Please note that all the teambuilding activities on this brochure are outsourced by
Conference Complete to professional Teambuilding Companies .
Each person with a valid driver’s license will take part in driving the vehicles – they
will cover steep slopes ascents and descents, side slopes, ditches and gullies.
The 4x4 Training takes place in a specifically designed track containing various
obstacles, sand, rocks, water, mud, cambers, hills and holes approx. 0.6 km long.
The Training is split into two: Basic 4x4 driving skills course and a Recovery
course. The course duration is 4 hours for each or the client can do both in one day
depending on their experience or what they feel comfortable with.
4x4 Driving is fun - especially if never done
Get your team out for a exciting day behind the
wheel or to learn how to trust one another
through the activities set out by Pieter and his
4x4s are driven under the supervision of qualified
and registered instructors.
Action Cricket is one of the fastest indoor sports currently played in South Africa.
The beauty of the game is that it allows both men and women to take part together!
Many companies use Action Cricket as a vehicle for corporate entertainment or
staff team building where the emphasis is always on the participants ENJOYING
Each team consists of 8 players and each player gets a chance to bat, field and
bowl. An Umpire will explain the rules to you beforehand and will keep score on the
electronic scoreboard. Each game lasts for 70 minutes.
Action Netball is played indoors for your comfort and
convenience. Action Netball courts are surrounded by
netting to keep the ball in play at all times. The rules
are similar to those of outdoor Netball, except that the
nets become an integral part of the game.
This adds to the excitement of the game and ensures
that every person who has the opportunity to play, will
get thirty minutes of aerobic exercise while having fun!
Fast paced and exciting, Action Soccer is rapidly
growing in popularity. Emulate your heroes and
become the Ronaldo, Drogba or Gerrard of your team!
The popularity of soccer as the global game will
ensure that Action Soccer will always be a favourite
sport for employees at team building and corporate
Now that each team is functioning as a well oiled unit they will compete in an
Adventure Orienteering exercise. This will be the primary emphasis of the day and
will take the format of utilizing the team unity gained in the earlier activities to
complete the mental and engineering challenges ahead.
The teams will follow clues that will send them exploring around the property.
property They
will navigate across bridges, through forests to find the pieces of a Giant puzzle.
The first team to solve the Puzzle as well as complete the Spaghetti Tower,
Woodcutters challenge and other activities will be the winner. Points are weighted
for each activity so effective planning and teamwork is vital for this event.
Ezek is Xhosa for fireplace
or a “central meeting
in an African home where one shares good food and
conversation. The Ezek Cooking School is the only full
time cooking school located in the Cape townships.
Forty students graduate from this facility a year
equipped with skills to enter into the hotel and catering
industry. The school and the kitchen are built out of
donated shipping containers that have been welded
together. Add dry walling and a coat of paint and you
have a restaurant, a school and a catering business.
•A welcome drink and talk on African cuisine and culture.
•Hands-on cooking lesson
•Enjoy the dishes you have prepared in the schools restaurant
•After lunch enjoy a short tour of the Langa Township and discover the local
sidewalk shopping areas!
Cape Town Amazing Race
This event takes the form of a corporate treasure hunt/race
through the streets of Cape Town and surrounding towns.
Groups are split into teams of 7 members and they have the
opportunity of finding clues and navigating their way through
Cape Town in the quest to finishing this amazing event first.
Most of the key features and ultimate attractions of what
Cape Town has to offer has been included. From finding
cryptic clues in old dungeons to testing your wits in famous
sporting stadiums, find your way into some of the most elite
underground bars, scale rock faces, descend into secret
militar defense posts and this is just
j st to name but
b t a few
fe of the
exiting venues you will be visiting during your race.
Winelands Amazing Race
Derived from the TV Series “The Amazing Race”, this
event has been adapted to utilize a unique wine area
known as Pearl’s Gate.
The race is held within a contained area that allows the
competitors to be interactive with the surrounding and
environment rather than having to travel vast distances
in vehicles to Tourist Destination venues…..this is a
more adventurous, and more true to the original
Amazing Race….
Once the teams have been checked in at the first checkpoint, the race starts, teams
will follow clues and instructions to make their way to other checkpoints in places
around the Pearl’s Gate Winelands, eventually racing back to the finish line.
Along the way they will perform tasks that represent the activities you would typically
find in the winelands and nature. The tasks will include DETOURS (an option of 2
tasks with various degrees of difficulty), ROADBLOCKS (a task done by only 1 of the
team members) FAST FORWARDS (a means of allowing a team to skip to the next
checkpoint) or a YIELD (a way of delaying another team for a set amount of time).
There are a variety of choices you can make when customising the event; choose
from a 1 or 3 day event, sleep over in the cellars or on top of Paarl Rock. You can
choose from various activities; canoeing in the Berg River, abseiling the Paarl Granite
Rocks and traversing inside a 144 000 gallon metal wine tank.
Franschhoek Amazing
g Race
Contenders will be transported to a remote wine land town and briefed on their
objectives which include following sets of clues to discover the hidden treasures of
the town. There may be detours or road blocks along the way and your team must
work together to ensure success.
Challenge your colleagues, your clients, your friends and opposition companies to a
fun few hours out of the office. It is a race to see which team can gather all the
treasures which have been lost off the beaten track and make it on time to the final
venue for the final clue.
The Franschoek Valley is the ideal setting for an amazing race on bicycles.
Once the teams have familiarised themselves with their bicycle set ups, they will head
off in search of the first checkpoint. At each checkpoint the teams will need to complete
task before g
g their p
p and moving
g onto the
a mental or p
next challenge. The teams will also discover the Town of Franschoek, exploring the
back alleys to find chocolate shops, curio stores, antique dealers and other local places
of interest.
After navigating their way through the vineyards, teams will find the finish line on the
manicured lawns of a Wine Estate. After a celebratory wine tasting we will enjoy a
scrumptious picnic (optional). We will wrap up the event with an informal prize giving
and shower the winning team with Praise and Glory.
In Anti-Poaching Unit delegates disembark their
game drive vehicles and proceed on foot through
the bush, following small clues and blood trails to
the Poaching Scene .
Theyy have limited time to solve the crime. Theyy
need to become crack forensic investigators. Firstly
they will observe the scene where the elephant fell
and make appropriate notes. They need to follow
forensic procedure to collect evidence.
Perhaps they will discover more tracks leading to poacher camps, where more
evidence could be found. During all the procedures, the main laboratory would have
certain findings from real elephant DNA, ballistics and other “tell-tale” clues. Slowly
the pieces of the puzzle fall into place but they are racing against the clock before the
poachers can cross the border.
The bows are take-down laminated recurve pre set
to shoot accurately at a range of 10 meters.
Targets are 900-mm square competition. This
generally (because of the large size ensures that
the beginner walks away with a score on the board.
Three games are played to enhance the
competiton: Bull-eye, Killer and 501.
By being artistically creative delegates can express their ideas regarding their
company on canvas. Art Jam is a masterpiece in terms of communication and trust,
and is perfect for teams that value the spirit of competition and at the same time
demand collaboration in the p
pursuit of a common g
goal and enjoy
j y having
g loads of fun
while learning.
