Creating Animations in Flash

Class 7
Choose the correct answer:
The area where you decide the sequencing and timings of various graphics and other elements of a movie.
a) Timeline
b) Layer
c) frame
d) key frame
2. The basic unit where you define the behaviour or the change in the object for creating an animation is
a) Timeline
b) frame
c) key frame
d) layer
3. The frame in which you define a change to an object’s properties for an animation is
a) frame
b) Timeline
c) Key frame
d) layer
4. Any graphic object, animation or button stored as a part of the movie is called as a
a) Symbol
b) frame
c) object
d) None of these
5. To open the library, you can choose
a) File → Library
b) window → Library
c) Edit → Library
d) None of these
6. This option lets you change the color of the instance.
a) Alpha
b) Tint
d) None of these
7. This option lets you change the transparency of the instance.
a) Tint
c) Alpha
d) None of these
8. This type of animation, you can convert one shape into another shape inorder to create an animation.
a) Motion tweening
b) Shape tweening
c) Frame-by-Frame
d) None of these
9. This lets you set a path along which an object or a text block can be moved.
a) Motion Guide
b) Tweening
c) Frame-by-frame
d) None of these
10. The feature that allows you to reveal only a selective portion of the underlying layer is
a) Frame-by-frame
b) Masking
c) Motion Guide
d) Tweening
Fill in the blanks:
Layers can be imagined as transparent sheets mounted on top of each other on the stage.
To rename a Layer, simply double click on the layer name and type in the new name.
The red marker in the timeline is called the playhead.
Blank key frame is represented as a hollow box in the timeline.
When you create a symbol, it automatically becomes a part of the library.
Frame-by-frame animation is best suited for creating complex animation.
To play a movie, you can also press Enter.
In 1996, Future Splash was acquired by Macromedia.
A symbol is any graphic object or button that can be reused in a movie.
A key frame is a frame that defines a change in the object’s properties.
In shape tweening, you should not convert an object into a symbol.
III. Answer in TWO or THREE lines:
How are layers helpful while creating pictures or animations ?
Layers let us organise and manage the entire work by separating the content of a movie into manageable
sizes. You can draw and modify the objects of one layer without affecting objects placed on another layer.
Layers can also be used to change the order of the objects.
List out the methods to add a new layer in Flash.
 Click the Insert Layer button in the Layer section of the Timeline.
 Choose Insert → Timeline → Layer
 Right-click on a layer name and then choose the Insert Layer option from the shortcut menu. A new
layer gets added above the existing layers.
How do you hide a layer ?
To hide a layer, click on the Eye column to the right of the layer name. A red cross appears in the Eye
column to depict that the contents of the layer are hidden.
What is a frame ?
A frame is the basic unit wherein you define the behaviour or the change in the object properties for
creating an animation.
Distinguish between Symbol and Instance.
A symbol is any graphic object, animation or An instance refers to the copy of a symbol in
button stored as a part of the movie. It can be Flash and it can differ from its symbol in
reused in a movie.
colour or size.
Differentiate between Frame-by-frame and tweened animations.
Frame-by-frame animation
tweened animation
In frame-by-frame animation, you can change
the contents of every frame for creating an
animation and it is best suited for creating
complex animations.
In tweened animations, the contents of the first
frame and last frame of an animation are defined
and Flash generates all the frames in between
the two frames automatically.
Distinguish between the two types of tweened animations.
Motion tweening
Shape tweening
Motion tweening is a type of animation in
which you specify the starting and ending
position of an object in the keyframes and
Flash automatically fill the in-between frames
for creating an animation.
Shape tweening is a type of animation in which
you can convert one shape into another shape in
order to create an animation. Here, you should
not convert an object into a symbol.
What is motion guide in Flash ? How can you create a motion guide layer ?
Motion Guide lets you set a path along which an object or a text block can be moved. The motion guide is
defined on a layer. The object that needs to be moved along the path is created on a separate layer. Motion
tweening is applied to that layer.
Define Masking.
Masking is used to reveal only a selective portion of the underlying layer. By using masking, we can create
binoculars-like effect to view only a portion of a graphic or a picture lying on the bottom layers.
IV. Answer in detail:
List out the steps to create a frame-by-frame animation.
List down the steps to apply motion tweening.
Explain shape tweening.