METRIC SYSTEM The Men"ic System is used in electronics for many of the measurements because no measurements exist in the English systom. Resistors are measured in ohms, kilohms and megohms; capacitors in farads, microfarads and picofarads. Oscilloscopes measurc waveforms in secorids, milliseconds and microseconds and volts and millivolts. Frequency which atso is used by radio stations is measured in kilohertz or kilocycles, megahertz or megacycies, and gigahertz oi gigacycles. Tltit pun of the Meric System you will have to learn because you wiil use it. An assembler will see a prys list with a resistor--5Kfl or 4.5MQ, that is 5 kiiohms or 4.5 megohms-and have to figure out the color code for them. ,'+.|th.oggtr it will be easy to do even withouipaper, the explanation and understanding the reason behind thE steps will be harder. The reason th-at it will be harder is because_you may be unfamiliar with the systonand all the units wili be new, now words. The Met'ic System is a sirnple system; much easier than the English System that you are used to using. Tlre Yetric=Sy,stenis gas=v. In the English System you can measure something using yards, feet and inches. In the Metng System you can measure something using meters, cer,itimeteld and' miliimeters. In the English System 1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches ana t fobr = 12 inches.In rhe Metric System 1 meter=100 centimeters = 1000 millimeters and 1 centi- meter= 10 miliimeters. In the English,Sfstem liquids are measured in gallons, quarts, ounces, cups, tablespoons and teaspoons. the Metric f ystem decaliters, liters, decijiters, centiliters and milliliters. In ihe Engiish Sydtem 1/4 of a gallon =_1 qla{ = 32 ounces = 4 cup! 2 pints :256drams = Ig}teaspoons 64 tablespoons. In the Meric System, everything is in LO's 0.1 decaliters = 1 iiter = 10 deciliters = 100 ^ Il : I centilite$ = 1000 milliliters. Which is easier to gse? !9l1nY $te most common problem in both sysrem. We will convsft 28 inches to feet and yards in the English system and will convert 217 millimete$ to cenrimeters and meters. English: inches to feet--28 inches + 12 inchesfoot = 2 4/L2 or 2 U3 feet inches to yard--2S inches * 36 inches/yard = 28/36 or 7 /9 yards Metric: millimeters to centimeters-2L7 rnm+ 10 mno/cm = 21.7 cm millimeters to mete$--ZL7 mnir+ 1000 mrr/meter = 0.277 metor The- Megic System is easier to use. The English System was put together over the centuries _ and based on fractions one-half and one-third. The Metric System was designed by scientist as an international standard of measurement and based on decimali. It uses a base"unit f6r each different type of thing being measured and prefixes for the relative size. Once you learn how to convert from one prefix to_ another in one base; you have learned them ail. For example, as an electronic worker yolr need to learn ro converr 2,500 ohms(O) to 2.5 kilohms(Ko). 2,500e + 1,000o1K{2= 2.5 KQ. !}en you have le_qrned this, you will be able to convert from any base to the kilo- size of that base. For example, 2,500 meter to2.5 kilometers. 2,50A meters + 1000meterlKm = 2.5 Km. Some might wish to use multiplication to convert meters to kilometers, 2,500 mste$ * .001 Km/meters = 2.5 Km. The result is the same 2,500 meters = 2.5 Km. Another way which is used often is remembering which way to move the decimal and how far. To change from a base unit to kiio' move the decimai point three piaces to the ieft. 2,500.00 dollars to kiiodoliars_ (move the decimal point 3 palces ieft) 2.50000 and drop the zeroes to the nght of the disit 5-->2.5 K$. Change the folloudng from the base unit to the Kilojunit: l.) 6,7AA farads to kilofarads 2.) 