EORGIAN EDICAL EWS ISSN 1512-0112 No 4 (205) Апрель 2012 ТБИЛИСИ - NEW YORK ЕЖЕМЕСЯЧНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ Медицинские новости Грузии cfmfhsdtkjc cfvtlbwbyj cbf[ktyb GEORGIAN MEDICAL NEWS No 4 (205) 2012 Published in cooperation with and under the patronage of the Tbilisi State Medical University Издается в сотрудничестве и под патронажем Тбилисского государственного медицинского университета gamoicema Tbilisis saxelmwifo samedicino universitetTan TanamSromlobiTa da misi patrona;iT ЕЖЕМЕСЯЧНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ ТБИЛИСИ - НЬЮ-ЙОРК GMN: Georgian Medical News is peer-reviewed, published monthly journal committed to promoting the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health, published by the GMN Editorial Board and The International Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry and Arts (U.S.A.) since 1994. GMN carries original scientific articles on medicine, biology and pharmacy, which are of experimental, theoretical and practical character; publishes original research, reviews, commentaries, editorials, essays, medical news, and correspondence in English and Russian. GMN is indexed in MEDLINE, SCOPUS, VINITI Russian Academy of Sciences. The full text content is available through EBSCO databases. GMN: Медицинские новости Грузии - ежемесячный рецензируемый научный журнал, издаётся Редакционной коллегией и Международной академией наук, образования, искусств и естествознания (IASEIA) США с 1994 года на русском и английском языках в целях поддержки медицинской науки и улучшения здравоохранения. В журнале публикуются оригинальные научные статьи в области медицины, биологии и фармации, статьи обзорного характера, рецензии, научные сообщения, новости медицины и здравоохранения. Журнал индексируется в MEDLINE, отражён в базе данных SCOPUS и ВИНИТИ РАН. Полнотекстовые статьи журнала доступны через БД EBSCO. GMN: Georgian Medical News – saqarTvelos samedicino siaxleni – aris yovelTviuri samecniero samedicino recenzirebadi Jurnali, gamoicema 1994 wlidan, warmoadgens saredaqcio kolegiisa da aSS-is mecnierebis, ganaTlebis, industriis, xelovnebisa da bunebismetyvelebis saerTaSoriso akademiis erTobliv gamocemas. GMN-Si rusul, inglisur da germanul enebze qveyndeba eqsperimentuli, Teoriuli da praqtikuli xasiaTis originaluri samecniero statiebi medicinis, biologiisa da farmaciis sferoSi, mimoxilviTi xasiaTis statiebi, recenziebi. Jurnali indeqsirebulia MEDLINE-is saerTaSoriso sistemaSi, asaxulia SCOPUSis da ВИНИТИ РАН-is monacemTa bazebSi. statiebis sruli teqsti xelmisawvdomia EBSCO-s monacemTa bazebidan. МЕДИЦИНСКИЕ НОВОСТИ ГРУЗИИ Ежемесячный совместный грузино-американский научный электронно-печатный журнал Агентства медицинской информации Ассоциации деловой прессы Грузии, Академии медицинских наук Грузии, Международной академии наук, индустрии, образования и искусств США. Издается с 1994 г., распространяется в СНГ, ЕС и США НАУЧНЫЙ РЕДАКТОР Лаури Манагадзе ГЛАВНЫЙ РЕДАКТОР Нино Микаберидзе НАУЧНО-РЕДАКЦИОННЫЙ СОВЕТ Лаури Манагадзе - председатель Научно-редакционного совета Архимандрит Адам - Вахтанг Ахаладзе, Амиран Антадзе, Нелли Антелава, Лео Бокерия, Отар Герзмава, Лиана Гогиашвили, Николай Гонгадзе, Ирина Квачадзе, Нана Квирквелия, Зураб Кеванишвили, Палико Кинтраиа, Теймураз Лежава, Джанлуиджи Мелотти, Караман Пагава, Николай Пирцхалаишвили, Мамука Пирцхалаишвили, Вадим Саакадзе, Вальтер Стакл, Фридон Тодуа, Кеннет Уолкер, Рамаз Хецуриани, Рудольф Хохенфеллнер, Рамаз Шенгелия НАУЧНО-РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ Зураб Вадачкориа - председатель Научно-редакционной коллегии Михаил Бахмутский (США), Александр Геннинг (Германия), Амиран Гамкрелидзе (Грузия), Константин Кипиани (Грузия), Георгий Кавтарадзе (Грузия), Георгий Камкамидзе (Грузия), Паата Куртанидзе (Грузия),Вахтанг Масхулия (Грузия), Тамара Микаберидзе (Грузия), Тенгиз Ризнис (США), Дэвид Элуа (США) Website: www.geomednews.org The International Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry & Arts. P.O.Box 390177, Mountain View, CA, 94039-0177, USA. Tel/Fax: (650) 967-4733 Версия: печатная. Цена: свободная. Условия подписки: подписка принимается на 6 и 12 месяцев. По вопросам подписки обращаться по тел.: 293 66 78. Контактный адрес: Грузия, 0177, Тбилиси, ул. Асатиани 7, V этаж, комната 5 тел.: 995(32) 254 24 91, 995(32) 222 54 18, 995(32) 253 70 58 Fax: +995(32) 253 70 58, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] По вопросам размещения рекламы обращаться по тел.: 5(99) 97 95 93 © 2001. Ассоциация деловой прессы Грузии © 2001. The International Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry & Arts (USA) GEORGIAN MEDICAL NEWS Monthly Georgia-US joint scientific journal published both in electronic and paper formats of the Agency of Medical Information of the Georgian Association of Business Press; Georgian Academy of Medical Sciences; International Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry and Arts (USA). Published since 1994. Distributed in NIS, EU and USA. SCIENTIFIC EDITOR Lauri Managadze EDITOR IN CHIEF Nino Mikaberidze SCIENTIFIC EDITORIAL COUNCIL Lauri Managadze - Head of Editorial