Learning outcomes
Development of rhythm and timing to music
Enhanced co-ordination and body management.
Knowledge of the 6 types of action/movement
Be able to link movements together to make short movement phrases
Know and understand what a motif is.
Communication of ideas/themes through motif’s
Be able to perform in unison
Develop confidence when performing in front of the class
Comment on others performances.
Perform a group Dance
RESOURCES- Action word grids, co-ordinate cards, pieces of paper, pencils, CD, stereo
Develop rhythm and timing to music
Know and understand the 6 types of action/movements
Link at least 4 actions together
1) (5-10- minutes) Discuss the 6 types of movement using the white board and
 TRAVELLING- running, skipping, walking
 Weight TRANSFERENCE- rocking, sinking, swaying
 TURNING- revolving, spinning, twirling, rolling
 JUMPING- hopping, bounding, leaping
 GESTURE- waving, reaching, stomping (limb movement not involving
supporting weight)
 STILLNESS- freezing, pause.
2) (5-10 minutes) Warm up- Teacher led movement to music
3) (20 minutes) Pupils compose a sequence of at least 4 movements using the action word
 Each pupil has a piece of paper and pencil. They travel to all four corners of the
room. At each corner they choose a co-ordinate card and then write down on
their piece of paper the action.
 Pupils should have 4 actions written down
 Explain and demonstrate some of the actions
 Pupils must link together their 4 movements in a logical order.
 Perform half the class at a time
Extension material Ask pupils to watch someone else and ask them to comment on their performance
and state what movements that they were doing.
Pupils to work in pairs. Teach each other their sequences to form one sequence of
8 movements.
Apply sports themes to still images
Link at least 4 sporting movements together to make a sequence.
Understand the word ‘Abstracting’
Further develop rhythm and timing to music
1) (5 minutes)Recapitulate the 6 types of movement/action learned in lesson 1
2) (2-3 minutes)Explain what a still image is.
3) (2-3 minutes)Demonstrate and show task cards to give pupils ideas of sporting
still images. Explain that some movements may need to be altered slightly
(abstracted e.g. the hang position in long jump)
4) (5-7 minutes)Warm up- Teacher led movement to music (teach the tennis,
basketball and boxing warm up). Emphasize counts of 8.
5) (5 minutes)Pupils experiment with different sporting still images
6) Teacher plays music, when music stops pupils freeze in one of their still images
(repeat x 4)
7) (5 minutes)Pupils link at least 4 still images together in a logical order to make a
8) (2-3 minutes)Perform half a class at a time.
9) (5 minutes)Ask pupils to comment on performances and state which sporting
movements they have seen.
Extension work
Use more than 4 movements in a sequence
Work with a partner
Resources- Triumph poster, CD ‘we are the champions’ (QUEEN), video camera, CD
Know and understand the term ‘motif’
Communicate the idea of Triumph
Perform as a class in unison
1) (2-3 minutes)Explain what a motif is and that it communicates an idea
2) (2-3 minutes)Discuss the term triumph and using the posters comment on actions
which can be used to reflect and communicate this mood.
3) (5-7 minutes)Warm up- (continue sports themes warm up tennis, basketball,
4) (20 minutes)Teacher to teach class a motif communicating triumph using the add
on method
5) (5 minutes)Perform as a class in unison.- teacher to video
6) (5 minutes)Work with a partner and develop/ change original motif or add new
material on the end.
‘We are the Champions’ motif
Raise right arm
Raise left arm
Slide to right
Join legs together (left leg bent) and bend
arms at sides with elbows tucked in
Squat to the right, have arms bent at
shoulder height
Pivot to left (lunge position) and turn right
arm in a downwards direction
Wind right arm in a circle
Wind right arm in a circle
Place hands to lips
Stretch arms above head to ceiling
Run in a circle and jump on the words ‘my
Resources- Defeat poster, CD ‘Bitter sweet symphony’ (The Verve), video camera, CD
Recapitulate the word motif
Communicate the theme of defeat
Perform as a class in unison with perfect timing.
1. (2-3 minutes)Recapitulate last weeks learning objectives
2. (2-3 minutes)Discuss actions that communicate the theme of defeat- use the
poster as a stimulus.
3. (5- 7 minutes)Warm up- to enhance exact timing- counting and moving to counts
of 8 single and double time, in a circle. Test pupils timing by making them tap
their feet with eyes closed in time with the music.
4. (20 minutes)Teacher led motif using the add on method
5. (5 minutes)Perform as a class in unison
6. (2-3 minutes)Half the class to perform while the others evaluate (change roles)
Extension activity
In pairs or individually develop the motif by changing some of the movements or
adding on more movements.
Defeat motif
Stand still, head looking down
Walk forward R,L,R
Step left so feet are together and lift head
Raise R hand to cover eye
Raise L hand to cover eye
Lean back
Stand back up straight
Swing down
Swing up
Swing down
Swing up finishing with hands on head
Bend down on to R knee
Bend down on to L knee
Hit R hand on floor
Hit L hand on floor
Place head on floor
Hit both hands on floor
Side roll to the right, finish in sitting
position with hands on knees and head
looking down
Resources- 'Haka' video, TV and Video player, Rugby pictures, CD and CD player
Know and understand the origins and meaning of the ‘Haka’
To learn and perform a group Dance using still images and a ‘Haka’ motif
1. (2-3 minutes)Watch the video about the ‘Haka’
2. (2-3 minutes)Discuss the meaning and origins of the ‘Haka’
3. (5 minutes)Brainstorm movements related to rugby, which can be used as still
4. (5 minutes)Warm up- move around hall when music stops freeze in a still image
5. (15- 20 minutes)Learn, perform and compose a rugby ‘Haka’ Dance
a. Practice 4 still images
b. Perform to music
c. Learn the ‘Haka’ motif
d. Teacher teaches a transition section to link still images and haka together.
6. Divide class into half and perform as you would in a rugby match.
7. Evaluate partner (in other group)
8. In a pair develop own haka- extension
‘Haka’ Dance structure
4 still images- with a sharp movement on the beat
For 11 counts travel with a partner
On 12 face the front in a slight squat position.
Perform ‘Haka’ in unison for 16 counts.
 Stomp R
 Stomp R
 Clap
 Lift arms
 Drop Right forearm
 Drop Left forearm and lift right arm
 Horizontal flexion of the shoulders with forearms vertical
 Horizontal extension
 Repeat
Lesson 6
Resources; Umpiring signals sheet, task cards, CD player, CD
(Sporting anthems ‘match of the day’)
Compose a motif using 4-8 umpiring signals
Understand how different levels, directions and speeds can be used in Dance.
1. Recap work on motifs, and state objectives
2. Warm up- teacher led warm up to music and introduction of some hockey
umpiring signals
3. Pupils get into small groups(give out umpiring cards). Pupils practice the
movements on the card
4. Each group are given a task card with variations of speed, direction and level.
Pupils then select 4-8 signals and create a motif using the dynamics given on the
5. Perform and evaluate. Discuss how levels, direction and speed have been used.