Sand Creek Zone Curriculum Map

Sand Creek Zone Curriculum Map
Subject: Social Studies
Student Expectation
Q1 Change Happens
History Standard 1:
1. Describe patterns and
chronological order of events of
the recent past.
Geography Standard 2:
2. People in different groups and
communities interact with each
other and the environment.
Grade: 1
Student Friendly Learning Objective (SLO)
I can…
 Use words related to time, sequence and change
 Identify parts of a calendar
 Identify past personal events and arrange them in chronological
 Identify how community activities differ due to physical and
cultural characteristics
 Compare and contrast neighborhoods in different places
Quarter: 1 - 4
Level of thinking
Arrange, chronological,
identify, examples,
relationships, alike, different,
past, history, events, self,
family, evidence, source
change, patterns, community,
relationships, Time,
sequence, physical and
cultural characteristics, place
Sand Creek Zone Curriculum Map
Subject: Social Studies
Student Expectation
Q2 My Country ‘Tis of Thee
History Standard 1:
2. Family and cultural traditions
in the United States in the past.
Geography Standard 2:
2. People in different groups and
communities interact with each
other and the environment.
Civics Standard 4:
2. Notable People, places,
holidays, and patriotic symbols.
Grade: 1
Student Friendly Learning Objective (SLO)
I can…
*Give examples of, identify and explain the meaning of American
and national symbols
*Identify significant national and community places
*Identify significant civic holidays
*Identify cultural and family traditions and their connections to
other groups and the environment
*Explain how cultural and family traditions inform decisions and
creates knowledge that is used throughout life
*Discuss characteristics of different cultures using several sources
of information
Quarter: 1 - 4
Level of thinking
celebrations, holidays,
country, songs, traditions,
relationships, Patriotic
symbols, national
community, family and
cultural traditions
Sand Creek Zone Curriculum Map
Subject: Social Studies
Student Expectation
Q3 Where in the World am I?
Geography Standard 2:
1. Geographic tolls such as maps and
globes to represent places.
Grade: 1
Student Friendly Learning Objective (SLO)
I can…
 Use maps, globe and other geographic tools appropriately
 Create simple maps showing both human and natural features,
including land and water
*Use directional vocabulary to navigate to a given location
*Say my address and explain how that helps find places on a map
Quarter: 1 - 4
Level of thinking
Label, explain, relationship,
distinguish, create, use,
recite, jobs, directions,
address, culture, traditions,
business, , schools,
neighborhoods, forward,
backward, left, right, near,
far, land, water, community,
goods, services, Human
resources, earth resources,
boundaries, physical
characteristics, geographic
tools, maps/globes, culture,
human interactions, place,
location, environment
Sand Creek Zone Curriculum Map
Subject: Social Studies
Student Expectation
Q4 The Choices I Make
Economics Standard 3:
1. People work at different types of
jobs and in different types of
organizations in order to produce
goods and services and receive an
2. Identify short-term financial goals.
Civics Standard 4:
1. Effective groups have responsible
leaders and team members.
Grade: 1
Student Friendly Learning Objective (SLO)
I can…
*Show how to be both a leader and team member
*Define short-term financial goals and provide examples
*Discuss sources of income needed to meet short-term goals
*Give examples of different types of business and the goods and
services they produce for your community
*Give examples of types of job choices available to people in your
family and community
*Identify similarities and differences between themselves and
*Document cause and effects of (financial) decision making
Quarter: 1 - 4
Level of thinking
similarities, differences,
leaders, team member,
leadership, community,
money, goal, responsibility,
income, goods, services,
community, jobs, technology,
education, skills, interests,
roles, president, mayor,
governor, producers,
consumers, choice