above. Applicants will be notified of the outcomes by the governing body. Admissions Procedure for entry to Reception class in September 2013 All applicants have to apply through their Local Education Authority (LEA). 1 When to Apply a) Children will be admitted to Reception in the September following their fourth birthday. Applications should be made by 15th January in the calendar year of entry. Forms are available from September each year. All applications received on time will be processed together. By law, priority must not be given to children based on the date their application is received or their name is added to the list. 2 How to Apply –All applicants a) Application for a place in Reception is by completion of a Common Application Form (CAF). The form is available from, and should be returned to, the local authority where the child lives by 15th January in the calendar year of entry. b) Application for a child with a Statement of Educational Need who names the School is made by a separate process. See notes 3 Applications on the basis of being Hindu a. Those wishing to apply on basis of being Hindu should complete the Supplementary Information Form (“SIF”) in addition to completing the procedures applicable to all applicants mentioned above. b. The SIF will be available from Redbridge Admissions and SIF forms should be submitted to the School, not to Redbridge Admissions Team. c. The deadline for submission of the SIF form is 15th January 2013. 29 Online admissions: 4 Offer Date For admission in September 2013, a letter to parents offering, or refusing, a place will be sent by the local authority where the child lives on 18 April 2013. From 2014 onwards, the national offer date will be 16 April (or next working day if this falls on the weekend). 5 Response by Parents The offer of a place may be withdrawn if parents do not respond by the deadline quoted in the offer letter. 6 Waiting List For those applicants who do not receive an offer of a place, children will be placed on a waiting list; parents must advise the School, in writing, if they wish the child’s name to be removed from the waiting list. The School’s waiting lists for all years will be kept open indefinitely and the School may check with parents, from time to time, to establish whether they wish their child to remain on the waiting list. The child’s place on the waiting list will be determined at all times in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. Following the application procedure for Reception places, and once initial offers have been made, the waiting list will be adjusted to include late applications. A child’s position on the waiting list will not depend upon when the application was made, but will be determined by how the oversubscription criteria are met. This means that a child’s position on the list can go down as well as up, depending on the circumstances of all applicants. In the event of a vacancy occurring, the place will be offered to a child on the waiting list starting with the one at the top, at the time, and working downwards until the vacancy is filled. 7 Late Applications a) Applications for Reception received between March and the end of August, for entry in the September of the same year, must be made by completion of a Common Application Form (CAF). The form is available from, and should be returned to, the local authority where the child lives without delay. b) In addition, the School’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF) should be completed by those applying for a place under the Hindu category mentioned above. Late applications will be processed after those which are received on time. 8 In-Year Applications Applications for Reception received after the start of the academic year of normal entry should be made directly to the School. Application is by completion of the School’s Application Form (SAF). The SAF is available from the School Office or website (, and must be returned to the School without delay, together with proof of address (e.g. utilities bill, phone bill, council tax) For other Year groups other than Reception Applications for in-year admissions are made in the same way as those made during the normal admissions round. If more applications are received than there are places available applications will be ranked by the governing body in accordance with the admissions/over subscription criteria above. Applicants will be notified of the outcomes by the governing body. 9 Applications Outside the Normal Admissions Round Places may be available in years other than Reception. Application for a school place outside the normal admissions round should be made directly to the School using the SAF which can be gained from the school or website, as explained in point 8. 30 Online admissions: 10 Right of Appeal Parents who receive a letter to say that their application has not been successful have the right to appeal. Parents wishing to appeal must write to the Clerk to the Governors at the School address, within 20 days of receiving the letter of refusal. The procedure will be explained in a response by the School and the timetable for the process will be published on the School’s website ( by 28 February each year. 11 Children from Overseas Applications for children coming from overseas must be treated in accordance with European Union law or Home Office rules for non-European Economic Area nationals. Non–statutory guidance on this will be available on the website of the Department for Education. 12 Fair Access Protocol Avanti Court Primary School is committed to taking its reasonable share of children who are vulnerable and/or hard to place, as set out in the locally agreed Fair Access Protocol. Accordingly, outside the normal admissions round, the Governing Body is empowered to admit a child where admission is requested under a local Fair Access Protocol that has been agreed for that school year. The Governing Body has this power even when admitting the child would mean exceeding the PAN. Interpretation of the terms used in the admissions policy and over subscription criteria “Looked after” Children - Any children who are in the care of a local authorities as defined by section 22 of The Children Act 1989 and who are confirmed by that local authority to be expected to be still in public care when due to be admitted to school. Family - Those individuals who live at the residential address of the parents and/or parent carers and or legal guardians who are submitting an application for a place on behalf of a child. Sibling - A child’s brother or sister living at the same address. This includes a child’s half brother or sister, adopted/foster brother or sister and step brother or sister. However this will not apply where the older child will leave school before the younger one starts. Distance – Distance will be measured in a straight line from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the School gate in Carlton Drive, using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system, with those living closer to the School receiving priority. Home Address - Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility each part of a week, the home address will be taken as the address of the parent who receives child benefit. In cases where parents are not eligible for child benefit the address will be that of the parent where the child is registered with the doctor. Notes Twins and children from multiple births will be admitted when one of the siblings is the 30th child and, as a result, the School’s PAN will be increased. A Statement of Special Educational Need is a statement made by the local authority (see section 324 of the Education Act 1996) specifying the special educational provision required for that child. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority (see section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Applications for looked after children must be made by the person with parental responsibility and/or the child’s social worker. 31 Online admissions: A previously looked after child is a child who has ceased to be so because they have been adopted (see section 46 of the Adoption & Children Act 2002), or became subject to a residence order (see section 8 of the Children Act 1989), or special guardianship order (see section 14A of the Children Act 1989). Applications for priority on medical or social grounds must be supported by a letter from the child’s GP, medical consultant and/or social worker. Submissions must specify the particular reasons why Avanti Court Primary School is the most suitable and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend a different school. There is no automatic transfer from the School’s Nursery to Reception. Parents must apply via their local authority where the child lives. Siblings of pupils attending the School at the time of application. Priority will be given to children of members of staff who have been employed directly by Avanti Court Primary School at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, and/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. The child’s home address shall be determined as at the deadline for application. Where parents reside at separate addresses, but with shared responsibility for the child, it will be the address where the address is recorded on GP records. Home Address - Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility each part of a week, the home address will be taken as the address of the parent who receives child benefit and the address of the child’s registered GP. Reception is the entry class to primary schools as defined by section 142 of the School Standards Framework Act 1998. ‘Working day’ is defined as any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or a day which is a bank holiday within the meaning of the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971. Parents are advised to make any necessary arrangements if the National Offer Day falls during Pesach. If proof of address is requested by the School, this must not include evidence of personal details about parents and families, such as maiden names, criminal convictions, marital or financial status (including marriage certificates), the first language of parents or the child; details about parents’ or a child’s disabilities, special educational needs or medical conditions. If proof of date of birth is requested by the School, at no time must a ‘long’ birth certificate be provided. False Information Places can be withdrawn after an offer has been made if it is found that the offer was made on the basis of false or fraudulent information. 32 Online admissions: Aldborough E-ACT Free School This is a non-denominational state funded primary school of a new type called a Free School. It is operated by an educational charity called E-ACT Free Schools Trust which has a successful track record of running schools across the country. The Governors of Aldborough E-ACT Free School propose to admit a maximum of 60 children based on the school’s standard admissions number to the Reception class in accordance with the Admissions Criteria. The Aldborough E-ACT Free School was one of the first Free Schools to open in 2011. Applications are welcomed from all parents in the local area. The Governors’ ethos is based upon high aspirations, high expectations and the promotion of educational opportunities for all. All aspects of school life actively promote tolerance and respect for others, with a commitment to the development of confident and independent learners who will make an active contribution to their community. The admissions criteria have been agreed to be the same as for Redbridge community schools and the Governors will follow the national School Admissions Code in all matters. Accordingly, if places are oversubscribed, applicants will be ranked in order of the School’s oversubscription policy as follows: a) First: “looked after” children and children who were looked after, but cease to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order, or special guardianship order. “Looked after” children are in the care of local authorities as defined by section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and who are confirmed by that local authority to be expected to be still in public care when due to be admitted to school; b) Then; children where it is agreed that it is essential they be admitted to the school on exceptional medical or psychological grounds; c) Followed by: children with siblings who are already on roll in the main school in Reception to Year 6 (not a nursery class attached to the school) and will still be on roll when the child is admitted, and d) Followed by: children living nearest to the school as measured by the shortest measured walking distance as measured by the Redbridge Authority’s Geographic Information System from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school using public roads and recognised footpaths. It should be noted that when measurements involve flats in the same block, the distance will be to the entrance of each individual flat. In using distance as a tie-breaker, should there be more than one applicant for a final place living an identical distance from the school in question, the Authority will use the random allocation facility within the Tribal “Admissions and Transfers System” pupil data base which is used for allocations. Within each category (a) to (c), the shortest measured walking distance as measured from home to school as detailed in (d) will be used to give priority to applicants. Other details on the admission arrangements and application process, are as agreed for Redbridge community schools, details on the Redbridge website: 33 Online admissions: Clore Tikva Jewish Primary School School Admissions Arrangements for the school year 2013/14 The Governors will admit 60 children, born in the period 01 September 2008 to 31 August 2009, 30 each to the two reception classes for the school year 2013/2014. In common with Redbridge Voluntary Aided schools, entry to the school will be in September 2013. It is hoped to attract parents who wish to be fully involved in their child’s education and will join in with the life of the School and become part of its ‘family’. We expect you to support the Ethos Statement of the School and to consider Judaism as the important and central aspect of the School’s programme. Families from every synagogue, and those with no current synagogue affiliation, are welcome on the basis that they will respect those with Jewish beliefs and practices different from their own. Our admissions arrangements are in line with LEA requirements. The school welcomes a mixed ability and socially diverse intake. Careful thought will be given to ensure that appropriate provision can be made for the admission of children with special needs. In accordance with legislation the Governing Body will admit any child where Clore Tikva is named in the child’s statement of special educational needs. If your child is offered a place in reception class before your child is of compulsory school age, there is the option of deferring entry until later in the school year. By law, children do not have to start school until the term after their fifth birthday, however you will not be able to defer your child’s place beyond this period. Parents will need to discuss this with the Headteacher and apply in writing to Chairman of Governors at the school to defer your child’s entry. Jewish Status The school will regard as Jewish for the purpose of admission to the school: Any child who is a member or is eligible for membership of any synagogue in the U.K. Any child adopted by Jewish parents who is currently in a process leading to the granting of Jewish status by a recognised Jewish authority. Any non-Jewish child currently going through a conversion process leading to the granting of Jewish status by a recognised Jewish authority. The child’s birth/adoption certificate must be supplied, together with documentary evidence of the parent’s Jewish status. Matters of Jewish status will be determined by the Rabbinic representatives of the founding congregations, namely: Bet Tikvah Synagogue Buckhurst Hill Masorti Synagogue South West Essex and Settlement Reform Synagogue Sukkat Shalom Reform Synagogue Woodford Liberal Synagogue Education at Clore Tikva School will not of itself confer Jewish status on a child, nor will it guarantee that the child will be eligible for later admission to JCOSS, King Solomon High School, or to other Jewish Schools. 