council Archimandrite Adam - Vakhtang Akhaladze, Amiran Antadze, Nelly Antelava, Leo Bokeria, Otar Gerzmava, Liana Gogiashvili, Nicholas Gongadze, Rudolf Hohenfellner, Zurab Kevanishvili, Ramaz Khetsuriani, Paliko Kintraia, Irina Kvachadze, Nana Kvirkvelia, Teymuraz Lezhava, Gianluigi Melotti, Kharaman Pagava, Nicholas Pirtskhalaishvili, Mamuka Pirtskhalaishvili, Vadim Saakadze, Ramaz Shengelia, Walter Stackl, Pridon Todua, Kenneth Walker SCIENTIFIC EDITORIAL BOARD Zurab Vadachkoria - Head of Editorial board Michael Bakhmutsky (USA), Alexander Gënning (Germany), Amiran Gamkrelidze (Georgia), David Elua (USA), Konstantin Kipiani (Georgia), Giorgi Kavtaradze (Georgia), Giorgi Kamkamidze (Georgia), Paata Kurtanidze (Georgia),Vakhtang Maskhulia (Georgia), Tamara Mikaberidze (Georgia),Tengiz Riznis (USA) CONTACT ADDRESS IN TBILISI Phone: 995 (32) 254-24-91 995 (32) 222-54-18 995 (32) 253-70-58 Fax: 995 (32) 253-70-58 GMN Editorial Board 7 Asatiani Street, 5th Floor Tbilisi, Georgia 0177 CONTACT ADDRESS IN NEW YORK Phone: (516) 487-9898 Fax: (516) 487-9889 D. & N. COM., INC. 111 Great Neck Road Suite # 208, Great Neck, NY 11021, USA WEBSITE www.geomednews.org К СВЕДЕНИЮ АВТОРОВ! При направлении статьи в редакцию необходимо соблюдать следующие правила: 1. Статья должна быть представлена в двух экземплярах, на русском или английском языках, напечатанная через полтора интервала на одной стороне стандартного листа с шириной левого поля в три сантиметра. Используемый компьютерный шрифт для текста на русском и английском языках - Times New Roman (Кириллица), для текста на грузинском языке следует использовать AcadNusx. Размер шрифта - 12. К рукописи, напечатанной на компьютере, должен быть приложен CD со статьей. 2. Размер статьи должен быть не менее шести и не более пятнадцати страниц машинописи, включая указатель литературы и резюме на английском, русском и грузинском языках. 3. В статье должны быть освещены актуальность данного материала, методы и результаты исследования и их обсуждение. При представлении в печать научных экспериментальных работ авторы должны указывать вид и количество экспериментальных животных, применявшиеся методы обезболивания и усыпления (в ходе острых опытов). 4. Таблицы необходимо представлять в печатной форме. Фотокопии не принимаются. Все цифровые, итоговые и процентные данные в таблицах должны соответствовать таковым в тексте статьи. Таблицы и графики должны быть озаглавлены. 5. Фотографии должны быть контрастными, фотокопии с рентгенограмм - в позитивном изображении. Рисунки, чертежи и диаграммы следует озаглавить, пронумеровать и вставить в соответствующее место текста в tiff формате. В подписях к микрофотографиям следует указывать степень увеличения через окуляр или объектив и метод окраски или импрегнации срезов. 6. Фамилии отечественных авторов приводятся в оригинальной транскрипции. 7. При оформлении и направлении статей в журнал МНГ просим авторов соблюдать правила, изложенные в «Единых требованиях к рукописям, представляемым в биомедицинские журналы», принятых Международным комитетом редакторов медицинских журналов http://www.spinesurgery.ru/files/publish.pdf и http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html В конце каждой оригинальной статьи приводится библиографический список. В список литературы включаются все материалы, на которые имеются ссылки в тексте. Список составляется в алфавитном порядке и нумеруется. Библиографическое описание литературы составляется на языке текста документа. В списке литературы сначала приводятся работы, написанные знаками грузинского алфавита, затем кириллицей и латиницей. Ссылки на цитируемые работы в тексте статьи даются в квадратных скобках в виде номера, соответствующему номеру данной работы в списке литературы. 8. 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При нарушении указанных правил статьи не рассматриваются. REQUIREMENTS Please note, materials submitted to the Editorial Office Staff are supposed to meet the following requirements: 1. Articles must be provided with a double copy, in English or Russian languages and typed or computer-printed on a single side of standard typing paper, with the left margin of 3 centimeters width, and 1.5 spacing between the lines, typeface - Times New Roman (Cyrillic), print size - 12 (referring to Georgian and Russian materials). With computer-printed texts please enclose a CD carrying the same file titled with Latin symbols. 2. Size of the article, including index and resume in English, Russian and Georgian languages must be at least 6 pages and not exceed the limit of 15 pages of typed or computer-printed text. 3. Submitted material must include a coverage of a topical subject, research methods, results, and review. Authors of the scientific-research works must indicate the number of experimental biological species drawn in, list the employed methods of anesthetization and soporific means used during acute tests. 4. Tables must be presented in an original typed or computer-printed form, instead of a photocopied version. Numbers, totals, percentile data on the tables must coincide with those in the texts of the articles. Tables and graphs must be headed. 