ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{ axãáÄxààxÜ

ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{ axãáÄxààxÜ
]tÇâtÜç ECCL
509-878-1509(church)/509-878-1334 (parsonage)
Special Interest Articles:
We exist to worship God and to form one another into loving
servants of Christ and the World.
• In Memory of Zena
• Connor’s Story Part III
• Pastor’s Column
Individual Highlights:
Pastor’s Column
Stewardship Devotion2
Connor’s Story -III- 3
Special Occasions
News from Iraq
Upcoming Retreats 5
Bible Book
PFC Elink
Prayer Requests
From Saipan
Message of Thanks 7
Children’s Ministry 8
Church Photos
Give & Take
In Memory of Zena Broughton ~ by Patti Green-Kent
Many of us lost a dear friend, and the Palouse Federated Church lost a valued
member with the passing of Zena Broughton in November. Zena and Bill Broughton
joined the Palouse Federated Church shortly after moving to Palouse with their family
(Abbie, Alexa, and Ben) in 1990. Zena and Bill immediately became involved with
many church functions and served in innumerable capacities throughout the years. Zena
was very involved in the entire Christian Education program, helping with Sunday
school, programs, vacation Bible School and various youth activities during your "young
child rearing" years. She also was very involved in social activities with other parents at
school and church as they all figured out child rearing together.
After Bill's sudden death in 2007, Zena continued the PFC activities that she and Bill
had pursued together as well as joining the newly formed women's bible study. The ladies
in this group became very close and very much appreciated Zena's contributions to their
group as well as her friendship. She also continued her involvement in her many civic
and social groups.
Zena's family, Greg, Abbie and Will Marsh, Ben Broughton, and Ellery and Alexa
Blood Broughton have chosen to honor the Palouse Federated Church by donating some
of Zena's Christian Book collection as well as funds to enhance the church's book lending
system with the purchase of more books and updating it to a more standard library
system. They have also donated many items to the Palouse Library and Needful Things
to further benefit the community on Zena's behalf.
Though the Broughton’s always considered Dayton to be their true "home", they
always loved Garfield and Palouse, the Palouse Federated Church, the Garfield-Palouse
School districts, and their many friends in the community.
The family so appreciates the outpouring of condolences and support as they deal with
the necessary details. It has made the difficult process much easier for them. Bill and
Zena Broughton will be missed by many and their contributions to our church,
community, and many of us will not be forgotten.
ctzx E Éy G
ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{
Pastor’s Column: Why Bangladesh?
I will soon be off for my ten day journey in
Why go to Bangladesh? I was invited to
Bangladesh by Walt White a missionary who
recently spoke at our church. I am very excited
about the work he is doing. He presents the Gospel
to people- but also helps to meet their needs and
fights injustice. One of the NGO’s he helped to
form is called Symbiosis (check out:
www.symbiosis-int.org). This organization is not
explicitly Christian- but is doing the work of Christ
in serving the “least of these” in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh has a 71% illiteracy rate for women.
Walt and his various efforts are working hard at
changing that reality. In addition, the country is
less than 1% Christian. There are great efforts
being made to share the love of Christ with the
people of Bangladesh and I am excited to be able to
go witness them first hand and bring the experience
back here to Palouse.
Where is Bangladesh? It is directly east of India
(well most of India anyways) and it is west of
Myanmar and Thailand, and it is south of Bhutan
and China. Bangladesh is the size of Iowa but has
the population of half the USA- near 160 million
I will leave immediately after worship on
Sunday January 4th and begin a day and half journey
East that will end in Dhaka- the capital of
Matthew 2:
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in
Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi
from the east came to Jerusalem 2and
asked, “Where is the one who has been
born king of the Jews? We saw his star in
the east and have come to worship him.”
When King Herod heard this he was
disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.
Bangladesh. I will be returning on January 14th.
Please pray for and look out for my family
while I am gone. And if you wouldn’t mind
praying for me too- that would be appreciated.
See you soon,
~ Pastor Corey
The Necessity of Giving
“If anyone has material possession and sees his
brother in need but has not pity on him, how can
the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us
not love with words or tongue but with actions
and in truth.”
