(FY11 to date 081011) Injury Description

R5 Injuries FY 11 (October 1, 2010 to date August 10, 2011) we have 901 cases entered
in SHIPS & 407 are Recordable
Top Injuries
230- Fall, Slip, Trip
142- Poison Oak
94-Bitten by Tick
90- Lifted, Strained
88- Stress by repeated action
73- Inhalation / ingestion
54- Struck By
(Others are increase in chainsaw accidents, stung by, punctures, overexertion, abraded, cut by)
Angeles N.F. 58 Total 19 Recordable
Loading tires in back of a pick-up truck, smashed finger, Cut and fracture finger (Non Recordable)
Body jerked when backhoe came to abrupt stop back and neck pain, knee hit center console (Non Recordable)
Fire shelter deployment during Fire Refresher training, severe pain to my right knee. (Non Recordable)
While suppressing wildfire, exposed to large amount of smoke, smoke inhalation (Non Recordable)
Contact dermatitis acquired while conducting field work (Non Recordable)
Working in post-fire area. Allergic to robust perennial, irritated airway and contact dermatitis (Non Recordable)
Employee walked through poisonous plant population Employee is has 40% of body covered in allergic reaction
(Non Recordable)
While suppressing wildfire, exposed to large amount of smoke, smoke inhalation (Non Recordable)
Wildland fire smoke exposure (Non Recordable)
Was cut by a sharp piece of glass while taking out the station soft tissue laceration of the lower right leg. (Recordable)
Exposed to mold. (Non Recordable)
Driving forest road, clearing small rock debris, branches, tick lodged in breast, front right shoulder. Removed. (Non Recordable)
Slip and fall on rough trail abrasion (Non recordable)
Shoulder and arm pain repetitive stress injury Recordable)
A fall bruised knee (Non Recordable)
While doing evening clean up I banged my knee on a trash can, throbbing and pain in left knee (Non Recordable)
Heat Exhaustion caused by long hike to fireline, Pre-Syncope, likely heat exhaustion. (Non Recordable)
Running to Camp, Ran across the Puddle Weed, allergic reaction Puddle Weed (Non Recordable)
While cleaning a FS restroom a lose dog bit the employee, Dog Bite (Non Recordable)
Pouring chlorine into water tank Shortness of breath (Non Recordable)
Employee had left 5th finger (pinky) pinched in door. Two small lacerations and bruising to left 5th finger (pinky) (Recordable)
While hiking down our hiking hill. Slipped and fell lower back pain with some occasional numbness in right leg. (Non Recordable)
Moving rolling dumpster, pain, and swelling and bruising of left heel. (Non Recordable)
Climbing down from fire engine and missed step, Soreness to lower back above buttocks near coccyx bone. (Non Recordable)
High winds Blew particles into my eye constant irritation to my left eye (Non Recordable)
Walked into a yucca plant. initially only 50% motor skill. 1 week later 95% motor function. (Non Recordable)
Dislocated shoulder while advancing charged fire hose, dislocated left shoulder (Recordable)
Pulling, stacking brush, using chainsaw. Sprain of lower back, with back spasms. (Recordable)
Employee fell while participating in a fireline drill, Left knee pain (Recordable)
Hyper extended right big toe/foot rolling forward in chair, pain, swelling of right big toe and foot (Recordable)
Cutting and hiking with Poison oak, Got poison oak on face neck and body (Non Recordable)
Morning Pts. running West fork Rd. Tightness, knot feeling, pain to the touch. (Non Recordable)
Bee sting allergic reaction (Non Recordable)
Smashed finger in gate (Non Recordable)
Responding to a plane crash inhalation and absorption (Non Recordable)
Responded to plane crash inhalation of toxic gases and absorption of blood borne pathogens (Non Recordable)
Plane Crash Inhalation and absorption of blood borne pathogens (Non Recordable)
Plane Crash breathing jet fuel and working with blood borne pathogens (Non Recordable)
Stood up into metal door edge laceration to left anterior portion of cranium (Recordable)
Debris in eye while throwing brush scratched cornea (Non Recordable)
Welding / Cutting Inner ear canal pain piece lodged (Non Recordable)
Fell over rock while trail- running Possible dislocation or fracture to Left shoulder area (Recordable)
Running during PT Sharp severe pain in right foot near outer metatarsal (Non Recordable)
During physical training hike Heat Stress/Exhaustion (Recordable)
Smoke Inhalation Respiratory Distress (Non Recordable)
Vehicle rollover broken clavicle/scapular (Recordable)
Vehicle rollover broken Neck/back (Recordable)
Vehicle Rollover Internal Bruising (Recordable)
Vehicle rollover accident sprained wrist and internal bruising (Recordable)
Vehicle rollover accident Internal Bruising (Recordable)
Vehicle rollover Internal Bruising (Recordable)
Vehicle rollover right hip and ankle bumps and bruises (Recordable)
Vehicle rollover sprained back (Recordable)
Vehicle rollover Mild Concussion (Recordable)
Inhalation of hazardous smoke inhalation (Non Recordable)
Inhalation of hazardous mat. Inhalation (Non Recordable)
Inhalation of hazardous mat. Inhalation (Non Recordable)
Inhalation of hazardous mat. Inhalation (Non Recordable)
Inhalation (Non Recordable)
Cleveland N.F. 68 total 23 Recordable
Kneeling down to work on kitchen sink drain, right knee popped, sharp and continuous pain in right knee
(Recordable & 30 restricted days)
I was cutting with the chain saw on a project, rash, blistering, itching (Non Recordable)
Exposed to poison oak while doing project work, seeping and oozing rash (Non Recordable)
I was lifting weights for physical training and hurt neck, neck strain and back pain (Recordable & 5 restricted days)
Hauling cotton jacket hose. My knee felt like it was going to pop out of the joint. (Non Recordable)
Project work in poison oak. Poison Oak (Non Recordable)
While swamping for sawyer sprained finger, sprain to left ring finger (Non Recordable)
Slipped on decomposed gravel slope, Deep hand laceration in the muscle below the thumb. (Recordable & 10 restricted days)
Hit thumb while unlocking the gate, Small cut on the knuckle of my left thumb. (No Recordable)
Cutting in and around Poison Oak Allergic reaction to Poison Oak (Non Recordable)
Contact with Poison Oak during Fuels Project, Poison Oak Rash on Face, Chest, Arms, Back, Legs (Non Recordable)
Came in contact with poison oak cutting hand line, Patchy rash all over body caused by poison oak. (Non Recordable)
Came into contact with Poison oak while cutting hand line, Allergic Reaction / Rash (Non Recordable)
Obtained poison Oak during Pile burning. Poison Oak (Non Recordable)
Fell over a fence Right wrist (Non Recordable)
I was unlocking a forest gate and was bitten on my leg, swelling, redness, oozing clear liquid (Recordable)
I received upper respiratory infection on a fire in Arizona upper respiratory infection do to smoke inhalation (Recordable)
During work capacity test I strained/pulled a muscle, in Back! Back muscles pull/strained. (Recordable & 40 restricted days)
Hot fire brand in the eye cornea injury (Non Recordable)
Rolled ankle sprained ankle (Recordable & 4 restricted days)
Making access to a vehicles engine compartment, left thumb is swollen and bruised, unable to move it (Non Recordable)
Exposed to poison oak oils and particulates, skin rashes and throat swelling (Non Recordable)
Bit by an insect on right forearm. Bug bite on right forearm. (Non Recordable)
Tripped and fell. Contusions and abrasions on both knees, and both palms. (Recordable & 1 restricted day)
Walking on slope. Bruises to both knees, left ankle and both wrists. (Non Recordable)
Engine was dispatched to a vegetation fire. WHAT HAPPENED? Not from R5 Safety Specialist..(Non Recordable)
Inhalation of possible toxic smoke Smoke inhalation (Non Recordable)
Stung by a bee. Swelling (Non Recordable)
Initial attack on interstate fire inhalation of unknown toxic fumes (Non Recordable)
Initial Attack on Interstate Fire inhaling toxic Fumes (Non Recordable)
Smoke inhalation on Interstate fire, inhalation injury (Non Recordable)
Initial Attack Fire Operations Possible Exposure to Hazardous Smoke / Fumes (Non Recordable)
Pt running slip sprain/strain elbow/fore arm (Non Recordable)
While running during a P.T. injury to the right knee. (Non Recordable)
Walking on uneven ground Right Knee Sprain (Recordable & 10 restricted days)
Cutting line around brush piles, tripped on brush, left growing and left hip area. (Non Recordable)
Clearing brush for project work Poison oak allergic reaction all over body (Non Recordable)
Trail running during daily physical fitness sprained ankle swollen (Non Recordable)
Doing pull ups Pulled muscle in left side of the neck. (Non Recordable)
Contracted a tick bite tick bite-redness and tenderness (Non Recordable)
Injury to heal, walking in steep rocky terrain, pain in my right heal (Non Recordable)
Hiking up to a spot fire over some rocks, right ankle sprain and right knee abrasion (Recordable & 1 restricted day)
Running Upper Road Pain in middle to lower middle back (Non Recordable)
Poison oak contact Rash (Recordable)
During morning pt's A pulled hamstring. (Non Recordable)
Running, felt pain in left ankle Left ankle tendonitis (Non Recordable)
Carrying and pulling hose on initial attack of a fire, sharp pain in the lower lumbar/ sacral area of the back (Non Recordable)
Doing I. Attack during dusk/night. Exposure to poison oak, covering large percentage of body. (Recordable)
Poison Oak Exposure Blisters and rash on forearms, face, legs, and groin. (Recordable)
On a PT Hike Left knee hurts, can’t bend back completely, and sharp pain. (Recordable & 2 restricted days)
Weight fell on left foot, bruised and swollen 3 middle toes on left foot. (Non Recordable)
Doing routine PT's and daily Job duties, right eye is red with minor swelling and a slight rash (Recordable)
PT-Hike (Heat Exposure/Dehydration) Heat Exposure/Dehydration (Recordable)
Struck by tree (Non Recordable)
While constructing fireline I had a stick enter my ear canal, Soreness to the ear. (Non Recordable)
