Department of Sociology Ÿ Institute for Social Science Research Ÿ
736 Thompson Hall Ÿ
200 Hicks Way Ÿ
University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003-9277 Ÿ
[email protected]
Ph.D., Department of Sociology, SUNY-Albany
Non-matriculated (Learning dis/Abilities), Dept. of Curriculum &
Teaching, Teacher’s College-Columbia University
B.S., Department of Biology, Howard University, magna cum laude
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa
2013 - present
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
2009 - present
Faculty Associate, Department of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
2008 - 2013
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
2007 - 2008
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
2015 - present
2014 - 2015
2014 - 2015
Spring 2012
Director of Diversity Advancement, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Chair, Committee on Civility & Equity, Department of Sociology
Undergraduate Program Director, Department of Sociology
Interim Associate Director, Social and Demographic Research Institute
Team Leader, Supporting Faculty of Color through Tenure and Beyond
Mutual Mentoring Grant, UMass, Mt. Holyoke, and Five Colleges, Inc.
SBS College Outstanding Teacher Award, University of Massachusetts
Exceptional Merit Award, University of Massachusetts
Best Graduate Faculty Mentor, Department of Sociology
Best Graduate Faculty Mentor, Department of Sociology
ISSR Social Science Research Scholar, University of Massachusetts
Outstanding Devotion and Dedication to the Profession, Black Student
Union Faculty Award, University of Massachusetts
Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award, SUNY-Albany
Commendation for Outstanding Performance. Department of Sociology,
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
Award of Distinction, Gender Comprehensive Exam. Department of Sociology,
Commendation for Outstanding Performance. Department of Sociology,
University at Albany.
Fogarty Minority International Research Training Fellowship (University
of Siena, Italy). National Institutes of Health, Howard University.
Howard University Outstanding Leadership Award
PUBLICATIONS * Denotes graduate student as co-author
Branch, Enobong Hannah (ed.). 2016. Pathways, Potholes, and the Persistence of Women in Science: Reconsidering
the Pipeline. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. 2011. Opportunity Denied: Limiting Black Women to Devalued Work. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Finalist, 2012 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book Award, ASA Race,
Gender, and Class Section.
Finalist, 2012 Max Weber Award, ASA Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section.
Alegria, Sharla* and Enobong Hannah Branch. 2015. “Causes and Consequences of Inequality in
the STEM: Diversity and its Discontents.” International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology
7(3): 321-342.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Caroline Hanley. 2014. “Upgraded to Bad Jobs: Low-wage Black
Women’s Relative Status Since 1970.” The Sociological Quarterly 55(2): 366-395.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Mary Larue Scherer*. 2013. “ Mapping the Intersections in
the Resurgence of the Culture of Poverty.” Race, Gender, & Class 20(3-4): 346-358.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Caroline Hanley. 2013. “Interrogating Claims of Progress for Black
Women since 1970.” Journal of Black Studies 44(2): 203-226.
Melissa Wooten and Branch, Enobong Hannah. 2012. “Defining Appropriate Labor: Race, Gender,
and the Idealization of Black Women in Domestic Service.” Race, Gender, & Class 19(3-4):
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Melissa Wooten. 2012. “Suited for Service: Racialized
Rationalizations for the Ideal of the Domestic Servant from the Nineteenth Century to the
Early Twentieth Century.” Social Science History 36(2): 169-189.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Caroline Hanley. 2011. “Regional Convergence in Low-Wage
Work and Earnings, 1970-2000.” Sociological Perspectives 54(4): 569-592.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. 2007. “The Creation of Restricted Opportunity due to the
Intersection of Race & Sex: Black Women in the Bottom Class.” Race, Gender & Class
14(3-4): 247-264.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. Forthcoming (2016). “Racialized Family Ideals: Breadwinning, Domesticity,
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
and the Negotiation of Insecurity.” in Beyond the Cubicle: Insecurity Culture and the Flexible Self,
Allison Pugh, editor. New York: Oxford University Press.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Sharla Alegria*. 2016. “Gendered Responses to Failure in
Undergraduate Computing: Evidence, Contradictions, and New Directions.” in Pathways,
Potholes, and the Persistence of Women in Science: Reconsidering the Pipeline, Enobong Hannah Branch,
editor. Lexington Books.
