April 16th - Healesville Primary School

Welcome back to school for term 2, 2015. This term the focus for the teachers is planning.
Each teacher will participate in a series of sessions with a planning coach to develop individual
and collective planning capacity. The aim is to use the knowledge we gained in term 1 around
analysing student data and using that data to inform our planning. This enables teachers to
identify each students point of learning and plan accordingly to allow students to achieve
success at their appropriate level. I was going to write how excited I was about the footy being
back and the Blues are going to do well this year but after the last two weeks I may not talk
footy for the rest of the season. Ben follows the Bulldogs so at least someone in our house is
School Photos – 21st April
Next week we have school photos. Please ensure you bring back your envelope and hand it to
your child’s teacher. Family photos are also available please pick up the forms from the school
office and return them as soon as possible. All students must be in full school uniform.
No Hats
A quick reminder that hats are not required in term 2 and 3. Last term we had many students
not wearing a school hat. In term 4 I encourage all students to wear a school hat that can be
purchased from our uniform shop.
Social Media
Recently I have been notified about several incidences of inappropriate behaviour and
language on Apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Kik, Snap Chat etc. As a fellow parent I
encourage you to abide by the age limits on such Apps and not allow your child access. There
are a number of things that we can do as parents, one being delete the App, two closely
monitor your children on these Apps by having access to passwords and user names. I have
recently allowed Alex, who is 13, access to Instagram but under strict restriction. We have full
access to his page and we monitor all traffic through his page. This is not an invasion of privacy
but a way to keep my son safe on social media. Can you please have a conversation with your
children about the importance of abiding by age restriction and the use of appropriate
behaviour on such Apps.
Bunnings BBQ – Saturday 6 June
HPS has been fortunate to secure a day for us to conduct a Bunnings BBQ – Saturday 6 June.
We are in the process of formulating a parent roster for the day. In order for the day to be
successful we need as many parents to help as possible. If you are able to assist by giving up
an hour or two on that day please see the ladies in the school office. Thank you to Shelley
Buettner for all her amazing organisation to date. Shelley has also organised a large donation
from Healesville Christian Fellowship to assist us in fundraising in 2015.
The trolls inside—Michael Grose - 18 March
Trolls are part of ancient Nordic culture. They inhabit the world of folk and fairy tales. Trolls
lived under bridges and in dark places. Short, hairy and ugly trolls were rarely seen however
just the thought of them was enough to send shivers down the spine. As a kid you had to be
wary of trolls. Now the worst trolls live inside children's heads. The voice of insecurity, selfdoubt and fear is the worst troll of all. This is the troll that kids have to be most vigilant about.
It's the job of parents to help kids defeat trolls. Kids need to face them to defeat them. That's
not easy. Don't let them feed the troll with doubt and negative self-talk. Don't let them be
trapped by the troll. Inaction through fear is what a troll loves. Help kids be brave and tackle
their fears rather than be held back by the troll inside their heads. Action is the troll's worst
enemy. It hates kids tackling their fears. Help them be brave. Help them feign confidence. Help
them do. That's how they will defeat the troll inside their heads.
(continued page 3…..)
Edition 10
16th April, 2015
Friday April 17th
Canberra Camp Instalment Due
Sovereign Hill Instalment Due
Monday 20th – Friday 1st
Grades 5 & 6 – Swimming
Tuesday 21st
School Photos
Friday April 24th
Sovereign Hill Instalment Due
Wednesday 29th
Parents and Friends Get-Together 1.30pm
Bristol Room
Friday 1st
Bookclub Orders Due
Friday 22nd
Curriculum Day
For those parents wishing to purchase a Family
Photo, an envelope is available from the office.
Orders, with payment, are due back by Friday
17th April.
If you do not complete a Family Photo Order
envelope, a family photo will not be taken.
Our Next Curriculum Day is
scheduled for
Friday May 22nd
Please note that due to school photos being
taken on Tuesday 21st April there will be no
swimming for the Grades 5 and 6 on that day.
The rack with second hand uniform is out the front of
the office. All items of clothing are $1.00 each.
APRIL 2015
Mon & Tues
Tash Bassett
Donna Kennedy
Charlot Dekkers
Sharee Anderson
Sarah Nugent
Parents & Friends Club
Literacy and numeracy at home
Have a go at trying to persuade someone in
your family about a topic you’re interested in.
For example, dogs are better than cats.
Don’t forget to explain the reasons why you believe
Welcome to term 2!