This is a great way to re-enforce the
companies branding.
The trick is that each team has to
communicate with the teams on either side
of their pictures as part of the planning.
At the end, all works of art are lined up and
together they must tell the whole story.
The time has come to nab or be nabbed.
nabbed Who
will be the last one standing, who will be the
ASSASSIN? The objective is to create greater
understanding of each other and how they fit
into the bigger picture.
The name of the game is "how well do you
know the other person and what tactics do you
use to extract valuable, work-related and fun
information from your colleagues?"
Webbased and in your offices, the Assassin offers
the opportunity of on-site teambuilding
designed to engage delegates at all levels.
Armed with tools which are used to extract the vital information needed,
needed appointed assassins
use a web based game platform to seek out names of their intended targets.
They are then tasked with finding the target, completing their mission and reporting back to
the online battle room. Assassins and their potential victims are able to view the status of the
game at any time on a web based battle room which exposes profiles of targets and of who
is in the game and who to be careful of.
Combining your team skills, you will take over the job of the
experienced cooper to make a barrel suitable for storing brandy or
wine You get to taste some of the good stuff afterwards too.
Various Beach Activities to be held on a beach of your choice. This concept will see the
group having the facility to utilise various beach activities. All equipment will be provided and
activities will be set up.
The event can be run as a round robin, with teams rotating between the activities; or
alternatively, more relaxed, with the group deciding what they would like to play. The
inflatable crocs are equipped with life jackets and are very stable.
We will start off with a face painting session, a composition of team war cries, a stretch /
aerobathon on the beach and follow on with a few ice-breaker activities to get delegates
acquainted. With the ice now broken, we will move onto the competitive events.
Some of the Challenges will include………
The Holy Water Towers
Teams will have to determine the best method to float the
i ball
b ll to the
h top off the
h pole
l by
b filling
i with
i h water using
“holy” buckets.
Blind Soccer
Sighted directors steer blindfolded players to locate the ball,
manuevoure it past the opposition and score. This is a true
test of communication and team work! The activity highlights
common breakdowns in communication by means of a
hilarious team challenge!
Giant Puzzles
Assemble the puzzle pieces you have gathered in a completed
giant puzzle. You think you are a puzzle whizz…… think
i !
Supersize Sack Races
The most fun you will have with your colleagues in the sack!
Team members pile into a giant hessian sack and hop around
a pre-determined course in a relay race challenge. Team
Rhythm will lead the way!
Ocean Rafting Relays
Using stable two man inflatable canoes, teams will be
challenged to paddle out into the surf and back in a timed
challenge. Wipe outs and getting wet are the order of the day.
A i l Noises
N i
Have you ever tried to communicate without the use of your
The group is split into quadrants, blind-folded and given an
animal to imitate. Using only sound they must link up with their
partner animals. A true communication highlight.
This is a great social activity which can be held in the
Waterfront at a restaurant or alternatively at a brewery
in the Overberg area.
Guests will also be educated in the art of beer making.
A resident winemaker will enthral you on the many variances that exist
in the making of excellent wines.
Then, it’s your turn. He will provide you with the “raw materials” and
it’s all up to you produce the winning blend.
Taste and blend, taste some more, and more, then blend some
more….one more taste….then voilá….the winning blend is awarded
and finally bottled.
Search and retrieve. A boat is sunk on a dam and the team must
find it and float it again. Ingenuity is called for.
The skilled team of specialists including two Royal Marine Officers, a British soldier, a
business analyst, fitness and mental development specialists and an experience engineer
utilise a military theme in a supportive way to design and execute missions with activities
performed outdoors on purpose designed obstacles.
Over a dozen unique obstacles are available at each of the venues and they include cargo
t which
hi h tower
seven metres
th ground,
d platforms
l tf
ith rope swings
over mud
filled trenches and scramble nets to name just a few.
There is something special about
abo t paddling down
do n a river,
ri er bobbing over
o er rapids,
rapids taking
in the scenery, bird life and the many farmlands that flank the banks of the river.
This section of the Breede River consists of small but exciting rapids and fast
flowing water winding through tree lined alleys. There are also slower flowing
sections perfect for swimming while we drift along lazily…
Optional Evening
E ening Braai :
Arriving at the take out point, a beautiful thatched boma
with a deck overlooking the river, we will be welcomed by
the tantalizing smell of a braai with a wooden deck
stretching out over the river.
The fire will be blazing and the barbeque sizzling while we
enjoy a cold beer and some local wines produced in the
Optional activities such as volley ball and touch rugby can
be enjoyed before the braai. Either head back to Cape
Town after a full dayy of g
great action,, or stayy overnight
g in
the permanent tented accommodation on site.
Construct a wooden bridge strong enough to cross a
small stream of water.
Then use this bridge to cross the stream and get back.
This is all easy enough, but building it and setting it up,
while only being allowed on one side of the stream.
(Planning, trust, team work
Dynamic new business simulation games that will catch your imagination and
reinforce practical business concepts in a fun, competitive environment!
Participants learn more than theory by practical
experience, they learn about themselves and others.
Team roles and skills are key components in a business
management game therefore team building development
is enhanced and the practical value of group dynamics is
demonstrated. The use of computer simulation technology
adds an objective element to the games.
The ultimate challenge, using all your team’s skills
and the determination to push through to the end no
matter what obstacles you are faced with.
competition, navigators, drivers, and cryptic clues are
the key ingredients to this exciting project based on
the 1980's movie "Cannonball Run".
Your group is divided into teams of approximately five people, who pile into one
vehicle, traveling to various checkpoints along 3 to 4 different routes. At the various
checkpoints teams complete challenges such as, "water wade", "painting pleasure",
"milking milly", and other activities. The first team to cross the finish line with all
activities completed is the winning team.
To be a Cannonballer,
Cannonballer your delegates will have to be of a certain breed.
breed Someone
who can deal with the unexpected, the stress, the emotions, the fatigue… The
Cannonball Run is a real challenge. Will your delegates rise to the challenge?
Ranging from using kayaks and/or Indian
canoes on the scenic farm dams to
explore some of the hidden wonders of
nature, through to canoeing excursions
on rivers with inflatable crocs, our
canoeing activities are enjoyed by all.
O adventure
races can also
l incorporate
Adventure Racing consists of various sporting
activities and tasks incorporated into a single
adventure challenge. Utilising the disciplines of
orienteering, hiking, abseiling and paddling to
complete the course, the group will require
cognitive and problem solving skills to plot the best
route and physical skills to accomplish the
disciplines involved. They will be treated to the
best adventure activities enjoyed in the Cape and
spoilt by the magnificent fauna and flora
indigenous to our area.
The walk through Cape Town
s historical
quarter focuses on the extraordinary cuisine
of the Cape Malay community. While
shopping for ingredients to make a typical
Cape Malay dish we discover links between
history, food and religion in the Bo Kaap.
It s all-hands-on during the informal cooking workshop
workshop, which follows in a Bo-Kaap
family home. You learn how to mix Masala, fold Samoosas and how to balance the
flavours of a Cape Malay curry, catering for both, Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians.
