NEWSLETTER From the Head of College

 St Stanislaus’ College
(02) 6331 4177 20 November 2015 From the Head of College
Last weekend, hundreds of visitors attended the College as part of
the National Trust’s Central West Open House Weekend. I am
grateful to the staff, particularly Brad McCormick, who provided
assistance to the National Trust in the lead up to this event and on
the day. Visitors conveyed their admiration for the historic
buildings, pictures and records and in particular, the Slattery
The College Play, Twelve Angry Men, commenced on Tuesday
evening and will perform for the final time tomorrow night.
Thank you to Mr Low who has worked with the cast over many
months. The production is of the highest quality.
Thank you to the College community for supporting the
fundraising initiatives for Liam’s rehabilitation. The early news
following his major surgery on Wednesday is very positive with
scans showing that the tumour on his brain has been completely
Congratulations to Kate and Liam Callaghan who today
welcomed their son Patrick William, brother to Isla and Harry,
into the world. Mother, baby and father are all doing well.
The College community joined family and friends in farewelling
Tom at the College Chapel this week. The Funeral was a
wonderful celebration of the life of Tom and the College was
privileged to honour this former Old Boy, Teacher and Cricket
Coach. The following is one of many messages received: “Thanks
to the Stannies staff and students for enabling and organising such
a moving Wiradjuri, Vincentian and Stannies celebration of and
tribute to the life of a champion Stannies man. The boys forming a
guard of honour wearing their cricket caps in the hall of
remembrance was especially significant”.
Loving God. Thank you for our children. We know they are a gift
from you. We pray for your wisdom and loving care as we guide
them through childhood and adolescence into adulthood.
The Year 9 Elective Music Class of 2015, although only six in
number, recently won a competition at the Bathurst Eisteddfod
for Best Original Song (which they wrote themselves). Today, exstudent Tim Roebuck, attended the College to record that song
for the students so they can have a physical copy. The song is
titled “Friendzoned”. Today’s opportunity also allowed the
students to experience a recording studio setting.
Prayer for Parents
Give us patience and joyful hearts and may we always be an
example of your love and forgiveness. Amen.
Dr Anne Wenham
Head of College
21 Nov College Play, Marble Hall, 7pm ISA Summer Sport Round Six 23 ‐ 27 Nov Years 7 to 9 Assessment Window 25 Nov Miraculous Medal Devo ons, 7.30pm, Chapel 26 Nov Years 7 to 11 Course Awards Assembly, 11.30am to 1pm 29 Nov Carols Night, 7pm, Chapel 30 Nov P&F Mee ng, 7.30pm, Senior Ref DECEMBER
3 Dec
4 Dec Term 4 Concludes
Boarders travel home a er 3.25pm Boarders travel home TERM DATES 2015
Term 4: Wednesday 7 October ‐ Thursday 3 December ‐ PAGE 1 ‐ College News and Information
I was delighted with the response from the St Stanislaus’ community
in regard to the Year 9 Food Technology Liam White Fundraiser
Assessment. The Year 9 Food Technology class was divided into
groups of four or five and given $20 to devise a food or drink that
they could sell to the SSC community and maximise their profit. They
then travelled to Woolworths with their shopping list to buy the
ingredients. The following day they prepared the food/drinks and
sold them at recess and lunchtime. The food was very well received
and the money flowed as students and teachers responded to the call
to raise funds for Liam White. Many teachers bought platters of the
food for their classes or handed over a donation.
$475 was made on the day with $120 to be deducted to cover the cost
of the ingredients. Well done Year 9 Food Technology. The group
that raised the most money on the day included Isaac Hogan, Thomas
Natoli, Bryce Rue and Thomas Felsch who made a delicious caramel
slice (a popular choice with the teachers).
The day was a wonderful success and the boys deserve special
commendation for their team work skills and professionalism. We
(the parents and myself) were incredibly proud of this wonderful
group of young men.