Horton, Hayward Derrick, Enobong Hannah Branch, Lindsay Hixson and Edelmira Reynoso.
2008. “Redefining Whiteness: Who is White and Does it Matter?” in Racism in PostRace America: New Theories, New Directions. Chapel Hill, NC: Social Forces.
Enobong Hannah Branch and Sharla Alegria*. Forthcoming (2016). “Equal Opportunity in Science:
Diversity as an Economic and Social Justice Imperative.” in Challenging the Status Quo: Diversity,
Democracy, and Equality in the 21st Century, David Embrick and Sharon Collins, editors. Boston:
Branch, Enobong Hannah. 2014. “The Empirical Challenge of Intersectionality: Understanding
Race, Class, and Gender through a Study of Occupations.” Pp. 183-193 in Routledge
International Handbook of Race, Class, and Gender, Shirley Jackson, editor. New York: Routledge.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. 2014. “Doing Anti-Racism” pp. 320-321 in Teaching Race and
Anti-Racism in Contemporary America: Adding Context to Colorblindness, Kristin Haltinner,
editor. New York: Springer.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Sharla Alegria*. 2013. “Employment in High-Tech/Internet
Industry.” in Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, Vicki Smith, editor. New York: Sage
Branch Enobong Hannah. Forthcoming. “The Economics of Race in the United States.” Political
Science Quarterly.
Branch Enobong Hannah. 2015. “The American Non-Dilemma: Racial Inequality Without Racism.”
Contemporary Sociology 44(3): 356-358.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. 2013. “Changing Times for Black Professionals.” Teaching Sociology 41(2):
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Caroline Hanley. The Insecurity Continuum: Race, Work, and the Elusive
American Dream (prospectus available)
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Racism, Sexism, and Labor Market Constraint: Understanding Why Black
Women were Left Behind in the Bottom Class in 1920.”
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “We Can Get it Together: Black Women and Men Negotiating
Breadwinning Ideals and Financial Stability Amid Insecurity.”
Hanley, Caroline and Enobong Hannah Branch. “Understanding Racial-Gender Inequality in Precarious
Branch, Enobong Hannah, Sharla Alegria*, and David Cort. “Gendered Self Assessment and
Doing Difference in Computing: Math and the Hazard of Leaving IT.”
Branch, Enobong Hannah, Sharla Alegria*, David Cort, and William Darity, Jr. “Persistent Privilege,
Persistent Disadvantage: A Study of Asian Immigrants.”
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Kyla Walters*. “Racializing Meritocracy: Education and Equal
Opportunity in the Era of Rising Economic Insecurity.”
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Lucius Couloute*. “Gaming the Racialized Social System: How Blacks
Talk about Navigating Inequality.”
National Science Foundation EAGER Award 1644725. $295,825. "CSforAll: Engaging Districts to
Plan, Implement, and Assess Scalable Models for CSforAll." W. Richards Adrion (PI), Enobong
Hannah Branch (Co-PI), Nilanjana Dasgupta (Co-PI), Marla Solomon (Co-PI), and Rebecca
Woodland (Co-PI). September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2018.
Google Computer Science Capacity Award. $449,054. “MaGe (Megas and Gigas Educate): Growing
Computer Science Capacity at Mount Holyoke College.” Heather Pon-Barry (PI), Audrey St.
John and Becky Wai-Ling Packard (collaborators), Enobong Hannah Branch, Evaluator. 2015-2017.
National Science Foundation Award 1424210. $219,757. “The Rise of Insecure Work and Changes in
Durable Inequality.” Enobong Hannah Branch, PI; Caroline Hanley, Subcontract PI. August 15,
2014 to July 31, 2016.