34 Online admissions: Over-Subscription Criteria In the event of the School being oversubscribed the following clearly stated order of priority will be observed until all the available places have been filled. The remaining children will go on a waiting list. A. Jewish Children (as defined previously) “Looked after” and previously looked after children. Children, where it is agreed it is essential they be admitted on exceptional medical or psychological grounds. Siblings of current pupils who will still be in attendance at the date of admission. Current parental membership of a synagogue that is within the Assembly of Masorti Synagogues; Liberal Judaism; or The Movement for Reform Judaism. A minimum of two years membership is required*. Current parental membership of another synagogue*. A minimum of two years membership is required. Current parental membership of a synagogue that is within the Assembly of Masorti Synagogues; Liberal Judaism; or The Movement for Reform Judaism. Membership between six months and two years with priority being given to length of membership. Current parental membership of another synagogue. Membership between six months and two years with priority being given to length of membership. Current parental membership of a synagogue within the Assembly of Masorti Synagogues; Liberal Judaism; or The Movement for Reform Judaism of less than six months with priority being given to length of membership. Current parental membership of another synagogue of less than six months, with priority being given to length of membership. Jewish children whose parents are not synagogue members. B. Non Jewish Children “Looked after” and previously looked after children Siblings of current pupils who will still be in attendance at the date of admission. Children whose parents accept the School’s Ethos Statement. If there are more children in any one of the above categories than places available, children in that category currently at the nursery will be given priority. In the event there is still over-subscription then the shortest measured walking distance as measured by a Geographic Information System from the child’s home to the school’s main entrance is used to give priority to applicants. Distance will be measured along the shortest walking route by public roads and recognised footpaths. It should be noted that when measurements involve flats in the same block the distance will be to the entrance of each individual flat. In using distance as a tie-breaker, should there be more than one applicant for a final place living an identical distance from the school the Authority will use the random allocation facility within the Tribal “Admissions and Transfers System” pupil database which is used for allocations. *Where parents are separated or divorced the synagogue membership of either parent will be acceptable. 35 Online admissions: The Application Procedure In line with all other LEA schools applications to this school must be made as follows:Parents must apply on the Common Application Form to be issued during the autumn term by the London Borough of Redbridge. Parents must complete the Common Application Form and return it to the Local Education Authority by 15 January 2013. Parents must also complete the Supplementary Information Form in the admissions booklet and return, together with necessary documentation to The School Administrator, Clore Tikva School by 15 January 2013, together with proof of residence, e.g. Council Tax or current utilities bill. Letters of offer of entry will be sent to parents by the London Borough of Redbridge and parents must return the acceptance slip to the Local Authority. The Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 allows parents to appeal against any decision made by or on behalf of Redbridge Education Authority about the school at which education is to be provided for a child. Definitions “Looked After Children” that is children who are in the care of local authorities as defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and who are confirmed by that local authority to be expected to be still in public care when due to be admitted to schools. (This applies only to children who are ‘looked after’ by social services). The Highest priority will be given to looked after children, and previously looked after children. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). Exceptional medical/psychological reasons which should be supported by a qualified professional directly involved with the child and will be considered by the Authority’s medical or psychological advisers. Only where it is agreed that admission to that school is essential will an exception to the general policy be made. Sibling The term ‘sibling’ shall include children as follows: Half-siblings, adopted siblings, children subject of a residence order, foster children, step-children, common law step-children. Sibling priority is applicable only for children who live in the same home as another sibling attending the named school and who would still be in attendance when the child is admitted. Parents The term ‘parent’ shall include mother/father, legal guardian or foster parent where a relative has been appointed. Ordinary residence When a child lives with its birth parents, legal guardian or foster parent, that address will be considered to be the child’s normal, permanent place of residence. However when a child has parents who are separated, the parents may nominate only one address for the application process. If one parent has parental responsibility (as evidenced by documentation) that parent’s address must be used. If both parents have parental responsibility (as evidenced by documentation) the Local Education Authority will normally accept the parent’s address used by the child’s primary school. If a child lives full or part-time, with neither parent e.g. with a relation, the Local Education Authority will accept this as the application address only if the arrangement is long-standing and can be confirmed as such. The child must sleep at this address for a minimum of four nights each week. Synagogue membership length/duration of synagogue membership will be defined as being at the statutory national closing date for applications. 36 Online admissions: Ilford Jewish Primary School Admissions Policy and Procedures For Admission of a place to the School from September 2013 Ilford Jewish Primary School’s Foundation Body is the United Synagogue and its religious authority is the Office of the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. Ilford Jewish Primary School’s ethos demonstrates orthodox Jewish belief and practice, embodied in the principles of Torah and Halachah, in a modern setting. These include creating a sense of belonging, encouraging and preparing for lifelong Jewish learning, spiritual growth and practice, mutual responsibility within the Jewish community and the wider world, and the importance of Israel in Jewish life. Jewish belief and practice permeate every aspect of Ilford Jewish Primary School’s activities. It also celebrates its wide communal involvement. The Jewish Studies education is inspirational and creative, and children are motivated to learn and achieve in order to develop confidence in their religious and cultural heritage, preparing them to live within the modern world. We are also committed to providing a vibrant secular education for our pupils. The overriding principle behind the School’s admission arrangements is that priority will be given to families with an on-going commitment to the School’s ethos1. There are three ways in which commitment to the ethos may be demonstrated for admission purposes: A Parents’/guardians’ continuous membership for at least two years up to 31 December in the calendar year prior to school admission of any United Synagogue, or synagogue accepting the religious authority of the Office of the Chief Rabbi. Membership does not have to be of the same synagogue as long as there is continuous membership. OR B Shabbat morning service attendance by either the parent or the child on at least eight Shabbatot between 1 May and 31 October in the calendar year prior to admission at any United Synagogue or synagogue accepting the religious authority of the Office of the Chief Rabbi. OR C The child’s continuous attendance for at least one term ending 31 December in the calendar year prior to school admission at a nursery that is within a United Synagogue school or school accepting the religious authority of the Office of the Chief Rabbi, or run by the United Synagogue or located on United Synagogue premises, or accepting the religious authority of the Office of the Chief Rabbi. The School admits children aged four to 11. The normal date of entry for children joining a reception class is the September following the child’s fourth birthday (compulsory school age2). There are 45 places available across two classes as set for 2011 and onwards. This is the School’s Published Admission Number (PAN). Additional children may be admitted under limited exceptional circumstances3. The School has Nursery provision for children aged from 3 to 4 (see separate Admissions Policy). The School will admit children at any time to all year groups, provided a place is available. Parents are invited to visit the School prior to applying. An Open Day/Evening for prospective parents is held in the autumn term, and individual visits are also welcome by prior arrangement. Please contact the School for details. 37 Online admissions: The School is not permitted by law to interview parents, or children, with a view to selection. All children whose Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN)4 names the School will be admitted. Oversubscription If the School is oversubscribed, after the admission of SEN4 children, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria as set out in the order of 1 to 9 listed below. However, within each of criteria 1 to 6, places will be prioritised in the following order: i Fulfilling criteria A-C (see page 1) ii Fulfilling criteria A-C (see page 1), but from any other synagogue. Oversubscription Criteria 1 Children who are looked after5 by a local authority, or a child who was previously looked after6. 2 Children for whom the school is appropriate on genuine medical or social grounds7. 3 Children who are currently attending the Ilford Jewish Primary School’s Nursery8 4Siblings9 of pupils attending the School on the date of admission. 5 Siblings of former9 pupils of the School. 6 Other children whose families fall within A to C in that order. 7 Children of members of staff employed directly by Ilford Jewish Primary School at the time at which the application for admission is made10. 8 Other children who are looked after5 by a local authority, or other children who were previously looked after6 by a local authority. 9 Any other children. Tie-Breaker In the event of there being more applicants than places available within each of the above criteria 1 to 9, priority will be given to children living nearest the School. Distance will be measured from the main gate of the home address11 to the main gate of the School site as the crow flies. In cases where more than one applicant lives equidistant from the School, and places cannot be offered to all these children, the available place will be determined by random allocation supervised by a person independent of the School. Application Procedures 1 When to Apply a) Children will be admitted to Reception (Foundation II)12 in the September following their fourth birthday. Applications should be made by 15 January in the calendar year of entry. Forms are available from September each year. All applications received on time will be processed together. By law, priority must not be given to children based on the date their application is received or their name is added to the list. 2 How to Apply a) Application for a place in Reception (Foundation Stage II)12 is by completion of a Common Application Form (CAF). The form is available from, and should be returned to, the local authority where the child lives11 by 15 January in the calendar year of entry. 38 Online admissions: b) In addition, the School’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF) must be completed. In order to be eligible for a priority place, the School’s Priority Application Form (PAF) must also be completed. Both the SIF and PAF are available from the School Office or website ( and must be returned to the School by 15 January in the calendar year of entry. c) Application for a child whose Statement of Educational Need4 names the School is made by a separate process. 3 Offer Date For admission in September 2013, a letter to parents offering, or refusing, a place will be sent by the local authority where the child lives on 18 April 2013. From 2014 onwards, the national offer date will be 16 April (or next working day13). 4 Response by Parents The offer of a place may be withdrawn if parents do not respond by the deadline quoted in the offer letter. 5 Waiting List For those applicants who do not receive an offer of a place, parents must advise the School, in writing, if they wish the child’s name to be included on the waiting list. The School’s waiting lists for all years will be kept open indefinitely and the School may check with parents, from time to time, to establish whether they wish their child to remain on the waiting list. The child’s place on the waiting list will be determined at all times in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. Following the application procedure for Reception places, and once initial offers have been made, the waiting list will be adjusted to include late applications. A child’s position on the waiting list will not depend upon when the application was made, but will be determined by how the oversubscription criteria are met. This means that a child’s position on the list can go down as well as up, depending on the circumstances of all applicants. In the event of a vacancy occurring, the place will be offered to a child on the waiting list starting with the one at the top, at the time, and working downwards until the vacancy is filled. Parents are asked to inform the School when they no longer wish their child’s name to remain on the waiting list. 6 Late Applications a) Applications for Reception (Foundation II)12 received between March and the end of August, for entry in the September of the same year, must be made by completion of a Common Application Form (CAF). The form is available from, and should be returned to, the local authority where the child lives12 without delay. b) In addition, the School’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF) must be completed. In order to be eligible for a priority place, the School’s Priority Application Form (PAF) must also be completed. Both the SIF and PAF are available from the School Office or website ( and must be returned to the School without delay. Late applications will be processed after those that have been received on time. 7 In-Year Applications Applications for Reception (Foundation II)12 received after the start of the academic year of normal entry should be made directly to the School. Application is by completion of the School’s Application Form (SAF). The SAF is available from the School Office or website (, and must be returned to the School without delay, together with proof of address14. 39 Online admissions: 8 Applications Outside the Normal Admissions Round Places may be available in years other than Reception. Application for a school place outside the normal admissions round should be made directly to the School. The School’s Application form (SAF) must be completed and it might be necessary to complete a Priority Application Form (PAF) must be completed. Both forms are available from the School Office or website (, and must be returned to the School without delay, together with proof of address14. 9 Right of Appeal Parents who receive a letter to say that their application has not been successful have the right to appeal. Parents wishing to appeal must write to the Clerk to the Governors at the School address, within 20 days of receiving the letter of refusal. The procedure will be explained in a response by the School and the timetable for the process will be published on the Schools website ( by 28 February each year. 10 Children from Overseas Applications for children coming from overseas must be treated in accordance with European Union law or Home Office rules for non-European Economic Area nationals. Non–statutory guidance on this will be available on the website of the Department for Education. 11 Fair Access Protocol Ilford Jewish Primary School is committed to taking its reasonable share of children who are vulnerable and/or hard to place, as set out in the locally agreed Fair Access Protocol. Accordingly, outside the normal admissions round, the Governing Body is empowered to give absolute priority to a child where admission is requested under a local Fair Access Protocol that has been agreed for that school year. The Governing Body has this power even when admitting the child would mean exceeding the PAN. Notes 1 Whilst priority will be given to those children whose families demonstrate an on-going commitment to the School’s ethos, all families will be expected to respect the ethos. 2 Parents can request that the date their child is admitted to reception in the School is deferred until later in the same academic year or until the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday. The deferment cannot extend beyond the academic year in which admission is sought. Parents must apply in writing to the Headteacher/Governing Body and the School place will be held open until the date agreed. Parents can also request that their child takes up the place part time until the child reaches compulsory school age, which is the term following the child’s fifth birthday. 3 Twins and children from multiple births will be admitted when one of the siblings is the 30th child and, as a result, the School’s PAN will be increased. 4 A Statement of Special Educational Need is a statement made by the local authority (see section 324 of the Education Act 1996) specifying the special educational provision required for that child. 5 A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority (see section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Applications for looked after children must be made by the person with parental responsibility and/or the child’s social worker. 