VaxALPR On Camera and Axis Camera integration

VaxALPR On Camera and Axis Camera
Version 1.0
Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor
28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
E-mail: [email protected]
23201 Lake Center Drive, Suite 211
Lake Forest, CA 92630-6821, USA
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VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
VaxALPR On Camera and Axis camera events....................................................................... 3
Configure VaxALPR On Camera software: VAPIX / ONVIF events ................................. 3
Add Axis camera events ................................................................................................ 6
VaxALPR On Camera and Axis A1001 Network Door Controller ......................................... 12
Configure the Axis 1001 Network Door Controller ..................................................... 13
Configure VaxALPR On Camera software: A1001 Network Door Controller .............. 22
Related documents ..................................................................................................... 25
VaxALPR On Camera and Axis Overlay Settings .................................................................. 26
VaxALPR On Camera and Axis SD Card Storage .................................................................. 31
VaxALPR On Camera and Axis Network Share Storage ....................................................... 36
VaxALPR On Camera and Axis Camera Station ................................................................... 41
Configure VaxALPR On Camera software: VAPIX / ONVIF events ............................... 42
Configure the Axis Camera Station ............................................................................. 44
Related documents ..................................................................................................... 55
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
1. Introduction
This guide has been designed for those responsible of integrating the VaxALPR On Camera
software with Axis Camera software.
The VaxALPR On Camera software is a real-time solution for Automatic License Plate
Recognition (ALPR) that runs entirely within the Axis camera.
2. VaxALPR On Camera and Axis camera events
The VaxALPR On Camera software can be integrated with Axis camera events.
An Axis camera event is a set of conditions (action rules) that define how and when an action
will be performed. If multiple conditions are defined, all of them must be met to carry out the
action. An event can be triggered or scheduled.
When integrated, every time a license plate is recognized, VaxALPR On Camera sends a VAPIX /
ONVIF event to the Axis Camera. VaxALPR On Camera can send three different types of events:
ALPR: This event is sent each time a license plate is recognized.
Blacklist: This event is sent each time a license plate on the blacklist is recognized.
Whitelist: This event is sent each time a license plate on the whitelist is recognized.
NOTE: The Axis Camera firmware version should be 5.80 or above if you want to use it with the
VaxALPR On Camera software.
The VaxALPR On Camera software should be configured before Axis camera events.
2.1 Configure VaxALPR On Camera software: VAPIX / ONVIF events
Once the Axis camera is installed and setup, and the basic configuration of the VaxALPR On
Camera software is done, we need to configure the send VAPIX / ONVIF events in the reporting
options of the VaxALPR On Camera software.
To configure the send VAPIX / ONVIF events in the VaxALPR On Camera software, we
recommend the following steps:
1. Access the Axis camera’s setup and click on the Applications menu. Then click on the
VaxALPR On Camera > Settings option. Finally, click on the Main page link. This opens a
window with the VaxALPR Configuration Screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: Applications > VaxALPR On Camera > Settings
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration screen
2. Scroll down to the Reporting options and do the following:
Send VAPIX / ONVIF events
Select this checkbox to activate a trigger (ALPR, blacklist, whitelist) on each plate
Write the Camera Id (unique identifier for each camera)
Click on the Submit button to store the information in the camera. NOTE: The
Submit button is located at the bottom part of the VaxALPR Configuration screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration: Reporting options > Send VAPIX /ONIF events
VaxALPR Configuration: Buttons
2.2 Add Axis camera events
Once the Axis camera is installed and setup, and the VaxALPR On Camera software is
configured, we need to add the Axis camera events.
There are several options when it comes to creating an event. NOTE: Access the Axis camera’s
setup and click on the Events menu. Please refer to the Axis Network Camara manual by
clicking on the
button situated in the upper right corner.
In our case, we want to raise a barrier when the VaxALPR On Camera software recognizes a
vehicle in the whitelist. To do this, we recommend the following steps:
1. Access the Axis camera’s setup and click on the Events menu. Then click on the Action
Rules option and the Add button.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Setup: Events > Action Rules
2. Set up the Action Rule.
 Select the Enable rule checkbox to activate the rule.
 Write a Name for the action rule.