National Science Foundation Award 1334585. $8,271. “Doctoral Dissertation Research by Sharla
Alegria: Demographics, Migration, and the IT Workforce”. September 15, 2013 to August 31,
2015. Enobong Hannah Branch (PI) and Sharla Alegria (Co-PI).
“Understanding Women’s Performance and Persistence in Information Technology.” $191,182
BPC-AE: Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE) Research
Supplement. W. Richards Adrion, PI. Enobong Hannah Branch, Project Lead Investigator. August 29,
2010 to November 2012.
National Science Foundation Award 0837739. $1,911,928. BPC-AE: Commonwealth Alliance for
Information Technology Education (CAITE). W. Richards Adrion, PI. Enobong Hannah Branch,
Senior Personnel. December 1, 2008 to November 30, 2011.
Coalition to Diversify Computing. $2,620. Supplement to “Addressing the Shrinking Pipeline: On
Becoming Dr. Martha Euphemia Lofton Haynes in Computer Science.” Jamika D. Burge and
Enobong Hannah Branch. 2010.
Coalition to Diversify Computing. $5,000. “Addressing the Shrinking Pipeline: On Becoming Dr.
Martha Euphemia Lofton Haynes in Computer Science.” Tiki L. Suarez-Brown, Jamika D.
Burge, Brandeis Marshal, Dale-Marie Wilson, and Enobong Hannah Branch. 2009.
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
Mutual Mentoring Team Grant. $6,000. “Associate Women Professors in Leadership.” Enobong
Hannah Branch (PI). 2015-2016.
MSP Grant. $1500. “Beyond Recruitment, Cultivating Communities of Support for Faculty of Color.”
Enobong Hannah Branch (PI). 2015-2016.
CSBS Research Grant. $5,650. “Increasing Family Complexity, Increasing Inequality Among
Single Mothers.” Fall 2012.
Mutual Mentoring (M3) Team Grant. $10,000. “Supporting Faculty of Color through Tenure and Beyond.”
Enobong Hannah Branch (PI). 2011-2012.
Mutual Mentoring (M3) Team Grant. $10,000 awarded to the Department of Sociology. Enobong
Hannah Branch, PI. Spring 2008.
Mutual Mentoring (M4) Individual Grant. $1,200. Spring 2008.
CSBS Research Grant. $4,500. “What’s Wrong with the Pipeline?” Spring 2008.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Caroline Hanley. “The Rise of Insecure Work and the Persistence
and/or Abatement of Durable Inequality: Exploitation, Opportunity Hoarding, and the
Continuation of Labor Market Marginality.” Featured Symposium at Work Family Research
Network Meeting, June 23-25, 2016 in Washington, D.C.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Hierarchical Preferences and the Minimization of Black Women’s Work”
at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, March 17-21, 2016 in Boston, MA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Masculinity and Breadwinning in an Age of Insecurity: Racial
Commonalities and Departures.” Featured Speaker at Dinner with the Graduate Dean and
Provost, November 19, 2015.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Opportunity Denied Revisited” Featured Speaker at Kenyon College,
October 13, 2015.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Race, Work, and the American Dream” Featured Speaker at SBS Dinner
with the Provost, October 6, 2014.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Hierarchical Preferences and the Making of a Disparaged Class: Black
Women from 1860 to 1960,” Guest Lecture at St. John’s University Sociology and
Anthropology Spring Colloquium, April 15, 2014 in Queens, NY.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Exits, Pathways, and Potholes: Challenges to Diversifying Computer
Science/IT,” presentation on a thematic panel at the American Sociological Association
Annual Meeting, August 10-13, 2013 in New York, NY.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Author Meets Critic Session: Opportunity Denied Limiting Black
Women to Devalued Work,” at the Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting,
April 24-27, 2013 in Atlanta, GA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Why are Black Women Poor? A Historical Analysis of the
Production of Economic Inequality in the United States from 1860 to 1960,” at the
Universidad Icesi in Cali, Colombia for International Women’s Day, March 8, 2013.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Author Meets Critic Session: Opportunity Denied Limiting Black
Women to Devalued Work,” at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting,
February 23-26, 2012 in New York, NY.