Our delicious Easter raffle was drawn on the last day of term 1 and we’d
like to congratulate all the winners: Ally C, Capri, Hunter E, Billy C,
Alanah V, Jamieson H, Joshua S, Kane S-N, Ethan N, Josh M, Katelyn B,
Lara W, Mrs Hogg, Ella C & Chloe L. We bet Ally had lots of chocolate
to share after having her name drawn out 3 times! Also, a massive thanks
to everyone who contributed to the prizes and everyone who bought
tickets. Special mention to Healesville Candy Emporium for their
generous donation. Please support businesses that support our school.
Soon enough it will be Mother’s Day (Sunday May 10 th) and we will
again be holding a gift stall that all students will be able to visit, to buy a
present for their Mum. Stall helpers are needed on Thursday May 7th &
Friday May 8th for a couple of hours each day. If you would like to help,
please call the office and leave your name and contact details.
Thanks for your support, Maidi Mitchell and Kylie Short
School Prayer Meeting
Would you like to pray for our school?
Join us at 3:00pm this coming Monday, 20th April, in
room 9.
If you have any questions or prayer requests please
contact Cherida on 59626620 or
[email protected]
Last Day of Term 1
Our Out of Uniform on the last day of Term 1
raised $311, which will be donated to the Royal
Children’s Hospital. Thank you to everyone
Dear Parents,
With such lovely sunny days let’s consider the importance
of exercise and some time in the great outdoors. I have registered myself
and our school for the Premier’s ACTIVE APRIL challenge. Take some
time to read the information below and check out the website for some
great sporty fun. If you join our school team and record your activities you
can get lots of benefits such as discounts in selected sports stores and
free entry to various places in Melbourne including the Aquarium and
Melbourne Sports Centre.
This term there will be a running club before school on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday starting from about 8:30 so if you want to work on
your fitness meet outside the hall.
To register go to activeapril.vic.gov.au and log in with the Username
hps321 and password Healesville1.
Our team name is HealesvillePS and our team ID is Healesville-ps2.
Thanks everyone and happy exercising !
Tanya Dale (Phys Ed teacher)
Welcome back to term two and to start the week off we are
undertaking projects around footy. We are starting a simple
footy tipping competition and lots of colouring in of the football
jumpers etc.
Again we will be asking for some assistance with our
documentation as we need to ensure that all our medical records
are up-to-date for term two.
This term we will also be looking at our “Buddie Bear” program
that ties in with one of Camp Australia’s National project. More
details next week.
Thanks to the school for the better security lighting on the stairs
and around the grounds now it is better for the children and the
parents (and doesn’t the new painting on the buildings look great)
Bob, Michelle, Stacey, Nicola and Abby from Camp Australia
Bullying can be an issue in schools.
Information directly from students, parents and teachers at Healesville
Primary can help how to understand and deal with Bullying.
Our school has been selected to take part in an Australia wide research
project on Bullying.
Students, their parents and teachers from Grade 5 and 6 are invited to
take on-line, anonymous questionnaires during term 2
Letters with consent forms will be sent to families. We encourage you to
read the information provided and fill the consent form in and return it to
the school.
Class teachers will organize time for students to fill these in at school.
Students will fill in the information without being personally
Each school will receive a school level report and a report on
the findings of the research by the end of the year.
Anne Hocking, Welfare Teacher
A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL (….continuation page 1)
School Council
At our last School Council meeting we nominated Conveners for the School Council subcommittees for 2015. The subcommittees are a very
important part of the School Council process and I have included a short explanation below for your information.
What do sub-committees do?
• Assist Council in the work that needs to be done. They report regularly at School Council meetings, provide advice and
make recommendations to School Council which has the final responsibility for decisions. Subcommittees cannot make
decisions for School Council; rather they make recommendations to Council;
• Are open to non School Council members and therefore provide opportunities to involve people in the school who are not
members of School Council;
• The Council subcommittees sometimes have working parties that are set up for a specific task for a set period of time. An
example of a working party might be related to the development of an event – for example, the school’s 50th anniversary.
Working parties are covered by the same rules as subcommittees. They cannot make decisions but instead make
recommendations to either a subcommittee or School Council.
I would like to invite any interested community members to become involved in one of the Council subcommittees listed below. If you would
like to discuss the possibility of contributing to Healesville Primary in this way, please feel free to give me a call, or contact the Conveners as
listed below.
Finance – Convener – Cameron Heath
Finance monitors school budgets, income and expenditure, as well as making recommendations regarding financial policies.
Education - Convener – Rebekah Clarke
Policy & Planning is involved with writing new policies covering any aspects of the school program that need that type of
documentation. They also conduct a cyclic review and update all existing policies.
Buildings and Grounds – Convener – Elissa Stillman
Grounds look after the external environment of the school, gardens and playground areas. They organize working bees for routine
maintenance and also grounds improvement projects.
If you would like more information or wish to be part of one of the above sub committees please contact myself or Bek via the school office.
Cameron Heath, Principal