the newsletter for the alumni of the uf college of nursing

50 Years
1990s and 2000s:
Leading the Next Generation of Nursing
3rd of 3 Commemorative 50th Anniversary Covers
1990s and 2000s at the UF College of Nursing
Leading the Next Gen
by Tracy Brown Wright
Growth and Technology
After experiencing change and
growth during the 1970s and 1980s,
the College of Nursing would enter
the 1990s amidst new technology
and a changing face of nursing education. During this decade, the
College would further expand its
research program, continue to build
its faculty practice efforts and
increase private funding to expand
opportunities for excellence. A new
Dean would lead the College into the
next millennium where innovative
educational programs would seek to
address complex health care issues
like the nursing and nursing faculty
The events and leadership of the
1990s and 2000s have continued the
pioneering and courageous spirit of
the College’s founding faculty members and ensured an even brighter
future for Gator Nursing.
The Space Shuttle Discovery places
the Hubble Space Telescope into
The Los Angeles Riots of 1992, the
worst civil unrest incident in US
history, result in 52 deaths and
5,500 property fires in a 100square-mile riot zone. The riots
broke out after the state court
acquittal of four white L.A. police
officers by an all-white jury in a
police brutality case involving
motorist Rodney King.
Nelson Mandela is released near
Cape Town, South Africa, after 26
years behind bars.
Break up of the Soviet Union and
the end of the Cold War.
Gulf War: The Congress of the
United States passes a resolution
authorizing the use of military force
to liberate Kuwait.
During the 1990s, the College embraced new technology with stateof-the-art computers and software that allowed students to learn how to
store and analyze patient care data. The College was an early pioneer in
simulated patient technology. The College’s faculty continued to champion simulated technology through the development of experiences for students in the Nursing Resource Center.
The first Nursing Research Poster Day was hosted by honors students
with the consultation of research faculty members. More faculty members
were receiving NIH funding for research studies.
In addition, the Kirbo Endowed Chair in Oncology Nursing, whose
gift was given in 1986, was filled by
Carol Reed Ash, EdD, RN, an internationally known cancer nursing
researcher and educator. Ash, who
GatorSHADE®, a skin cancer education
program for elementary school children
and their parents in 1994. The program,
which included specially designed hats
to protect children from the sun, recently made its way to Cyberspace with its
own Web site. Ash also served as principal investigator on a 15-year National
Cancer Institute grant that built a cancer education program for nurses in
developing countries.
In 1995, Lois Malasanos, PhD, RN, stepped down as Dean and
returned to the faculty after a 16-year tenure. Under her leadership, the
College had strengthened its research program, expanded the master’s
degree program and implemented the state’s first doctoral program.
Federal agents raid the Branch
Davidian compound in Waco, Texas,
with a warrant to arrest leader
David Koresh on federal firearms
violations. Four agents and five
Davidians die in the raid and a
51-day standoff begins.
The World Wide Web is born.
In New York City, a van bomb
parked below the North Tower of
the World Trade Center goes off,
killing six and injuring over 1,000.
Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald
Goldman are murdered outside her
home in Los Angeles. O.J. Simpson
is later acquitted of the killings, but
is held liable in a civil suit.
January – Dr. Kathleen Ann Long
becomes the fourth dean of the
College of Nursing.
March – College of Nursing faculty
approves a faculty practice plan.
The bombing of a federal building in
Oklahoma City, kills 68. Bombing
suspect Timothy McVeigh claimed
he bombed the building in retaliation
of the 1993 Waco massacre.
Mad cow disease hits Britain.
Unabomber arrested.
neration of Nursing
Satellite campuses in Orlando and Jacksonville were established,
the size of the faculty grew, and the College’s endowment grew to
$10 million in private funding.
A New Road Ahead
In 1995, the College of Nursing’s fourth and current dean,
Kathleen Ann Long, came on board. Dean Long was Dean of
Nursing at Montana State University and a national leader in child
psychiatric nursing.
Dean Long understood the remarkable heritage of the UF
College of Nursing and made it a priority to get to know Founding
Dean Smith when she arrived.
“One of the things I wanted to do, immediately upon landing
here, was to get to know Dorothy Smith—to find out what she was
really like. I was fortunate enough to have those opportunities to
know her and talk with her before she passed away,” Dean Long
said. “Dorothy agreed with me that we needed to reach out, knock
down the walls and become a part of the marvelous opportunities
that the Health Center and the University, as a whole, held for us.”
Although the College was growing in size and stature, Long
had the daunting task of reorganizing the College’s administrative
structure and strengthening faculty governance, along with the
College’s policies.
Within the first year, the College evolved from being divided
by educational divisions into departments and associate deanships,
more closely in line with most of the University’s colleges. Three
departments were born: Adult and Elderly Nursing, Health Care
Environments and Systems and Women’s, Children’s and Family
Nursing. Associate Deans were assigned to academic and student
affairs, and clinical affairs.
January – The University of Florida
football team wins the 1996 national championship, its first ever.
Hong Kong returned to China.
Princess Diana dies in car crash.
Scientists clone sheep.
Titanic most successful movie ever.
U.S. President Clinton impeached.
The Euro becomes the new
European currency.
FALL 2006/WINTER 2007
Two high school students go on a
killing spree at Columbine High
School in Colorado.
Millennium celebrations take place
throughout the world and the “Y2K
crisis” passes without serious,
widespread computer failures.
Republican challenger George W.
Bush defeats Democrat Vice
President Al Gore, but the final outcome is not known for over a month
because of disputed votes in
The College also
strengthened its shared
governance by electing
the first president of the
Faculty Organization,
Dr. Ash, as well as by
formalizing faculty committees and decisionmaking processes. Dean
Long sought to give faculty members a strong
voice in College policies and procedures to provide strategic directions for the College. Thus, in 1995, the College approved a threeyear strategic plan as well as a mission and vision statement.
The baccalaureate curriculum was revised to keep pace with
changes in health care delivery, including an increased focus on
community-based experiences as well as health care policy and economics. The master’s degree program scaled back its tracks to five
specialties that emphasized more of the national trends in advanced
practice and primary care.
In 1995, the College also approved a Faculty Practice Plan the
first such practice plan for nursing in the state. It allowed faculty
members to provide high quality health care for otherwise underserved populations while generating income to support education
and research.
Further, the College also was able to build upon its diversity
outreach efforts. The UF-Bethune Cookman College Consortium
was developed as a bridge program for BCC students who are mentored, advised and supported for graduate study at the College of
January – Archer Family Health
Care, the College of Nursing’s first
nurse-managed and owned health
care practice, opens its doors.