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Sharla Alegria*. “Causes and Consequences of Inequality in the
STEM: Diversity and its Discontents,” presentation on a panel at the American Sociological
Association Annual Meeting, August 10-13, 2013 in New York, NY.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Mary Larue Scherer*. “Mapping the Intersections in the Resurgence of
the Culture of Poverty,” presentation on a panel at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual
Meeting, March 21-24, 2013 in Boston, MA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Sharla Alegria*. “Gendered Responses to Failure and Success in
Undergraduate Computing,” presentation on a panel at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual
Meeting, March 21-24, 2013 in Boston, MA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “A Road instead of Pipeline? Incorporating Agency and Constraint into our
Understanding of Women in Science,” presentation on a panel at the Eastern Sociological
Society Annual Meeting, March 21-24, 2013 in Boston, MA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Armanthia Duncan*, “Problematizing the Image of a Domestic Servant:
Struggle and Resistance in the American Film,” presentation on a panel at the Association for
the Study of African American Life and History Annual Meeting, September 26-30, 2012, in
Pittsburgh, PA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Completing Graduate School and
Transitioning into the Job Market,” presentation on a panel at the Association for Black
Sociologists Annual Meeting, August 16-18, 2012 in Denver, CO.
Melissa Wooten and Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Defining Appropriate Labor: Race, Gender, and the
Idealization of Black Women in Domestic Service” presentation on a panel at the American
Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 17-20, 2012 in Denver, CO.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Sharla Alegria. “The Performance vs. Persistence Paradox: Myths
about Women in Information Technology” at National Science Foundation Reverse Site
Visit for BPC-AE: Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education
(CAITE), March 21, 2012.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Author Meets Critic Session: Opportunity Denied Limiting Black Women to
Devalued Work,” at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, February 23-26, 2012 in
New York, NY.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “The Importance of Diversity in America’s Quest for Innovation,” paper
presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting Mini-Conference on Women in
Science, February 23-26, 2012 in New York, NY.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Opportunity Denied: Limiting Black Women to Devalued Work” paper
presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, February 24-27, 2011 in
Philadelphia, PA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Understanding Women’s Performance and Persistence in Information
Technology,” talk given at the National Center for Women in Information Technology Summit
on Women in Information Technology, May 18-20, 2010 in Portland, OR.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Caroline Hanley. “Understanding Black Women’s Persistent Poverty
and Concentration in Low Wage Jobs” paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Society
Annual Meeting, March 18-21, 2010 in Boston, MA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah and Melissa Wooten. “Who Gets to Work? Race, Gender, and the Notion
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
of Appropriate Labor” paper presented at the Mini-Conference on Race, Labor, and Empire,
August 2, 2008 in Boston, MA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Stuck at the Bottom: Black Women in the American Occupational
Structure” paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, March 15-18,
2007 in Philadelphia, PA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Between A Rock and a Hard Place: Black Women in the Bottom Class,
1850-1960” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, February
23-24, 2006 in Boston, MA.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Toward a Theoretical Understanding of Triple Jeopardy: The Intersection
of Race Gender and Class” paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Black
Sociologists, August 8-11, 2006 in Montreal, Canada.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Growing Up Disadvantaged: The Impact on the Likelihood of Teenage
Pregnancy” paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association,
August 11-13, 2006 in Montreal, Canada.
Horton, Hayward Derrick, Lindsay Hixson, Enobong Hannah Branch, Kerry Dohm, Edelmira Reynoso,
and Lori Latrice Sykes. “Capitalize on Community: A Sociological Approach to HIV
Prevention” paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association,
August 11-13, 2006 in Montreal, Canada.
Branch, Enobong Hannah. “Writing a Defensible Dissertation/Research Proposal” presentation on a
panel at the summer meeting of Sociologists for Women in Society, August 11-13, 2006 in
Montreal, Canada.
Horton, Hayward Derrick, Kerry Dohm, Enobong Hannah Branch, Lindsay Hixson, Edelmira Reynoso,
and Lori Latrice Sykes “W.E.B. DuBois and the Philadelphia Negro: A Critical Demography of
Health in the Black Community” presented at the annual meeting of the Population
Association of America, March 31-April 2, 2005 in Philadephia, PA.