40 Online admissions: 6 A previously looked after child is a child who has ceased to be so because they have been adopted (see section 46 of the Adoption & Children Act 2002), or became subject to a residence order (see section 8 of the Children Act 1989), or special guardianship order (see section 14A of the Children Act 1989). 7 Applications for priority on medical or social grounds must be supported by a letter from the child’s GP, medical consultant and/or social worker. Submissions must specify the particular reasons why Ilford Jewish Primary School is the most suitable and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend a different school. 8 There is no automatic transfer from the School’s Nursery to Reception (Foundation II)12. Parents must apply via the local authority where the child lives11. 9 Siblings of pupils attending the School at the time of application and siblings of former pupils include halfsiblings, foster siblings, step-siblings, adopted siblings and other children living permanently in the same home. 10 Priority will be given to children of members of staff who have been employed directly by Ilford Jewish Primary School at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, and/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. 11 The child’s home address shall be determined as at the deadline for application. Where parents reside at separate addresses, but with shared responsibility for the child, it will be the address at which the child spends most of the week. 12 Reception (Foundation II)12 is the entry class to primary schools as defined by section 142 of the School Standards Framework Act 1998. 13 ‘Working day’ is defined as any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or a day which is a bank holiday within the meaning of the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971. Parents are advised to make any necessary arrangements if the National Offer Day falls during Pesach. 14 If proof of address is requested by the School, this must not include evidence of personal details about parents and families, such as maiden names, criminal convictions, marital or financial status (including marriage certificates), the first language of parents or the child; details about parents’ or a child’s disabilities, special educational needs or medical conditions. 15 If proof of date of birth is requested by the School, at no time must a ‘long’ birth certificate be provided. False Information Places can be withdrawn after an offer has been made if it is found that the offer was made on the basis of false or fraudulent information. For further information please contact the School Office on: 020 8551 4294 41 Online admissions: Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School Admissions Criteria 2013/14 The Governors propose to admit a maximum of 60 children based on the schools standard number to the Reception Class in accordance with the Admissions Criteria. The Governors believe that children from practising Catholic families where the faith is alive will benefit most from the education provided at Our Lady of Lourdes RC School. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will always be given to Catholic applicants in accordance with the oversubscription criteria below. 1. * Looked after baptised Catholic children and previously looked after baptised Catholic children. 2. Baptised practising** Catholic children whose parent’s/guardian’s permanent residence is within the boundaries of Our Lady of Lourdes parish. 3. Baptised practising Catholic children whose parent’s/guardian’s permanent residence is within the boundaries of St Anne Line parish. 4. Baptised practising Catholic children whose parent’s/guardian’s permanent residence is beyond the area described for Category 2 and 3 above. 5. All other Looked after and previously looked after children. A Baptismal Certificate is not required for this category. 6. Baptised children of other Christian faiths whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school. 7. All other applications will be ordered in priority determined by the distance from the residence to the school measured in a straight line as determined by the Local Authority. A Baptismal Certificate is not required for this category. Applicants from Category 4 who have their own Parish Catholic School are strongly advised to apply there. Within each of these categories, priority will be given to children with brother(s) and/or sister(s)*** already attending the School at the time of admittance. As the number and spread of applicants varies from year to year, admission cannot be guaranteed to a child having a brother or sister** attending the School. In the event of over subscription in any of the above categories then the Governors will offer places in the order of priority determined by distance as measured in a straight line from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school, using the Local Authority’s computerized measuring system, with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority. Should there be more than one applicant for a final place living an identical distance from the school in question, the random allocation facility will be used from the Local Authority’s system. For the purposes of the admissions criteria and procedure, the boundaries of the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, and St Anne Line shall be as marked upon the map lodged in the school office. Persons wishing to consult this map may do so by arrangement with the School. Where there is a dispute regarding distance from residence the arbiter will be the London Borough of Redbridge. Application process and supporting information Redbridge parents wishing to apply for a place in the school in the school year 2013/14 must complete a Common Application Form (CAF) available from 1st September 2012 from both the Children’s Services Authority and school. (Residents in other boroughs must apply via their home borough’s Common 42 Online admissions: Application Form). Forms must be returned according to the date and timetable determined by the Children’s Services Authority in accordance with the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. A separate form (Supplementary Information Form) to confirm Catholicity , which will be available with the Common Application Form (CAF), should also be completed and returned directly to the school. Without the Supplementary Information Form (SIF), we will be unable to confirm Catholicity or other faith and a child will therefore be automatically considered under category 7. It should be noted that all applications must be submitted on the CAF and SIF forms and all applications will be considered at the same time. Applications will be considered by Governors in accordance with the Children’s Services Authority timetable. Supporting paperwork will be accepted up to the date as determined by the Local Authority. A School place will only be offered to applicants whose parents provide Governors with evidence of: (a) The child’s baptism – in the form of a baptism certificate. This does not apply to categories 5 or 7 of the admissions criteria. (b) Permanent residence in the form previously agreed by the Children’s Service Authority, e.g. most recent council tax bill. The school may wish to confirm this with the electoral registration office. (c) A recently completed Parish Priest Reference Form (PRF) which recommends your application. This does not apply to categories 5, 6 and 7 of the admissions criteria. Applicants in category 6 only should complete a Faith Leader Reference Form (FLRF), available from the school. Please note A Parish Priest Reference Form (PRF) is available from the school. Part A is a self-evaluation to be completed by the parent/carer. Part B will be completed by the Priest once you have met with him. These forms do not form part of the school’s admission arrangement. Unsuccessful applications and late applications will be offered the opportunity of their names being placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be ordered as per the admissions criteria should a place arise. In accordance with the provisions of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 an unsuccessful applicant has the right to appeal against the Governors decision. If you wish to exercise your right of appeal you should write to the school stating your wish to do so. *By looked after children we mean any child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them, e.g. children with foster parents. Children previously looked after are those who immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence order or special guardianship order. **Please note: the term Practising Catholic, in accordance with the teaching of the Church, is taken to denote a Baptised person who is in full communion with the Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church describes the Sunday Eucharist (Saturday Vigil) as the foundation of all practice. Accordingly the Catechism states that on Sundays (Saturday Vigil) and other Holy Days of Obligation, the faithful are bound to participate in Mass. In accordance with the above teaching, a priest will confer the status of practising Catholic, where a child has been baptised in accordance with the teachings of the Church, and where compliance with the Sunday obligation is the established practice of the child, and their family. ***Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. 43 Online admissions: Please note Pupils who are admitted to the school will enter the Reception classes in September 2013. If a parent wishes to defer a child’s entry until later in the school year, they are asked to contact the school at the time the place is accepted. Where deferred entry is requested, parents are not able to defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School Admissions Policy Reception 2013/2014 St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School is situated in the Diocese of Brentwood and is maintained by the London Borough of Redbridge Local Education Authority. The Governing Body of the school is responsible for determining and administering the policy relating to the admission of pupils to the school. It is guided in that responsibility by the requirements of the law, by the advice of the Diocesan Trustees, and its duty to the school and the catholic community. In accord with the provisions of Regulation 49 of the Education (School Government) Regulations 1999, the Governing Body has delegated responsibility for determining admissions to its Admissions Committee. Having consulted the LEA and others in accord with the requirements of the law, the Governing Body has set as its planned admission number 60 pupils for the school year commencing September 2013. The school primarily serves the parishes of St Cedd’s, St Teresa’s and SS Peter and Paul’s (north of the High Road, Ilford). Parents wishing to apply for a place for their child in the school year 2013/2014 must complete a Common Application Form (CAF) available from 1st September 2012. The Common Application Form (CAF) must be returned to the Children’s Services Authority (CSA), Lynton House, Ilford. This form may be completed on-line at and submitted by the closing date as determined by the CSA. A Supplementary Information Form (SIF) available in the booklet must also be completed and returned to the school by the closing date as determined by the CSA. Catholic families should complete the Diocesan Priest’s Reference Form available from Catholic Primary Schools or from our website and return it to the school by the closing date. Families from other faiths should complete the Other Christian Traditions and Other Faith Applicants Reference Form which is available in the London Borough of Redbridge booklet or on line at This should also be returned to the school by the closing date. For Parents/Carers who complete the Common Application Forms for the Children’s Services Authority (CSA) but fail to submit to the school the Supplementary Form (SIF), Priests Reference Form or Other Faith Forms, the Admission Committee will automatically categorise the child under Category 8. The closing date will be determined by the (CSA) Children’s Services Authority. Late applicants will be considered in accordance with the admission criteria but after those submitted on time. Pupils who are admitted to the School will enter the School class in September 2013 as required by law, the Governing Body will not admit more than 30 pupils to any one Reception or Infant class. Please note – Children from Nursery do not automatically transfer to Reception. 44 Online admissions: Admissions Criteria The school’s admission policy should reflect its purpose of serving its relevant Catholic community. The following criteria are designed to acknowledge that responsibility of the Governing Body. Therefore, when considering applications, the Admissions Committee will apply the criteria in order of priority. Definitions Catholic means those baptised by a priest in communion with the See of Rome. The term “Practising” in relation to the Catholic Faith refers to obligations laid on Catholics by the Code of Canon Law primarily that of the obligations to assist at Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (Canon 1247). Regularity of Mass attendance by at least one parent, a parent being any person who has parental responsibility for or is the legal guardian of the child, will be a determining factor in the prioritisation of applications. Regularity will be determined from the Priest’s Reference Form. Where admission arrangements refer to ‘parents attendance at church’ it is sufficient for just one parent to attend. Family members include only parents/carers and siblings living at the same address. The term ‘Looked After Children’ refers to children in ‘public care’ within the meaning of s22 of the Children’s Act 1989. This provision relates to children in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation by a Local Authority, Social Services Department, for example children in foster care. It also includes children who have been adopted or become subject to a special guardianship order. The Governing Body of St Aidan’s Catholic School will apply the following criteria fairly and equitably to all applications for places in the order of priority stated. 1 Looked after children and previously looked after children from Catholic families. 2 Baptised Catholic Children at least one of whose parents attends Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation with the child in whose name the application is made, and who are resident in the Parishes of St Cedd’s, St Teresa’s and SS Peter & Paul’s (north of the High Road, Ilford). 3 Baptised Catholic children at least one of whose parents attend Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation with the child in whose name the application is made, and who are resident in neighbouring parishes at the time of application. 4 Baptised Catholic children whose parents do not attend Mass, but who desire a Catholic education for their children. The Governing Body having met its obligation to the Catholic community will offer any remaining places available to applicants of other faiths/other applicants. 5 Looked after children and previously looked after children from non Catholic families. 6 Baptised children of other Christian denominations at least one of whose parents regularly practice in their faith and whose application is supported by the appropriate Minister of Religion. In such cases the parents must be sympathetic to and supportive of the Catholic ethos of the school. 7 Children of non-Christian denominations at least one of whose parents regularly practice in their faith and whose application is supported by the appropriate Minister of Religion. In such cases the parents must be sympathetic to and supportive of the Catholic ethos of the school. 8 Any other applicants whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school. 45 Online admissions: In the event of over-subscription in the number of applications, then the Admissions Committee will offer places in the following order of precedence for each level of priority:1. Children who have a sibling at the school at the time of likely admission. Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister or child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. 2. Children who live nearest to the school, distance will be measured from the front door of the child’s home (including flats) to the main entrance of the school, measured by the Local Authority’s computerized measuring system. Those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority. 