5. Photographs are required to be contrasted and must be submitted with doubles. Please number each photograph with a pencil on its back, indicate author’s name, title of the article (short version), and mark out its top and bottom parts. Drawings must be accurate, drafts and diagrams drawn in Indian ink (or black ink). Photocopies of the X-ray photographs must be presented in a positive image in tiff format. Accurately numbered subtitles for each illustration must be listed on a separate sheet of paper. In the subtitles for the microphotographs please indicate the ocular and objective lens magnification power, method of coloring or impregnation of the microscopic sections (preparations). 6. Please indicate last names, first and middle initials of the native authors, present names and initials of the foreign authors in the transcription of the original language, enclose in parenthesis corresponding number under which the author is listed in the reference materials. 7. Please follow guidance offered to authors by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors guidance in its Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals publication available online at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html http://www.icmje.org/urm_full.pdf In GMN style for each work cited in the text, a bibliographic reference is given, and this is located at the end of the article under the title “References”. All references cited in the text must be listed. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically and then numbered. References are numbered in the text [numbers in square brackets] and in the reference list and numbers are repeated throughout the text as needed. The bibliographic description is given in the language of publication (citations in Georgian script are followed by Cyrillic and Latin). 8. To obtain the rights of publication articles must be accompanied by a visa from the project instructor or the establishment, where the work has been performed, and a reference letter, both written or typed on a special signed form, certified by a stamp or a seal. 9. Articles must be signed by all of the authors at the end, and they must be provided with a list of full names, office and home phone numbers and addresses or other non-office locations where the authors could be reached. The number of the authors (co-authors) must not exceed the limit of 5 people. 10. Articles must have a short (half page) abstract in English, Russian and Georgian (including the following sections: introduction, material and methods, results and conclusions) and a list of key words. 11. Editorial Staff reserves the rights to cut down in size and correct the articles. Proof-sheets are not sent out to the authors. The entire editorial and collation work is performed according to the author’s original text. 12. Sending in the works that have already been assigned to the press by other Editorial Staffs or have been printed by other publishers is not permissible. Articles that Fail to Meet the Aforementioned Requirements are not Assigned to be Reviewed. avtorTa sayuradRebod! redaqciaSi statiis warmodgenisas saWiroa davicvaT Semdegi wesebi: 1. statia unda warmoadginoT 2 calad, rusul an inglisur enebze, dabeWdili standartuli furclis 1 gverdze, 3 sm siganis marcxena velisa da striqonebs Soris 1,5 intervalis dacviT. gamoyenebuli kompiuteruli Srifti rusul da inglisurenovan teqstebSi - Times New Roman (Кириллица), xolo qarTulenovan teqstSi saWiroa gamoviyenoT AcadNusx. Sriftis zoma – 12. statias Tan unda axldes CD statiiT. 2. statiis moculoba ar unda Seadgendes 6 gverdze naklebsa da 15 gverdze mets literaturis siis da reziumeebis (inglisur, rusul da qarTul enebze) CaTvliT. 3. statiaSi saWiroa gaSuqdes: sakiTxis aqtualoba; kvlevis mizani; sakvlevi masala da gamoyenebuli meTodebi; miRebuli Sedegebi da maTi gansja. eqsperimentuli xasiaTis statiebis warmodgenisas avtorebma unda miuTiTon saeqsperimento cxovelebis saxeoba da raodenoba; gautkivarebisa da daZinebis meTodebi (mwvave cdebis pirobebSi). 4. cxrilebi saWiroa warmoadginoT nabeWdi saxiT. yvela cifruli, Semajamebeli da procentuli monacemebi unda Seesabamebodes teqstSi moyvanils. 5. fotosuraTebi unda iyos kontrastuli; suraTebi, naxazebi, diagramebi - dasaTaurebuli, danomrili da saTanado adgilas Casmuli. rentgenogramebis fotoaslebi warmoadgineT pozitiuri gamosaxulebiT tiff formatSi. mikrofotosuraTebis warwerebSi saWiroa miuTiToT okularis an obieqtivis saSualebiT gadidebis xarisxi, anaTalebis SeRebvis an impregnaciis meTodi da aRniSnoT suraTis zeda da qveda nawilebi. 6. samamulo avtorebis gvarebi statiaSi aRiniSneba inicialebis TandarTviT, ucxourisa – ucxouri transkri pciiT. 7. statias Tan unda axldes avtoris mier gamoyenebuli samamulo da ucxouri Sromebis bibliografiuli sia (bolo 5-8 wlis siRrmiT). anbanuri wyobiT warmodgenil bibliografiul siaSi miuTiTeT jer samamulo, Semdeg ucxoeli avtorebi (gvari, inicialebi, statiis saTauri, Jurnalis dasaxeleba, gamocemis adgili, weli, Jurnalis #, pirveli da bolo gverdebi). monografiis SemTxvevaSi miuTiTeT gamocemis weli, adgili da gverdebis saerTo raodenoba. teqstSi kvadratul fCxilebSi unda miuTiToT avtoris Sesabamisi N literaturis siis mixedviT. 