The world's first self-contained
artificial heart is implanted in Robert
Almost 3,000 people are killed in
the September 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks at the World Trade Center in
New York City, The Pentagon in
Arlington, Va., and in rural
Shanksville, Pa. In October, the
Department of Homeland Security is
created and the United States
invades Afghanistan.
April – Dean Kathleen Ann Long
assumes role of American
Association of Colleges of Nursing
Spider-Man is the first film to gross
$100+ million on its first weekend.
October 2 – The Beltway sniper
attacks begin with five shootings in
Montgomery County, Maryland.
The late 1990s saw further strengthening of the College’s
research efforts. The Office for Research Support was established,
offering a variety of services to the faculty. More faculty members
secured federal funding, and the College pursued its target areas of
aging, biobehavioral interventions, women’s and children’s health
and health policy.
The College would also bring on a full-time development officer
devoted to fundraising for the College as well as a public relations
director who would handle marketing and communications activities.
A New Home and Exciting Future
“Together we are committed to ensuring learning opportunities
for students from all backgrounds and to preparing nursing graduates
to care for an increasingly diverse society,” Dean Long said in 1998.
The late 1990s saw the birth of The Gator Nurse alumni publication. This marked the beginning of a full-color publication devoted to communicating with the College’s many supporters.
New innovative educational initiatives such as the BSN to PhD
program and the North Florida PhD Consortium allowed the
College to address the growing nursing shortage, which was reaching
a crisis stage by the late 1990s. The shortage of nursing faculty,
which continues today, greatly hampers efforts nationwide to
increase and improve nursing care.
The BSN to PhD program was designed to allow nurses with
baccalaureate degrees in nursing to more quickly earn a PhD in
Nursing Science by combining enrollment in the MSN and PhD
degree programs.
“In the fast track program, I was introduced to doctoral study,
research and teaching during my first semester of graduate work,” said
Melissa Dodd, who received her BSN in 2001 and her MSN in 2002.
At, 26, she is currently finishing up her dissertation and anticipates
graduating by fall 2006. She plans a career in academic nursing.
The North Florida PhD Consortium, begun in 2002, links UF’s
PhD in Nursing Science program to students at sites located at that
serve Florida A&M University, Florida State University, the
University of North Florida and the University of West Florida.
Student enrollment has doubled since the program’s inception.
January – The Health Professions/
Nursing/ Pharmacy Complex opens.
The College of Nursing’s new building provides much-expanded educational, administrative and research
space for the College.
March 20 – Land troops from
United States, United Kingdom,
Australia and Poland invade Iraq.
April – HPNP Complex is dedicated.
May – The College’s Accelerated
BSN program begins.
August – Dean Long is named one
of Modern Healthcare’s 100 Most
Powerful People in Healthcare.
December 12 – Saddam Hussein,
former President of Iraq, is captured
in Tikrit by the U.S. 4th Infantry
January – The first Dorothy M.
Smith Nursing Leadership
Conference takes place. The
Dorothy M. Smith Commemorative
Wall is dedicated.
By 2000, the College of Nursing was planning for its new home.
After more than 40 years of insufficient space, the College would finally have a building befitting its rich heritage. The College would share
a 155,000-square-foot five story complex with the Colleges of Health
Professions and Pharmacy. Classrooms, lecture halls and a student
services center would be in common while each college would have its
own administrative and faculty office space, research facilities and
learning labs.
In 2003, the College of Nursing dedicated its new building,
with many joyful faculty, students, staff and in attendance. Dean
Long enthusiastically welcomed home those who had given so much
to the College over the years—those faculty, alumni, staff and friends
who had played a large part in moving the College forward. She
noted that Founding Dean Smith’s College finally had a real home.
The College recently introduced two innovative educational programs in keeping with national trends in nursing education. The Clinical
Nurse Leader Master’s degree track and the Doctor of Nursing Practice
program bring reflect College’s pioneering spirit.
The College accepted a first group of students into the Clinical
Nurse Leader track in Fall 2005. This national pilot program prepares
a master’s level nursing generalist to provide expert nursing care. The
CNL program has five practice partners: Shands at UF, the Malcom
Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Shands Jacksonville, Baptist
Medical Center and Wolfson Children’s Hospital.
Graduates will be eligible to sit for the CNL national certification examination. Future plans for the CNL include possibilities for
a new legal scope of practice and expanded role.
In line with other national trends, the College has begun a
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree for post-master’s students.
The College of Nursing aims to begin transitioning most of the
Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan
and Jeanne all strike the Florida
Peninsula between the months of
August and October. The 2004
Atlantic hurricane season was one
of the deadliest and most costly
seasons on record, with at least
3,132 deaths and roughly $42 billion
in damage.
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake
triggers a series of lethal tsunamis
that kill approximately 230,000
people, making it the deadliest
tsunami as well as one of the
worst natural disasters in recorded
Ken Jennings’ 75-game reign as
Jeopardy! champion ends. His final
wins total over $2.5 million.
August – The College’s Clinical
Nurse Leader MSN program begins.
President George W. Bush is
August 29 – At least 1,836 are
killed, and severe damage is caused
along the U.S. Gulf Coast, as
Hurricane Katrina strikes the
MSN tracks to the DNP program soon. Initially, this program
will be for advanced practice nurses who already have a master's
degree. However, there are plans in place to transition all education for advanced practice to this new professional doctorate in
keeping with the need for better educated nurses to meet changing health care needs.
The Next 50 Years….
One dream and fifty years of caring, leadership and inspiration…certainly Dorothy Smith and the founding faculty could
not have dreamt the College of Nursing’s impact today and the
accomplishments of its faculty, students and alumni.
“I think that our graduates and our faculty will play a major
role in nursing becoming a key player in designing health care
and reforming a system that isn’t working well,” said Dean
Kathleen Ann Long. “I think we also recognize that our college
of nursing is exceedingly fortunate to be part of a great
health/science center and a great American university. And so
we are positioned with tremendous potential to build on interdisciplinary linkages across the health science center and across
the broader university, I believe we can attract even more outstanding faculty members and students as we move forward into
our next fifty years.”
What will nursing
education be like
in 50 years?
“In 50 years, professors will seek
more education from their students. There will be more time
and involvement requested on the
part of students, and as a result
it will take longer to complete
your degree. Education will have to prepare students for issues like bioterrorism and natural disasters.”