14,000liters to kiloliters 3.) 250,000 ohms to kiiohms 4.) 500 watts to kilowatts 1,560,000 amps to kiloamps 6.) 30 meters to kilometers METRIC SYSTEM To change from kilo- to the base unit you do everything in reverse. To change 2.5 Kilometers to rneters multiply by 100Q or divide by .001 or move the decimal to the right 3 places: 2.5 Kilometers x 1000 meters/Km = 2,500 meters 2.5 Kilometers + .001 Kmlmeter = 2,500 meters move the decimai of 2.5 Km. to the right 3 places to 2,500 meters (we drop the decimalpoint at the end of whole numbers). Do the foliowing: 7.) 6.7 Kilofarads to farads 8.) 14 9.) 250 kilohms to ohms 10.) 0.5 kilowatts to watts 11.) 1,560 kiloamps to amps 12.) 0.03 kilometers to meters Kiloliters to iiters In the meffic system there are several prefixes for units larger than the base units. There are several prefixes for units smaller than the base units. Also there are as many base units as there are things to measrue. The base units are meter for lelgth, are for area, liter for voiume or Iiquid measqfe, gmms for mass ("weight" in the Engiish $ystem is a bit different.), ohms for resistance, farad for capacitance, henry for inductance, amp for electric current, wafi for power, second for time(only used for small units of time), hertz f,or frequency of a signal or alternating crurent, volt for electromotive force, dynes, er€s qnd newtons lor force, joules for energy, gauss foimagnetic field.s, coulomb for electric charge. In electonic work you do not use ali those base units. Buiyou wiil use some of them. You could use most of the prefixes although not with the same base unit.-You will use kilohm andmegohm but not milliohm or microhm or picohm. However, you will use picofarad and microfarad but not kilofarad and megafarad. Yet each exist as a part of the Metric Syst-em. Rattrer than give you thee ways of converting from a particular unit to another unit, I am the easiest to remember and the faspst !o get tlre answer. It is counting decimal places and rnoving it right or left. Also it is less confusing than trying to remmber whether to divide or multiply by particular numbers. For units larger than the base units: GIGA- MEGA. MYRIA- KILO. HECTO. DECA- BASE UNIT 9 876 s 4 3 2 r _0_ The numbers that are underiine go with the prefix above them and stand for the number of decimal places that you would move the decimal point to change frorn the base unit to the prefix unit or from the prefix unit to the base unit. Example: Change 350 ohms to hectohms Hecto- is over the number 2 and is piaced on the left of the "baso unit." You move the d.ecimal 2places to the 1eft, 350 ohms = 3.5 hectohms. Example: Change 4500 watts to myriawatts Myna- is over the number 4 and is piaced on the left of the "base unit." You move the decimal 4 places to the ieft, 4,500 watts= 0.45 myriawatts. Exampie: Change 8,760,000,000 hertz to gigahertz Giga- is over the number 9 (8 and 7 do not have prefixe s) and is placed to the left of the base unit. You move the decimal 9 piaces to the left. 8,760,000,000 hertz = 8.76 gtgahertz. You can use the chart to change the otherway too. 2 METRIC SYSTEM Example: Change 6.5 Megohms to ohms number6 (5 does. notiave a prefex) and ohns is a base unit--to . rhe rieht and over the zero. You move the decimal 6 places to ttre righr 6.5 v'r ^ra!M12= v'J' 6Jdii,OOiid." "t"' Example: Change 45 hectometers to meters Hecto- is over 2 and meters is the base unit and is to the right of hecto-. you move the decimal 2 places to the right 45 hectomet"i, = 4500 meters. 