Word Power Made Easy PDF Capsule 60

Word Power Made Easy PDF Capsule 60
Add to your Vocabulary with 5 new words! Word Power Made Easy PDF Capsule 60
brought to you by Testbook's team of experts! Today's words: Resumption,
Brusque, Burgeoning, Caveat, Concede! #VocabPDF #WordPowerMadeEasy
#WordsOfTheDay #LearnEasy #EnglishIsEasy #Testbook #BlogPower
#ShareKnowledge #ShareYourLove
Vocabulary is an important part of SBI Clerk, SBI PO, SSC CGL and other exams. A
major portion of the question paper tests your knowledge on vocabulary. To help you
prepare, Testbook brings you a list of commonly asked words in any competitive
exam. What’s more, we also serve you with some easy tricks up your sleeve to
remember these words and ace your paper. Download the PDF to revise later. Here’s
Word Power Made Easy PDF Capsule 60.
Resumption (noun)
Hindi translation: पुनरारं भ
Meaning: Action of beginning something after a pause
Memory Tip: Resumption → Résumé → When I wanted to apply for
resumption of my job after a two year break, I had to prepare a fresh
Use in Sentence: The resumption of trade between the two countries after a bitter
war brought about prosperity in both nations.
Brusque (adjective)
Hindi translation: अशिष्ट
Meaning: Speaking or behaving rudely or without thinking
Memory Tip: Brusque → brus + que → brush + queue → He will brush
past you in the queue and not even apologise because he is brusque.
Use in Sentence: His brusque speech and mannerisms quickly made him the
person to avoid in college.
Burgeoning (verb, present participle)
Hindi Translation: तेजी से बढ़ते
Meaning: Flourishing OR Growing Fast
Memory Tip: Burge + Oning → Burger + morning → I ate a burger at night
and by morning I was already burgeoning at the belly.
Use in Sentence: The burgeoning Roman empire was brought to a standstill by the
Barbarian invasions.
Caveat (noun)
Hindi translation: चेतावनी
Meaning: A type of warning (usually hidden).
Pronounced: Kav-ee-at
Memory Tip: Cave + at → If you are at the caves, you need to be careful.
This is a warning.
Use in Sentence: He told me I could buy two dozen apples for the price of one – the
caveat he conveniently forgot to mention was that he charged twice as much as the
market price of one dozen apples.
Concede (verb)
Hindi translation: स्वीकार करना
Meaning: Admit something is true after denying it initially.
Pronounced: Kun-Seed
Memory Tip: Con + Cede → कौन + सीढ़ी (steps) → First I thought कक कौन सीढ़ी
चढ़े गा but then I conceded that I need to lose weight. So I climbed the
Use in Sentence: I kept arguing with the professor that my essay deserved more
marks but when he showed me my classmate’s essay, I conceded that he had
marked me fairly.
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