— Carissa Stanley, Senior BSN Student
“I am hopeful in the next 50 years
the Doctoral Nursing Program
(DNP) will have taken hold and will
be the entry model for practice.
The key thing that needs to
remain the focus 50 years from
now is that nursing cannot lose its
humanity with all of the advancements,
and building relationships must remain
paramount in the profession.”
— Jodi Irving, Assistant Professor
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama
coastal areas.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the
Sith is released, effectively completing
the Star Wars movie saga begun by
George Lucas in 1977.
January – The College celebrates
50 years of nursing education.
May 1 – The Great American Boycott
takes place across the United States
as marchers protest for immigration
FALL 2006/WINTER 2007
U.S. Midterm elections: Democrats win
control of both houses of Congress for
the first time since 1994.
August – College implements Doctor
of Nursing Practice degree for post
master’s students. DNP degree
expected to phase out MSN program
in 2008.
“As the population grows, healthcare becomes more technologically advanced, and the nursing
shortage continues, I think that
nurses will take on even more
leadership and managerial roles in
providing patient care. This will not only
require basic nursing knowledge and
skills but advanced training beyond the
bachelor’s degree to work in a highly
complex healthcare system.”
— Eileen Tongson,
Clinical Assistant Professor
College of
Weekend Celebration
he UF College of Nursing recently
capped off its 50th anniversary celebration with a Gala and Reunion
Alumni and friends set off on studentled tours featuring demonstrations of the
Nursing Resource Center, a trip to the
College’s history alcove and a chance to
view historical displays throughout the
Jodi Irving, an assistant professor and
co-chair of the 50th Anniversary
Committee who dedicated her time to preserving the College’s heritage during its
50th year, led a “Remember When” session, and alumni and friends recounted
memories of their time in
At the 50th Anniversary
Gala, held in Emerson
Alumni Hall’s Presidential
Ballroom, Dean Kathleen
Ann Long spoke about the
College’s heritage, citing its
long tradition of nursing leadership and pioneering spirit.
Attendees also were able to
view the premiere of the 50th
anniversary video.
The next morning, Gator
Nurses were up early for a tailgate brunch that helped everyone get ready to cheer on the Gators! Alberta the Alligator entertained the
crowd, and guests bid on silent auction items, raising more than $1,700 to
benefit the Alumni Council Book Awards. Alumni Council Board
President, BarBee Geiger, presented the following 2006 awardees with certificates: Katharine Book, Larissa Galante, Christy Givens, Jocelyn Kirk,
Arminda Mathews, Mihn-Nguyet Nguyen, Nicholas Rodgers, Danielle
Secor, Jacqueline Urquiaga and Megan Wester.
Mother and Daughter
Legacy Honored
Bill and Patti Alcorn made a significant contribution to
honor Patti's sister Rita Kobb, an alumna and great
friend of the College and expert in nurse informatics.
Rita and Patty's mother Annette Argenti, who passed
away in late summer and also was a great friend of
the College, was also recognized at the Alumni
Council Board luncheon. Shown here (L-R) Dean Long,
Rita and Steve Kobb, Patti and Bill Alcorn.
(Clockwise from top left): 1-Murray Jenks and Margo Powers
dance the night away during the gala. 2-Clinical Associate
Professor Joan Castleman with BSN students. 3-Alumna Carol
Cummings Marks, Kaye Kernodle and Linda Aiken, all BSN ’64,
reunite. 4-Dean Kathleen Ann Long with Senior Vice PresidentHealth Affairs Doug Barrett. 5-Dr. David Challoner, Vice President
for Health Affairs Emeritus, and his wife, Jacki, with Dr. Andrea
Gregg, Jacksonville Campus Director and her husband John
Gregg. 6-Dean Long and Dr. Aiken with Senior Vice President for
Public Affairs Cyrus Jollivette and Vice President for Public Affairs
Catherine Kelly of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. 7-Dean Long
and her husband David Soloman dance with special guests Albert
and Alberta, decked out in their finest. 8-Office Manager Cornelia
Frazier and her husband, Henry.
FALL 2006/WINTER 2007
The College of Nursing was able to honor a
dedicated alumna and her mother at the Alumni
Council Board meeting held during Reunion
Rita Kobb also was recognized for her dedication to the College and to the profession of nursing through her work in informatics and technology for the Veterans Affairs system and beyond.
Her sister and brother-in-law, Patti and Bill
Alcorn, made a tribute gift in her honor, establishing the Rita Kobb Nursing Informatics and
Technology Lectureship. The lectureship is
designed to attract visiting experts in nursing
informatics and technology who will help UF faculty continue to explore and educate others on
this very critical topic.
“Rita is a Gator Nurse in the truest sense of
the word,” said Dean Kathleen Ann Long. “She is
a stellar example of the type of Gator Nurse that
we hope each of our students will emulate.”
Annette Argenti, Rita’s mother, was a dear
friend of the college who passed away in
August. Argenti spent countless hours handcrafting favors and gifts for alumni events.
Donations to the Alumni Council Fund totaling
$5,500 were made on her behalf. A portion of
these proceeds was designated for two
students to receive the Annette Argenti Alumni
Council Book Awards.
College Seals 2006 Time Capsule
During Saturday’s Reunion festivities, the College of Nursing sealed a commemorative time capsule. The capsule was put together by Jodi Irving, who also undertook
the tremendous task of developing and completing the College’s History Alcove, dedicated earlier this year, a beautiful series of displays and photos housed in the
College’s building. The alcove was dedicated earlier this year. Shown in the photo are
Irving sealing the capsule with the assistance of Professor Emeritus and 50th
Anniversary Committee Co-Chair Myrna Courage and Dean Kathleen Ann Long.
“The history of this College tells much about our contributions to the profession.
We have much to be proud of. I love this College, and it’s a privilege to teach here.
I hope I’ve made some contribution to its history,” Irving said. “So whether you have
been here a few years or many, it’s important to be mindful that we are all part of
our college’s history and are contributing to it each day.”
The capsule will be kept in a wooden case on the fourth floor. The hope is to open
it on the college’s 100th anniversary.
Examples of items in
the 2006 Time Capsule
[ to b e o p e n e d i n 2 0 5 6 ]
Recruitment “flyers” for the College’s programs/tracks.
College of Nursing Strategic Plan 20062009 and Bylaws 2006.
A copy of a publication from each Dean of
the College of Nursing.
The College’s time lines with pictures of
the College of Nursing’s History Alcove.
Copy of the Quonset Hut Dream: this
publication was completed after the first
decade of the college’s inception.
