Clarion - ANAVETS Sidney Museum Unit 302 default page

Cathie McGinnity Past President &
Entertainment 655-6568
Joe Harrison
Sylvia Lous
1st Vice/Finance 655-0695
Don Hinse
2nd Vice/Canteen
Gaye Phillips
Secty/ByLaws 655-1278
Randy Evans
Meat Draw (778)426-0776
Donna Loftus
Deanna Leippi
Cheryl Stinson
Don Berry
Laura Davidson Special Events 655-3914
Dion Amyotte: Bar Manager
Marlene Powell
Past President
Kathleen Brintnell
Betty McClelland
1st Vice
Liz Lebel
2nd Vice
Victoria O'Donnell
Wendy Jestico
Committee Members
Madeline Jeselon
Bev Bazin
Helen Watt
Sandra Fullbrook Sgt-At-Arms
Pat Bryson: Service
Officer: (250) 655-3167
Linda Sanders: Office Administrator
Office: (250) 656-2051 Bar: (250) 656-3777 Fax: (250) 656-6410
Web Page:
The Clarion
A.N.A.F. Unit 302
Sidney, BC
Donna Loftus
Don Fisher
Don Fisher
Don Fisher
Don Fisher (Unless otherwise indicated)
Your Executive Committee
Please note that all reports in the Clarion are pre-General Meeting and therefore are for information
only. They are open for discussion and must be ratified by the membership at the General Meeting.
he Clarion is published for the information of all members of ANAF Sidney Unit 302. There are
a limited number of copies, so members are encouraged to share a copy with another member.
Any suggestions and/or material for future issues can be submitted and left in the Clarion box next to
the Manager's office or you can use the email address below. Please ensure your name and telephone
number is clearly marked on all material for any follow-up or clarification purposes.
Editor: e-mail to "[email protected]"
Web Page: ""
WebMaster: Don Fisher
January Issue 2015
Clarion January 2015 Clarion
Elections, Moving Forward, 70th Anniversary ending WWII and Governance
It is very pleasing to look at the nomination board
for Elections 2015 to see so many members
interested and willing to have their names stand
for the 2015 Executive. Some were last minute
applications for Affiliate membership as they had
satisfied the minimum time (2 years and a day)
requirement to upgrade and run for office. All of
those applications have been approved by
Provincial Command. As a reminder, only Active
and Affiliate members are eligible to run for
Executive and represent Unit 302 as a delegate
at Conventions. Associate members are encouraged to get involved on committees during the
qualifying time and be ready to let their names
stand when their time comes. You can make a
Moving Forward
Congratulations in advance to those elected to
the Executive. To those not elected, rest assured
that your time will come and in the meantime you
can advise or assist in your own way to help those
elected. The club runs on many volunteers as the
Executive relies on expertise in the various
Sports like crib, darts, shuffleboard, pool, bocce
ball, bowling, golf (and I'm sure I haven't hit all
the sports) as competition at the Unit level leads
to team competitions at the Provincial level;
Entertainment like dance bands, jam sessions,
BBQs, and any other ideas you may have; Special
Events like New Years Day, Robert Burns Day,
Super Bowl Sunday, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's
Day, ANAVET's Day, Vimy, Battle Of The
Atlantic Sunday, Mother's Day, Victoria Day,
Father's Day, Canada Day, Thanksgiving,
Halloween, Remembrance, Grey Cup (some of
these fall under entertainment but, I'm out of
breath...); Meat Draws always need volunteers to
do cash and sell tickets and assist with special meat
draws (it's fun and rewarding as you meet and
interact with other members); Computer and
organization skills needed for membership. I
encourage everyone to review their responsibilities
within the context of our By-Laws as this is your
70th Anniversary Ending WWII
Our and your Father, Grandfather, Aunts and
Uncles, fought for our freedom and is in part a
purpose and object of the ANAVETS Association.
We must always remember the ultimate sacrifices
and further support for those veterans that
returned. By doing so, we are members of Unit
302, wear our uniform with pride and conduct
ourselves in a manner of respect, dignity and good
2015 marks the 70th anniversary ending WWII. As
such, there are several events, throughout this year
that should be celebrated. Ideas on how to
celebrate and which ones to celebrate will likely be
debated but the memory of the events of 1945 will
remain as part of history and not be forgotten.
Some Highlights
January 1945
Germany withdraws from the Ardennes. The Soviets
Clarion January 2015 Clarion
launch Eastern attacks and capture Warsaw, Poland
and liberate Auschwitz.
February 1945
Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin meet at Yalta and
Dresden is destroyed by a firestorm after Allied
bombing raids.
August 1945
First atomic bomb dropped, on Hiroshima, Japan.
Soviets declare war on Japan and invade and defeat
Manchuria. Second atomic bomb dropped, on
Nagasaki, Japan and five days later Japanese agree
to unconditional surrender.
March 1945
Last German offensive of the war begins to defend
oil fields in Hungary and the next day Allies take
Cologne and establish a bridge across the Rhine at
Remagen. Soviet troops capture Danzig at the end of
the month.
September 2, 1945
Japanese sign the surrender agreement;
(Victory over Japan) Day.
