Greater Lincoln and Gainsborough Division

November 2007
Issue 18
Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough
Inside this Issue
Contact Page
Divisional Highways Manager
Alan Aistrup
Divisional Area
4th Floor, City Hall, Beaumont Fee
Lincoln, LN1 1DN
Community Travel
Tel: (01522) 782070 Fax: (01522) 543258
E-mail: [email protected]
Town & Village
Winter Maintenance
Office Hours:
8.30 am - 5.00 pm Monday - Thursday
8.30 am - 4.30 pm Friday
Whenever possible, requests for emergency action should
be made on the telephone number above. For emergencies, it is requested that you contact the Police.
Temporary Road
Traffic Management
Divisional Highway
Please only contact the Police for genuine emergencies.
Enforcement Action
Traffic Regulation
Reactive Signs
Lincoln Cultural Quarter—new paving (see CTZ article Page 4)
Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough
Page 2
What we do and how to contact us
The Divisional Highways Support Manager is
Roger Latchem. His team is responsible for:
Highways development
Highways advice to the planning authorities
Implementing approved Capital works
Co-ordination/control of utilities programmes of
Winter maintenance arrangements
Technical engineering support to the Division
Public rights of way
Administrative and business support to the
Assessing and prioritising minor Capital
proposals and the Rural Priorities Initiative (RPI)
Inspection of utilities work
The three Area Highways Managers are:
Alan Brown, Mark Welsh and Steve Wiles.
Their Area (see map on page 3) teams are
responsible for:
• Being a focal point for all highway matters in the
area and maintaining current knowledge about
transportation and related development issues.
• Highway maintenance
• Assessing and prioritising minor Capital
proposals (within the Community Travel Zones
(CTZ) and for the Rural Priorities Initiative (RPI).
• Traffic management
• Inspections of estate developments
The Special Projects Manager is Mike Brown
and his team’s main function is to deliver the
Community Travel Zone Initiative in Lincoln and to
assist in the development of longer term
transportation strategies for the Greater Lincoln
Lincoln Cultural Quarter - as it was (see CTZ article Page 4)
The A46 from Winthorpe roundabout up to the A57
roundabout at Carholme Road is a Trunk Road and as
such is managed and maintained by the Highways
Agency. Their contact address etc is as follows, along
with that of AM Scott, their contractor and Managing
Highways Agency, C4, Broadway, Broad Street,
Birmingham B15 1BL—tel: 0121 678 8000 or via
AM Scott, The Willows, Ransom Wood Business Park,
Southwell Road West, Mansfield NG21 0HJ—tel: 01623
District Councils provide a range of services including:
• Street Sweeping/Cleaning
• Refuse Collection
• Pest Control
• Planning Matters
• Council Tax
• Street Name Plates
West Lindsey District Council
North Kesteven District Council
Lincoln City Council
01427 676676
01529 414155
01522 881188
Street Lighting
01522 782070
Traffic Signals
All faults to be reported on
01522 782070
Public Transport
InterConnect/Connect Plus
School Transport Enquiries
0845 2343344
0870 6082608
01522 782020
New paving to footway - Cultural Quarter - Lincoln
Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough
Page 3
Area Highways Manager—Steve Wiles
Area Highways Manager
Mark Welsh
Area Highways Manager—Alan Brown
Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough
Page 4
Many journeys are relatively short with around two thirds being under five miles and 42% under two miles
(National Travel Survey 2004). There is a noticeable trend for the shorter journeys to be made by car in
Lincolnshire and particularly in the Major Urban Areas. Consultation continues to show a strong public demand for
better provision for cyclists and pedestrians and Community Travel Zones (CTZs) are now an important initiative
within the County Council’s second Local Transport Plan (LTP).
Funding is provided annually by Central Government for the County Council to invest in meeting the transport needs
of the local communities. The Council seeks to work in close partnership with other Local Councils, Schools,
businesses, representative bodies, community groups and the public to reduce car use for local journeys by
encouraging greater use of more sustainable modes of travel including walking, cycling and public transport.
