Christmas 2015 - Carshalton Boys Sports College

Year 8
What an absolute pleasure it has been spending
this first term working with the Year 8s. They are an
incredible group of hard-working young men, who
have already achieved so much and will no doubt
continue to flourish and succeed.
Without doubt, the highlight of the term has been
the regular stream of emails received from other
staff, praising and recognising the students for their
efforts. Mr Avery in particular is a constant source of
feedback as to how the year group has been, always
commenting on how outstanding and awesome your
sons are. Some examples of the comments from
other teachers:
Miss Gardner: ‘Most of the boys this morning were
exceptional! I was very impressed by how mature
they were. They did not stop working once and maintained constant focus.’
Miss Gardner: ‘My English class are being absolute
superstars. They’ve come in in a massively positive
way and have worked almost in silence the whole
lesson (without actually being asked). All helping each
other and asking some amazing questions, with awesome ideas!’
Mr Sadler: ‘Just popped into two Year 8 Maths classes
- brilliant behaviour and amazing volume of work – so
much done in the first month in class and at home.’
Mrs Waterhouse: ‘This class were superb this morning in Science. They are trying really hard with the
PLC write ups.’
Mr Earley: ‘Just a quick note to say these guys have
been fantastic over the last couple of days. They
played football in the pouring rain P5 yesterday, gave
100% and absolutely loved it! Were also excellent at
Sutton Arena today as well.’
There have also been some exceptional pieces of
homework completed by a number of students, none
more so than Jack Calinescu’s Geography, which just
seems to get better and better, week-on-week.
Homework Club on Mondays, Period 6 really does
seem to be helping many students get on top of their
studies and some of them are even starting to actually
enjoy it!
Success within the classroom, has been replicated
elsewhere in the lives of these students. On the football pitch the Year 8 team continue to excel, under the
coaching of Mr Dudley, and our other sporting teams
are performing extremely well, displaying commitment
and sportsmanship, with talent.
Some drama superstars are emerging too, as
evidenced in the recent production of Julius Caesar.
Furthermore, there is some excellent work underway
with the ‘First Give’ project to work with local charities which is showing what a kind and compassionate
set of individuals this year group is.
Next term will see the challenge for our Year 8s take
on another dimension, as they select their GSCE subjects in preparation for Year 9 and beyond. Clearly this
is a hugely important time and we are endeavouring
to prepare the students as comprehensively as we can.
We have started a series of assemblies by Heads of
Department where they outline the course content
for their GSCE subject and talk through the potential
job opportunities it may create.
Our motto for Year 8 is to, ‘Be Your Best’ and it is
great to see how many of the year group are doing
just that! Julie Haunstetter, Year 8 Learning Coordinator
Year 9
Year 9 have continued on a positive trajectory this
ful Battlefields’ trip to Belgium and France lead by
Head of History and Year 9 tutor, Mr Jackson. Four
Success on the football pitch, handball and basketball days of powerful history and brilliant camaraderie
court have maintained the year group’s reputation in
between the lads was superb.
the borough as sporting leaders.
A focus on improving homework and the introducIn the classroom trips to the theatre, universities and tion of homework club twice a week has reduced
a fabulous end-of-term trip to the Winter Wonderincidents of missed homework by a half. This also
land for the top performers in in the year were roarreflects how the yeargroup as a whole is maturing
ing sucesses. The year group is already looking forward and grasping the importance of the GCSE courses,
next term’s reward trip to AirHop Trampoline Park.
which many have started this term. Will Harrison, Year
Plenty to work hard for.
9 Learning Coordinator
Another highlight of the term was the very success-
Year 10
It’s been a challenging, but exciting term for many
students in Year 10 since coming back after the
There’s been a big step up from the end of Year 9 in
terms of expectations and workload as students embark upon their GCSE and BTEC courses more fully.
Although this has definitely come to a shock to their
system, I’m proud of how the students have generally coped with the added pressure. Although there’s
still a long way to go, they are showing an increasing
maturity and resilience in many cases and they continue to show everyone what a fantastic year group
they are.
There continue to be a range of successes by individual students; outstanding academic achievements
are matched by excellent performances in musical
and drama productions across the school.
Sports teams have continued to improve too… the
football team have certainly benefitted from the tactical advice I’ve given to Mr Cutress after he received
the dreaded vote of confidence as their manager!
As we look forward to the end of 2015 and the
beginning of 2016, there is plenty for students to look
forward to. Many have now finished organising their
work experience placements; those that haven’t must
complete this as a matter of urgency over the next
few weeks.
