ARKANSAS ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE The Arkansas Archeologist, Bulletin of the AAS ***PRICING INCLUDES SHIPPING AND HANDLING*** Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 consist of ten numbers per year with approximately 200 pages per volume. Volume 5 consists of nine numbers. The tenth was never produced. Included are site reports, excavation reports, instruction, methods, newsletter items, and other interesting and nostalgic information. Volume 1 1960 Volume 2 1961 Volume 3 1962 Volume 4 1963 Volume 5 1964 Complete Set: (photocopied) (photocopied) (photocopied) (photocopied) (photocopied) $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 (CD) (CD) (CD) (CD) (CD) (CD) $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $15.00 Volume 6, No.1, 1965 (20 pages) (photocopied) $4.00 (CD) $ 5.00 A House Pattern from the Dupree Site; by John Moselage The Dupree Site in Retrospect; by C.R. McGimsey III Archeological Application of Aerial Photography; by Jack E. Porter Bluff-top Indian Site; by John House A Survey of the DeGray Reservoir Area; by C.R. McGimsey III and Hester A. Davis New Radiocarbon Dates for Southwest Arkansas Volume 6, Nos.2-3, 1965 (40 pages) (photocopied) $7.00 (CD) $5.00 Test Excavations at the J.R. Marrett Site 23DU12, Southwest Missouri; By Richard A. Marshall Faunal Remains from Bluff Shelters in Northwest Arkansas; by Charles E. Cleland Volume 6, No.4, 1965 (20 pages) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 The Holman Creek Site, 3MA28; by Royal Mapes A Burial on White River; by Virginia Shiras What IS a Radiocarbon Date?; by C.R. McGimsey III Volume 7, Nos.1-2, 1966 (40 pages) (photocopied) $7.00 (CD) $5.00 An Introduction to Parkin Prehistory; by Hester A. Davis Volume 7, No.3, 1966 (20 pages) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 Westward Ho! In 3WH4; by Charles A. Figley The Hardin Point: An Interim Analysis Report; by Alden Redfield Volume 7, No.4, 1966 (20 pages) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 Excavations in Prall Shelter (3BE197) in Beaver Reservoir, Northwest Arkansas; by Ronald A. Thomas and Hester A. Davis Volume 8, No.1, 1967 (20 pages) (photocopied) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 Paleo-Indian in Arkansas; by Hester A. Davis Ceramic Pipe Chronology along the Red River Drainage in Southwestern Arkansas; by Michael P. Hoffman Reunited; by Hester A. Davis How About Those Strainers?; by Hester A. Davis Volume 8, Nos.2-3, 1967 (36 pages) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 The Gant Site (3MS11), Mississippi County, Arkansas; by E. Wyllys Andrews V Volume 8, No.4, 1967 (24 pages) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 Evidences of the Marksville and Coles Creek Complexes at the Kirkham Place, Clark County, Arkansas; by S. D. Dickinson, and Harold J. Lemley (Reprint of Bulletin of the Texas Archeological and Paleontological Society, Volume 11,1939.) Volume 9, Nos.1-2, 1968 (36 pages) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 Archeological Sites and Land Leveling in Eastern Arkansas; by James A. Scholtz The Dumond Site (3AR40); by James A. Scholtz Modern Land Use Practices and the Archeology of the Lower Mississippi 1 12/2/2014 River Valley; by C.R. McGimsey III and Hester A. Davis Volume 9, Nos.3-4, 1968 (40 pages) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 Mapping a Mississippian Community near Marked Tree; by Dan F. Morse The Soc Site (3WH34); by Charles A. Figley Possible Evidence of Digging Stick Handles in the Eastern United States; by Dan F. Morse Man and Mollusks, A Story of Seashells in Archeology; by George G. Major Culture and Climatically Related Subsistence Factors in Baxter County Archeology; by John House Volume 10, Nos.1, 2 and 3, 1969 (60 pages), (photocopied) $8.50 (CD) $5.00 A REVIEW OF ARKANSAS PREHISTORY A Brief History of Archeological