Moving blocks on the grounds I twisted my knee, pain in right knee. (Recordable & 12 restricted days)
Lifting heavy wooden planks, twisted wrist, pain occurs with movement. (Non Recordable)
Performing fuels treatments on the district, back injury (Recordable & 2 restricted days)
Possibly exposed to Coccidioidomycosis while cutting line. Fungus attached to spine, was eating bone causing infection
(Recordable & 10 lost days & 10 restricted days)
While doing pushups experienced sharp pain in shoulder, Stiffness and pain in right shoulder. (Non Recordable)
Off forest assignment hotels in west Texas, dermatitis hives, rash and bites. (Non Recordable)
Was hiking downhill when slipped on some rocks, knee hurts. (Recordable & 48 restricted days)
During Fire School, fire suppression. Coughing and stomach flu. (Non Recordable)
During initial attack, was, exposed to heavy smoke, experienced very painful stomach and head ache (Non Recordable)
Throwing brush across a bulldozer line, sharp/dull pain in the right shoulder. (Recordable)
Swamping tree limbs and I slipped and fell, dislocated finger (Recordable & 7 restricted days)
While doing a PT run. Twisted my ankle. (Non Recordable)
Taking apart a wooden hose rack splinter stuck in my right leg (Recordable)
Eldorado N.F. 37 total 16 Recordable
Slipped on sidewalk coming out of rear door of main office. Twisted left foot and fell landing on knees. (Non Recordable)
Slipped on wet surface and fell Dislocation of the left patella. (Recordable)
Walking on pavement w/ boots on and running w/ tennis shoes. 8/10 left knee pain lateral to patella (Non Recordable)
Moving lumber, tripped over a piece of wood, Twisted, swollen ankle (Recordable)
(Training) Mobile Attack with a Type 3 engine pulling hose, Pain in lower back (Recordable)
Intense smoke and cold at the Wallow Fire, Cold/Flu Symptoms (Non Recordable)
Spider bite while driving back from work project, swelling of the affected area and allergic reaction. (Recordable)
Rash on the right and left side of the chest (Non Recordable)
Smashed finger while moving rocks, smashed, finger tip. (Non Recordable)
Poison oak exposure in forest Poison Oak rash (Non Recordable)
Caught tip of ski and launched forward hit hard on snow, Ski accident with right hip injury (Recordable)
Slipped off step stone spraining foot Twisted left foot (Non Recordable)
Empty plastic water tank fell on my right foot toe joint. Injury caused bruising, swelling and tenderness. (Non Recordable)
Jarring motion in vehicle, Sharp pain (Non Recordable)
ATV Training, right wrist and forearm swelling and pain (Non Recordable)
Exposure to poison oak during trail maintenance work, Rash from poison oak exposure. (Recordable)
Exposure to poison oak while cutting hand line, Poison oak rash (Non Recordable)
Stepped on rock and rolled ankle Sore ankle, possible sprain (Recordable)
Surveying for goshawks in poison oak infested areas, Poison oak allergic reaction on back of knee (Recordable)
Surveying an area for goshawks Sore right shoulder and sore left hip with minimal movement (Non Recordable)
MRSA infection from initially documented MRSA infection (Recordable)
I was on PT run and was bit by a dog, Dog bite (Non Recordable)
Working at a poorly designed work station, strained back muscles causing pain in back, leg & foot (Non Recordable)
Tripped and fell during a PT run. Scrapes to my right knee, left elbow and left hip. (Non Recordable)
While falling hazard trees, struck by tree, fracturing arm, broken right arm. (Recordable)
Tick bite, looks infected (Non Recordable)
Hazard tree felling-Wedge popped out and hit mouth, facial trauma (Recordable)
I pulled a muscle in my back while running PTs, pain in the lower back. (Recordable)
I was cutting a tree that fell on our barracks, injured left knee. (Non Recordable)
Cutting practice fireline. Swelling, rash, itching due to poison oak exposure (Recordable)
Back strain (Non Recordable)
Hurt ankle while running for Physical Training, Left ankle sprain. (Non Recordable)
Hooked sandal on projection on sidewalk beside the building, skinned areas (Non Recordable)
Running on uneven terrain, rolled left ankle, sprained left ankle (Recordable)
Tool handle hit right eye Cut above right eye (Recordable)
P.T run, stepped in a pot hole. Sprain knee, Possible Meniscus, injury (Non Recordable)
Standing up straight coming out of a crouch, left ankle strain or sprain. (Non Recordable)
Inyo N.F. 32 total 18 Recordable
Lifting heavy water jugs into crew haul vehicle, pain in abdomen, protruding lump. (Recordable)
Rear-end motor vehicle accident. Muscle pull/strain in left neck, shoulder and forearm. (Non Recordable)
Saw dog laceration to arm Avulsion to right tricep (Recordable)
Fell during P.T. Hike Twisted/ strained right knee (Non Recordable)
Running during physical training left knee, right ankle (Recordable & 5 restricted days)
Injured knee hiking downhill on a physical training hike, Sharp pain under knee cap (Non Recordable)
Cutting vinyl tile using a utility knife, cut right finger, cut tip of right ring finger (Recordable)
Sitting down after a hike. Crushing, radiating pain in the lower back (Recordable)
Employee was lifting, dragging logs for barrier construction, while lifting a log employee felt strain in left groin area
(Non Recordable)
Performing Physical fitness training on a running trail, sharp right ankle pain. (Recordable)
Felling a tree with a chainsaw splinter in the left eye (Recordable)
Obliterating trail in project area lower back pain (Recordable)
Lifting bollards out of ground at recreation site, Aches on right side, lower back, some on left. (Recordable & 1 restricted day)
Flat light while driving a snowmobile. Bruised thighs and knees (Non Recordable)
Slip on ice lower back pain (Recordable & 7 restricted days)
Fell threw snow and hyper extended left knee hyper extension of left knee (Recordable)
Slipped on the ice when walking to vehicle (Non Recordable)
Contact with mouse droppings over the period of a week. Fever, headache, dizzy, light headed, congestion. (Non Recordable)
Slipped on ice Grazes, bruising and possibility of cracked ribs (Recordable)
Poor fitting boots cause severe toe pain on left foot blood blisters on left foot, middle, 4th and 5 toes (Non Recordable)
Physical training upper back/lower neck soreness/stiffness (Recordable)
A loud pop in my left hip Pain lift hip bone (Non Recordable)
Downed tree removal from the roadside, puncher to right wrist (Recordable)
Tripped on a rock during physical training (ankle rolled) sprained ankle (Recordable & 1 day lost & 14 restricted days)
Stepping off of a large tree across the roadway, puncture (Recordable)
Strained left knee (Recordable)
I was on a P.T run Bee sting (Recordable)
In vicinity of burning structures, vehicles, and trash. Inhalation of toxic fumes (Non Recordable)
Exposure to toxic chemicals during Wildland Urban Interface (Non Recordable)
Wildland fire suppression and urban interface wildfire, exposure and inhalation (Non Recordable)
Initial attack of the Center Fire, Exposure of body and lungs to toxic smoke. (Non Recordable)
injured knee during Physical Training knee injury (Non Recordable)
Klamath N.F. 61 total 33 Recordable
Pulling brush off of road left knee dislocated. (Recordable)
Burning hand piles Burn to face and hand (Recordable)
While stepping out of office slipped on steps and landed wrong and twisted right knee (Recordable)
Walking and tripped on rock, swollen ankle and knee (Recordable)
Fell in the restroom transitioning to wheelchair, broken right leg (Recordable)
Injured back lifting repeater box, Injured Back (Non Recordable)
Fell 5' down a hill. Bad footing left arm is numb (Non Recordable)
During mop up, swinging a Pulaski into my boot, laceration on big toe. (Non Recordable)
During a prescribe burn, stepped on a stump hole, pain and swollen ankle (Recordable)
Hiking up steep section of fireline and knee gave out Knee injury while hiking in steep terrain with saw (Recordable)
Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Came in contact with Poison Oak while removing hose, rash occurred with 24 hours of contact with Poison Oak (Recordable)
Motor vehicle rolls over in the course of official duty, minor aches and pains, "knot" to head. (Non Recordable)
Chucking into burning pile, superficial burn (Non Recordable)
Slipped off bumper of pickup scrapes and cuts and bruising of both shins. (Recordable)
While working out and doing pushups pulled or strained muscle (Recordable)
Mowing Lawn Particulate matter in right eye (Recordable)
Loading plywood into truck very small avulsion of skin. (Non Recordable)
Running numbness and slight pain. (Non Recordable)
Taking the WCT heard a loud pop and felt extreme knee pain (Recordable)
Running pain in left knee (Recordable)
During line construction training, itching, swelling, and redness (Non Recordable)
During line construction training, itching and redness (Non Recordable)
During line construction training, itching and redness (Non Recordable)
Burning unit, hiking through Poison Oak swelling of the skin, itchy, spreading throughout the body (Recordable)
Removing brush form roadway, tick bite (Non Recordable)
Burning a unit with torch and stepped on a log, pain, swelling and soreness (Non Recordable)
During firing operations prescribe burn; back strain (Non Recordable)
Prescribed Burning in the Cade Mountain area, Poison Oak (Recordable)
Hiking, during physical training, pain, swelling, and irritation (Recordable)
Found tick embedded after returning from field, tick bite. (Non Recordable)
During physical training, pain on right hip (Non Recordable)
Swelling left side of neck (Recordable)
Scratch to right eye Scratch to right eye (Non Recordable)
Bee sting to the throat allergic reaction to bee sting (Recordable)
Hiking on a dozer line during preparation on a fire, painful when hiking and walking. (Non Recordable)
Poison Oak (Recordable)
Spider bites while sleeping in barracks. (Recordable)
Fell burning hand piles on steep ground, bruising and swelling to right ankle (Non Recordable)