3. Should there be more than one applicant for the final place living an identical distance from the school in question, the random allocation facility will be used from the Local Authority’s system. Additional Information The parents of those children to whom the Admissions Committee have agreed to admit as pupils at the school will be informed in writing by the Local Authority and shall be required within two weeks to confirm acceptance of the offer of a place. Parents of children who are offered a place at the school before they are of compulsory school age may defer their child’s entry until later in the school year. Where entry is deferred, admission authorities must hold the place for that child and not offer it to another child. The parent would not however be able to defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s birthday, nor beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. Parents of those children whose application for a place in the school was unsuccessful will be informed, in writing by the local authority of the decision of the Admission Committee, the Admissions Committee’s reasons for not offering a place and a description of the rights of the parents to lodge an appeal against the decision including detail of how and to whom such an appeal should be lodged. Further to the above, the Admissions Committee will keep a “waiting list” for admission to Reception classes of those children who have not been offered a place, and such a list will rank children in strict order of priority as determined above. Parents of children who have special physical and medical needs are invited to visit the School to meet the Headteacher and view the accommodation and resources available. St Antony’s Catholic Primary School Admissions Policy And Criteria For Admission In 2013/14 Introduction St Antony’s RC Primary School was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for Children of Catholic families. The school is conducted by its governing body as part of the Catholic Church in accordance with its trust deed and instrument of government, and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ. The Governors believe that children from practising Catholic families where the faith is alive will benefit most from the education offered at St. Antony’s R.C. School. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will always be given to Catholic applicants in accordance with the oversubscription criteria listed below. The Governors intend to admit 60 children into the reception year group in any one school year. 46 Online admissions: Oversubscription Criteria 1. Looked after children from Catholic families and those previously looked after. 2. Baptised Siblings of pupils on role up to and including Yr 6 at the time of admission, who are practising Catholics resident in the Parish of St. Thomas of Canterbury or adjoining Parishes. 3. Baptised Children of practising Catholics resident in the Parish of St Thomas of Canterbury, Woodford Green. 4. Baptised Children of practising Catholics resident in that part of St Anne Line Parish adjoining St. Thomas of Canterbury Parish bounded by Woodford New Road, North Circular Road A406 and Chigwell Road. 5. Baptised Children of practising Catholics resident in other parishes. 6. All other looked after children and those previously looked after. 7. Baptised Christians of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school and whose application is supported by a minister of religion. 8. Any other applicants. Application of the criteria: A school place will only be offered to applicants whose parents / guardian provide Governors with evidence of: (a) The child’s baptism – in the form of a baptism certificate. This does not apply to categories 1, 6 and 8. (b) Permanent residence in the form of the most recent council tax bill or utility bill. In order to be consider in the Over Subscription Criteria set out in points 1 to 5 and point 7 above applications will have to be supported by a reference form signed by the relevant Parish Priest or minister of religion, that normally being the priest of the parish in which the family practises or in the case of point 7 above, the appropriate priest, minister or other religious leader. This does not apply to category 6. Practising is generally defined as weekly attendance on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation as supported by the Priest who signed the Priest’s Form. All children must be resident where a parish is specified as part of the oversubscription criteria, any child seeking admission must be resident in that parish. The term ‘Catholic’ is used to describe those people who follow either the Roman or Eastern Rite of the Catholic Church. Where the number of applications which satisfy the requirements of any category exceeds the number of available places, in any category, those living closer to the school will be given priority, the distance will be measured in a straight line from the front door of the child’s home (including flats) to the main entrance of the school by reference to a *Geographic Mapping system. Where there is a dispute regarding distance from residence the arbiter will be the London Borough of Redbridge. Should there be more than one applicant for a final place living an identical distance from the school in question, the random allocation facility will be used from the Local Authority’s system. For the purposes of the admissions criteria and procedure the boundaries of the parish of St. Thomas of Canterbury and St. Anne Line shall be as marked upon the map lodged in the school office. Persons wishing to consult this map may do so by arrangement with the School. The term “looked after children and those previously looked after” refers to “children in public care or who were previously in public care and have since been adopted. ” within the meaning of s.22 of the Children Act 1989. This provision relates to children in the care of the local authority or provided with 47 Online admissions: accommodation by a local authority social services department (e.g. children with foster parents). The term ‘previously looked after’ means those children who were in LA care, but have since been adopted. Reference should also be made to the “Guidelines About the Admissions Form”. The Governors may withdraw an offer of a place should information provided be found inaccurate. When a vacancy does occur, other than in the Reception year, the oversubscription criteria shall be applied as outlined above. Siblings Siblings refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. Guardianship care If a child is not living with their birth parents and the relatives are looking after the child, documentary evidence like a will or court order must be shown as proof that the relatives are guardians. Proper guardianship only applies if the relatives can prove that they have full care and the ‘normal, permanent residence’ is not the parents’ address. Picking children up from school and looking after them until the parents collect them does not apply to guardianship. Nor does it apply if the child sleeps at the relative’s house regularly but still lives part-time with the parents. If the child lives with the relatives on a full time basis, both during the week and at weekends, this is more likely to be accepted as a formal arrangement. But you must provide proof that the relatives care for the child on a full time basis, e.g: a residence order. who holds the child allowance book (and collects it). where the child is registered with a GP. where the child spends weekends. If this cannot be provided that the child does not live with the parents, the relative’s address will not be accepted. Child living with both parents at two different addresses: When a child lives with its birth parents, legal guardian or Foster parent, that address will be considered to be the child’s normal, permanent place of residence. However, when a child has parents who are separated, the parents must name only one address on the application process: If one parent has parental responsibility (documents must be shown to prove this) that parent’s address must be used. If both parents have parental responsibility (documents must be shown to prove this) the Children’s Service Authority will normally accept the parent’s address used by the child’s nursery / primary school. If a child lives, full or part-time, with neither parent e.g. with a relation, the Children’s Services Authority will only accept this as the application address if the arrangement can be confirmed as long-standing. The child must sleep at this address for a minimum of 4 nights each week. 48 Online admissions: Deferred entry: Parents offered a place before the child is of compulsory school age may defer their child’s entry until no later than the beginning of the term after their child’s fifth birthday; it may not be deferred beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. Where entry is deferred the place must be held for the child, and cannot be offered to another child. Please note: Enquiries about admission are received at the school over a considerable period before the due date of admission. Places are, however, offered strictly in accordance with the above criteria. Parents are welcome to visit the school by prior arrangement. The closing date for applications is set by the Local Education Authority for admission during the following school year (i.e. the September or January following). Applications received after the closing date will only be considered if there are insufficient applications to fill the 60 places. Any late applications will be considered in accordance with the admissions criteria, but after those submitted before the closing date. The admissions criteria are reviewed annually. Governors will not enter into private conversations or discussions about their decision to offer or to refuse a place to any individual applicant. The relevant place of residence is where the family is resident at the date of the deadline for applications. The Schools Standards and Framework act 1998 allows parents to appeal against any decision to refuse a place to their child and in such cases early contact should be made with the Headteacher. A closing date for appeals will be included in the notification letters of Governors refusing, or being unable to offer, admission to the School. Where the definition is made to ‘Children’s Services Authority’ in the London Borough of Redbridge booklet please read ‘Governors’. * This system is held and applied by the Local Education Authority. St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School Admission Arrangements and Criteria for the School Year 2013/14 Basic Information 1. St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School is situated in the Diocese of Brentwood and is maintained by the London Borough of Redbridge Local Education Authority. 2. The Governing Body of the school is responsible for determining and administering the policy relating to the admission of pupils to the school. It is guided in that responsibility by the requirements of the law, by the advice of the Diocesan Trustees, and its duty to the school and the Catholic community. 3. The school primarily serves the parishes of St Augustine of Canterbury, Barkingside; St John Vianney, Clayhall; St John the Baptist, Ilford and The Assumption, Hainault (details of Parish boundaries can be obtained from the relevant Parish Priest or Diocesan Offices) 4. Having consulted the LEA and others in accord with the requirements of the law, the Governing Body has set as its planned admission number 60 pupils for the school year commencing September 2013. 5(a) Parents wishing to apply for a place in the school for their child in the school year 2013/2014 must complete a Common Application Form (CAF) available from 1st September 2012 from both the Local Authority and school, and return it by the date determined by the Local Authority in accordance with the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. It should be carefully noted that all applications must be submitted on these forms and all applications will be considered at the same time. 49 Online admissions: A separate form, Priest Reference Form (PRF) to confirm Catholicity will be available to download from our school website or may be collected from the school office. On receipt of the application pack, parents must make an appointment as soon as possible to see their Priest or religious leader and take the Diocesan Priest’s Form with them. Parents should complete Part A Self-Assessment and Information about the Child in advance of the appointment. After the discussion, parents will leave the form with their Priest or religious leader. The Priest or religious leader will then complete and return Part B Priest’s Reference ONLY directly to the Admissions Secretary, at the school. The timescale is very tight because of the Government’s Code of Practice on Co-ordinated Admissions. Part A will be retained by the Priest or religious leader or possibly returned to parents. A Supplementary Information Form (SIF) which is included in the Local Authority booklet must also be returned to the school. Note for non-Catholic religious leaders: The Diocesan Priest’s Form is the one used by Catholic Priests in the Redbridge area, but if you find that it does not suit your situation precisely, you may adapt the form or add any further comments which you think are appropriate. There is also an Other Faith Form available in the Admissions Booklet or from the School Office. Without the Supplementary Information Forms, Priest Reference Forms or Other Faith forms, we will be unable to confirm Catholicity or other faith, and a child will therefore automatically be considered under Category 9. 5 (b) In accord with the provisions of Regulation 49 of the Education (School Government) Regulations 1999, the Governing Body has delegated responsibility for determining admissions to its Admissions Committee. 6. Pupils who are admitted to the school will enter the reception class(es) in September 2013. As required by law, the Governing Body will not admit more than 30 pupils to any one reception or infant class. Criteria The School’s admissions policy should reflect its purpose of serving its relevant Catholic community. The following criteria are designed to acknowledge that responsibility of the Governing Body. Therefore, when considering applications, the Admissions Committee will apply the following criteria in order of priority. The Governing Body of St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School will apply the following criteria fairly and equitably to all applications for places in the order of priority stated. 1. Looked after and legally adopted children from Catholic families, this includes previously looked after children (Schools admissions Code para 1.7) 2. Baptised Children, of practising Catholic families(*) (**) who are resident in the Parishes of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Barkingside; St John the Baptist, Ilford; St John Vianney, Clayhall and The Assumption Hainault. 3. Baptised Children of practising Catholic families who are resident in neighbouring parishes at the time of application. 4. Baptised Catholic children whose parents do not attend Mass regularly, but who desire a Catholic education for their child(ren). 5. Other looked after children, this includes previously looked after children (Schools admissions Code para 1.7). 50 Online admissions: 6. Children who have at least one Catholic parent and who are to be Baptised within 6 months of closing date of applications. Supporting evidence will be required. 7. Baptised children of other Christian denominations at least one of whose parents regularly practice in their faith and whose application is supported by the appropriate Minister of Religion. In such cases the parent(s) must be sympathetic to and supportive of the Catholic ethos of the school. 8. Children of non-Christian denominations at least one of whose parents regularly practice in their faith and whose application is supported by the appropriate Faith Leader of Religion. In such cases the parent(s) must be sympathetic to and supportive of the Catholic ethos of the school. 9. Any other applicants whose parents/carers are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school. * The term “Practising” in relation to the Catholic Faith refers to obligations laid on Catholics by the Code of Canon Law primary that of the obligations to assist at Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of obligation (Canon 1247). ** A baptized Catholic is one who has been baptized [even conditionally (Canon 869)] into the Catholic Church in accordance with Canon 849 and whose parents(s) / carer(s) can produce a valid certificate that this is so. *** Regularity of Mass attendance by at least one parent will be a determining factor in the prioritisation of applications. Regularity will be determined from the Priest’s reference. **** The term “Looked After Children” refers to children in “public care” within the meaning of s22 of the Children’s Act 1989. This provision relates to children in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation by a Local Authority, Social Services Dept, e.g. children with foster parents. Deferred Entry: Admission authorities must allow parents of children who are offered a place at the school before they are of compulsory school age to defer their child’s entry until later in the school year. Where entry is deferred, admission authorities must hold the place for that child and not offer it to another child. The parent/ carer would not, however, be able to defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. The school will accommodate both / all twins / multiple births if we admit one. Parents / carers of prospective children to St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School are welcome to contact the school to arrange a visit and meet with the Headteacher at a mutually convenient time. In the event of over-subscription in the number of applications, then the Admissions Committee will offer places in the following order of precedence for each level of priority (below): Children who (i) have a sibling at the school at the school at the time of likely admission. Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister or step brother or sister. (ii) The shortest measured walking distance from the child’s home to school, using public roads and footpaths, is used to give priority to applicants. (iii) In the event of there being a tie regarding our admissions criteria, there will be a lottery tie break undertaken by the Local Authority with a member of St Augustine’s Admissions Committee present. 51 Online admissions: Additional Information 1. The parents of those children whom the Admission Committee have agreed to admit as pupils at the school will be informed, in writing, by the Local Authority in accordance with the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. Last date for offers to be accepted by parents will be determined by the Local Authority in accordance with the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. 2. The parents of those children whose application for a place in the school was unsuccessful will be informed, in writing by the Local Authority in accordance with the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme with reasons for the Admissions Committee’s not offering a place and a description of the rights of the parents to lodge an appeal against the decision including detail of how and to whom such an appeal should be lodged. 3. Applications received after the deadline will be considered in accordance with the admissions criteria, but after those submitted on time. Please Note: A Priest Reference Form (PRF) is available from the school. Part A is a self evaluation to be completed by the parent / carer. Part B will be completed by the Priest once you have met with him. These forms do not form part of the School’s Admission Arrangement. St Bede’s Catholic Primary School And Nursery Admission Arrangements and Criteria 2013 - 2014 Basic information St. Bede’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families. St Bede’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery is a Catholic Voluntary Aided School, in the Trusteeship of the Diocese of Brentwood and is maintained by the London Borough of Redbridge. As a Catholic school, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our pupils and seek at all times to bear witness to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Catholic doctrine and practice permeate every aspect of the school’s life and activity. It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education is fully supported by all families in the school. All applicants are therefore expected to give their full unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of our school. The Governing Body of the school is responsible for determining and administering the policy relating to the admission of pupils to the school. It is guided in that responsibility by the requirement of the law, by the advice of the Diocesan Trustees, and by its duty to the school and the Catholic community. The school primarily serves the parish of St Bede’s. Having consulted the London Borough of Redbridge Children’s Services Authority and others in accordance with the requirements of the law, the Governing Body has set 60 pupils as its planned admission number for Reception year commencing September 2013. As required by law, the Governing Body will not admit more than 30 pupils to any Reception or Infants class. The application process for parents/carers seeking a place for their child in our school for the academic year 2013/14 requires the completion of three forms listed below: 52 Online admissions: 1. A Common Application Form (CAF), which will be available from the London Borough of Redbridge local authority and on their website. If you do not live in Redbridge then you MUST use the form provided by the local authority where you live and return the completed form to your local authority by their closing date. 2. A Supplementary Information Form (SIF) for all Catholic Primary Schools in Redbridge which is contained in the Redbridge Admissions Booklet. 3. A Priest’s Reference Form (PRF) to confirm Catholicity for Catholic families. These will be available to download from our school website or may be collected from the school office. Parents must make an appointment to see the Priest at the Church they attend and take the Diocesan Priest’s Form with them. Parents should complete Part A Self-Assessment and Information about the child in advance of the appointment. Part B Priest’s Reference ONLY will be completed and signed by the Priest at the Church you attend by the closing date; the timescale is very tight because of the Government’s Code of Practice on Co-ordinated Admissions. For applicants of another faith, an Other Christian Traditions and Other Faith Applicants Reference Form will be available in the Redbridge Admissions Booklet which should be completed and signed by your Religious Leader and returned to the school of application by the closing date. The Supplementary Information Form (SIF), Priest’s Reference Form (PRF) or Other Christian Traditions and Other Faith Applicants Form and any other supporting documentation MUST be returned to the school of application by the closing date. The Common Application Form (CAF) and Other Christian Traditions and Other Faith Applicants Reference Form are available from Redbridge Council and also available to download from the website. The Priest’s Reference Form (PRF) can be downloaded from the school website or obtained directly from the school. Please note that without the SIF, PRF or Other Faith forms, we are unable to confirm Catholicity or other faith and so your child will automatically be considered under category 9. Admissions Criteria 2013/2014 The School’s admissions policy should reflect its purpose of serving its relevant Catholic community. The following criteria are designed to acknowledge that responsibility of the Governing Body. Therefore, when considering applications, the Admissions Committee will apply the following criteria in order of priority. The term “Practising” in relation to the Catholic Faith refers to obligations laid on Catholics by the Code of Canon Law primarily that of the obligations to assist at Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (Canon 1247). Regularity of Mass attendance by at least one Catholic parent will be a determining factor in the prioritisation of applications. Regularity will be determined from the Priest’s reference. The Governing Body of St Bede’s Catholic Primary School will apply the following criteria fairly and equitably to all applications for places in the order of priority stated. In the event of over-subscription in the number of applications, then the Admissions Committee will offer places in the following order of precedence for each level of priority (below): Children who i) have a sibling* at the school (Reception to year 6) at the time of admission. ii) live nearest to the school, measured** as determined by the Local Authority. 1. Looked after children and those previously looked after ***** from ****Catholic families. 2. Baptised Catholic children living in the parish of St Bede’s who have a Catholic parent/carer who attends Mass regularly.*** 53 Online admissions: 3. Baptised Catholic children living in a neighbouring parish other than St Bede’s at the time the application is made who have a Catholic parent/carer who attends Mass regularly.*** 4. Baptised Catholic children who have a Catholic parent/carer who does not attend Mass regularly but desires a Catholic education for their child. 5. Non-baptised children of a Catholic parent whose application is supported by their Parish Priest. 6. Other looked after children and those previously looked after*****. 7. Children of other Christian denominations at least one of whose parents/carers regularly practice in their faith and whose application is supported by the appropriate Minister of Religion. In such cases the parent must be sympathetic to and supportive of the Catholic ethos of the school. 8. Children of non Christian faiths at least one of whose parents/carers regularly practice in their faith and whose application is supported by the appropriate Faith Leader of Religion. In such cases the parent must be sympathetic to and supportive of the Catholic ethos of the school. 9. Any other applicants whose parents/carers are sympathetic to and supportive of the Catholic ethos of the School. Additional Information 1. The parents/carers of those children whom the Admissions Committee have agreed to admit as pupils at the school will be informed in writing by the Local Authority in accordance with the Coordinated Admissions Scheme. Last date for offers to be accepted by parents will be determined by the Local Authority in accordance with the Admissions Scheme. 2. The parents/carers of those children whose application for a place in the school was unsuccessful will be informed in writing by the Local Authority in accordance with the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme with reasons for the Admissions Committee not offering a place and a description of the rights of the parents to lodge an appeal against the decision, including details of how and to whom such an appeal should be lodged. A waiting list for admission to Reception Class of those children who have not been offered a place in the school will be maintained by the Local Authority, and such a list will rank children in strict order of priority, in accordance with the criteria indicated previously. This ranking is however dependent on further applications being received and can therefore change. 3. All applications received after the deadline will be considered in accordance with the admissions criteria, but after those submitted on time. 4. Parents of children who have special physical and medical needs are invited to visit the school and meet the Headteacher and view the accommodation and resources available. 5. St Bede’s Parish Church newsletter will publish diary dates for parents to schedule a time in the church diary to meet the Priest to sign their Priest’s Reference Forms (PRF). 6. St Bede’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery will publish dates and times for parents to present their completed forms to the Governors along with supporting documentation. Definitions: * Siblings of (a) pupil(s) who would still be attending the school (Reception to year 6) at the time of admission. Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent /carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. ** Distance will be measured in a straight line or by the shortest walking route from the front door of the child’s home address, including flats, to the main entrance of the school, using the local authority computerised measuring system; this information is provided by the Local Authority. 54 Online admissions: ***Regularly is a practising Catholic who attends Mass every Sunday and Holy Days. Practising Catholic means “Regular worship” with attendance at Sunday Mass or Saturday Vigil Mass unless there are extenuating circumstances, fully supported in the priest’s reference. ****Catholic means a Baptised member of the Church in full communion with the See of Rome. This will normally be evident by a certificate of reception into full communion of the Catholic Church. ***** “Looked after child” means any child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them (eg. children with foster parents - see Section 22 of The Children Act 1989). It also includes children who have been adopted ie previously looked after. Deferred Entry Parents/carers offered a place before the child is of compulsory school age may defer their child’s entry until later in the school year. You would not however be able to defer your child’s entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, or beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. Where entry is deferred the place must be held for that child, and cannot be offered to another child. Nursery Applications 1. The Governing Body has determined that the same Admissions Policy, arrangements and criteria shall apply to all applications for Nursery places in St Bede’s Catholic Primary School Nursery. 2. The Governing Body has set its planned admission number to the Nursery as 26 pupils per session. Applicants must note that gaining a place in the Nursery does not constitute the subsequent guarantee of a place in Reception class or give any priority for entry to Reception the following September. A separate application MUST be made to the Local Authority in which you live for admission to Reception. 3. A separate application for the Nursery is required. In-year admissions Applications for in-year admissions are made in the same way as those made during the co-ordinated admissions round for Reception places. If a place is available and there is no waiting list, then the Governing Body will admit the child. If more applications are received than there are places available, then applications will be ranked by the Governing Body in accordance with the criteria indicated previously. This ranking is however dependent on further applications being received and can therefore change If a place cannot be offered at this time, then you may ask us for the reasons and you will be informed of your right of appeal. You will be offered the opportunity of being placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained by the Local Authority in accordance with the criteria indicated previously and not in the order in which the applications are received. When a place becomes available, the Governing Body will determine who is at the top of the list so that the Local Authority can inform the parent that the school is making an offer. The Governing Body reserves the right to withdraw the accepted offer of a place at the school where incorrect and/or misleading information has been given at the time of applying for a school place – particularly, if this denies a place at the school to a child with a legitimate claim. Although parishioners of St. Bede’s are given priority for entrance to the school, residence within the Parish boundaries does not guarantee a place at the school. This policy, reviewed annually, replaces all previously published criteria of admission. 55 Online admissions: SS Peter & Paul’s Catholic Primary School Admission Criteria for 2012/2013 Applicants for admission will be considered from parents or guardians who desire a Roman Catholic education for their children. For all children of Roman Catholic parents, the Priest’s Reference Form should be completed and signed by the Parish Priest. The term “Practising” in relation to the catholic faith refers to obligations laid down on Catholics by the Code of Canon Law, primary that of the obligations to assist at Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of obligation. Regularity will be determined from the Priest’s reference. In the event of over-subscription the Admissions Committee of the Governing Body of SS Peter and Paul’s School will apply the following over subscription criteria: Catholic Applicants Applications received within criteria 1-7 are required to provide original Baptism Certificate (exception can be made for criteria 1) and signed Priest Reference Form (PRF). Applications received within criteria 8-9 are required to supply signed PRF. 1. Looked after children from Catholic families¹. 2. Siblings² of baptised Catholic children living in the parishes of SS Peter and Paul’s Church and SS Mary and Erconwald’s Church who have a practising Catholic parent³ who attends Mass regularly. 3. Baptised Catholic children living in the parishes of SS Peter and Paul’s Church and SS Mary and Erconwald’s Church who have a practising Catholic parent³ who attends Mass regularly. 4. Siblings of baptised Catholic children living in a parish other than those given in 2-3 above who have a Catholic parent who attends Mass regularly. 5. Baptised Catholic children living in a parish other than those given in 2-3 above who have a Catholic parent who attends Mass regularly. 6. Siblings of baptised Catholic children whose parents desire a Catholic education for their children. 7. Baptised Catholic children whose parents desire a Catholic education for their children 8. Siblings of non-baptised children of a Catholic parent whose application is supported by their Parish Priest. 9. Non-baptised children of a Catholic parent whose application is supported by their Parish Priest. Other Christian traditions, other faiths and other applicants Applications received within criteria 10-12 are required to provide evidence of baptism/dedication and practice, supported by their religious leader where applicable. 10. Looked after children from other faith/applicants¹. 11. Children of other Christian denominations, whose parents regularly practise their faith, and whose application is supported by the appropriate Minister of Religion. 12. Children of non-Christian faiths at least one of whose parents regularly practice their faith and whose application is supported by an appropriate Faith Leader of Religion 13. Any other applicants. ¹ ‘Looked after children’ means any child in care of a local authority, this includes children in the care of foster parents and includes previously looked after children. It also includes children who have been adopted or become subject to a special guardianship order. 56 Online admissions: ² ³ Those applicants who have siblings attending SS Peter and Paul’s School at the time of admission will take precedence in each category. Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister. Parent(s) refers to person(s) who have legal parental responsibility for the applicant. Where the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places within each criteria, those living closest to the school will be given priority. Using public roads and footpaths, the shortest measured walking distance from the child’s home as determined by the Local Education Authority’s Geographic Mapping System. Details of Parish Boundaries can be obtained from the relevant Parish Priest, Diocesan Offices or from the school. When admission to the school is refused parents have a right to appeal against the Admissions Committee’s decision. Such appeals should be made in writing and addressed to the Clerk of the Appeal Panel. School Admission Arrangements and Criteria for 2013/2014 SS Peter & Paul’s Catholic Primary School is situated in the Diocese of Brentwood and is a voluntary aided school within the London Borough of Redbridge. 1. In consultation with the Diocesan Trustees, Children’s Services Authority (CSA) and the requirements of the law the Governing Body is responsible for determining and administering the policy relating to the admission of pupils to the school. The Governing Body has delegated responsibility for determining admissions to its Admissions Committee. 2. In statutory consultation with the CSA and others, the admissions number for September 2013 is 60. As required by law, the Governing Body will not admit any more than 30 pupils to any one reception or infant class. 3. Parents seeking a place in the school for the child in the academic year 2013/2014 must make application using the Common Application Form (CAF) and Supplementary Information Form (SIF), which will be available from 1 September 2012. The Common Application Form, which may be completed and submitted on-line at, is to be returned to the Children’s Services Authority (CSA), Lynton House, Ilford, by the closing date required by the CSA. Catholic families will also complete the Diocesan Priest’s Reference form available from Catholic Primary Schools. This is to be returned, signed, by the Priest at the Church you attend by the closing date. 4. The Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and Other Christian Traditions and Other Faith Applicants Reference Form will be available in the application booklet and are to be returned to the school of application. 5. Notification of offers will be sent to parents by the Children’s Services Authority (CSA) at a date to be determined by the CSA. Last date for offers to be accepted will be determined by the CSA. 6. Parents whose applications are unsuccessful have a right to appeal against the Governing Body’s decision. Details and contact information will be contained in the notification letter from Children’s Services Authority (CSA). 7. The CSA will maintain a waiting list. New applicants in higher categories than those on the waiting list will take priority should places become available. 8. Statemented Children The Governing Body will work in full co-operation with the appropriate agencies to ensure such applications are processed in accordance with the Code of Practice for Children with Special Educational Needs. 57 Online admissions: Please note: The Governing Body would expect all applicants to be sympathetic of the Catholic ethos of the school. In the event of over-subscription, failure to provide a fully completed Supplementary Information Form (SIF) or Priest’s Reference Form (if applicable) will mean that the Admissions Committee may have insufficient information to prioritise the information. This may result in your application being ranked in the lowest category. Wanstead Church School Admissions Procedure 2013/14 The School welcomes all applications for enrolment in the School and has 30 places to offer for the reception class in each academic year. Criteria for the allocation of places The words in bold have meanings which are set out in the DEFINITIONS section below. It is very important that you read these and the IMPORTANT INFORMATION section below that. Places will be offered to applicants in the following order: (As required by law, children with a statement of special educational needs naming the School will be admitted.) 1. “Looked after” children and previously looked after children. 2. Baptised children with a sibling at the School from families who have worshipped regularly at either Christ Church or St Mary’s in the Parish of Wanstead and are recorded members of that parish. 3. Baptised children with a sibling at the School from families who have worshipped regularly at either St Gabriel’s, Aldersbrook or Holy Trinity, Hermon Hill and are recorded members of the relevant parish. 4. Baptised children from families who have worshipped regularly at either Christ Church or St Mary’s in the Parish of Wanstead and are recorded members of that parish. 5. Baptised children from families who have worshipped regularly at either St Gabriel’s, Aldersbrook or Holy Trinity, Hermon Hill and are recorded members of the relevant parish. 6. Baptised children with a sibling at the School from families who have worshipped regularly at any church affiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance and are recorded members of that church. 7. Children with a sibling at the School from families who are not members of any church referred to previously. 8. Baptised children from families who have worshipped regularly and are recorded members of a church affiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance and is situated in the local government wards of Snaresbrook or Wanstead. 9. Baptised children from families who have worshipped regularly at any Anglican church within the London Boroughs of Redbridge, Waltham Forest or Newham and are recorded members of the relevant church. 10. Baptised children from families who have worshipped regularly at any church affiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance and are recorded members of the relevant church. 11. Remaining places will be offered in order of proximity to the School at the date of application. Where there are more applications satisfying any category, places will be offered in order of proximity to the School at the date of application. 58 Online admissions: In-Year Admissions Applications for in-year admissions are made in the same way as those made during the normal admissions round. If a place is available then the Governing Body will communicate any offer of a place to the family. If more applications are received than there are places available then applications will be ranked by the governing body in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. Definitions Sibling Brother or sister, whether whole, half, adopted or step; provided that the applicant child is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. For a sibling of the applicant child to be treated as being at the School, the sibling must have a place to attend the School on the day the applicant child would start attending should they secure a place. Families who have worshipped regularly Worship at least twice a month for the two years preceding the application by at least one parent and the applicant child. Parent includes adoptive parents, any person with ‘parental responsibility’ as defined by the Children Act 1989 (or any substitute legislation) or a recognised guardian. Those who have recently moved Where a family has moved within the two years preceding the application and a parent is a recorded member of a relevant church but the family’s period of regular worship at that church is less than two years, the family will be treated as having worshipped for two years provided that they worshipped regularly at a church of the same denomination as they now worship at for long enough immediately before moving that when added to the period of worship at the qualifying church the whole period totals two years and this is verified by a reference from the minister of the church formerly attended. Baptised child Baptised according to the rites of any branch of the Christian church and so recognised by the Church of England, or blessed within a service of thanksgiving. Recorded member For a Church of England church this means that at least one parent (see definition above) is at the date of application on the electoral roll of the relevant parish (not the electoral roll of the relevant local authority). To be listed, the parent should contact the priest or electoral roll officer of the relevant church. For non Church of England churches, at least one parent should be on any list of membership maintained by that church at local level. In order of proximity to the School Priority to those living closest as measured by the London Borough of Redbridge using the system they operate at the relevant time, based on the shortest measured walking distance from the child’s home to the School using public roads and recognised footpaths. When measurements involve flats in the same block, the distance will be to the entrance of each individual flat. Should there be more than one applicant for a final place living an identical distance from the school, the random allocation facility will be used from the Authority’s system. IMPORTANT INFORMATION References For applications in categories 2 to 6 and 8 to 10 a reference from the priest/minister of the relevant church will be required to verify church membership and frequency of worship. For churches without a minister, a churchwarden or elder may provide such a reference. This reference will constitute the sole evidence of church attendance and membership save in very exceptional circumstances. Waiting list Where the School is oversubscribed the governors will, at a parent’s written request to the Head Teacher, hold such unsuccessful applications on file and allocate places should they become available on the basis of the oversubscription criteria set out above. 59 Online admissions: Deferred Entry In accordance with legislation, parents can defer their child’s entry to reception until the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday but not beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. Parents should make this known to the school when initially accepting the place offered. Appeals Parents of children who fail to gain places may appeal to an independent panel. Notification of any appeal must be addressed to the Clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel, c/o Wanstead Church School. The School will then advise the parents in writing of the appeal procedure. Nursery Applications for the nursery will be considered using the same criteria as for the School. Nursery application forms are available from the School office. Completed nursery applications should be either returned to the School direct or via the priest/minister for reference (if necessary). Admission to the nursery does not guarantee admission to the School. 60 Online admissions: Places Offered at Redbridge Faith Schools for Reception Intake 2012 Denominational (faith) Schools Places Available Applications received by deadline* Places Offered Aldborough E-ACT Free School 60 111 60 Avanti Primary School 120 79 120 Sibling Distance 7 53 All places were offered 4 3 8 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 4 2 2 2 3 18 Clore Tikva School 60 95 60 2 years or more non orthodox -child in nursery 2 years or more non orthodox child not in nursery 2 years or more orthodox - child in nursery 6 months - 2 years non orthodox child not in nursery 6 months – 2 years orthodox – child in nursery 6 months - 2 years orthodox - child not in nursery Jewish child in nursery not synagogue members Jewish children – not synagogue members not in nursery Less than 6 months non orthodox – child not in nursery No SIF Non Jewish children in nursery Non Jewish children not in nursery Non Jewish sibling in nursery Non Jewish sibling not in nursery None (NSV) Sibling of a Jewish child who will be in school Ilford Jewish Primary School 60 79 46 All places offered Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School 60 175 60 Bapt Cath OLOL Sibs, Bapt, OLOL 31 29 12 10 4 4 3 4 1 5 14 3 St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School 60 182 60 Bap Cath- Parent attend Mass always Bap Cath -parent attend Mass always - Sibling Bap Cath-Parent attend Mass always -Sibling Outside area Bap Cath – Parent attend Mass always- outside area Bap Cath-Parents do not attend Mass Bap Christ –parent attend church regularly Bap Christ-parent attend church regularly- Sibling Children from non Christian families-supp -sibling Children from non-Christian families- supported Non Christian- not supported sibling St Antony’s Catholic Primary School 60 183 60 Living in St. Thomas Looked After/Statemented Siblings 32 1 27 60 Bap Cath no attend Mass reg, desire Cath Ed Baptised practising Catholics from 4 parishes Baptised practising Catholics from 4 parishes (sib) Baptised practising Catholics neighbour parish Baptised practising Catholics neighbour parish (sib) Baptised practising, other Christian denominations Cath parents to be baptised within 6 months 1 26 16 7 6 2 2 60 BC NP - Attend Mass BC NP - Attend Mass - Sibling BC Parish SB - Attend Mass BC Parish SB – Attend Mass - sibling 10 3 26 21 57 1)SEN 10)Non-Bap child Cath family, PRF 12) Bap Christian, supp faith Ref, sibling 13) Bap Christian, supp Faith Ref 14) Non- Christian Faith, supp by Faith Ref, sibling 15) Non-Christ faith, supp by Faith Ref, 2) Looked after children from Catholic families 3) B/C SSPP, SSME, PRF sibling 4)B/C SSPP,SS M&E PRF 5) B/C other parish, PRF, sibling 6) BC other parish, PRF 1 1 1 2 2 13 1 16 13 5 2 30 Churches Snaresbrook and Wanstead No Sibling CC & SM No Sibling SG & HT Other siblings Sibling – Churches together Sibling CC &SM 1 11 4 1 1 12 St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School St Bede’s Catholic Primary School St Peter & St Paul’s Catholic Primary School Wanstead Church School Places offered in accordance with individual faith schools criteria for 2011/12 60 60 60 30 169 173 163 116 *Includes all preferences 1-6 for applications received by the deadline of 15 January 2012 NB Co-ordination of admissions is based on an equal preference system that uses parental ranking to offer highest named school. This is only an indication of the academic year 12/13 intake and does not reflect accurate guidance for future allocations. Allocations continue to be made to schools where vacancies exist. 61 90 60 90 60 60 90 60 90 90 Farnham Green Primary School Fullwood Primary School Gearies Infant School Gilbert Colvin Primary School Glade Primary School Goodmayes Primary School Gordon Infants School Grove Primary School Highlands Primary School 60 Coppice Primary School 90 90 Cleveland Infants School Fairlop Primary School 120 Churchfields Infants School 60 150 Christchurch Primary School Downshall primary School 90 Chadwell Primary School 120 90 Barley Lane Primary School Cranbrook Primary School 90 Places Available Aldersbrook Primary School Community Schools 62 336 267 197 324 157 146 361 331 169 216 297 416 101 405 502 585 375 387 169 Applications received by deadline* 89 89 59 90 62 61 91 61 92 91 60 123 61 91 120 147 61 88 88 Places Offered 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Looked After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exceptional 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEN 50 19 17 34 23 29 39 68 41 56 39 32 54 35 26 37 58 67 28 63 30 29 60 91 31 36 62 Distance 34 24 31 59 31 62 60 55 30 52 26 Sibling 0.539 0.647 1.445 0.645 8.119 0.274 0.681 0.686 2.490 6.988 0.426 0.866 0.899 0.266 0.498 0.534 0.300 0.419 3.222 Last distance allocated miles All places at community primary and infants’ schools were offered in accordance with the Authority’s published admissions criteria 2012/2013. Places Offered at Redbridge Community Primary and Infants’ Schools for Reception Intake 2012 Online admissions: 63 120 120 Winston Way Primary Woodlands Infants’ School 307 429 231 244 316 270 357 123 267 78 291 427 444 347 158 194 154 177 132 119 88 91 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 60 58 90 90 88 90 91 123 61 122 61 122 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Allocations continue to be made to schools where vacancies exist. * Allocations as at 18.04.12 includes agreed accepted pupils * Includes all preferences 1-6 for applications received by the deadline of 15 January 2012 NB Co-ordination of admissions is based on an equal preference system that uses parental ranking to offer highest named school. This is only an indication of the academic year 12/13 intake and does not reflect accurate guidance for future allocations. 