Your snack is from Moss Farms, 28 miles away in Rollins.

Your snack is
from Moss
Farms, 28
miles away in
The orchard is
on the west
shore of
Flathead Lake
and it has a
perfect climate
for growing
delicious apples.
The apples were grown for you by farmers
Tom and Kathleen. The apples you’re
eating today are their specialty!
Honeycrisp is a pretty new kind of apple. It
has a perfect combination of sweet-tart
flavor and crispness! Honeycrisp apples
grow well in colder climates like around
Flathead Lake. Honeycrisp apples also
store well which is why you can still eat
them even though it’s winter!
These apples were brought to you by the Western Montana Growers
Cooperative, a group of 38 farmers. By eating this local food you:
 Support your community
• Get fresh food with lots of nutrition
 Help the environment because the food was grown sustainably and didn’t
have to travel far