In this Division the CTZ initiative is focussed on Lincoln (which, due to its size is split into nine distinct areas) and
Gainsborough. The County Council’s second LTP has set out the transport strategy and programme for the period
2006 to 2011. It builds on the progress made in CTZs and the emphasis is for taking forward schemes which build
on, and link together, those which were constructed during the first LTP period, thereby maximising benefits.
The Gainsborough CTZ has been reviewed following public consultation and work has commenced on designing the
priority schemes. The Lincoln and Hykeham CTZs are being revisited with full public consultation on potential
solutions to local concerns having commenced in September 2007. Hykeham, Bracebridge (including Brant Road),
Park Ward, Boultham & Moorland, Hartsholme & Birchwood and Carholme are being visited before the end of the
year. Residents in the remaining zones of Abbey, Castle Minster and Glebe will be consulted in early 2008.
Priority schemes emerging from this process will start to be delivered from Spring 2008 onwards. It will be at this
stage that the chosen schemes will be designed. Where appropriate additional specific consultations with residents
and businesses may then be carried out before any works are commenced in a particular street or location.
The Executive of the City of Lincoln Council wished to expand the Residents Parking Scheme into other areas of
Lincoln. Initial surveys were carried out across the City in June and July 2007 to test local opinion on the proposals
but only residents in Belle Vue Road, Belle Vue Terrace, Willis Close, Upper Long Leys Road and Brook Street were
in favour. These are currently subject to public consultation for the required Traffic Regulation Orders.
In parallel to this a major streetscene project in Lincoln, commissioned by the City of Lincoln Council, has been
underway since May 2007. Extensive environmental improvements are being carried out in the Cultural Quarter,
being the area around The Collection Museum in Flaxengate and Danesgate including the upper High Street north of
the Stonebow to The Strait.
The project includes changes to existing road layouts to encourage more pedestrian movements beyond the well
trodden path of the High Street to access not only the Cultural Quarter but also to provide an alternate route to the
uphill Historic Core. There has also been major refurbishment carried out to the Broadgate signalised junction.
Excellent progress has been made to date and works have been to a very high standard. There has been full
cooperation with the various businesses in the area and all have remained open during construction. It is expected
that the High Street areas will be substantially complete by mid November just as Christmas shopping gets into full
swing. Work will then be focussed around the Collection Museum in Flaxengate and Danesgate. The overall project
is currently programmed to be complete by April 2008 and is being part funded from the allocated capital budget
which encompasses works in CTZ areas.
Refurbishment of Cultural Quarter
Refurbishment of Broadgate junction
Page 5
Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough
The Projects Team in Economic Regeneration delivers the countywide Town and Village Enhancement Programme.
The aim of the programme is to improve the historical and cultural identity of the county’s market towns and
villages. The intention of the schemes is to increase local pride, create a better climate for investment, encouraging
tourism and assist in their regeneration. In all these projects there is a strong emphasis on delivering a high quality
of design and individuality and the inclusion of public art is an important element of the approach.
Spires & Steeples Walk – Lincoln to Sleaford
North Kesteven District Council is leading on an exciting project to create and promote a footpath route between
Lincoln and Sleaford, to be known as ‘Spires & Steeples’. The principle aim of this walking and sculpture trail is to
create a countryside access experience in the District that offers people an opportunity to discover the local
communities, rural industries, public artworks and heritage / beauty spots.
As the route takes in many villages along the way, the County Council’s Projects Team is working in partnership with
the District & Parish Councils, artsNK and local communities on proposals that will enhance some of these centres
and further improve the overall ‘offer’. Larger enhancements schemes are planned for Branston, Metheringham and
Digby, with smaller schemes at Nocton and Sleaford.
With the commitment of local partners, the county council has attracted European funding to increase the potential
impact of the schemes.
Across the County on Saturday 29 September 2007, Lincolnshire County Council staff together with their Partners,
Ringway Infrastructure Services and Translinc carried out a pre-season check of winter maintenance plant and
equipment. This is an important part of the winter maintenance operation, as although Translinc has carried out a
summer overhaul of the gritters, the rest of the equipment has been mothballed for the summer. Checks are
therefore carried out on equipment such as the brine making tanks, drivers getting familiar with their gritters, which
includes four replacement ones for this winter which are all leased from Translinc. The four new gritters bring the
total of satellite controlled spreading gritters in the fleet up to eleven – the aim of which is to make driving the
gritters easier for the drivers as well as making spreading operations more accurate and, hopefully, less wasteful.
