What we do – Serve - Moose International

What we do – Serve Incoming Grand Regent Cathleen Russell WOW! WOW! Those were the first two words that came out of my mouth the minute that I opened that letter I know will forever change my life. For those of you that know me I am sure that it comes as no surprise that the tears started flowing. These tears flow most often when I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, or when my heart is truly touched by the act of another, and at that moment that is exactly what I felt. A million thoughts rushed into my head immediately. I finished reading the letter with trembling hands and an adrenaline rush like I have never felt before.
I immediately thought of the Grand Regents that I have had the opportunity to serve with. I have had the utmost respect and admiration for each one of them. I would be following in the footsteps of Grand Regent Carolyn Allen. I am looking forward to serving with Carolyn again, and know that I will learn a lot from her. Most of you don’t realize that Grand Regent Carolyn took my place to serve as the Official Visitor last March when a medical emergency kept me from a visit to Alaska. She had my back then, and I am sure that she will have my back this year, in fact, I’m counting on it. I read that letter again, and again to make sure that it wasn’t a dream. I have received similar letters in the past, but for the very first time there was one word that stood out – SERVE. I could not get that word out of my mind. I soon realized that if I had to choose one word to describe what the Women of the Moose means to me I would choose the word serve. It’s the purpose of our organization, it truly is what we do best. When we serve others we become a better person. For those of you here at your first International Conference I can tell you that I remember like it was yesterday sitting in the audience listening to the Grand Regent conduct the meeting and Page 1 of 3
Posted on: 08/10/2012
thinking “I could never do what she’s doing”. Yet today I stand before you excited and willing to serve the Women of the Moose in the biggest honor I have ever had. As I stand before you today I can also tell you that my being here is the direct result of a sponsor and a chapter that invited me to serve. The beauty of being a Woman of the Moose is that there are so many ways to serve based on the unique talents of each individual co‐worker. Some talents we are born with, and some of them develop from experiences that we have, and challenges that we conquer. SERVE – as the co‐worker that shares the story of our beloved Mooseheart and Moosehaven, and in doing so invites family, friends and acquaintances to join the Women of the Moose. When you sponsor new members you help ensure the growth of our chapters and also bring new life and new ideas. Membership growth is so important to our continued success.
SERVE – as the co‐worker who gets a positive image of the Women of the Moose out into our communities through volunteering in community service projects. Make sure that you have chapter approval so that your community service hours can be reported. Also make sure they know that you are representing the Women of the Moose. SERVE – as the person to redirect and motivate if your chapter is struggling. If there is a lack of harmony in your chapter serve as peacemaker. Make sure that the co‐workers in your chapter see you as the person that respects and values everyone, both in your words and your actions.
SERVE – as the co‐worker that comes up with new and fun ideas for fund raising. Think outside the box and try something new. When a new idea is presented remember to encourage, not discourage. While you are doing the activity invite other co‐workers to help you, so that you get everyone involved in the fun. SERVE ‐ on a special committee, audit committee, chairman, appointed officer or perhaps an officer of your chapter. If co‐workers are encouraging you to run for an office understand that they see in you qualities of a leader, and they have faith in your ability to serve the chapter successfully. While serving in these capacities make sure that you stay current with, and follow the rules and regulations, they are in place for a reason.
Most importantly, SERVE as a mentor to your co‐workers. Be that positive role model that inspires others to do things they never imagined they could do. Let others know that you have faith in them and see something in them that they don’t always see in themselves. I have so many mentors in my Women of the Moose membership who have developed me into what I am today. Thank you for your confidence in me to accomplish things I never dreamed I could do. Thank you for giving me the strength to accept new challenges without too much fear, knowing that any challenge conquered is an opportunity for growth.
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Posted on: 08/10/2012
Supporting me in this new chapter in my life will be my husband Ray. In the four years that we have been married he has supported me 100% in serving the Women of the Moose. He truly understands how important a part of my life this is. He is the love of my life, and literally is THE reason I am alive. I can’t wait to share the experiences this year will offer with him. I am so very proud and humbled to be given the opportunity to serve as YOUR Grand Regent. As I begin this year I am reminded of the words at the entrance to the Mooseheart campus – Enter to Learn – Leave to Serve. This year will certainly provide me with an opportunity to do both. I look forward to working with the Boards and Grand Council this year, and having the opportunity to share my passion and devotion to the Women of the Moose with each of you. I hope to see you in Milwaukee at the International Conference. What an exciting experience that will be as we celebrate the centennial of the founding of Mooseheart Child City and School. Page 3 of 3
Posted on: 08/10/2012