90 William Torbitt Primary School 90 Redbridge Primary School 45 90 Ray Lodge Primary School Wells Primary School 90 Parkhill Infants’ School 120 90 Oakdale Infants’ School Uphall Primary School 90 Nightingale Primary School 90 120 Newbury Park Primary School South Park Primary School 60 Mossford Green Primary Sch 60 120 Mayespark Primary School Snaresbrook Primary School 60 Manford Primary School 60 120 Loxford School of Science & Techonology Roding Primary School 60 John Bramston Primary School 58 46 37 21 59 44 26 23 37 20 39 40 47 45 13 46 25 12 25 61 42 54 24 58 45 34 34 53 70 49 50 44 78 48 74 36 110 34 0.819 0.371 2.173 0.868 0.353 0.515 0.787 1.532 0.898 3.492 0.806 0.799 0.852 1.762 1.927 2.372 1.314 3.336 2.822 Online admissions: Online admissions: Appeal Statistics for Redbridge Community Primary / Infants’ Schools for Admission to Reception 2012 School Appeals Heard Appeals Dismissed Appeals Allowed Barley Lane Primary 4 4 0 Chadwell Primary 1 1 0 Christchurch Primary 14 12 2 Churchfields Infants 12 12 0 Cleveland Infants 4 4 0 Cranbrook Primary 2 2 0 Downshall Primary 1 1 0 Fairlop Primary 2 2 0 Fullwood Primary 5 3 2 Gearies Infants 2 2 0 Glade Primary 1 0 1 Goodmayes Primary 4 4 0 Grove Primary 4 3 1 Highlands Primary 10 10 0 John Bramston Primary 1 1 0 Manford Primary 1 0 1 Mossford Primary 1 1 0 Nightingale Primary 12 10 2 Oakdale Infants 4 4 0 Parkhill Infants 2 1 1 Redbridge Primary 5 5 0 Snaresbrook Primary 8 8 0 South Park Primary 3 3 0 Uphall Primary 6 6 0 Wells Primary 2 2 0 William Torbitt Primary 1 1 0 Winston Way Primary 1 0 1 Woodlands Infants 2 2 0 Appeal statistics for Redbridge Faith Schools for Admission to Reception 2012 School Appeals Heard Appeals Dismissed Appeals Allowed Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary 10 9 1 St Antony’s Catholic Primary 9 9 0 St Augustines Catholic Primary 1 1 0 St Bede’s Catholic Primary 6 4 2 SS Peter & Paul’s Catholic Primary 3 3 0 64 Online admissions: A description of Year Groups Year groups 2013/14 Key Stage Year Group Age Dates of Birth Foundation R 4-5 1.9.08 - 31.08.09 Y1 5-6 1.9.07 - 31.8.08 Y2 6-7 1.9.06 - 31.8.07 Y3 7-8 1.9.05 - 31.8.06 Y4 8-9 1.9.04 - 31.8.05 Y5 9-10 1.9.03 - 31.8.04 Y6 10-11 1.9.02 - 31.8.03 Y7 11-12 1.9.01 - 31.8.02 Y8 12-13 1.9.00 - 31.8.01 Y9 13-14 1.9.99 - 31.8.00 Y10 14-15 1.9.98 - 31.8.99 Y11 15-16 1.9.97 - 31.8.98 Y12 16-17 1.9.96 - 31.8.97 Y13 17-18 1.9.95 - 31.8.96 Infants Key Stage 1 Junior Key Stage 2 Secondary Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Sixth Form 1.9.94 - 31.8.95 REDBRIDGE SCHOOLS RULE! 65 Online admissions: Redbridge Primary Schools The following community primary mixed day schools are maintained by the London Borough of Redbridge: Name Headteacher Address & Telephone Aldersbrook Primary Ms M Mann Harpenden Road, Wanstead E12 5HL (020 8989 0210) 636 5-11 90 Barley Lane Primary Mrs L Lewis Huxley Drive, Chadwell Heath Romford RM6 4RJ (020 8590 8474) 686 5-11 90 Chadwell Primary Miss M Jackson High Road, Chadwell Heath Romford RM6 4EU (020 8590 1242) 472 5-11 60 Christchurch Primary Mr K Baskill Wellesley Road, Ilford IG1 4LQ (020 8478 5560) 943 5-11 150 Churchfields Infants Miss L Hook Churchfields, South Woodford E18 2RB (020 8505 0386) 479 5-7 120 Churchfields Juniors Ms W.Thomas Churchfields, South Woodford E18 2RB (020 8504 4650) 474 7-11 120 Cleveland Infants Miss E Smith Cleveland Road, Ilford IG1 1EW (020 8478 3613) 330 5-7 90 Cleveland Juniors Mr D Visvanathan Cleveland Road, Ilford IG1 1EW (020 8478 3601) 480 7-11 140 Coppice Primary Mrs J Coton Manford Way, Chigwell IG7 4AL (020 8708 0740) 510 5-11 60 Cranbrook Primary Mrs J Leverton The Drive, Ilford IG1 3PS (020 8518 2562) 818 5-11 120 Downshall Primary Mr I Bennett Meads Lane, Seven Kings, Ilford IG3 8UG (020 8590 2157) 515 5-11 60 Fairlop Primary Ms G Brannan Colvin Gardens, Hainault, Ilford IG6 2LH (020 8500 3857) 729 5-11 90 Farnham Green Primary Mrs E Quirk Royal Close, Off Farnham Road, Ilford, IG3 8UY (020 8599 1206) 533 5-11 90 Fullwood Primary Mr D Visvanathan 21-24 Burford Close, Barkingside, Ilford, IG6 1ER (020 8551 3288) 474 5-11 60 Gearies Infants Mr R Drew OBE Waremead Road, Gants Hill, Ilford IG2 6TF (020 8550 1803) 337 5-7 90 Gearies Juniors Mrs A Hanch Gants Hill Crescent, Ilford IG2 6TD (020 8550 4755) 364 7-11 90 Gilbert Colvin Primary Ms D Wiles Strafford Avenue, Clayhall, Ilford IG5 OTL (020 8550 4630) 464 5-11 60 Glade Primary Mrs A Walsh Atherton Road, Clayhall, Ilford IG5 OPF (020 8708 0200) 470 5-11 60 Goodmayes Primary Mrs M LopezStewart Castleton Road, Ilford IG3 9RW 621 5-11 90 Gordon Infants Ms R Greaves Golfe Road, Ilford IG1 1SU (020 8478 2977) 225 5-7 60 Grove Primary Mrs D Webb Chadwell Heath Lane, Romford RM6 4XS (020 8590 3611) 505 5-11 90 66 No. on Roll January 2012* & age range Admissions limit 2013 at normal age of admission Online admissions: Highlands Primary Mrs M H Buttress Highlands Gardens, Ilford IG1 3LE (020 8554 0044) 706 5-11 90 John Bramston Primary Miss A Jennings Newcastle Avenue, Hainault Ilford, IG6 3EE (020 8500 4640) 477 5-11 60 Loxford School of Science and Technology Loxford Lane, Ilford IG1 2UT (020 8514 4666) Primary provision opened Sept 2011 Mrs A Johnson Manford Primary Miss T Jacobs Manford Way, Chigwell IG7 4BX (020 8500 2143) 547 5-11 60 Mayespark Primary Mrs E Bradshaw Goodmayes Lane, Ilford IG3 9PX (020 8599 2263) 759 5-11 120 Mossford Green Primary Mr L Polden Fairlop Road, Barkingside, Ilford IG6 2EW (020 8550 1602) 322 5-11 60 Newbury Park Primary Mr C Whitehead Perrymans Farm Road, Ilford IG2 7LB (020 8554 6343) 902 5-11 120 Nightingale Primary Mrs E Barrett Ashbourne Avenue, South Woodford E18 1PL (020 8989 9987) 693 5-11 90 Oakdale Infants Mrs H Hunwicks Woodville Road, South Woodford E18 1JU (020 8989 7895) 345 5-7 90 Oakdale Juniors Mrs L Snow Oakdale Road, South Woodford E18 1JX (020 8989 7471) 350 7-11 90 Parkhill Infants Miss M A Mersh Lord Avenue, Clayhall, Ilford IG5 ODB (020 8550 1730) 378 5-7 90 Parkhill Junior Mrs D HughesMulhall Lord Avenue, Clayhall, Ilford IG5 ODB (020 8550 5253) 362 7-11 90 Ray Lodge Primary Miss J Haddock Snakes Lane East, Woodford Green IG8 7JQ (020 8504 7301) 654 5-11 90 Redbridge Primary Mrs C Buxton College Gardens, Ilford IG4 5HW (020 8551 7429) 713 5-11 90 Roding Primary Mr G Alderton Roding Lane North, Woodford Bridge, IG8 8NP (020 8504 3706) 505 5-11 60 Snaresbrook Primary Mr J Snow Meadow Walk, South Woodford E18 2EN (020 8989 9975) 487 5-11 60 South Park Primary Ms D Keigwin Water Lane, Seven Kings, Ilford IG3 9HF (020 8590 1496) 818 5-11 90 Infant Dept 124 Junior Dept Uphall Primary Ms S Ramsey Uphall Road, Ilford IG1 2JD (020 8478 2993) 938 5-11 120 Wells Primary Mrs J Henderson Barclay Oval, Woodford Green IG8 OPP (020 8708 0500) 362 5-11 45 William Torbitt Primary Mrs P Hinds Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford , IG2 7SS (020 8590 4970) 683 5-11 90 Winston Way Primary Mr M Mahoney Winston Way, Ilford IG1 2WS (020 8478 5626) 674 5-11 90 Woodlands Infants Mrs L Kapovic Loxford Lane, Ilford IG1 2PY (020 8478 3769) 490 5-11 120 Woodlands Junior Mrs J McGrath Loxford Lane, Ilford IG1 2PJ (020 8478 4612) 476 7-11 120 67 142 5-18 120 Online admissions: The following Catholic, Church of England, Hindu and Jewish Primary Schools are maintained by the London Borough of Redbridge: Name Headteacher Address & Telephone No. on Roll January 2012* & age range Admissions limit 2013 at normal age of admission Avanti Court Primary Mr J Biddulph Carlton Drive, Barkingside, Ilford IG6 1LZ School opening in Sept 2012 Clore Tikva Jewish Primary Mrs L Rosenberg Fullwell Avenue, Barkingside, Ilford , IG6 2JN (020 8551 1097) 477 5-11 60 Ilford Jewish Primary Mrs R Levin Carlton Drive, Barkingside, Ilford IG6 1LZ (020 8551 4294) 371 5-11 45 Our Lady of Lourdes Mr M Poulter Catholic Primary Chestnut Drive, Wanstead E11 2TA (020 8989 9521) 471 5-11 60 St Aidan’s Catholic Primary Ms H Brown Benton Road, Ilford IG1 4AS (020 8590 5223) 466 5-11 60 St Antony’s Catholic Primary Miss C Curtis Mornington Road, Woodford Green IG8 OTX (020 8504 4706) 472 5-11 60 St Augustine’s Catholic Primary Mrs D Doyle Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, Ilford IG2 6RG (020 8554 1919) 466 5-11 60 St Bede’s Catholic Primary Mrs J McGrath Canon Avenue, Romford RM6 5RR (020 8590 1376) 470 5-11 60 St Peter and St Paul’s Catholic Primary Mr J Johnson Gordon Road, Ilford IG1 1SA (020 8478 1267) 473 5-11 60 Wanstead Church School Mr P Lewis Church Path, Wanstead E11 2SS (020 8989 6001) 241 5-11 30 5-11 120 The following school is maintained by central government in Redbridge Opened September 2011: Aldborough E-ACT Free School Miss N Percy Aldborough Road South, Seven Kings Ilford, IG3 8HZ (020 8166 8348) 107 5-11 60 * Number on roll includes nursery pupils Please note: In cases where a primary school organises more classes in a year group than the current admissions limit for that year group, those pupils on the waiting list will be automatically admitted up to the number of pupils for that school as if a further form of entry had been created. This will be subject to the numbers in classes not exceeding 30 and the accommodation being both available and sustainable. Please keep this booklet while your child is at a Primary school. Please remember that we are dealing with many children at once and are trying our best to please all parents. If you have any queries, we will do our best to help you. Please Note: The information in this booklet was accurate at the time of printing and applies to the school year September 2013 - August 2014. There may have been changes since then. Children’s Services, August 2012 The Children’s Service is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. 68 Online admissions: 36 BROCKE AY TW 23 RO OK RO E AD MP SS RE AV 12 ALDBO ROUG H RD .S TH . 2 43 L H HIG E LAN EN GRE 47 38 18 RD E LAN A406 39 22 LOX RD FO NE LA DRIVE ILFO 7 34 H SOUT PARK N TO NS WI 35 Aldersbrook Primary Aldborough E-Act Free School Barley Lane Primary Chadwell Primary Christchurch Primary Churchfields Inf/Jnr Cleveland Inf/Jnr Coppice Primary Cranbrook Primary Downshall Primary Fairlop Primary Farnham Green Primary Fullwood Primary Gearies Inf/Jnr Gilbert Colvin Primary Glade Primary Goodmayes Primary Gordon Infants’ Grove Primary Highlands Primary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 John Bramston Primary Loxford School Of Science and Technology Manford Primary Mayespark Primary Mossford Green Primary Newbury Park Primary Nightingale Primary Oakdale Inf/Jnr Parkhill Inf/Jnr Ray Lodge Primary Redbridge Primary Roding Primary Snaresbrook Primary South Park Primary Uphall Primary Wells Primary William Torbitt Primary Winston Way Primary Woodlands Inf/Jnr 69 3 D 4 17 D ROA WAY 46 OA H R HIG 10 T 5 UE EN 19 LANE 26 BARLEY HORNS ROAD CR A AL 20 CH AD 37 E D ROA CR ANBROOK AD R O AD E O RK RIV PA AR R ED L AD TE IRCU C NS WA RTH NO 1 DE RS B 9 45 NEW NE LA TH MB CA AVEN U EASTERN K PAR GE RID AD RO 21 TH HEA 48 42 41 13 NB RO 14 RO AD D ROA L WEL 27 W S EN RD GA RO AD NG LO 31 D OO STREE LL CH IGW E HER M ON HIL L UE 33 RTH 25 29 OK AV EN RD T RES FO EY RO ROAD HIGH M1 1 CLAYHALL AVENUE D FO ROAD FO R M HAINAULT WO OD NO 40 16 28 WOOD FORD ROAD LL HI 15 A406 11 D OO SW 6 32 M TO AD MOTORWAY ME RO AD NEW FENCEPIECE ROAD D OA AD RO Y WA MAN FORD 30 BR 8 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 24 GOODMAYES LANE 44 HI G HR OA D School Name and Map Reference The material contained in this plot has been reproduced from an Ordnance Survey map with permission of the Controller of HMSO © Crown Copyright. L.B. Redbridge 100017755 and MSA agreement No. DRED104. All rights reserved. Subject to distortion on copying. Faith Schools Avanti Court Primary Clore Tikva Primary NEW Ilford Jewish Primary 40 41 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary 42 St Aidan’s Catholic Primary 43 St Antony’s Catholic Primary 44 St Augustine’s Catholic Primary 45 St Bede’s Catholic Primary 46 SS Peter & Paul’s Catholic Primary Wanstead Church School 47 48 Please note: This map is for illustrative purposes only. Please contact the Admissions Team if you live close to the boundary or if your road does not appear. Online admissions: Have you registered online and completed your application via eAdmissions? Please remember to submit the final version of your application by the deadline of Tuesday 15 January 2013. eAdmissions closes at 23:59hrs. If you have applied online and are applying for a faith school: You should download from the Redbridge Council website eAdmissions the Supplementary Information Form(s) - SIF for the faith school(s) you are requesting. Note: Each faith school has its own Supplementary Information Form. Please read the form carefully as it will tell you which documents you will need to provide. Catholic schools also require a Priest’s Reference Form or Other Faith’s Reference Form as appropriate which are available from the school itself. Return your completed Supplementary Information Form(s) and additional documents (as requested on the form) by the deadline of 15 January 2013. The form should be returned directly to the school. Your child’s application for a school place will not be considered unless you return the Common Application Form by: Tuesday 15 January 2013 You can also apply using the forms at the back of this Booklet. Complete, tear along the dotted line and return your Common Application Form by the deadline of 15 January 2013 to: Children’s Services, Primary Admissions, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1NN. Please remember to return any Supplementary Information Form(s) and additional documents to the faith school(s) directly by 15 January 2013. + ✗ If you are applying online please do not complete additional paper application forms as this may cause delays. Whether you are applying online or by paper, please send in photocopies of at least 3 documents to confirm your residence. Please see page 18 for details of which documents are acceptable. Keep this book for future reference! The Common Application Form and Supplementary Information Forms now follow... 70 w Online admissions: PART 1 | COMMON APPLICATION FORM Application for Primary / Infant Schools -Reception 2013 For children born between 01.09.2008 to 31.08.2009 All sections of this form must be completed (in block capitals in black ink). Please complete both sides. If you live in Redbridge, please use this Common Application Form to apply for a place at any community, academy, free school or any faith school whether these are in or outside of Redbridge. If you live outside of Redbridge, you must apply to the council where you live. Do not complete this form if you are applying online at You must return your Common Application Form by 15 January 2013 to: Children’s Services, Primary Admissions, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford , Essex IG1 1NN Late Applicants - If your form is not received by 15 January 2013, your child will be considered as a late applicant and will only be considered after those received by the 15 January 2013 deadline have been dealt with. tear along here No school places are guaranteed You must apply for a school place even if your child is in the nursery of your preferred school Child's Details First Name(S) Surname Date of Birth Male / Female (delete as applicable) Child's Address Details Child’s current address Postcode How long have you lived at this address? ……………years………months Parent/Carer Details Relationship to child: Responsibility Yes / No Title Forename Surname Phone Day Evening Mobile “Looked After Children” those who are in the public care of a Local Authority or previously looked after children (including children living in children’s homes, foster care and unaccompanied minors): Please tick here if this applies to the above named child and provide documentary confirmation from the Local Authority. Please now turn over and complete Part 2 71 w Online admissions: PART 2 | COMMON APPLICATION FORM You can name up to 6 primary schools you would like your child to attend whether they are in Redbridge or in other boroughs. Each of the schools you name below will be considered equally. Only if your child can be offered a place at more than one of your named schools (whether in Redbridge or another borough) will we look at the order in which we have listed the schools. If this happens you will be offered the school highest on your application. So you must decide which school you want most and put this school at the top of your application. Places are allocated strictly in accordance with each school’s admissions criteria and you will need to take this into account when naming your preferred schools. Please read this booklet for details of how the places are allocated at schools in Redbridge. If the school is not in Redbridge, you should contact the Borough responsible for information on how places are allocated. School Name (and borough if not in Redbridge) Please give name & date of birth of any other child (sibling) already attending this school Please give reasons for requesting this school (e.g religious grounds, any special needs, sibling used to attend, or parent employed by school and in what capacity). Please give any details of difficulties like medical or psychological conditions your child may have. You will be sent further details of how your case will be considered. (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Please Note: If you are applying for a faith school (i.e. Catholic, Jewish, Hindu or Church of England) you should complete the relevant Supplementary Information Form (SIF) by 15 January 2013. Each Supplementary Information Form will tell you where to return it. For Catholic schools you will also be required to have a Priest’s Reference Form or Other Faith’s Reference Form completed. These can be obtained from the school itself. If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs Please tick here Please provide photocopies of proof of your residence (at least three items must be attached). The following documents are acceptable: Your most recent Council Tax Statement or Payment slip/book Utility Bills, e.g Gas/Electricity/landline phone (dated within three months) Rent book Tenancy agreement and copy of your Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme or other deposit protection as applies to the tenancy Tax credit award notice (TC602) for the current financial year 2012/13 UK Driving Licence Data Protection: The details provided on this form may also be sent to other boroughs / schools / government departments in order to process your child’s application and monitor data. The Authority must protect the public funds and may use the information to prevent and detect fraud. We may also share this information, for the same purposes, with other organisations, which handle public funds. I understand that in the event that it becomes apparent that any of the above information I have provided is fraudulent, the Children’s Services Authority reserves the right to withdraw any place at a school that has been offered. Signed (parent / guardian) ………………………………………………………… Date …………/……………/………… IF YOU REQUIRE A RECEIPT FOR YOUR APPLICATION, PLEASE ATTACH A STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO YOUR APPLICATION FORM, MARKED PRIMARY ADMISSIONS IN THE BOTTOM CORNER. 