Agenda - Bass Coast Shire Council

Bass Coast Shire Council
Agenda for Ordinary Meeting
Wednesday 15 February 2017
The Old Wonthaggi Post Office
74 McBride Avenue
Meeting open to the public from 5.00pm
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Notice of Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the next Ordinary Meeting of the Bass Coast Shire
Council will be held at the Old Wonthaggi Post Office, 74 McBride Avenue Wonthaggi
on 15 February 2017 at 5.00pm
Date of Notice - 10 February 2017
Paul Buckley PSM
Chief Executive Officer
Mobile Telephone Reminder
Please turn off all mobile telephones or in the case of an emergency, please advise the
Chair and switch to silent mode.
Statement of Acknowledgement
Bass Coast Shire Council acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the
first Australians and recognises that they have a unique relationship with the land and
Council also recognises that we are situated on the traditional lands of the
Bunurong/Boonwurrung, members of the Kulin Nation who have lived here for
thousands of years.
We offer our respect to their elders past and present and through them, all
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Councillor Statement
All members of this Council pledge to the Bass Coast Shire community to consider
every item listed on this evening’s agenda:
Based on the individual merits of each item;
Without bias or prejudice by maintaining an open mind; and
Disregarding Councillors’ personal interests so as to avoid any conflict with
our public duty.
Any Councillor having a conflict of interest in an item will make a proper, prior
disclosure to the meeting and will not participate in the debate or vote on the issue.
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Shire Council
Present and Apologies ................................................................................................. 4
Declarations of Interest ............................................................................................... 5
Confirmation of Minutes.............................................................................................. 6
Ordinary Meeting held on 14 December 2016 ..................................................... 6
Public Question Time .................................................................................................. 7
Petitions, Joint Letters and Deputations ................................................................... 8
Request for footpath/bike track between Rhyll and Cowes ................................ 8
Notices of Motion ....................................................................................................... 10
166/17 Support for “Keep Me Posted - Support the Consumers’ Right
to Choose” campaign, Cr Pamela Rothfield ....................................................... 10
167/17 Use of Recycled Products in Reserves. Cr Pamela Rothfield ................ 12
168/17 Phillip Island New Year's Eve Working Group, Cr Stephen
Fullarton ................................................................................................................ 13
169/17 Capital Works Proposals. Cr Les Larke ................................................... 14
170/17 Council’s Financial Sustainability Risk Indicators as at 31
March 2017, Cr Les Larke .................................................................................... 15
171/17 Procurement Policy, Cr Les Larke ........................................................... 16
172/17 Anderson Street Boat Ramp Kiosk Lease, Cr Michael Whelan ............. 18
Mayor and Councillor Reports .................................................................................. 22
Reports Requiring Council Decision ......................................................................... 24
160195 - Two lot subdivision - 140 Punchbowl Road - San Remo .................... 24
160089 - Subdivide the land at 2A Dover Street, Sunderland Bay into
two allotments ...................................................................................................... 37
Inverloch Transfer Station additional information and Phillip Island
Transfer Station progress update ........................................................................ 47
Car Ferry Infrastructure - Business Case ............................................................. 60
Bass Coast Shire Council Road Management Plan Review 2017 ...................... 66
Public Art Allocation - Wind Blades- Creative Artwork/Play Project at
Guide Park, Wonthaggi ........................................................................................ 71
Future Art Gallery Options................................................................................... 76
Council Meeting Schedule 2017 .......................................................................... 80
Determination of Councillor and Mayoral Allowances ..................................... 83
H.10 Adoption of Provision of Resources to Councillors Policy ................................. 86
H.11 Cowes Yacht Club Lease Area Variation ............................................................. 88
H.12 Wonthaggi Highball Facility - Victorian School Building Authority
2017-17 Shared Facility Fund ............................................................................... 91
Statutory Reports....................................................................................................... 97
CEO's Report for February 2017 ......................................................................... 97
2016/2017 Major Initiatives, Finance and Capital Works Second
Quarter Report ................................................................................................... 101
Quarter 2 Efficiency Report 2016/2017 ............................................................ 109
Contracts Awarded Report ................................................................................ 113
Assembly of Councillors Report ......................................................................... 114
Planning and Building Statistics - November 2016 ........................................... 116
Planning and Building Statistics - December 2016 ........................................... 120
Place Names Committee Meeting Minutes ...................................................... 124
Urgent Business ........................................................................................................ 125
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Present and Apologies
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Declarations of Interest
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Confirmation of Minutes
Ordinary Meeting held on 14 December 2016
Bass Coast
Shire Council
That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 14 December 2016 be
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Bass Coast
Shire Council
Public Question Time
This is the only opportunity that members of the public will have to put questions
to Council. Unless approved by the Mayor, no other opportunities will be given to
the public to discuss agenda items with the Council.
