On the exponential sum with square{free numbers D. I. Tolev Introduction Consider the exponential sum S () = X nN 2(n) e(n); where N is a large integer, e(x) = e2ix and where (n) denotes the Mobius function. This sum appears naturally in the study of various problems involving squarefree numbers. For example, if r (N ) is the number of representations of N as the sum of square{free numbers, then we have r (N ) = Z 1 0 S () e(;N ) d : In the case 3 Evelyn and Linfoot [5], Mirsky [7] and Brudern and Perelli [2] used the circle method to obtain asymptotic formulae of the form 6 1 r (N ) = ( ; 1)! 2 S (N ) N ;1 + (N ) ; (N ) = o(N ;1 ) ; where Y Y S (N ) = 1 ; (1 ;1p2) 1 ; (1 ; p12);1 : p2 N p2 jN - For 3 the sharpest estimate for (N ) is due to Brudern and Perelli. They prove ([2], Theorem 1) that if 3 then (N ) = O(N ;3=2+" ) holds, where here and later " > 0 denotes an arbitrarily small number, which is not the same in dierent occurences. Brudern and Perelli also show that the last estimate is best possible up to the current knowledge about Riemann's zeta function (s). More precisely 1 ([2], Theorem 2), if 2 then (N ) = (N ;2+=2;" ), where is the supremum of the real parts of the zeros of (s). It is however established ([2], Theorem 3) that under the generalized Riemann hypothesis (GRH) for all Dirichlet L{functions one has (N ) = O(N ;7=4+" ) for 4 and also 3(N ) = O(N 37=28+"). Thus, in the case = 3 they miss the optimal exponent by 1=14. One of the key instruments for obtaining these results is the estimate of the sum S () on the set of minor arcs. Suppose that Q 1 and denote M(Q) = [ q [ qQ a=1 (a;q)=1 a ; Q ; a + Q ; m(Q) = Q ; 1 + Q n M(Q): q qN q qN N N Theorem 4 of [2] states that if Q N 3=7, then the estimate (2), given below, holds. A similar result was previously obtained by Baker, Brudern and Harman [1], but under the condition Q N 1=3. The aim of the present paper is to present the proof of the following: Theorem. Suppose that (1) 1 Q N 1=2 and let m(Q) be dened as above. Then for the sum S () we have (2) sup jS ()j N 1+" Q;1 : 2m(Q) It is pointed out by Brudern and Perelli at the end of section 5 of [2] that from this theorem one can obtain: Corollary. Suppose that GRH holds. Then we have 3(N ) = O(N 5=4+"). We should mention that the circle method provides a non{trivial estimate for 2(N ) as well (see Brudern et al [3]), but it is weaker then the estimate 2(N ) = O(N 2=3+"), obtained by elementary methods by Evelyn and Linfoot [5] (see also Estermann [4] for simpler proof). Furthermore, Heath{Brown [6] developed the square sieve and applied it to the related problem of counting square{free twins. Using his method one can obtain 2(N ) = O(N 7=11+"). To prove our theorem we apply the square sieve as well as some of the methods used in [2]. 