Insert - Delphos Trinity

Trinity UMC Prayer List
Order of Service
8 AM__________
Welcome & Announcements (Please sign the attendance pad at the end of your row.)
Hymn “All Who Love and Serve Your City” v.1-3
Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Scripture Matthew 25:31-46
Pew Bible Pg. 1177
Message “Are you a sheep or a goat?”
Pastor Rick Lamb
Hymn “Breathe on Me, Breath of God”
11 AM_______
Welcome & Announcements (Please sign the attendance pad at the end of your row.)
Opening Prayer
Prelude and Procession
**Opening Hymn
“All Who Love and Serve Your City” v.1-3
# 433
Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Choral Presentation
(Children up to 5th grade are invited to Junior Church. A nursery is provided.)
Presenting our Tithes & Offerings
**Prayer of Consecration
“Let There Be Peace On Earth”
Matthew 25:31-46
“Are you a sheep or a goat?”
Pew Bible Pg. 1177
Luke Burkhart
**Closing Hymn
“Breathe on Me, Breath of God”
Babcock, Ben - recovering from successful heart surgery (son of Dawn Bullinger)
Baer, Betty - cancer (sister of Marilyn Montgomery)
Binkley, Clara - health concerns
Chiles, Vera - back pain
Cunningham, Carol - back pain
Ditmyer, Jackson (5yrs. old) - recovering from bowel surgery (great nephew of Becky Binkley)
Ditto, Margaret - health concerns
Eisele, Janet (Schultheis) - on-going treatment of lung cancer
Feasel, Amy - rehab at The Meadows in Kalida
Fenton, Shelly - health issues
Grice, Dan - recovering from lower back surgery
Harlan Lisa - recovering from shoulder surgery
Higbea, Carol - arthroscopy knee surgery May 1
Klaus, Ed - heart issues (father of Lesley (Steve) Moore)
Lape, Irene - medical concerns (mother of Shelly Fenton)
Langhaus, Alvie - his cancer has returned
McDonald, Hank - cancer (nephew of Becky Binkley)
Morris, Dan - cancer treatment
Parsons, Teresa - hospice (friend of Pimpas family)
Poling, Bob - rehab at The Meadows in Kalida
Rozelle, Jan - upcoming heart catherization
Rozelle, Todd - PRAISE - heart catherization came back clear!
Sroufe, Connie - surgery (daughter-in-law of Gary & Louise Sroufe)
Wade, Deb - upcoming surgery
Joy - girl, Caroline Ray Zugay, born April 25th to Mike & Laurie Copus Zugay of New York
(daughter of Kathy & Bill Guthrie and the late Ray Copus)
Family of Charles Rhoads - passed away (brother of David (Lyn) Rhoads
Pray for our Troops - (Giller, Max) - (Hanes, Alex) - (Wannemacher, Jonathan & Kevin) Military Members, Veterans & Families
The altar flowers this morning are presented in celebration of
Lyla Jane Antalis’ 1st birthday by Grandma & Grandpa Barclay,
Uncle Colin, Aunt Dora, Uncle Jordan and Aunt Alexis.
The radio broadcast this morning is sponsored by
Carol Higbea and family in celebration of
Dave Higbea’s 78th birthday April 28th.
**Denotes Congregation to Stand
April 23, 2017
April 24, 2016
Attendance Report for the 17th Sunday
Weekly Offering
YTD Offering