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Shire Council
Petitions, Joint Letters and Deputations
Request for footpath/bike track between Rhyll and Cowes
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
A petition containing 88 signatures has been presented to Council. The petition reads:
“Our local community needs better pathways for kids and adults to get around our Island
without putting themselves in danger. We currently have no safe way to get from Rhyll
to/from Cowes without car. Our lives are put in danger every time we try to walk or ride
on Cowes Rhyll Road. We need a footpath/bike track now to ensure the safety of all.”
Section 63.2 of the Bass Coast Shire Council Meeting Procedure Local Law 2009
states that:
“A petition or joint letter presented to Council must lie on the table until the next ordinary
meeting of Council and no motion, other than to receive the petition or joint letter may be
accepted by the Chairperson, unless the Council agrees to deal with it earlier.”
1. That the petition be received and lie on the table until the next
Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held 15 March 2017.
2. That the head petitioner be advised of Council’s decision.
AT-1 CONFIDENTIAL - Petition footpath-bike track Rhyll and Cowes 7 Pages
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Shire Council
Notices of Motion
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Shire Council
Notices of Motion
166/17 Support for “Keep Me Posted - Support the Consumers’ Right to
Choose” campaign, Cr Pamela Rothfield
I, Cr Pamela Rothfield, hereby give notice that I intend to move a motion at the
Ordinary Meeting on 15 February 2017, which reads as follows:
That Council supports the “Keep Me Posted - Support the Consumers’
Right to Choose” campaign.
Many Australians prefer to receive their invoices and bank statements on paper due
to reasons such as lack of internet access, digital abilities, security concerns with
online fraud or simply for convenience. Others prefer email for practical reasons.
Either way, it’s important that Australians have the right to choose.
The Keep Me Posted Campaign is promoting the right of every Australian to have the
choice to receive, free of charge, important information from service providers in
paper format.
Every Australian should be given the right to choose how they receive
correspondence without disadvantage or penalty.
The Keep Me Posted pledge urges companies to:
 Offer all consumers the choice of receiving information through paper
correspondence as a standard offer;
 Refrain from penalising in any way, any consumer for preferring to receive
information through paper correspondence:
o No extra charge
o No change of frequency
o No difficulty to revert back to paper correspondence
o Require prior consent from consumers before ceasing to send paper
Keep Me Posted has already obtained the official support of three Victorian Local
Government Authorities (Hume, Monash and Maribyrnong). The Local Government
Association of Tasmania has also passed a motion to support the campaign seeing
Tasmania as the first State to unilaterally support the campaign.
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Shire Council
Cr Pamela Rothfield, Island Ward
Dated: 15 February 2017
There are no attachments for this report
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Shire Council
167/17 Use of Recycled Products in Reserves. Cr Pamela Rothfield
I, Cr Pamela Rothfield, hereby give notice that I intend to move a motion at the
Ordinary Meeting on 15 February 2017, which reads as follows:
That Council considers the purchase of recycled products when replacing
furniture in reserves.
Cr Pamela Rothfield, Island Ward
Dated: 15 February 2017
There are no attachments for this report.
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Shire Council
168/17 Phillip Island New Year's Eve Working Group, Cr Stephen Fullarton
I, Cr Stephen Fullarton, hereby give notice that I intend to move a motion at the
Ordinary Meeting on 15 February 2017, which reads as follows:
That Council:
1. Establish a working group to plan and co-ordinate New Year’s Eve
activities on Phillip Island in 2017.
2. Invite representatives from selected organisations who can assist
with this planning to join the working group, which will commence in
February 2017. This group will comprise of a Bass Coast Shire
Councillor (Chair), Council’s Events Team, representatives from the
Phillip Island Tourism and Business Association, the Phillip Island
Progress Association, the Cowes Retail Traders Association, the
Victoria Police, Emergency Services representatives (as required)
and selected community representatives.
Cr Stephen Fullarton, Island Ward
Dated: 15 February 2017
There are no attachments for this report.