All students will complete their first GCSE qualification at the end of year 10 too and so will be working
hard on getting prepared for that over the next few
There have been a number of fantastic school trips
to a range of places too, including Malaga back in September, with lots more to come in the new year.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all Year 10
students and their families an enjoyable and restful
break, and I look forward to seeing you all raring to
go again in 2016! Chris Wales Year 10 Learning Coordinator
Year 11
I am pleased to say that Year 11 appears to be meeting the challenges they face in a positive and mature
If they continue to be focused and work towards
their goals I am sure we are going to be in for a successful year ahead.
This term has been a very busy one handing in
coursework assignments, revising and preparing for
and their mocks which are in the week beginning
Monday, 11th January.
Results will be issued to the students alongside their
November public exam results on Monday, 25th January, in the main hall.
The results will determine their entry into the final
exams, now only a few months away. Mocks also give
an excellent opportunity for students to reflect, evaluate their performance and set smart targets for their
We have seen a record number of nominations from
all departments for the end of term subject awards
which will be awarded in the end of term Year 11
assembly. These are certificates and rewards that the
boys will richly deserve for all their hard work this
term in every area of the curriculum and at differing
The focus in assemblies this term has been on the
importance of punctuality and attendance along with,
on-going revision and attitudes to study. These are
particularly important as the student’s progress towards their exams and already make important decisions with regards to Sixth Form, local college courses
apprenticeships and the world of work.
We hope many will return to Carshalton Boys
Sports College in the Sixth form. Application forms
should have been completed and handed in to Ms
Cowell by Friday, 18th December.
Please ensure that your son seeks to maximise his
attendance as all studies show a strong link between
this and academic achievement. Homework and upcoming revision will build on the work undertaken in
the classroom leading to a greater chance of success
in the exams, as well as preparing them for the rigour
of their Key Stage 5 courses next year.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Successful
New Year. Paul Farr, Year 11 Learning Co-ordinator
Sixth Form
As the term draws to a close the Sixth Form Team
would like to take the opportunity to wish our sixth
formers and their families a very happy Christmas.
The first term is always challenging as students
adapt and step up to their new courses. It has been a
real pleasure to work with them over the last three
months and see them grow in confidence, skills and
knowledge.The recent assessments and data present
a very clear picture of where are students are now,
progress made and the strategies and targets that
should now be in place to ensure that our students
succeed in meeting their target grades. The Sixth
Form Team will be working closely with students in
January to support them on their continued journey.
The Christmas holidays presents an excellent opportunity to recharge depleted batteries and rest, and
find that all important work life balance.
The most successful A level students will also plan
and implement study time in the Christmas holidays. I
will be emailing all families with an overview of work
set by departments for the holidays and also specify
departments who will be testing in class in January. Tutors will be supporting students in forming a plan for
the holidays, parents should be able to see this plan
from Friday, 18th December. The next formal examinations in the hall are in February 2016.
In addition to academic progress, I am delighted to
report our Ucas applications have rocketed this year!
To date there are over 70 applications and offers are
flooding in. I must commend Ms Ellis and the Sixth
Form Tutor Team for their work in co-ordinating this
process and ensuring our students make the very
best applications. We are pleased to see so many of
our Year 13s take this exciting step. With continued
hard work and focus on offers we are certain that our
Year 13s will be heading off to very exciting university
destinations in September 2016.
For our non-university Year 13s careers interviews
and interventions have started and there will be a
schedule of activities from January to support their
next steps. For the Year 12s the Ucas process will
commence in January 2016.
In addition to studies, it has been fantastic to see
our Sixth Formers develop in many leadership roles,
supporting a number of activities around the school
including Open Evening and key school events. This
participation will pay real dividends in the future. Our
new Sixth Form Ambassadors have been appointed
and there will be a launch event in January.
In terms of our Sixth Form Team, there has been
significant growth and change this year. I would like
to officially welcome Mr Howard and Mrs White to
the team as Year Co-ordinators; it has been such a
pleasure to work with them since September and
see their work with the Sixth Form. Also, a warm
welcome to our new tutors!
Well done to everyone: rest up, but work up and
have a very merry Christmas! Paula Cowell, Director of
Sixth Form
Merry Christmas – 6th Form
Leadership Team !!
Mountfichet visit
A rainy day in Essex was not enough to dampen the
spirits of the 217 Year 7 students who made the trip
to Mountfichet Castle on Friday, 6th November.
The boys were engaged throughout and seemed to
enjoy their trip back to the era of Norman England.
As well as looking around the castle they also visited
the Baron’s house, the ducking-pond and the weaponry. It was however the stocks and prison which
seemed to drum up the most interest, with almost
every student doing a stint in at least one of them at
some point.