During physical training, did leg raises and crunches, Hernia in abdomen- abdominal pain (Non Recordable)
Was doing a PT run on a dirt road. Hurt Right ankle (Recordable)
I strained my right knee. (Non Recordable)
Tick bites while conducting field survey in Salmon River, Tick bite (Recordable)
Tick Bite on front of left shoulder. (Non Recordable)
Stepping on a loose rock caused me to roll my ankle, sprained ankle (Recordable)
I got poison oak walking through brush on the work site, poison oak rash on my back. (Non Recordable)
Running Pain in back (Non Recordable)
Individual was exposed to poison oak, while doing project work, Extreme allergic reaction to poison oak (Recordable)
Poison oak exposure Poison oak rash (Non Recordable)
Working behind a chipper Feeling dizzy, and had nausea (Recordable)
Physical training in the form of running. Sharp pain in the left knee when walking up or down hill. (Non Recordable)
Exposure to poison oak during project Rash on body from poison oak (Recordable)
Exposed to poison oak during regular work activity, poison oak--severe rash (Recordable)
Was acting as Burn Boss on Prescribed fire, lower back pain with pain radiating down legs. (Non Recordable)
Tripped while marking timber. Torn tendon in left shoulder. (Recordable)
Slipped on a rock and fell Injured both knees - right knee impact, left knee twisted (Recordable)
During line construction training, itching and redness (Non Recordable)
Running for physical training, pain in foot (Recordable)
Marking Trees Hand Pain (Recordable)
I hurt my shoulder while moving cases of water and Gatorade, dislocated clavicle and/or torn tendons. (Recordable)
Cleaning up a historical cemetery Bee sting to the left hand. (Recordable)
Lassen N.F. 35 total 18 Recordable
Strained chest during OHV Rock project, Separated / fractured ribs (Recordable)
Dog jumped up and bit me in the left ear, left ear bit by black teenage black pup (Non Recordable)
Closing main gate at Air Attack Base, got hit in the head, laceration to head (Non Recordable)
Clearing Brush on work site Poison Oak rash, blisters, swelling, skin irritation (Recordable)
Injury Blood exposure while providing medical assistance, Blood exposure from patient assist (Non Recordable)
Project work. Foreign object in left eye. (Recordable)
Project work. Poison oak. (Recordable)
OHV flipped over while unloading. Injury to lower back, left chest & ribs, & right wrist. (Recordable)
Moving a wooden table a sliver of wood pierced left thumb, sliver injury, sliver followed by infection (Recordable)
During Arduous Pack Test shin splints (Recordable)
Lack of food and blood phobia led to fainting. Loss of consciousness (Recordable)
Infection of finger Due to long shifts of Fireline, the blister became infected due to dirt and sweat. (Non Recordable)
Numbness in all my fingers Numb fingers, Tingling and pain in my arms. Finger use problems (Non Recordable)
Tripped and fell Lacerated my left middle finger and pulled my right quad. (Non Recordable)
Pushed off a tree while walking in the woods, Pinched nerves (Recordable)
Tripped on rock and fell pain to lower left leg between the ankle and the knee (Recordable)
Slipped on slippery service, while carrying equipment Sprained right ankle. Swollen and tenderness (Recordable)
Jammed his toe while on a physical training run, fracture of left great toe (Recordable)
Contact with poison oak Rash (Recordable)
Trip and Fall Scrape/cut to right elbow (Non Recordable)
Prepping riparian brush for a burnout operation, poison Ivy over 70% of body (Recordable)
Jogging while participating in routine physical fitness, Sharp pain in right calf when walking or running. (Non Recordable)
Traversing through dead and down material (Non Recordable)
Pulling cord to pump on patrol truck. Hurt my back (Recordable)
Walking in poison oak, poison oak (Recordable)
Snowmobiling went in a hole head snapped forward, Whiplash to upper spine and neck. (Non Recordable)
During physical fitness training. Puncture on left hand and cuts on both. (Recordable)
I was running on pavement. Strain in lower leg. (Non Recordable)
While working on fireline swelling of right hand and forearm (Recordable)
Struck by material in the mouth chipping my tooth, Chip to the front bottom tooth. (Non Recordable)
Burned right pointer finger while using a drip torch to burn, small second degree burn to right pointer finger. (Recordable)
Injured lower back while swinging a hand tool, lower back injury (Non Recordable)
Working in underbrush with mosquitoes and spiders by stream, left eye swollen closed (Non Recordable)
While running for physical training Pain in left knee (Non Recordable)
Injured knee during physical training Hyper extended left knee. (Non Recordable)
Los Padres N.F. 52 total 27 Recordable
Long term exposure to loud noise while at work. Progressive hearing loss and ringing in my ears. (Recordable)
Unknown odor/ fumes in the office. (Non Recordable)
Trip in the parking lot at District office, my knees are skinned, bruised, and swollen. (Non Recordable)
On the job, on the Foothill Trail I was bit by a tick. Swollen foot, strong pain, cellulites bacterial infection (Recordable)
Laceration to left forearm by broken glass bottle. Laceration (Non Recordable)
I bumped my head on a limb A minor cut and minor bump on head (Non Recordable)
Moving tree rounds across road. Lower left back sprain. (Recordable & 3 lost days)
Rolled my ankle while walking out of supply cache, swollen, sore ankle. (Recordable)
After physical training symptoms appeared Chest Pain with pain radiating down left arm (Recordable)
While working on the fireline Left leg began hurting, Left Leg Pain (Non Recordable)
Chasing slop over, working vigorously, employee slipped, Blister/Abrasion (Recordable)
We were cutting line when I slipped and a blister formed, infected blister that made my whole foot swollen (Recordable)
Felt some pain on right big toe, possible toe nail injury (Non Recordable)
While hiking strained, back strain (Recordable)
During a run, felt pain in left knee. (Recordable)
Brushing and hit a hornets’ nest, two stings on head and thigh, allergic reaction. (Recordable)
I was learning how to ride a motorcycle, stiffness and pain. (Non Recordable)
While driving t-stakes into ground, My elbow began to hurt. My elbow has a constant pain. My hand is slightly numb.
(Non Recordable)
Got debris (sawdust or regular dust) in eye. "Corneal abrasion/foreign body under eyelid" (Non Recordable)
Injured right hand. Sore and numb, several days after. Right hand sore, left ring finger numb for continual days. (Non Recordable)
Hiking and twisted my knee. Pain in left knee (Non Recordable)
While feeding Gov't stock bent over, muscle strain to lower back (Non Recordable)
Fighting fire on an air force base headache and tightness in chest and hard to breath (Non Recordable)
Holding for burn operation at military base, headaches, and nauseous feeling (Non Recordable)
Forest Service Mule Stepped on the toes of my right foot Forest Service Mule Stepped on the Toes of my Right Foot
(Non Recordable)
Handball PT Testing for Apprentice Academy, Lower Back Pain (Recordable)
Incident occurred while hiking small red circle around bite site (Recordable)
Snapped knee joint swelling redness, pain to left knee (Recordable)
Horse and rider fell off trail Crush Injury, Lip Laceration, Loose teeth, contusions (Recordable)
Laceration to left index finger taking down tent, laceration to left index finger (Non Recordable)
Hard landing on a practice parachute jump, injured lower left leg. (Recordable 13 lost days & 110 restricted days)
Possible exposure to toxic odder (Non Recordable)
Exposure to unknown gas/irritant emanating from computer rm. (Non Recordable)
Brushing road & came in contact with poison oak, poison oak (Recordable)
Felt a pulling / strain type sensation while working out, possible strain (Non Recordable)
While participating in a physical fitness was injured possible muscle strain in right pectoral muscle (Non Recordable)
Was doing trail maintenance as a volunteer, poison oak (Recordable)
Pulling a starter cord for a portable pump unit in truck bed, fingernail tears. (Non Recordable)
Moving boxes around Lower back injury (Recordable)
Hurt my lower back, back pain (Recordable)
While running during physical training. Sudden sharp pain in knee during physical training run. (Recordable)
Chain saw training Half dollar size burn on upper right shoulder blade. (Non Recordable)
Cleaning Engine Bay, strained back Lower right side back pain (Non Recordable)
Removing chainsaw from fire apparatus, deep laceration to middle finger (Recordable)
Lifting Steel Welding Casing Blunt force trauma to left leg and knee (Recordable)
Fell in the ice swollen right knee and calf (Recordable)
Slipped on ice and hit head knocked out, concussion / Head Trauma (Recordable)
Pulling down the flag in the wind Dislocated left shoulder (Recordable)
Identified possible insect bite/foreign object, swollen red puss filled with pain (Non Recordable)
While doing a hose lay, Outside of Left Knee (Recordable)
I dropped a tool on my foot my left big toe swelled up (Non Recordable)
Installing a wheel on chipper. Pinched off a piece of skin off left pinky finger. (Recordable)
Mendocino N.F. 21 total11 Recordable
Walking-left knee buckled knee buckled (Non Recordable)
Tick attached under left side of collarbone, front side, Tick Bite (Non Recordable)
Stung while doing botanical fieldwork Painful swelling of right hand, and extending up the arm. (Recordable)
As we were walking off the twisted knee. Sharp pain on the outside of left knee (Non Recordable)
Swamping brush in poison oak, rash (Recordable)
Doing Project Work up in the Forest Pinched nerve or pulled muscle in my neck (Recordable)
Slipped on wet material while hiking uphill in the woods. Herniated spinal disc in the lower lumbar of the back. (Recordable)
Was running on a paved road for the daily physical training. Rolled left ankle with severe pain and swelling.