14e8-a- is over-the GIGA. MEGA- 9 876 MYRIA. IilLO- HECTO- DECA- BASE UNIT 5 4 J 2 1 0 Uriog tlre char:r do the following: 13) 1,2.3 meters to decameters14) 345ffi ares ro hecrares 15) 67,000 watrs to myriawatrs 16) 780,000 farads to megafarads 17) 900,000,000 herz to grgahertz 18) 8.1 Megohms to ohnns 19) 0.45 Kilomerers ro merers 20) I Decamps to amps_ 21) 1.3 gigaliters ro lirers Hoy.{o yousuppose you would change 2.0 Yeggtps to Kilohms? There arc rwo wavs. one way would be to changefromJVlegohms tobase unit.i.6 Megc,hmsll,ob-olooil"r,_JclJi,iie""" places to the right) and then_change from base unit m kilo-. 7,600,000 ohms = 7,ftffikilohms (count 3 places to the-left) W?y Two combines the steps. Notice thar Mega- over the number 6 ttrat is underiined and Kilo- is over the 3 that is und.erlined. Als;tha; rlolt to tfre rilnt oi Mega-. Subtract the numbers that go with the uniis the decimal in the direction that the new unit is on the same side as. That is, Mega- is 6 ;"t;;e and Kilo- is 3. 6-3=3. Kilo- is on the right side of Mega-. The decimai wiil move right'^ -- -L--_- giga- . ^ 8 gigahertz to hectohertz: is 9 and hecto- 3 places to the is2,. 9-2=7. hectdis on tt r'.igirr side of eiea_. The dec.imal poinlmoves 7 piaces to the g grtn15err" S0;000d0ii;#"ti3; = 54,000,000 D":1{Tt-t! Decais 1 and Myrfi'[? ?-r=3. 1a*a-- is to the lefr {rnarrams: of Deca-. The decimai.moves 3 praceslo the 54,00b,d0b;;$r*; = i;,dcitMrr]ufr;i;. the chart above convert the foliowing units foom one to the Sther- Remember m tell 9tqg the direction the decimal goes find which side the unlt that you arr iooHng ir on *it:, respect to the unit of the number you have been given. 2D 4A gigagrams to myriagrams righr iefr. -. i* 23) 3,300 hectohms to kilohms 24) 0.005 Megawatts ro kilowatts 25) 48,000,000 decahenries to megahenries_ 26) 0.0035 Gigaliters to kiloliters 3 METRIC SYSTEM Now let us look at the other end of the scale to the units smaller than the base unit. Again, the prefixes are placed so that moving the decimal point will be the same direction as the side thlt the prefix is on and the numbers u"d-el the prefix with the underline is the number of decimal places that the decimal point must be moved from the base unit's decimaL position. BASE UI'{IT DECI- CENTI- MILLr- MrcRo- NAN0- pICo- 0 I 2 _3_4s67 8_9,1011L2 To change 2.45 meters to centimeters: meters is a base unit and centi- is the prefix from ^ centimeter and is over the number 2. Centi- is to the right of the base unit. Therefore, the decimal moves 2 piaces to the right. 2.45 meters =245. centimeters (I do not need to write the d"ecimal point. I did so that some might see that it is where it lands.) Example: 0.00045 liter to milliliters: liter is the base unit and milii- is to right and over 3 (4 and 5 do not have names and. are not underlined; 3 is underlined and goes with milti-). The decimal point rnust be moved 3 places ro the right. 0.00045 liter = 0.45 milliliters If we wanted to change it to microliters from 0.45 milliliters, micro- is to the right and over 6 (again^7 ana.9_9p not have names). 6-3=3. The decimal moves 3 more places to the right. 0.45 milliliters = 450 microliters.' Exampie: change 300,000 picofarads to farads Farads is the base unit and pico- is the prdix over 12 and is to the right of the base unit. Therefore, the decimal point will move to the left 12 places. Notice you are changing from picoto the base unit; the base unit is to the left of pico- The rule is move from the-unit wittr the numbers to the new unit. Moving the decimal 12 places to the left 300,000 picofarad.s = 0.0000003 farads Example: change 6700 nanohenries to microhenries. Micro- is over 6 and Nano- is over 9. We are going from nano- to nricro- and micro- is on the left. Therefore, we movo the decimal point 3 places to the left. (9-6=3) 6700 nanohenries = 6.7 microhenries. Using the chart at the top of this page change the following: 27) 23.4 grams to decigrams Zq 434 meters to centimeters 29) 0.0078 amps to milliamps 30) 4,500,000,000,000 picowatts to watts '3I) 56 nanoseconds to seconds 32) 0.00047 microfarads to picofarads 33) 30.7 miliiiiters to microliters 34) 650,000 microns to centimeters (micron is used instead of micrometer, which is a measuring instrument) 35) 0.00079 nanohms to deciohms 4 METRIC SYSTEM What do you do when the units are on opposite sides of the base units? The direction rules for right and left are srill 6r same. The only diffeience is now you add the numbers underiined under thb prefixes t9 get the decimal p,ia9eq, Fbr example if you rianted to change iiS a""u eters ro decimeters. Deca- is over 1 and deci- is over 7.1+1=2. deci is to right ofine base unit and the base unit is to the right of deca-. The decimal is moved 2 places to the rilht . z.Z5 decamerers =225. decimeters. Another example: 4,500,000,000 microhms to kilohms liigto- is 6; kilo- is 3. 6+3=9. Kilohms is to the left of the base unit and the base unit is to the left of micro-. The decimal must be move 9 places to the left. 4,500,000,000 microhms = 4.5 kilohms. GIGA- MEGA- MYRIA. KILO. HECTO. DECA. BASE UI{IT e 87 6_ s 4 2 1 0 I BASE UNIT DECI- CENTI. MILLI- MICRO- NANO- PrcO. 1 2 l- 4 s 6 7 8_e 10 11 12 0_ The chart above is made from the two previous ones put togethsr. Example: 0.0000000078 megawatrs ro nanowarts I4._gu: is over 6 and Nano- is over 9. 6+9=15. Nano is to the right of Mega-. The decimal moves 15 places to the right. 0.0000000078 megawatts = 7,800,000 nanowatrs. GIGA- MEGA. TYRIA- KILO- IIECTO- DECA- BASE DECI. CENTI- MILLI- MCRO- NANO- PiCO- 96432r0 1236912 Using the above chart, do the following: 36) 45.78 hectograms to milligrams 37) 648.00 centiamps to decamps 38) 1 Megohm to microhm 39) 1,000,000,000,000,000 picofarads to kilofarad 40) 70.89 myrialiters to 4I) centiliters_ 1,23A gigahertz to decihertz 4})3Megohms to ohms 43) 0.089 miiligrams to decagrams 44) 0.25 kilograms to decigrams 45) Il.yoy *.otqq 40 hours per week for 52 weeks and were paid at the hourly rare of $6.25, how many kilobucks did you A11 units can be abreviated. Km for kilometer. cg. for centigram- mw for milliwatt. The . make?_K$ abreviation for micro- is f-[, the Greek letter mu. pfd means microfarad, pH is for microhenry, and p or pn is for micron--l pn = 0.000001 meters. 5 (/t = 4 l*l F o CL (/l k tt) 0) t< a o) a= u= Q)U u)ria r(OO o ^r{OO ./looo qFiOOO 'q)OC)OO c,)OOOO 6Fi(>OOO 9?i.:OOOOO u.;iooooo ){'Y pi'iqFiOC>O(>O t!\q,OOOOOC> q) ri F<qiEOaaaaO OOC)OOOOC) V)C)C)OOOOC> -UPF-{OOOOOOO or":1 F. ,X adaooooo(>ooor-i OaOOOOOOO-'i IlOOOOOOOOF{ C>OC>OOOOFt =OOOOOOO TOOOOOOO \OOOOOO-i v v v I v g u - - - - v v - - F{OOC)OOOO(> TiOOOC>OOOOO u -IOOOOOO FOOOOOFI V)OOOOO OOOOFI .9OOC>O ar: -OOOC> O.OOOT-r (Jeuo tooo tEO--\U o-; C> Fi U F-l *MrAArNtnco.i<t \ C.l_N_-i ri r{ O\_\O_ca_c\Lri O O C) O (> O O O.O r-l rl Fl r-l Fi r-f Fi r-f F-f CJ F-r I C\ I cq I \O I O\ I FlI F-r I F-r I NI O-O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O Fi ts S;ei?=Esr€ aocOt o3g i EI I .E F-l e il E g, e € rl F-f ri r{ Ff Fi - - d N I rf e e ?? 3 a s ^ s 5 g ;EJ 'E € s E p a e E K r, E;: ;&!
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