 Select a Trigger group from the drop-down list. A second drop-down list will
appear. In this case, the trigger group should be Applications.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Setup: Events > Action Rules Setup
Select the desired trigger from the second drop-down list. In this case, the trigger
should be Whitelist.
Axis Camera Setup: Events > Action Rules Setup
Select a Schedule from the drop-down list or click on the New Schedule button to
add a new schedule.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Setup: Events > Action Rules Setup
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Setup: Events > Action Rules Setup: New Schedule
Select the Additional conditions checkbox if more than one criterion should be
met before the action rule is triggered.
To add a new condition, click the Add... button and select a condition from the
drop-down list. To change an existing condition, select the condition in the list and
click the Modify... button. To delete a condition, select it and click the Remove
button. Write a waiting time in the Wait at least field to prevent the Action Rule
from running too often. The Action Rule needs to be re-triggered after the set
waiting time to execute the action again.
Select a Type from the drop-down list. In this case, it should be Output Port.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Setup: Events > Action Rules Setup
Select a Port from the drop-down list. NOTE: To configure I/O ports access the Axis
camera’s setup and click on the System Options > Ports & Devices menu.
Define the Set state.
Select the Duration checkbox to define when the output port should be put in the
opposite state. Choose between the Action Rule is no longer active or after a set
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Setup: Events > Action Rules Setup
3. VaxALPR On Camera and Axis A1001 Network Door
The VaxALPR On Camera software can be integrated with the Axis A1001 Network Door
The Axis A1001 Network Door Controller is an IP-based access controller suitable for both
small to mid-sized businesses. Axis A1001 comes with built in software for basic access
management and is also open for third party software.
When integrated, the license plates recognized by VaxALPR On Camera are sent in real time to
the Axis A1001 Network Door Controllers. Axis A1001 grants or denies access depending on
the user’s credentials.
NOTE: The Axis Camera firmware version should be 5.80 or above and the Axis A1001 Network
Door Controller should be 1.57 or above if you want to use them with the VaxALPR On Camera
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
The Axis A1001 Network Door Controller should be configured before the VaxALPR On Camera
3.1 Configure the Axis 1001 Network Door Controller
Once the Axis camera is installed and setup, and the basic configuration of the VaxALPR On
Camera software is done, we need to install and configure the Axis A1001 Network Door
Controller. Axis A1001 can be configured with the Axis Entry Manager or any third-party access
management solution integrated with Axis A1001. In this case, we are going to use the Axis
Entry Manager.
The Axis Entry Manager is an access management solution for small to mid-sized businesses. It
consists of one or several Axis A1001 Network Door Controllers with access management
When configuring the Axis A1001 with the Axis Entry Manager, we recommend the following
1. Access the Entry Manager. IMPORTANT: The Axis A1001 Network Door Controller
should be installed and setup before continuing. Please refer to the Installation guide
2. Once the Axis A1001 is setup, click on the Access Management menu.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management
3. Go to the Doors | Floors and click on the option you want to configure. This will display
the characteristics of the door or floor.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Doors | Floors option
4. Scroll down until the + Add identification type button and click on it.
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Doors | Floors option
5. This opens a new window. Select the credential type needed from the drop-down list.
In this case, select the option License plate only and click on the OK button.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Doors | Floors option: Add identification type
IMPORTANT: The Axis Entry Manager supports multiple identification types at the same time.
This means you can use any additional identification types along with the License plate only,
like Pin Only or Card Only.
6. Add a schedule to the new identification type. Drag and drop one of the Access
schedules already created.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Doors | Floors option: Add identification type
7. Add the License Plate credential to a new or existing user.
If the user does not exist
 Click on the + Add new user button.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Users
 Write the First name and Last name and click on the Add credential button.
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Users: Add new user
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Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
If the user does exist
 Click on the user and then click on the Edit user button (pencil image).
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Users
 Click on the Add credential button.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Users: Edit user
8. Select the option License plate from the drop-down list and click on the Add credential
button again.
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Users: Add credential
9. This opens a new area. Do the following:
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Write the License plate number for the user’s vehicle in the textbox.