Sharing the table with your hostess and cooking instructor offers the opportunity for
interesting talk and interaction.
Th group themselves
ill become
th players.
Th first
fi t
part of the activity is to create the costumes for the event.
All the materials will be provided and our facilitators will
assist in making up the very colourful costumes required
for the participants.
Faces will be painted in the true
minstrel style for this event.
Our music facilitators will take each group and give them some tuition on how the
“minstrels” turn on that amazing sound when marching through the streets of Cape
Town, and then the show is on. The groups will walk along playing their instruments
and creating a glorious spectacle in an activity that they will not easily forget.
Aft enjoying
j i a delicious
d li i
b kf t att Kalk
K lk Bay’s
B ’ famous
i Café,
C fé you depart
Kalk Bay Harbour via Rubber Duck and head down the coast towards Cape Point
Nature Reserve or across to Seal Island in False Bay. This is Great White and
Southern Right Whale territory. You will also look out for the little Jackass Penguin at
Boulders Beach and of course the playful Cape Fur Seal. You then head back to
Kalk Bay along the coast and disembark at the harbour.
From here you head off to Peers Cave. Situated between Silvermine and Noordhoek
this unique venue will provide you with a once in a lifetime lunch that will stay in the
memory long after the meal has been digested. The surrounding area provides
stunning views and a dramatic backdrop. After a short stroll in, you Abseil into the
cave through the roof and find yourselves in a banquet hall with continental cushions
as chairs and a scrumptious lunch ready and waiting.
Nothing beats the sights & sounds of a casino. Let’s
Let s arrange a
“fun casino” for your next social. A winning night that you & your
guests will not soon forget.
Every party includes highly trained professional casino dealers
and professionally constructed casino quality equipment.
All dealers have worked in the casino business for many years, and are well
to teach the novice gambler the rules of the game. Dealers will be attired in black tie
dress. Guests will receive corporate branded ‘funny money’ to be exchanged for
gaming chips.
Cheese tastings can be arranged in the beautiful Franschhoek and
t d with
ith a wine
i tasting.
t ti
Your opportunity to taste delectable handmade Belgian
chocolates. Have a gastronomic journey and combine it with
a cheese and wine tasting.
Think of an “amazing race” and step up the pace tenfold!
The race is staged around the Mother City, with you and your team mates
challenging the opposing teams, using local transport only and experiencing the
gems of the city en route.
If you would like to experience the art of shooting without
harming any animal, why not experience clay pigeon
shooting in South Africa.
Clay pigeon shooting is a lot of fun and no previous
experience is required.
required It is very popular amongst the
young and old in South Africa. Test your accuracy with a
12-gauge shotgun or a more accurate rifle and try hit the
clay disc as it is shot into the air.
An outdoor game played using harmless infrared technology to
replace the conventional.
Make the game as complicated as you wish. Compete in a
challenge to capture the enemy cache using GPS technology or
simply play a one on one match play.
The Col
Cacchio experience takes teams on fun
exciting event in and through Canal Walk Centre,
using Col’Cacchio pizza as their base for operations.
Teams partake in an Amazing race-like event, having
to complete tasks in and around the centre. The
event finishes off with a award ceremonyy and meal at
Team up with our local experts and create works of art using
materials such as beads, cane, tin, wire and wood to create
some unique art pieces.
With limited tools see how this is achieved. Teams will
compete against each other and the clock to achieve their
targets, negotiate for raw materials and tools and work as one
to fulfil the order.
Crime Scene is designed to test a team’s ability to
rise above overwhelming situations. The teams are
g how to look at overpowering
g situations,, and
then break them down into simpler parts thereby
creating order and structure.
To create a clear picture of the goals and objectives,
each part of the puzzle is dealt with to restore order.
Anyy crisis situation that mayy arise in the workplace can then be handled.
After doing an initial walk-through of the crime scene, the teams begin to mentally
formulate a hypothesis of the crime, focusing on the likely sequence of events and
the locations and positions of everyone present during the crime.
Teams use research and technology to analyse blood spatters, bullet trajectories,
the angle and severity of blows and the nature of the victim’s injuries to reveal the
t l and
d relative
l ti
off the
th assailant,
il t victim
i ti and
d anyone else
h was
present during a crime.
Choose from a wide selection of activities and design your own customised event:
On the event day the group will be divided into teams with each team creating their own
flag as well as war cry. After performing your war cry you will then rotate between your
selected activities over a 2-4 hour period.
Leading the Blind: One person has to direct the rest of the
team who are blindfolded to complete various tasks.
Key Grab: Competitors must use the materials available to
complete the challenge. This requires both planning and
Memory: This challenge will test the teams’ ability to
formulate a strategy to outwit their competitors while also
testing their ability to remember where specific tiles are
Around the World: After finding
g the hidden country,
y teams
need to arrange an itinerary so we can fly to all the countries
as quickly as possible.
Abstract Art: A great challenge involving lots of creative
thinking as teams try and copy various pictures using only
the shapes provided.
Sliding Puzzle: 15 blocks with 16 spaces, the team needs
to slide the blocks to complete the puzzle.
Marble Maze: Guide your blindfolded team from start to
finish through a maze.
Tower Build: Using your blocks and pieces, build the
highest tower you can in the limited time.
Stretcher Race: Each team must overcome obstacles
whilst carrying a team mate on the stretcher. The team that
finishes first wins.
Jolly Jumper: This is a sack race with a big difference, 5
people in the sack at one time. Co-ordination, patience and
persistence is what is needed to complete this task.
Floating on Air: Store as much air as possible and see how long
one of your team mates can levitate.
Ball Float: The teams need to fill a pipe with water and float the
ball out, however, the pipe is full of holes. Careful planning and
literally hanging in there is what will make your team succeed.
Marble Chase: Manoeuvre a marble through your pipe and pass
it on to your team members.
Skill, coordination and
communication will be key.
Gumboot Racing: Use the size 13
13’ss to fill up your bucket as
quick as you can.
Katty Shootout: Each team must shoot the other teams’ targets
down. The team with the last target standing wins.
Bug Eating Relay: The team has to choose between eating a
small bug or a large, but better tasting treat. Perfect way to end
your Crazy Day, with all the teams together.
The invention of photography has enabled man to capture a
moment in time which lasts for eternity.
eternity The skill,
skill creativity
and passion of the photographer enables that moment in
time to tell a story.
The timeless elegance and drama of black and white photography has captivated us
for centuries, and even with the relentless pace of technology that seems to
obliterate the old, the allure and charm of this process has not been lost. Black and
white photography is as timeless as the mountains, and is naturally more dramatic,
making it the perfect platform on which to build a dynamic, fulfilling team
experience. The black and white process is simple and easy to follow, and lends
itself to self expression through experimentation and creative thought.
The end result is a visual communication and interpretation of how delegates
d the
th challenges
h ll
putt before
b f
I the
th words
d off a famous
photographer “to tell it like it is, is to lay it bare for the whole world to see” - a very
powerful and provocative medium that is guaranteed to excite and intrigue all who
take part.
…Because a picture is worth a thousand words
Join us for a Desert Adventure at the stunning nature reserve at Atlantis (approx 40
minutes from Cape Town Central).