The boys were fantastic throughout and a real credit
to the school. We look forward to the castle models
which they will be making as part of their homework
project this half-term. History Department
Mr Edgar teaching science while embodying something of Christmas
Winter Arts Festival
Well a fabulous time was had by all at the
Xmas fair and entertainments.
The café was beautifully decked out and the stalls
looked lovely. I think special mention has to go to the
chocolate tombola run by the lovely Sue Meloy and
Lorraine Dunton who raised over £200 for charity.
Then to the entertainment for the evening, which
started on a festive theme with the panto ‘Jack and
the Beanstalk’ – great performances all round, but a
special mention must go to Sam Cooper as one of
the smallest giants ever seen, and to Jack Vallins and
Vinnie Tipping were quite simply the most attractive
‘girls’ there on the night. [Continued on page 11Next
continued from page 8] onto the music section with
the older lads performing ‘Hurt’ – a great sound all
round but special mention must be given to the singing Lewis King and Josh Taylor
They were then joined by the younger students
who helped the ensemble perform ‘Mad World’, ‘War
is Over’, and then ‘Santa Tell Me’. There’s some real
talent emerging including Louis Bianchi and Joshua
We then were treated to an extract from the
school’s production of Julius Caesar for the Sutton
Shakespeare festival. This was beautifully-staged culminating in a slo-mo death scene that would have done
Sam Peckinpah proud and sent shivers down the
spine. All the cast have really grown into their roles,
but special mention must be given to Robert Pope
who was really excellent as Caesar.
But the festive hit of the season had to be the goodnatured contest between a singing Father Christmas
and his elf – Freddie Thomlinson and Manuel – their
good-tempered competition while singing was a delight (I give the prize to Manuel on points).
Altogether a fabulous evening which would not have
been possible without the hard work and dedication
of the boys, Juliet Porter, Warren Turner, Katie Patel,
and Ros Walker, plus guitar teacher Matthais.
Well done everyone. Alison Morgan
Media Studies at the BFI
On 26th November the Year 13 media students
went to a seminar at the British Film Institute on
making music videos for A level coursework.
The students got involved with the practical task of
pitching an idea to the host, Tom Woolcock.
The event was really beneficial and we hope be able
to go to this event again next year with the new year
13s. Natasha Bickelmann
School Report Club launches after Christmas
From 4th January, I will be running the BBC school
report club.
We have our budding journalists from Years 9 and 10
ready to go! If you have any events you would like us
to report on, then please email me!
The club will run on Tuesday lunchtimes and Friday
after school until 3.30pm. Natasha Bickelmann
[email protected]
Year 12 & 13 Geography students travelled to the
including some big names in the Geography world
Apollo Victoria Theatre on Friday, 4th December.
– Martin Degg (he of the Degg model) to name but
Once in our seats, and waiting for the conference to one.
start we were told by Sue Warn (Geography educaAll students enjoyed a thoroughly engaging and chaltor, author of textbooks & legend) that there were
lenging day of lectures and had resources to take away,
1750 in the audience, comprising of A level geography in addition to the wodge of notes they made! Lauren
students, which was a lot for the group to take in!
We then had six invigorating talks from specialists,
Year 12 Geography Trip to Bournemouth
Lovely December day!
The Year 12 Geographers headed to Bournemouth
to continue our work on ‘Crowded Coasts’ studying
development along the coastline.
Expecting cold chilly weather (it is December after
all!) we were instead greeted by a clear mild day
with plenty of sunshine! First the boys headed to the
city centre to study land use changes to see how
the shops and services have changed in the last five
years. Then it was down to the seafront to look at the
coastal defences and how Bournemouth manage the
coastline before a fish and chip lunch.
After some dive bombing by the local seagulls, we
hastily made it back to the bus to head for Boscombe,
where the boys interviewed local people about development on the sea front and one couple stopped me
to stay how lovely and polite our boys were!
A great day had by all! Glynnis Morgan & Matt Wise
Boys hard at work on Bournemouth seafront
Brightsparks music trip
On Tuesday, 3rd November we took 41 Year 9, 10
and 11 GCSE music students to the Royal Festival
Hall on the South Bank to see a performance by the
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
The concert was part of their GCSE Brightsparks
series. They heard a full orchestra perform a range of
music inspired by the works of William Shakespeare,
including songs from West Side Story, Excerpts from
Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture and
the famous Montagues and Capulets from Prokofiev’s
Romeo and Juliet Suite. For many of the students it was
the first time they had heard a live orchestral concert;
some commented that they found it an enjoyable and
inspiring experience. Katie
Some comments included:
‘I liked listening to music from different time periods, and how the story of Romeo and Juliet is told
through music.’