(Recordable & 5 restricted days)
Accidentally cut tip of finger on left hand, middle finger, Macerated flesh & bone tip of finger (Recordable & 1 lost day)
Injury occurred while engaged in project work. Strain (Non Recordable)
Blister became infected Red, swollen, heal area of foot (Non Recordable)
Rolled ankle during PT hike possible sprained ankle (Non Recordable)
Project work, left knee pain (Non Recordable)
Bit by a tick while doing a field exercise, Tick bite (Non Recordable)
I was lifting an oak round and strained my lower back, suspected bulged disk in the lower back. (Non Recordable)
I was in the field and I got a tick bite. Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Out cutting line when encountered poison oak. An irritated rash, with multiple large raised boils. (Recordable)
Stepped off road while running. Lower right leg pain, possible hairline fracture (Recordable)
Swamping brush for a fireline. Infection on my right wrist. (Recordable)
While hiking in the lower deer valley area, back left knee on the left side (Recordable & 7 restricted days)
Prolonged Sun Exposure Sun Burn (Recordable)
Modoc N.F.20 total 11 Recordable
Inhaled contaminated dust while performing a botany survey. Fever, an infectious respiratory disease. (Recordable)
While bending over, hit head on piece of metal. Approx. 1" laceration to forehead (Non Recordable)
I was doing fieldwork and got bit by a black fly or mosquito (Non Recordable)
Insect bite caused a large amount of swelling above knee. (Non Recordable)
Employee slipped on rock and fell during field work, Ankle sprain (Recordable)
Nauseated and vomited. Nausea, clammy skin, pale, fatigue, vomiting. (Non Recordable)
Fell during field inspections of helicopter unit, Right hand laceration (Recordable)
Trash removal muscle strain (Non Recordable)
I was walking to my work truck slipped on some ice and fell, right arm and solder pain (Non Recordable)
While running in loose gravel stepped on a rock and sprained bruising and swelling on my right ankle. (Recordable)
Incident occurred during a prescribed burn, pain located in right knee (Recordable)
While moving file cabinets with co-workers one tipped over, broken right foot (Recordable)
Taking pack test. Shooting pain from lower back into leg. (Non Recordable)
Hit head using post pounder I received a laceration (Recordable)
Came in to contact with poison oak Poison oak on multiple parts of my body (Recordable)
Harassment, stressful hostile work environment, rare case of Shingles (Non Recordable)
Strain on right knee it felt a strain and swollen (Recordable)
Hearing loss Hearing Loss (Recordable)
Accumulative work related over a period of time. Pain in the spine. (Recordable)
Six Rivers N.F. 52 total 33 Recordable
Rock fell on foot while clearing drainage ditch and culvert, broken Big Toe on Right foot
(Recordable 1 lost day & 14 restricted days)
I was leaving a TIMS class, and stumbled and fell onto pavement, severe abrasions to hands, my forehead, and both knees
I slipped on the back stairs exiting the building I work in, Bruised and sore entire left side of body. (Non Recordable)
Chest pains, difficulty breathing while traveling (Recordable)
Working in brush on 6N15 Lower Trinity RD, tick bite (Recordable)
Side hill walking on a burn operation pain behind my right knee (Recordable)
Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Working in the Shop, Reaching into a tool bin, possible Insect Bit. (Recordable)
Slipped on wet foot bridge. Lower back and left hip sprain. (Non Recordable)
Walking Behind another employee in the woods, damage to the Right Eye. (Non Recordable)
Hiked to Grassy Flat water tank and spent 1 hour there, 4 tick bites from 2-3 ticks. (Non Recordable)
Physical Training Injury injured left knee (Recordable)
Bending over and picking object off the floor, severe lower back pain (Recordable)
Digging fire line on the Gasquet fire. Poison oak on face and neck area. (Recordable)
Slip and fall and landed wrong on hand, Dislocated / Broken finger (Recordable)
Slipped on wet stick and fell backward hurting neck (Recordable & 5 restricted days)
Lifting a chainsaw Pain and discomfort in the right shoulder area. (Recordable)
While I was sanding bump my hand hard an jammed it, finger is dislocated (Recordable)
Picking up a chunk of wood pain in right elbow (Recordable)
Physical Training Sore Knee, Swelling (Recordable)
Hit a deer who jumped in front of my vehicle. (Non Recordable)
Thorn logged into left eyebrow during blackberry removal, Infection (Recordable)
Employee fell on his wrist Stiff Right Wrist (Recordable)
I was walking through grass and brush. A tick bite with tick mouthparts embedded in skin. (Non Recordable)
Mowing grass with a push mower. Rolled Right Ankle (Recordable)
Physical Training, Daily Duties Vomiting, Nausea, Dizziness. (Recordable)
Hit a deer who jumped in front of my vehicle. (Non Recordable)
Ear bud separated from radio ear piece, radio ear piece stuck in ear. (Non Recordable)
Bitten by tick while working in the field Tick Bite (Non Recordable)
While going to fire call I blacked out Seizure/ dehydration/ stress (Recordable & 5 restricted days)
Lifting weights while working on my legs and Running, Diagnose with a hernia (Recordable)
Tick bite occurred during project work, inflamed bump at bite site. (Non Recordable)
Performing Wildlife Duties at Waterman East Project, tick bite to right arm (upper arm) (Recordable)
Acquired tick bite while surveying for, northern spotted owls, deer tick bite, and removal (No Recordable)
Occurred while rappelling off a training tower my elbow is hurting when putting any tension on it (Non Recordable)
Deer Tick from nearby brush crawled into my shirt and bit me, Deer Tick Bite (Non Recordable)
Employee cut finger with pocket knife Cut Finger (Recordable)
Injured Knee during project work Swollen / unstable knee (Recordable)
Bee sting while training with GPS allergic reaction (Recordable)
I found a tick attached to my left clavicle area, tick bite. (Non Recordable)
Structure Fire Exposure (Non Recordable)
Structure fire Smoke inhalation report, minor inhalation (Non Recordable)
Slipped on loose wet soil. Bruised my left side, a little soreness at this time. (Non Recordable)
Knee injury occurred during crew PT hike Knee "popped" and is now causing pain (Recordable)
In the woods, came in contact with poison oak, Poison Oak rash (Recordable)
Maintaining FS developed campground (Bailey Canyon), Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Cut to the Right hand. Cut to the right hand, Pinky finger. (Recordable)
Tool Sharpening Irritated eye (Recordable)
Employee contacted poison oak while working, poison oak rashes on body, Exposure to Structure Fire Smoke, and burning
Marijuana (Non Recordable)
Firefighter fell while hiking Firefighter is unable to put weight on knee (Recordable)
Bit by a tick while surveying in wooded area, tick bite (Recordable)
Physical training hike. Rolled right ankle (Recordable)
Plumas N.F. 81 total 25 Recordable
Hiking along trail and off trail in same area, arms and hands, rash is developing. (Non Recordable)
During pile burning on slopes, slipped and twisted L knee Pain in left knee. Heard pops. Tendon sore. (Non Recordable)
Hiking with pack over steep trails. trips or falls, soreness and stiffness of outside of left knee (Non Recordable)
Cutting brush and got into poison oak major swelling and itching on my face, neck and other parts (Recordable)
Shoveling Snow at SO Compound (Non Recordable)
Hyper extended arm pulling winch cable off spool Stress Pronator Teres or flexor carprradicilis muscle (Non Recordable)
Fell off sidewalk curb No apparent injury. (Non Recordable)
Lifting object Back injury (Non Recordable)
Tick bite on upper left back Tick bite on upper left back (Non Recordable)
Deer ran off cut bank and into path of vehicle. Soreness in chest. Asthma-like symptoms airbag powder. (Non Recordable)
Using pole saw Hard to get out of bed the next morning. Stabbing pain in back (Recordable)
Popped left knee during seated turning demo on ATV, Left knee pain/soreness, minor swelling. (Non Recordable)
Poison oak exposure during chainsaw class, developed a reaction to poison oak (Recordable)
Cat bit employee. See incident memo for more info. Puncture from cat bite on middle finger of right hand (Recordable)
I stepped out of my vehicle and slipped on the ice. Soreness in my lower back area (Non Recordable)
During Pile burning operation Increased pain and discomfort in neck and back (Non Recordable)
Tick decided to hitch a ride Tick Bite (Non Recordable)
Walking in forest during work tick bite (Non Recordable)
Continued use of a trigger spray gun for timber marking. Pain and swelling from constant trigger pumping. (Non Recordable)
Exposure to poison oak plants Rash developed. (Non Recordable)
Walking along trail and miss stepped, knee popped out (Non Recordable)
Employee was closing rear door to crew carrier, Employee's thumb was crushed in the rear door of vehicle (Recordable)
Sore knee while running; escalated during fire assignment, left knee pain (Non Recordable)
Fell down slope possibly injured right knee (Non Recordable)
During a PT hike. Left Knee feels weak. (Recordable)
I was walking down a steep hill and twisted my knee, Sharp burning pain in my left knee (Recordable)
Bumped into with right shin on atv snow plow, bruise--that appears to be infected (Recordable)
Walking near Helipad on slope with wet grass, slipped & fell dislocated left knee cap
(Recordable & 8 lost days and 107 restricted days)
Hit in the mouth 2 front teeth broken off halfway (Recordable)
Walking through biomass taping out distance to next plot, Scratched/bruised eyeball (Non Recordable)
Went for a three mile run, knee sore from run. Did not fall, knee strain, and left knee. (Recordable & 7 restricted days)
Unloading Snowmobiles/Riding Snowmobiles Stiff/Sore Back (Non Recordable)
Slipped and landed on left knee while hiking on steep ground, swollen left knee (Non Recordable)
Slipped on ice right hip (Recordable)
Walking across uneven center line divider, sprained left ankle (Recordable)
Exposure to fumes in barracks from propane refrigerator, headache, nausea. (Recordable)
I got sick which cause dehydration sickness (Non Recordable)
Tick Bite (Non Recordable)
Bucking a small tree out of a hiking trail, minor abrasion to shoulder blades. (Non Recordable)
Individual was on a Physical training hike, Heat related illness. (Recordable)
Poison oak ubiquitous in work area poison oak rash and weeping blisters (Recordable)
Knee was injured during training exercise, sprained knee (Recordable)
Slipped on rock while crossing creek, Mild sprain of right ankle (Non Recordable)
Rolling a log out of a Forest Service road, Laceration to left forearm (Non Recordable)
A grass seed flew into my eye and got stuck, my right eye is red and inflamed. (Non Recordable)
Field work in poison oak poison oak (Recordable)
Slipped on ice elbow pain. (Recordable)
Stapled left hand with field stapler Stapled left hand with field stapler (Non Recordable)
Slipped and landed on tailbone/buttocks. Hurt tailbone/buttocks. (Recordable)
Hiking on established and well used trail, Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Doing pull-ups my left shoulder made a popping sound a lot of pain in my left shoulder in the socket (Recordable)
Tripped over downed tree. Sore pinkie finger and knuckle after falling directly on it. (Non Recordable)
Tick found embedded in skin on upper, abdomen. (Non Recordable)
Bit by tick Bit by tick on left arm (Non Recordable)
Walking on a road cut crossing a dozer push and twisted foot and fall (Non Recordable)
Slipped on granite outcrop Slipped on granite outcrop and fell on left knee. (Non Recordable)
Working in and around brush, pulling out noxious weeds, Tick bite. (Non Recordable)
Bitten by three ticks on lower abdomen. (Non Recordable)
Lifting weights during physical training & later slipped Lower back pain. (Non Recordable)
Employee was hiking and his right knee "popped", Injury to the right side of right knee (Non Recordable)
While pulling noxious weeds (Italian thistle), Large hard spot and itchy, and neck stiff, sore lymph nodes. (Non Recordable)
Tick Bite on back of upper right thigh (Non Recordable)
While taking the WCT strain the tendon in the hip (Non Recordable)
Pulling fire hose off the fire line after a prescribed fire, lower back pain and hip pain. (Recordable)
While performing field surveys through thick brush. Found and removed a tick from upper back/lower neck. (Non Recordable)
Bitten by tick on right chest. (Non Recordable)
Working in brush pulling weeds. Tick bite on back. (Non Recordable)
Tick bite under right peck. (Non Recordable)
Bitten by three ticks on lower abdomen. (Non Recordable)
Bitten by two ticks. (Non Recordable)
Tick bite, hiking on trail, wearing full PPE, slight inflammation and swelling at site of tick bite (Non Recordable)
While working in the woods, came in contact with poison oak rash on arms and neck and upper chest (Non Recordable)
Arm got caught while pushing through the brush Twisted/strained arm and back muscle. (Non Recordable)
We were hiking and got caught in thick brush on steep slope, hurt lower back (Non Recordable)
During a pt run on Bald Rock Rd a pulling/tearing sensation in the lower abdomen (Non Recordable)
While cruising timber I came into prolonged contact with poison oak, Poison oak rash with weeping blisters. (Recordable)
Tick bite while walking in forest/brush. (Non Recordable)
Bitten by tick and poison oak contact (Non Recordable)
I slipped and bent my knee back sharp pain in right knee (Recordable)
Felt pain after a PT run in the groin/abdomen area, tenderness (Non Recordable)
Sprained ankle Swollen Sprained Left Ankle (Recordable)
San Bernardino N.F. 73 total 26 Recordable
After our morning P.T employee’s back had slight discomfort, Pain/discomfort In Lower Back (Recordable)
While running for physical training left foot twisted under (Non Recordable)
Lost balance and cut his finger 1 inch cut to inside of right index finger (Recordable)
Employee was jogging for personal training twisted knee, knee injury (Recordable)
Shoveling snow on the compound, lower back pain, radiating down legs, worsens when sitting. (Recordable)
Trip and fall, right wrist (Recordable)
While walking up-hill slipped on a rock and twisted, pain to left knee (Recordable 3 restricted days)
Conducting practice hose lays and fell; right forearm and wrist became swollen. (Recordable)
Cutting dozer line in step rocky terrain lost of sensation in both legs and feet and left arm (Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS, possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on the NNSS, Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
Hit head on cabinet while standing up Head contusion (Non Recordable)
Slipped while exiting fire engine, struck elbow on step Tender and swollen with possible fluid buildup. (Non recordable)
Breathed in fumes from gas leak on antique car display Upper respiratory irritation caused by breathing in fumes (Recordable)
While hiking in the performance of physical training Rapid pulse, shortness of breath, not recovering (Recordable)
Gridding vegetation around burning structure, Toxic smoke inhalation (Recordable)
Blowing debris into my eye.... debris in Left Eye (Non Recordable)
Exiting the engine and stepped on a rock. Injury to the right big toe (Recordable)
While doing a hose lay slipped and fell, swollen right knee (Recordable)
I injured my knee on a crew run at work. Pain to the right knee, but I have more pain to my left knee (Non Recordable)
Constructing Handline Swelling and bruising of the left knee. (Recordable)
Fell down and had a seizure (Non Recordable)
While I was shoveling snow, I felt pain in my lower back, right I experienced extreme pain and muscle spasms lower right side
(Non Recordable)
Traffic Collision Responding to an Incident. Minor Back Pain (Recordable)
Working With Tools Cut Hand (Non Recordable)
During practice hoselay while unrolling hose. Pain in the shoulder and grinding/popping (Non Recordable)
Hose coupling impacted employee in mouth area, Cut lip. (Laceration) upper lip (Non Recordable)
Crew was on a routine P.T., Extreme knee pain, and swelling. And unable to carry full weight (Recordable)
Tripped over wooden barriers cutting right. Shin, laceration to right. shin. (Recordable)
Cut finger while Sharpening Hand tools, 3/8" evulsions (Recordable)
During a training exercise left outer portion of ankle is swollen (Non Recordable)
I was hiking and felt a sharp pain in my left knee. Sharp pain in left knee/soreness in left knee. Getting worse (Non Recordable)
Right pinky finger crushed in truck door bruised right hand pinky finger (Recordable)
Mopping up in a drainage and was exposed to poison oak. Itchy red rash (Recordable)
Trimming hedges at Supervisor's Office, small group of lacerations to left thigh. (Recordable)
Pinched nerve in neck/shoulder while carrying hose pack, pinched nerve/blood vessels. (Non Recordable)
Carrying hose pack up a slope started having back spasms, lower back pain (Non Recordable)
Installing fence post inside of right knee pain (Non Recordable)
Stepping across a creek, the bank gave way. There is pain inside my left knee. It hurts to walk on it. (Recordable)
Employee lost traction on step rocky slope and slipped, pain in both knees (Non Recordable)
Throwing brush while using chainsaw. Strained lower back, Lower back injury (Recordable)
Rear ended by a truck while stopped on the off ramp Neck discomfort from being jerked forward when vehicle hit.
(Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to willand fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire NNSS Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
Possible radiation exposure possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possible Radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While assigned to wildland fire on NNSS Possibble radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
Assigned to wildland fire NNSS Possible Radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
While hiking on down a gravel slope. Right knee, inside upper portion, sprained, swollen. (Non Recordable)
Undetermined at this time.. Skin inflammation (Non Recordable)
While wildland fire was exposed to poison oak, breakout (Non Recordable)
Was eating a fire provided lunch and broke tooth, eating a sack lunch on the fireline (Non Recordable)
After doing a hoselay, I felt a pain in my right knee (Non Recordable)
Lifting weights Lower back pain (Recordable)
Jogging for physical training when noticed pain, pain in lower abdomen (Non Recordable)
Performing hose lay during field exercises a nickel-sized lump on top of right hand, near wrist (Recordable)
While on duty, walking to fuels project Injury to left knee (Non Recordable)
Fell and cut top of left hand (Non Recordable)
Dog escaped from collar and attacked me, Dog bite (Recordable)
While assigned to wildlnad fire on NNSS, Possible radiation exposure (Non Recordable)
On wildfire inhalation (Non Recordable)
Trip and fall Laceration (Non Recordable)
Sequoia N.F. 52 total 25 Recordable
Slip after showering while on business trip, pulled muscle lower left back (Non Recordable)
Riding Mt Bike during required PT's time Head trauma, trauma to the face and abrasions to face, arms (Recordable)
FS vehicle went over side on HWY 178 Kern Canyon road broken sternum, cracked ribs, L1 fracture, clasped lung (Recordable)
Exposure to smoke, dry air, and wind Acute Bronchitis (Recordable)
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Conjunctivitis in the Left eye and possible in the right eye (Non Recordable)
Caring a chain hurt back (Non Recordable)
Pulled groin muscle (Recordable)
Twisted knee during archaeological fieldwork. My knee was twisted and I have pain on the inside of my knee (Non Recordable)
I had an overwhelming migraine and got sick, I had a real bad headache and got sick (Recordable)
Slipped and fell on the ice pain in back, shoulder, and neck and head (Non Recordable)
Bitten by a tick on a field day. (Non Recordable)
While conducting field work. Deer Tick Bite (Non Recordable)
Patrolling on ATV's in Eshom Valley/ was bitten by an insect, insect bite developed into staph infection (Recordable)
Injured leg on PT run felt something tear in left calf (Non Recordable)
Stepped out of engine slipped step & hurt left foot, Left foot injury. (Recordable)
I slipped and fell off a wet rock. Pain and swelling in left middle finger and lower back. (Non Recordable)
Struck in mouth by branch loss of tooth (Non Recordable)
Fell off rock ledge bump on head and sprained neck (Recordable)
Got stung by meat bees Bee stings (Non Recordable)
Slipped and fell on steep slope knee injury (Recordable)
Struck on top of the head mild swelling and a headache (Non Recordable)
Left Shoulder in pain due to carrying jerry cans, pain in left shoulder (Non Recordable)
Pulled muscle in lower back while moving a chainsaw, strained back (Recordable)
Employee's skin became red, blistered, and sore. Skin is irritated, itchy, and sore. Skin appears red. (Recordable)
Redness around a tick bite redness around a tick bite area (Recordable)
Ground mop up on fire (Non Recordable)
Exposure to hazardous waste while mopping up a dump site, no symptoms reported (Non Recordable)
Constructing fireline and brushed left wrist against Pulaski, laceration to the left wrist. (Recordable)
Walking across ash 2"x 2" burn (Recordable)
Walking downhill and stepped in a hole, Inflamed left knee (Recordable)
Was bit on the left elbow by an unknown insect, insect bite (Non Recordable)
Accidental cut to leg during fireline operations. Laceration (Recordable)
Foot was injured while taking the pack test., Heel of foot is really sensitive and outside of foot is sore (Recordable)
Fire assignment. Crew exposed to possible haz-mat site, No injuries. (Non Recordable)
Moving a heavy log and felt abdominal pain, inguinal hernia (Recordable)
Chipping heavy fuel and strained back. (Recordable)
Lifting a 5 gallon propane tank out of a vehicle. Pain from right side of stomach down to groin area. (Recordable)
Conducting archaeological pedestrian survey, impact and contusion to right elbow. (Non Recordable)
Conducting archaeological survey work in steep terrain, fall impact to left knee. (Non Recordable)
Crew was mopping up around a dump site, no injury or illness (Non Recordable)
Ground mop up fire suppression breathing in hazmat smoke. (Non Recordable)
Mopping up at dump site near Riudoso Downs racetrack, exposure to possible hazmat (Non Recordable)
Pulling open a large tool box drawer Strained right side of my back muscle from shoulder down. (Non Recordable)
Started having back spasm's after leaving the vehicle, Lower back pain (Recordable)
Began vomiting profusely vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc (Non Recordable)
Began vomiting and complaining of being nauseous vomit, diarrhea, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite (Non Recordable)
Started vomiting, vomiting and diarrhea (Recordable)
Mopping up on the Range Fire Food poisoning (Non Recordable)
While on Range Fire became sick to stomach / vomiting (Non Recordable)
Injured left knee while riding a quad Dislocation of left knee (Recordable)
Constructing fireline in poison oak rash, itching, blisters (Recordable)
Doing sit-ups pain in tailbone, hip and lower back (Recordable)
Shasta-Trinity N.F. 75 total 31 Recordable
I found a tick embedded in my skin and couldn't remove it. Western black-legged tick female (Recordable)
Crawled under a barbed wire fence while working, 3 inch scratch across lower back (Recordable)
Tick bite in field Tick bite (Recordable)
Hyperextension by jumping a creek torn muscle (Recordable 2 lost days)
During Burning individual contacted poison oak (Recordable)
Cutting a tree back injury (Non Recordable)
Stuck in the eye with a stick. Stuck in the left eye with a stick (Recordable)
Hiking on steep ground I lost footing on a wet, slick stick, locking and sharp to dull pain in my left knee.
(Recordable 6 lost days & 18 restricted days)
Restacking RX burn piles after first ignition, chunking pile lifting heavy pieces of wood twisting and turning, throwing. (Recordable)
During PT partial pull of the shin muscle. Right leg partial pull of the shin muscle right leg, Shin splints (Non recordable)
While hiking with crew felt sharp pain in left knee (Recordable 1 lost day & 14 restricted days)
Hiking steep hillside. Pain to the left knee (Non Recordable)
Walking down a hill and rolled ankle strain (Non Recordable)
Left hip out from whip lash or collision left hip out of place (Recordable)
Hit in eye with hose end Hit in eye with hose end (Recordable)
While working in a sale unit I was exposed to Poison Oak, I have a rash covering 90% of my body (Non Recordable)
I was walking on the walkway and slipped on ice, possible right wrist sprain or bone chip (Non Recordable)
Burning branch scraped and burned skin abrasion and burn to face (Recordable)
While performing my work duties. I was dizzy and began to throw up and could not walk. (Non Recordable)
Tick under left arm while doing field work, tick penetration under arm (Non Recordable)
Walked through poison oak Poison Oak (Non Recordable)
Strike Team fire assignment on, Strained lower back (Non Recordable)
Swinging rear door closed on left knee cap trauma (Non Recordable)
Injury accrued while performing daily P.T.s, heat cramps/exhaustion (Recordable)
Falling on right side of body Bruised right elbow and bruised right side of body. (Non Recordable)
Bent over to pick up trash off of floor. Lower back pain No
Got Poison Oak during a field exercise, rash and blisters (Recordable)
Eating a jolly rancher provided in bagged lunch chipped tooth (Non Recordable)
Contracted Poison Oak Poison Oak over body (Recordable)
Burning plastic and fertilizer (Non Recordable)
Fire burning plastic and fertilizer (Non Recordable)
Came into contact with burning plastics and fertilizers (Non Recordable)
Human caused fire, fire burning PVC pipe marijuana & chemical (Non Recordable)
Smoke inhalation while holding flank for RX burn (Non Recordable)
Hiking and felt immediate pain in knees Soreness in both knees. Sharp pain on outside of both knees.
(Recordable & 7 restricted days)
Fell and injured right wrist/forearm. Pain in right wrist/forearm area. (Non Recordable)
I tripped and fell down the steps outside Timber building, chest, left knee and left arm. (Non Recordable)
While clearing blower output, engagement lever tripped, evisceration of right middle finger.
(Recordable & 4 lost days & 8 restricted days)
Slipped on steep slope, fell on tool edge1 inch laceration on left wrist (Non Recordable)
Exposure to poison oak during course of fuels reduction work, Allergic reaction on both forearms chest and legs.
(Non Recordable)
Working in brushy conditions. Tick bite. (Non Recordable)
Over worked back, lots of hiking, hay stacking, horse ridding, painful muscle spasms in back (Non Recordable)
Drum stop to a chipper when the drum was still spinning, bruised left hand. (Recordable & 2 restricted days)
Inspecting Recreation Residents for non-compliance, injured ligaments, right knee (Recordable 12 restricted days)
Pile burning out at silver throne, I got poison oak Poison oak all over the face, including the eyes (Recordable)
Heavy table wheel impacted my left knee, Bruising and soreness of the left knee area. (Non Recordable)
Individual lost footing on steep slope and fell, Broken collarbone, right side (Recordable 3 lost days & 21 restricted days)
Cleaning up a dumpsite and exposed to poison oak, rash on arms, legs, neck and back. (Non Recordable)
Employee was exposed to a medical aid patient’s blood. (Non Recordable)
Hiking down a steep slope. Discomfort/creaking noise in left knee when hiking downhill. (Non Recordable)
Clearing brush from a forest road and exposed to poison oak. Poison oak (Non Recordable)
Cutting brush and came in contact with poison oak (Non Recordable)
Clearing/ brushing a forest service pump house road. Poison Oak rash/ irritation/ itching (Non Recordable)
Brushing the Jennings Creek pump house road, Poison oak (Recordable)
Bee sting while mowing lawn. Swelling. (Recordable & 2 restricted days)
Moving a large rock out of road, tripping and falling, lower back pain (Non Recordable)
Mulching plants with woodchips. Pain and constriction in my lungs and throat and coughing.(Non Recordable)
While working on a control burn, contracted poison oak. (Recordable)
Foreign object entered left eye, causing trauma. (Non Recordable)
Scooping dried leaves into a garbage can pain in chest, possibly lungs. Coughing (Non Recordable)
Slipped on ice. Broken left ankle (Recordable 7 lost days & 5 restricted days)
I was on field exercise for FS class and found a tick. Bulls-eye Pattern bite mark, swelling, Rash, infection. Fever (Recordable)
Fell off of snowmobile puncture wound (Recordable)
Pulling starter rope of mark 3 pump mildly painful swollen finger (Recordable)
Trip and Fall Fractured wrist (Recordable)
Walking through poison oak poison oak rash (Recordable)
Working on Timber Sale. Fell in slippery conditions, Bruised ribs (Recordable)
Slipped and fell on right hand. Rt. arm numb, tingling from fingers to shoulder & shoulder hurts. (Recordable & 1 lost day)
Moving Metal Shelving Metal shelving came down on my toe. (Non Recordable)
Contact with poison oak Rash (Recordable)
Hiking through brush on the East Fork of the Trinity River, Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Moving a coke machine w/ 3 other individuals, lower back pain or soreness (Non Recordable)
Computer keyboard tray fell from table and hit me on the head 2-3 inch cut to the forehead and small bruise (Non Recordable)
Injured back during medical training Lower back pain (Non Recordable)
Sierra N.F. 37 total 15 Recordable
Running for PT's and right knee started hurting, pain in my right knee (Recordable)
Wind blew small object into right eye unknown small object in right eye. (Recordable)
Applied stress from computer work. Ganlion cyst is applying pressure to tendon and artery. (Recordable)
Found a tick on left shoulder after shift. Tick on front left shoulder (Non Recordable)
Three car collision (Non Recordable)
Three car collision (Non Recordable)
Three car vehicle collision (Non Recordable)
Working on a water cooler on the roof. Sore right ankle (Non Recordable)
Walking on roads edge to get picture. Slipped on rocks/log, Side of neck and head (Recordable)
Individual was relocating a vehicle, laceration of the hand (Non Recordable)
Truck slid on ice on the road. (Non Recordable)
Experienced knee pain during physical training. sharp pain on the outside of my left knee. (Non Recordable)
Developed pain in left arm on first day of weekend off, pain originating in bicep. (Non Recordable)
During physical training Kelly jumped and lost balance, torn ACL on right knee (Recordable)
While blowing off road way with blower got something in eye, Right eye swollen and puffy (Recordable)
Three car collision (Non Recordable)
Three car collision (Non Recordable)
Three car collision (Non Recordable)
Three car collision (Non Recordable)
Hiking in Jose Basin to search for spotted owls, the tick was on my leg. I walked through poison oak. (Non Recordable)
During a wildland fire training exercise. Right calf is swollen and very sore (Recordable)
A coworker injured my foot with a metal pole, Bruising, skin was cut (Non Recordable)
Employee stepped on loose rock while hiking and twisted knee, left knee pain (Recordable)
Fell backward and hit hand on ground, pain in right hand and forearm (Recordable)
Fall during physical training AC joint separation. (Recordable)
During Chainsaw Operations, shoulder bruising and discomfort (Recordable)
Slipped while walking on ice and fell to the ground, right knee sore and is swelling up (Non Recordable)
Slipped on ice. My right arm has a large scrape, bruising and was swollen. (Non Recordable)
Fixing a fence along the road side near my station cut in my right hand knuckle middle finger. (Recordable)
Three car collision (Non Recordable)
Threes car collision minor aches no serious injuries (Non Recordable)
Tick was located after surveying through brush. Tick was partially buried in skin. (Non Recordable)
Insect bite Welts, dizziness, accelerated pulse, and near passing out. (Non Recordable)
Happened while having Dinner. Chipped a tooth (Recordable)
Cory cut back of his right leg with chainsaw, cut to upper right calf (Recordable)
Ground Level fall while hiking Left knee injury. Medial patella. (Recordable)
Cutting handline on the fire line, contact with poison oak, Poison oak reaction to arms ,legs, and torso. (Recordable)
Stanislaus N.F. 68 total 39 Recordable
Moving rocks by hand off road, rock fell back on my foot, toes sore and bruised (Non Recordable)
We were running up stairs my right ankle twisted in an outward motion (Non Recordable)
Repetitive motion, lots of typing and digitizing pain in palm where the thumb joint and wrist meet (Recordable)
Incident occurred while running for physical training, sharp pain on outside of right knee (Recordable)
Exiting water while training in rescue swimming, plantar faciitis (Non Recordable)
Fireline Construction Lower Back Pain (Non Recordable)
Field work dehydration (Recordable)
Injured left ankle while surveying for weeds. Sprained left ankle, very purple & swollen. (Non Recordable)
I was stopping a spot fire and breathed in smoke, Raised Carbon Monoxide level (Recordable)
Walking down steep rocky slope strain to his left wrist due to a fall (Non Recordable)
Fell down while hiking and cut his finger, cut on right hand 5th finger (Recordable)
I was demoted at work and stress took over bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia, and feeling of suicide (Recordable)
Slipped on wet branch. Sprained right ankle. (Non Recordable)
Lost balance falling backwards fractured radial bone on left wrist (Recordable)
Bending over to retrieve items from filing cabinet, Lower back (Recordable)
Poison oak rash from poison oak (Non Recordable)
Crawling through tube in SUBE maze weak, painful, and popping right shoulder (Recordable)
Project work rash due to poison oak (Non Recordable)
Project work in Poison Oak Exposure to Poison Oak. Rashes developing on skin. (Non Recordable)
I was cutting brush, including poison oak with a chain saw swollen blistering rash (Non Recordable)
Slipped on ice and fell, landing on her lower back, pain to the left back side of the body and left side of neck (Recordable)
Started coughing and had a sore throat myobacterium avium in cellular (Recordable)
While moving metal locker into barracks room, laceration to left middle digit. (Recordable)
Rolled ankle (Non Recordable)
Stepped off curb and ankle buckled possible strain/sprain to right ankle (Recordable)
Cut left bottom of chaps from chainsaw (Non Recordable)
Exposure to poison oak Poison oak over more than 50% of body (Recordable)
Walking down hill after P.T. left knee had sharp pain, Left Knee shooting pain, radiating down thru calf. (Recordable)
Hiking downhill. Pain to the left knee. (Recordable)
While engaged in an Initial Attack Fire Swelling and Redness on the face, legs, arms, and groin (Recordable)
Cutting fireline in heavy poison oak on initial attack. Poison oak rashes (Recordable)
Came in Contact with Poison Oak Plant, irritating rash (Recordable)
While cutting fireline on initial attack in heavy poison oak, Poison oak rashes (Recordable)
Pulling slash backward uphill, tripped and fell on tailbone point tenderness on tailbone when sitting, muscle soreness
(Non Recordable)
I strained my back stepping wrong, lower back pain. (Recordable)
I was participating in a PT Hike, and I twisted my knee, pain and Swelling to my left knee (Recordable)
Not sure if I was exposed to a insect infested bathroom, I have bites on my arms and legs (Non Recordable)
Dog bite. Dog bite on left calf muscle with broken skin. (Non Recordable)
I was loading logs and slash into a pickup. A pain occurs when lifting heavy objects. (Non Recordable)
While cleaning Medical bag, hit wrist on hard edge of bag. Pain/swelling to right wrist. (Recordable)
Walked out of office onto stairs and slipped on ice. Sore/stiff on wrists/palms, shoulder, low back (Recordable)
Cutting brush poison oak (Non Recordable)
Sudden stomach cramping and rash occurred on upper body. Stomach cramping and difficulty breathing (Recordable)
Participating in a land navigation field day a burning sensation in his armpit from a tick bit (Non Recordable)
Fell forward and sideways while making way to weather station, Hyper-extended right knee (Non Recordable)
Was picking up a box and my back went out. My lower back is hurting and I cannot function properly (Recordable)
Rolling log from trail Pain and swelling in left knee. Difficulty walking. (Recordable)
Lifting a full cooler acute lumbar strain (Recordable)
Stepped off a step and rolled my left ankle, sprained left ankle (Non Recordable)
Crossing small creek Sharp pain in lower and mid back. (Recordable)
I took a step back on a stick and twisted my hip.Twisted hip with pain going down leg and to the knee. (Recordable)
Exiting office porch pain in ankle (Recordable)
Running/ jogging for morning PT's Pain and swelling around the left ankle following a pop (Recordable)
Was struck in the face by a branch, Small cut to the chin and jaw soreness (Non Recordable)
Slip and fall possible broken hand (Recordable)
Lifting Fuel Cans into back of burn truck. Extreme Lower Back Pain, pinching, limited mobility (Recordable)
Conducting fieldwork in heavy brush Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Slip on ice (Non Recordable)
Taking the Pack Test for Arduous Fire Duty Several pinched nerves in the lower back and neck (Recordable)
Using Restroom blood in stool (Recordable)
Rolled Ankle Sore Ankle (Non Recordable)
Cutting firleine shin laceration (Recordable)
I was working in the field earlier in the day, Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Was struck by a detached tree branch, blunt force blow to the mid back with bruising (Non Recordable)
Strained left shoulder doing pull-ups for PT. left shoulder strain. (Non Recordable)
PT Hike Back, neck and shoulder pain. (Non Recordable)
Struck by a yucca bush left shin, struck by a yucca thorns (Recordable)
Hiking on steep rocky terrain bruised left foot (Recordable)
Tahoe N.F. 41 total 17 Recordable
Tripped or stumbled down the steps at the back door to S.O left leg and knee, pain and swelling in the joint. (Recordable)
Fell down staircase from second floor. Bruising, swelling and stiffness. General soreness. (Recordable)
Poison oak poison oak rashes (Recordable)
While getting out, of the back of a crew carrier, rolled left ankle (Recordable 3 restricted days)
Field visit for road maintenance needs, tick bite (Non Recordable)
Long-term occupational exposure to chainsaw noise, impacted ceriman and ringing in both ears. (Non Recordable)
Manual weed treatment tick bite (Non Recordable)
Manual weed treatment Tick bite (Non Recordable)
Injured eye while pulling weeds traumatic subconjuctium hemorrhage of right eye (Recordable)
I received three tick bites while walking in the woods. I was bitten in three different places on my upper body. (Non Recordable)
Walking in heli unit slipped and pulled thigh muscle, top of left thigh (Non Recordable)
Scouting potential RX sites in Oak Valley, tick bite (Non Recordable)
A thorn puncture during fireline construction, Swollen; possibly infected left pinky finger (Non Recordable)
Caught left thumb between tommy lift gate and truck bed, laceration to left thumb (Recordable)
Rolled ankle while running sprained ankle (Recordable & 3 lost days & 10 restricted days)
Picking up bag of recycles scratch in shin of right leg (Non Recordable)
Walking on uneven ground twisted my right leg from the knee down. (Recordable)
Caught right foot on brush strained my leg (Non Recordable)
Hood on truck unlatched, hurt fingers securing hood jammed fingers while shutting vehicle hood. (Non Recordable)
Assisting with marking timber units in the field, tick bite (Non Recordable)
Working in timber stand when a tick bit me (Non Recordable)
Discovered the tick immediately post shift Inflamed, minor pain and irritation in the area of the bite. (Non Recordable)
Received a tick bite while working in a brushy area, a tick bite on the left forearm (Non Recordable)
Jogging injury Swelling and pain to left ankle (Non Recordable)
Unknown Pain and swelling in the right knee (Recordable & 19 restricted days)
While moving through thick brush received a tick bite (Non Recordable)
While brushing Mosquito ridge rd. I picked up a small tick. The tick was embedded on the inside of my left elbow.
(Non Recordable)
Stepped off the porch and rolled my ankle, Ankle strain (Non Recordable)
Tripped on sidewalk. Bruising, swelling, pain. (Recordable)
Tick was embedded in upper right chest area. (Non Recordable)
Knee soreness during a hike turned to knee pain after hike Pain in right knee, lower knee cap area. (Non Recordable)
Running for P.T. and tripped on barbed wire, cut to the back of my calf (Non Recordable)
Tool handle chipped right front upper tooth, chipped the corner of right upper front tooth (Recordable)
Installing carsonite posts with a metal post driver. Muscle pull or strain in the back, upper right side. (Non Recordable)
Cutting handline Strained back (Non Recordable)
Tripped while removing brush and twisted knee, Inner part of the knee. Recordable 9 lost days & 2 restricted days)
Long term walking blister infection (Recordable)
Employee working on sign repair foreign material lodged in right eye. (Recordable)
Caught shoe on edge of floor slate goose egg on right arm and right knee (Non Recordable)
Bug crawled into ear Bug in ear (Recordable)
Hiking on uneven ground with weight on back. Strained or sprained knee (Recordable)
LTBMU 21 total 11 Recordable
I was hiking up a rocky trail, Pain from my heel sharply shooting to my ankle. (Non Recordable)
Pushing power driver with chest to screw in lag bolts. Second Rib swollen and sore (Non Recordable)
Tripped and fell on shovelhead. Laceration to the hand. (Recordable)
Relocating fire hose from a staging area to fold-a-tank. Pain and discomfort in the center upper back (Recordable)
While walking employee stepped on small rock twisting ankle, sprained right ankle (mild). Rolled over on uneven terrain.
Spray painting boundaries- either paint in eye or scratch A relentless sting to eye and major constant watering of eye
Poison Oak during felling class Poison oak (Recordable)
Received Poison Oak at a C Faller Training, had Oak all over body (Recordable)
PT exercises. Over stretching. Pain in lower right abdomen and groin (Non Recordable)
Fall in parking lot due to snow and ice, injured head and lower back (Recordable & 9 lost days & 16 restricted days)
Walking into the Supervisor's Office slipped and fell on ice, elbow contusion, closed head injury (Recordable & 20 restricted days)
Slipped on stairs exiting bus and fell into parking lot, fell and hit right elbow (Non recordable)
Walking back to the office in the parking lot. Large bump and abrasion under left knee.
(Recordable and 4 lost days & 8 restricted days)
Fell onto rock fracturing left arm fractured left arm (radius) (Recordable)
I was hiking out hose. Inch and a half. Umbilical Hernia (Non Recordable)
Hiking up tucker flat my knee began to hurt the knee around the patella is swollen and hurts (Non Recordable)
Was bit by insect. Insect sting/bite (Recordable)
While carrying white thorn brush to the road for chipping, festering white thorn on forearm. (Non Recordable)
Whiling taking 1 step down, rolled ankle, sprained ankle (Non Recordable)
Hiking into fireline. Stepped on loose rock, twisted knee, and twisted right knee. (Recordable)
Twisted my left ankle twisted left ankle (Non Recordable)
Regional Office 9 total 4 Recordable
Caring a microwave oven outside Back pain spasm both sides mid way down (Recordable)
Miss stepped on sidewalk edge where it was eroded Neck Injury (Cervical Strain) and Bruising to Left Forehead (Recordable)
Heated soup in microwave, bumped hand with soup and burned hand (Non Recordable)
The office had a strong nauseating order (Non Recordable)
I was removing a rolling flatbed cart from my office, I injured my lower back. (No Recordable)
From a lot of typing and using my mouse, shoulder/neck/arm/wrist (Recordable)
Possible exposure to pesticide. Employee had a significant skin reaction to some item. (Non Recordable)
A flying insect bite my hand. I had an allergic reaction. (Recordable)
Twisted left ankle while walking on uneven surface, left ankle swelling and pain (Non Recordable)
Fire & Aviation Mgmt N CA Service Center 14 total 4 recordable
I was wrapping a pallet and fell Injury to left arm & shoulder (Non Recordable)
A migraine headache occurred (Non Recordable)
During tree climbing refresher training pain while hyper lection of the interior of right knee (Non Recordable)
Walking to do my daily physical fitness, right knee sore and became swollen within a few minutes. (Non Recordable)
Injured shoulder during physical training, center strained left shoulder (Recordable)
Removing item from POV trunk Sharp pain in the affected area and tingling down my left leg (Non Recordable)
Inhalation of dust caused wheezing; irritation in eyes, nose, & throat (Non Recordable)
Lifting a large box Lower back injury (Recordable)
Cutting practice fireline, came in contact with poison oak. Redness, rash, itching (Recordable)
Tripped off loading dock, unloading a cache truck, soreness in left hand, wrist, and hip (Non Recordable)
I experienced a wind increase causing me to land hard, Right shoulder area pain and discomfort. (Non Recordable)
I was on a run for P.T. and was bitten by a dog, Dog bite with small puncture wounds. (Non Recordable)
I cut my left index finger with a knife. The cut on my finger is about an inch long. (Recordable)
Step off a step wrong swollen ankle, sprained. (Non Recordable)
Fire & Aviation Mgmt S CA Service Center 3 total 2 Recordable
Sewage backed up in all 4 toilets and leaked into my office, upper respiratory infection (Recordable)
Sat down at computer, lower back spasm (Non Recordable)
Lost balance when stepping off a pick warehouse cart damage to the lift shoulder per the employee (Recordable)
Fire & Aviation Mgmt McClellan ZERO
Total Number of Cases: 901 (Last year 1,328)
Total Lost Days: 86
Total Restricted Days: 639
Total OSHA Recordable: 407 (Last year 578)
Again we see slips, trips, and falls as our number #1 trend and we. Please slow
down and work on your over all physical fitness. This includes the way you fuel
your body to the amount of sleep we get down to the type of foot wear we use
on and off the job. Our feet support our whole body. Do not try to lifting things
to heavy. Save your back and your knees!
Is your core strong and is your back compensating for this and do you have a
bad back?
eek, sit ups are not the best trunk strengthening exercise for those with back issues. A simple
exercise to start would be to begin "dead bug" where one lays on their back and begins with an
abdominal/pelvic floor contraction then alternately lifts the legs. Also plank progressions
starting usually from hands and knees maintaining a neutral spine and then either lifting the
legs alternately again or weight shifting forward and back.
Here is a link to core performance web based training. If you go to their home site you can see
some of the tactical, firefighter and police officer training.
UPS- took the stance to say let’s train our employees how to fall without
causing injury and protecting the package from breaking. So please know how
to fall without getting injured.
Here are some tips:
““SSlliippss TTrriippss aanndd FFaallllss””
Falls are the second-leading cause of injury in the workplace, and only motor
vehicle accidents result in more worker deaths. Slips, trips and falls send more
than 7 million Americans to hospital emergency rooms every year-far more than
any other cause of injury.
No one wants to fall, but it’s helpful to know what to do to
minimize injury in case it happens.
Tuck in your chin, turn your head, and twist your body to the side. Try to
roll into the fall.
Use your arm to protect your head, but do not try to break the fall with your
hands or elbows.
Try to spread out the impact. Let your shoulder, buttocks and legs absorb
the shock. Keep wrists, arms and knees bent and relaxed.
If you think you’re injured, do not move. Call for help.
Even if you’re not injured, report the incident to your supervisor, so that the
cause can be fixed.
We also are seeing an increase in Tick Bites
This is a pretty cool device that safely removes a tick. It works well on humans and on your
family pet.
Check out the website below.
Here is a 60 second video to share.
Tick Card
R5 Tick Bite Protcol ***Note that we do not use the R5 Exposure
form any longer.. we only report exposures in the SHIPS database***
We learn by sharing stories good or
bad. Please share!