Racism @ Work
Elementary Statistics
Hate Crime in America
Social Problems
Race, Racism, and Inequality
Race, Gender and Work
Introduction to Statistical Methods
Dissertation Co-Chair
Aurora Vergara-Figueroa (2013), TT Assistant Professor of Sociology, Universidad Icesi in Cali,
Sharla Alegria (2016), TT Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of California-Merced
Celeste Curington
Dissertation Chair
Patricia Sanchez-Connally, TT Assistant Professor of Sociology, Framingham State University
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
Alma Castro
Dissertation Committee Member
Christopher Boulton (2012)
Dwanna Robertson (2013)
Manisha Gupta (2014)
Carlos Alberto Valderrama Renteria
Kyla Walters
Patricia Cardoso
Master’s Thesis Member
Aya Ghunney (2010)
Aurora Vergara-Figueroa (2010)
Manisha Gupta (2011)
Comps Chair
Sharla Alegria (2010)
Patricia Sanchez-Connally (2010)
Aurora Vergara-Figueroa (2011)
Melissa Fugiero (2012, co-chair)
Cassaundra Rodriguez (2013)
Celeste Curington (2013)
Armanthia Duncan (2014)
Lucius Couloute (2016)
Kelly Giles
Comps Committee Member
Saulo Colon (2010)
Ellen Correa (2010)
Sharla Alegria (2011)
Dwanna Robertson (2011)
Jackie Stein (2012)
Carlos Alberto Valderrama Renteria (2012)
Alma Castro (2013)
Kyla Walters (2014)
Armanthia Duncan (2015)
Dario H. Vásquez Padilla (2015 and 2016)
Safi Shams (2016)
Tiamba Wilkerson
Disciplinary Service
Mentor, Summer Institute on Tenure and Professional Advancement, Center for the Study of Race,
Ethnicity, & Gender in the Social Sciences, Duke University, 2016-2018.
Editorial Board Member (appointed), Contemporary Sociology, American Sociological Association Journal,
Member, Komarovsky Book Award Committee, Eastern Sociological Society, 2015-2016
Chair, American Sociological Association Cox-Johnson-Frazier Award Selection Committee, 20142016.
Member (appointed), American Sociological Association Cox-Johnson-Frazier Award Selection
Committee, 2013-2016.
Co-Chair (appointed), National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT), Social
Science Advisory Board, 2013 – 2015
Editorial Board Member (appointed), American Sociological Association Rose Series, 2013-2016.
Member, Book Award Committee, Section on Racial & Ethnic Minorities, American Sociological
Association, 2012-2013.
Member, Programming Committee, Eastern Sociological Society 2012 Annual Meeting
Council Member (elected), Race, Gender & Class Section of the American Sociological
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
Association, 2011-2014.
Member (appointed), National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT), Social
Science Advisory Board, 2010 – present
Member, Book Award Committee, Race, Gender & Class Section of the American Sociological
Association, 2010-2011.
Member, Coalition to Diversify Computing, 2009-2012.
Conference Participation/Organization
Session Co-Organizer, A Pathway Perspective on Broadening Participation of Women in IT, American
Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2017.
Moderator, Creativity, Innovation, and Intersectionality Panel, Black Girls in Tech sponsored by
National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and Google, Venice, CA,
August 19, 2016.
Roundtable Organizer, Race, Gender, and Class Section, American Sociological Association
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2014.
Session Organizer, Race, Gender, and Class and Equality: Individual Expectations and Structural
Constraints, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, 2013.
Co-Organizer, Gender, Science and Organizations Writing Workshop, American Sociological
Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, 2013.
Mini-Conference Organizer, Women in Science - Pathways and Potholes: Entry, Persistence, and
Exit in STEM fields, Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA 2013.
Co-Organizer, Gender, Science and Organizations Writing Workshop, Sociologists for Women
in Society Winter Meeting, February 7, 2013.
