Chalkboard the - Erie Day School

An e-publication of Erie Day School
July/August/September 2013
Dear Erie Day School Family,
For almost eighty-five years, Erie Day School has been an
educational community offering exceptional academics in
a caring, family-orientated environment. We continue to
boast an atmosphere where the partnership between
school and family is a core element and an expected resource.
This year we are proud to have active involvement in daily activities at the
School among our parents and students alike, earning family service hours.
Defining an educational focus beyond the traditional curriculum, EDS values
mutual respect, responsibility and service. We set our standards high, expectations strong and encourage citizenship and participation beyond the classroom
setting. Parents can be found watering the gardens and picking the vegetables
for Toddler tasting, copying papers for teachers and attending Parent Group
brainstorming sessions. Active engagement is pertinent in the learning process
and we witness first-hand the research that suggests student success can be
directly attributed to ongoing parent involvement.
of Having Art
in School
Art opens the door to personal
creativity. In the contemporary
global environment, the focus of
education is too often placed on
science, mathematics and technology. Undoubtedly the assumption is that concentration in
these areas will make the current
school population more economically competitive and viable. Such a one-sided approach
fails to take into account the numerous advantages that art offers to the young student.
Personal Advantages
We are grateful for the numbers of parents taking an interest in the Erie Day
School education and choosing to participate as visiting lecturers, committee
volunteers, and fundraising contributors, among many other jobs. Former parents, grandparents, students and community members are welcome to join in the
What’s Inside
many events and initiatives needing interested parties. A few opportunities are as
Welcome New Trustees…………..2
Welcome New Faculty……………2
Focus Group Conclusion…………2
Lecturers: Breast Cancer Awareness (other Profile of Pride Alumni News…...2
topics to follow)
Fall Open House…………………..2
Spartan Fund………………………3
Committee members: Founders Day,
Upcoming Events…………………3
Green Team, Auction Gala, Ladies Tea,
EDS Founder’s Day……………….3
Technology, Safety, Parent Group, Open
Thank You, Parent Group!……….4
House volunteers, and guest readers.
Brews & Bites………...……………4
Student Summer Activities………5
I can be reached at [email protected] Thank You Donors!.........................6
if you would like to join others serving Erie Wish List…………………………...6
Day School.
A Day in the Life… Facebook……7
Alumni Events…………………….8
Yours in Education,
Americans in Paris …………….....8
Dr. Karen K. Tyler
Art projects in schools have a
number of advantages for the
individual students. It provides
young elementary school students with a hands-on approach
to learning about colors, shapes
and textures. It also allows them
to learn to follow simple directions and work together with
others in a spirit of team work.
Students learn that art presents
opportunities for creativity and
expression. Art also helps students develop self confidence,
motivation and concentration
Academic Advantages
Studies show that art education
has numerous advantages for
continued on page 3
Welcome New Erie Day School
Board of Trustees
Profile of Pride Alumni News
Throughout the past year, the Erie Day School Committee on
Trustees welcomed several new Board of Trustees members while
saying goodbyes to a few others. The incoming class includes:
 Hon. John Garhart, Judge, Erie County Court of Common Pleas;
 Rick Griffith, Rick Griffith Properties;
 Mrs. Kelly Kovacs, Parent Group President;
 Dr. Stephen Kovacs, Pulmonologist;
 Ruthann Lipman, D.O., Otolaryngologist and Erie Day School
 Stephen Pelkowski, GE Transportation Engineer; and
 Michele Polon, D.O., Family Practitioner.
Erie Day School had visitors and alumni
from Cathedral Preparatory School to discuss
high school options for Middle School students. Alumni included: Will Lewis, ’13
(shown in photo below); Eli Chase, ’11,
Jacob Dailey, ‘11, and Taylor Connelly, ‘10.
Several Trustees also completed their Board terms. Thank you to
out-going members: Kelly Bryant, Greg Filbeck, Ph.D., Charles
Rush and John Weber.
Zak Ali, ‘13, completed the Johns Hopkins
New Faculty Enrich EDS Environment
Erie Day School has added five faculty members for the 2013-14
School Year.
Middle School Science welcomes Matt Drost who relocated from
Michigan with his wife and daughter (a new EDS student as well);
Julie Getz is an assistant in the Toddler Room; Erie Day School
alumni, Emily Padden, teaches Grade 5 Language Arts and Lower
School Foreign Language; the Preschool Class welcomes Cristina
Ras; and Kindergarten students welcome Trisha Stewart.