The Adventure day can consist of these unforgettable activities: Quad-bike through
the twisting trails and blast across sand and bush. Sandboarding is an easy to
learn, exhilarating activity that anyone and everyone can enjoy. Tobogganing Down
the steep dunes on lie-down boards is a fun and simple adventure activity that will
bring out the ‘kid’ in everybody.
Laser Skeet Shooting it’s the perfect corporate teambuilding activity. Perfectly safe,
using modern technology incorporated with traditional trap skeet firing devices. Real
shotguns modified to shoot infrared bullets at real flying targets thrown from a
Power Kites. Experience the thrill of flying a large power kite. 4x4’s. Let professional
drivers give you the ride of your life through the twisting bush trails and incredible
dunes of the west coast. Beach Volleyball: A court will be setup either on the
att a beach
h setting
if you are having
h i
postt eventt catering
t i
d organise
i a
great inter-team volleyball challenge.
Tug-of War The ultimate way to finish the day’s challenges and to determine overall
winners of any contest! Bedouin Tented areas. Nothing completes the desert
experience quite like a free-form Bedouin style tent. There are also various catering
options including buffets,
buffets braai / spit braai,
braai gourmet picnics and hampers.
This exciting, colourful team-building water-sport provides for serious fun, both on
and off the water! You and your team can race to the beat of a drum.
Dragon Boats are essentially multi-person canoes with a wonderfully rich Chinese
heritage and tradition. Paddlers sit side by side and paddle to the beat of the drum.
Timing and teamwork is essential for any success in a race although races are not
the only fun part.
One is carried by the groups’ rhythm. This creates a
sense of trust and safety.
safety The sustained repetition of
the beat draws you in, relaxing and mesmerizing.
You feel your contribution is what is making up the
groups music, you are part of an orchestra, a team.
This unifying experience sets the tone for the truly powerful analogy between a
drumming orchestra and a team.
Giant Foosball: Teamwork is essential.
essential Players have to be
physically able, however, fitness is not a pre-requisite.
Blind Ball: The emphasis is on trust and communication.
Giant Marbles:
adaptability are essential.
Survivor Races: Gum boot race, Sack race, Ball float.
Dynamic Cricket: an action-packed, cricket orientated game
based around a rubber pitch with specially designed rules to
include players of all levels, male and female.
Dynamic Volleyball: A real challenge for those playing and
great fun to watch.
Adventure Boulle:
French game.
an exciting adaptation of the age-old
Allow yourself to imagine what it would feel like to learn
how to drive and handle a supercharged Reynard singleseater race car. Your final sessions will take place
It will accelerate, brake and corner at speeds that seem
to defy all logic.
logic It is the ultimate drive available and will
eclipse anything else you will ever experience.
By the end of your session, you will be able to claim to have tamed one of the most
revered and feared race cars ever built. We throw in the bragging rights for free.
Nowhere else can you learn how to drive a race car in South Africa, network, close
d l and
d relax
l allll att the
th same time.
This enables you to experience a riveting time of frog racing at your own pad or almost
any venue. Come and try your luck as a punter and your skills as a jockey. You may
even become the proud owner of a "racing frog" but only for the moment!
g come up
p for auction and are sold to the highest
bidder, the betting
g booths are
opened, jockeys selected and then the racing begins. The fastest frogs from each race
qualify to “hop” in the Grand Final.
Th day
d iis b
k up iinto
t 4 ttypes off events.
These events include:
Warm-ups and Brief:
Just after this briefing session there will be an icebreaker
activity for the whole group. This is a non-physical fun
activity that allows team members to have a laugh, but
also sets the scene for the rest of the activities.
Photo Recognition:
In this set of activities the teams will each receive a photo
album with a selection of photos taken in the city centre.
They will have to then identify the location and take a
photo of the team infront of the location.
T Do
D Activities:
A ti iti
This includes tasks to be done while at some of the above
mentioned venues. All tasks must be completed and the
results handed in at the finish.
The Fugitive:
This is most probably the most exciting thing you will do in
your life.
life Real life clues are being lived by real people,
people in
the life of our fugitive. Your mission is to stop Bobbi before
this character gets away. Following the trail of clues will
lead you on a weird and intriguing journey, getting help
from the most unexpected sources, finding clues in the
least likely of places and if you are good enough, just if.
You will pin Bobbi down.
This comprises of an inflatable perimeter wall and goal posts.
posts Players are attached
to each other with harnesses and are only able to move from side to
side. Teamwork is essential to get to the ball and to pass the ball between team
members while trying to score a goal.
Other games include Blind Ball and Giant
Marbles and are suitable for both big and small
groups. Players have to be physically able;
however fitness is not a pre-requisite.
You are provided with a powerful sound system
contributing to the carnival atmosphere.
GPS Orienteering is a great way to bring technology and
adventure to teambuilding. It teaches useful navigation skills,
communication and grows a positive feeling of trust between the
The method involves using a great location to challenge the
teams, we could combine various elements such as River
Crossings Abseiling,
Abseiling Paddling,
Paddling Hiking and Engineering
As the participants approach,
approach they are met with stomping,
stomping slapping,
slapping clapping and
singing. The team starts off with an energized gumboot performance. Dressed in
colored overalls and vests, our performers slap their hands and clap their feet together
in an energizing performance of intricate rhythmic patterns. This is followed by a warmup where everyone is taught very simple gumboot routines.
After a short briefing, the group will be divided into
smaller teams who will be sent off to navigate around
the Northern Peninsula.
En-route they will have to complete various team
challenges and tasks, answer some mentally
challenging conundrums and take some memorable
team photo’s to commemorate the day’s adventures!
There are few experiences as powerful as a pack of
leather clad bikers roaring past on sparkling Harley
The delegates will be the centre of attention as they are chauffeur driven along the
Cape’s scenic drives while onlookers hoot, wave and flash their lights at the passing
Soar through the skies over Table Mountain and
along the False Bay coastline in a proper Huey
Helicopter that was used as a medic station and
injured soldier pick up vehicle in the Vietnam
War. A truly unique and exhilarating experience!
Do the delegates have the ability to dream, plan
and achieve on a mind-boggling scale? Do they
have the ability to make things go right with the
help of cutting edge technology that will be their
saving grace? Each team must identify their MOJO
ie. what is the X-factor? Is it the secret of how to double
in a limited period of time, a valuable competitive
advantage or enigma?
House your MOJO in an impenetrable vault, secure it using sophisticated technology
and security systems… Delegates get to use “toys” to position the MOJO, strategize
security options such as alarms, motion detectors and booby traps. How will the vault
emerge, layered, compartmentalized or in a safe “box”? Are they sure that NO ONE
can get their MOJO? Break-in, secure and keep out…
Cape Point – The Cape of Storms:
Round the Cape of Storms in a powerboat – a unique way
to see the stunning views and rugged, dramatic beauty of
Cape Point. The Group will hear stories of the shipwrecks,
sea life and ghost ships, all of which have made this
peninsula notoriously famous.
