Ull? As designers we will be: In French we will be: After pre

Important dates and information:
P.E. Every Wednesday - please remember to bring
your P.E. kit, including suitable footwear.
Tuesday 10th January, 6CF IMPs visit.
Wednesday 11th, 6JW IMPs visit.
Tuesday 17th January, 6CF Ambassadors of Hull
Wednesday 18th January 6JW Trip to Maritime
Monday 23rd January 6CF Trip to the Maritime
Tuesday 31st January, 6JW Ambassadors of Hull
As authors and readers we will be:
 learning about The Titanic, which will be our main
unit of work (non-narrative) to link with our topic.
We will read Kasper (Michael Morpurgo) alongside
 continuing to develop our inference and deduction
skills to answer questions
 extending our knowledge of English grammar and
punctuation within reading and writing
As mathematicians we will be:
reading and interpreting data
constructing our own pie charts and line graphs
learning about algebra and how to work out
formula using missing numbers
using algebra in problems involving measurement
and geometry
learning about ratio and proportion and how to use
it find missing numbers
using ratio and proportion to solve problems
involving scaling
As musicians we will be:
 listening to a variety of sea shanties and understanding
underlying themes
 learning how to sing sea shanties in a group, adding in
 writing a sea shanty with supporting musical score
In computing we will be:
researching the capabilities of a
working with location data
Did the fishermen have a whale of a
time in ‘Ull?
As historians we will be:
 learning about the fishing and whaling
heritage of Hull
 finding out what life was like for the
fishermen and their families
 exploring the whaling industry and the reasons
In PE we will be:
 creating, practising and performing our own
dance routines - Salsa dancing!
In RE we will be looking at:
 researching different faiths and studying the codes of
conduct they follow
 exploring the relationship between faith rules and the
challenges they present in the life of a follower
As designers we will be:
researching how cams and gears can be used to make
objects move
making a 3d seascape with moving parts
making a simple fishing rod and reel
In French we will be:
learning about food and drink
developing our spoken French language
As geographers we will be:
 using maps to study how Hull has changed and
developed as a city
 using atlases and world maps to identify where the
trawlermen and fishermen of Hull sailed to
As scientists we will be:
 describing how adaptation leads to evolution;
 recognising how the human skeleton has changed
over time and become different to other primates
 learning about famous scientists: Mary Anning and
Charles Darwin
After pre-planning with the children, this
term’s topic is outlined above. If you
have any ideas that you or your child
would like to add, resources or support
you could offer please inform the class