EDS Focus Group Sessions Conclude
Thanks to all that participated in Erie Day School Focus Group
sessions over the past 4 months. Included were comments from
current students, current parents, past parents, EDS Board of Trustees, alumni, donors and community members. Erie Day School,
founded in 1929, has a rich history of educating students from the
Erie region. The School is ready to embark on a Capital Campaign
that would secure its future for another 85 years. The Focus
Groups sessions were facilitated and analyzed by Tania Bogatova,
KeyStone Research Corporation, and Renee Lamis, Dynamic Visions
Consulting. As a participant in the Erie Day School Focus Group,
participants had the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences about Erie Day School in a casual environment with
complete confidentiality. Those views are extremely valuable in
helping EDS improve and grow for another 85 years to better
serve students and their families. Look to further issues of the
Chalkboard and the Erie Day School website for Capital Campaign
details as they become available.
Center for Talented Youth Genetics Course at
Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA He also
earned a spot on the McDowell Senior High
School Junior Varsity Soccer Team.
The Class of 2013 also had alumni that
earned places on the Mercyhurst Preparatory
School athletic teams: Alexandra Baldwin
and Sophia DiNicola, Tennis Team; William
Humphrey, Soccer; Nicholas LangfordTyler, Baseball; and Henley Spracklen, Cross
Country and Crew Teams.
If you have alumni news, please contact Julie
Kresge, Director of Development & Mktg., at
814-452-44273 or [email protected].
Mark Your Calendar
Fall Open House
Erie Day School is hosting its Fall Open
House on Sunday, November 10th from
1:00 to 4:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity
for friends of Erie Day School and the
community to visit the campus to see
what an independent school
education is all about. Faculty and
staff will offer tours, answer questions to
prospective students and their
families. Spread the word!
Advantages of Having Art in School
Spartan Fund Continues Into
Second Year
continued from front
the student's academic
achievements and education
as a whole. Studying art and
engaging in art projects develops skills in reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking
and verbal skills.
The Erie Day School faculty and coaches help
students become effective leaders and team
players - both in the traditional classroom and
numerous activities outside of the classroom. In
this way, students develop character as much as
good sportsmanship and physical skill - enriching the experiences of our student population.
Cultural Advantages
Unfortunately, some Erie Day School families
have financial limitations that make it difficult
to have their student(s) participate in extracurricular activities (examples of needed costs include: fees for experiential trips or tournaments, costumes/uniforms and equipment).
Art in schools helps to encourage an atmosphere of
cultural diversity. Art in all
its forms, painting, poetry,
drama, dance and music, reflects specific cultural conby
Blue dog artwork completed
texts. Consequently, art is an
William Fessler, Grade 3.
important tool for enlightening elementary students' culture. Art provides students with a broader and more appreciative outlook on different cultures. European art, Hispanic art,
African art, teach student that different cultures perceive and
represent the world in different ways. In addition to enlarging
the understanding of culture, art history also offers important
insights into history.
Erie Day School students are fortunate to have art classes and
artists in residence, Adele Larsen and Amy Emmett. Ms. Larsen is an accomplished painter and sculptor in the Erie area
and Ms. Emmett is renowned throughout the county for her
contributions to sculpture and inspiring young artists.
The Erie Day School Spartan Fund was established in 2012 to help those student(s) and families in need. If you would like to learn more
about this important initiative or would like to
contribute, contact Julie Kresge, Director of Development & Marketing, at
[email protected] or 452-4273.
Erie Day School Annual Report
The Erie Day School 2012-2014 Annual Report has
been published and can be viewed at or if you would like to
receive a copy, contact Julie Kresge at
[email protected].
A Good Time Was Had By All at
EDS Summer Camps
Erie Day School Summer Camps were a great
success and provided fun for students who
wished to express their creativity, learn a new
skill or to gather with new and old friends over
the summer break. Every session was held on
campus at Erie Day School. If you or your child
has an idea for a Summer Camp for the summer
of 2014, please contact Dr. Karen Tyler, Head of
School, at 452-4273 or [email protected].
Erie Day School Cross Co
untry Team participants
take time from the
race for a photo-op.