--I John 3:17
In the verse preceding this text, John
writes, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus
Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to
lay down our lives for our brothers”. What does
it mean to “lay your life down” for your
brothers? Does this mean we are to literally die
for them?
Verses 17 and 18 offer two practical
ways to lay down our lives for our brothers.
First, if we have material possessions, we are to
give to our brothers who are in need. Secondly,
we are to love not only with words, but with
actions and in truth.
We could give people our excess in
material goods and try to be helpful, but we
would be in danger of not showing true love.
True love means actions that stem from a heart
of conviction, a heart of commitment—a heart
filled with the love of God. This kind of heart
condition only comes when we lay our lives
before the cross of Jesus and say, “All that I am
and all that I have are yours, Lord. Show me
who you want me to love and minister to today”.
This takes the focus off of you and puts it on
Meditate on how you can lay down your
life for your brothers within our church.
ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{
Summary: When baby Connor was born, his diaphragm was
improperly developed and as a result he was not expected to
survive. In an act of faith and in a moment of desperation,
Connor was flown by special medical jet to a Portland,
Oregon hospital for specialized treatment. In an unexpected
and miraculous way Connor had survived the trip and the first
two days at the hospital. Parts 1 & 2 of Connor’s story are
available in previous newsletters accessible online at
Continuing now with the story from the Portland hospital….
Friday, day 3 at the Portland hospital. (4 days old) In the
morning there was still no change in Connor. He had made it
through another night and now was four days old, four days
longer than he was expected to survive since the moment of
his birth. Connor’s family kept their faith and fervently
prayed through the day, knowing that prayers were also being
spoken back in Palouse. That evening they gathered at
Connor’s bedside and prayed lovingly for his healing, for the
Lord to strengthen his little body, and to strengthen his
mother’s body and to steady her every increasing but fragile
faith. They prayed that every day the Lord would show
Megan new miracles through her baby to revive her hope and
trust in God.
Following their collective prayer the family turned to look
at the Connor. Aunt Shelly recalls what they observed, “All
of us at that moment visually witnessed our first miracle with
Connor that night. Connor's chest rose up with a giant
movement. We all gasped and both nurses jumped up off of
their stools and started looking at him and all of his machines,
and then one of the nurses said ‘Connor took a breath on his
own.’” The nurse could tell by the bubbles coming from his
mouth. The family watched him continue to surpass all
expectations and take breaths on his own. Although his
breaths were sporadic, about one breath per 5-7 seconds, they
were unswerving! Finally, happy tears were shed! Connor’s
family was so excited they extended their stay at the hospital
in celebration of this miracle. Eventually they retired for the
night, leaving Megan, Beau and baby Connor for the night.
And in the midst of this blessing the doctor was called to
come confirm the breaths of life Connor was taking on his
own. The doctor checked Connor and found him very stable.
He instructed the nurses not to increase the dose of morphine,
but to let him continue breathing on his own and monitor his
Saturday, day 4 at the Portland hospital. (5 days old) The
family woke up full of hope and excitement. They phoned
Megan to request a Connor update and see how he had done
through the night. Megan said that he did great and was still
breathing on his own. The family hurried to the hospital and
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to their great relief Connor was now taking about two
breaths every five seconds, all on his own. They praised
God and cried new happy tears! Shelly relates the story
that, “Later that day at about 5 pm, Megan was standing
over Connor and closed her eyes with tears running down
her face and prayed, ‘GOD I just want to see my baby’s
eyes.’ At the moment she opened her eyes and took a long
sigh. Megan's eyes all of a sudden became huge and she
smiled with more tears rolling down her cheeks. She said
‘He's trying to look at me; he's trying to watch me.’ Megan
was now full of hope and faith.”
Connor breathing on his own caused chills of excitement
to come over the family! Even the nurses were exhilarated.