Selection of past Gator Nurse
A copy of the College’s 50th Anniversary
DVD plus DVD player.
An array of College’s 50th Anniversary
documents, materials etc.
Copy of the Sports Illustrated that highlights the University of Florida’s Men’s
Basketball team’s 2006 National
Copy of the speech given by Dean Long at
the building dedication.
Brochure of Archer Family Health Care.
A proposal for the campaign for the
Dorothy M. Smith Chair Smith
Professorship, College of Nursing.
College of Nursing’s Oral History Project.
UF Awarded a SUCCEED Continuation
Grant to Further Address Nursing
Education Issues
n late summer, the College of Nursing was granted a SUCCEED Florida Continuation grant to continue funding for the
original $1.2 million Nursing Education grant given last year.
The 2005-2006 SUCCEED Florida Nursing Education Grant
allowed the University of Florida and the University of North
Florida to increase the enrollment of accelerated baccalaureate
nursing students and to enroll 30 master’s degree students in the
new Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) specialty track. It also helped to
establish a computerized clinical site placement system
(StudentMax) to maximize the use of Jacksonville area health care
settings for student clinical experiences. A state-of-the art clinical
simulation laboratory was established, fully equipped and housed
in space contributed by Shands Jacksonville Medical Center. This
FALL 2006/WINTER 2007
collaboration led
to an endowment
by Blue Cross
Blue Shield of
Florida that will help sustain these programs in the future.
The continuation grant will substantially enhance the nursing
education projects funded in the previous year and enable development of a mentoring program to enhance learning and retention for nursing students. Designed to ensure academic success,
the resource/mentoring program will include a combination of
career advice, English as a Second Language support, subject area
tutoring and assistance with editing, written work, and reading
Dean Long Chosen to Serve in National Group
Addressing Nurse, Physician Shortages
Dean Kathleen Ann Long is
among a select group of national health
care leaders chosen to address the growing problem of nurse and physician
shortages. The newly created Council
on Physician and Nurse Supply will
monitor data and act as an advocate for
change, advising legislators and others
on ways to increase the supply of nurses and physicians to meet the public’s
Dean Long
The co-chairs of the council are Richard “Buz” Cooper, MD
and UF nursing alumna Linda Aiken, PhD, RN, both professors
at the University of Pennsylvania. The Council is based in the
University of Pennsylvania’s Consortium for Health Workforce
Research and Policy, a joint program of the Schools of Nursing and
Medicine and the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics.
The Council’s goals are to bring objectivity to the study of
physician and nurse supply and to shape public policy. The
Council will examine a range of domestic and international issues
that must be addressed as the U.S. attempts to better align its
health care workforce with its future health care needs. It is the
only multidisciplinary organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to addressing issues of nurse and physician supply.
Council members represent universities across the country as
well as major hospitals and health care organizations.
Horgas Honored for Excellence in Nursing Education
college news
Associate Dean for Research Ann Horgas, PhD, RN, has
received the Rose and George Doval Award for Excellence in
Nursing Education.
Dr. Horgas was recognized by New York University
College of Nursing for her progressive efforts in nursing education. Horgas received the award in December at the 19th
Annual Celebration for Nursing Excellence in New York
An Associate Professor who has been at UF since 2000,
Horgas is one of the country’s leading nurse researchers on pain
and aging. She is currently conducting a National Institutes of
Health-funded study on methods to assess pain in nursing
home residents with dementia.
Horgas is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of
America and has been awarded the Nightingale Award for
Excellence in Nursing Research and the Springer Award in
Geriatric/Gerontologic Nursing. She has also co-authored a
book on dealing with behavioral problems in nursing homes
and has written numerous publications on topics such as pain,
everyday competence in old age and mental health in aging.
accomplishments in brief
Endowed Professor Beverly Roberts was one of several nominees for the CANS Outstanding Nurse Scientist Award. She
also has joined the editorial board of the Journal of Korean
Nursing Science and was a reviewer for the GSA ESPO Poster
Clinical Assistant Professor Cyndi Figueroa-Haas’s article on
“The Effect of Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty on Self
Esteem and Sexuality” will be published as the CE feature article
in the Plastic Surgical Nursing journal in early 2007. She also
received the Graduate Research Award for her PhD work at Barry
Assistant Professor Lori Thomas recently spoke at the Joint
Cancer Conference of Florida Universities in West Palm Beach.
She was an invited speaker based upon her ACNP expertise. The
topic was Oncological Emergencies: SVC Syndrome and Cardiac
Assistant Professor Saun-Joo Yoon has achieved multiple
recent accomplishments. Her manuscript regarding sickle cell
anemia and massage was accepted for publication in Pediatric
Nursing with a potential publish date of January/February
2007. Another manuscript “Comprehensive, Integrative
Management of Pain for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease” will
be published in the December 2006 issue of the Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Dr. Yoon also was
appointed Chair of the Research Committee of Sigma Theta
Tau, Alpha Theta Chapter. In addition, she attended the
Hartford Geriatric Nursing Initiative entitled Clinical
Research: Trials and Interventions Pre-conference Workshop
and the Summer Institute on Aging Research as one of only 35
selected participants in attendance.
Many faculty members gave presentations at the 59th
Gerontological Society of America Conference in November.
Assistant Professor Donna Neff – “Accessing Health Care:
Perceptions of Aging Women with Type 2 Diabetes”;
Dr. Roberts – “Predictors of Adverse Hospital Outcomes
Following Intensive Care”; Assistant Professor Joyce
Stechmiller – “Novel Approach to Chronic Wound Care in
Older Adults”; Dr. Thomas – “Voices of Elderly Women with
End-Stage COPD Living Alone”; Dr. Yoon –“Effect of
Glucosamine with Chondrotin Sulfate for Persons with Knee
Osteoarthritis” and “Practice of Self-care to Prevent Chronic
health Problems Among Elders.”
Dr. Joyce Stechmiller provided a written grant review for NIH
Diabetic Wounds.
Dr. Shawn Kneipp and colleagues recently published “Academic
Freedom and Duty to Teach Social Justice: A Perspective and
Pedagogy for Public Health Nursing Faculty in Public Health
Members Visit
Nursing School
in Yucatan
Faculty members Carmen
Rodriguez, PhD, ARNP,
Assistant Professor, and
Sharleen Simpson, PhD,
ARNP, Associate Professor,
visited the Universidad
Autonoma de Yucatan during
the summer to explore further
collaboration with their nursing school. This is part of the
College’s overall international
outreach efforts and an outgrowth of work from the
College’s International Affairs
Committee. The College
hopes to begin faculty and
student exchanges between
the Universidad and UF.