Session Organizer, Labor and the Maintenance of Race, Gender, and Class Divisions, American
Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO 2012.
Session Organizer, Special Presidential Session: Conversation about Race and Gender, Eastern
Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY 2012.
Mini-Conference Organizer, Stories and Realities of Women and Minorities in Science, Eastern
Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY 2012.
Session Discussant, Diversity and Innovation, NCWIT Summit on Women in IT, New York,
NY 2011
Session Discussant, Women of Color Scientists and Engineers: Research and Practices from
Academia, Eastern Sociological Association, Boston, MA, 2010.
Session Co-Organizer, Methodological Strategies and Studying Intersectionality, American
Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2009.
Session Discussant, The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Work, American Sociological
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2008.
Session Presider, Ethnic and Racial Disparities, American Sociological Association Annual
Meeting, New York, NY, 2007.
University Service
Member, School of Education Dean Search Committee, 2016
Member, Graduate School Diversity Fellowship Selection Committee, 2015-present
Member, W.E.B. DuBois Center Faculty Advisory Board, 2014-present
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
Member, SBS Academic Leadership Fellows Steering Committee, 2014-present
Member, SBS Dean Search Committee, 2014-2015
Member, SBS College Personnel Committee, 2014-2015
Member, University Status of Women Council, 2012-2015
Member, University Outreach Council, Spring 2009
Department Service
Member, Recruitment Committee, Sociology, Fall 2012
Member, Chair Search Committee, Sociology, Spring 2012
Member, Personnel Committee, Sociology, 2011-2012
Member, Personnel Committee, Sociology, 2010-2011
Co-chair, Race, Immigration, and Citizenship cluster, 2008-2014
Team Leader, Sociology Department M3 Grant, 2008-2009
Member, Recruitment Committee, Sociology, Fall 2008
Public Sociology
Semana, “La realidad de las afrocolombianas,” March 7, 2013
Link: http://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/la-realidad-afrocolombianas/335877-3
El Pueblo, “Socióloga de EE.UU. dará charla sobre la desigualdad laboral en afros,” March 6,
Link: http://elpueblo.com.co/sociologa-de-ee-uu-dara-charla-sobre-la-desigualdad-laboral-en-afros/
El Páis, “Conferencia Experta en Negritudes,” March 6, 2013 (Newspaper – Hardcopy)
Sway, “Can women have it all, really? Seems some are not created equal,” July 12, 2012
Link: http://swaymag.ca/money-careers/can-women-have-it-all-seems-some-are-not-created-equal/
Chicago Public Radio Broadcast, Worldview, “Images, Movies, and Race: ‘The Help’ and Black
Women’s Labor,” January 27, 2012
Link: http://www.wbez.org/episode-segments/2012-01-27/images-movies-and-race-help-and-black-womenslabor-95865
Public Radio Broadcast, Radio in Black and White, “We Review ‘The Help’,” August 29, 2011
Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/19/the-help-and-todays-nannies_n_931937.html
Huffington Post, “ ‘The Help’ and the Lives of Today’s Nannies,” August 19, 2011
Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/19/the-help-and-todays-nannies_n_931937.html
American Sociological Association (Race, Gender, & Class Section; Racial and Ethnic
Minorities Section; Sex and Gender Section; Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section)
Eastern Sociological Society
Association of Black Sociologists
Sociologists for Women in Society
National Center for Women in Information Technology
Coalition to Diversify Computing
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
National Science Foundation
IEEE Computer Broadening Participation in Computing Column
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch
Sociological Quarterly
Sociology Compass
Work & Occupations
Journal of Black Studies
Qualitative Sociology
Lynne Reinner Press
Contemporary Sociology
Social Problems
Social Science Quarterly
Social Forces
Gender & Society
American Journal of Sociology
Princeton University Press
Polity Press
Oxford University Press
Administrator, Capitalize on Community Project
University at Albany – SUNY
Administrator and High School Teacher
New Covenant Christian High School, Bronx, NY
Curriculum Vitae of Enobong Hannah Branch