universal warning sign: yucca mountain nevada international design

universal warning sign: yucca mountain nevada
international design competition
Design Concept
The proposed design concept is based on the universally recognized symbol
for radioactivity. The primary color of the symbol is yellow, the most visible of
all colors. Yellow is the first color that the human eye notices. Thus, the design
utilizes the inherent characteristics of the radioactive symbol to draw
attention and be understood by many cultures.
The design concept reflects the nature of nuclear waste containing principle.
Plain phosphorus covered cones are contained within a solid glass or clear
acrylic cube. The metal structure supports the cones inside the cube and
rests on a concrete foundation which in turn supports the overall object. The
design represents a massive object containing dangerous entity.
The longevity of the radioactive half-life of plutonium is represented in the
design of the parameter marker. At nighttime the sign is naturally lighted by
illuminated phosphorus that has been collecting light throughout the sunny
desert day. By using this natural process, the phosphorus should have no
problem providing light to the sign for over a 10,000-year period.
Presentation Board
The design concept is presented in a 24”x24” board. Computer- generated
images are printed on heavy bond paper and spray mounted onto ½” thick
white foam board.
november 2001
universal warning sign: yucca mountain nevada international design competition
The proposed design concept is based on the universally recognized symbol for radioactivity. The primary color of the symbol is yellow, the most visible of all colors. Yellow is
the first color that the human eye notices. Thus, the design utilizes the inherent characteristics of the radioactive symbol to draw attention and be understood by many
The design concept reflects the nature of nuclear waste containing principle. Plain phosphorus covered cones are contained within a solid glass or clear acrylic cube. The
metal structure supports the cones inside the cube and rests on a concrete foundation which in turn supports the overall object. The design represents a massive object
containing dangerous entity.
The longevity of the radioactive half-life of plutonium is represented in the design of the parameter marker. At nighttime the sign is naturally lighted by illuminated phosphorus
that has been collecting light throughout the sunny desert day. By using this natural process, the phosphorus should have no problem providing light to the sign for over a
10,000-year period.
universal warning sign: yucca mountain nevada
international design competition
november 2001
universal warning sign: yucca mountain nevada
international design competition
november 2001