matter test

Compounds can be separated only by
a. Breaking the atoms into smaller pieces
b. Breaking the bonds between the atoms
c. Using a magnet to attract certain atoms
d. Evaporating the liquid that contains the atoms
Whether a substance is a solid, liquid, or a gas depends on how close its atoms are to one another
a. The volume of each atom
b. How much matter the atoms have
c. How free the atoms are to move
d. The size of the container
A liquid has
a. A fixed volume and a fixed shape
b. No fixed volume and a fixed shape
c. A fixed volume and no fixed shape
d. No fixed shape and no fixed volume
When an ice cube melts, what happens to the atoms in the ice?
a. The atoms get larger
b. The atoms get smaller
c. The atoms start to move more slowly
d. The atoms start to move more quickly
The process by which a solid becomes a liquid is called
a. Boiling
b. Freezing
c. Melting
d. Evaporating
The process by which a liquid becomes a solid is called
a. Boiling
b. Freezing
c. Melting
d. Evaporating
Two processes by which a liquid can become a gas are
a. Evaporation and boiling
b. Melting and freezing
c. Sublimation and condensation
d. Evaporation and condensation
Color, shape, size, and texture are
a. Physical properties
b. Chemical properties
c. Physical changes
d. Chemical changes
Dissolving sugar in water is an example of a
a. Physical change
b. Chemical change
c. Change in state
d. Pressure change
10. The formation of rust on iron is a chemical change because
a. The color and shape have changed
b. The mass and volume have changed
c. The substance remains the same
d. A new substance has been formed
Use the graph below to answer the following five questions.
11. As the temperature of the gas rises, what happens to its volume?
a. It increases
b. It stays the same
c. It decreases
d. It changes without pattern
12. What is the volume of the gas at 250 degrees Celsius as compared with the volume at 0 degrees
a. About three times greater
b. About double
c. About one-half
d. About the same
13. What happens to a gas as it is cooled below 0 degrees Celsius?
a. The volume would increase
b. The volume would continue to decrease
c. The volume would remain at 40 mL
d. A gas cannot be cooled below 0 degrees Celsius
14. If you raised the temperature of this gas to 300 degrees Celsius, what would be its approximate
a. 70 mL
b. 75 mL
c. 80 mL
d. 85 mL
15. If the volume of the gas at 0 degrees Celsius was 80 mL instead of 40 mL, what would you expect
the volume to be at 200 degrees Celsius?
a. 35 mL
b. 70 mL
c. 80 mL
d. 140 mL
16. Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
a. Fireworks
b. Mixing pancake batter
c. Cooking pancake batter
d. An apple after sitting out in the air for five minutes
17. Which of the following is NOT an example of a Physical Change?
a. Cutting hair
b. Breaking glass
c. Chopping wood
d. Burning wood
18. Which of the following does not belong?
a. Evaporation
b. Melting
c. New or different color
d. Sublimation
19. What are the four indicators of a chemical change?
a. Heat, gas bubbles, light, and noise
b. Heat or light, color change, noise, and smell
c. Heat, color change, smell, and gas bubbles
d. Heat or light, color change, gas bubbles, and formation of a new solid
20. Which one of the following is an example of a chemical change?
a. Cutting paper
b. Red food coloring in water
c. Kool-Aid in water
d. Fireworks
Use the following three diagrams to answer the three questions
22. Which diagram shows the state of matter that has definite volume but no definite shape?
23. Which diagram shows what the molecules inside a table would look like?
24. Which diagram shows molecules that vibrate slowly?
25. The pictures above show what happens when molasses and yeast are mixed and allowed to sit.
When mixed together, the yeast eats the molasses and produces carbon dioxide and alcohol. On the
paper provided answer the last two questions. Remember to RSQ.
a. Describe what physical change you see. (be specific and use the indicators)
Explain what chemical change has occurred? (be specific and use the indicators)