Write a date in the Valid from textbox to indicate from when the user’s credentials
will be valid. Click the date field and select the desired month, day, and year or
type the date directly in the textbox.
Write a date in the Valid until textbox to indicate until when the user’s credentials
will be valid. Click the date field and select the desired month, day, and year or
type the date directly in the textbox.
Select the Suspend credential checkbox to suspend the credential. When
suspended, the user cannot access any doors in the system through this credential.
Deselect to give the user access again. Suspension is intended to be temporary. If
the user shall be denied access permanently, it is better to delete the user profile.
Select the Long access time checkbox to override existing access time and allow
the door to remain unlocked after access has been granted.
Click on the Save button.
Axis Entry Manager: Access Management > Users: Add license plate credential
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
3.2 Configure VaxALPR On Camera software: A1001 Network Door
Once the Axis camera is installed and setup, the basic configuration of the VaxALPR On Camera
software is done, and the Axis A1001 Network Door Controller is installed and configured, we
need to configure the A1001 Network Door Controller in the reporting options of the VaxALPR
On Camera software.
To configure the A1001 Network Door Controller in the VaxALPR On Camera software, we
recommend the following steps:
1. Access the Axis camera’s setup and click on the Applications menu. Then click on the
VaxALPR On Camera > Settings option. Finally, click on the Main page link. This opens a
window with the VaxALPR Configuration Screen.
Axis camera setup: Applications > VaxALPR On Camera > Settings
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration screen
2. Scroll down to A1001 Network Door Controller and do the following:
Write the A1001 IP Address.
Write the User of the Axis A1001 Network Door Controller.
Write the Password of the Axis A1001 Network Door Controller.
Click on the Submit button to store the information in the camera.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration: A1001 Network Door Controller
VaxALPR Configuration: Buttons
If the VaxALPR On Camera software connects with the Axis A1001 Network Door
Controller, three new options appear:
Select the Activate A1001 Integration checkbox to send the license plates
recognized by VaxALPR On Camera to the Axis A1001 Network Door Controllers.
Select the Controller. Choose the option from the drop-down list that corresponds
with the Axis A1001 Network Door Controller you wish to use.
Select the IdPoint. Choose the option from the drop-down list that corresponds
with the reader identification in the Entry Manager that will receive the plate
information you wish to use.
Click on the Submit button to store the information in the camera.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration: A1001 Network Door Controller
3.3 Related documents
For more information about installation, setup and configuration, we recommend you refer to
the following guides:
VaxALPR On Camera Installation EN_2_0.pdf at On Camera Installation EN_2_0.pdf
VaxALPR On Camera Configuration EN_2_0.pdf at VaxALPR On Camera Configuration EN_2_0.pdf
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
AXIS A1001 Network Door Controller – Installation Guide (Full reference) at
AXIS A1001– User Manual at
Axis A1001 Network Door Controller > Support & Documentation
4. VaxALPR On Camera and Axis Overlay Settings
VaxALPR On Camera can modify the dynamic overlay shown in the Axis camera on each plate
To configure this option, do the following:
1. Access the Axis camera’s setup and click on the Applications menu. Then click on the
VaxALPR On Camera > Settings option. Finally, click on the Main page link. This opens a
window with the VaxALPR Configuration Screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: Applications > VaxALPR On Camera > Settings
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Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration screen
2. Scroll down to the Reporting options.
3. Select the Insert Overlay checkbox.
4. Write the Text Overlay. You can use dynamic text replacement to match the current
plate information:
$date$: Date in ISO8601 format
$plate$: License plate number
$country$: Country of the vehicle
$blacklist$: Description of the plate on the blacklist
$whitelist$: Description of the plate on the whitelist
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Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
$ifblacklist$ .... $ifblacklist$: If the plate is on the blacklist, the text in the if clause
will be displayed.
$ifwhitelist$ .... $ifwhitelist$: If the plate is on the whitelist, the text in the if
clause will be displayed.
$confidence$: Global confidence of the plate (0 – 100)
$processingtime$: Milliseconds the OCR takes to process the reading
$left$,$top$,$right$,$bottom$: Pixel coordinates of the top left corner and the
bottom right corner of the license plate image
Specify the Overlay Camera (Axis camera stream identifier; by default, set to 0).