Upcoming Events
Alumni & Parents of
Alumni Social
This year’s ‘Alumni and Parents of
Alumni Social’ will be held on Friday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m. at
Molly Brannigan’s, in downtown
Erie. Alumni and parents of
alumni are invited to enjoy food,
fun and camaraderie along with a
chance to win an Erie Day School
basket. Complimentary refreshments will be served.
‘Tea at Downton Abbey’
Ladies of all ages, get the white
gloves out as this new EDS tradition continues into its 2nd year
with ‘Tea at Downton Abbey.’
Scheduled for January 26, 2014, at
Lake Shore Country Club, this
‘ladies tea’ will have something for
every lady – no matter the age. For
additional information contact
Julie Kresge, Director of Development & Mktg., at 452-4273 or via
email at
[email protected].
The Roaring Twenties The Auction at EDS
Erie Day School’s largest fundraiser, the Auction at Erie Day
School, with funds raised going to
the Adopt-a-Scholar Program, is
scheduled for May 3, 2014. The
theme this year is The Roaring
Twenties - just in time for Erie Day
School’s upcoming 85th anniversary. Mark your calendar now to
see EDS transform with big band
music, flapper dresses and more.
Word has it there may also be a
classic car or two to help set the
stage. For additional information
contact Julie Kresge, Director of
Development & Mktg., at 452-4273
or via email at
[email protected].
Founder’s Day Activities Underway
Amazing, what started almost 85 years ago was a vision of an independent education - fast forward to today and the vision of Erie Day School is
still going strong. Visit the EDS website for the latest information about
the EDS Founder’s Day Celebration and activities fro students, parents,
alumni and friends of EDS scheduled for Saturday, April 26, 2014.
Thanks, Parent Group!
Parent Group continues to support the faculty, staff and students at Erie
Day School—not only in monetary funds but their volunteer time as well.
Their fundraising efforts include the Save Around Coupon Books; collection of ink cartridges and cell phones for rebates with Funding Factory;
the fall and spring Whale of a Sale rummage sale; and various retail store
‘passive fundraising with rebates from Target and Tops grocery stores;
and collection Box Tops from ‘Boxtops for Education’ products.
Parent Group fundraising efforts help support faculty mini-grants, providing breakfast and lunches on Faculty In-service Days, and supporting
community-building events such as the Ice Cream Social, Back-to-School
Night and the Souper Bowl.
Parent Group volunteers also help with office copying, lend a hand with
the Thanksgiving Feast and Sports Banquet, and assist with transportation
needs for school field trips.
And new this year, the Erie Day School Spirit Store located in the Main
Lobby. Included are items such as EDS blankets, wine koozies and keychains, along with the soon-to-come spirit-wear clothing - perfect for that
student, parent, alumni or friend of EDS!
Erie Day School ‘s Brews & Bites
The 2nd annual ‘Cheers to
the School Year’ was held
on September 21st with a
‘Brews & Bites’ theme and
raised almost $1,000 for
the Adopt-a-Scholar Program at Erie Day School.
Attendees enjoyed selections of ‘brews’ donated
from Erie Beer Company,
Lavery Brewing Company and Southern Tier Brewing Company. Many
thanks to all in attendance and to our Brew Master Sponsors: Mr. & Dr.
John Grazioli and Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kovacs; Tasting Enthusiast Sponsor: Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Person; and Host Couples Sponsors: Mr. & Mrs.
Rick Griffith, Mrs. Julie Kresge, Dr. & Mrs. Josh Rosenberg, Ms. Heidi
Schultz, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Ward, and Atty. & Dr. Matthew Wolford.
Learning Doesn’t Stop for Summer
Connor, Grade 5, and Evan Coughlin, Grade 3, used
Blaine Rosenberg, Nicolas Corso, Annika Gibbs and
Oliver Frankovitch, Grade 2, had their drawings fea-
their vocal talents recording a radio spot for Erie Day
School which highlighted the school and Open House.
tured in the Erie Times-News Weather Pictures.
Noah Ali, Grade 7, attended the Johns Hopkins Center
Audrey Ward, Grade 8, participated in the Perry 200,
for Talented Youth at Lafayette College, completing
course work in physics and engineering, while Alex
Burnside, Grade 7, took a creative writing course
through the John Hopkins CTY program.
‘The Spirit of Erie’ Pageant and sang with the Erie Playhouse at WQLN’s live on-air program.
