Burning calories

 By Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Wednesday 19th, February, 2014 Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories Introduc)on —  What is a calorie? —  The process of burning a calorie —  Various ways of burning calories —  The Metabolic Rate —  Calories and food —  Walking vs. Running vs. Playing Chess —  Hunger —  Myths/Tips Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories Calories and People —  Major topic of the general population —  There are many myths and misconceptions —  All over TV/ads/radio/
internet…life —  Everyone is always trying to find the “right way” http://www.cruisecontroldiet.com/warning-­‐calorie-­‐counting-­‐
might-­‐make-­‐you-­‐fat Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories What is a calorie? —  Calorie is a measure of energy —  “ENERGY is the capacity of a system to do work” —  1 calorie = energy required to increase 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius —  1 calorie = 4.184 joules —  1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1 dietary calorie = 4184J http://yourptchris.blogspot.com/2010_05_01_archive.html Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories How is a calorie burned —  Input calories by eating or drinking (first law of thermodynamics) —  Calories are found in the chemical bonds of food molecules —  Turned into glycogen and stored in liver/muscles/red blood cells/glial cells(brain) —  Converted to glucose and used by body as energy —  When glucose runs out fat is used (ketosis) —  The fat leaves our body sweat/urine/CO2 Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories h9p://antsonafarm.blogspot.com/2012/06/cause-­‐of-­‐decreased-­‐metabolism.html Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories Metabolic Rate —  The rate at which the body burns calories —  The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn —  Muscle cells are metabolically active —  More meals = increased metabolic rate —  Long time dieting reduced your metabolic rate (body wants to keep its fat) Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories A few numbers 1 g carbohydrates = 4 calories 1 g protein = 4 calories 1 g fat = 9 calories 1 lb. fat (0.45kg) = 3500 calories Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories Ac)vi)es and there calories 140lb human for 1 hour: Aerobics = 384 cal Cycling = 256 cal Jogging (6mph) = 644 cal Swimming = 513 cal Yoga = 256 cal Cooking = 160 cal Dog Walking = 224 cal Gardening = 328 cal Housework = 222 cal Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories http://www.askmen.com/sports/keywords/jogging.html http://www.backpainrelief4life.com/blog/2013/03/29/yoga-­‐and-­‐back-­‐pain/ Translate that to food… 1 Starbucks Cappuccino = 150 cal (50 min cycling) 1 jam donut = 250 cal (30 min swimming) 1 large glass of red wine = 160 cal (30 min gardening) 1 med portion of chips = 270 cal (25 min jogging) 1 croissant = 275 cal (75 min housework) http://www.womansday.com/health-­‐fitness/
nutrition/8-­‐foods-­‐that-­‐help-­‐you-­‐live-­‐longer-­‐119613 Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories http://www.glutenfreecanteen.com/2013/06/04/
free/ Walking vs. running —  #1) Popular belief = running and walking burn the same calories per mile —  #2) Walking burns more calories since it takes longer —  Male = 105 cal running/52 cal walking —  Female = 91 cal running/43 cal walking —  This is Net calorie burn (NCB) not total calorie burn (TCB) —  Running burns 4 times as many calories (takes double the time to walk a mile) Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories Physics behind WHY this happens —  Walking = legs are mostly straight/center of gravity stays at the same level —  Running = jumping/center of gravity moves/legs bend continuously —  This requires a lot of Newtonian force that fights gravity Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories How about whilst playing chess? —  Chess players burn 6000-­‐7000 calories thinking —  Brain requires 1/10 calorie per min to function (walking = 4 cal/min & reading = 1.5cal/min) —  Neurons produce neurotransmitters that uses 25% of glucose/20% of oxygen from blood —  But you don’t burn fat playing chess since oxygen use doesn’t increase http://questgarden.com/41/42/1/061112053111/ Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories Cold vs Hot —  False = extra energy is needed to keep the body warm so one burns more calories in the cold —  Hard to shiver whilst jogging since exercise heats the body up —  Shivering (400cal/hr) —  It takes more effort to cool the body (sweating) Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories 1 calorie of fructose vs 1 calorie of protein —  Different macronutrients go through different metabolic pathways —  Fructose – can be turned into glucose (liver) or fat/insulin levels rise (fat gain)/doesn’t lower hunger hormone (ghrelin) —  Protein – build muscles/30% is spent on digesting itself —  Different affects just like eating eggs vs. ice-­‐
cream http://
weekly-­‐round-­‐up-­‐eggs/ https://
Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories VS Hunger… —  Hunger is a pain —  Low food level hunger pains —  Low blood sugar level hunger pains —  High pain tolerance = successful dieter —  OR if you tell yourself that hunger is good it will fell that way —  Get distracted Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories Conclusion —  A calorie is a measure of energy —  Burning calories involves many aspects that are different for each person —  Different macronutrients affect hunger —  Eating behavior is controlled by hormones and neural circuits —  Don’t become obsessed with the #s —  Remember, hunger is a form of pain Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories References —  http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/23023/e_diet/
what_are_calories_how_to_burn_calories.html news.stanford.edu/news/2009/june17/classday-­‐061709.html http://chemistry.about.com/od/chemistryfaqs/f/caloriethinkfaq.htm http://io9.com/5920970/how-­‐many-­‐calories-­‐does-­‐thinking-­‐burn http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/3083/do-­‐you-­‐burn-­‐more-­‐
calories-­‐when-­‐you-­‐think-­‐hard http://authoritynutrition.com/debunking-­‐the-­‐calorie-­‐myth/ http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/human-­‐biology/lost-­‐weight1.htm http://www.nutracheck.co.uk/Library/HotTopic/burningcalories_1.html http://www.runnersworld.com/weight-­‐loss/how-­‐many-­‐calories-­‐are-­‐you-­‐
really-­‐burning?page=single http://www.acefitness.org/acefit/healthy-­‐living-­‐article/60/1061/do-­‐i-­‐burn-­‐
more-­‐calories-­‐when-­‐it-­‐is-­‐hot/ Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories Fun Die)ng Tips —  There is no such thing as fattening foods, its all about the calories —  To lose weight you don’t have to avoid “junk foods” —  Don’t stop drinking water to lose weight —  Fat is good, carbs are good it is all good —  You cant eat whatever you want if you exercise all day Marta Bakowska-­‐Mathews Calories