Indi an Journal of Chemistry Vol. 38B, July 1999, pp. 857-858 Note - An efficient Knoevenagel condensation using HZSM-5 zeolite as a catalyst Majid M Heravi"* ', Mahmood Tajbakhsh", acids employable without prior thermal and chemica l treatment. Preliminary experiments with HZSM-5 zeolite [acid type zeolite with 40 SiO l / AI 20 1 molar rati o, P f pore sIze average 20A surface area (200± I m-/g] - or the condensation of benzaldehyde with malononitrile (Eqn X=H, R=CN, entry I) produced the desi red olefin in 80% yield . • Bagher Moh ajerani' & Mitra Ghassemzadeh" "Chemist ry & Chemical Engineering Research Center of Iran P,O.Box 14335-186, Tehran, Iran hDepartment of Chemistry, Mazandaran Uni versity, Babolsar, Iran "Research Institute of Petroleum Industry of Iran Received 10 December 1998; accepted (revised) 6 May 1999 Knoevenagel co ndensation is assisted by HZSM-5 zeolite wherein variou s aromatic aldehydes react readily with malononitril e and eth yl cyanoacetate to produce co rresponding olefinic products. The last few years have witnessed considerable resurgence of interest in the area of zeolite induced organic tran sformation ' . We have exploited the catalytic potential of zeolites for various organic synthetic tranformations such as, regioselecti ve alkylation of heterocyc les 2" , preparation of carbonyl compounds as acetals 4 , [n continuati on we wish to report a mild, convenient and heterogeneous catalytic methodology assisted Knoevenagel condensati on using HZSM-S zeolite. Knoeven age l condensation was originally performed in the presence of amines using other bases 5, Lewi s ac ids ZnCh6, TiCIJ base?, solid support catalysts such as A1 20 ,8, AIPO~-AI 20,9, clayslO and modified Mg-All'. HSZM-S zeolites are produced on large-scale by Tosoh cooperation for the refinery and petrochemical industry and thi s represents easily accessi ble so lid Ent ry 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 ., HZSM-S zeolite --------. CH,Q" rellux g-' c.../CN C~ R X Subsequently, a systematic study of this reacti on to establish the generality of the method has been undertaken with various aldehydes and acti ve methylene compounds utilizing HZSM-5 zeolite. Aliphatic aldehydes did not give good res ults but aromatic aldehydes bearing a va ri ety of functi onal groups, namely, p-bromobenzaldehyde, pnitrobenzaldehyde are reacted wit h meth ylene compounds such as malononitril e and ethy l cyanoacetate in the presence of HZSM-5 zeo lite. These reactions lead to comp leti on in 5-6 hr in refluxing CH2Cl 2 to produce the olefini c products in 70-80% yield (Table I) . The reaction conditi ons are particularly mild and the work-up procedure is exceed ingly simple and reduced to mere filtrat ion. Moreover, we recycled the zeo lite for a furth er five experiments obtaining the corresponding olefin ic compounds with similar high yields. This result indicated that HZSM-5 zeo lite is activated after th e first cycle and can be therefore reused several ti mes without losing activity . Experimental Section All products were known compounds and Table I-The HZSM-5 zeolite ass isted Knoevenagel condensation Yi eld R Period (hr) (%) Benzaldehyde CN 5 80 -doCOEt 6 75 p- B romobenzaldehyde CN 70 5 -do6 71 C0 2 Et p-Nitrobenzaldehyde CN 6 70 ' -do7 68 C0 2Et Vanillin CN 10 62 -do12 60 C02 Et Aldehyde Reactions carri ed ou t in di cho loromet hane under dry co ndition . Yields are based on isolated prod ucts. mp °C tn ') 51 '1 164 12 %1 2 I Y/ 1M;') 13 1(' IU h 858 INDIAN J. CHEM. SEC S, JULY 1999 identified by comparison with authentic samp les (JR, NMR , mp) . A typical procedure. Benzaldehyde ( 1.06 g, 10 mmoles), malononitrile (0.66 g, 10 mmoles) and HZSM-5 zeolite (0.52 g) were refluxed in dry dichloromethane (20 mL) for 5hr. The reaction mixture was filtered off and washed with CH 2Cb (10 mL) . The filtrate was evaporated to dryness and the resulting crude product was directly subjected to co lumn chromatography (hexane: EtOAc, 7:3) to afford the pure olefinic product in 80% yield (mp 82-83 o C)12. Acknowledgement We thank Dr A R Garakani , Research Institute of Petroleum Industry of Iran, for the supp ly of HZSM-5 zeolite. Research supported by the National Research Council of Iran (NRCI) as a National Research Proj ect under the grant number 3708 IS acknowledged. References I (a) Davis M E ,Acc Gem Res, 26, 1993, I I I. (b) Hoelderi ch W, Hesse M & Naumann F. Allge ll ' Chelll . Inl Ed Eng I 27 , 1998.226. (c) Sui b S L, Chelll Rev. 93 . 1993, R03. 2 Heravi M M. Oskooie H A & Mali M. SWlh COIIIII/III1. 10(27) , 1993. 803 . 3 Heravi M M, Tajbak hsh M. Beheshtiha Y Sh & Oskooie H A. Indian J Heterocyclic Chelll , 6(2). 1996. 143. 4 Heravi M M, Mohajclani B & Tajbakhsh M. Indillll .I ClII:III . (submitted for publication ). 5 Jones G, Organic Reacliolls . 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