8. statias Tan unda axldes: a) dawesebulebis an samecniero xelmZRvanelis wardgineba, damowmebuli xelmoweriTa da beWdiT; b) dargis specialistis damowmebuli recenzia, romelSic miTiTebuli iqneba sakiTxis aqtualoba, masalis sakmaoba, meTodis sandooba, Sedegebis samecniero-praqtikuli mniSvneloba. 9. statiis bolos saWiroa yvela avtoris xelmowera, romelTa raodenoba ar unda aRematebodes 5-s. 10. statias Tan unda axldes reziume inglisur, rusul da qarTul enebze aranakleb naxevari gverdis moculobisa (saTauris, avtorebis, dawesebulebis miTiTebiT da unda Seicavdes Semdeg ganyofilebebs: Sesavali, masala da meTodebi, Sedegebi da daskvnebi; teqstualuri nawili ar unda iyos 15 striqonze naklebi) da sakvanZo sityvebis CamonaTvali (key words). 11. redaqcia itovebs uflebas Seasworos statia. teqstze muSaoba da Sejereba xdeba saavtoro originalis mixedviT. 12. dauSvebelia redaqciaSi iseTi statiis wardgena, romelic dasabeWdad wardgenili iyo sxva redaqciaSi an gamoqveynebuli iyo sxva gamocemebSi. aRniSnuli wesebis darRvevis SemTxvevaSi statiebi ar ganixileba. Georgian Medical News No 4 (205) 2012 Содержание: Rainauli Z., Mekokishvili L., Robert de Petriconi 15-YEAR HISTORY OF SPONTANEOUS APPENDICO-VESICAL FISTULA (Case report)................................................................................. 7 Davitashvili D., Beridze M., Shakarishvili R., Kiziria M., Sanikidze T. THE ROLE OF ENDOGENOUS ANTIRADICAL PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS........................................................................................................................ 11 Цискаришвили Н.В., Кацитадзе А.Г., Цискаришвили Ц.И. АБСЦЕДИРУЮЩИЙ ПОДРЫВАЮЩИЙ ФОЛЛИКУЛИТ И ПЕРИФОЛЛИКУЛИТ ГОФФМАННА (СЛУЧАЙ ИЗ ПРАКТИКИ)....................................................................................................................... 19 Батоцыренова Х.В., Ливанов Г.А., Шестова Г.В., Цветнова Л.Д., Великова В.Д., Базарова В.Г. нейропротекторные эффекты сукцинатсодержащего антигипоксанта реамберина у больных с токсикогипоксическим поражением головного мозга........................................ 24 Шилов В.В., Андрианов А.Ю., Васильев С.А., Батоцыренов Б.В., Лоладзе А.Т. фармакологическая коррекция гипоксических поражений у больных с тяжелыми формами отравлений угарным газом............................... 31 Шилов В.В., Шикалова И.А., Батоцыренов Б.В., Андрианов А.Ю., Васильев C.А., Лоладзе А.Т. сравнительная оценка клинической эффективности ремаксола и адеметионина у больных с острыми отравлениями этанолом, осложненныМИ токсическими поражениями печени............................................... 38 Фролов В.М., Пересадин Н.А., Чхетиани Р.Б., Круглова О.В. ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ КОМБИНАЦИИ ЦИКЛОФЕРОНА И РЕАМБЕРИНА ПРИ ЛЕЧЕНИИ БОЛЬНЫХ ХРОНИОСЕПСИСОМ.............................................................................. 44 De Sanctis V., Soliman A.T., Angastiniotis M., Eleftheriou A., Kattamis Ch., Karimi M., El Kholy M., Elsedfy H., Mohd Abdel Daem Mohd Yassin, El Awwa A., Stoeva I., Skordis N., Raiola G., Fiscina B. INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON ENDOCRINE COMPLICATIONS IN THALASSAEMIA (I-CET): AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW............................................................. 52 Маисурадзе Т.Г. Применение препарата ДОНА - глюкозамин сульфат (Саше) В консервативной терапии БОЛЕЗНИ ЛЕГГ-КАЛЬВЕ-ПЕРТЕСА........................................ 58 Moskalenko R., Romanyuk A., Logvin A. INTRAFOLLICULAR PRESSURE OF COLLOID THYROID GLAND DETERMINATE THE TYPE OF FOLLICULOGENESIS......................................................................... 67 © GMN 5 Медицинские новости грузии cfmfhsdtkjc cfvtlbwbyj cbf[ktyb Ratiani L., Terunashvili G., Sanikidze T. ANTIINFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF LYMPHOMYOSOT DURING CHRONIC DESEASES............................................................................................................... 73 Sukhitashvili N., Imnadze I., Tabaghua G., Gogilashvili Q., Amiranashvili I. CHARACTERIZATION OF ORAL ULCER AND PATHOLOGICAL SCAR IN NUDE MICE MODEL........................................................................ 82 6 Georgian Medical News No 4 (205) 2012 – polisulfatirebuli gag-is ganyofilebaSi mkurnalobis procesSi gamoyenebis gamocdileba. zemoaRniSnulidan gamomdinare preparati dona CarTuli iqna pertesis daavadebis kompleqsuri konservatiuli Terapiis sqemaSi, romlis mixedviTac mkurnaloba Cautarda pertesis daavadebiT sxvadasxva stadiaSi myof 5-dan 14 wlamde 300 bavSvs. mkurnalobis procesSi da misi damTavrebis Semdgom (5-6 weli) dakvirvebis Sedegad ar gamovlinda hipermgrZnobelibisa da gverdiTi movlenebis arc erTi SemTxveva. 