They all jumped up, with the family on one side of Connor
and the nurses at his head and opposite side. When they
first stood up, they could see Connor slowly trying to open
his eyes. He was soon gazing into his mother's eyes for the
very first time. It was amazing. The nurses said that babies
on ECCMO machines (ECCMO is essentially an artificial
lung), are not supposed to be able to breath on their own
until they are weaned off morphine. They called the doctor
again and he came to check Connor’s vital signs. The
doctor said to leave Connor’s morphine where it was, to
watch him and continue to monitor his vitals. He said that
as long as Connor was not overly stimulated he could be
left on his own to look around and explore his new world.
Sunday, day 5 at the Portland hospital. (6 days old)
Everyone was rejoicing in the miracles God had blessed
them with. The extended family phoned Megan in the
morning to see how Connor had fared through the night.
Megan reported that Connor had stayed awake all night and
watched everything and looked at everybody around him,
finally falling asleep sometime early that morning. She also
said the doctor was no longer giving Connor the scary 10%
chance of survival. Connor would definitely make it
through this as long as there were no set-backs. Prayers
were being answered!
Connor’s family had a wonderful day at the hospital.
Before some of the family departed, returning to Palouse,
they all gathered in the parking lot with Megan and Beau's
sister Carmen. The entire group held hands and formed
their last prayer circle, knowing with full force that prayers
are answered. The family left. Megan and Beau stayed in
Portland and Connor would soon begin phase 2 of his
healing, he would now face a major surgery…
~…To be continued…
ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{
Devotional Message A young man had been to Wednesday Night Bible
Study. The Pastor had shared about listening to God
and obeying the Lord's voice. The young man
couldn't help but wonder, 'Does God still speak to
people?' After service, he went out with some
friends for coffee and pie and they discussed the
message. Several different ones talked about how
God had led them in different ways. It was about ten
o'clock when the young man started driving home.
Sitting in his car, he just began to pray, 'God...If you
still speak t o people, speak to me. I will listen. I will
do my best to obey.' As he drove down the main
street of his town, he had the strangest thought to stop
and buy a gallon of milk. He shook his head and said
out loud, 'God is that you?' He didn't get a reply and
started on toward home. But again, the thought, buy a
gallon of milk. The young man thought about
Samuel and how he didn't recognize the voice of God,
and how little Samuel ran to Eli. 'Okay, God, in case
that is you, I will buy the milk.' It didn't seem like too
hard a test of obedience. He could always use the
milk. He stopped and purchased the gallon of milk
and started off toward home.
As he passed Seventh Street, he again felt the urge,
'Turn Down that street.' This is crazy he thought, and
drove on past the intersection. Again, he felt that he
should turn down Seventh Street. At the next
intersection, he turned back and headed down
Seventh. Half jokingly, he said out loud, 'Okay, God,
I will.' He drove several blocks, when suddenly, he
felt like he should stop He pulled over to the curb and
looked around. He was in a semi- commercial area of
town. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst of
neighborhoods either. The businesses were closed
and most of the houses looked dark like the people
were already in bed. Again, he sensed something,
'Go and give the milk to the people in the house
across the street.' The young man looked at the house.
It was dark and it looked like the people were either
gone or they were already asleep. He started to open
the door and then sat back in the car seat. 'Lord, this
is insane. Those people are asleep and if I wake them
up, they are going to be mad and I will look stupid.'
Again, he felt like he should go and give the milk.
Finally, he opened the door, 'Okay God, if this is you,
I will go to the door and I will give them the milk. If
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you want me to look like a crazy person, okay. I want
to be obedient. I guess that will count for something,
but if they don't answer right away, I am out of here.'
He walked across the street and rang the bell. He
could hear some noise inside. A man's voice yelled
out, 'Who is it? What do you want?' Then the door
opened before the young man could get away. The
man was standing there in his jeans and T-shirt. He
looked like he just got out of bed. He had a strange
look on his face and he didn't seem too happy to have
some stranger standing on his doorstep. 'What is it?'
The young man thrust out the gallon of milk, 'Here, I
brought this to you.' The man took the milk and
rushed down a hallway. Then from down the hall
came a woman carrying the milk toward the kitchen.
The man was following her holding a baby. The baby
was crying. The man had tears streaming down his
face. The man began speaking and half crying, 'We
were just praying. We had some big bills this month
and we ran out of money. We didn't have any milk for
our baby. I was just praying and asking God to show
me how to get some milk.' His wife in the kitchen
yelled out, 'I ask him to send an Angel with some.