Ms Michelle Enright
Food Technology Teacher
As we look toward the long summer break, we look forward to the
beach, cricket and a chance to catch-up on all the great reads that we
might have missed out on throughout the year. This is a perfect
opportunity for the Year 11s and Year 10s to put together a few books
that will support their Areas of Study for the HSC and Preliminary
years. To this end, the Library has on display the most wonderful
reads for BOSTES Year 12 Area of Study – Discovery. Year 11 should
be reading as much as they can over the break. Their Area of Study
for 2016 will be Transformation. A collection of wide reading will
help with the pesky essay tasks next year.
Years 7, 8 and 9 have some fabulous books
that have been published ready for the
summer break. These include THE ART OF
SCHWAB. I am sure that you will be able
to source some wonderful books of your own;
fiction, non- fiction or graphic novels. We
would love you to share your most enjoyable
reads with us upon your return.
At this time of the year we also have a
fantastic selection of films to attend. The
season started with the new James Bond movie Spectre. This film has
received mixed reviews. However I was fortunate enough to view the
film last weekend and I believe that Sam Mendes is still to be
celebrated as one of Britain’s greatest directors. I am sure that there
will be much discussion around the new Star Wars movie which
premieres in December.
Ms Michelle Enright
Food Technology Teacher
The Long Lunch
On Monday the Year 10
Food Technology class
catered for the ‘Long Lunch’
held in the beautifully
decorated Drama Room.
The guests were the boys’
parents who were delighted
to eat a meal that their son
had produced. The theme
for the day was ‘Food from other Cultures’. The students had
completed an assessment on menu creation, table decoration, interior
decoration, advertising for staff and even serviette folding. For the
past month the boys had being creating potential dishes for the day
and the following were selected:
Mexican meatballs with mango salsa
Sudanese rissoles and rice
Chang’s noodle salad
Pasta Carbonara
Tropical cheesecake
Oreo Cheesecake
Final refreshments
Tea, coffee and baklava
For those lucky enough to spend time in Sydney over the break, don’t
forget the wonderful Sydney festival with its myriad of eclectic
performances from all over Australia and
the world. Some of the most exciting
performance are often free. This year the
Opera House will turn on its lights for
My Fair Lady. A wonderful production
based on George Bernard Show’s
Pygmalion which never ceases to delight.
Next week, Year 7 KE will present their
projects- Design for an ebook-The Hero’s
journey. This project based learning study
has been most enjoyable and the projects
have created much discussion between
faculties and form years. The projects are
varied but the quality is not and the boys have created some exciting
We hope that you have a great couple of weeks of school.
Mrs Charmeon Jooste
Head of English
‐ PAGE 2 ‐ College News and Information
Brain Teaser - Reading is a gift to be celebrated
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R3AD 7H15.
As the 2015 school year draws to a close, parents are reminded that should their son not be returning to school in 2016 (ie: they have gained employment, an appren ceship or changing school) the Head of College should be no fied as soon as possible. Can you read this? Only 55 people out of 100 can.
I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr
the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and
last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you
can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.
A mee ng was held on Monday night with the students. The students came up with lots of new ideas for the 2016 Fair which the students will be looking a er. There will be new food stalls including hot chips, hamburgers, pizza, donuts, kebabs, hot corn on cob, etc. Parent assistance on the day is greatly appreciated. Please contact Chris Tobin to advise if you can assist. Ph: 6337 3511 or 0403 713 512. ‐ PAGE 3 ‐ From the Director of Curriculum
Course Awards- Thursday 26th November 11.30am SSC PAC
The award of 1st, 2nd or 3rd in all Years 7-11 Courses will take place in the PAC on Thursday 26th November beginning at 11.30am.
Parents are very welcome to attend these awards where students are recognised across a range of academic and pastoral pursuits.
Class Placement 2016
The placement of students into classes in 2016 will be reviewed in the upcoming holidays based on common assessment in 2015.
The remaining assessment items for Term 4 are outlined below and these tasks will play a significant role in the final allocation of
2016 classes.
Term 4 reports
The reports for Years 7-10 will be sent to parents during December. These reports will provide course, class and quartile
information for each subject. Year 11 students have been presented with their Preliminary course report and projected ATAR
prediction earlier this term. Any HSC assessment tasks completed this term can be accessed on Edumate prior to staff departing
Stannies on Wednesday 9th December.