Keeping Her Eye on the Goal:
Accelerated BSN student and UF goalie balances soccer balls with studies
by Lori Spicer
s a goalkeeper on Florida’s 15thranked soccer team and a UF
College of Nursing BSN student,
Brittni Goodwin juggles more than soccer
balls in her very busy life.
Goodwin began her soccer and academic career at the University of Washington.
Because she was so far from her family, the
Fort Lauderdale native decided to move closer to home. In May, she received her
Bachelor of Science in psychology from UF.
In her pursuit to gain clinical experience and prepare for graduate school in
psychology, Goodwin worked at Shands
VISTA alongside the nurses. During her
experience at Shands, Goodwin realized
she was pursuing the wrong profession. She
admired the dedication of the nursing staff
so much that it inspired her to go into
“I fell in love with what they do because
there was so much compassion behind it,”
Goodwin said.
Goodwin enrolled in the prerequisites
for the nursing program, and was accepted
into the Accelerated BSN program. She
admits a large factor in her decision to attend
UF was the soccer team, but she was also
very impressed with what the nursing program has to offer.
FALL 2006/WINTER 2007
Goodwin confessed that her experience at the College has been difficult. The
accelerated program requires her to learn a
great deal of information in a short time,
along with a rigorous soccer training
“I know that I have to make a temporary sacrifice for now, but in the end the
payoff will be rewarding,” Goodwin said.
“I have learned a lot about myself
while being here, and I never cease
to amaze myself in my capabilities,”
she added.
Goodwin credits the faculty for her
academic achievement and for giving her
the opportunity to pursue nursing.
Goodwin’s classmates have also been a
great help, as she has to miss a lot of class
time due to her demanding schedule.
“My adviser, Sharon Bradley, has
worked extremely hard to enable me to
complete this journey,” Goodwin said.
“She is also an excellent professor and I
enjoy her teaching style.”
Additionally, her family also has been
a big inspiration in her success, she said.
“My family places value on academics,
but they never pressure me,” Goodwin
said. “They honor my efforts and are satisfied as long as I do the best that I can.”
After graduation, Goodwin plans to
work a year to develop a good platform in
her field, hopefully enter a certified registered nurse anesthetist program and then
work as a CRNA in a critical care unit. In
addition, Goodwin said she would also love
to coach soccer someday.
“Being a Gator nurse encompasses possibility, potential and growth,” said
Goodwin. “The nursing profession in itself
is rewarding. It is a selfless profession.”
Ensuring a Tradition of Excellence
The UF College of Nursing is grateful for recent gifts of generous individuals and organizations from July 2005 to June 2006. These contributions are h
the patients for whom we care and are indicative of the continuing enthusiasm for our college. A tradition of excellence in education, research and pr
of these philanthropic individuals.
$500,000 and Above
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
$100,000 to $499,999
Nancy and Jerry Hamilton
$50,000 to $99,999
Thomas M. & Irene B. Kirbo
Charitable Trust
North Florida Regional Medical
Matthew A. Obinger
John R. Pettengill
Linda H. Aiken
$10,000 to $24,999
Florida Hospital Medical
Prof. Ernest H. Jernigan
Shands at UF
Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Theta
Tenet Healthcare Foundation/
Florida Medical Center
Michael E. Tubbs
$5,000 to $9,999
The Hon. Warren S. & Polly S.
Betty P. Warner
$1,000 to $4,999
honor roll
Jerome L. & Evelyne H.
Joan S. & John L. Clark
Trafton M. & Maude W.
Crandall Fdtn.
William J. & Ellen G. Eells
Karen Lee Hanson
Jo A. Irving
Kathleen Ann Long
Joan E. Lynaugh
Mary R. Lynn
Malcom Randall VAMC
Marian O. Newton
North Broward Hospital
The Poseidon Group
Prudential Foundation
June A. Rose
Ann P. Smith
M. Josephine Snider
The Chubb Corp.
I. J. Van Huffel Foundation
Glenn H. Williams
$100 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Adams
Carol Ann Adcock
Rebecca B. & Andrew Z.
Adkins III
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Aiken
Patricia Alcorn
Patricia Barbarowicz
Amy J. Barton
Geremy G. Beasley, R.N.,
Debra O. Bell
Janis P. Bellack
Jose A. & Mary S. Betancourt
Courtney N. Bolick
Sheryl O. Buchanan
Julie Klink Callebert
Erika A. Cilurso
Daniel B. Coble
Holly M. Colavin
Bryan P. & Suzanne S. Conrad
Alice J. Cook
Mona M. Counts
Lawrence J. & Margaret E.
Carrie B. DeLeary
Bonnie B. Dixon
Sharon L. Dormire
Janis D. Duncan
Donna M. Dunn
Beth S. East
R Maurice F. Faulk, Jr.
Tracia A. & D. Michael
Forman, Jr.
Carol A. Fredericks-Schrader
Mrs. BarBee & Charles K.
Geiger, Sr.
Jeanette A. Gelin
Valerie J. Ginn
Stacy A. Glynn
Susie Goren
Lt. Col. Thomas M. Gormley
Jennifer M. & Marcus W.
Paulette C. Hahn
Holli A. Hallmark
Sarah W. Hand
Dave Heitman
Pamela Hermansdorfer
Janice B. Hess
Maxine M. Hinze
Claydell H. Horne
Catherine Howard
Deborah R. Hughes Nuessly
Melanie N. Jescavage
Johnson & Johnson
Carolyn U. & William R.
Mary L. Jordan
William C. Kennedy & Sandra
C. Sasso
Kathleen M. Kent
Katrina L. Kingcade
Maryann Kulpa
Mrs. Alaro T. Lawson
Cheryl L. & Lawrence N. Legg
Winfield M. & Janet A.
Carol A. Lombardo
David A. & Christine M.
Suzanne F. Maldarelli
Mayo Clinic of Jacksonville
Lt. Col. Carla Biehl McCurry
Suzanne D. Metz
Margaret M. Miller
Martha C. Miller
Marcia E. Milton
Edna L. Nastasy
National Philanthropic Trust
Janine A. Neiswender
Audrey L. Nelson
Susan H. Nevel
Joan T. Newman
Brett C. & Mrs. Corie L.
Daniel D. Ott
David H. Penoyer, Jr.