Are you an Angel?' The young man reached into his
wallet and pulled out all the money he had on him
and put in the man's hand $20. He turned and walked
back toward his car and the tears were streaming
down his face. He knew that God still answers
Jill Griffin – January 6th
Don Comstock – January 7th
HettyLee Laughary – January 11th
Chris Bofenkamp – January 13th
Erin Reams – January 13th
Anthony Floyd – January 18th
David Hill – January 18th
Dean Hubner– January 18th
Pastor Corey Laughary – January 25th
Holly Brown – January 26th
Pat Collier – January 29th
Janet & Ben Barstow – January 3rd
Amy & Jeff West – January 7th
Dixie & GA Perry – January 16th
Patti Green-Kent & Scott Kent –January 16th
ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{
News From Iraq – Tyler Barstow
I was out in the field the past three days. The
unit I was with is providing security along the
Syrian border. They do patrols and searches to
deter arms smuggling and insurgent activity
long the border. Because they move so much,
they have to live out of their trucks and sleep
on the ground. It was very cold. And then it
Well, let me backtrack. The first day there
was a huge sandstorm so all we did was sit on
the back side of the trucks bundled up with our
eyes closed. That lasted into the night where
we slept in our sleeping bags. Very cold and
windy. Like, frost in the mornings but the
thermal lining causes it to melt so you end up
all wet.
The next day was miserable and then the
rain came. But by then we had pulled out tents
and dug trenches. It was actually a lot of fun.
But not much happened and they couldn't
patrol any so I wasted a lot of time.
But I did grow a pretty good stache during
my trip. Normally, you aren't allowed to grow
one because it will just look like you didn't
shave but when you go out "in the field" it's
okay. The normal rules apply, but it's kind of
like taking moustache leave, a time when you
can go home, be nasty, don't shave and grow a
stellar moustache. Within Marine Corps
Uniform regulations which leave you with a
pencil thin moustache that doesn't stick out
past the corners of your mouth.
For Christmas: it gets colder and colder
every day. SO I will have that feeling of home
for me. I brought "A Christmas Story" and "A
Christmas Carol" so I will probably read those.
I'm sure the guys we have here will do
Good to hear from you, rest assured that my
upper lip will be adequately warm.
This is our main page and will show all the
updates we have.
I really enjoyed writing this story. It's a bit
fluffy, but I think it worked out well. It's about
us working with a local tribe to gather intel.
ctzx H Éy G
This one is a convoy story.
This is about a painter. It may not work for
Again, thank you for the support.
Men’s Retreat: January 23-24, 2009
“Man in the Mirror” is the theme for the
Men’s Retreat at Ross Point Camp this
Pastor Corey is one of three speakers who will
challenge the men to take a real look in the
mirror. Every man in the church is invited to
attend this retreat. The church can provide a
50% scholarship for those in need.
Please look for the registration brochures on
the information table in the main hallway of
the church.
Activities at the retreat- usually include
basketball, volleyball, card games, worship and
really good food.
Women’s Retreat: February 20-22, 2009
Many women look at friends and family
members whom God is using and we think,
"Sure, God can use them but I am far from
perfect. There is no way God could use
someone like me". The truth is, God knows all
about you. There is no dark little secret you
can hide from Him. And yet... God chooses to
use you. Just the way you are is good enough
for God. In fact, He is using you right now.
Friday February 20th through Sunday the 22nd
we will be exploring the many ways God
chooses to use us at the Ross Point Women's
Annual Retreat.
Carmena Pyfrom of Philadelphia
Pennsylvania is back for her 4th year at the
Women's Retreat to speak God's words to us.
Please mark your calendars and make time to
attend. The best wives and mothers are the
ones who take time to invest in their
relationship with God. We welcome you to
come and do just that--while having a lot of
fun too! If you have questions or need more
information please talk to Tina Laughary or
call Marta at Ross Point 208-773-1655.