2 Acknowledgement The present paper was writen during the authors visit to the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford. The author would like to thank the Royal Society for nancial support and to the sta of the Institute for the excellent working conditions. The author is especially grateful to Professor D.R.Heath{Brown for the intersting discussions and valuable comments. Proof of the theorem Let us take arbitrary 2 m(Q). From Dirichlet's theorem and from the denition of m(Q) it follows that there exist integers a and q satisfying Q a (3) (a; q) = 1; Q<q N ; q qN ; Q: It is clear that X X S () = (d) e(d2m) mNd;2 dN 1=2 and therefore, according to Lemma 5.1 of [8], we have S () log N 1 max1=2 Y (; D); (4) 2 DN where (5) Y (; D) = X D<d2D min(ND;2 ; jjd2jj;1) and where jjxjj denotes the dierence from x to the nearest integer. Brudern and Perelli [2] estimate Y (; D) by three dierent methods and establish that (6) Y (; D) N 1+" Q;1 unless D2 2 NQ ;1; Q4=3 . If Q N 3=7 the later interval is empty, so (6) is true for all D 2 21 ; N 1=2 . This implies Theorem 4 of [2]. To prove out Theorem we shall estimate Y (; D) using the square sieve. We can assume that N D2 Q4=3 (7) Q 3 because in the other cases the estimate (6) is established in [2]. Let P be a parameter, which we shall specify later. Now we assume only that (8) N P N 1=2 for some constant > 0: Consider the function (9) X k 2 ; (k) = logP P p P<p2P pq - ; where the summation is taken over primes and p stands for the Legendre symbol. Obviously (k) 0 for any integer k. Furthermore, we have (10) (k) 1 if k = d2 for some d 2 (D; 2D] : Indeed, in this case X k P<p2P pq - X X p = P<p2P 1 P<p2P 1 ; (dq) ; p dq - where (n) denotes the number of dierent prime factors of n. It is well{ known that (n) 2 log n, so (10) follows from Tchebyshev's prime number theorem and (8), (9). Using (5) and (10) we get (11) Y (; D) X D2 <k4D2 ; (k) min M; jjkjj;1 ; where we have put M = ND;2 : (12) We can now expand the function min(M; jjxjj;1) into Fourier series, but it does not converge very fast and some extra eorts are needed to deal with the `tail' of this series. To avoid this we take a smooth function G(M; x), which is periodic with period one, satisfy (13) ; min M; jjxjj;1 G(M; x) 4 and which has Fourier expansion X (14) G(M; x) = cn e(nx) n2 Z with coecients satisfying (15) and (16) cn log M X jnj>M 1+" jcnj M ;A for any arbitrarily large constant A > 0 (the constant in the { symbol depends on " and A). To construct such a function we take an innitely dierentiable function !R (1x), which is supported and positive in the interval (;1; 1) and such that ;1 ;1 ;1 ! (x) dx = 1. Then for any > 0 we dene ! (x) = ! ( x) and consider the convolution g(M; x; ) = ; Z 1 ;1 ; min M; jjtjj;1 ! (x ; t) dt : We put G(M; x) = 2g M; x; (10M );1 . It is not dicult to see that the conditions (13) { (16) hold. Having in mind (11) { (14) and (16) we nd (17) Y (; D) 1 + jZ (; D)j ; where X X Z (; D) = (k) cn e(kn) : D2 <k4D2 Now we apply (9) to get 2 X Z (; D) = logP P D2 <k4D2 where (18) ; pp0 jnjM 1+" X 0 2P P<p;p (pp0 ;q)=1 k X c e(kn) ; pp0 jnjM 1+" n is the Jacobi symbol. We represent the last sum in the form 2 Z (; D) = logP P (E1 + E2) ; 5 where E1 = X X D2 <k4D2 P<p2P jnjM 1+" p kq - E2 = X X X D2 <k4D2 p;p0 : (19) k pp0 cn e(kn) ; X jnjM 1+" cn e(kn) and where the summation over p and p0 is taken over primes satisfying (19) P < p; p0 2P ; (pp0 ; q) = 1 ; p 6= p0 : Consider the sum E1. It is clear that X X X (20) E1 = cn e(kn) + O(N "PD2 ) : P<p2P D2 <k4D2 p q k60 (mod p) 0<jnjM 1+" - According to Lemma 5.1 from [8], for the sum over k we have (21) X D2 <k4D2 k60 (mod p) e(kn) = X D2 <k4D2 e(kn) ; X e(kn) D2 <k4D2 k0 (mod p) min(D2; jjnjj;1) + min(D2 P ;1; jjpnjj;1) : Hence from (12), (15), (20) and (21) we get E1 N "(P E1(1) + E1(2) + PD2) ; (22) where E1(1) = X min(D2 ; jjnjj;1) ; nM 1+" X X (2) E1 = nM 1+" P<p2P min(D2 P ;1; jjpnjj;1) (the summation is already taken over positive n only). To estimate E1(1) we apply Lemma 5.4 of [8] and use (1), (3), (7) and (12) to get 2 E1(1) N 1+" q1 + D12 + M1 + Nq N 1+" Q1 + DN : (23) 6 Furthermore, we have E1(2) X h2PM 1+" (h) min(D2P ;1 ; jjhjj;1) ; where (h) is the divisor function. Proceeding as above we nd 2 X (24) E1(2) N " min(D2P ;1; jjhjj;1) N 1+"P Q1 + DN : h2PM 1+" From (22) { (24) we obtain (25) 2 E1 N 1+" P Q1 + DN : Consider now E2. We have E2 = X X p;p0 : (19) jnjM 1+" where (26) Fn() = X D2 <k4D2 cn Fn() ; k e(nk) : pp0 We divide E2 into two parts: (27) E2 = E2(1) + E2(2) ; where E2(1) is the contribution of the terms with n 6= 0 and E2(2) comes from the terms with n = 0. Using Polya { Vinogradov's inequality (see, for example, Theorem 2.1 of [8] ) we nd X k p pp0 log N F0() = 0 pp D2 <k4D2 and therefore, according to (12) and (15), we get (28) E2(2) N "P 3 : 7 Consider E2(1). Bearing in mind (15) we nd E2(1) N " (29) X X p;p0 : (19) nM 1+" jFn()j : We shall estimate the sum Fn(), dened by (26). According to (3), we write in the form Q: (30) = aq + ; where (a; q) = 1 ; Q < q N ; j j Q qN Write X k ank G(t) = pp0 e q : D2 <kt Using Abel's formula and (12), (29) and (30) we nd X k ank Fn() = (31) 0 e q e(nk ) pp 2 2 D <k4D Z 4D2 =; G (t) dtd e(nt) dt + G(4D2 ) e(N 4D2) D2 (1 + j jnD2) t2[max jG(t)j D2;4D2 ] N " t2[max jG(t)j : D2 ;4D2] ; Consider the sum G(t). We divide it into O D2 (pp0q);1 complete sums and at most one incomplete sum modulo pp0 q. However, since (pp0; q) = 1, for the complete sum we have pp0 q X k=1 0 pp k e ank = X pp0 q u=1 q X uq + vpp0 an(uq + vpp0) v=1 = ppq 0 pp0 X u=1 pp0 e q uX anpp0v = 0 : e pp0 v=1 q Hence we can write G(t) in the form G(t) = X K1 <kK2 8 q k e ank ; pp0 q where 0 K2 ; K1 < pp0 q : (32) We proceed in a standard manner to nd G(t) = (33) = pp0q X k=1 1 0 K1 <hK2 pp q X X X ; pp20 q <s pp20 q s s ; e s(kpp;0qh) ppk 0 e ank q pp0 q ; pp20 q <s 2 where 1 X e ;hs ; s= 0 pp q K1<hK2 pp0 q s = pp0 q X k=1 k e ank + sk : pp0 q pp0 q Using (32) we easily get ;1 s (1 + jsj) : (34) Consider s . We have s = pp0 X q X uq + vpp0 an(uq + vpp0) e pp0 q u=1 v=1 pp0 X q X uq su (anpp0 + s)v : e e = 0 pp0 v=1 q u=1 pp Hence (35) s = ( ; q ppqs0 (pp0 ) 0 where (pp0) = is the Gauss sum. if anpp0 + s 0 (mod q) ; otherwise ; pp0 X u=1 9 u e u pp0 pp0 0 + s(uqpp+0 qvpp ) p Using (33) { (35) and the estimate (pp0 ) pp0 (see, for example, Lemma 1.6 of [8]) we nd X p G(t) q pp0 (36) 0 0<jsj pp2 q anpp0 +s0 (mod q) jsj;1 : From (29), (31) and (36) we obtain E2(1) N " q P N" q P X X P<p;p0 2P nM 1+" X 0<jsj2P 2 q jsj;1 X jsj;1 0<jsj2P 2 q anpp0 +s0 (mod q) X 2(h) : h4P 2 M 1+" ah+s0 (mod q) Obviously, the inner sum is N "(1 + P 2ND;2 q;1) and using (1) and (3) we get 2 2 E2(1) N " P q + PDN2 N 1+" P Q1 + DP 2 : (37) From (17), (18), (25), (27), (28) and (37) we nd that 1 D2 : + DP2 + PN Y (; D) N 1+" PQ We choose P = N ";1=2D2. It follows from (1) and (7) that the condition (8) holds. 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