Career Success Profile for ESTJ

Career Success Profile for ESTJ
Extravert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging Type
Before embarking on a challenging journey, most of us would find it helpful to
have a really good roadmap. Finding a satisfying career certainly qualifies as one
of the most challenging and important journeys we’ll ever take.
Think of this Career Success Profile as your “pre-roadmap briefing” – a highlevel look down the road at both your ideal destination, and the best advice about
how to get there. And while it doesn’t provide all the details (for purpose of this
analogy, which exits, and streets to take) it will absolutely get you started in the
right direction!
Part One is your Career Success Profile which will give you valuable insights
into your career-related needs, strengths, potential blind spots, unique career
satisfiers and customized tips for succeeding in your job interviews.
To insure that you reach your destination (a truly satisfying career) in the least
amount of time, we’ve created Part Two – My Personal Job which
you can learn more about at the end of this report.
Over twenty-five years of ground-breaking research into what leads people to
find the most satisfying and successful careers went into developing this Profile.
Building on the work of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers, I’ve helped more than
one million people find greater satisfaction and success in their work through my
breakthrough book Do What You Are.
Why is Knowing Your Personality Type So Important?
Personality type is a critical ingredient in career satisfaction because it helps
people identify four of the most important features that make us who we are: how
we get energy, how we take in information, how we make decisions and how we
organize our world. And while every individual is certainly unique – we all have
different genes, parents, backgrounds, etc. – people of the same personality type
have a tremendous amount in common, especially with regards to what makes
them satisfied and successful in their work.
Quite simply, when we are using our natural, inborn personality type preferences
(yes, you are born with a type!), people feel energized, motivated and satisfied.
Conversely, when we are doing tasks that are not natural to us, it drains our
energy and we are less successful. Makes sense, doesn’t it? The “old” approach
to career counseling was to match a career with a person’s values, interests, and
abilities – all important ingredients. However, all of these change over time. The
only factor that remains constant over the entire course of a person’s lifetime is
their Personality Type.
A Brief Description of ESTJs
Much of this description should sound like you, but not every word, since every
individual is unique. To help you confirm your type, you may ask someone who
knows you well to also read this Profile and discuss their perceptions with you.
Your Personality Type is ESTJ, which stands for Extravert, Sensing, Thinking,
Judging, which represent approximately 12-15 percent of the American
Logical and analytical, ESTJs are natural leaders and quick decision makers.
Their serious, no-nonsense approach to life inspires confidence and trust in the
people with whom they live and work. Respected for their objectivity and
fairness, ESTJs live by a code of behavior that includes working hard and always
acting ethically. Consistent and impartial, they are seldom accused of playing
favorites or acting capriciously. People of their word, ESTJs are thoroughly
committed to their families and the organizations to which they belong, and they
are willing to make the tough decisions when necessary. ESTJs are consummate
project managers, and regardless of the nature of the task to be accomplished or
whether they do it as part of their job or for fun, they are talented at realistically
sizing up a situation, setting goals, determining available resources, and
organizing and supervising those around them to make sure the job gets done
correctly and in the most efficient manner.
Most comfortable in structured, organized environments, ESTJs like to establish
strict ground rules and want all expectations to be clear and consistent. They are
loyal team players who are more interested in maintaining than challenging the
status quo. They respect authority and expect others to do the same. Practical
and realistic, ESTJs consider it important to be accurate with facts and pay close
attention to details. They are particularly good at using resources wisely, sticking
to their budgets, and making informed, careful investments.
But ESTJs may inadvertently act insensitively at times. Because they are not
focused on the emotional side of life, they sometimes don’t stop to consider or
find out how people feel about an issue before making a decision. They are
often very outgoing and friendly, but ESTJs are also highly competitive and have
a strong need to be in control. Typically strong-willed and very verbal, they can
frequently intimidate less assertive people.
Traditional and conservative, ESTJs prefer to stay with familiar and tested ways
of doing things, so they rarely have much enthusiasm for experimental
approaches. Since they don’t adapt particularly easily to change, they can
challenge the need for it, sometimes forcefully. Effective opponents, they are
most convinced by hard facts and sound reasoning.
Because ESTJs focus primarily on the present, they may fail to appreciate how
current actions may affect the future, and they are not particularly good at
anticipating future needs or forecasting future trends. They tend to make quick
decisions and sometimes rush to judgment before they have carefully and
thoroughly considered all their options. Once they’ve made up their minds, they
are difficult to convince otherwise. But when ESTJs slow down and take the
extra time to listen patiently to the suggestions of others, they often find the
added perspective helps them make better choices for themselves and others.
Your Key Career Satisfiers
For a career or job to be satisfying for you, it must contain certain elements I call
“career satisfiers.” For ESTJs, that often includes work that: (Here are four of the
top ten).
1. Lets you work systematically, organizing facts, policies, or people, and use
time and resources efficiently toward a logical conclusion
2. Lets you use mastered skills while working on concrete and straight
forward assignments with clear specifications, using your strong reasoning
3. Lets you be productive, organizing the necessary steps and resources,
following established procedures, and setting and meeting deadlines
4. Lets you make decisions and have a great deal of control and
responsibility; where your opinions, recommendations, and experience are
considered important
Your Interviewing Strengths
The secret to acing your job interviews is to capitalize on your natural strengths.
Four of the top ten strengths common among ESTJs are:
1. Being friendly and verbal; creating an easy flow of information
2. Staying on task, responding directly to each question
3. Being organized; planning what you want to say and staying within
allotted time
4. Having a well-documented, traditional job history
Part 2: Developing Your Custom Job Search Roadmap –
a practical guide with proven techniques for landing the right job
As noted earlier, your Career Success Profile provides a good overview and first step.
But because finding the right career is such an important, time consuming, and often
stressful process, many job seekers need additional help. To provide just this type of
support, I’ve created – an interactive, on-line coaching
session which I lead you through, that also includes a personal telephone consultation
with a master career counselor.
The result of this unique program is a 100% customized Job Search Road Map, which
A complete listing of all of your career satisfiers
A comprehensive list of dozens of target careers
A job selection matrix tool to help you compare target job options
An accurate inventory of your most valuable transferrable skills
Customized strategies for conducting the most successful job search
The retail price of is $49.00. But your organization has
arranged for you to receive a 20% discount, for a total, one-time price of $39.00.
To preview this program, please go to and
if you wish to purchase, insert the code emailed to you by your organization in
the Coupon Code box.
I wish you the best.
Paul D. Tieger
Author of Do What You Are and
Creator of