This winter our new Depot at Ancaster becomes fully operational – completing the process of Depot and route
changes. This facility is recognised nationally as being the most modern and technically the most up-to-date of its
kind in the United Kingdom with its salt storage dome, brine making facilities which includes recycling of all water
run offs from the depot and full undercover garaging of gritters.
After all these checks, Lincolnshire should be ready to deal with most of what the winter throws at us – fingers
Ancaster Depot
Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough
Page 6
In order to keep the road network and underground services in Lincolnshire in good condition, road works are
inevitable. All works need to be carried out to give minimum disruption to the travelling public of Lincolnshire, but
as they need to be carried out in a cost effective manner, with due care given to the safety of the operatives, it may
be necessary to arrange local road closures and diversions.
Road closures can be inconvenient at best, but will lead to significant improvements for the future, so the decision
to close a road and arrange a temporary diversion is not entered into lightly. Various factors such as road type,
speed of traffic, type of traffic, carriageway width and type of works are evaluated and numerous traffic
management options such as Stop/Go, Traffic Lights and Convoy Systems are considered before a road closure is
decided upon. The diversion route itself, must be of a similar standard to the closed road, and capable of
withstanding the type of traffic being diverted along it, so as not to cause damage to the road structure, or possible
conflict with other highway users.
All road closures require a Traffic Regulation Order issued by the Highway Authority. At least six weeks notice is
required as there is a legal and consultative process to go through. Emergency road closures are also possible when
there is an immediate danger to the public, such as road subsidence or dangerous buildings.
Statutory notices are published in local newspapers informing people of the proposed closure and a circular letter
sent to various organisations such as Parish/District Councils, the Police and other emergency services and bus
companies. We may also inform road users of any impending disruption by using road signs in advance of the
closure, as well as sending notices to affected frontages.
Lincolnshire County Council has a responsibility to inform you of any disruption, and you can contact us to find out
about closures and diversions.
The Traffic Management Act requires that local authorities coordinate street and road works with their neighbours,
the Highways Agency, the utilities companies, Police authorities and emergency services. All neighbouring
authorities surrounding Lincolnshire uses Elgin to provide coordination between agencies.
The Electronic Local Government Information Network website.
The Elgin website provides an up-to-date interactive map of current and planned works on the road for a large area
of the UK. Elgin is operated by Jacobs on behalf of participating local authorities. The information on Elgin is kept
current by automatic data feeds from local authorities' streetworks registers and the Highway Agency.
Location of Roadworks - not all roadworks are positioned accurately.
The information is supplied by utility companies and local authorities. Current legislation only requires location by
road name and exact map reference location is optional. Consequently roadworks symbols are located at the end of
the named roads unless a map reference is provided. It is anticipated that new regulations will make provision of
map co-ordinates to be mandatory
e-government legislation.
Elgin fulfils local authorities obligations under e-government legislation to publish streetworks information on the
Elgin will soon provide access to information on bridge locations including height and weight restrictions, active
diversion routes, and many other categories.
You can find all registered roadworks in Lincolnshire at:
Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough
Page 7
Bridge Strengthening, maintenance and culvert replacement schemes from 1 November 2007
to 31 March 2008
Newark Road Bridge, Newark, A1434
Reconstruction of bridge that has failed its bridge assessment with precast concrete culvert units. The
initial works will involve service diversions for six weeks under traffic signal control starting mid March
2008, followed by a 16week construction period under a road closure.
Black Dyke Bridge, Waddingham, B1205
Reconstruction of a bridge over a drain on a severe bend in the road utilising precast concrete culvert
units. 14week construction period with work carried out in two halves under traffic signal control.
Programmed to start early December 2007.
Church Farm Culvert, Cold Hanworth
Replacement of culvert. Earliest start date March 2008 with minimum 4week road closure subject
Anglian Watermain diversion.
