Reading comprehension - Ostrich

Subject: Year 6 Literacy
Unit: Ostrich
Quick facts
Diet: Omnivore
Life span in the wild: 30 - 40 years
Size: 2 – 2.7 m
Weight: 100 – 155 kg
Group name: Herd
Status: Least concern
Ostriches (Struthio camelus) are the largest and heaviest of all living birds. They lay the
largest eggs and have the largest eye of any land animal. Ostriches live in the open
grasslands and deserts of Africa. Males are mainly black and females are a greyish brown
These flightless birds are speedy runners on land, reaching speeds of 45 mph, making
them the fastest running birds in the world. Their strong, powerful legs and flexible feet
help them escape from predators. They also use their legs to kick out at other animals if
they are cornered. They have a sharp, 10 cm long claw on each foot.
Ostriches mainly feed on plants, especially seeds, leaves and roots. They will also eat
insects, lizards and other small animals.
A number of female ostriches will lay their eggs in the same nest. The main hen sits on
the eggs during the day and the male will take care of them at night. The chicks hatch
after 40 days and are ready to explore with their parents.
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Subject: Year 6 Literacy
Unit: Ostrich
Answer the following questions:
1. What do we call a group of ostriches?
2. Can ostriches fly?
3. Where do ostriches live?
4. Ostriches can reach speeds of....
70 mph
80 mph
d 20 mph
45 mph
5. What colour are female ostriches?
6. What do we call an animal that eats both meat and plants?
7. Who sits on the eggs during the day?
8. When do the chicks hatch?
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