Unit 4 Study Guide: India The soul or spirit, after death, can begin a

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Unit 4 Study Guide: India
Define the following vocabulary terms in your own words:
The soul or spirit, after death, can begin a new life
in a new body
Social class of people
Behaviors that are considered to be in accord with
the order that makes life and the universe possible,
and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and
"right way of living" your life.
a person sent on a religious mission, especially one
sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country..
Think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of
Winds that blow across East Asia
Long period of dry weather
a large, distinguishable part of a continent that
seems separate from the land mass
Religious texts brought by the Aryans to India
When a person is released from the effects of
karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It
represents the final goal of Buddhism.
Directions​: Identify India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the U.S. on the world map.
Directions​: Label the following features on the map below.
Indus River, Ganges, River, Brahmaputra River, Hindu Kush, Himalayas, Karakoram,
Khyber Pass, Deccan Plateau, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Great Indian Desert,
Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal.
Hindu Kush
Khyber Pass
Great Indi
Deccan Plateau
East Ghats
Western Ghats
Bay of Bengal
Arabian Sea
Indian Ocean
Directions​: Answer the following questions in c​ omplete sentences.
1. Who are the Aryans?
The Aryans were “invaders” from Central Asia
2. Which geographic occurrence led to the creation of the Himalayan Mountains?
The tectonic plate of India smashed into the Asian plate millions of years
3. The Indian subcontinent is very dependent on the seasonal rains that are provided by
The summer monsoons from the Indian Ocean.
4. What challenge, faced by early Indian civilizations, do people in India still face today?
Early Indian civilizations faced flooding, as do Indians today.
5. Why does the subcontinent experience such large amounts of rainfall during the wet
The summer monsoon brings warm, moist air in from the ocean and
deposits in on the windward side of the Himalayan mountains.
6. Why are India’s winter monsoon winds are dry and cool?
Summer monsoons come from the ocean while winter monsoons come
from Central Asian winds.
7. Which rivers begin in the Himalayan Mountains?
The Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra rivers.
8. Why is the Indian subcontinent isolated from much of the rest of Asia?
The Himalayan Mountain range separates India from the rest of Asia
9. What is the main agricultural crop produced in the delta of the Ganges River?
10. In regards to government, how were the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were
Both governments had a big role in protecting the food supply.
11. What are some aspects of city planning in Ancient Indian Civilizations?
Grid streets, public plumbing, public baths, natural air conditioning, etc.
12. Where would a person traveling to India today most likely notice caste-based divisions?
In the economically-underdeveloped rural areas.
13. Why are there such a large number of gods and goddesses in Hinduism?
To Hindus, all forms of life, as well as all forms of beauty and value, are
considered divine beings.
14. Buddhism is based on the life and teachings of
a Hindu prince who searched for enlightenment
15. The basic beliefs of Hinduism come from
the Vedas, an Aryan holy text
16. How did Hinduism start?
Hinduism developed from the religion that the Aryans brought to India
with them and combined with the Dravidian religions of the time.
17. Which group most contributed to the early spread of Buddhism throughout Asia?
Traders because they came in contact with so many people.
18. Why would a Hindu pursue dharma?
If they don’t pursue living their life as best they can, they will come back
as a lower life-form.
19. Which factor contributed most to the spread of Buddhism throughout India?
India was controlled by a Buddhist ruler
20.Why did Emperor Ashoka have thousands of stupas built across India?
He wished to support the spread of Buddhist worship throughout his
21. What action(s) did Ashoka take to spread Buddhism?
He sent missionaries throughout India and to other parts of Asia and built
22. What was the main value underlying the laws and edicts issued by Emperor Ashoka?
23. Why are they important to India’s history?
Without non-violence, India’s religions were able to prosper without
24. How did the caste system impact Indian society?
On one hand it was beneficial to have prescribed jobs for the people,
but on the other, every lower class was discriminated against by the
upper classes.
25. According to the belief of reincarnation, faithful followers of Hinduism will be born
​ igher life-form​ in their next life.
into a h
26.What/who was Siddhartha Gautama before he became the “Buddha”?
A hindu prince
27. What is the cure for human suffering?
To be free of desire and eliminate all selfish desires.
28. What is the Middle Way?
The eightfold path of Buddhism between getting what you want and
avoiding everything you want.
29.Why do Buddhists follow the Eightfold Path?
They believe this is the path to enlightenment and being released from
suffering into nirvana.
30.How did geography influence the life of people living in Mohenjo-Daro?
First, the Himalayan mountains provided the source of the Indus River
and its valley. The river flooded very consistently and deposited
nutrient-rich silt along its path, giving farmers fertile soil and cities
surplus food. Second, the climate was very mild most of the year thanks
to the Himalaya blocking the winter winds from Central Asia. Third, the
cities were very peaceful due to their isolation.