Treaty of Versailles - The Axholme Academy

Treaty of Versailles:
Woodrow Wilson & Treaty of Versailles
Georges Clemenceau & Treaty of Versailles
Lloyd George & Treaty of Versailles
Woodrow Wilson & Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles: Territory
Alsace & Lorraine to France; Malmedy & Eupen to Belgium
His 14 Points included:
League of Nations / No Secret Treaties [peace]
Independence for Poland / Belgium /[self determination]
Freedom of the Seas
P;osen / Polish Corridor to Poland; North Schleswig to Denmark
Saar to League of Nations [for 15 years]; Colonies to LoN [ruled by GB
& France] [D]
Germany lost 12% of its coal and 50% of its steel production so became
much poorer. [E]
He wanted everyone to disarm and colonies to get independence
Germany had less resources so was less able to pay reparations—and
failed to do so in 1923. [A]
Lloyd George & Treaty of Versailles
Georges Clemenceau & Treaty of Versailles
In Public: Make Germany pay for the war [so he wins the 1918
Revenge. Northern France was wrecked, 1.3 million casualties,.
Germany must pay and never be able to attack France again—and can
we have Alsace back.
In private: Not too harsh—Germany is UKs major trading partner, if
they are too poor they can’t trade. Also, very poor countries may
become Communist, a threat to capitalism.
Compensation—a large part of the French borders was destroyed. As
they retreated the Germans blew up French mines. Clemenceau
wanted Germany to pay for repairs.
French leaders wanted the Saar and Rhineland to become an
independent country by Clemenceau did not agree if this meant
upsetting GB & USA.
Treaty of Versailles:
Treaty of Versailles:
War Guilt
League of Nations:
Treaty of Versailles:
Treaty of Versailles: War Guilt
Treaty of Versailles: Military
Article 231 says Germany excepts full responsibility for the war. [D]
Army 100,000 men only. No tanks, no armoured cars, no gas.
German’s felt this was unfair as Austria had attacked Serbia
first and GB declared was on Germany. [E]
No aircraft. No submarines, only 6 warships of 10,000 tons.
By agreeing to war guilt it meant that Germany could be
punished—that is, it justified all the things done to Germany.
No troops within 50km of the French Border [Demilitarization of the
Rhineland] [D]
Germany’s army was reduced to no more than a police force—it could
not defend itself. [E]
Germany could not stop France and Belgium marching troops into the
Ruhr in 1923 when Germany couldn’t pay its reparations. [A]
Treaty of Versailles: Reparations
League of Nations: Membership:
Germany was to pay £6,600 million to the Allies.
GB & France: Belonged throughout. Italy: 1919– left in 1937.
This was to be paid for in money, goods, like coal and steel and the
trademark for aspirin. [D]
Japan: 1919– left in 1933. Germany: Not allowed to join as war guilt.
Allowed in 1926 Hitler walked out in 1933. USSR: Not allowed to join as
Communist. Allowed in 1934. Thrown out 1939 for invading Finland. USA:
Never joined. [D]
Germany became very poor, Reparations took a huge
amount of taxes. [E]
Germany could not afford reparations. The Government
needed money and printed cash. This lead to Hyper inflation
and economic collapse. [A]
Without USA sanctions would not work—it was the richest country. GB and
France put their interests before the League. [E]
France & GB didn’t support the league in Abyssinia so why should
anyone else. GB gave up on the League and turned to Appeasement.
Military restrictions
War Guilt
What did Woodrow Wilson Want?
What did Lloyd George want?
What did Clemenceau Want?
Look at the Treaty. What did each
leader get that he wanted.