The Similarities between Maori and Chinese Cultures and Deeper

The Similarities between
Maori and Chinese Cultures and
Deeper Meaning of
Maori Tattoo & Marae
Song Lam,
Studies of Maori culture in the Polynesian area have
revealed important and interesting traits, many of
which are comparable to those of Chinese culture.
In this presentation, the two cultures are compared
for their similarities in language (e.g. phonological
and lexical), ethnography (e.g. legends and folklore;
wedding and funerals), social values, structures and
customs (e.g. cultural preferences and taboos, clan
structure, familial relations), and genealogical relatedness. Reflections on the deeper meaning of Maori
tattoo and Marae are also presented.
a Hong Kong teacher, is currently a bilingual
advisor for the school boards in Auckland, New
Zealand. She was the Chairperson of the New
Zealand Chinese Writers Association (19971998), and Vice –Chairperson of the Oceanian
Chinese Writers Association (1997-1999). Her
publications include several award-winning
books such as The Maori of New Zealand
(1998), What do Children Learn in NZ School
(1999) and Famous New Zealanders (2006).
Refreshment provided.
11 am –12 pm, Friday
May 15, 2015
Location: Room 207, International Center
Brock University,573B Glenridge
Avenue, St.Catharines
RSVP: [email protected] by May 11