Exam Week metable‐ Week 8
Monday 23rd
November 10 Mini Olympics (all day) Tuesday 24th
November Wednesday 25th
November Thursday 26th
November Periods 3/4 7 Art; 8 French 9 Geog (e) 9 Civics; 10 Civ G Periods 5/6 7 Math; 8 Eng 9 Math; 7 Sci; 8 Math 9 Sci; 10 Math 7 Eng; 8 Sci; 9 Ag; 9 Grap; 9 Drama; 10 Com; 10 French; 10 Metals Years 7‐11 Course awards 11.30am‐1pm Periods 1/2 Weeks 7‐9 Assessment Term 4
Year 7 Year 8 Week 8 23/11‐27/11 Year 9 Year 10 See Week 8 outline above 7 Civ 30/11 Week 9 30/11‐3/12 ‐ PAGE 4 ‐ Year 11 11 Adv Eng 23/11 11 Drama 25/11 11 PDHPE 26/11 11 Music 27/11 11 Timber 27/11 11 Math Ext 30/11 11 Legal 1/12 11 SOR2 2/12 11 Math 3/12 11 Gen Math 3/12 Sport
CRICKET 1ST XI ‐ Fisher 2ND XI ‐ Ellio 3rd XI ‐ Glasson 4th XI – O’Reilly 5th XI ‐ King SSC 15 ‐ Bonny SSC 14 Blue ‐ Tilley SSC 14 White ‐ Jesse SSC 13 ‐ Welsh TENNIS Open Senior (White) Intermediate (White) Junior (White) Open Senior (Blue) Intermediate (Blue) Junior (Blue) BASKETBALL
1ST V Division 1 17 Division 1 15 Division 1 14 Division 1 13 Division 1 Opens Division 4 17 Division 4 15 Division 4 14 Division 4 13 Division 4 TOUCH FOOTBALL LCM’s
Get On My Level
Blue Ice Blazers Cheeky Possums Space Monkeys Step 2 It Don’t Reach
Boyz In Blue
Gabby’s Yabbies
Bring It Bruh HITYM
Cool Runnings
Red Devils
Thunder Duckies
Victorious Bi ers Envy Us S ngin’ Rodgers OPPONENT
Blue Mountains Gram St Patricks College St Pats Bye Rugby Union Gold SSC 14 White All Saints College 14 SSC 15 All Saints College 13 Stannies Blue Stannies Blue Stannies Blue Stannies White Stannies White Stannies White 1 / 35 Rained out 10 / 104 10 / 33 10 / 154 Win Washout Loss Rained out 10 / 7 / 66 4.5 5.5 5.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 7 / 66 10 / 1.5 0.5 0.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 Washout In progress In progress In progress In progress Win Win Win Loss Loss Loss Chevalier College Chevalier College Chevalier College Chevalier College Chevalier College St Pius X College St Pius X College St Pius X College St Pius X College St Pius X College Space Monkeys All Saints Vicious and Delicious Bathurst Boars LCM’s O’Connell Oldies Butler Engineering Rush Barnseys Blokes B‐Town Raiders The Raiders The George Hotel Thunder Duckies Red Devils Balls Deep Any me Fitness Bathurst Young Mob 73 48 42 42 21 40 33 14 15 10 5 2 8 2 3 3 4 1 3 0 10 2 5 10 5 72 26 28 49 51 16 27 34 20 39 10 9 8 6 5 9 5 20 4 8 2 10 0 2 4 Win Win Win Loss Loss Win Win Loss Loss Loss No result Loss Loss Draw No result Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Win Loss Win Loss Win ‐ PAGE 5 ‐ Sport
Berg Shield & Downey Trophy
The 1st XI finally got their match completed against James Sheahan on
their third attempt. Stannies managed to post a competitive total
before the bowlers did the job and secured an emphatic victory. The
1sts will now play the winner of Kildare Wagga & St Francis De Sales
It is now confirmed that the Berg Shield boys will be travelling to Red
Bend Forbes on Friday 27th November.
