Practice Test CH14 2015

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Practice Test CH14 2015
Mastering the Content
Circle the letter next to the best answer.
1. Harappan civilization, which included ancient Mohenjodaro, developed in the
A. Western Ghats.
B. Deccan Plateau.
C. Indus River valley. CORRECT
D. Ganges River valley.
2. Which letter on the map shows the location of Mohenjodaro?
B. N
C. O
D. P
3. In which of these years was Mohenjodaro an active settlement?
A. 8000 B.C.E., while people were discovering how to farm
B. 2550 B.C.E., while the Great Pyramid was being built in Egypt CORRECT
C. 1000 B.C.E., while King David was ruling over Israel
D. 600 B.C.E., while the Neo-Babylonian Empire ruled Mesopotamia
4. How did modern scholars learn that Mohenjodaro had ever existed?
A. Astronauts saw it from space.
B. Historians read ancient scrolls.
C. Archaeologists found its ruins. CORRECT
D. Geographers studied old maps.
5. Part of Mohenjodaro was raised and surrounded by a wall. What does this suggest about the city?
A. It had traders who stayed near the roads.
B. It had religious leaders who lived separately.
C. It had rich people who owned the best homes.
D. It had enemies who might attack the residents. CORRECT
6. Which fact shows that Mohenjodaro was carefully planned?
A. Wheeled carts were pulled by animals.
B. The workshops were made of mud bricks.
C. Some of the houses were larger than others.
D. Nine streets divided the lower city into blocks. CORRECT
7. What does the list below show about the civilization that included Mohenjodaro?
• Invaders
• Floods
• Earthquakes
A. likely causes for its beginning
B. theories for why it disappeared CORRECT
C. problems with being near a river
D. reasons it was led by strong rulers
8. The discovery of a scale, stone weights, and a marked rod suggests that the people of Mohenjodaro
A. had uniform ways to measure. CORRECT
B. knew how to make tools of iron.
C. traded with people from far away.
D. started a new kind of mathematics.
9. Archaeologists found a structure that was 39 feet long and 8 feet deep, with a well nearby and a drain along
one side. How was it likely used?
A. for bathing CORRECT
B. for cooking
C. for making wine
D. for grinding grain
10. What evidence shows us how men in Mohenjodaro might have dressed?
A. pictographs
B. an ancient statue CORRECT
C. a report by a visitor
D. remains of an old robe
11. What do these seals tell historians about Mohenjodaro?
A. the types of jobs people did
B. the types of animals people saw CORRECT
C. the types of jewelry people wore
D. the types of gods people worshipped
12. Which feature of Mohenjodaro was quite different from other settlements of that time?
A. high wall
B. dirt roads
C. brick homes
D. sewer system CORRECT
13. Where did most of the people of Mohenjodaro live?
A. in the citadel
B. in the tall tower
C. in the lower city CORRECT
D. in the courtyards
14. Homes in Mohenjodaro had from one to a dozen rooms. What does this suggest about the city?
A. Some houses had indoor bathrooms.
B. Some apartments held several families.
C. Some people were wealthier than others. CORRECT
D. Some families had grandparents living with them.
15. A war game played in ancient India is thought to be an early form of
A. chess. CORRECT
B. hockey.
C. dominoes.
D. basketball.
16. Which of these questions about Mohenjodaro would be hardest to answer on the basis of artifacts?
A. What foods did people eat?
B. What songs did people sing? CORRECT
C. What games did people play?
D. What clothes did people wear?
Applying Social Studies Skills
Use the information in the table below and your knowledge of social studies to complete the sentences. Write
the word or phrase in the space provided.
17. Excavations (digging by archaeologists) at Mohenjodaro took place between _______________ and
1922; 1965
18. The ancient city of Mohenjodaro was buried under centuries of dirt before archaeologists began to excavate
its secrets. While their digging provided important new information, it also threatened the ruins because
it exposed them to damage from the weather
19. In his lifetime, Professor Dales probably knew more than Banerji or Marshall had known about ancient
Mohenjodaro because
Answers will vary. Possible answers: new discoveries brought new information;
he learned from their earlier research and added to it; he had the benefi t
of knowledge gained from
further excavations done in 1945
Exploring the Essential Question: What can artifacts tell us about daily life in Mohenjodaro?
20. Suppose that you are a magazine editor who will print an article about the ancient city of Mohenjodaro. You
plan to use these two pictures of artifacts to illustrate the article. Write a caption for each picture. Your
captions should
•include information about what the picture shows.
•tell what the artifact suggests about daily life in Mohenjodaro.
•be written in two to three complete sentences.
Answers should include all of the elements requested in the prompt.