Week 9 - September 22nd 2016 - St Joseph`s Catholic School

Dear Parents and Friends
Kia Ora Koutou,
Thursday, September 22nd 2016
We have one day left before Term 3 ends. What an exciting term we have had. As you know we had our production ‘Movieville’ last
week. We have had wonderful feedback and really appreciate the kind words received. We would like to thank all of the teachers, teacher support and parents who have assisted in any capacity to support our students learn their lines, dances and songs and helped with props and
costumes. Thank you for your time and aroha which helped bring the vision to life. God bless you all!
Piako Cultural Festival
Our Kapahaka which consisted of fifty students performed at the Piako Cultural Festival on Tuesday. They did a fantastic job and we are so proud of
them. Keegan Calkin led a brilliant haka while Abby Devane with the support of Simran Kaur and Tineke Buser led the songs. We would like to
thank Queenie, Pani and Edith for the major roles they have played in choreographing our songs and moves. Our performance is on our facebook
page if you would like to view it.
Waikato Gymsports
Eight students from year 3-6 qualified for the regional Waikato Gymsports competition. We are very excited to announce our wonderful
Grace Cameron1st beam
2nd floor
1st overall
Lydia Dodunski
2nd vault
3rd beam
3rd beam
2nd overall
Abbie Cameron
1st vault
2nd beam
5th overall
Jamie- Lee Warr Matheson
6th overall
A special thank you to Justine Cameron for coaching
our squad and for your wonderful support.
Service to Netball
We would like to congratulate Alicia Craig and Holly Aitchison for achieving
Service to Netball Awards. Alicia and Holly have been umpiring our school
teams, coaching and also playing netball for our school. Thank you ladies for
fantastic support for our school.
Wear Your Loudest Shirt… TOMORROW
Loud Shirt Day
Everyone is able to wear mufti and make sure you have a
bright or colourful t shirt or shirt.
All proceeds go to the Deaf Foundation.
Friday, September 23rd
For Loud Shirt Mufti Day - Gold Coin Donation
To support hearing impaired children
School Assembly
Room 7 are leading our school assembly tomorrow at 11 am in the hall. All welcome.
Uniform Term 4 2016
As from Term 4 students have the option of wearing either regulation winter uniform OR regulation summer uniform for the first few weeks - not a
mixture of both.
As from Tuesday, October 25th ALL students are to wear regulation summer uniform which includes our school hat. Can parents please ensure
that all items are regulation and well named. Thank you.
Spaces available
We have a couple of spaces available in our Year 7 and Year 8 classes for 2017. If you know of families who would like to attend our school please
get them to see me by contacting 889 5306 or [email protected].
On behalf of St Joseph’s School I would like to wish our students a safe and
happy holiday. Take care and we look forward to seeing you next term.
God Bless, Andrea Colebourn, Principal
On Tuesday, September 6th and Ipod 5 was either lost or
taken from a school bag. It has a blue back and is in a
black case that has Good Vibes written on it. It is clearly
named Emma Balme. If found, or if you know of its
whereabouts could you please contact Robyn at the school
office. Thank You.
Thursday, September 22nd
BOT Monthly Meeting
Friday, September 23rd
Last Day Term 3
Congratulations to our talented Kapa Haka group for their outstanding performance at the
Piako Cultural Festival on Tuesday. They looked and sounded amazing.
Emma Butler, Emily Gubb, Evelyn Hinton, Kate Mourits, Carla Roskam, Olivia Waite, Dominika Ward,
Mila Williams, Trelise Brown, Rylee Conder, Mia Hyde, Samara Watkins, Eveana Watson, Liam Blezard,
Larz Inglis-Doherty, Keira Martin, Taisha Walker, Aaron Yang, Trent Allen, Mitchell Brown, Laine
Gernhoefer, Tyler Heald, Mason Ingliis-Doherty, Kelvin Kumar, Stella Armstrong, Ruby Blezard, Isabella
Dryland, Esa Walker, Caitlin Bennett, Sienna Brown, Robert Carino,
Johannah Dale, Lydia Dodunski,Isabella Kumar, Rylin Lalich-Tunnicliffe, Kieran Lee, Clay Osborne,
Jamie-Lee Warr-Matherson, Sarah Watene, Kasier Williams, Keegan Calkin, Abby Devane,
Pranav Goundar, Simran Kaur, Josiah Marneth-Rust, Zed Mouat, Jonte Tierney, Emma Balme,
Tineke Buser, Luzia Lima, Ella Rose Conder and Tegan Smith
sKids is delighted to announce the
launch of our exclusive cooking
programme, FoodStorm,
which is starting in term four,
Tuesday at lunchtime. $5.00/
session/child. 8 weeks’ sessions
Developed to meet Heart Foundation guidelines
Watch out for details first day back.
Morrinsville Junior Cricket Club
Registration Evening
Wednesday 12th October
5.30 – 6.30pm
Cricket Pavilion upstairs @
Morrinsville Recreation Grounds
Subs: Year 2
Year 3 – 6
Year 7 – 8 $40.00
Payment; Due on the night (cash or cheque only)
Please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
[email protected]
Details available from the student foyer.
Choir Notice…
The Choir will be taking part in the Kids Sing
festival on Tuesday, October 18th.
All choir members should have a song booklet
with words of two songs to be memorised
over the holidays.
Parents/Caregivers we will be requiring
assistance with transport please.
More details to follow.
Thank You.
Sunday, September 25th
11.00am Youth Mass
MONDAY, October 10th
Monday, October 17th
Livestock Day David Street
Tuesday, October 18th
Choir to Kids Sing
Wednesday, October 19th
Sacred Heart Info Evening 7
Friday, October 21st
Morrinsville Livestock
Group Day
Monday, October 24th
Labour Day
Long Weekend
Thursday, October 27th
Yr3 & 4 Camp Event
November 1-4th
Yr 7/8 Camp
Friday, November 4th
Catholic Schools Day
School Holiday Activities… in & around Morrinsville
SKIDS Holiday Programme - St Josephs Morrinsville
Including Football Clinic with Adam Thomas Sept 30th Te Rapa
Morrinsville Basketball Assoc Intermediate Rep Trials
Wednesday, September 28th 4.00pm
Stars On Stage Holiday Programme - Matamata Theatre
Imagine If...Arts & Crafts Morrinsville
Details available from the student foyer
Don’t miss out….
If you would like to order a copy of this fantastic production, please complete the portion below, and return
to the school office with payment in an envelope by October 28th.
Your DVD will be sent home early November as soon as the final version has been edited and printed.
We would like to order ……… Copies
@ $25.00 each Amount Enclosed $................................
Family Name: ……………………………………………………………
Room: ………...…...