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Shire Council
169/17 Capital Works Proposals. Cr Les Larke
I, Cr Les Larke, hereby give notice that I intend to move a motion at the Ordinary
Meeting on 15 February 2017, which reads as follows:
That the Chief Executive Officer ensure that any future new, upgrade or
expansion capital works proposals must include a lifecycle cost evaluation
that identifies the asset’s design and construction costs, maintenance costs
and operating cash flow requirements and depreciation, over the course of
the long term financial plan.
Cr Les Larke, Bunurong Ward
Dated: 15 February 2017
There are no attachments for this report.
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Shire Council
170/17 Council’s Financial Sustainability Risk Indicators as at 31 March
2017, Cr Les Larke
I, Cr Les Larke, hereby give notice that I intend to move a motion at the Ordinary
Meeting on 15 February 2017, which reads as follows:
MARCH 2017
That the Chief Executive Officer report the current state of Council’s
Financial Sustainability Risk Indicators as at 31 March 2017.
That such report be presented to Council at its April 2017 Ordinary
Meeting, including:
 Net result (%)
 Liquidity ratio (ratio)
 Internal financing (%)
 Indebtedness (%)
 Capital replacement (ratio)
 Renewal gap (ratio)
in accordance with the Victorian Auditor-General’s (VAGO) definitions
and report format as outlined in VAGO’s report titled ‘Local Government:
2015-16 Audit Snapshot’ dated November 2016.
Further, that such report be presented to Council at each monthly
Ordinary Meeting ongoing from April 2017.
In addition a review of the monthly performance reporting regime
covering financial and non-financial activities of Council be undertaken
with a target implementation by 1 October 2017.
Cr Les Larke, Bunurong Ward
Dated: 15 February 2017
There are no attachments for this report.
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171/17 Procurement Policy, Cr Les Larke
I, Cr Les Larke, hereby give notice that I intend to move a motion at the Ordinary
Meeting on 15 February 2017, which reads as follows:
That Attachment AT-1 (and as amended at any time by the Municipal
Association of Victoria (MAV)) be received and adopted as Council’s
Procurement Policy, subject to the following:
 Amend Clause dot point 3 by deleting the words “such as
contract prices”;
 Amend Clause 2.1.6 by adding a further sentence at the end of the
last paragraph, that being:
“The Chief Executive Officer to maintain a register of such
approaches”; and
 Insert “Addendum 1: Local Sourcing
Council recognises that it is a major purchaser of goods and
services and design and construct works within the Bass Coast
Shire, and is keenly aware that its procurement policies, practices
and processes have the potential to influence the local economy.
Council recognises the benefits of purchasing locally, and is
committed to increasing and promoting a sustainable Bass Coast
Shire economy. To achieve this, Council will use its best
endeavours to support the local community including business and
industry within the Bass Coast Shire, and maximise local
opportunities by means that are consistent with achieving
demonstrated sustained value.
Council will include the evaluation criteria of ‘Benefit to Bass Coast
Shire economy’ where the purchasing of goods and services and/or
design and construct works (whether or not subject to tender) is
likely to have an impact on the Bass Coast Shire economy and/or
local jobs.
That the Chief Executive Officer table the revised Procurement Policy for
final approval by Council at the March 2017 Ordinary Meeting.
That Attachment AT-2 (and as amended at any time by Local
Government Victoria) be received and adopted as Council’s Best Practice
Procurement Guidelines.
That Procurement Approval Levels be Reserved for Council from this
date, as follows:
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Shire Council
 Contract approval for all expenditure exceeding $250,000
(including GST) for goods and services and exceeding $250,000
(including GST) for Design and Construct works; and
 Variations and contract term extensions (requiring additional
budget) in relation to such contracts.
That Council’s Chief Executive Officer revise Council’s Procurement
Delegation Framework including Authorities, Responsibilities and
Procurement Approval Levels to accord with:
 Procurement Approval Levels Reserved for Council;
 MAV Model Procurement Policy, subject to Clause and
2.1.6 amendments and insertion of Addendum 1 as set out
above; and
 Victorian Local Government Best Practice Procurement
That the Chief Executive Officer table a schedule of revised Authorities,
Responsibilities and Procurement Approval Levels for final approval by
Council at the March 2017 Ordinary Meeting.
That upon final approval by Council, the revised Procurement Policy and
revised Authorities, Responsibilities and Procurement Approval Levels be
published on Council’s website for community transparency purposes.
Cr Les Larke, Bunurong
Dated: 15 February 2017
MAV Model Procurement Policy
29 Pages
Victorian Local Government Best Practice Procurement Guidelines
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Shire Council
172/17 Anderson Street Boat Ramp Kiosk Lease, Cr Michael Whelan
I, Cr Michael Whelan, hereby give notice that I intend to move a motion at the Ordinary
Meeting on 15 February 2017, which reads as follows:
That Council;
1. give notice of its intent to negotiate directly with the sitting tenant of
the Anderson Street Kiosk for a new lease on a term of up to ten
years at market rental as assessed by independent valuation subject
to the requirements of the Local Government Act 1989;
2. seek support from the Department of Environment Land Water and
Planning pursuant to section 190 of the Local Government Act 1989 to
this lease arrangement; and
3. publish a notice indicating Council’s intent to lease the site and
seeking submissions from the public pursuant to Section 223 of the
Local Government Act 1989 with a report back to Council after
completion of the consultation process.
Ms Collis presented to Council in the Community Engagement session on the 8
February 2017 indicating that:
 the current lease has expired and she is now on a month by month rental basis
 Ms Collis has operated the business for 10 years and maintains the property in
a very satisfactory state
 she has made substantial improvements to the property that would need to be
removed in the event of termination of the tenancy
 she and her husband also run the sand clearing contract for the boat ramp
 they are cooperating with Council to achieve economies in the sand contract
There is provision in the “Leasing Policy for Crown Land in Victoria 2010”
(Department of Sustainability and Environment) that provides for approval to be
sought for direct negotiation.
“Section 5.3.2
New Leases
……There are special circumstances where it may be impractical to use a competitive
process and direct negotiations are an acceptable way to achieve an outcome which serves
the community interest (see below). Land managers should fully examine whether a direct
negotiation process is the most suitable course of action and explore the alternatives before
seeking Ministerial approval to negotiate directly with a proponent. Regardless of whether a
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Shire Council
competitive or direct negotiation lease allocation process is used, it must be fair, open and
Renewal of lease to incumbent tenants
A proposal to grant a new lease to an incumbent tenant may be considered by the
Minister subject to the same considerations as a new lease. Generally, proposals to issue a
new lease to an incumbent tenant will not be considered until at least 50% of the term of
the lease has expired.
Any further term of lease to an incumbent tenant will be through the grant of a new
lease. A variation of lease cannot be used to extend the term of a lease to an incumbent
Ministerial approval
The final decision to allocate a lease through a direct negotiation process instead of a
competitive allocation process rests with the Minister at the time of the Agreement in
Principle (AiP) to lease.
The Minister may require as a condition of the AiP that the Crown land manager or the
proponent undertake a public notification process of the intention to negotiate directly.
Circumstances that may justify direct negotiations:
 when the current market rental value of a property is low relative to the cost of
conducting a competitive process; or
 when an appropriate competitive process has not produced a satisfactory lease
outcome; or
 when it is clear beyond reasonable doubt that there is only one prospective tenant for
a particular property asset; or
 where, after an assessment of the site, it can be determined that direct negotiation
with a prospective tenant would maximise benefits to the community and/or
government; or
 when the lease is short term and does not include obligations on the tenant to carry
out capital works; or
 where there is evidence that conducting a competitive process may place a project of
regional or state significance at risk; or
 where the only practical access is available from adjoining land owned by the
proponent; or
 when it can be demonstrated that the process of selection will be open, fair and
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Council has a policy that at the end of any Crown Land Lease, it will commence a
public tender process for the future lease of the facility. This is generally a sound
In this circumstance, the lease has expired and a tender process has not yet
commenced. The restitution works and set up for another leaseholder would take
some time leaving the facility unavailable to the public. The leased property potentially
meets some of the circumstances outlined in the above Guidance points e.g. where,
after an assessment of the site, it can be determined that direct negotiation with a
prospective tenant would maximise benefits to the community and/or government.
Achieving permits for similar works to those undertaken by the incumbent may not
be readily achievable.
For the sake of transparency Council should advertise its intention to seek approval
from the Minister and invite comment. Council can be guided by information on the
return from similar properties in determining rental and other conditions.
Cr Michael Whelan, Island Ward
Dated: 15 February 2017
There are no attachments for this report.
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Mayor and
Councillor Reports
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Mayor and Councillor Reports
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Bass Coast
Shire Council
Reports Requiring
Council Decision
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Bass Coast
Shire Council
Reports Requiring Council Decision
160195 - Two lot subdivision - 140 Punchbowl Road - San Remo
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Sustainable Development and
Sustainable Development & Growth
Our built environment complements
our landscape, lifestyle and climate.
Application Details
Use/Development Sought:
The Land:
Planning Scheme:
Two lot subdivision
140 Punchbowl Road, San Remo
Bass Coast Planning Scheme
Farming Zone (FZ)
Land Subject to Inundation Overlay
Significant Landscape Overlay
Schedule 1 (SLO1)
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
Executive Summary
The application proposes to subdivide the land at 140 Punchbowl Road, San Remo
into two lots.
The proposed Lot 1 has an area of 73Ha and proposed Lot 2 contains an existing
dwelling and has an area of 47Ha. The application was advertised and attracted a total
of three submissions in the form of objections.
The applicant has lodged an appeal at VCAT (the Tribunal) for Council’s failure to
determine this application within the prescribed timeframe.
The merits of the application have been assessed against the relevant policies of the
Bass Coast Planning Scheme and it is considered that the application does not meet
the requirements of the Scheme, in particular the requirements for subdivision of land
within the Farming Zone.
On this basis, it is recommended that Council inform the Tribunal that if it had the
power to decide the application it would resolve to issue a Notice of Refusal.
Proposed Use & Development
The application proposes to subdivide the land into two allotments in general
accordance with the proposed plan of subdivision at Figure 1 below.
A full copy of the proposed plan of subdivision is included in Attachment 1.
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Figure 1 - Proposed Plan of Subdivision:
The proposed allotments are described as follows:
 Lot 1 will measure 73 ha with frontage to Phillip Island Road and Punchbowl
Road; and
 Lot 2 will measure 47 ha with frontage to Punchbowl Road and Bass Strait.
A farm management plan has been submitted in support of the application. The plan
states that the subject land has been used over the years for cattle grazing, hay
yielding, pea cropping and the like. The report acknowledges that the proposed
subdivision is:
 Of sufficient size to be a productive unit and large enough area to have internal
paddock subdivision to allow rotational grazing and be environmentally safe and
sustainable into the future.
 Of sufficient land area for surplus spring pasture production to be harvested
and fed back into the animal grazing system during autumn-winter as silage for
early cut hay.
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 These grazing areas are a consistent size with other properties already
producing high quality product.
A ten year land management plan has been recommended as part of the farm
management plan.
Reason a Council Decision is required
Councillors have requested that this application be brought to a Council meeting for a
Subject Site
The subject site is rectangular in shape with Phillip Island Road providing a boundary
to the north and the Bass Strait to the south.
The top of the ridgeline is towards the southern part of the proposed Lot 2, from
here the land falls away relatively steeply towards Bass Strait.
Figure 2 - Site and Surrounding:
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The site is currently agricultural grazing land and comprises a single dwelling located
along the southern boundary of the site.
The subject site lies approximately 1.5 kilometres to the east of the town centre of
San Remo. Access to both lots is proposed to be from Punchbowl Road which is a
Council maintained road. Punchbowl Road is a gravel surface and undulating in parts.
It is noted that lots adjoining Punchbowl Road are located outside of the existing
settlement boundary of San Remo.
Permit History
The site is subject to the following planning permits:
 Planning Permit 991631 - Issued for the subject land on 17 May 2000. The
application had been extended twice, the last time being on 18 January 2006
and has now lapsed. The permit allowed the land to be used and developed for
the construction of a tourist establishment incorporating an 18 hole golf
course, 4 accommodation lodges, clubhouse including accommodation and
associated facilities.
 Planning Permit 991777 - Issued on 5 September 2000 allowing the subdivision
of land into two lots. This permit was never implemented and has now lapsed.
 Planning Permit 050973 - Issued at the direction of VCAT on 26 July 2007. The
application was for use and development of the land for tourist accommodation
and associated facilities, golf course, removal of vegetation and provisions of
site access. This permit has now lapsed.
 Planning Application 140299 - At its Ordinary Meeting of 9 December 2015,
Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a permit for a three lot
(staged) subdivision for the purposes of a Leisure and Recreation Facility (golf
course) and associated tourist accommodation. The Notice of Decision was
appealed to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal who remitted the
application to Council for further consideration. An amended proposal was
submitted, and subsequently withdrawn by the applicant.
The subject site has significant coastal views to the north and south. The surrounding
area of Punchbowl Road is mainly grazing land with some scattered dwellings. The
western side of Punchbowl Road is largely clear of any vegetation, whilst scattered
planting exists to the eastern side. The openness of the western side of Punchbowl
Road provides a visual break to the edge of the growing town of San Remo some 1.5
km to the west where a number of new residential subdivisions have been approved.
The coastlines to the north and south of the subject site dominate the character of
the area, with the subtle changes from ocean to bay reflected in the landscape and
coastal vegetation.
The eastern side of Punchbowl Road has a number of dwellings on smaller lots
however, the outstanding natural views are to the west and to Cape Woolamai. As
such the existing residential dwellings to the east side of the road do not significantly
affect views of the natural environment.
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The applicant gave notice pursuant to Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act
1987; and included sending a copy of the notice to 28 surrounding landowners and
occupiers and placing signs facing both Punchbowl and Phillip Island Roads. Notices
were also given to those who had objected to Planning Application 140299.
The applicant provided a statutory declaration stating that the notification procedures
were conducted in accordance with the Council’s instructions.
A total of three written submissions in the form of objections were received in
response to the application.
A summary of responses is provided in the table below:
Table one: Summary of concerns raised in each objection
Summary of Concerns
 No reasons provided with the application to subdivide the
 Impact on the significant flora and fauna habitats and
landscape and destroying the vista of the area.
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 Visual impact of the subdivision will be detrimental to the
delicate environment of the area and cliff top habitats.
 No details provided whether the existing electricity lines
will be underground at the owner’s expense.
 No details of the impact of traffic on Punchbowl Road has
been submitted with the application.
 There has not been any details of future developments
included in this application and how this development will
impact on the rural setting of Punchbowl Road.
 The proposed subdivision will not facilitate the outcomes
anticipated for the land in the Planning Scheme.
 Proposed subdivision does not appear to be based on any of
the current zone purposes.
 The proposed subdivision is inappropriate having regard to
the outcomes anticipated for the land in the Planning
Scheme, the zone purposes and relevant planning controls.
 The adjoining land owner and resident at Punchbowl Road
will be directly affected by subdivision which does not
facilitate the outcomes anticipated for the land, which is not
based on zone purposes and which is inappropriate.
3 ( from
 Any proposed subdivision of the land must include building
restrictions/envelopes, sensitive to the SLO demonstrating
that the relevant planning controls and objectives are
capable of being met on both proposed lots 1 and 2 to avoid
inappropriate buildings and works on or close to the main
ridgeline and in exposed locations.
 Map 2 in clause 21.08 of the Planning Scheme requires a new
pedestrian and cycle trail to complete the missing link in the
existing George Bass Coastal Walk. The proposal does not
provide for such link.
 The break-up of the site and division along the ridgeline is
inappropriate and premature and not consistent with the
purpose of the FZ being ‘to encourage the retention of
productive agricultural land’.
 The creation of two small farm holdings with inevitable
duplication of farm structures with less area further limiting
agricultural potential, is not consistent with planning policy
that seeks to retain viable and productive farming and
agricultural units.
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 The proposed subdivision does not comply with the new
subdivision area of 80ha min lot size under Amendment
C140 as this is a seriously advanced Amendment. The panel
report has found in favour of an 80Ha min lot size for this
part of the mainland area of the shire (paragraph 4.3 of the
panel report).
The application was referred in accordance with Section 52 and 55 of the Planning
and Environment Act. Referrals can be either determining or recommending.
Council is bound to follow the advice of determining referral authorities whereas
recommending authorities provide advice and proposed conditions for the applicant
to adhere to.
A summary of referrals for this application is provided below:
Table two: Referral requirements and comments
Referral Authority
Referrals under section 55 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987
Endorsed the proposal subject to conditions.
Referrals under section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987
National Trust
Objected to the proposal.
Department of
Environment, Land,
Water and Planning
Did not object to the proposal.
West Gippsland
Catchment Management
Did not object to the proposal.
Planning Scheme Requirements
A planning permit is required for subdivision in the Farming Zone and under the Land
Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO).
The planning controls, planning permit triggers and policy as relevant to the
assessment of this application is included in Attachment 1.
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Council Adopted Strategies
The Council adopted strategies that are relevant to the assessment of this application
 Rural Land Use Strategy
At its Ordinary Council meeting on 21 August 2013, Council adopted the
Rural Land Use Strategy. This document sets out the long-term vision for the
Shire’s rural land use. Its vision aims to:
Protect the opportunity for agriculture.
Protect rural landscape and maintain green breaks between towns.
Provide for rural-based tourism.
Ensure that environmental values are protected and enhanced.
Protect the liveability of Bass Coast’s rural areas.
This document is a strategic tool that will be used to develop appropriate
planning policies and controls to incorporate into the Bass Coast Planning
Planning scheme Amendment C140 was prepared to implement the
recommendations in the Rural Land Use Strategy. It is noted that this
Amendment has been adopted by Council and final approval from the Planning
Minister has been granted. The final step in the formal process will be gazettal
of the amendment which is anticipated to occur on Thursday 9th of February
Amendment C140 introduces a number of new policies into the Bass Coast
Planning Scheme to address issues such as rural subdivision; particularly ‘small
lot’ subdivision in the Farming Zone. Amendment C140 has amended the
minimum lot area for subdivision in the Farming Zone from 40ha to 80 ha for
land located on the mainland. This increase was considered to be an
appropriate size in the farming zone as it aims to;
 Facilitate farm growth and expansion.
 Support agricultural activities.
 Prevent proliferation of dwelling not associated with agriculture.
 Maintain land in parcels with productive land management potential, and;
 Recognise that most farm units are comprised of multiple lots.
Amendment C140 also introduces policy (22.04 and 22.05) that identifies small
lot excisions with or without houses as generally inappropriate in rural areas
as the additional house entitlement created is rarely necessary to improve the
farm operation of the land. Excisions result in rural land being progressively
lost to hobby farming or rural residential uses which is in direct conflict with
the aims and objectives of the strategy.
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 San Remo, Newhaven, and Cape Woolamai Structure Plan (2010).
This document was reviewed in 2015 and (as relevant) relates to the
expansion of the settlement boundaries for San Remo and relocation and
extension of the alignment of the proposed east-west link in San Remo.
In relation to the future development of the site, the Structure Plan (p.15)
“ Facilitate the development of this land for non-residential uses associated with
recreation and tourism, provided that these uses (and their associated infrastructure)
compatible with the high amenity values of the significant coastal landscape south of
the primary ridgeline”.
The subject site lies on Punchbowl Road that marks one end of the George
Bass Coastal Walk, which runs from San Remo to Kilcunda. The walk is along
the coastline in this area, with the San Remo to Black Head part of the route
being on the National Trust Register as a landscape of cultural significance.
In relation the George Bass walk, the Structure Plan (p. 15) states:
“Establish a continuous public coastal trail from San Remo to Kilcunda for
environmental protection and public access between Potters Hill Road and Punchbowl
Council has recently adopted ‘Bass Coast Shire Aspirational Network Pathways
Plan 2016’ (on 18 May 2016) and the extension of the George Bass Walking
Trail has been identified in this study. It is assessed that the construction and
completion of the coastal trail will be carried out in future and land forming
the southern part of proposed Lot 2 may be utilised for this purpose.
It is assessed that whilst the Planning Scheme identifies a potential change of
zoning of the land in the future, subdividing the land whilst it is in the farming
zone would be premature without an identified use and development.
Officer’s Considerations and Response to Submissions.
The subject site is partly located within the ultimate township boundary of San Remo’s
identified tourist area, on land that is currently zoned ‘Farming’ and is earmarked for
urban development. The southern half of the subject land has been earmarked for
‘Recreation and Tourism’ purposes.
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State, local and zone policy considerations
The application is considered to be inconsistent with the Farming Zone provisions of
the Planning Scheme and Council’s adopted Rural Land Use Strategy 2014.
With regards to land zoned Farming, there is a clear imperative set by the Bass Coast
Planning Scheme that it should be used for agricultural purposes and that productive
agricultural land is to be retained and protected from fragmentation, loss and
potential land use conflicts (Clause 14.01-1; 14.01-2; 21.03-5; and 35.07).
The proposal largely fails to meet the farming zone decision guidelines set at Clause
35.07-6 on the following grounds;
 The proposal does not accord with the State and Local Planning Policy
Frameworks as it would lead to a fragmentation of productive agricultural land
thereby reducing the long term productive capacity of the site, and the impact
this would have on the contribution of agriculture to the economy.
 The proposed subdivision is not considered to be compatible with adjoining
and nearby land uses.
 The proposed subdivision would not support and enhance agricultural
production in this area. It is Council’s strategic vision for the area that land be
maintained in large parcels in order to be productive. Small lot sizes with the
ability to construct a dwelling does not accord with this vision.
Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 1:
The Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 1, clause 42.03-2 requires a planning
permit to construct a building and carry out works and remove vegetation unless
specifically exempt by the relevant schedule. The relevant schedule is ‘Schedule 1’ and
relates to ‘Strzelecki Foothills and Bass Valley’.