Bonnie S. & Steven A. Pepper
Susan M. Pfister
Mrs. Le Trinh Phillips
Procter & Gamble Co.
Roberta A. Reed
Melanie D. Register
Kimberly A. Rice
Patricia I. Rider-Lane
Margaret A. Roca
June C. Ronga
S. E. Rose
Kathryn K. & Kenneth S. Ross
Nancy A. Ruppert
Betty J. Severyn
Rita M. Sewell
Patricia O. Sieffert
Emma W. Smith
Sabrina S. & Peter C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard E. Snyder
Debbie J. Spamer
Lenora Stanley
Brian R. & Jennifer H.
Susan M. Stone
Mary E. Strohbach
Mary J. Talbird
Sandra L. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Thomas
Ann M. Thrailkill
Paula M. Timoney
Lisa W. Tosch
Kenneth A. & Cynthia U.
Donna M. Treloar
Linda S. Tyler
Maria B. Verma
William G. Warrington
Deborah A. White
Judith L. & William P. White III
Mrs. Shannon M. Whitson
Kerri B. Whittaker
M. Dee Williams
Susan L. Young
$100 or less
Captain Christine L. Abelein
Patricia A. Adams
Trudy G. Adams
Sandra H. Aguinaga
Carolyn Albrycht
Beverly A. & Mark G.
Robert W. Allison
Ana E. Alvarez
Susan O. Anolik
Richard J. Anthony
Anna Argenti (d)
Sandra H. Arpen
Sandra S. Arthur
Susan E. Aspinwall
Amber R. Atkinson
Sally S. Austin
Laura H. Bailey
Patricia M. Bailey
Gracemarie A. Bartley
Priscilla A. Bartolone
Carol A. Batchelder
Mary J. Bernier
Joseph P. & Tara F. Bertulfo
Karen H. Bisogno
Linda S. Bittner
Claire C. Blackmon
Mary L. Blade
Elizabeth D. Blossey
Mrs. Parnun Boon-Long
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S.
Rosalyn R. Brackett
Juanita S. Bradley
Linda J. Brandt-Comer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Brennan III
Christine F. Brinza
Benny S. Cadiz, Jr.
Susan A. Cahoon
Gloria W. Calhoun
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Calvert
Thomas B. & Heather L.
Cynthia D. Capehart
Camie Carson & Keith L.
Ruth K. Castiello
Stacey A. Cipes
Rebecca J. Clancy
Leslie A. L. Coleman
Carla L. Collins
Sandra M. Colwell
Shirley A. Corbett
Pat M. Corkery
Eileen M. Cormier
Joy L. Covelli
Colonel Barbara G. Covington
Carla C. Cozart
Dolores O. Craig
Ruth A. Craigmiles
Judy A. Crown
Kim Curry
Yaara Z. Dagan-Colmenero
Tina M. D’Alessandro
Geraldine E. Daube
Shirley Davis-Martin
Janene B. Dawson
Wendi R. Dees
Mrs. Terry A. Defilippo
Richard Delauter
Esther A. Denker
Edie L. Devers
Laura A. Dmytrenko
Susan M. Douglas
Renee A. Eaton
Jennifer A. Elder
Mark D. Ellis
Robert M. Esposito
Christina A. J. Feely
Monique L. Fleurant-Cooper
Richard A. & Barbara G.
Steve Fox
Francesca Francese
Stephen G. & Kathryn B. Frank
Susan W. Freedman
Crystal R. Frye
Kathryn Gamble
Genevieve A. Gans
Roberta K. Garrett
Rosemary R. Gavan
Austin A. Geiger
Lisa C. Gelmine
Judith C. Geroni
Heather M. Giard
Julia M. Gillenwaters
Norman P. & Amanda H.
Frieda B. Goldstucker
Martin D. Goode
Ruth I. Gorman
Roy D. Graham
Anne S. & Steven W. Green
Tiffany D. Green
Cheryl A. Greenberg
John F. Gregg
Jennifer L. Griffin
James H. Guth
Martha Halsey-Lyda &
Reverend R. Clifford Lyda
Carol N. & Ernest P.
Hanewinckel II
Sandra K. Hanneman
Kimberly A. Harber
Mary R. Harden
Catherine S. Harlan
Geri C. Harms
Bonnie S. Harris
Amy B. Hartman
Patricia L. & James S.
Kristi T. Hatfield
Christine I. Hatker
Mrs. Randy W. Hausmann
Patricia A. Hayes
Deborah L. Healy
Mary L. Helfrich Jones, Ph.D.
Marci J. Herman
Vicki C. Herridge
Dawn C. Hill
Melanie B. Hoerner
Captain Diane M. Holman
Linda R. Holmes
Ann L. Horgas-Marsiske
Maryann House-Fancher
helping to change the lives of students, faculty members and
ractice continues to thrive, due in large part to the generosity
Jane F. Houston
Ann M. Iannantuoni
Augusto R. Infante
Christine L. M. Irwin
Mrs. Farrah P. Jenkins
Kathleen A. Jones
Linda T. Kane
Dianne F. Kaseman
Marie E. Kasprow
Margaret L. Kayhani
Brenda Kelley
Kaye D. Kernodle
Rita F. Kobb
Kathleen M. Koechlin
Diana Kovac
Allison W. Krantz
Jacqueline N. La Manna
Diane P. Laflam
Patricia A. Landry
Tamara P. Lane
Stacie S. Laviano
Patricia D. Lazarus
Helen T. LeClair
Leesburg Florida High Twelve Club
Cmdr. Susanne E. LeMaire
Sara A. Lewis
Lorraine E. & Charles H.
Deborah L. Lombard
Melissa J. Lowry
Jennifer L. Macchio
Neil A. MacLeod
June A. Mair
Kathryn M. Marcet
Colonel Martha J. Maron
Linda A. Mason
Allison N. Mazur
Connie A. McCraw
Liza McCrory
Laura C. McFeely
Elizabeth H. McHargue
Lauren J. & Kevin S. McKyton
Mr. & Mrs. Duane E. Mealy
Jean M. Melby
Amy P. Mesnick
Microsoft Corp.
Lynne S. Miner-Hasler
Paula A. Mix
Denise K. Mollenkopf
Christine P. Monday
Janet R. Moore
Teresa S. Munn
Tracey L. Murray
Karen A. Myers
Jean M. Nagelkerk
Donna A. Neilson
Margaret J. Newton
Barbara A. Nickel
Mrs. Ruena W. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Owen
Douglas W. Palmer
Karen S. & Matthew A. Palmer
Maryse G. Parrino
Vivian B. Pearson
FALL 2006/WINTER 2007
Nancy M. Pontes
Regina W. Pool
Rebecca Z. Pridgen
Niki L. Pruitt
Janet W. Radford
Hester E. Raiford
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rayner
Kelly A. Reid
David E. Roesler, Sr.