Eleanor Patchett, Preschool, traveled to Melbourne
Australia to visit relatives. While there, she visited an
aquarium seeing sting rays and sharks, and the koala
and platypus at the zoo.
Connor Miller, Grade 1, Case Pelkowski, Grade 1, Paul
Pelkowski, Grade 3 and Finn Chambers, Grade 3, spent
a part of the summer playing soccer for area rec leagues.
PJ and Lili Rankin, Grade 1, planted a garden at home,
Jared, Grade 6, and Joseph Sorce, Grade 5, spent the
traveled to Gettysburg where they toured the battlefield
and learned more about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil
War, and to California including a trip to the San Diego
Zoo, California Adventure Land and Lego Land, not to
mention spending some time at the ocean.
summer at Findley Lake and Chatauqua.
Lydia Langford-Tyler, Grade 7, spent much of her summer at EDS helping as a babysitter and doing office projects after a trip to Disney World and Discovery Cove to
swim with dolphins!
Sofia, Grade 4, and Tomas Mercado, Grade 1, traveled
to Italy where they visited Juliet's house & balcony,
watched the opera performance Aida, celebrated Tomas'
birthday with family at the beach, took a ride in gondola,
went to Murano Island to see glass crafting, and visited
the Ufizzi Gallery in Florence. A family reunion with
family from Argentina capped-off the summer.
Gianna Kowalewski, Grade 1, participated in the Erie
Youth Theatre Camp and completed a performance with
songs from Mary Poppins and Aladdin. She also participated in the Arts Conservatory Camp. Not to be outdone
by her performing abilities, she also took sailing lessons in
the Junior Sailing Program at the Erie Yacht Club, and attended the SPARK Camp at EDS.
Francesca Kern, Grade 8, improved her tennis skills this
summer and placed 2nd in the following tournaments:
Erie City Rec. Tournament (Girls 14 and Under Singles);
Lakeshore Country Club Junior Invitational, (Girls 14 and
Under Singles); and finalist, Pennbriar Athletic Club Fall
Classic (Girls 16 and Under Singles).
Tommy Christiansen, PreK, and Noah Clemente, PreK,
spent three weeks at Camp Notre Dame!
Pasha Aksoy, Grade 7, attended John Hopkins University's CYT completing course work in the Model United
Nations and advanced geography. Pasha, and brother,
Timur, both participated in the Junior Sailing Program at
Erie Yacht Club where they sailed ‘Class 420’ and were
awarded 1st Mate and 2nd Mate, respectively, during the
EYC ‘Friday Cup.’ Timur and his soccer team, MSA
Challenge, took Silver in the Erie Premier Cup Boys U9.
Francesca, Grade 8, and Olivia Kern, Grade 5, swam for
the Kahkwa Club Swim Team and placed in the Lake
Erie Swimming Championships (all teams in Erie
County July, 2013 Meet) as follows: Francesca - (Girls 12
and Under) 2nd Place, 200 Yard Freestyle Relay Girls; 5th
Place, 50 Yard Butterfly; Olivia (Girls 10 and Under) 2nd Place, 5 Yard Butterfly, 2nd Place, 100 Yard Medley
Relay, and 3rd Place, 100 Yard Freestyle Relay.
Luke Kovacs, Grade 1, had fun driving go-carts this
summer and was excited to see jellyfish and swim in the
same water as them. In his words, ‚it was exciting and
terrifying at the same time!‛
Breckin Taylor earned the Most Valuable Swimmer title
in the 8 & Under age group at the Kahkwa Club. He also
broke the 13-year record for his swim in the butterfly 17.15.
Many in the EDS community traveled to Paris in June.
(See full story on page 8.)
Thank You Erie Day School Donors!
A special thank you goes out to all
Erie Day School donors! The list
below captures donations from
May 11, 2013 through
September 30, 2013.
Dr. & Mrs. Segun Abogunde
Donors—Annual Fund:
Dr. Eardly Wickramasinghe
Mr. B. Scott Kern &
Dr. Amy Cuzzola-Kern
Donors—Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC and
Amerail Systems, Inc.
C.A. Curtze Company
CMIT Solutions of Erie, Inc.
Great Lakes Automation Services, Inc.
John V. Schultz Furniture
Life Services Management Corp.
