MIRN,NA COIL ,'u ff#ifr?*1?'j'j,i*** / ^/- ^/ of yourwomb(cervix)intothe top of yourvagina.lt worksfor up to five Years' How effectiveis the Mirena? The MirenaCoilis over99% methodof contraception. reversible The MirenaCoilis a long-acting year, thenonlyone of themwouldget effective.Thismeansthat if 100womenuseMirenafor a pregnant.All long-acting methodsareveryeffectivebecausewhiletheyare beingusedyou do not there However,as withall methodsof contraception haveto rememberto takeor usecontraception. is a The Mirenais alsoeffectivein managingheavy,painfulperiods. Whenwill the Mirenastart to work? protected cycleyouwill be immediately The Mirenais fittedin the firstfivedaysof yourmenstrual method lf it is fittedat any othertime,youwill needto usean extracontraceptive againstpregnancy. for the first sevendays. How does the Mirenawork? . . . lt makesthe liningof yourwombthinnerso it is lesslikelyto accepta fertilisedegg. lt alsothickensthe mucusfromyourcervix.Thismakesit difficultfor spermto movethroughit and reachan egg. but mostwomenwho havea an egg (ovulation), ln somewomenit stopsthe ovariesreleasing Mirenafittedovulate. What are the advantagesof the Mirena? . . . . . . . lt worksfor five years. Yourperiodsusuallybecomemuchlighterandshorter,and afterthe first sometimeslesspainful.Theymaystopcompletely yearof use. The Mirenacan be usefulif you haveheavy,painfulperiods. Can be usedif you are breastfeeding. returnsquicklywhenthe Mirenais Yournormalfertility removed. likethose lt is usefulif you cannotuseestrogens(hormones), pill. foundin the combined The Mirenais not affectedby othermedicines. What are the disadvantagesof an IUS? . . . to you Yourperiodsmaychangein a waythat is notacceptable Some may includeacneand headaches. Otherside-effects womenreporthavingbreasttenderness. The Mirenadoesnot protectyou againstsexuallytransmitted so you mayneedto usecondomsas well.lf you get infections, an infectionwhenthe Mirenais in placethiscouldleadto pelvic infectionif this is nottreated. The Mirena Coil To have the Mirena fitted pleasebook a double appointment with Dr. Foyle and a PracticeNurse. You needto provide the Mirena Coil. The Fee for fitting the Mirena is €120 This serviceis covered on the Medical Card. How is the MirenaFitted? to findthe The Mirenais fittedinsidethe wombby a trainedDoctor.Theywill examineyou internally any for will check they positionand sizeof yourwombbeforetheyput in the Mirena.Sometimes maybe givento you at the sametimeas fittingthe antibiotics Sometimes possibleexistinginfection. Mirena. cycle. lt usuallytakesabout15-2Aminutes'lt It is usuallyfittedbetweenday 3 -T of yourmenstrual or painfulfor somewomen,andyou mightwantto havea painkiller.Your can be untomfortable You mayget a periodtypepainafterthe doctoror nurseshouldtaif to you aboutthisbeforehand. can helpwiththis. Mirenais fitted.Painkillers What if I feel unwellafterthe Mirenais fitted? or a smelly lf you feel unwelland haveany painin yourlowerabdomen,witha hightemperature diichargefromyourvaginain tfie firstthreeweeksafterthe IUSis fitted,see a doctoror go backto You mayhavean infection. the clinicwhereit wasfittedas soonas possible. Howwill I knowthat the Mirenais still in place? The Mirenahastwo threadsattachedto the endthat hanga littleway downfromyourwombintothe top of yourvagina.The doctoror nursewillteachyouto feelfor the threadsto makesurethe Mirena is stillin place.you shoulddo thisa few timesin the firstmonthandthenaftereachperiodor at regularintervals.lt is veryunlikelythatthe Mirenawillcomeout,but if you cannotfeelthe threadsor Usean extra againstpregnancy. if you thinkyou canfeelthe Mirenaitself,you maynot be protected you hadsex lf away. straight your nurse doctoror method,suchas condomsandsee contraceptive contraception' recentlyyou mightneedto useemergency How often do I needto see a doctor or nurse? you needto haveyourMirenaCoilcheckedby a doctoror nursesixweeksafterit is put in.The questionsor wantthe Mirenaremoved Mirenacan stayin for fiveyears.lf you haveany problems, you can go and seeyourdoctoror nurseat anytime. Whencan the Mirenabe removed? The Mirenacan be removedby yourDoctoror Nurseat anytime,by pullinggentlyon the threads'lf you are not goingto haveanotherMirenaput in, andyou don'twantto becomepregnant,usean method,suchas condoms,for sevendaysbeforethe Mirenais takenout' Thisis er,tracontra-epti-ve to stopspermgettingintoyourbody.Spermcan livefor up to sevendaysinsideyourbody,and Yournormalfertilityreturnsquicklyafterthe couldfertilisean egg oncetheMirenais removed. Mirenais takenout.Youwill usuallyhavea periodwithina monthor so. lf youwantto try for a baby caresuchas takingfolicacidand stoppingsmoking.You can ask yourdoctoror startpre-pregnancy nursefor advice. Will the MirenaaffectmYPeriods? yes. ln the firstsix monthsit is commonto haveirregularbleedingor spotting.Periodsmaybecome lighterthanusualor maycontinueto be irregularand manywomenfindthattheirperiodsstop lf this happensto you,do notworryas it is perfectlyhealthy. altogether. I'vejust had a baby.CanI usethe Mirena? and can be usedsafelywhilebreastfeedingThe Mirenacan be fitteda few weeksafterchildbirth PleasediscussthisfurtherwithyourDoctor. PleaseNote:You needto purchasethe Mirenafrom the Ghemistprior to your appointment.
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