Work in Arkansas up to 1967; by Hester A. Davis The Role of the Amateur in Arkansas Archeology; by Charles A. Figley Introducing Northeast Arkansas Archeology; by Dan F. Morse Culture History of Southeast Arkansas; by Burney B. McClurkan Prehistoric Developments in Southwestern Arkansas; by Michael P. Hoffman A Summary of Prehistory in Northwest Arkansas; by James A. Scholtz Volume 10, No.4, 1969 (20 pages) (photocopied) $4.00 (CD) $5.00 The Shipps Ferry Site; by Bert and Louise Shoemaker (a reprint) The “Non-Nosed” God Mask; by Hester A. Davis (a reprint) The Shipps Ferry Site, 3BA7, Baxter County, Arkansas; by John H. House, Peter Shiras, and Howard M. Knight Volume 11, No.1, 1970 (20 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 Investigation of the Cemetery at the Gee’s Landing Site, 3DR17; by Patsy White Volume 11, No.2, 1970 (24 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 The Lace Place, A Dalton Project Site in the Western Lowland In Eastern Arkansas; by Alden Redfield and John H. Moselage Volume 11, Nos.3-4, 1970 (40 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 Preliminary Notes on a Recent Mastodon and Tapir Find in Northeastern Arkansas; by Dan F. Morse Excavations at Calf Creek; by Don R. Dickson Volume 12, No.1, 1971 (20 pages) (photocopied) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 Two Recent Microblade Core Discoveries in Mississippi County, Arkansas; by Dan F. Morse The Hawkins Cache: A Significant Dalton Find in Northeast Arkansas; by Dan F. Morse Volume 12, No.2, 1971 (20 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 Falling Water Falls Site: by Thelma Lee Gregoire Another Zoomorphic Locust Stone Bead from Lafayette County, Arkansas; by Clarence H. Webb Volume 12, No.3, 1971 (20 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 Skeletal Analysis of Three Bluff Shelter Burials; by H. Eugene Hickman, Jr. Reconstruction of an Arkansas Hopewellian Panpipe; by Gloria A. Young The Ashley Point; by Martha A. Rolingson Apologies, Hypotheses, and Grooved Rocks; by J. Cynthia Weber An Historic Indian Grave near Blytheville, Arkansas; by Dan F. Morse Volume 12, No.4, 1971 (20 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 Lakeport: Initial Exploration of a Late Prehistoric Ceremonial Center in Southeastern Arkansas; by Martha A. Rolingson Volume 13, No.1-2, 1972 (40 pages) (photocopied) $7.00 (CD) $5.00 Preliminary Report on the 1972 Excavations at the Ferguson Site (3HE63); by Frank Schambach Certification for Amateurs; by Charles R. McGimsey III So What Else Went On?; by Hester A. Davis The Arkansas Training Program in Archeology Volume 13, No.3-4, 1972 (40 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 The Cryer Manifestation: Definition and Tentative Placement in the Caddoan Sequence; by Robert A. Taylor A Pot Full of Beads; by Dan F. Morse A String of Shell Beads; by Michael J. Pecotte Volume 14, No.1, 1973 (20 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 A Catlinite Disk Pipe and Associated Vessels from Lowland Eastern Arkansas; by Fletcher Jolly III 2 12/2/2014 A Burial from Salt Petre Cave; by Gene Waters A Stone Discoidal from Craighead County; by Sam Smith Volume 14, No.2, 3 and 4, 1973 (60 pages) (photocopied) $8.50 (CD) $5.00 THE HAZEL SITE Historical Background; by Hester A. Davis Archeological Salvage on the Pyramidal Mound, August 19, 1968;by Dan F. Morris Archeological Salvage During the Construction of Route 308; by Dan F. Morris and Sam Smith Osteopathological Observations on Two Skeletons; by Dan Morse, M.D. Volume 15, Whole Volume, 1974 (75 pages) (photocopied) $10.75 (CD) $5.00 Preliminary Investigations at the Mill Creek Site, (3ST12); by Charles M. Baker A Possible Nodena Phase Pottery Figurine; by Dan F. Morse Investigations at Two Sites in Southeastern Arkansas; by Al B. Wesolowsky A Zoomorphic Locust Stone Bead from Northeast Arkansas; by Dan F. Morse A Unique Engraved Steatite Bowl from Southwest Arkansas; by Frank Schambach Report on the 1974 Test Excavations at the Knappenberger Site, Mississippi County, Arkansas; by Timothy Klinger Volume 16, 17 and 18, Whole Volumes, 1975, 1976 & 1977 (90 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 The Kinkead-Mainard Site, (3PU2): A Late Prehistoric Site near Little Rock, Arkansas; by Michael P. Hoffman A Human Femur Tube from Arkansas; by Dan F. Morse Parkin Archeology: A Report on the 1966 Field School Test Excavation at the Parkin Site; by Timothy C. Klinger Grooved Rock Petroglyph Sites in West Virginia and the Sahara; By James L. Swauger and Mark Milburn Paleo-Indian in the Arkansas Ozarks: A Preliminary Statement; by John P. Newton An Exceptional Example of Carved Bone Technology from the Lower Mississippi Valley; by Timothy C. Klinger Volume 19, Whole Volume, 1978 (49 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 Ten Mile Rock: Pigs, Peccaries, and People; by Raymond E. Medlock Turquoise Beads from the Standridge Site; by Ann M. Early Davidsonville Bricks; by Samuel D. Smith An Archeological Inventory of Pulaski and Saline Counties; by Hester A. Davis Flat-based Shell-tempered Pottery in the Ozarks: A Preliminary Discussion; by John H. House Volume 20, Whole Volume, 1979 (84 pages) $5.00 (CD) $5.00 The Kelley-Grimes Site: A Mississippi Period Burial Mound,Southeast Arkansas, Excavated in 1936:by Marvin D. Jeter, David B. Kelley, and George P. Kelley Plant Remains from the Upper Nodena Site (3MS4); by Leonard W. Blake and Hugh C. Cutler Lithic Technology and Stone Age Tool-Making; by Charles M. Niquette Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from the Montgomery Farm, Barry County, Missouri; by Gayle Fritz The World into Which Louis Leaky Led Us; by Frank Schambach Volume 21, Whole Volume, 1980 (56 pages) $6.00 (CD) $5.00 Historic Tribes of the Ouachita Drainage System in Arkansas; by S. D. Dickinson An Effigy Catlinite Pipe from Northwest Arkansas; by Michael P. Hoffman An Assessment of the Arkansas Archeological Survey/Society Traning Program; by Ann M. Early and Judy Chapman Grooved Rock Petroglyph Sites as Tool-Sharpening and Polishing Locations; by James L. Swauger and Mark Milburn Volume 22, Whole Volume, 1981 (65 pages) $6.00 (CD) $5.00 A Shell Gorget from the Kirkham Site; by G. Meeks Etchieson A Proverty Point Red Jasper Owl Pendant from Northwest Louisiana; by David Jeane The Poole Site; by W. Raymond Wood Volume 23 and 24, 1982 and 1983 (127 pages) $6.00 (CD) $5.00 Dr. Thomas L. Hodges and His Contribution to Arkansas Archeology;by Ann Early Preliminary Testing at the Powell Site, (3CL9): A Temple Mound Site in Clark County, Arkansas; by James A. Scholtz 1964 Investigations in DeGray Reservoir; by Dee F. Green The Meyers Mound: Salvage Excavations at a Caddo II Site in Southwest Arkansas; by John E. Miller III Volume 25 and 26, 1984 and 1985 (113 pages) (photocopied) $15.50 (CD) $5.00 The Gordon Site: A Middle Coles Creek to Late Mississippi Period Occupation in Ashley County, Southeast Arkansas; by Patsy K. White Arkansas’s Spanish Halberds; by S. D. Dickinson 3 12/2/2014 The Physical Setting of the Ouachita, Saline, and Little Missouri Rivers; by Roger T. Saucier Citations, Abstracts, and Index for Society Publications (excluding Field Notes) from 1960-1987 Volume 27 and 28, 1986 and 1987 (97 pages) $6.00 (CD) $5.00 Archeology in the Outback: Site Surveying in Southern Logan County, Arkansas; by Larry Porter The End of the Trail: The Route of Hernando De Soto’s Army through Southwest Arkansas and East Texas; by Frank F. Schambach Quapaw Sites on the Lower Arkansas River; by Charles R. McGimsey III Bioarcheology of the Parkin Site, Cross County, Arkansas; by Katherine Murray Preliminary Survey: Pitkin Chert Artifacts in Southern Missouri; by Jack H. Ray Report on Emergency Excavations of Two Features at 3NW539, Boxley Valley, Buffalo National River; by W. Fredrick Limp An Engraved Stone Pipebowl from Arkansas; by Richard Michael Gramly Volume 29, 1988 (99 pages) $6.00 (CD) $5.00 Turner Cave: A Rock Shelter in Northwest Arkansas; by Louis Vogele The McClendon Site: A Protohistoric Cemetery in Southeast Arkansas; by Henry S. McKelway Volume 30, 1989 (69 pages) $6.00 (CD) $5.00 A Relic Looks Back; by S.D. Dickinson Investigations at the Roland Site; by James A. Scholtz A Critique of Oklahoma Archeology; by Frank F. Schambach Volume 31, 1990 (88 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 Excavations of Mound S. at the Toltec Mounds Site: A Preliminary Report; by Martha Rolingson Three Historic Sites on Red River; by Claude McCrocklin Reysed After There Manner; by George E. Lankford Chipped Stone Resource Availability and Exploitation at 3CR238; by Jack H. Ray Volume 32, 1991 (156 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 Archeology along Bayou Bartholomew, Southeast Arkansas; by Martha Rolingson Variations of Walls Engraved and Rhodes Incised Pottery; by Terry Childs Decoding Mississippian Ceramic Art in the Central Mississippi Valley; by John House Volume 33, 1992 (91 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 Excavations at Boydell Mound A (3AS58), Southeast Arkansas; by John House and Marvin Jeter Masters Theses Abstracts, Arkansas Archeology or Related Topics Volume 34, 1993 (91 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 Excavations at the Clay Hill and Kent Sites, Lee County, Arkansas; by John House Investigations of Boone’s Mound (3CA9), Calhoun County, Arkansas; by Frank F. Schambach DeSoto in Arkansas: Another Speculative Note; by George E. Lankford A Confederate Armament Works in Arkadelphia (3CL283); by Don Ross Volume 35, 1994 (122 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 The Contributions of the Plum Bayou Survey Project, 1988-94, to the Native Settlement History of Central Arkansas; by Michael S. Nassaney Analysis of Plant Remains from Mound S at the Toltec Mounds Site; by Christopher Smith Plant Remains from Locus 3 at the Parkin Site; by Michele L. Williams Investigations of the Possible Remains of DeSoto’s Cross at Parkin; by Jeffrey M. Mitchem Analysis of the Vertebrate Faunal Remains from 3LA185, a Late Eighteenth-Early Nineteenth Century Site of Possible Delaware Indian Affiliation; by Brian S. Shaffer and Timothy K. Perttula The Ral Spring Site (3GA153): Spring Number 14, Hot Springs National Park; by Don Dickson Volume 36, 1995 (97 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 The Benjamin House (3CL585); by Don Ross Marine Shell Beads from the University of Arkansas Museum Bluff Shelter Excavations; by Jerry Hillliard and James Harcourt Noble Lake: A Protohistoric Archeological Site on the Lower Arkansas River; by John House Volume 37, 1996 (74 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 Early Caddo Ritual and Patterns of Animal Use: An Analysis of Faunal Remains from the Crenshaw Site (3M16), Southwestern Arkansas; by Susan L. Scott and H. Edwin Jackson Some Archeological Perspectives on the Arkansas Cherokee; by Leslie C. Stewart-Abernathy The Hood Site, Hempstead County Report on Test Excavations at the Hood Site (3HE54); by Roger Hooper and Jim Nance Analysis of Burials from the Hood Site; by Mary Lucas Powell The Hood Site in Arkansas Prehistory; by Frank F. Schambach 4 12/2/2014 Volume 38, 1997 (104 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 Excavations in the Shady Lake Recreation Area and Vicinity, 1992-1993, Ouachita National Forest; by Roger Coleman, Paul S. Gardner, Jerry Hilliard, Michael A. Pfeiffer, and Jack Stewart (edited by Hester Davis). Surface Collections from the Friend Levee Site (3MS69) and the Friend Terrace Site (3MS70); by Keith Keeney, H. Terry Childs, and Charles H. NcNutt. Subadult Health in a Northeastern Arkansas Middle Mississippian Site; by Diane E. Ghalib Volume 39, 1998 (88 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 Late Mississippian and Protohistoric Occupation in the Little Red River Valley; by Glen Akridge and Scott Akridge Replicas, Fakes, and Art: The Twentieth Century Stone Age and its Effects on Archaeology; by John C. Whittaker and Michael Stafford Landleveling Salvage Archaeology at the Harryette Campbell Site in Southeast Missouri; by J. Raymond Williams Tree-Ring Dating and Archeology of an Ozark Pioneer Period Farmstead: The McGarrah-Reed Site (3WA841); by Jerry E. Hilliard and Kerr J. Thomson A Summary of the AP&L Project, 1977-1982: Archeological Survey Transects and Testing, Central to Northeast Arkansas; by Marvin Jeter Volume 40, 1999 (92 pages) $7.00 (CD) $6.00 The 1995 Salvage Excavations at the Armorel Site (3MS23); by Jeffrey M. Mitchem and Timothy S. Mulvihill A Dog Burial Excavated at the Armorel Site, Arkansas (3MS23); by Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman The Wilson Site of James K. Hampson; by H. Terry Childs and Charles H. McNutt with contributions by Pamela Jones and David H. Dye Fouche Maline and Its Neighbors: Observations on an Important Woodland Period Culture of the TransMississippi South; by Frank F. Schambach The Tom’s Brook Site – 3JO1 [reprint]; by Charles S. Bartlett, Jr. Volume 41, 2000 (72 pages) $8.00 (CD) $7.00 Edwin Curtiss’ Archaeological Explorations Along the St. Francis River, Northeast Arkansas; by Robert C. Mainfort and Sarah R. Demb Excavations at Spring Valley Road Shelter (3BE630), Benton County Arkansas; by Jerry Hilliard Breckenridge Shelter – 3CR2: An Archeological Chronicle in the Beaver Reservoir Area [reprint]; by W. Raymond Wood Volume 42, 2000 (78 pages) $8.00 (CD) $7.00 Exploring the History of the Arkansas Stoneware Industry; by Mary Evelyn Starr Novaculite Acquisition and Use at Little Missouri Falls: An Early Middle Archaic Site, in Montgomery County, Arkansas; by Roger E. Coleman Ferry Sites in Independence County; by Anna Parks Volume 43, 2002 (73 pages) $8.00 (CD) $7.00 The Peel Icehouse: Excavations of a Residential Ice Storage Facility in Bentonville, Arkansas; by Jerry Hilliard, Jamie Brandon, James Davidson A Research Design of Investigating Novaculite Quarry Sites in the Ouachita Mountains, by Mary Beth Trubitt, Thomas Green, and Ann Early Dating the Hazel Site, by Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. and Charles H. McNutt A Ceramic Replica of an Astragalus Die, by Rita Fisher-Carroll and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. Volume 44, 2003 (64 pages) $8.00 (CD) $7.00 Neutron Activation Analysis of Late Mississippian Period Pottery from the Greenbrier Site (3IN1), Independence County, Arkansas; by Juliet E. Morrow, Robert A. Taylor, Robert J. Speakman, and Michael D. Glascock Architecture at Upper Nodena: Structures Excavated by Dr. James K. Hampson; by Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. Archeological and Geophysical Investigations at the Tinsley 1 Site, Mississippi County, Arkansas; by Claudine Payne and J.J. Lockhart Volume 45, 2004 (66 pages) $12.50 (CD) $10.00 Some Southwestern Influences in the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex; by George E. Lankford Baby Cradles of the Ozark Bluff Shelters; by S. C. Dellinger Obstetric Effigies of the Mound Builders of Eastern Arkansas; by S. C. Dellinger and Elmer G. Wakefield Pottery from the Ozark Bluff Shelters. By S. C. Dellinger and S. D. Dickinson Volume 46, 2005 (40 pages) $12.50 (CD) $10.00 The Sorter’s Bluff Point: An Uncommon Point Type Recovered from the Copperhead Site in Northwest Arkansas; by William G. Hill and J. Eric Gilliland Vertebrate Faunal Identifications from Carden Bottom (3YE347), Arkansas; by Rhonda L. Smith 5 12/2/2014 Identification of Vermilion in Colonial Era Indian Graves at the Lake