MacDonald Illig Attorneys
Donors—Erie Gives Day:
Dr. Amjad & Mrs. Liz Ali
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Amick
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Aresco
Atty. & Mrs. Greg Baldwin
Ms. Jessica Barner
Mr. Rick Barner
Dr. Ann Bomberger & Mr. Pat Bywater
Ms Tania Bogatova &
Ms. Olga Antipovich
Madison Bott & Linda Offner
Dr. Howard Nadworny &
Dr. Jan Brydon
Ms. Jackie Cannon Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Biggs, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Carney
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Clement
Atty. Jeff & Mrs. Kim Connelly
CMIT Solutions of Erie, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeGeorge
Ms. Holly Dhaliwal
Ms. Carolyn Emerson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fish
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Forehand
Ms. Vanessa Fremer &
Ms. Jennifer Kuzmin
Hon. John & Mrs. Kathy Garhart
Ms. Ann Giannelli & Mr. Michael Sorek
Mr. Edward Glennon
Mr. John & Dr. Erica Grazioli
Hart, McConahy & Martz, Inc.
Mr. B. Scott Kern &
Dr. Amy Cuzzola-Kern,
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kern
Ms. Amanda Knepper
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knepper
Ms. Denise Kovacs
Dr. Mrs. Stephen Kovacs
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kowalewski
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Kresge
Renee Lamis, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Lindsay
Mrs. Catherine McCalmont
Ms. Cheri McGuire
Dr. Jorge Mercado &
Dr. Cecilia Crisanti
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Millette
Mrs. Cynthia Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Murphy
Atty. Sumner Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Pelkowski
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Person
Dr. Michelle Polon &
Mr. Drew Donikowski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rankin
Mr. Chuck Scalise
Mr. & Mrs. John Schultz
Mr. & Atty. Matthew Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Schulze
Ms. Louis Schulze
Dr. & Mrs. Sukh Dev Sharma
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sorce
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Spracklen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spracklen
Dr. & Mrs. Jefrey Start
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Szumigale Mr. &
Mrs. Abdelghani Taoukhi
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tofani
Dr. Karen Tyler
Dr. & Mrs. Sam Ward
Dr. & Mrs. Rahul Warrier
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Wilson
Atty. & Matthew & Dr. Marian Wolford
Mr. Henry Young
Ms. Tania Bogatova
Ericson Memorial Studios
Mr. Dan Giannelli/Gannon University
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Griffith
Renee Lamis, Ph.D.
Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Jennifer Person
Atty. David Ridge
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sorce
Mrs. Mary Tseng
Wish List
Athletic Field – soccer net
Early Childhood Area – mulch
for the playground area
MS Science – XPult - $39 each five are needed. Water-quality
backpack - $375. Sea Perch Kit $155 each, two are needed. Sea
Perch Toolbag - $235.
Grade 3 Secret Garden – 2 yards
of mulch, an overhead projector
Toddler Area - Digital Camera
(so we can share more pictures
with you in our newsletters!);
Riding Toys (even used ones are
great as long as they work!); Two
blue chairs - $24.95 each; Mini
Discovery Table - $66.99; Dishwashing station - $349.99
Physical Education - Tabletop
Scoreboard at a cost of $250.
MS English - computer at a cost
of $300 and printer/scanner at a
cost of $250.
LS Science - Smartboard, $3,000.
MS Art - ‘Who is the Artist’ DVD,
6 total tapes, $30 each or the set
for $159.
A Day in the Life… Facebook
What better way to see all that happens at Erie Day School than to ‘like us’ on Facebook. A sampling of current posts
are below. Please note that Erie Day School is mindful of the use of social media and will not be posting student’s names with stories, photographs or videos.
EDS Middle School attended the Erie
Tall Ships Festival on September 6th.
Grade 8 took time from their tour for a
photo op - a great looking ‘crew.’
Grade 4 students were learning about
congruent circles and how to use a compass with the help of ELMO, a digital camera (pink for Breast Cancer Awareness),
that projects exactly what the teacher is
diagramming on the desk.
Congratulations to Erie Day School students and friends that completed in the
Mini-Mudder event held by the Eastside
Let’s hear it for all the students who ran
for Student Council this year. September
30th was the first day of ‘election season’
with promotional posters adorning the
hallways. Officers include: Andrew Toperzer, President; Jamie Rowley, Vice President; Hayley Schultz, Secretary; Lydia
Langford-Tyler and Sam Gilman, Grade 7
representatives; Dylan Minnick and Dan
Wolford, Grade 6 Representatives; and
Connor Coughlin and Harrison Romero,
Grade 5 Representatives.
