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Humanity, Peace, and Tradition in a Challenging Environment
August 14, 2015
By Isaac Gunner Geron
Food for Thought:
How does pressure effect our wellbeing?
Let's use carbon for an example.
Carbon is an element that is "essential" for life on Planet Earth.
As a matter in fact, Carbon is the derivative of what every living organism is made up
from. Carbon is so diverse, it can create over a million compounds. Carbon is also
responsible for one of the hardest objects on Earth, the diamond, as well as the one of
the softest, graphite. That being said, the human body itself is composed of eighteen
percent carbon. This natural occurrence, or presence of carbon in the body, has a
similar effect on our transpersonal facets of life, (the mind, body, spirit, and soul) just
as the moon has it's effect on the tides; creating a natural pull to our circadian
rhythms. Pressure in extreme conditions can be marvelous, yet it can also be very
For some, the energy of pressure can be utilized and transformed into a beautiful,
resilient diamond.
On the contrary, the energy of pressure can be perceived and metabolized as grinding
and disheartening, creating a different product out of the same element; graphite. A
product which is brittle and soft in reality.
Humanity, Peace, and Tradition in a Challenging Environment
August 14, 2015
How does pressure have anything to do with the vibration felt in Israel? Israel is a country filled full of culture,
tradition, and ancient ruins, also serving as the
setting of biblical stories. Israel is also a country
that is moving swiftly along with the technological
advances of modernization. Yet if you think about
Israel's location, it serves as the primary hotspot for
religious and spiritual seekers around the world.
The journey to Jerusalem, to arrive at the Western
Wall, has been a tradition for 1000's of years.
Prayers are folded up in tiny papers and placed in
the cracks of the wall, in turn sending their wishes,
prayers, and energy out into the universe. My belief
is that these traditions of spreading peace,
acknowledging your wrongdoings, and helping
those around you, is in itself what keeps the
strength of the people alive. Humanity, peace, and
tradition have arrived out of an awareness and
acknowledgement to fix and cope with what brings
pain and suffering. Before diving into the the topic,
it is very important to recognize and distinguish the
countries surrounding Israel. Most countries that
surround Israel are represented by leaders of
terrorist organizations. There are innocent civilians within each country that want peace, and have
nothing to do with the fighting and animosity that persists. The civil war going on amongst the people in Syria is a tragedy. So not only do Israelis feel
this tension, or this pressure in extreme conditions, but those who are caught in the middle of
destruction and battle, held hostage, and coerced to live within the danger are effected just as
much. So the question being proposed is how can humanity, tradition, and peace be maintained in
such a challenging environment? From my personal experience of visiting Israel, hearing the
bombs, and seeing the explosions across the border, speaking with soldiers of the IDF, and getting
to eat and speak with family members about life as an Israeli, all helped me put things into a
perspective, where the love people have for Israel is so passionate
and true, that nothing will scare them away from living there. "There are
civilians within
each country
that want
Whatever it is that we as humans seek, at the stitch of it all,
there lies love. Within love, there are many facets such as:
manipulation and generosity, jealousy and compassion, unity and
separation. Love is generally portrayed as something positive, yet in
reality, love has two sides as just expressed. We all want and wish the
best for for those close to us whom we love, as well as ourselves. We
all have the right to live vibrantly and free. Yet depending on our own
personal perception, as well as the environment we grow up in, we
generally can wish the best for those we don't know as well. I say "generally" because what
Humanity, Peace, and Tradition in a Challenging Environment
August 14, 2015
happens to our human nature when competition is involved, the wellbeing of your own life, or even
the life of your family and friends?
To begin to understand the pressures and vibrations felt in and among Israel, we can look
into the fight and flight response of the parasympathetic nervous system. We shall start here to see
how a human being naturally responds to a perceived threat. When a human being is threatened,
there is but two reactions: to stay and fight what is trying to harm you, or to flee in fear in order to
protect your well being. So when we consider what naturally happens to our state of being in times
of felt pressure and constant threats, we can build compassion and tolerance towards others
choices who are under pressure. After all, the point is not to judge or compare, the point is to build
up the proper knowledge and wisdom, in order to take action in a proper manner to neutralize any
negatively charged energy. At this point, it is important to acknowledge that the Israeli-Arab conflict is a complete and total
tragedy for both sides. The problems that arise are very complex, and undeniably for the right
reasons. There happen to be Muslim and Christian Arabs with Israeli citizenship, as well as the
Palestinians that live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that cause friction amongst neighboring
people. Supposed enemies live amongst each other. This easily leads to mistrust and anxiety. With
Jerusalem being a spiritual center of the world, you can begin to
imagine the sensitive issues that arise amongst the traditional
Orthodox Jews and Arabs in neighborhoods. The traditional religious
people, coexisting among the modern day secular people, tends to
stir up a bit of animosity as well. "...through
traditions, we
Amidst this swirling energy of passion for God, for life, for love, and ourselves with
land, there seems to be a common understanding underlying everyone conscious
who lives in Israel. From my personal perception, this common
understanding is a dire need for peace. The only way humanity has
been sustained, is through the people living out there lives keeping
Humanity, Peace, and Tradition in a Challenging Environment
August 14, 2015
tradition alive. In traditions, there is a common ground of consistency, artistic integrity, gatherings,
food, laughter, crying, conversations, and most of all a connection amongst people. Without
tradition, our modern day lives would go astray with technology getting in the way of people
staying connected to the earth and our true nature. Without tradition, us as a humanity would
forget where we have come from. We would lose sight of the importance to interact, share, and
trade amongst each other in order for the human species to prosper, thrive, and evolve. When we ground ourselves back down to the earth through traditions, we purify ourselves with
conscious thought, and amplify the energy when done in groups of people. We in turn feel loved,
and we also feel peace. Just like how waves go up and down, the ebb and flow, the dark gives to
the light, the left gives to right, we too shall find our balance in the center among the common daily
struggles. Israel is a prime example that we can still find peace amongst the chaos. Israel proves
that regardless of whatever happens in your life, when you have faith, and connect to something
greater than yourself, when you give your life to the earth instead of trying to conquer it, and when
you live a life of charity and selflessness, you shall always be protected by grace, love, and peace.