Could all players, coaches & spectators please remember to clean up
the surrounding areas on completion of their matches. This is an
official request from the BDJCA but also a gentle reminder to
The College website ( has all draws, training
rosters and team lists available for the BDJCA season. The Stannies
Cricket website ( can be used to
locate information on draws, rules, tables and results. Please check
the website if you have any concerns. The BDJCA and ISA also have
websites you can visit for info also (
and ).
In the case of wet weather, the BDJCA has set up a Facebook page,
where you can access all the latest info – just search Bathurst District
Junior Cricket Association to find it!
Players of the Week – Week 6
Team Player of the Week Stats 1st XI Josh Coyte 5/7 & 13* 2nd XI N/A 3rd XI Ethan Ivory 2/28 4th XI N/A 5th XI N/A 15 A Arya Bazaad 14 & 1/4 14 White Myles Russell & Sam Blatch Wickets & Runs 14 Blue Dylan Burke 21 runs & 2 catches 13 A Ma Bea e & Lachlan Mannell Both 100* Downey Judd Kerrison 41 Berg N/A Yours in Cricket,
Mark Elliott (MIC Cricket)
0407 274 025
[email protected]
TEAM: 1st XI
COACH: Mr Tony Fisher
OPPONENT: James Sheahan Catholic High, Orange (replay)
BEST BATSMAN: Judd Kerrison 41
BEST BOWLER: Josh Coyte 3/6
Coaches Report: Take two of round two against James Sheahan was a
road trip to Riawena Oval in Orange. Hoping for a bowling
performance like Saturday against BMGS, the batting still needed to
improve. The wicket was a little green and the boys were keen to bowl
first. Alas, Judd Kerrison returned to losing form with the coin and
was duly sent into bat.
The new opening combination of Ricky Webb and Will Bailey put
their heads down early and saw off the opening bowlers with some
patient batting. A momentary lapse by Bailey (21) in the 14th over
saw him back in the pavilion with the score on 37. The ‘drinks curse’
struck Webb (16) when he was trapped in front first ball back. Josh
Coyte (7) and Hamish Smith (23) steadied the innings temporarily
but in the space of one over it was 5/81 (with Isaac Molenkamp
getting a ripper of a delivery to dismiss him) in the 33rd over and a
repetition of last Thursday’s 110 was looking imminent. Kerrison (41)
was joined by Luke Powell (38) and together they formed a vital
partnership of 66 runs in 13 overs with some lusty hitting and careful
placement. By the time they were out it was 7/152 and in the
remaining four overs another 13 runs was added with the last wicket
falling on the last ball of the innings. Jack Veitch was the not out
batsman and the final score was 165.
James Sheahan still had a quality batting line up and on a pitch that
was staying low and not offering much to the bowlers, it was
important to bowl at the stumps and keep the length full. Joe
Lemmich (3/15) got off to the perfect start with a wicket maiden in
his first over, then backed that up with two more in his third over as
did Luke Powell (1/7) and all of a sudden James Sheahan were reeling
at 4/16 after six overs. Josh Coyte (3/6) and Jack Cornish (1/8)
continued to attack the stumps and it paid off with another LBW and
three more bowled. It was now 8/38 after 24 overs. It was the turn of
the new ‘spin twins’ George Chudleigh and Ryan Campbell to
torment the tail enders with Campbell claiming the last two wickets;
an easy catch for Smith and one off his own bowling to finish with
2/5. It was all over at the end of the 27th over and James Sheahan’s
score was 46.
It has been a surreal few days for the 1st XI taking 20 wickets for 79
runs; however, a tough assignment looms tomorrow with a trip to
Oxford Falls to take on last year’s ISA premiers St Pius X. The next
Downie Shield fixture is against St Francis de Sales in Leeton and will
most likely be played in the New Year. This will also be a difficult road
trip as St Francis has proud cricket tradition like Stannies. It should
be a good contest.