‘I enjoyed the music from West Side Story and it
taught me a lot about how composers get different
effects by using clever techniques.’
Year 11 visit to An Inspector
On Thursday, 26th November,Year 11 went to Wimbledon Theatre to see An Inspector Calls to consolidate their learning for the exam and, for some, visit
the theatre for the first time.
Despite being surrounded by students from other
schools who were behaving terribly, the boys were
exceptionally well-behaved and did not lower their
standards. It was a great lesson in how to remain
dignified and mature in the outside world.
They concentrated throughout to pinpointed key
quotes and moments they had analysed in class.
The boys did themselves proud and represented
CBSC wonderfully. Natalie Williams
Dr Who Experience visit
On Friday, 13th November, three members of Doctor Who Club visited the Doctor Who Festival at
ExCel London.
Oscar Haywood (08N), Joe Liptrot (08P) and Darren Weatherell (08C) had an amazing day out, taking
part in the Fan Challenge (Carshalton Boys came
third out of eight teams; so well done boys!), they
listened to a Writers’ Talk by Mark Gatiss and Stephen
Moffatt, and also met The Doctor, Missy and Ingrid
and enjoyed the Q&A session with the actors.
A great day for these Year 8s (and ME!). Lorraine
Shakespeare Schools Festival,
Julius Caesar
Wednesday, 25th November saw the culmination of
many hours of hard work as the CBSC (Carshalton
Boys Shakespeare Company) took to the stage of
the Secombe Theatre in Sutton.
In the daunting position of having to open the evening the boys, and this year’s female lead Rojae Lorne
as Portia, put on a fantastic performance for the audience of friends, Romans, Countrymen and family.
As a true believer in ensemble work I don’t normally
single out specific performers so I will have to mention them all. First a hail to our own Caesar, Robert
Pope, as I had a number of audience members stop
me to say how ‘mesmerising’ his slow motion death
scene was.
The cold, calculating conspirators Lewis King, Nick
Major, Finn Nobbs, Vincent O’Brien, Jeel Patel and
Habib Tayub. An excellent debut by Alexi Colley and
bringing the play to a stirring conclusion was Antony
played by Teo Hunte-Walle.
Sadly this will probably be the last time these boys
are able to participate in this project as next year they
will all be in Year 11. However, coming through the
youth ranks we had the newcomers Joshua Bullock,
Kieran Roper and Harvey Thompson who gave us
no doubt that there is lots of acting talent emerging in the school and the returning favourite Manuel
Papilson who gave a bold dying speech over a rousing
operatic soundtrack.
If you see any of the company around school please
congratulate them as they have all done so well.
For more Drama news and photos, follow @CBSCDrama on Twitter. Warren Turner
Directions &
Day 2016
Carshalton Boys Thursday
Sports College 10 March 2016
Year 11 examinations
Year 11 examinations will be completed by the end
of June however full attendance is expected until
15th July.
If your son is able to arrange work experience
or voluntary work after he completes his last exam
he will be permitted to do this instead of attending
Students returning to our Sixth Form will be expected to attend an induction course during July
designed to ease their transition onto their chosen
Full details of this will be made available during April
once they have been finalised by the Director of Sixth
We will send out a letter in the Spring term asking
you to confirm what arrangements have been made
for your son after he completes his last exam.
Should you have any further enquires please feel
free to contact me. Paul Farr, Year 11 Learning Coordinator.
Work Experience
Well done to all those students that have secured a
me, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
placement for work experience. We still have a num- Help is required from all our parents. If you have
ber of students without work placements.
connections with the business world (relatives/friends
If your son has not secured a place could you please
etc.) that might be willing to offer a suitable placeencourage him to contact companies during the
ment for one of our Year 10 students for one week
Christmas Holiday. It is vital that he gets a work place- from 4th–8th July 2016 please contact me at school.
ment confirmed as soon as possible. If you have any
Sharon James [email protected]
problems or wish to discuss work experience with
Christmas Hampers and items
for the Food Bank
The Admin Team would like to thank you for the
overwhelming response to our request for items
for hampers and the Food Bank linked to the local
Over 2,100 items have been received, this has surpassed the amount received in previous year.
Also many thanks to Luke Sweetman, Ryan Skipp,
Matthew Hodson and Nick Major who have helped
to promote and collect items as part of their Year 10
Citizenship work.
The top three tutor groups were:
• 9P 262 items
• 12/13E 227
• 7M 224
Next term’s dates
The Spring Term starts for all students at 10.45am on
Monday, 4th January 2016; half-term is Monday, 15th
February till Sunday, 21st February; the term ends on
Thursday, 24th March. The Summer Term begins on
Monday, 11th April.