Nancy M. Rogers
Sandra L. Roscow
Margaret G. Royce
Mary S. Ruzycki
Susan B. Ryals
Gary L. & Sandra S. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Schenerman
Jeanette D. Schimmelbusch
Aleta J. & Terry A. Schmidt
Mona C. Schultz
Mary E. Schwartz
Laura F. & Alvis I. Searcy
Sandra M. Seeger
Ann S. Silcox
Ellen F. Simmons
Roy L. Simpson
Dawn M. & Thomas D. Sims
Sally L. Sinclair
Nancy J. Smith-Haugen
Robert P. & Christie A. Snively
Elizabeth B. Spangle
Frances B. Stanley
Carol C. Bogan Steiner
Bonnie Lea W. Stephens
Marguerite N. Stevens
Virginia R. Strozier
Leigh-Ann Sullivan
Mary E. Tiedeman
Lynne L. Tier
Tracey E. Tordella
Jacqueline L. Tornoe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Transue
Cherish L. Trautman
Melanie C. Turco
UF Bookstores
University Athletic Assn., Inc.
Audrey L. Urquhart
Carol S. Van Horn
Justin R. Vaske
Celeste M. Vigneau
Cynthia A. Vista
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Wagar
Kathleen E. Wallace
Esther D. Weaver
Ruth H. Webb
Dawn C. Wekenmann
Bruce K. Williams
Linda S. Winter
Angela M. Wolfe
Vivian K. Wong
Carol C. Wyatt
Mrs. Cheyanne W. Wyatt
Keesha J. Wynn
Julie F. Youngberg-Haught
Jeffery D. & Roberta M. Zbar
Jamie L. Zoellner
Honor a Nurse
On the occasion of our 50th anniversary, we celebrate nurses.
Many of our alumni, faculty members and friends recognized special
nurses who have made a difference in their lives by making a gift to
support the Dorothy M. Smith Chair. Below are those special tributes.
$5000 Gift
Large Brick in College Courtyard
In Memory of Rita P. Long
Devoted Nurse, Loving Wife
and Mother
Mr. David Soloman and
Dr. Kathleen Long
Dr. & Mrs. Edward D. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kurtz
$1000 Gift
Small Brick in College Courtyard
Ellen Eells, RN
Dr. & Mrs. Eells
Class of 1963
Ellen & William Eells
Dean Long
Well Done
Fred and Aleta Fisher
In Honor of BarBee Geiger,
BSN 1974
You exemplify the caring spirit of
nursing in all areas of your life. Your
family is extremely proud of you.
Charles Geiger
Thanks, Linda Aiken, for your commitment to the College of Nursing
Carol Hayes-Christiansen
Dean Long
Ultimate Visionary
Jodi Irving
Gretta Styles
From Belief to Distinction
Jodi Irving
Born at Shands
Rebecca & Bart Forsythe
Kaye Kernodle
Carol (Cummings) Marks ’64
Carol (Cummings) Marks
In Memory of Lindsay, Jewel,
& Joseph Moody
Linda Moody
Iona M. Pettengill
Many Thanks
John Pettengill
Dean Smith and M. Kozma
My mentors
Ann P. Smith
Dean Long
Integrity and Vision
Jo Snider
Thank You Dean Smith
Cleo Stern ’65
Cleo Constant Stern
Psych NSG
Joan Meredith Waugh
Megan R. Weigel, MSN, ARNP
A True Gator Nurse (DNP Pending)
We are so proud!
Much Love from your family
Margaret & James Nist and Dennis,
Jackie, Katie & McKenzie Weigel
$250 Gift
Jodi Irving
Always striving to expand
her knowledge base
and grow personally.
She has contributed to [my]
excellence as an educator, nurse,
therapist, and friend.
Julie Callebert
In memory and honor of Dean
Dorothy M. Smith
Mary Beck Clayton
To my Classmates of ’64
who are still going strong
and keeping Dorothy Smith’s
vision alive
Marian Slater
Carol C. Bogan Steiner
In honor of a Georgia Public Health
Nurse Leader 1970-2005
Christine Shiver Bogan
In memory of my mother and
my nurse role model
Carol C. Bogan Steiner
Susan Stewart MSN ‘97
Susan Stewart
Lifelong Educator
Ernest Jernigan
Gives Back
Ernest Jernigan has experienced firsthand the impact that nurses have on patient
care. When Jernigan’s wife Fay was admitted to Shands at UF to have a brain tumor
removed, he was extremely impressed and
encouraged by the nurses who cared for
Fay, who sadly passed away. And when
Jernigan, himself, had quintuple bypass surgery, he felt it was the nurses that really
pulled him through that experience. After
witnessing the role that nurses play in
health care, he decided to give back by supporting nursing education. Jernigan recently
made a gift to the UF College of Nursing to
establish the Ernest and Fay Jernigan
Scholarship for Academic Excellence.
Jernigan is a lover of history, and his own
life has been quite a journey as well. He
graduated from a Tampa high school in 1944
and enlisted in the U.S. Army where he
served in Europe with the Third Army. There,
he found time to study history and political
science at the Biarritz American University
in France. After his military service, he went
on to receive his bachelor’s degree in history from Stetson University and his master’s
degree from the University of North Carolina
– Chapel Hill.
Jernigan taught history and political science in Florida, West Virginia and Georgia.
In 1958, Jernigan began teaching at Central
Florida Community College and served as
first acting chair of the Social Sciences
Division. His career in higher education
spanned 37 years.
“Teaching meant a great deal to me and
I love people who like to learn,” Jernigan
said. “Learning helps us determine a better
quality of life and become a better citizen
and American.”
“Over the years I hopes to keep making
contributions to nursing education,”
Jernigan said. “I see it as an investment in
mine and everybody’s future.”
UF Begins Master’s Program in
Public Health Nursing
he University of Florida College
of Nursing has been awarded a
three-year grant from the Health
Resources and Services Administration to
offer a Master of Science in Nursing
(HRSA) degree with a public health
The program is one of two public
health nursing master’s programs in
Florida, and the College began admitting students during the fall semester.
