WiFi - UNC Charlotte Center City

Niner WiFi
Wireless users have access to basic Internet services such as web browsing, email, and VPN access. Wireless printing,
lab software, instant messaging, and peer-to-peer file sharing are not available via the campus wireless network.
UNC Charlotte provides two options for people who need wireless access while on campus. In order to access the
wireless network while on campus you will need the following:
A computer, tablet, or mobile phone with Wi-Fi capabilities
Any web browser that supports 128-bit encryption
Which wireless network should I use?
Faculty, staff, and students should use Eduroam.
Faculty, staff, and students should only use NinerWiFi-Guest if they are using a device that does not support
WPA2-Enterprise encryption/authentication.
Educational guests from Eduroam institutions can use Eduroam.
Guests only have access to NinerWiFi-Guest.
Eduroam (has replaced Niner WiFi-Secure) -- Faculty, staff and students only
Eduroam (education roaming) is a secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research
and education community. As of January 5, 2016, it replaced Niner WiFi-Secure, which will be fully retired this summer,
as the University's main Wi-Fi portal. Not only does Eduroam allow students, researchers and staff obtain Internet
connectivity across campus, but also users can access it when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening
their laptop. Click here for several Eduroam FAQs to help you get started.
NinerWiFi-Guest -- Guests
NinerWiFi-Guest provides unencrypted wireless access for guests of UNC Charlotte and also for UNC Charlotte faculty,
staff, and students whose devices do no support WPA2-Enterprise encryption/authentication. Users connected to
NinerWiFi-Guest are rate-limited at 2Mbps. Note: It is strongly recommended that you do not view or communicate
sensitive information when using NinerWiFi-Guest.
Wireless data encryption not enabled, which means any data transmitted will not be encrypted
You are only required to enter an Email address and agree to the terms and conditions
Note: It is strongly recommended that you do not view or communicate sensitive information when using
wireless unless you are using VPN
If you need a secure wireless connection, encryption is available via a Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel. Download
the Cisco VPN software (UNC Charlotte Faculty & Staff Only).
1. Start wireless client
2. Select NinerWiFi-Guest network
3. Open a web browser. If you do not see a log in page after 20 seconds you can manually access at
4. Enter email address in the Guest field and agree to terms and conditions