90-92% aRniSna mkurnalobis dadebiTi Sedegi. rentgenologiurad dadasturebulia dazianebuli barZayis Zvlis yelisa da Tavis Zvlovani da xrtilovani qsovilebis reparaciuli procesebis daCqareba, aRdgena, rac avtors safuZvels aZlevs rekomendacia gauwios preparat dona - glukozamin sulfats (saSe) -1500, raTa igi gamoyenebul iqnes leg-kalve-pertesis daavadebis kompleqsur konservatiul mkurnalobaSi 5-dan 14 wlamde asakis bavSvebSi, rogorc struqturul-modificirebuli, rbili moqmedebis preparati. INTRAFOLLICULAR PRESSURE OF COLLOID THYROID GLAND DETERMINATE THE TYPE OF FOLLICULOGENESIS Moskalenko R., 1Romanyuk A., 2Logvin A. 1 Sumy State University, Medical institute, Department of Pathomorphology; 2 Sumy State University, Department of Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries, Ukraine 1 The problem of morphogenesis influence of pressure of colloid on thyroid gland is not researched enaugh in the scientific literature. In 1982 C. Garbi et al demonstrated the fact of the follicular colloid pressure in following way: after puncture of the follicles by the needle lumen compressed and follicular cells became cuboids [4]. On absence of polarity (basal differentiation) in thyrocytes culture which could’t form follicles was also established [6]. Recent studies have found that vigorous expression of thyroperoxydase, natriun-iodium simporter in follicles begin only after the appearance of colloid [5]. © GMN The aim: research mechanism of folliculogenesis in the thyroid gland under the influence of heavy metals salts. Matherial and methods. The research of the intraluminal pressure influence of the colloids on folliculogenesis was conducted on 24 white Wistar line rats (6 months age, 200-250 g weight). During the experiment, laboratory animals were maintained in accordance with regulations adopted by the European Convention for the Protection of vertebrate animals, which we used for experiment and research tasks (Strasbourg, 67 1986), “General ethical rules of experimentation on animals”, and approved by the Congress of Bioethics (Kyiv, 2001) and the Law of Ukraine “On protection of animals from cruelty» № 3477IV dated 21.02.2006. 6 animals in each group were taken for the experiments, access to water was free. To break thyroid morphofunctional state of equilibrium the experimental rats received a combination of heavy metals salts (increased amount of zinc, copper, iron, manganese, lead, chromium). Experimental animals of both series are divided into groups according to the derived set of xenobiotics. 1-first group were the control rats receiving distilled water. Animals of group 2 received distilled water with a combination of heavy metals salts: zinc (ZnSO4 x 7H2O) - 5mg/l, copper (CuSO4 x 5H2O) - 1 mg/l, iron (FeSO4) - 10 mg/l, manganese (MnSO4 x 5H2O) - 0,1 mg/l lead (Pb (NO3)2) - 0,1 mg/l, chromium (K2Cr2O7) - 0,1 mg/l. To study the dynamics of morphological changes animals were removed from experiments on 30 and 60 days. After the experiment, animals were decapitated under ether anesthesia, thyroid was received, and then weighed on analytical scales “VLA200” (Ukraine) to within 1 mg. Organometry of thyroid consisted of measuring the length, width and thickness of right lobe by using caliper, measuring thyroid volume by a dial test tubes – according to the volume of liquid forced out. Morpho-functional state of thyroid gland was studied using histological, histochemical, morphometric methods. Histological and histochemical methods. For histological examination the right lobe of thyroid was taken and fixed it in 10% neutral formalin solution or Bouins Solution within 24 hours. Making paraffin blocks was performed by the standard technique. By microtomes paraffin serial sections 7-9 mm thick were performed, which passed through the center, and subcapsular minor glands, painted with hematoxylin-eosin stain. 68 Медицинские новости грузии cfmfhsdtkjc cfvtlbwbyj cbf[ktyb Dyeing methods of van Gizon, Gomorry, PASreaction were also used. Morphometric method. Suitable histological preparations were studied and photographed using a digital image output system «SEO Scan ICX 285 AK-F IEE-1394” (Ukraine). In an environment of morphometric computer program «SEO Image Lab 2,0» the analysis of micropreparation image was performed the average values of morphometric parameters were determined: bigger and smaller diameters of follicles, height of thyrocytes, determined optical density of the colloid follicles. Mathematical methods. The modeling of influence salts of heavy metals on tension distribution in the follicle wall was carried out with the help of «Cosmos Works». To calculate the tension value in the follicle wall, the mathematical algorithm was used, which was borrowed from thin-walled shell theory [3]. The tension in a spherical shell which is under the internal pressure Р is determined by the formula: (1) where Р – pressure in a follicle, Pа; R – follicle radius , m; h – thickness of a follicle wall, m. There is an expression for the spherial calotte in the case of homogeneous deformation: (2) where Н – altitude of a segment layer, m; (3) where Н=kR, H0=kR, where k – constant. In the case of biaxial tension (ε1=ε2=ε) the material stands the shearing stress: (4) Georgian Medical News No 4 (205) 2012 where ε - material unit elongation; Е – material elastic modulus, Pа; μ - Poisson’s ratio. Under the condition: ε=R/R0-1, (5) The formula can be rewritten: (6) So we get the formula of dependence of P and R: (7) While researching function P(R) at maximum we get formulae to evaluate critical parameters: , (8) The obtained data were processed statistically on a personal computer using application package. The discrepancy validity between experimental and test data were estimated with the help of Student‘s t test. The admissible error is less than 5% (р<0,05) Results and their discussion. Based on the theory of thin shells and the results of morphometric study of intact groups of mature rats, which were influenced by a combination of heavy metals salts, the mathematical model to determine the level of tension in the wall of follicles was deduced. The value of the vascular skeleton of microvasculature perifocal blood capillary for mechanical strength of thyroid parenchyma is extremely important, as they closely braid all follicles, forming a single extended structure. The interfollicular connective tissue contains many layers of textures capillaries. Each follicle is surrounded by a capillary net. Mono-layer capillary network consist of anastomosing blood microvessels. Capillaries diameter is uniform. Each capillary loop contacts with 4-5 neighbor© GMN ing loops around each follicle and on each side there are 5-6 capillaries. Therefore, in subsequent calculations Poisson ratio typical of vessels was used. During the study of a maximum tension in the wall of follicles of rats of the control group, where the rapture might happen, it has been found that the importance index of 30 day observation period was 0.051546 MPa, and after 60 days 0.047705 MPa. After 30 days of the salts of heavy metals influence the critical stress in the wall of follicles decreased to 24.37% after 60 days of the experiment - 25.65%. Thus, the maximum tension that can withstand the wall depends on the size of the follicle diameter and height of follicular endocrinocytes (wall thickness) - the larger follicle size and smaller follicular endocrinocytes height, the less stress can the follicle wall with stand. Experimental results showed that with increasing follicle size tension in their side is also increased, but after reaching the critical value its gradual decline occurs. We can assume that, to prevent the rupture of the follicle membrane physiological or compensation-adaptive mechanisms are used. To simulate the influence of internal pressure on its wall the following methods simplification were selected: follicle has correct elliptical shape and uniform hydrostatic pressure affects the entire surface of the follicle. Polyethylene was taken as this materials is most highly similar to the studied biological tissue. Pressure P = 1 atm was selected for the simulation. Using computer simulation of stress and strain of thin membrane of thyroid follicle by “Cosmos Works” it was established that the elliptical form of follicle wall tension in the follicle was this: more tension appears on the longitudinal section of the ellipse - to 0,4 Nm/m2, and in cross section the tension is 0.3 N/m2 (Fig.). As a result of the influence of combinations of heavy metals salts on the follicular apparatus thyroid hypoactivity developed, which manifested in accumulating colloid and changing its tinctorial, 69 physical and chemical properties, reducing the height of follicular epithelium, follicles increase Медицинские новости грузии cfmfhsdtkjc cfvtlbwbyj cbf[ktyb in diameter, which also reflected the increasing tension in the wall of the follicle. Fig. Stress distribution curve in the ellipsoid shell. When considering the cross-section shell red tint shows that more tension occurs on the longitudinal section of the ellipse, and in cross-section the tension decreases Lots of colloid with greater optical density have greater physical and chemical density and viscosity, areas with lower optical density – have density and viscosity lower. Research of the colloid using morphometric software «SEO Image Lab 2,0» automatic mode selection confirmed that areas with different density may indicate uneven distribution of colloid density. Uneven colloid concentrations are easily visible on mounts stained by histochemical PAS-reaction. When retained in the cavity of the follicle colloid increases its condense, saturated hydrocarbon component. PAS - reagent paints concentrated colloid in purple-pink color. Uneven distribution of pressure inside the follicle may be a significant factor for the division the follicles. Based on the opinion under which folds and follicle epithelial buds or bands are immersed in the follicle lumen in the direction of least resistance, it is clear active participation of intrafollicular pressure in the process of folliculogenesis becomes clear. The work of N.P. Fedchenko covers the mechanism of folliculogenesis in the central areas of the thyroid gland in conditions of prolonged hypercalcemia fragmentation follicles by ingrowed strands of connective tissue as vectors of force was described [1]. In our opinion, the 70 direction of division and fragmentation follicles is specified by the different gradients of pressure inside the follicles. We can assume a direct relationship between functional activity of follicular epithelium and the predominant type of folliculogenesis,as it is known that in particles of peripheral areas of