If and Only If Milagros d`Edge Art Carrie Waite

These are some of my favorites. Click on an image to visit that website.
If and Only If
Teresa buys my handmade greeting cards and sells
them to her customers. I buy her cool fashions and
accessories and wear them. It’s a win-win situation,
see what I mean?
Milagros makes handmade glycerine soaps with a
plethora of enticing scents. You owe yourself a trip
to see them even if it’s just to inhale the aromas, or
to purchase my handmade greeting cards...
d’Edge Art
Next time you’re goin’ to Graceland, Graceland, in
Memphis, Tennessee, set aside time to visit d’Edge
Art & Unique Treasures. d’Edge features a cool
collection of art for viewing and for sale, including
my Elvis shrines and handmade greeting cards.
Carrie Waite, photographer
Carrie is the predominant Rock and Roll photoessayist in the entire area. Check out samples of
her work here at her website. She took the portrait
of me on my home page.