“We are excited to be able to offer this program in Florida, where public health
nursing is an integral part of the health of our communities and our citizens,” said
Nancy Tigar, DrPH, RN, a Clinical Assistant Professor who will serve as coordinator
of the program.
The HRSA will provide $270,000 in the first year, with similar funding levels expected for the second and third year, bringing the expected total to more than $800,000.
Graduates of this program will be prepared to work in a variety of public and private settings. They will be well-versed in the core functions of public health and able
to participate in assessment, policy development and assurance as needed. The program will focus primarily on the health of populations and on community-oriented
nursing practice.
“Public health nurses often work at the grassroots level, helping to plan and
implement programs, and also work toward policy change,” Tigar said. “Their careers
are exciting and very gratifying. They are able to be involved at so many levels in our
health-care system.”
Students may enroll in part- or full-time study. Approximately 80 percent of the
classes will be taught online, and clinical rotations will be arranged with practice
partners in the students’ local areas. Program graduates will be qualified to take the
national Community Health Nursing certification examination.
It is anticipated that in the second year, the College of Nursing may develop a joint
MSN and Master of Public Health degree in conjunction with the UF College of Public
Health and Health Professions.
Alumna Dougherty
Visits College as Special
Research Lecturer
In early September, the College of
Nursing’s Office for Research Support
was happy to welcome Dr. Molly
“Mickey” Dougherty as a special Research
Colloquium speaker. Dr. Dougherty is
an alumna of the College who also served on the faculty for many years. She is currently a professor at the School of Nursing at the University of North CarolinaChapel Hill and editor of the prestigious journal Nursing Research. Dr. Dougherty
is shown here with Associate Dean for Research Ann Horgas. Faculty members
enjoyed reuniting with Dr. Dougherty, who made outstanding contributions to the
UF College of Nursing and mentored many who were “junior” faculty or students
during her tenure at UF.
Nursing Students Excel in the
Community and Profession
nursing students brought home their own championship in late October.
The UF chapter of the Florida Nursing Students Association (FNSA) was
named Chapter of the Year at the organization’s state convention. This award is the
highest honor given at the convention and recognizes the chapter with the highest
level of accomplishments and community service.
It is no surprise that UF students were recognized given their high level of community service. The UF chapter was the top fundraisers for the March of Dimes walk,
raising $3,040. They also were named the most spirited team and received a Billy
Donovan-signed basketball.
The nursing student team swept the awards at the 2006 Alzheimer’s Association
Memory Walk and received the Grand Achiever’s Award, the Most Walkers Award
(five years straight with more than 60 walkers) and Top Fundraiser in their category,
raising more than $2,500.
Two UF nursing students recently were elected to the FNSA State Board.
Meghan Bullard, president of the UF FNSA, was elected Region 2 Director and
Community Health Chair, and Camille Hanson was elected Region 1 Director and
Nominations and Elections Chair.
Faculty adviser Joan Castleman, a Clinical Associate Professor, was given
the Community Health Faculty Award at the convention. She was nominated by her
Dear Gator Nurses,
We have had a great year celebrating our 50th
Anniversary! The reunion weekend was packed with
events and everyone had a great time celebrating 50
years of Gator Nurses and
catching up with old
friends and meeting new
ones. Many of you attended the Remember When
event in the Nursing
Resource Center. Thank
you for sharing your memories, both old and new.
We look forward to many
more years of memories.
The Gala was a big hit
with Albert and Alberta dancing to tunes from the past
five decades, and the weekend wrapped up with a tailgate feast where we recognized the Alumni Council
Book award winners, and happily they weren’t the only
winners with the Gators stomping Western Carolina!
I would also like to take this time to introduce our
new President of the Alumni Council, Maryse Parrino.
Maryse graduated from the College of Nursing with a
BSN in 1974. She is very excited to become the next
President of the Alumni Council. You will be hearing
from her in the next issue.
Just because the year has ended doesn’t mean you
have to stop celebrating or getting involved. Please let
us know if you are interested in becoming a class rep.
Gator Nurses are an amazing group of individuals and
should be celebrated year round.
The Nursing Alumni Council appreciates your continued support. Without each of you, we would not be
where we are today, and we hope to be in the next 50
years! Happy New Year and GO GATORS!
BarBee Geiger,
BSN 1974
Nursing Alumni Council President
UF Nursing Career Fair
February 2, 2007
With Gator Nurses in high demand, the Nursing Alumni Council and Office of
Alumni Affairs are bringing the best hospitals and health care companies in the
southeast to Gainesville to meet our students and graduates.
Help us network! Do you know someone who should be hiring our graduates –
or maybe you’d like to come and explore a new professional direction?
Please contact Anna Miller at [email protected] or 352-273-6360 in the
Office of Alumni Affairs for more information.
FALL 2006/WINTER 2007
The College of Nursing would like to
welcome Anna Miller and Aimee Camp
to the College’s Development office.
Anna Miller came on board in October
as the new Associate Director of Alumni
Affairs. Miller is a 2002 UF graduate in
recreation and served as an events coordinator with the UF Foundation for four
years. Aimee Camp began as the office’s
program assistant in July and is a graduate of the University of Toledo. The
College of Nursing is happy to have both
Anna and Aimee on board.
Thank you!
The College of Nursing would like to thank everyone who participated in our 50th Anniversary and made it so memorable.
Special thanks to the members of our 50th Anniversary
Committee. We wouldn’t have done it without you!
50th Anniversary
Committee Co-Chairs
Dr. Myrna Courage
Jodi Irving
Honorary Co-Chairs
Chris Machen
Shelley Meyer
BarBee Geiger
Carol Hayes Christiansen
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Hilliard
Anna Miller
Harriett Miller
Bonnie Pepper
Anna Schwait
Sandra Seymour
Pamela Sherwill
Ann Smith
Brenda Stevens
Ginger Pesata
Jessica Wild
Meg Hendryx
Tracy Wright
FALL 2006 / WINTER 2007 | Vol. IX, No. 3
The Gator Nurse is produced three times a
year for the alumni, friends, faculty and
staff of the University of Florida College of
Kathleen Ann Long,
Associate Director
of Alumni Affairs
Anna Miller
Tracy Brown Wright, MAMC
Director, Public Relations &
[email protected]
Meg Hendryx
Anna Miller
Pamela Selby
Lori Spicer
JS Design Studio
StorterChilds Printing Company Inc.
www.nursing.uf l .edu
Health Science Center
P.O. Box 100197
Gainesville, FL 32610-0197
©2006 University of Florida
College of Nursing
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 94
Gainesville FL