- 3. Write 6(cos 150 i sin 150 ) °+ 4. If z1 = 4(cos70 i sin70 ) °+ ° and

Quest Review 6.5 Trig Form of a Complex Number
Name ___________________________
1. Graph 2 – 3i and find the absolute value. No decimals.
2. Write 3  3i in trigonometric form.
3. Write 6(cos 150  i sin 150) in exact complex form.
4. If z1 = 4(cos70  i sin70) and z2 = 9(cos20  i sin20) ,
find z1 z2 . Write your answer in exact complex form.
5. If z1  15  cos
3π 
 i sin  and z2  2.5  cos  i sin  ,
2 
find z1 / z2 . Write your answer in exact complex form.
6. Find  5  cos60  i sin60 
Write your answer in complex form.
7. Find 2  2 3 i
Write your answer in exact complex form.
8. Find the cubic roots of 27cos60  i sin60
Write answers in trigonometric form.
9. Find the fourth roots of 5  5i .
Write answers in complex form approximated to two decimal places.
10. Solve the equation for all possible roots: x6  64
Write answers in trigonometric form.
11. Given u  2, 3 and v  3, 6 , find the projection of u onto v.
12. Find the vector component of u orthogonal to v.