Faith In
Bible Study –
Tuesdays –
6:45pm at the
Bible Study
for everyone –
Tuesdays –
10:00am at
the church –
Pastor Corey
is leading,
“The Bible for
Bible Study –
– 6:45pm at
Men’s Bible
Study –
Thursdays –
7:00pm at the
Bible Study –
Fridays –
contact Amy
West for
location 8781967.
ctzx I Éy G
Matthew 2:
When he had called
together all the
people’s chief priests
and teachers of the
law, he asked them
where the Christ was to
be born. 5“In
Bethlehem in Judea,”
they replied, “for this is
what the prophet has
written: 6‘But you,
Bethlehem, in the land
of Judah, are by no
means least among the
rulers of Judah; for out
of you will come a ruler
who will be the
shepherd of my people
ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{
Bible Book of the Month: Proverbs
Proverbs is a book of wisdom thought to mainly be authored by King Solomon
(King David’s son) and his court. This book has been read for over 2,500 years.
People from all corners of the earth have read this book to gain wisdom. Everyone
should read the book of Proverbs at least once a year. It is filled with such handy
and wise advice- it truly is a helpful book. If you have read it before- it is time to
read it again, and if you have never read it through then consider yourself ready for
an ancient treat of delicious wisdom. Enjoy the read- here is a schedule to help
guide you.
_ Day 1 –––– Proverbs 1
_ Day 2 –––– Proverbs 2
_ Day 3 –––– Proverbs 3
_ Day 4 –––– Proverbs 4
_ Day 5 –––– Proverbs 5
_ Day 6 –––– Proverbs 6
_ Day 7 –––– Proverbs 7
_ Day 8 –––– Proverbs 8
_ Day 9 –––– Proverbs 9
_ Day 10 ––– Proverbs 10
_ Day 11 ––– Proverbs 11
_ Day 12 ––– Proverbs 12 - 13
_ Day 13 ––– Proverbs 14
_ Day 14 ––– Proverbs 15
_ Day 15 ––– Proverbs 16
_ Day 16 ––– Proverbs 17
_ Day 17 ––– Proverbs 18 - 19
_ Day 18 ––– Proverbs 20
_ Day 19 ––– Proverbs 21
_ Day 20 ––– Proverbs 22
_ Day 21 ––– Proverbs 23
_ Day 22 ––– Proverbs 24
_ Day 23 ––– Proverbs 25
_ Day 24 ––– Proverbs 26
_ Day 25 ––– Proverbs 27
_ Day 26 ––– Proverbs 28
_ Day 27 ––– Proverbs 29
_ Day 28 ––– Proverbs 30
_ Day 29 ––– Proverbs 31
If you would like to recive the weekly email update from the PFC – please email Pastor Corey at
[email protected] and request to be added to the PFC ELink email list.
Prayer Requests
Our prayers are with Bernie York, the Family
of Zena Broughton, Ryan Jordon (recently
deployed to Kuwait), Liz Schell, those not
able to join us in the wintry weather, those
that don’t know the meaning of Christmas,
Sally and Jake our adoptees from Eastern
State Hospital. Our Families, Our Nation, Our
Troops, Our Communities& Our Enemies.
ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{
ctzx J Éy G
Gifts for Eastern State Hospital Patients
Thank you to all who contributed to providing Christmas
gifts to two patients at Eastern State Hospital. Over 279
dollars plus three phone cards were collected and I was
able to buy the gifts on their wish lists plus some
snacks. Pat and I braved the roads in a snowstorm to
deliver the gifts on December 17th. Often the gifts that
are collected are the only gifts the patients receive. I am
always amazed and very grateful for the generosity of
the people from our church. Thank you very much for
providing gifts to our two patients this year.
~Peggy Collier
Dear PFC Family! – From Saipan
Hafa Adai & Happy New Year from Saipan!
We thought we would take a second to give you a
quick update as to where we are in Saipan and what is
going on in our lives!
We have thoroughly enjoyed our first 6 months of
living on a tropical island! We have had so many
amazing opportunities and experiences that we could not
get anywhere else! God has truly blessed our time and us
thus far on Saipan!
Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts
as we continue to get settled in our new home! Keep
them coming! We have definitely faced some challenges
since being here, but continue to see God’s amazing
grace and love!
Life on Saipan is definitely different from the states;
it truly has it quirks! Food is much more expensive, Gas
tends to be 50 cents to 1$ more then the states, getting
dairy is awesome when you get it fresh and at a good
price. Just last week a 4 oz. carton of raspberries was
$7.00! The island speed limits in 35 mph, but people
tend to drive 45 – 50 mph. There are many little things
in the states we tend to take for granted, but definitely
begin to recognize on a 13x5 mile island.
Well, as January begins, it is hard to believe how
time has flown and that we are already starting our 3rd
semester at Saipan Community School. We have been so
busy since the beginning and can’t believe the end is in
Church Attendance & Offering Data
November 30
December 7
December 14
December 21
Total Church
sight! But as the school year is halfway done, the school
begins to start looking for teachers to fill positions and
we have to start making decisions. We have made our
decision. We will be coming home at the beginning of
June, but not to stay, only to visit. We feel that God has
us here for an amazing purpose and we are wholeheartedly excited to fulfill that purpose. Saipan is our
home for the time being.
This next school year, I am going to continue
teaching at Saipan Community School in the third grade,
but Mark is going to move on. We feel that God is
calling him to the public school system and to begin the
Young Life ministry on the island. Please pray for us as
he begins looking for a position in one of the high
schools or junior highs, and please pray for us as we try
to start a Young Life committee.
We hope you all are enjoying the holiday season and
the cold weather… We actually kind of miss the snow. I
am sure we wouldn’t though if we got a taste of it! We
currently are looking forward to John & Betty’s
Christmas visit, as they fly into Saipan on the 23rd of
We love and miss you all and are praying for you.
~Brittany & Mark Sawyer
A Message of Thanks
Abbie, Alexa, and Ben Broughton would like to
express our heartfelt gratitude for all the prayers,
loving support, kind words, babysitting, and physical
assistance during our mother's illness and after her
passing. We truly feel blessed to be a part of this
church family and community.
~Abbie Marsh (on Ellery's email)
Matthew 2:
Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out
from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8He
sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and make a
careful search for the child. As soon as you find him,
report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.
Sunday School
ctzx K Éy GC
Children’s and Youth Ministry
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As I look back over 2008, I am reminded of
the many blessings and wonderful things
happening in our children and youth ministries.
We extended our Sunday School program this
fall to five classes from the previous three. We
added a new class for 2 and 3 year olds and a
middle school class for 6th through 8th graders. It
is a great blessing to have committed teachers
and substitutes to provide age appropriate classes
for our children. A big thanks to all of them!
Thanks to the generosity of our congregation
and the scholarships provided, we were able to
send 30 kids to summer camp; 12 of those being
first time campers.
We again had a successful Vacation Bible
School in August with 60 children attending for
the week. This was followed up with an all-day
outreach event on October 31, which was a great
success with over 60 kids attending.
Baptisms are a wonderful celebration in the
life of a church. We had 12 young people and 1
adult baptized in 2008, along with one young
person confirming his previous baptism. Praise
the Lord for those committing their lives to Him
and continuing their journey of faith.
The Sunday evening youth program met
through the summer and began with a new
format in the fall. We have five youth leaders
providing age/gender appropriate small groups
for our 6th through 12th graders. The kids meet
together for a big group activity and worship
before meeting in the small groups. Again, we
are so blessed to have willing workers to invest
in the lives of these young people.
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balcony with 30 children, age 3 through high
school, bringing delightful songs and drama.
This was a representation of mostly regular
attendees to our Sunday School and youth group
Once again, I would like to thank everyone
for their prayers and support of the
children/youth ministries at Palouse Federated
Church. It is with great joy that I serve along
with Pastor Corey in reaching children, youth,
and families in our community with the Good
News of Jesus Christ.
Wishing you all a blessed New Year and may
you grow in the knowledge, love, and peace of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
~Penny Thurman
Next Time It Will Be Different
The First Time He Came
He came veiled in the form of a child.
A star marked His arrival.
Wise men brought Him gifts.