Turbine Subscription Footbridge, Lincoln
Refurbishment of bridge including re painting to be programmed for
Railtrack Bridge No. 30, Stainton By Langworth
Re -decking of a 3tonne weight restricted Railtrack owned bridge to
remove allow unrestricted traffic. Works programmed for a start in March
2008 with a road closure of 6months minimum.
One of the roles of authorities across the Country is to protect the public and the environment, ensuring that
organisations and individuals comply with the law.
Within Highways and Traffic the 1980 Highways Act is used to ensure that the highway is kept free of obstructions.
In carrying out our duty we also have to consider other pieces of legislation including the Disability Discrimination
Act and the Human Rights Act. All of these are considered as part of the Enforcement Concordat issued by Central
Government and which this Authority has signed up to. This sets out minimum standards the public can expect
from the County Council in terms of standards, openness, helpfulness and complaints. The Authority also aims to
be consistent in its approach and will consider proportionality in determining whether to take any action.
Following concerns raised by the public, Councillors and staff, an enforcement and prosecutions manual for
obstruction of the highway has been developed and approved by Councillors. Staff have been trained on the new
manual with the key points being:-
• The manual is based upon best practice and latest government
advice on inclusive mobility.
• It gives advice on minimum widths required for accessibility.
• Sets out an enforcement process that is escalated as required.
• Clarifies that it is an offence to obstruct the highway and the
financial penalties that could be issued by a Court.
• Links to powers that District Councils have for example with
regard to fly-posting.
Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough
Page 8
Please see listed below Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) presently under active consideration
within Greater Lincoln & Gainsborough Division
Beck Lane
Bridge Road
Holton Cum Beckering
Bridge Street
Drill Hall Lane
Lea Road
Morton Terrace
North Street
Spital Terrace
Thorndike Way (A631)
Tooley Street
Vanessa Drive
Various ‘10ft’ access roads
Lincoln Road (B1399)
Knaith Hill
Anchor Quays
Guildhall Street / Saltergate
High Street / South Park
Hungate (PROW 52)
Cultural Quarter (Danesgate
Marjorie Avenue
Mint Street / Silver Street
Motherby Lane etc
Stonefield Road
St Catherines
St Marks Street
Temple Gardens
Verdun Close
Wragby Road
Thorseway Hill / Caistor Road
A156 / A1133
Redwood Drive
Jermyn Mews
Prohibitions of Motor Vehicles
Speed Limit Extensions
Review of Prohibition of Right
Waiting Restrictions
Prohibition of Driving
Pedestrian Crossing
Waiting Restrictions
Pedestrian Crossing
Pedestrian Crossing
Speed Limit
Waiting Restrictions
Waiting Restrictions
Stopping Up
30mph Speed Limit
Speed Limit
Waiting Restrictions
Footway / Cycletrack
Stopping Up
Various TROs
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
Waiting Restrictions
Upgrade of Pedestrian Crossings
Residents Parking Alterations
Waiting Restriction
Prohibition of ‘U’ turn
Loading Restrictions
Prohibition of Motor Vehicles
Waiting Restrictions
Shared Cycletrack / Footway
Speed Limit Extension
Waiting Restrictions
Order to be abandoned
Operative date to be arranged
Operative 24/09/07
To be re-advertised
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
Operative 04/10/07
Operative date to be arranged
Disabled Parking
Stopping Up
Objections to be reviewed
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
Objections to be reviewed
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
With Legal Services
Operative date to be arranged
Operative date to be arranged
The County Council are currently trialling the use of reactive signs.
Twelve sites were selected last year, you may have seen them locally (put a
site in). Councillors have decided that they will wait for the results from the
trial before determining their policy on further deployment. The policy will
determine how they will deal with offers of external funding.
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In summary, we will not allow Parishes to display these signs at present, but
may do so at some time in the future but this is dependant on the finally
agreed policy.
It is hoped that you have found the information contained in this Briefing informative. If you have any suggestions
or additional information you would like including, please contact Judith Maplethorpe at
[email protected]
If you wish to view this Briefing On Line, please click on