April 1945
Allied offensive starts at the beginning of the month
in northern Italy and by mid month allies liberate
Buchenwald and Belsen concentration camps. Soviet
troops begin their final attack on Berlin; Americans
enter Nuremberg. German forces in the Ruhr
surrender. Soviets reach Berlin. By the end of April,
Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisans;
Allies take Venice. U.S. 7th Army liberates Dachau.
Adolf Hitler commits suicide April 30, 1945.
References: Several websites with WWII timelines.
October 1945
United Nations is born.
Days to celebrate
First Saturday in April: ANAVETS Day
April 9th: Vimy Day
May 7th: VE Day
First Sunday in May: Battle of the Atlantic
September 2nd: VJ Day
May 1945
German troops in Italy surrender.
May 7th,
unconditional surrender of all German forces to Allies
and VE (Victory in Europe) day is celebrated by
Commonwealth Nations.
June 1945
Allies divide up Germany and Berlin and take over
the government. United Nations Charter is signed in
San Francisco.
July 1945
American, British, and French troops move into
We, AN&AF Sidney Unit 302 is governed not
only by an ANAVETS Dominion Command
Constitution but also Provincial Command bylaws, our own by-laws as well as, BC Provincial
Licence and BC Lotteries Licences. Under
Licence we are restricted in some ways (i.e. open
house and advertising) but we can and will close
our doors to members only. Watch for events
throughout this year and become a member so
that you can participate and honour those that
serve or have served.
Don Fisher
Clarion January 2015 Clarion
I would like to thank all the
members who have renewed
their memberships and welcome
all our new members for 2015.
During the past year I have received considerable
help from Comrade Don Fisher, and I thank you.
I wish all our members of Unit #302 ANAF the
all the very best for 2015 .
Don Berry
Early Bird Draws
As published in the November 2014 Clarion,
Maureen Whyte won the October 2014 Early Bird
Draw. The November Early Bird draw (a gift card
for Beacon Landing) was won by Edward Pearson
drawn by Les Hall with Membership Chair Don
Berry officiating. The free membership Early Bird
draw winner was Sylvia Fisher drawn by Past
President Cathie McGinnity with Don Berry again
Grey Cup
John and Karen Curtis
Don & Marianne Berry
Clarion January 2015 Clarion
Al Cooper wins the halftime football toss. Shane
Holwell presenting
At the November 2014 General Meeting
Alex Marjanovich receives his 35
year pin from Past President
Cathie McGinnity
Board Of Trustees President Dave
McGregor receives his Life Membership
from Unit President Joe Harrison
L to R: Carol Anderson, Lawrence Anderson, Dale McPherson, Allen Morrell (Active)
and Carron Stevens are initiated at the general meeting.
All members are encouraged to be initiated as it is part of your right to exercise your vote.
Clarion January 2015 Clarion
New Year's Day Celebrations
Les Hall Photo
The Pig
all dressed up
Les Hall Photo
Carrying the Pig l to r: John White, Shane Holwell, John
Doug Foster
Gill and Joe Harrison
pipes in the Pig
Standing and getting ready to pipe in the Pig: Shane Holwell, John White, John Gill and Joe
Harrison. Front: Don Hinse and Al Danes who cooked and prepared the Pig for the traditional
New Year's Day festive afternoon of entertainment and celebration of the incoming 2015.
Clarion January 2015 Clarion
The Senior Paper
Dark and dismal was the day,
The Senior Paper came my way.
A small smirk became a grin,
As I read the prose within.
Homemade quilt, in horse drawn cutter
To one room school, grades one thru eight.
Pretty teacher, we’re not too late
To learn 3 R’s with chalk on slate.
Come to home and celebrate
Pancakes, sausage, anniversary cake,
50 degrees below
Woodpile under snow.
Flowers, floats,
trains and boats
Play a fiddle, spin the yarn
Pitch the hay, fill the barn.
Isolation pantry grub.
Milk the cows, churn the butter
Bake bread; all dressed cukes,
a tasty spread.
Russian thistle, tumbleweed,
May be in the winter-feed.
Antique toaster, feast for five.
Mother knows where mushrooms thrive.
She knows which, are safe to eat,
Steamed with butter, what a treat!
Paisley house commemorates this Scottish man
Paisley bred; the McLean clan.
A soldier son gone off to war leaving toddler;
Home at last; to grown daughter
Mother mourns, her son’s remains
Poppies bloom on Belgian plains.
Back at home young girls smoke
In the coop, old hens choke.
Local preacher fits right in;
Plays his part in shenanigan.
Banjo strum, beat of drum,
Crank the Model T
Picture you, picture me.
Lo, beneath the prairie soil
In Leduc we have struck oil.
Young lads shoot a horse-poo puck
Sealer rings on pads - good luck!
Plant the oats in expectation
Of that needed dream vacation.
Thru hail, drought, bugs and rain,
We remain to keep each other somewhat sane.
Love is stronger than the weather
We’re happy, ‘cause we’re together.
Wear woolen ski suits in the house
The neighbour traps a frightened mouse.
The Senior sends a message clear
“Cheer us” when the weather’s drear
“Do not disturb”, the sign for me
With reminiscence on my knee.
Mrs. Ruth Isaac UEL, BScN (age 87)
(widow of S.Sgt W.F. Isaac, Ret., F Div RCMP
Note: U.E.L stands for United Empire Loyalist
Submitted by Brent Isaac
on behalf of his Mother Ruth Isaac
Clarion January 2015 Clarion