Specify the Overlay Port (destination port).
Write the Axis User (username of the Axis camera).
Write the Axis Password (password of the user of the Axis Camera).
Click on the Submit button to store the information in the camera. NOTE: The Submit
button is located at the bottom part of the VaxALPR Configuration screen.
VaxALPR Configuration: Reporting options > Insert Overlay
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration: Buttons
10. Next, access the Axis camera´s setup and click on the Video menu. Then click on the
Video Stream option. In the Overlay Settings section, select the checkbox Include text
and in the input field write #D.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: Video > Video Stream
5. VaxALPR On Camera and Axis SD Card Storage
VaxALPR On Camera can save a JPEG image to an SD card (inserted in the Axis camera) on each
plate recognition.
IMPORTANT: All the images will be stored in the SD Card in the folder
“/areas/Vaxreader/<date>/”. If the plate is in a whitelist and/or blacklist, the images will be
stored in “/areas/Vaxreader/<date>/WHITELIST/” or “/areas/Vaxreader/<date>/BLACKLIST/”.
NOTE: Each image saved will be labeled as HHMMSS-PLATE.jpg.
To configure this option, do the following:
1. Access the Axis camera’s setup and click on the Applications menu. Then click on the
VaxALPR On Camera > Settings option. Finally, click on the Main page link. This opens a
window with the VaxALPR Configuration Screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: Applications > VaxALPR On Camera > Settings
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration screen
2. Scroll down to the Reporting options.
3. Select the Write results to SD checkbox.
4. Click on the Submit button to store the information in the camera. NOTE: The Submit
button is located at the bottom part of the VaxALPR Configuration screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration: Reporting options > Write results to SD
VaxALPR Configuration: Buttons
5. Next, access the Axis camera´s setup and click on the System Options menu. Then click
on the Storage > Overview option. Check that the Status of the SD Card is ready.
NOTE: When a memory card is inserted, it is mounted automatically.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: System Options > Storage Overview
6. For more information about what you can do with the SD Card, click on the
button that appears on the upper right corner of the Storage Management screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: System Options > Storage Overview > Storage Management
6. VaxALPR On Camera and Axis Network Share Storage
VaxALPR On Camera can save a JPEG image to a network share (a folder created in the local
network) on each plate recognition.
IMPORTANT: All the images will be stored in the network share in the folder “axis<DeviceSerialNumber>/areas/Vaxreader/<date>/”. If the plate is in a whitelist and/or blacklist,
NOTE: Each image saved will be labeled as HHMMSS-PLATE.jpg.
To configure this option, do the following:
1. Access the Axis camera’s setup and click on the Applications menu. Then click on the
VaxALPR On Camera > Settings option. Finally, click on the Main page link. This opens a
window with the VaxALPR Configuration Screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: Applications > VaxALPR On Camera > Settings
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Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration screen
2. Scroll down to the Reporting options.
3. Select the Write results to Network Share checkbox.
4. Click on the Submit button to store the information in the camera. NOTE: The Submit
button is located at the bottom part of the VaxALPR Configuration screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration: Reporting options > Write results to Network Share
VaxALPR Configuration: Buttons
5. Next, access the Axis camera´s setup and click on the System Options menu. Then click
on the Storage > Overview option. Finally click on the Network Share link.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: System Options > Storage Overview
6. Set up the Network Share.
 Write a Host (IP address of the host server).
 Write the Share (name of the share on the host server).
 Select The share requires a login checkbox, if the network share requires login
credentials, and write the User name and Password.
 Click on the Connect button.
NOTE: For more information about what you can do with the Network Share, click on
button that appears on the upper right corner of the Storage Management
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis camera setup: System Options > Storage Overview > Storage Management
7. VaxALPR On Camera and Axis Camera Station
The VaxALPR On Camera software can be integrated with the Axis Camera Station.
The Axis Camera Station is a video management system for both small to mid-sized
installations which is optimized for Axis’ network video products.
When integrated, every time a license plate is recognized, VaxALPR On Camera sends a VAPIX /
ONVIF event to the Axis Camera Station. VaxALPR On Camera can send three different types of
Analysis/ALPR: This event is sent each time a license plate is recognized.