72 Online admissions: AVANTI COURT PRIMARY SCHOOL 2013/2014 Admissions, Avanti Court Primary School, Carlton Drive, Barkingside, Ilford Essex, IG6 1LZ Supplementary Information Form (SIF) for Reception class for September 2013 IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Please ensure you have applied to your local education authority on their form and listed this school as one of your preferences. 2. Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS and all necessary enclosures to: Admissions, Avanti Court Primary School, Carlton Drive, Barkingside, Ilford Essex, IG6 1LZ by 15 January 2013. 3. Section 1 should be completed by Parent/Guardian. 4. Section 2 should be completed by representative of a Hindu temple. Section 1 CHILD’S DETAILS First name(s) Surname Date of Birth Gender (M/F) PARENT/GUARDIAN DETAILS Title First name(s) Surname Relationship to child Home/contact address (including postcode) Daytime telephone no E-mail Address Mobile I confirm the above information is correct Parent/Carer Signature Date Please now turn over and complete Section 2 73 w Online admissions: Section 2 (To be completed by a Hindu temple priest or representative) Please tick only one box as appropriate: The family regularly attend our Temple. To the best of my knowledge, the family is not Hindu. HINDU TEMPLE DETAILS Temple name Temple address (including postcode) Priest’s name Position Contact number/s Email In signing below, I certify that the applicant is personally known to me and that the above provided information is correct. Signature and official temple stamp: Date 74 Online admissions: CLORE TIKVA PRIMARY SCHOOL 2013/2014 Clore Tikva Jewish Primary School, Fullwell Avenue, Barkingside, Ilford, IG6 2JN Supplementary Information Form for school year commencing September 2013 PLEASE READ THESE NOTES CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM Applications for admission to Clore Tikva School are governed by the Admissions Policy. Please complete one Application Form for each child. The form may be copied. Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS. Please enclose proof of Jewish identity e.g.proof of Synagogue membership. Please return the form and all necessary enclosures to the Headteacher, Clore Tikva Primary School, 115 Fullwell Avenue, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex IG6 2JN by 15 January 2013 Your child’s application may not be considered unless you have completed both this Supplementary Form and your Council’s Common Application Form by 15 January 2013 tear along here Child’s first name(s) Child’s surname Date of birth Home address Post code Tel. Number Mobile No: Name of person(s) to whom correspondence should be sent Mother’s full name Father’s full name Mother’s Daytime telephone number Father’s Daytime telephone number Contact e-mail: Contact e-mail: Please now turn over and complete Part 2 75 w Online admissions: If you are members of a current Synagogue, please name. (Please give dates of this Synagogue membership (from-to) If you have been members of a previous Synagogue prior to your current membership, please name: (Please give dates of this Synagogue membership (from-to) Please note that parents will need to submit proof of any stated membership, including date of joining and length/duration of membership and the SIF will be sent to the appropriate synagogue for verification of date of joining and length of membership. I/We declare that the above information is true and correct Signed Status (Parent/Guardian) Name(s) (CAPITALS) Date Please return your completed Supplementary Information Form to: Clore Tikva Jewish Primary School Fullwell Avenue Barkingside Ilford IG6 2JN In order for your child’s application to be considered, you must also complete and return the Common Application Form or apply on-line, by 15 January 2013, naming this school on your application. 76 Online admissions: ILFORD JEWISH PRIMARY SCHOOL 2013/2014 Ilford Jewish Primary School, Carlton Drive, Barkingside, Ilford IG6 1LZ Supplementary Information Form for school year commencing September 2013 PLEASE READ THESE NOTES CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM 1. Supplementary Information Forms for admission to Ilford Jewish Primary School are governed by the School Admissions Code. 2. Please complete one Supplementary Information Form for each child. The form may be copied. 3. Please complete this form in BLACK INK, PRINT CLEARLY and in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS. 4. Please return the Supplementary Information Form by 15 January 2013, directly to the school: Ilford Jewish Primary School, Carlton Drive, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex IG6 1LZ Child first name(s) Child’s surname tear along here Date of birth Male/Female Home address Post code Tel. Number Names(s) of siblings who currently attend or have previously attended Ilford Jewish Primary School at the date of admission Name of person(s) to whom correspondence should be adressed Mother’s Full Name Father’s Full Name Mobile Phone Number(s) Email Address If you are members of a synagogue, please name I/We declare that the above information is true and correct Signed (Parent/ Guardian) Name(s) IN CAPITALS Date 77 Online admissions: Please return your completed Supplementary Information Form to: The Headteacher Ilford Jewish Primary School Carlton Drive Barkingside Ilford Essex IG6 1LZ In order for your child’s application to be considered, you must also complete and return the Common Application Form or apply on-line, by 15 January 2013, naming this school on your application. 78 Online admissions: WANSTEAD CHURCH SCHOOL 2013/2014 WANSTEAD CHURCH SCHOOL Wanstead Church School, Church Path, Wanstead E11 2SS Supplementary Information Form BOTH PARTS OF THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED TO WANSTEAD CHURCH SCHOOL NO LATER THAN 15 January 2013 Part 1: To be completed by the Parent(s)/Guardian(s). Please ensure that you have read the DEFINITIONS and IMPORTANT INFORMATION in the Admissions Criteria before doing so Full Name of Child ______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Child’s Birth _____________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s (or Guardian) Name ______________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ tear along here _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Postcode _______________________________ Home Telephone No ___________________________________ Name of church attended_____________________________________________________________________ Demonination______________________________________________________________________________ Please tick here if you have applied to the School either for a child with a statement of special needs naming the School or for a looked after or previously looked after child. Do not then complete the rest of this form – hand it to the School without passing to a priest/minister Tick here if you are on the electoral roll of an Anglican church or are on the Membership list of a church of another denomination Tick here if your family has attended worship at least twice a month for at least two years prior to the date of this application. Please note that if your family has attended worship at your current church for less than 2 years an additional reference from the priest or minister of the church previously attended will be required if your application is to be placed higher than category 11 (category 7 if there is a sibling attending the school) Tick here if you are including a copy of your child’s certificate of baptism / thanksgiving Please give below the names and dates of birth of any sibling who will be attending THIS school ON THE DATE OF ADMISSION: Name _________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________ Name _________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________ Name _________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________ I certify that this information is correct and apply for a place at the school. w Signed_________________________________ Dated ___________________________________________ 79 Online admissions: Part 2: To be completed by your Parish Priest/Minister Full Name of Child ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Name____________________________________________________________________ For Church of England applicants only: Please tick here if one or both parents (guardians) are on the electoral roll For applicants from denominations other than the Church of England: a) Please tick here if your church is affiliated to Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance b) Please tick here if your church does not maintain a local membership list similar to the electoral roll in Anglican churches, in which case ignore c) below c) Please tick here if one or both parents (guardians) are on the list of membership maintained by your church Please tick the category which most closely describes this family’s circumstances The family has attended worship at least twice a month for at least the two years immediately preceding the date of application The family has attended worship at least twice a month for less than two years immediately preceding the date of application The family has attended worship less regularly than twice a month The family is not known to me Name (block capitals) _______________________________________________________________________ Position __________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Postcode _________________________ Telephone number ______________________________________ Signed ______________________________________ Dated ______________________________________ Definitions for the use of those writing references: A family’s attendance at worship means at least one parent and the applicant child. Parent includes adoptive parents, any person with ‘parental responsibility’ as defined by the Children Act 1989 (or any substitute legislation) or a recognised guardian. Once completed, please return this Supplementary Information Form by 15 January 2013 to Wanstead Church School, Church Path, Wanstead E11 2SS. 80 Online admissions: Supplementary information form for all Catholic Primary Schools in London Borough Of Redbridge St Aidan’s St Antony’s St Augustine’s St Bede’s Our Lady of Lourdes SS Peter & Paul’s A copy of this form must be returned by 15 January 2013 to each of the schools, listed above, that you have applied to. Practising Catholic applicants, as well as other faith applicants, must also collect a Priest / Faith Leader reference form, as appropriate, from one of the schools listed above. These can also be downloaded from each school website. This should be taken to your Parish Priest or Faith Leader. Once the form has been signed and copied it should be returned to each of the schools you have applied to. Child’s Christian/Forename: __________________________ Surname: _____________________________________ Chosen Name: ____________________________________________ Gender: Male/Female (please circle) Date of Birth: ___________________________________ tear along here Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Post Code: ____________________ Telephone Number: Home _____________________________________ Mobile: ___________________________ Mother’s full name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Father’s full name: ______________________________________________________________________________ All correspondence to be addressed to: _____________________________________________________________ Religion of Mother: __________________________________ Religion of Father: ___________________________ Where was your child baptised? ___________________________________________________________________ Child’s Date of Baptism: __________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Date of First Holy Communion if applicable: ____________________________________________________ I can confirm that all the information I have given on this form is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I have given any false information, this may invalidate my application. Along with this Application Form, you must present the originals of the following documentation: ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Your child’s Baptismal Certificate Your child’s First Holy Communion Certificate (if applicable) Priest Reference Form or Faith Leader Form Your Council Tax Bill, Housing Benefit or Council Tenancy Agreement for the current year A utility bill dated within three months of this application i.e. gas, electricity, water etc I wish for my child to be educated in a Catholic School. Signed: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ (Parent/Carer) 81 Online admissions: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Received by:___________________ Date:________________ Receipt No:_____________________ _ Copies of the following documentation attached to this application: Baptismal certificate First Communion certificate (if applicable) Priest Reference Form or Faith Leader Form Proof of address (1) Proof of address (2) 0/S Category: Sibling: Exceptional Circ (Y/N): Distance: Please return your completed Supplementary Information Form to the school for which you are applying. In order for your child’s application to be considered, you must also complete and return the Common Application Form or apply on-line, by 15 January 2013, naming this school on your application. 82 Online admissions: Other Christian Traditions and Other Faith Applicants Reference Form St Aidan’s St Antony’s St Augustine’s St Bede’s Our Lady of Lourdes SS Peter & Paul’s A copy of this form must be returned by 15 January 2013 to each of the schools, listed above, that you have applied to. 1. Name of Religious Leader: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Post Code: ____________________ Telephone Number: ___________________________________________________________________________ tear along here 2. Name of Child: ____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Parent(s)/Guardian: ____________________________________________________________________ Home address: ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Declaration by the Religious Leader I declare that the above named family: (please tick correct box) Is known to me Is not known to me Is a practising family Official Stamp Is not a practising family 4. Religious Leader’s signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________________________ This completed form should be sent to the school by 15 January 2013, by either yourself, or your Religious Leader (include a stamped self-addressed envelope if you want to receive a confirmation of receipt). You will also need to arrange for copies of the following documents to be sent to the School: proofs of residence including your current Council Tax Bill, and one of the following: utility bill dated within the last three months / tenancy agreement. You must also name this School on your common application to your Borough (whether online or paper form). 83 Online admissions: Sc ds Neighbouring Local Authorities The following list gives contact details for neighbouring local authorities. 1. LONDON BOROUGH OF BARKING AND DAGENHAM School Admissions Room 6A Barking Town Hall Barking, Essex, IG11 7LU Telephone 020 8215 3004 Web: Email: [email protected] Public Access: One Stop Shop 2 Town Square Barking, Essex, IG11 7LU 2. ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL School Admissions County Hall, Market Road Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1LX Telephone: 0845 603 2200 Web: Email: [email protected] 3. LONDON BOROUGH OF HAVERING School Admissions 9th Floor, Mercury House Mercury Gardens Romford, Essex RM1 3SL Telephone: 01708 434 600 Web: Email: [email protected] 4. LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM Pupil Services Section Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road London E16 2QU Telephone: 020 8430 2000 Web: Email: [email protected] 5. LONDON BOROUGH OF WALTHAM FOREST School Admissions Silver Birch House House, Uplands Business Park Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, London, E17 5SD Telephone: 0845 200 1551 Web: Email: 84 CHILDREN’S SERVICES Admissions & Awards, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 1NN Tel: 020 8708 3147 / 3127 i applied for my child’s school place on Redbridge i London Borough of Redbridge, PO Box 2, Town Hall, Ilford, Essex IG1 1DD your neighbourhood online
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