There was no room for Him.
Only a few attended His arrival.
He came as a Baby.
The Next Time He comes
He will be recognized by all.
Heaven will be lit by His glory.
He will bring rewards for His own.
The world won't be able to contain His glory.
Every eye shall see Him.
He will come as Sovereign King and Lord.
Church Photo Album
Would you please look through any pictures you
have to share for the church photo album. I will
start working on it after the first of the year. You
can leave your pictures in an envelope marked with
my name on it at the church office. Thank you so
much for your help with this project.
~Diana Cochran
Our Christmas program was very exciting this
year. The church was full and overflowing to the
Epiphany @ the
Holy Trinity
9am: Worship
10am: Give &
11am: Sunday
School (preK-8th)
11am: Worship
Group (6-12th
9am: Worship
10am: Give &
11am: Sunday
School (preK-8th)
11am: Worship
Group (6-12th
9am: Worship
Fellowship time
10am: Give &
11am: Sunday
School (preK-8th)
11am: Worship
Group (6-12th
9am: Worship
10am: Give &
11am: Sunday
School (preK-8th)
11am: Worship
Group (6-12th
6:30 – 8pm
6:30 – 8pm
6:30 – 8pm
6:30 – 8pm
Bible study @
Yoga class
Women’s Bible
study @
Bible study @
Yoga class
Women’s Bible
study @
Bible study @
Yoga class
Women’s Bible
study @
study @ church
Women’s Bible
study @
Grief Support
Women’s Bible
study @ Robin
Rilette’s home
Women’s Bible
study @ Robin
Men’s Bible
study @ PFC
Men’s Bible
study @ PFC
Women’s Bible
study @ Robin
Rilette’s home
PFC Executive
Women’s Bible
Study @ Amy
West’s home
Women’s Bible
Study @ Amy
West’s home
Men’s Breakfast
7:30am: Cook
8:00am: Eat
Women’s Bible
Study @ Amy
West’s home
Men’s Retreat:
Ross Point
Men’s Retreat:
Ross Point
ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw
PO Box 535
635 N Bridge St.
Palouse, WA 99161
509-878-1509 (church)
509-878-1334 (parsonage)
ctzx DC Éy GC
ctÄÉâáx YxwxÜtàxw V{âÜv{
January Sermons:
are starting
off the year
by dealing Family”:
with financial
Americans are
far from what would be considered “biblical norms” for personal finances- such as:
living simply, no debt, giving away at least 10% of your income and considering all
your money and resources as from God. We will give challenging messages- but also
practical help. Come and hear the Word on Sunday- or if you can’t make it download the
sermons at www.pfc.palousechurch.org (look under the resources tab).
Church –
[email protected]
Office –
[email protected]
Pastor Corey–
[email protected]
Sunday Schedule
9am Worship (childcare
available age 5 and under)
10am- Fellowship Time
10am – Give & Take –
Adult Spiritual Learning
Time “Something More”
11am – Sunday School
11am – Worship (Childcare
available, Youth Sunday
School Available, age 2 yrs
through grade 8)
PO Box 535
635 N Bridge St.
Palouse, WA 99161
January 4th, Epiphany (Observed), Matthew 2:1-12 “Spending Wisely”
January 11th, Baptism of our Lord, 1st Sunday of the Year, Mark 1:4-6 “Living
January 18th, 2nd Sunday of the Year, John 1:43-51, “The Cost of Following Jesus”
January 25th, 3rd Sunday of the Year, Mark 1:14-20, “Living a Life on Loan”
January Give & Take Series:
Give and Takes this month will be fun and eclectic. Will start off by learning about
the oft ignored holy day of Epiphany and we will work our way around the worldlearning about Pastor Corey’s experience in Bangladesh and then start a series on
what the Global Church currently looks like. Give and Takes are interactive learning
for adults- childcare is provided.
January 4th- “So this is Epiphany…” What is “Epiphany” anyways?
January 11th- Nooma Video- by Rob Bell
January 18th- “What I Learned in Bangladesh”
January 25th- “What Can We Learn from Global Christianity?- part I- what’s
going on?”