Houtbay Power Boats:
With the wind in your hair, the spray of the cold Atlantic
Ocean on your face and the majestic backdrop of the
Sentinel Mountain, we head to Duiker Island, home to a
colony of Cape Fur Seals and a favourite dining venue
of the Great White Shark
Following the wild rugged coastline, we then cruise past
the wreck of the Boss 400 sitting high up on the rocks
before skirting under Chapman’s Peak on our way back
to the Harbour.
The Waterfront:
Fly across the open waters of Table Bay passing the
historic Robben Island, where great leaders grew to
free a nation. In the shadow of the world renowned
Table Mountain view the golden beaches of Clifton
and Camps Bay. An adrenalin ride to boast of…
Unique programme in which teams of
participants compete against each other in a
series of specially designed “indoor activities”.
The challenges are different, fun and mentally
stimulating and include, Floating on Air, Sliding
Puzzle, Abstract Art and Ball Maze!
The team is divided up into groups and on each table is a list with instrument names,
such as “Flubber Pipe” – “Water Boing”- “Big J Pipe” etc. From this list of instrument
names they must then start assembling these instruments which are in pieces on the
On the table will be the oddest assortment of
plumbing, rope, elastic, floats, vinyl, cups, nails,
i li
l etc.
It really becomes a team building experience at this
point where they have to put their heads together
and construct. Once all the instruments are
assembled at the various stations, the group must
now p
put together
a 2 min music p
piece using
g the
instruments they have.
Every participant has a plastic tube with a light stick;
the tube sounds a percussive note when hit with the
stick. There are six different notes, identified by colour
and length. The participants are seated in six groups
in the audience, without being
g aware of it, and each
group has the same pitch musical tube. This only
becomes obvious to them a little way into the session.
We facilitate them playing the tubes, initially just in different rhythms, and then eventually
revealing the different notes. Together they play harmonious, rhythmical music, just like
a true orchestra.
This facilitation is done completely without speaking and leaves the majority of
participants astonished at their ability to create rhythm, melody and harmony with a
bunch of plastic tubes! It effectively demonstrates how much one can achieve when a
group with good focus and leadership are united towards a particular goal.
Another aspect of this work is that we regularly
y compose excellent corporate songs,
and can design a song to be accompanied by the musical tubes. Musical tube sessions
can last from 15 to about 35/40 minutes.
The fare is genuine, unpretentious Italian country cuisine
prepared and nurtured, as recipes and traditions are
passed down from one generation to another.
Everyday la famiglia comes together to produce fresh
homemade pasta, bread, preserves, Italian meats (made by the inimitable singing host,
Lorenzo Ciman), marinated goodies and, of course, the delectable Italian cheeses
(handcrafted by Miki) from which the La Masseria legacy sprung 4 years ago. So bring
your team and come and create your own Italian legacy!
Thi fun
f and
d interactive
i t
ti conceptt sees the
th group split
lit into
i t smaller
ll teams
d competing
both on a creative level as well as in the art of kite flying. Each team will be given all
the tools required to create their own original masterpiece! Teams start with a square
piece of blank material.
Following the instructions and using the tools provided, they create a kite. Once the
kite is built,
built they then decorate it with their logo,
logo artwork or team name.
name Once they are
satisfied with their kite and artwork, it is time to see if they can fly it. Teams will be
score on three levels, namely: artistic, kite design and flying capabilities.
Combines infrared beams and computer technology
with the classic sport of clay pigeon shooting. There
is no “kick” however computer controlled sounds
contributes to the realism.
It can be played during the day or in the evening for
fun, or as a competition. There are a variety of
different games, which vary in difficulty and can be
customized to suit the players.
This option offers quiz packages that caters for the
diverse needs of corporate
teams in p
present dayy South
A profile investigation of the company is conducted to
fully exploit the wonderful team building exercise for the
benefit of all the participants. A quiz is designed around
your company and its products and services.
Combining three fantastic activities in one, the 4 x 4
Indoor Derby has everything to offer a corporate team.
product which combines some
This is a value-added p
of the most successful programs into one exciting
three hour package.
-Design and construct a model 4x4.
-Create an advert to market and promote the vehicle.
-Let the races begin! Vechicle placed in the races.
The winning team is the group that collects the most
A fantastic product that incorporates
construction, promotion and a race day for all to enjoy.
An assortment of smaller sports activities for
groups to pay at will. This is not a full
involvement option.
Boulle- an exciting adaptation of the age-old
French game.
Cricket- an action-packed cricket orientated game based around a rubber pitch with
specially designed rules to include players of all levels, male and female.
Volleyball- harnesses join players making this a real challenge for those playing and
great fun to watch.
This is a wonderful activity where you can get the team to relax together by
receiving a massage, foot massage or manicure.
As this massage option is mobile, it can be done at any venue or office. Also a great
i to say thank
h k you to employees
f a particularly
i l l stressful
f l period.
i d
For this proposed event with 70 Guests we intend to put an
unforgettable experience- all taking place on the Slopes of Table
Mountain- one of the world's most significant land marks. The
group would be divided, with a number of teams enjoying each
activity in rotation.
1) Abseiling: Abseiling is a technique for descending a cliff
face using a fixed rope as well as harnesses and safety
equipment with the speed of descent being controlled by the
2) Rock Climbing: Higgovale Quarry offers many pitched
climbing routes to suit all levels and abilities. Whether you have
climbed before or not, we guarantee that we will make this
activity an incredible and enjoyable experience for all.
3)Table Mountain Biking:
Using our 24 speed front
suspension Mountain bikes, riding on the lower slopes of Table
Mountain is once in a lifetime occasion.
occasion Offering a choice of off
offroad, single track and scenic paved roads, Table Mountain has
something for everyone when it comes to mountain Biking.
There are also mountain rock pools and cliff jumps for those
seeking additional thrills or simply the opportunity to cool off.
This is a fun, highly interactive programme where
every single person is able to get involved,
regardless of their age, level of fitness or physical
abilities. Each team works together to write a
script, produce, direct and act in a “Movie” using
the resources provided.
Teams are given a “Movie Making Kit” which contains an assortment of materials,
props and goodies. Everyone has to tap into both their creative and practical abilities
as they start to produce their movie. This can be followed by a “Night at the Oscars!”
There's a murder mystery to solve and teams must attempt - to
share clues, gather evidence and name the culprit. But there's a
twist - you can't trust everyone!
A large group alternative with a new perspective on a well-known
concept. All will be revealed when the videos of the teams
guessing the Murderer, accomplice and Murder Weapon are
viewed by everyone at the end of the event!
It caters for a memorable evening of mayhem, mystery and mischief, heaped with
good ole fashioned fun! An ideal experience to ‘level the playing fields’ for corporate
teambuilding, unforgettable client entertainment or to add a touch of intrigue to a
special private occasion such as birthdays or anniversaries.
The game is designed to be played by 5 – 60 adult participants, willing to take a
lighthearted attitude to blackmail, sex, corruption, deceit and of course first-degree
murder. Your guests are all assigned a fictitious character, with the possible means
and appropriate motive, to be considered a prime murder suspect.