Analysis/Blacklist: This event is sent each time a license plate on the blacklist is
Analysis/Whitelist: This event is sent each time a license plate on the whitelist is
The VaxALPR On Camera software should be configured before the Axis Camera Station.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
7.1 Configure VaxALPR On Camera software: VAPIX / ONVIF events
Once the Axis camera is installed and setup, and the basic configuration of the VaxALPR On
Camera software is done, we need to configure the send VAPIX / ONVIF events in the reporting
options of the VaxALPR On Camera software.
To configure the send VAPIX / ONVIF events in the VaxALPR On Camera software, we
recommend the following steps:
1. Access the Axis camera’s setup and click on the Applications menu. Then click on the
VaxALPR On Camera > Settings option. Finally, click on the Main page link. This opens a
window with the VaxALPR Configuration Screen.
Axis camera setup: Applications > VaxALPR On Camera > Settings
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration screen
2. Scroll down to the Reporting options and do the following:
Send VAPIX / ONVIF events
Select this checkbox to activate a trigger (ALPR, blacklist, whitelist) on each plate
Write the Camera Id (unique identifier for each camera)
Click on the Submit button to store the information in the camera. NOTE: The
Submit button is located at the bottom part of the VaxALPR Configuration screen.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
VaxALPR Configuration: Reporting options > Send VAPIX /ONIF events
VaxALPR Configuration: Buttons
7.2 Configure the Axis Camera Station
Once the Axis camera is installed and setup, and the VaxALPR On Camera software is
configured, we need to configure the Axis Camera Station to receive and handle VAPIX / ONVIF
When configuring the Axis Camera Station, we recommend the following steps:
1. Access the Axis Camera Station and click on the Configuration button. The click on the
Recording and Events button.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station: Configuration
2. Click on the Advanced rules tab and then click on the New button.
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
3. Create a new rule following the steps indicated in the Axis Camera Station. First click
on the Add button to create a new trigger.
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule first step
4. Select the Device Event trigger type and click on the OK button.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule: Add Trigger
5. Next create the device event trigger.
 Select a Device from the drop-down list. IMPORTANT: The camera selected should
have the VaxALPR On Camera software installed and running.
 Select an Event from the drop-down list. NOTE: In this case the event should be
Analysis ALPR, Blacklist or Whitelist.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule: Create device event trigger
Define the Trigger period (time the event will be active).
Select the checkbox of the Filters you wish to apply. Depending on the event type,
the filters will vary. IMPORTANT: The values of the filters must coincide with the
values configured in the VaxALPR On Camera software.
Click the OK button to save the changes.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule: Create device event trigger
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule: Create device event trigger
Blacklist or Whitelist
6. Now click on the Next button.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule second step
7. Click on the Add button to define the actions the rule will carry out when its filters are
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule (Actions)
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
8. Select an action type and click on the OK button. NOTE: Please refer to the Axis
Camera Station manual to know more about the actions that can be taken. In this case,
we want to raise an alarm when a vehicle in the whitelist accesses the premises.
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule: Add action
9. Create the alarm action.
 Write the Title of the alarm message.
 Write the Description of the alarm message
 Click the OK button to save the changes.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule: Create Alarm Action
10. Now click on the Next button.
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule third step
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
11. Specify when the rule will be active, defining a schedule, and click on the Next button.
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule (Schedule)
12. Write a name for the new rule and click the Finish button.
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station: Recording and Events > Advanced rules > New Rule last step
7.3 Related documents
For more information about installation, setup and configuration, we recommend you refer to
the following guides:
VaxALPR On Camera Installation EN_2_0.pdf at On Camera Installation EN_2_0.pdf
VaxALPR On Camera Configuration EN_2_0.pdf at VaxALPR On Camera Configuration EN_2_0.pdf
AXIS Camera Station – User Manual at
AXIS Camera Station Installation Guide at
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web:
VaxALPR On Camara integration
Version 1.0 – May 2017
Axis Camera Station > Support & Documentation
VAXTOR. Ronda de Poniente 15, First floor, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 757 22 11 – Email: [email protected] – web: