May 2015
Finding bliss in keeping busy and staying active
Isabel Evans is constantly on the go. Whether
it’s attending exercise classes six days a
week, organizing books in the library, or
volunteering in the Touchmark store, she is all
about keeping active.
“I’m never bored, because I like to keep busy!”
says Isabel. “I feel fortunate to be able to
participate in all of the things that I do.”
The exuberant 86-year-old attributes her good
health to her genetics and to having fun.
“My mom lived to be 102 years old, and—
knock on wood—I hope to do the same,”
explains Isabel. “But I also believe in the
importance of staying fit. It keeps your body
and mind healthy.”
Isabel (on left) participates in a panel discussion at
the Alberta Senior Citizens Housing Association’s
(ASCHA) 50th anniversary party.
Aside from joining the various fitness classes
such as yoga, weights, balance, and stretching, Isabel enjoys evenings playing crib with friends, caring
for the flowers in the community garden, knitting, and immersing herself in a good book.
Moving around
Friends since high school, Isabel and her husband Hugh were married for 55 years. Hugh’s busy career
as a general practitioner necessitated many moves: emigrating from England and living in Africa,
Saskatchewan, and eventually Edmonton.
While devoting herself as a house maker and caring for their four children, Isabel also found the time
to go back to university to get her degree in Education. She taught Special Ed for 15 years.
Upon retiring, Isabel and Hugh moved to Victoria, BC, and spent much of their time travelling abroad.
“We were fortunate to have 20 happy years of retirement together,” Isabel says. “Our love of history
took us to many locations; Egypt being our favorite trip.”
The duo did everything together including deciding to move back to Edmonton five years ago.
“We moved back to be closer to
the family, but more importantly
while the choice was still our own”
says Isabel. “If you do it at the
right time, you have a choice; you
can stay as active as possible and
choose the accommodation you
want. That was important to us.”
Golden anniversary
This year marks the Alberta Senior
Citizens Housing Association’s
(ASCHA) 50th anniversary.
Included in the celebration was a
panel discussion on April 17, with
residents from various retirement
communities providing feedback
on trends and topics related
to seniors housing. Isabel was
chosen to participate as a resident
panelist to share some of her
personal experiences.
“It can be a tremendous change to
move and leave what you know,”
says Isabel. “But too often, I see
people put the decision off for too
Isabel and Hugh were happy
with their decision to move to
Touchmark when they did. And
it was her family and new friends
at Touchmark who were there to
support her when Hugh passed
away four years ago.
Massage therapy available
at Touchmark
Registered Massage
Therapist Berni Flett
has been treating
clients of all ages for
various conditions for
more than 12 years.
After her mother’s
stroke, she developed
a mobile massage
therapy service for
clients unable to travel
to appointments.
“I pride myself in being able to tailor treatments to
individuals’ needs, whether they are ambulatory or
confined to a bed,” says Berni, who is a passionate
advocate for massage’s ability to enhance overall
health and well-being.
“Massage can help people with their independence,
mobility, and function,” she says. Berni credits her
childhood on a dairy farm northeast of Edmonton
for her work ethic and strong hands. Now married
with five adult children, she enjoys the company
of friends or a good book—and traveling to the
beaches of Mexico with her family—when not
serving clients.
Berni is at Touchmark each Tuesday from 9:30 am
to noon. To schedule an appointment, call
Making time for the things she
loves most has helped Isabel
stay happy in retirement. She
continues to relish her time with
family and friends whether it’s
her weekly Sunday suppers with
her children and grandchildren or
going on a Touchmark trip with
“Just the other day, we went on an
outing to the movies, and it was
great fun,” Isabel says. “The social
activities bring people together,
and that’s what community is all
about. I’ll never be bored—I’m too
Worry less and enjoy more
Imagine a {FULL} Life in a beautiful home
surrounded by a friendly and enriching
community—and let us take care of the
cleaning and maintenance! It may be time to
consider a move.
Look for more photos on Facebook.
For the second installment of Laila’s
Culinary Expressions, Food Services
Manager Laila Rezaie presented a
demonstration of how she makes the
beautiful edible arrangements served at
our special dinners. Residents learned
simple methods to create tomato and
strawberry roses and zucchini, radish,
and beet flowers—to name a few.
During a recent visit to the Musee Heritage Museum, we
explored the history of St. Albert, including an exhibit of
Aboriginal handmade baskets and designs made by the
art of biting ... yes, with teeth! Artists use their teeth to
cut the bark and create stunning and unique designs.
How good balance helps you achieve wellness
“Balance is not something you find, it is something you
create.” — Jana Kingsford
Better physical balance can improve your ability to control
and maintain your body’s position, whether you are moving
Dianna Lawrence
or standing still. Strong balance promotes self-confidence,
Vice President, Wellness
independence, and safety—and is important to help prevent
falls and avoid the serious injuries they might cause. Often we
are not fully aware that we have weak balance until we try balance exercises.
You can improve your balance, strength, and flexibility through a variety of exercises, including yoga, tai chi,
and strength training.
Balance exercises can be done every day or as often as you like. Preferably, older adults at risk of falls should
try to work on balance training at least three times a week, and should perform standardized exercises from
a program demonstrated to reduce falls.
It might sound like a lot, but balance exercises are easier than you might think:
• Try standing on one foot while working in the kitchen, waiting in line, or brushing your teeth.
• Walk heel to toe around the house or office.
• Yoga and tai chi do not require expensive classes or equipment. Find an instructional book, DVD, or
website to get started at home.
If you have concerns about your balance, contact a Life Enrichment/Wellness team member for more
information. Let us know how we can support you as you aspire to better balance.
The events listed below are just a sampling of opportunities
offered to enhance wellness and new interests. Visit our
{FULL} Life calendar at the link below for a complete list
of this month’s events. For additional details of an event,
including registration, transportation, and participation
requirements, contact a Life Enrichment/Wellness team
Monday, May 4, 2 pm
May birthday and anniversary party. If you’re
celebrating in May, we hope you’ll join us for this
fun event. The West End Seniors Choir will perform.
Marquis Room.
Friday, May 8, 2 pm
Mother’s Day fashion show and tea. Sip on
tea and watch residents model the latest fashions,
provided by Sue McGowan from Rack & Roll
Fashions. Grande Hall Dining Room.
Monday, May 11, 2 pm
Mind Magic by Louis Pezzani. Louis is
considered one of the top mentalists in Canada and
is bringing his show back to Touchmark with new
mind-over-matter features. Marquis Room.
Tuesday, May 12, 1:30 pm
Residents general geeting. Join us to learn the
latest news around the community. Don’t forget to
buy your 50/50 ticket. Marquis Room.
Friday, May 15, 1:30 pm
Curling with students from Good Shepherd
School. Fourth-grade students will join us to learn
the skill and sport of curling from the Touchmark
Curling Club. Marquis Room.
Wednesday, May 20, 1:30 pm
Laila’s Culinary Expressions: Italian Cuisine.
Touchmark Food Services Manager Laila Rezaie’s
popular series continues with a demonstration
focused on mouth-watering favourites from Italy.
RSVP. East Activity Room.
Monday, May 25, 2 pm
Reflections of Red, a tribute to Red Skelton.
Join us for a comedy tribute to Red Skelton, who
had one of the longest-running television programs
of the ’50s and ’60s. Performed by Al Greenwood,
this show will include classic skits from Red’s career
that will leave the audience bursting with laughter!
Marquis Room.
View our {FULL} Life calendar online:
Construction update
“Now that spring is here and the weather improving,
the expansion is really taking shape,” says Leanne
Gugenheimer, executive director. Work has been
been proceeding from the ground up, and the
third-floor deck is now poured and rough framing
completed. The roof deck also has been poured;
this allowed the project to receive engineering
approval to begin the interior framing. Work is also
under way to rough in the mechanical, electrical,
and plumbing. Stair treads are formed, and attic
framing is proceeding. “We also transitioned from
the temporary construction power to permanent
power, which is another major milestone,” says
Leanne. “It’s exciting to see the daily progress.”
Full-service Retirement Community
18333 Lessard Road NW • Edmonton, AB T6M 2Y5
780-577-5000 •
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