First day of 1st Grade!
Grade 3 students enjoyed a tea party as
the conclusion of the ‘Paddington Bear’
reading session. Always the polite bear,
Paddington has an endless capacity for
getting into trouble, but is known to
“try so hard to get hings right.” Paddington also has a love of marmalade
sandwiches which were eaten at the
September 20th tea party.
Alumni & Parents of Alumni Social
This year’s ‘Alumni and Parents of Alumni Social’ will be held on
Friday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m. at Molly Brannigan’s, in downtown Erie.
Alumni and parents of alumni are invited to enjoy food, fun and
camaraderie along with a chance to win an Erie Day School basket.
Complimentary refreshments will be served. Check the Erie Day School
website for additional information nas it becomes available.
Americans in Paris
Erie Day School Motto
May I live each day being mindful of the
goodness that surrounds me.
May I always stretch my mind and heart
so that I live my life in wisdom and love.
May I be a loyal friend to others
and willingly help those in need,
and may I always honor and
respect the earth
of which I am a part.
Marnie Mead, Erie Times-News
I write this at a table in our apartment near the Eiffel Tower, watching the
sun rise over the city. Jet-lagged, I have been up and asleep several times,
trying to adjust to waking in Erie Sunday morning and in Paris on Monday morning. Across from my bedroom, where my daughter is snoozing
away in preteen oblivion to just how much she needs to savor each sight
and sound, I can see someone who appears to be a writer, too. I am assuming, of course, but like me, he's up at 4 a.m., with a laptop open on the table and the television in the background.
I assume this because, for me, Paris is a city of writers. On previous trips,
I've been to the bars where Hemingway hung out, Les Deux Magots Cafe
and to Harry's. This trip is led by Denise Padden (former EDS faculty)
and Ginny Rogers ( EDS faculty), with more than 30 others -- children,
parents and grandparents of primarily Erie Day School students or former
students -- here for nearly 10 days to learn.
Latecomers to the group, we are fortunate that Padden found us an apartment less than a mile from the group's hotel and within a hop and a skip
of the Eiffel Tower. So far, I have fallen in love again with the sights and
smells of this city -- from the beautifully arranged strawberries on the
street to the corner boulangerie, where I picked up a pane au chocolate,
a baguette and a palmier (elephant ear) for our breakfast.
This brings me to the most spectacular part of the journey -- I am traveling
not only with my daughter, but my mother as well. Yes, three generations.
But we aren't alone in our multigenerational travel because Rick Griffith
(EDS Board of Trustees member) and his wife Noreen, have their granddaughter, Mya Tetuan-Lewis. Trina Baldwin, who writes for Her Times, is
with her daughter, Alexandra (EDS alumni). And there are others - Erin
Rowley (EDS alumni and faculty member) with her children, Cassidy,
(EDS alumni), Jamie and Keagan; Claire Wolford (EDS alumni); Benjamin Walters, his mother, Lisa Remaley-Walters and grandmother:
Sophia and Bella DiNicola (EDS alumni); Alexandra, her mother Beth
Burnside (EDS Board of Trustees member), and grandmother, Karen
Donocoff; and Monica and Adrian Gustin (EDS alumni) and their mother,
Learning today,
leading tomorrow.
Erie Day School Chalkboard
July/August/September 2013
If you have any questions, comments or
additions to the Chalkboard, or know
someone that should be included on the email
distribution list, please contact
Julie Kresge at 814-452-4273 or via email at
[email protected].
Erie Day School
1372 West Sixth Street
Erie, PA 16505
Erie Day School Board of Trustees
John V. Schultz III, Chairman
Amy Cuzzola-Kern, Ph.D., Vice Chairman
Cheryl A. Ward, Treasurer
Dawn Rooth-Schultz, Secretary
Kelly Kovacs, Parent Group President
Gregory S. Baldwin, Esq.
Akram Bhatti
Christina Britton
Beth Burnside
Andrea Diniaco
Dori Fish
Hon. John Garhart
John Grazioli
Richard Griffith
Stephen Kovacs, D.O.
Ruthann Lipman, D.O.
Sumner E. Nichols II, Esq.
Stephen Pelkowski
Michelle Polon, D.O.
Charles Scalise
Matthew L. Wolford, Esq.
Karen Tyler, D.Ed. Head of School, Ex-Officio