TEAM: 1st XI
COACH: Mr Tony Fisher
OPPONENT: Blue Mountains Grammar School
BEST BATSMAN: Josh Coyte 13 n/o
BEST BOWLER: Josh Coyte 5/7
Coaches Report: The weather last Saturday was looking to ruin
another day of cricket for the 1st XI as they took on Blue Mountains
Grammar (BMG) at home. So far the 1st’s had not completed a home
game yet. Thankfully the pitch had been covered on Friday and when
the covers were removed a collective sigh of relief occurred that
finally a game could get under way. Another sigh of relief came when
Judd Kerrison finally won the toss; yes, you read that right; he won
the toss! And it was a good toss to win, as he sent BMG into bat.
Black arm bands were worn and a minute’s silence was observed for
Stannies Old Boy, former staff member and 1st XI coach Tom
With strike bowler Luke Powell out with illness, Josh Coyte took the
new ball with regular opener Joe Lemmich. What a lethal
combination this turned out to be. They tore through the BMG
batting line up and justified the captain’s decision to bowl first. Both
took a wicket in their first over with Lemmich knocking over middle
stump and Coyte forcing a false shot from the batsman to give
George Chudleigh the easiest of catches at mid-on. By the end of their
spells they had nine wickets between them with Coyte taking 5/7 and
Lemmich 4/16. Kerrison assisted both taking a catch each from their
bowling. Chudleigh and Ryan Campbell bowled a few overs to keep
the pressure on. Jack Cornish (1/3) on debut claimed the last wicket
when the batsman spooned the ball to Isaac Molenkamp at short
cover. BMG were all out for 33 runs! Apart from great bowling, the
effort by the fielders, in particular, Will Bailey, Jack Veitch and
Hamish Smith was also outstanding.
Regular opener Brad Campbell sustained an injury in the field, so
Chudleigh volunteered to take on the responsibility and in a
‐ PAGE 6 ‐ Sport
premeditated change Ricky Webb also opened up. The bowling was
fierce early on, however the score got to 16 when Chudleigh was
dismissed in the 7th over. Coyte, still on a high from a five wicket
haul padded up and with Webb at the other end and hit the winning
runs in the 13th over.
It was a morale boosting win for the team and I’m sure Tom would
have liked what he saw from the boys and more importantly how
gracious they were in victory; which was duly acknowledged by the
BMG captain. Tomorrow is the tough road trip to Oxford Falls to
take on St Pius.
TEAM: OpenBs
COACH: Mrs Melissa Lang and Hugh Barrett
BEST PLAYER: Fletcher Begley
SCORE: 40-16 WIN!
Coaches Report: Saturday morning began with a broken window on
our hire van and Mrs Lang using back up transportation to get the
boys to Sydney for our much anticipated game against Pius. Only
problem was that six, 17 years with long legs had to pack into the
Christmas is just around the corner and the Cathedral Gi Shop has an excellent range of religious and spiritual bouquet Christmas cards, St Columbian and Divine Mercy calendars, as well as gi s and na vity sets all at an affordable price. The Cathedral Gi Shop is located in the foyer of St Michael and St John Cathedral, Corner of Keppel and William Streets, Bathurst. Shop is open Thursday and Friday 10.30am to 4pm and also before and a er Mass on Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10am. Captiva for a 7 hour drive! Major cramping from the back
seat and some dodgy music from Cory Seigwalt made for a long day.
Fortunately this paid off with the boys securing a very impressive win.
Shooting was amazing, as a record nine three point shots were made
from a range of players. Prompting the Pius coach to comment at the
end of the match “your boys taught us a thing or two about
shooting”. Cory scored four of them, while Joshua Macauley, Lachlan
Kemp and Fletcher Begley also had success from outside the three
point line. Haydn Burke was on fire with rebounding, securing many
steals in defence. I even sighted sweat from Liam O’Neill’s brow as he
was heavily involved in moving the ball up the court in offence.
Fletcher Begley stole the show this week and he was rewarded with
best player for stunning defence and more points on the board than I
have seen in previous games. He very proudly wore his players medal
all the way home! Well done boys!