Drumond Site, Arkansas County, Arkansas; by John House and D. Glen Akridge Possibilities for the Archaeologist and Historian in Eastern Arkansas [Reprint]; by Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Hodges Errata “Some Southwestern Influences in the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex; by George E. Lankford Volume 47, 2006 & 2007 (96 pages) $12.75 (CD) $10.00 Foreward: State Parks, the Archeological Survey, and the Toltec Agreement; by Richard Davies and Greg Butts Delta Dawn: an Ethnographic Account of Martha’s Early Work in the Delta; by Janet Ford The Toltec Mounds Site in Southeastern Prehistory: Inferences from Early Collections; by David G. Anderson Plum Bayou Foodways: Distinctive Aspects of the Paleoethnobotanical Record; by Gayle J. Fritz Keo, Quartz Crystals, Carets, Et Cetera: Southerly Plum Bayou vs. Northerly Coles Creek Cultural Elements; by Marvin D. Jeter and Robert J. Scott, Jr. Commentary: The Life, Legacy, and Love of Martha Rolingson; by Nancy White Volume 48, 2008 (84 pages) $12.75 (CD) $10.00 The Caddo Ceramics From the Dragover Site (3MN298) on the Ouachita River on the Ouachita National Forest Land in Montgomery County, Arkansas; by Timothy K. Perttula Chickasawba; by Terry H. Childs and Charles H. McNutt The 2005 Excavations at Pecan Point (3MS78) and Comments on the Chronology of Walls Engraved; by Charles H. McNutt and Terry H. Childs Communication: Investigating Middle Archaic at the Jones Mill Site; by Mary Beth Trubitt Volume 49, 2009 (42 pages) $12.50 (CD) $10.00 Summer 1948: A Summary of Excavations at Battle Mound (3LA1), A Premier Caddo Mound Site in the Great Bend Region of the Red River; by Duncan McKinnon New Approaches to Old Collections: Identifying Stylistic Variations Among Caddo Pottery in Southeastern Oklahoma; by Elsbeth Dowd A Primary Investigation of Burial Associations from Akers (34LF32) A Shallow Fouche Maline Site in Southeastern Oklahoma; by Rachel Fauchier Volume 50, 2010 (68 pages) $12.50 (CD) $10.00 A Prescient 1880 Study of “The Mound-Builders of Arkansas”; by Donald P. Higgins, Jr. and Marvin D. Jeter The Musicians of Spiro: An Inventory of Sound Making Instruments Depicted in the Spiro Shell Engravings; by James A. Rees, Jr. Weeding out the Noded; by George E. Lankford Volume 51, 2011 (41 pages) $12.50 (CD) $10.00 Old Town Ridge (3CG41): A Palisaded Middle Mississippi Period Village in the Land of Milk and Honey; by Julie Morrow, Robert A. Taylor, Jami Lockhart, and Shaun McGaha Stateline Faults: Making a Case for Standardized Terminology in the Lithic Studies from an Ozarks-Wide Perspective; by Jack H. Ray Volume 52, 2012 and 2013 (208 pages) $14.00 (CD) $10.00 Crenshaw: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of the Skull and Mandible Cemetery Introduction to the Crenshaw Bioanthropological Project; by Frank F. Schambach AMS and Radiocarbon Dating of the Crenshaw Site (3MI6); by John R. Samuelsen Stable Isotope Characteristics of the Skull and Mandible Remains From the Crenshaw Site, Miller County, Arkansas; by D. Glen Akridge Crenshaw (3MI6) Bioarcheology Notes: Provenience Descriptions; by Melissa Zabecki Harvey Crenshaw (3MI6) Bioarcheology Notes: Burial Descriptions; by Melissa Zabecki Harvey, Barbara Farley, and Jerome C. Rose Volume 53, 2014 (68 pages) $12.50 (CD) $10.00 Three Hundred Pictographs: Dr. Hardison and a Century of Petit Jean Mountain Rock Art Discovery; by Donald P. Higgins, Jr. Conehead Effigies: A Distinctive Art Form of the Mississippi Valley; by George E. Lankford and David H. Dye Following the Noded Trail; George E. Lankford 6 12/2/2014 ORDER FORM: Volume # Example: Vol. 49 Vol. 15 Hardcopy $ $12.50 Totals Grand Total $ $ CD $ $5.00 $ Please send your check to the: Arkansas Archeological Society, 2475 N. Hatch Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72704. 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