thyroid the morphofunctional activity of thyrocytes are lower. Based on the results of our research, we can speak about the important role of mechanical factors, physical and chemical processes of colloid in the central and peripheral folliculogenesis. We can assume a direct relationship between functional activity of follicular epithelium and the predominant type of folliculogenesis. It is known that in particles of the peripheral areas of thyroid the morphofunctional activity of thyrocytes are lower and intrafollicular pressure, respectively, higher than in central areas, and that makes a difference in the directions of vectors of foldes of follicular epithelium [2]. Thus, in peripheral areas because of greater pressure and resistance of intrafollicular colloid fragmentation occurs at acute angles and it leads to separation of smaller follicles, even to microfolliculies formation in the same parent follicle wall. In the central areas of the parenchyma of thyroid follicular epithelium Georgian Medical News No 4 (205) 2012 functional activity is higher, more rarefied and colloid, respectively follicles are fragmenting more even - in the course of the central folliculogenesis 2-3 flattened follicles are formed. Thus, the results allow to conclude that there is a significant role of intrafollicular colloidal pressure in the process of folliculogenesis. It is determined that in the wall of the follicle of elliptic form higher tension arises in longitudinal section of the ellipse, and in cross-section the tension decreases. Analyzing the research results, we can assume that the difference between peripheral and central folliculogenesis occurs because of different amounts of intrafollicular pressure, which again are derived from different functional activity of the follicular epithelium. REFFERENCES 1. Федченко М.П., Федченко М.М., Шпонька І.С. Теоретичні та патоморфологічні аспекти канцеро- і антиканцерогенезу в щитоподібній залозі. Морфологія 2007; 1(1): 25-28. 2. Федченко Н.П., Бондаренко А.А., Гарец В.И. Современные аспекты структурнофункциональной организации щитовидной железы. Український морфологічний альманах 2008; 6(1): 161-164. 3. Стороженко В.Я. Розрахунок тонкостінних апаратів (теорія і практика). Суми: Вид-во Алан-прес; 2002: 210. 4. Garbi C., Wollman S.H. Ultrastructure and some other properties of inverted thyroid follicles in suspension culture. Exp Cell Res. 1982; 138(2): 343–353. 5. Szinnai G., Lacroix L., Carre A. et al. Sodium/ iodine symporter (NIS) gene expression is the limiting step for the onset of thyroid function in the human fetus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007; 92: 70-76. 6. Wollman S.H., Nitsch L., Gabri C. and Tacchetti C. Aspects of control of polarity of thyroid epithelial cells in follicles in suspension culture. In: Thyroglobulin – the prothyroid hormone. Ed. by Eggo M.C., Burrow G.N. New York: Raven Press; 1985: 235-241. © GMN SUMMARY INTRAFOLLICULAR PRESSURE OF COLLOID THYROID GLAND DETERMINATE THE TYPE OF FOLLICULOGENESIS Moskalenko R., 1Romanyuk A., 2Logvin A. 1 Sumy State University, Medical Institute, Department of Pathomorphology; 2Sumy State University, Department of Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries, Ukraine 1 The problem of colloid pressure of influence on the thyroid gland folliculogenesis is not clear enough in the scientific literature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanism of folliculogenesis in the thyroid gland under the influence of salts of heavy metals combinations on the organism. The research was conducted on 24 white adult rats. To study the dynamics of morphological changes animals were removed from experiments on 30 and 60 days. Based on the theory of thin shells and the results of morphometric study of both groups of adult rats, which were influenced by a combination of heavy metal salts, the mathematical model to determine the level of tension in the wall of follicles was deduced. As a result of the influence of combinations of heavy metal salts on the follicular apparatus thyroid hypoactivity developed, which manifested in accumulating colloid and changing its tinctorial, physical and chemical properties, reducing the height of follicular epithelium, follicles increase in diameter, which also reflected the increasing tension in the wall of the follicle. Thus, the results allow to conclude that there is a significant role of intrafollicular colloidal pressure on the process of folliculogenesis. It is determined that in the wall of the elliptic form follicle higher tension arises in longitudinal section of the ellipse, and in cross-section the tension decreases. Analyzing the research 71 results, we can assume that the difference between peripheral and central folliculogenesis occurs because of different amounts of intrafollicular pressure, which again are derived from different functional activity of the follicular epithelium. Keywords: thyroid gland, folliculogenesis, intrafollicular pressure, colloid, heavy metal salts. РЕЗЮМЕ ВНУТРИФОЛЛИКУЛЯРНОЕ ДАВЛЕНИЕ КОЛЛОИДА ЩИТОВИДНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ ОПРЕДЕЛЯЕТ ТИП ФОЛЛИКУЛОГЕНЕЗА Москаленко Р.