Best wishes to Stannies students participating in the Independent
Schools Regatta being held at the Sydney International Regatta
Centre on Sunday. Nick Le Breton is competing in the Senior Boys
Single Scull Race and Jack Lynch and Cameron Constable are
competing in the Year 8 Double Scull.
The P&F Autumn Fair is being held on Sunday 13 March 2016. The P&F is seeking new food stalls for the 2016 Fair. Start saving your White Elephant items too! Get some friends together to assist the P&F with new stalls. Your assistance is appreciated. For further informa on, please contact Chris Tobin on 02 6337 3511 or 0403 713 512. ‐ PAGE 7 ‐ Sport
CRICKET 1ST XI ‐ Fisher 2ND XI ‐ Ellio 3rd XI ‐ Glasson 4th XI – O’Reilly 5th XI ‐ King SSC 15 ‐ Bonny SSC 14 Blue ‐ Tilley SSC 14 White ‐ Jesse SSC 13 ‐ Welsh TENNIS Open Senior (White) Intermediate (White) Junior (White) Open Senior (Blue) Intermediate (Blue) Junior (Blue) BASKETBALL
1ST V Division 1 17 Division 1 15 Division 1 14 Division 1 13 Division 1 Opens Division 4 17 Division 4 15 Division 4 14 Division 4 13 Division 4 TOUCH FOOTBALL LCM’s
Get On My Level
Blue Ice Blazers Cheeky Possums Space Monkeys Step 2 It Don’t Reach
Boyz In Blue
Gabby’s Yabbies
Bring It Bruh HITYM
Cool Runnings
Red Devils
Thunder Duckies
Victorious Bi ers Envyus S ngin’ Rodgers OPPONENT
St Pius X College Oakhill College Stannies 4th XI Stannies 3rd XI St Pats SSC 14 White All Saints College 14 SSC 15 All Saints College 13 10.00am 10.00am 8.45am 8.45am 8.45am 8.45am 8.45am 8.45am 8.45am 9.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am 8.30 am 8.30 am 8.30 am 6.00am N/A N/A N/A 8.00am N/A 8.00am N/A 8.00am Kinross Wolaroi School Kinross Wolaroi School Kinross Wolaroi School All Saints College All Saints College All Saints College Oxford Falls Main Oval Stannies No. 1 Oval Stannies No. 3 Oval Stannies No. 3 Oval Morse Park 1 Stannies Fitz Oval Police Paddock 2 Stannies Fitz Oval Scots Lee St Oval Wade Park Courts Wade Park Courts Wade Park Courts Stannies Courts Stannies Courts Stannies Courts St Pius X College St Pius X College St Pius X College St Pius X College St Pius X College Redlands 17 Gold Oakhill College Gold Oakhill College Gold Oakhill College Gold Oakhill College Gold 23/11/15
Vicious and Delicious Space Monkeys Bathurst Boars All Saints Get On My Level Butler Engineering Rush? Barnseys Blokes B‐Town Raiders ASC Harlequins O’Connell Oldies Bathurst Young Mob Victorious Bi ers Elephant and Castle Red Devils The George Sco Build Skivvies Stannies IRC Courts Stannies IRC Courts Stannies IRC Courts Stannies IRC Courts Stannies IRC Courts NBIS Centre Oakhill College Courts Oakhill College Courts Oakhill College Courts Oakhill College Courts Learmonth TBA Learmonth TBA Learmonth TBA Learmonth 7 Learmonth TBA Learmonth 6 Learmonth 7 Learmonth 8 Learmonth 9 Learmonth 10 Learmonth 11 Learmonth 1 Learmonth 3 Learmonth 2 Learmonth 3 Learmonth 5 Learmonth 4 11.00am 10.00am 12.00pm 10.00am 11.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 12.00pm 12.00pm 1.00pm 5.15pm 5.15pm 5.15pm 5.15pm 5.15pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.30am – 12 seat 8.30am – 25 seat 8.30am ‐ Car 8.30am – 25 seat 8.30am – 25 seat 4.50pm 4.50pm 4.50pm 4.50pm 4.50pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm ‐ PAGE 8 ‐ 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am N/A N/A N/A