In News Room, your staff will strategize how to put together
their very own live TV news broadcast.
broadcast The various roles of
anchor, roaming reporter, camera man, journalist, make-up
and wardrobe etc. will be assigned. The delegates will
interview each other, collect the relevant data, write the press
releases and take the photo’s themselves. All the content
covered in the broadcast will relate directly to your
organization and itit’s
s mission statement and goals.
The jingle starts playing as everyone assumes their positions. Behind the scenes the
cameramen, studio crew, reporters, anchor hosts and supporting staff all have an
integral role to play in making a success of the broadcast…
A flexible
fl ibl and
d entertaining,
t t i i
i t t d team
b ildi option
ti requiring
i i reams to
innovate as they go along. Can be customised to include corporate elements such
as mission statements or specific internal marketing key points.
Thi is
i a different
t experience.
W offer
ff night
i ht clay
shooting – large floodlights light up the clays as they fly from
the trap and you track them, shatter them and score your
This shoot is based on 10 shots per person. We also cater for experienced shooters
and those who would just like to come and enjoy a relaxing days
days' shooting of clay
pigeon or Olympic targets.
The name ... ‘Naked’ as in the chef and it’s all about
your brand. This is a fun way of examining various
aspects of your brand; getting feedback and
interpretations, whilst releasing creative energy!
Participants are required to ‘pizza-fy’ various elements of
your brand using the vehicle of a cooking show.
Each team designs and produces a pizza symbolising various elements such as your
logo, brand personality and slogan. They then film a short cooking show explaining
their interpretation, which allows for some light hearted entertainment during the
Paintball is a combination of the childhood g
games Tag
g and Hide
and Seek, but is more challenging and sophisticated.
The ability to think quickly and decisively, as in a game of chess, is
what will make you a star. Paintball is also a character-building
sport. Players learn the importance of teamwork and gain selfconfidence while developing leadership abilities.
Paintball is an exciting
g sport,
and above all p
paintball is fun. It's a chance to shake off
your day-to-day responsibilities and rekindle your spirit of adventure. Once the
adrenaline starts pumping, you can't help but love the thrill of the game!
The Palmiet River tumbles through the Fynbos covered
mountains of the Kogelberg Nature Reserve, just outside
Kleinmond about an hour
s drive from Cape Town.
A friendly stream during the summer months, winter rainfall
turns the river into an exciting white water adventure. At
medium and high water levels we offer thrilling white water
rafting in two-person inflatable 'crocodiles’ or four person rafts
and at low levels we offer tubing trips on inflatable 'gekos'.
The Palmiet River Experience is suitable for all ages and skill levels - we provide
qualified and registered guides with an intimate knowledge of the river and its
environment and instruction on how to steer your craft.
Hop on the party bus and enjoy the ride. Enjoy the comfort
and luxury of our specially designed tour vehicles and leave
all the arrangements to us.
us We supply experienced drivers
and dedicated staff to look after your every need. There are
3 buses available that seat 35 passengers each. Each bus
includes a reliable driver, bar and barman (and an on-board
toilet). A lounge with a drinking games table and vibey music
makes for a great party.
include: Just cruising,
g, Cruising
g to a restaurant or braai spot
p for lunch or dinner,,
Cruising to your conference or team building venue
After a short safety briefing you don your
lifejacket and board the stable, easy to paddle
two man kayaks to explore the crystal
waterways of this fascinating African Penguin
colony, one of only two situated on the
mainland. You will be guided by an instructor to
see the penguins waddle over the rocks and
gliding through the water.
In this interactive business simulation game, teams
compete within the same market. They first tender for
one of the available pizza shop business sites - the
student area, by the theatre, or in the town centre.
Depending on the tender bid the computer allocates
sites and teams decide on p
g, p
product q
staffing, market research and advertising.
ill be
b transported
t d to
t a five
fi star
t kitchen
kit h where
unleash the Italian chef inside them enjoying a vibrant
atmosphere whilst cooking up a storm. Once your glasses are
full of ruby red a brief demonstration of the ancient art will
prepare you for your pizza making adventure.
Challenge your colleagues to a fun few hours out of the office in
our pizza build off and see who can make the biggest,
biggest the
smallest or the weirdest pizza.
The pizza maker event includes all equipment in a five star
kitchen, all the ingredients, pizza for lunch and all your
refreshments (pizza & wine included).
This is a unique corporate team building alternative that aligns the game of poker and
the art of business in such a way that it has been described as the market leader in
corporate edutainment.
Successful Business managers have recognized the value of transferable skills that can
be learnt as a poker player. This event will demonstrate there is no better training
ground for business than a poker game, where your ability to measure risk and making
split-second decisions will determine whether you cash out a winner or not.
This activity offers a fun cooking challenge where teams are
provided with surprise ingredients and have to use their
imaginations and skills to create mouth-watering potjies.
There’s time to relax and enjoy some drinks during the cooking
time as we all know that a good “potjie” takes a while to cook.
The chef facilitating the activity will add pressure when the time draws near and will
judge the winners on a combination of taste, team spirit and team work. It’s a great
physical activity and gets the whole team involved.
Time, Task, & Talent is a fun, high-energy, communication based
team-building activity!
It demands different levels of physical and mental input to
complete 20 odd tasks in a set time.
time The tasks all have points
allocated to them and the teams compete against each other as
well as the clock.
The big question is whether the teams have the talent to complete the tasks within the
set time limit. An amazingly fun and active project that tests the thinking, doing,
planning, listening, and communication skills of the team. For this project, the group will
b divided
di id d into
i t teams,
i t each
h other.
P j t TTT requires
i i ht
Project TTT is followed by a feedback session during which the team has an
opportunity to assess how well they did, and is also challenged to take their realisations
back to the workplace.
Qolf was invented by three South African schoolboys who were
looking for a way to improve their pitching and chipping skills in
their own backyard.
It has created tremendous interest worldwide and is seen as the
perfect introduction to golf in a relaxed, fun environment. The
beauty of QOLF is that it can be set up and played on any grass
surface. Qolf is both an ideal introduction to golf, and a unique
pitching and short game practice tool.
If you are into
i t adventure,
li rushes
h and
d fun
f then
th quad
d biking
biki is
for you. Also known as All Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s), these 4 wheelers
are tough and versatile and ideal for exploring the countryside or pitting
your riding skills against whatever mother earth has to offer. This is a
great activity for all, whether you are a beginner or seasoned pro.
Take advantage of the natural learning environment
provided by a rafting experience. The group will be split
into smaller teams. A central store will have all the
materials required by the teams.
The store will include all the normal equipment such as
ropes, poles and plastic drums as well as some more
unusual materials including bamboo, flags, floats etc.
Teams will have to make use of their ingenuity with the
provisions provided.
The challenge for the team is to construct a 'sea worthy' raft, and paddle it across a
stretch of water to collect other team members and then complete various tasks.
The event is designed to put fun, imagination and inspiration back into dining, and to
take the occasion to greater lengths, by challenging the participants mentally, whilst
relaxing them – a rare combination!! Everyone is a winner in this activity.
Appetites for food and inspiration are fulfilled and knowledge passed along.
along Social
activity as well as a deep-seated comparison of the food purchase, preparation and
serving are shared, and compared to top business practice, all at once, providing
participants with a unique experience.
This section of the river consists of stretches of flat water and flowing channels
through the reed islands. There are no demanding rapids, which makes it the perfect
trip for entry-level paddlers.
Start the day with a light breakfast, head off on the “crocs” down the river. Lunch is a
delicious picnic spread served on the banks and the day ends in the late afternoon
with a tasting of local wines.
A themed indoor business game where each team acts as
a rafting company facing the challenge of leading a
commercial ‘first descent’ down one of the world’s great
rivers. River Runner takes the thrill of white water rafting
and brings all the aspects of running a river adventure
p y into a fun and challenging
g g indoor business while
the participants have no chance of getting wet they will be
supplied with full-sized rafts, paddles, life-vests and all
manner of vital expedition equipment.
Success comes from achieving a balance between being the first to run the river,
satisfying demanding clients, maintaining a good safety record and most importantly,
showing a profit for your efforts.
Rock Band is a dynamic innovative teambuilding
intervention. As with any group, there are the
extroverts and the introverts.
Rock Band is designed to bring the group together as
one, working together to plan, choreograph and
perform on stage having great fun in the process.
The very nature of the performing arts is that individuals tend to come out of their
shells when put in front of a camera. This very response is able to consolidate the
team, allowing them to function on a very different level.
The end result is a winning performance which epitomizes the togetherness of the
team and the delivery as an integrated unit.
unit There
s a wild child inside all of us.
us Rock
Band will unleash an energy in your team you never thought possible. The team will
love it and you will love the results. Rock Band can accommodate teams of different
sizes and is customised to ensure that all delegates participate and are fully involved.
Ever dreamed of belonging to a band? Madonna, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, if
you can imagine it, we’ll make it all come to life.
Learn the fundamental teamwork that is necessary in the
handling of a yacht out at sea. Take your team on a two day
sailing course and get a certificate of competency on successful
completion. This will bond your group like never before and
you’ll be talking about the shared experiences for a long time
Scrabblematics is an interactive, audio visual event which will ensure a "mini cranium
work out", while encouraging great social interaction between delegates. Basic
arithmetic and "word games" are the order of the day as "ever changing" teams try and
find the best solution within the given time frame.
A lovely one for the ladies, they can get together and produce a
company scrapbook on a project or for individual use.
Sea kayaking is an enjoyable sport and you get the
opportunity to experience the thrill of paddling on the
open ocean close to natures best in the form of the
Southern Right Whale and the Jackass Penguin. We
sometimes have seals and dolphins pop in for a visit
Experience the beauty of the Cape in a once-in-alifetime-trip on an exotic classic from yesteryear.
Cape Sidecar Adventures offer visitors the unique
experience of cruising around the Cape on a
classic 750cc Sidecar.
We can tailor
t il make
k the
th day
d to
t include
i l d refreshment
f h
and lunch stops, or we can do a Treasure Hunt.
A fleet of 20 well maintained, fully licensed sidecars seating 2 passengers each are
available to treat your VIP guests, staff or friends to a spin of a lifetime.
This Gameshow a unique event in that no one is excluded. Each Gameshow is
distinctive as it is developed in consultation with the client. The event is tailored to
the participants in terms of the dynamics of the group. Once the demographics are
known (in terms of age, race, language and gender) the questions are selected and
matched accordingly.
The Gameshow presents a number of possibilities and can
be used:
1. In Conferences: Where the event provides the perfect
foil to the ardour of the day. The event goes hand-in-hand
with the conference ethic as it supports team building
initiatives and encourages people to mix and converse freely.
It allows delegates to relax, lighten the rigors of a conference
and have a lot of fun.
2. For End of Year functions: The Gameshow is a bubbly
event that ‘challenges’ participants by way of a quiz with a
E h eventt is
i supported
t d by
b greatt prizes
and DVDs sponsored by Sony Music Entertainment) which
add to the fun factor. The event itself is highly entertaining
and the questions posed are very different to anything on the
3. Social Events: For companies,
companies clubs or Social
Awareness groups that need to entertain and let people
enjoy themselves, the Gameshow is the ideal vehicle. The
event also assists with well deserving fund raising
programmes and can be used to promote these causes.
The Gameshow is run by two audio visual specialists and is run on a professional
level with coordinated planning as a prerequisite before the Gameshow is
The event is driven by state-of-the-art electronic presentations and supported by
high quality sound. Since the event is an audio-visual experience the venue must
suit g
and appropriate
pp p
gy must be p
The prices for the Gameshow are very competitive as the event includes
sponsored prizes for the winning team.
If you don’t have wings you will never fly. Having a great idea is one
thing, getting it to take flight and land as a valuable end product is
quite another.
The Squadron of Success uses the experience and passion of actual
flight to enable teams to plan, problem solve, communicate and to
work as a team to make flight possible.
The teams are challenged with planning, building and flying a radio controlled
aeroplane. In the same way that the Wright Brothers succeeded in enabling man to fly,
you too can succeed. All it takes is an idea and the passion to give that idea wings.
Squadron of Success is an innovative team building exercise that will take your team
from an idea to evaluating
g those ideas, planning,
g implementation and running
g projects
that will create real value.
This teambuild will teach the team new skills that allows them to do 3 things that are
most valuable to any organisation Start – do – Finish. This teambuild is run over a
series of weeks as each module has its own time frame.
There are times that managers need to push their team to the edge of their limits, but
what is their limit? If you are serious about testing the limits of your team and want to
expose them to an extreme survivor experience, we offer the real thing in our “make
or break” programs.
The Survivor Challenge is based on the similarly titled
television series. Unlike the television series, this is a team
based activity, where the group will be split into teams.
The Survivor Challenge runs on a fun competition format,
where all teams are involved in the same activity at the same
time. This builds on the team spirit and the general
atmosphere of the activity. All activities run on a points base
and the team with the highest amount of points at the end of
the day wins the challenge.
By winning an individual activity, the team that wins the activity gets immunity. After
every challenge, the teams get to vote on which team they would like to eliminate for
the next activity, meaning that the team that is eliminated will not have the
opportunity to score points in the next activity.
The Challenge
g and Initiative Course is a fun competitive
formula that
draws on the delegate’s capacity to interact, communicate, manage
time, solve problems and work together as a team. All our activities
are designed to utilize laughter as a means of bringing people together.
These activities require no prior experience, fitness or training.
The teams will need to work together in order to complete the
Caterpillar Walk, Human Knot, Trust Fall and other ice breaker
We will highlight the hilarity of communication breakdowns with Blind Soccer, Animal Noises
and Blind Rope shapes. These activities all require an individual to rely on their team members
instructions to complete the task.
The aim is to provide an easy going environment where many often
confusing and complicated methods of the art of sushi making could be
revolutionized into an "easy to use at home" approach.
The highly qualified chef will take you through all the tricks of the
trade. From making of the rice, filleting the fish, vegetable cutting, Maki
Rolls and many more.
TEAM BARN BUILD: Team Barn Building is a dynamic, values based exercise that
involves everyone. It encourages both competition and co-operation
in the pursuit of a common goal. It can be run for a small team or for
very large groups of people without difficulty or loss of impact.
Team Barn Build is a practical way to really get people's ideas and
viewpoints on your current mission or vision and then define and
agree on the values and behaviours that are needed to achieve your
strategic intent.
Each team is assigned with the brief of having to build a section of the total barn structure.
Once the teams have constructed their section of the barn they have to work together with the
other teams to put the entire structure together.
The teams are tasked with designing and painting the ideal scene on the barn panels
representing a vision of the future for the team. This is a practical and hands-on process that
involves everyone regardless of age,
age status,
status gender or qualification.
qualification It also can be done in such
a way as to make a meaningful community project work for you and your people.
This is a fun filled team
stimulates group cooperation
toward a common goal– good
together as a team in
preparing and eating a fine
gourmet meal. Instead of an
office or factory your group is
put into a different environment
Your team will be working with new tools and technologies, which will catalyse the
development of relationships and stimulate creative problem solving.
Participants learn to work together to produce exotic and unfamiliar gourmet meals,
using techniques and ingredients entirely new to most. No prior experience
necessary. For those with little or no cooking experience this can be daunting. For
those who think they know how to cook, even more so!
Cooking as a team develops service to others, close cooperation, planning skills,
good communication, quality performance, leadership, consensus and attention to
detail. New techniques, ingredients, appliances and tools present opportunities for
learning and innovation.
innovation For both the uninitiated and the experienced cook,
cook it is a
challenge requiring full focus, openness to constructive criticism, constant learning,
and most importantly, teamwork.
Treasure hunts are always fun and can be planned at most
venues with reasonable size properties, if you want to keep this
to a hunt on foot.
For those that want a full day out, the routes are planned for
vehicles and normally cover a distance of up to 150 kms in the
day. By then you should have loads of treasure!
All the lessons of teamwork are drawn on as the team
discovers if it has the ability to create the right
chemistry together.
Teamistry is both fun and exciting – a competition
mixed with an element of learning, and a rewarding
end result. The group will be divided into teams, who
are challenged to take on a Quality Quest: each team
is tasked with making their very own wine blend.
To start off, delegates will have the
opportunity to get into large barrels,
feet and all,, as theyy then stomp
p the fruit
together. Very entertaining. Not to
mention how much fun the teams have
in scrubbing each others feet before
they get into the barrels. Nothing beats
this physically sensational experience
of stomping fruit.
advantages of getting the right
chemistry and blend in teams back at
the workplace. The teams are then
briefed on the next phase of the day
which is – wine blending.
Wine blending has become a very common practice as many embark on the challenge
of producing a unique blend of wine as well as designing their own wine bottle label.
The next stage of Teamistry allows delegates to then make their own blend and enjoy
g it and comparing
g it to the blends that others have made. This wonderful new
concept allows delegates to unwind in an informal environment.
Delegates will be divided up into teams where they will be given the task of blending
three different wines. Each team will appoint a scribe to record the blend details and
spokes person. The different blends will be submitted for judging and a blind tasting will
take place by the wine master. Everyone then has a chance to sample the different
blends as each team presents their blend and the name of the blend. The teams then
bottle their blends to take home as a great momento after a great team building
Teams must test their entrepreneurial skills
against one another.
Cameras add an exciting new dimension to the
presentation and additional marketing elements
provide something for everyone! Adds
tremendous value to BusSim.
We run successful workshops with corporate
clients. During Improvisation workshops, we
teach participants the basics of improvisation:
working as a team, thinking on your feet, being
creative and spontaneous and most importantly,
having fun.
The workshops usually work best in groups of
thirtyy or less p
per facilitator and after the
participants have watched a professional show
as an introduction to the concept.
The perfect way to start - Time Travel takes place on the bus, en route to
the venue. Teams are caught between three time zones namely the past,
the present and the future. Delegates are introduced to the idea of
creative - fluidity thinking, as they journey onwards toward their
destination. They need to overcome the “Agents of Danger” and discover
the recipe for Optimum Gain.
They are stuck inside a time portal where they need to manage the future
from itself, the past and the present.
Competition is the name of the game as the teams learn to communicate
through a network exploring the problems of the future and
communicating the challenges that they encounter back to the past for
answers and assistance. The atmosphere is filled with excitement as the
exercise gains more and more speed as the bus ride progresses. There
is something for everyone in this team build – the physically challenged,
the snail and the grease lightning personalities are all equally stimulated.
A fantastic,
f filled
event and is a great way off getting your
delegates to a specific venue or "secret location".
The group is split into teams and each team s given an
"Urban Rally Survival Pack" and allocated a vehicle.
Participants must complete various tasks, identify certain
things on the way and work out answers to cryptic clues as
they make there way to their final destination.
An activity for the more distinguished palate. Can be arranged at any venue, leisure
Teams enjoy running a wine bar from scratch, taking out a
loan to cover the lease and refurbishment of the premises.
They need to plan a layout; set the prices; choose a
promotion style and budget; decide on the number of staff
and what to pay them. Each team starts in the same
position and so everyone has a fair chance.
Groups are welcomed with a friendly glass of
sparkling wine on the cellar’s patio, where after
they are taken into the vineyards on a tractorpulled wagon.
The participants get the
opportunity to pick their own grapes and
experience the enchanting act of throwing
bunches and bunches of grapes into antique
After a fearsome rally
rall in the vineyards,
ine ards a wine
ine tasting is conducted
cond cted and the group
gro p
receives a labeled plate to paste on their barrel(s) which will later be used for the
fermentation and maturation process of the wine.
Mind Bending “Riddle Hunt”:
This will include some walking, some water and some thinking to find answers.
This activity also serves as an ice-breaker .
Inflatable Racing Challenge:
Utilising two identical Bugaloo racing inflatable
boats, each boat will be provided with a racing
driver, i.e. the current National champion and
the World champion. The team members will be
co-drivers and change at each beach stop.
Tube Swop Challenge:
Two team members on two tubes behind one
boat.See how manyy times theyy
can swop in a given time.
Jetski Seafari:
Two identical Bugaloo jetski’s will be provided
for this event.Team member to drive and collect
an item floating on the water and return it to the
beach where the next team member will take
over the jetski. No racing will be done during
this event.
event Learn and test a new skill and have
Highspeed Ballistic One-island Trip:
Utilising one of our Bugaloo highspeed boats similar to the one that has won the Trans
Agulhas Boat Race in 2004 and 2005. This is an adrenalin rush of note and always a
favourite activity with our customers.
The Winelands Treasure Hunt takes delegates on a scenic drive around one of the
Cape’s most beautiful and interesting areas, rich in history and home to many award
winning wine estates.
Along the way we stop at farm stalls bursting with home-made South African
goodies, chocolatiers for mouth-watering treats, antique shops filled with interesting
nik-naks and of course vineyards
where we sample
p g
great wines and cheeses.
The Rally will take an Amazing Race type format where the guests will follow a
series of cryptic clues that will take them on a set route, stopping at check-points
that showcase the Winelands.
The rally is not a race against the clock but a day of discovery enabling the groups
to explore the Wine lands while interacting with each other, learning about the
destination they are visiting and having a great day out.