Bell Work

Bell Work
1. 60% of what number is 75?
2. What percent of 350 is 150?
3. What is 40% of 720?
Change Expressed as a Percent (Percent of Change)
SPI 3.5 Write and/or solve linear equations.
Quiz Percents
SPI 1.2, 3.5
1. What is 25% of 50?
2. 42 is 14% of what number?
3. What percent 18 is 63?
Percent of Change: The ratio of the amount of change to the original amount expressed as a percent.
Percent of Increase: the percent change found when the original amount increases
Percent of Change
Find New or Original
Practice and Apply
Percent of Change
Percent of Decrease: the percent change found when the original amount decreases
Original: 25
New: 28
% change
100 original
1. Identify if it is an increase or decrease
2. Find the amount of change
(Bigger # ­ Smaller #)
3. Use the formula to solve
Original: 30
New: 12
Original: 36
New: 68
Original: 177
New: 151
Percent Decrease: 75 %
Given the Percent Increase:
Change = New ­ Original
New: 522
Given the Percent Decrease:
Change = Original ­ New
Original: 120
Percent Increase: 15 %
Percent Increase: 125%
Original: 15
Percent Decrease: 40 %
Practice and Apply
New: 350
Percent of Change WS
Percent of Change SPI 3.5