February 2016 - North Vancouver School District

3150 Colwood Drive
North Vancouver
Attendance: 604.903.3544
e-mail: [email protected]
February 26, 2016
“Kindness Begins With Me” -­‐ student and adult messages recognizing Pink Shirt Day on February 24. Dear Parents, It is hard to believe that half a year of school is already over! January and February have been very busy with students celebra;ng Valen;ne’s Day and Hundreds Day, tending our salmon tank, playing volleyball, observing Pink Shirt Day, and going on field trips, in addi;on to their other busy classroom experiences. We have appreciated your con;nued support in providing a s;mula;ng and produc;ve learning environment at Highlands. We would also like to thank parents for helping us teach our students to become more independent by making every aHempt to drop your child off outside of the school, and not escor;ng them into the school or classroom. The second formal report card will be coming home on Friday, March 11. Repor;ng is the final stage of a process which includes the assessment and evalua;on of your child’s progress with respect to the expected learning outcomes. In addi;on to the formal reports, teachers maintain on-­‐going communica;on with parents throughout the school year. This could include telephone conversa;ons, interim reports, wriHen communica;ons, porOolio reviews, brief dialogues or conferences. We encourage you to contact your child’s teacher when you have concerns and to con;nue to support your child’s progress by encouraging posi;ve aPtudes, work habits, and effort. Lastly, we hope that you enjoy a well-­‐deserved Spring Break full of sunshine and relaxa;on! Sincerely, T. Henderson, Principal G. Polymenakos, Vice Principal In this Issue: 2 March/April Calendar 2 Student artwork 2 Highlands Students to Perform at Festivals 2 Lost and Found Reminder 3 Scenes from the Grade 1-­‐3 Skating Trip 4 2015/16 Registration/Transfers 5 Virtue of the Month At Highlands, every child is encouraged to become an independent, self-­‐
mo@vated student with a posi@ve aBtude towards learning and a sense of responsibility and empathy for others.
Our Virtues Theme for March is Sportsmanship From: hHp://kidshealth.org/en/teens/
sportsmanship.html What Is Sportsmanship? Sportsmanship is defined as: • playing fair • following the rules of the game • respec;ng the judgment of referees and officials • trea;ng opponents with respect Some people define good sportsmanship as the "golden rule” of sports — in other words, trea;ng the people you play with and against as you'd like to be treated yourself. You demonstrate good sportsmanship when you show respect for yourself, your teammates, and your opponents, for the coaches on both sides, and for the referees, judges, and other officials. But sportsmanship isn't just reserved for the people on the field. Cheerleaders, fans, and parents also need to be aware of how they behave during compe;;on. Sportsmanship is a style and an aPtude, and it can have a posi;ve influence on everyone around you. Exo@c Structures -­‐ by Spirit, Grade 3, Ms. Windibank’s and Ms. Marrie-­‐Black’s class.
Zantangle Landscape -­‐ by Iris, Grade 7, Ms. Ham’s and Ms. Hollingsworth’s class.
Win or Lose, Sportsmanship Helps You Get Through When it comes to losing, good sportsmanship means congratula;ng the winners promptly and willingly. Also, it means accep;ng the game's outcome without complaint and without excuses, even if you some;mes might feel the referees made a few ques;onable calls. March/April Calendar March 8 & 9-­‐ 2 pm dismissal for parent/teacher conferences March 11 -­‐ Second Term Reports sent home March 12-­‐28 -­‐ Spring Break April 13-­‐14 Ms. Sherlock’s class at Outdoor School April 14-­‐15 Mrs. Mitchell’s class at Outdoor School April 27 -­‐ 2 pm dismissal: Staff Collaboration Highlands Students to Perform at District Festivals Best wishes to the students in Mr. Polymenakos’/Ms. Hollingsworth’s, Mrs. Fary’s Mrs. Mitchell’s, and Ms. Sherlock’s classes for their performances at the school district’s Intermediate Music Fes;val being held at Centennial Theatre next week. Also, our Con;nuing Band and Strings students will be performing next week in the school district’s Band and Strings Fes;val at Mountainside Secondary School in North Vancouver. page 2 Lost and Found Night Woods -­‐ Brody, Grade 2, Mrs. Reeves’ and Mrs. Svenhard’s class
Some Reading Tips for Parents Pair books with activities Read the book before seeing a movie or even a@er it. Find non-­‐ficGon books around acGviGes that your child is interested in and read to learn the ‘how to’ as well as to encourage and validate their enthusiasm. Please remember to check the lost and found when you visit the school on March 8 or 9 for conferences if your child is missing an item of clothing. Any items le@ a@er March 9 will be donated to charity. Please remember to label your child’s belongings so that it is easier to return the lost items to the righBul owners.
Read the same book your child is reading and discuss it This is the way to develop capacity for thought and insight and provide joint discussion around literature. Let kids choose what they want to read including graphic novels/books and picture books Being too prescripGve with what kids read over the summer will only discourage the reading habit. Buy books on tape or take out from your local library Listen to them in the car, or turn off the TV and have the family listen to them together. Remember to check the Highlands website for up to date news and calendar: http://www.sd44.ca/school/highlands/Pages/default.aspx page 3 Scenes from the Grades 1-­‐3 Skating Field Trip -­‐ February 18
page 4 New Registrations Grade 1 -­‐ 12 All children new to North Vancouver (not currently aVending a North Vancouver School District school), must register at Central RegistraGon beginning January 25, 2016. RegistraGon deadline for priority placement is March 4, 2016. All registraGons require the student’s original birth cerGficate and proof of current residence at the date of applicaGon, (BC Hydro bill, Purchase agreement, or if Tenancy agreement), and all relevant legal documentaGon regarding guardianship. If not born in Canada, bring proof of ciGzenship or applicable proof of status in Canada. Report cards from the previous school are also required. Please visit hVp://www.sd44.ca for more detailed informaGon (go to “Schools” near the top of the page-­‐ on the side tab “Student RegistraGon and Transfer Requests” -­‐ follow the appropriate link) Late French Immersion – Grade 6 Entry Late French Immersion is designed for non-­‐French speaking students. Following two years in Grade 6 and 7 at the elementary level, Late French Immersion students complete their bilingual program with their peers from the Early French Immersion program at a secondary French Immersion school. RegistraGon for Late French Immersion began on January 25, 2016. RegistraGon deadline is March 4, 2016. Transfer Requests Students requesGng a transfer from one North Vancouver school to another North Vancouver school must submit a Transfer Request Form between January 25, 2016 and March 4, 2016 for priority placement. This form will be available at all school offices, the NVSD website and Central RegistraGon as of January 2016. All transfer forms must be submiVed in person to the Central RegistraGon Office. If applicable please bring proof of new address and any relevant legal documentaGon involving guardianship. Following March 4, 2016, no further transfer requests will be accepted unless the student has moved into the requested catchment area. Continuing Students Students currently aVending schools in North Vancouver are not required to apply annually to conGnue their registraGon in their current school. Grade 7 to 8 Transfer Requests Grade 7 students who would like to aVend a secondary school other than their designated feeder school (see below), must complete a transfer form and submit it to the Central RegistraGon office prior to March 4, 2016. Placement will depend on space and faciliGes availability. Example: if a student aVends the Grade 7 French Immersion program at Sherwood Park Elementary School they would automaGcally feed into the Grade 8 French Immersion program at Windsor Secondary School. If the student wanted to aVend Seycove Secondary School because it was their catchment secondary school (English program) they would have to submit a Transfer Request form before the March 4, 2016 deadline. Ques=ons? Please e-­‐mail Central RegistraGon at [email protected] page 5