А., 1Романюк А.М., 2 Логвин А.В. 1 Сумский государственный университет, Медицинский институт, кафедра патоморфологии; 2Сумский государственный университет, кафедра оборудования химических и нефтегазовых производств, Украина 1 Проблема влияния давления коллоида на фолликулогенез в щитовидной железе является малоизученной. Целью настоящего исследования явилось изучение механизма фолликулогенеза в щитовидной железе в условиях влияния на организм комбинации солей тяжелых металлов. Исследование было проведено на 24 белых крысах-самцах репродуктивного возраста. Для исследования динамики морфологических изменений животных выводили из эксперимента на 30 и 60 сутки путем декапитации под эфирным наркозом. Основываясь на теории тонкостенных оболочек и результатах морфометрического исследования щитовидной железы животных контрольной и подопытной групп, была построена математическая модель для определения напряжения в стенке фолликула. В результате влияния комбинации солей тяжелых металлов на фолликулярный аппарат в щитовидной железе развивается гипо72 Медицинские новости грузии cfmfhsdtkjc cfvtlbwbyj cbf[ktyb функциональное состояние, которое проявляется в накоплении коллоида и изменении его тинкториальных и физико-химических свойств, уменьшении высоты фолликулярного эпителия, увеличении диаметра фолликулов, что также отображает повышение напряжения в стенке фолликула. Полученные результаты позволяют сделать вывод о значительной роли внутрифолликулярного давления коллоида в процессах фолликулогенеза. Установлено, что в стенке фолликула эллипсоидной формы более высокое напряжение возникает по продольному разрезу эллипса, а в поперечном разрезе напряжение уменьшается. Анализируя результаты исследования, можно допустить, что разница между периферическим и центральным фолликулогенезом возникает вследствие разных значений внутрифолликулярного давления, что, в свою очередь, является производным от различной функциональной активности фолликулярного эпителия. reziume folikulisSida koloiduri wneva gansazRvravs folikulogenezis ti ps farisebr jirkvalSi 1 r. romanenko, 1a. romaniuki, 2 a. logvini 1 sumis saxelmwofo universiteti, samedicino instituti, paTomorfologiis kaTedra; 2sumis saxelmwofo universiteti, navTobis warmoebisa da qimiuri aRWurvilobis kaTedra, sumi, ukraina farisebri jirkvlis morfogenezSi koloiduri wneviT gamowveuli cvlilebebi naklebadaa Seswavlili. kvlevis mizans warmoadgenda farisebri jirkvlis folikulogenezis meqanizmis gamokvleva organizmze mZime liTonebis marilebis zemoqmedebis pirobebSi. gamokvleva Catarda Georgian Medical News No 4 (205) 2012 24 reproduqciuli asakis Wistar-is xazis mamr-virTagvaze. morfologiuri cvlilebebis gamokvlevisaTvis cxovelebi gamogvyavda cdidan dekapitaciiT eTeris narkozis qveS, masalas viRebdiT 30-e da me-60 dRes. Txelkedliani struqturis Teoriaze dayrdnobiT da farisebri jirkvlis gamokvlevis Sedegad sakontrolo da sacdel jgufebSi Seiqmna maTematikuri modeli folikulis kedlis daZabulobis gansazRvrisaTvis. mZime liTonebis marilebis kombinaciis zemoqmedebis Sedegad farisebri jirkvlis folikulur struqturaSi dafiqsirda hipofunqciuri mdgomareoba koloidebis dagrovebiT, misi fizikur-qimiuri Tvisebebis cvlilebis, folikulis epiTeliumis simaRlis Semcirebis da folikulTa diametris gazrdiT, rac gamovlinda folikulis kedlis daZabulobis momatebiT. am faqtze dayrdnobiT SesaZlebelia daskvnis gamotana imis Sesaxeb, rom folikulis sanaTurSi koloidis wneva mniSvnelovan rols asrulebs folikulogenezSi. dadgenilia, rom elifsuri formis folikulis kedlis sigrZiv Wrilze viTardeba meti daZabuloba, vidre ganivze, sadac es maCvenebeli iklebs. kvlevis Sedegebis analizis safuZvelze, avtorebi SesaZleblad miiCneven ivaraudon, rom sxvaoba periferiuli da centraluri folikulogenezis meqanizmebSi warmoiqmna folikulSida wnevis gansxvavebuli maxasiaTeblebis gamo, rac, Tavis mxriv, damokidebulia folikuluri epiTeliumis funqciuri aqtivobis gansxvavebuli maCveneblebiT. ANTIINFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF LYMPHOMYOSOT DURING CHRONIC DESEASES 1,2 Ratiani L., 2Terunashvili G., 1,2Sanikidze T. Tbilisi State Medical University; 2LTD Clinic “Healthy Women”, Tbilisi, Georgia 1 Cells inside the living multicellular organism keep constantly interconnected through various signals (including electrical, chemical, mechanical, heat etc.), thus building up organized and balanced system. Under conditions of any pathological process (backgrounder by hypoxia and ischemia, which, in turn, develop as a consequence to the influence laid by toxic metabolites of the cell), intercellular links may disrupt, or adaptive compensative reactions may ensue. The latter support © GMN to non-controlled hyperactivation of cellular metabolism, which leads to accumulation of the toxic metabolites, intoxication and further derangement inside the cell, ultimately resulting in deepening of the pathological process. Functional failure of the tissues grow deeper simultaneously with increasing number of disturbed cells, which makes pathological process irreversible, thus providing the development of chronic inflammatory pathological process in the body. Inflammation is 73
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