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It is noted that this overlay deals with removal of vegetation and buildings and works.
As there is no development proposed with the application and there is not a permit
requirement under the SLO1 overlay provisions for a Planning Permit to subdivide
land, the consideration of the SLO1 objectives and guidelines are therefore not
considered relevant to the assessment of this application. However if the permit
holder applies for a permit in future for any buildings and works then that application
will be considered accordingly at the time against the relevant provisions of the
Planning Scheme.
Road Zone 1:
In accordance with Clause 52.29 of the Bass Coast Planning Scheme, a permit is
required to subdivide land adjacent to Road Zone Category 1. It is noted that
VicRoads had no objection and have formally consented to the granting of a permit.
Land Subject to Inundation Overlay
The subject land is affected by a number of waterways and was therefore referred to
West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (WGCMA) for comments. No
concerns were raised by the WGCMA.
VCAT Appeal:
The application has been appealed at VCAT under s79 of the Planning & Environment
Act 1987 for Failure to Grant a Permit within the prescribed time. Council’s position
on the application will be required at the Tribunal.
Relevant VCAT decisions;
There have been a few recent VCAT appeals relating to subdivisions in the Farming
Zone involving Bass Coast Shire Council. The Tribunal considered a broad range of
planning related issues which were similar to the subject application and upheld
Council’s decision to refuse these subdivision applications.
Two of these appeals were as follows:
Bass Coast Shire Council v Bruce Gibson (12 June 2015)
This application sought approval to excise an existing dwelling from the land.
The subject site was zoned Farming and had a land area measuring
approximately 47 hectares. The reason for the excision of the existing
dwelling from the site was required to enable the owner to continue to live
in the existing dwelling without having to farm the land. This approach does
not accord with State or Local Planni ng Policy which encourages the
protection of productive farmland which is of strategic importance from the
proliferation of housing on small lots and housing u nrelated to agriculture; or
policy that aims to discourage uses not directly related to, or that may have
an adverse impact on agriculture and future agricultural opportunities.
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Council issued a Notice of Refusal which was appealed by the permit applicant
and Councils decision was upheld by the Tribunal.
b) Bass Coast Shire Council v Roger Bailey (28 November 2014)
The application proposes the subdivision of two existing rural lots into six lots
of approximately 40 hectares each. The proposal was refused by Council on
grounds that the subdivision was inconsistent with the State Planning Policy
and the Bass Coast Rural Land Use Strategy (RLUS). VCAT also upheld
Council's decision and the member quoted (from a previous appeal involving
Greg Chalmers Pty Ltd v Greater Geelong CC 2007):
 … the more the more rural land is fragmented into smaller pieces, the
less useful and useable it is for farming purposes. It has long been held
recognised in rural planning, indeed for decades, that fragmentation of
rural land, with or without proliferation of non-farm rural houses not
required for farming purposes are a very serious threat to the continued
usefulness and useability of farming land. Fiddly bits of land are less
useful, particularly if of an appropriate (sic) shape and location, than
larger areas. The whole trend of farming practice has been to increase
areas required for farming enterprises whilst there has been continuing
pressure to cut land up into smaller amounts to exploit is residential
value. Good town and country planning looks for residential uses to be
located in or on the edge of towns, or at least in areas planned for that
purpose, rather than spread over rural zones areas.
The application has been assessed against the State and Local Planning Policy
Framework, including the Municipal Strategic Statement and Farming Zone provisions
of the Bass Coast Planning Scheme.
Whilst the application is assessed as consistent with the San Remo, Newhaven and
Cape Woolamai Structure Plan, it is inconsistent with the provisions of the Farming
Zone making subdivision at this time inappropriate.
On this basis, it is recommended that Council informs the Tribunal that if it had the
power to determine the application, it would have issued a Notice of Refusal.
That in relation to planning permit application 160195 for a two (2) lot
subdivision located at 140 Punchbowl Road, San Remo, Council informs
the Tribunal that if it had the power to determine the application, it would
have issued Notice of Refusal on the following grounds;
1. The proposal is inconsistent with Clause 14.01-1 and Clause 14.01-2
o the State Planning Policy Framework that related to protection of
agricultural land and rural land use.
2. The proposal is inconsistent with Clause 21.02-4 and Clause 21.03-5
of the Municipal Strategic Statement that relates to small rural lots
and agriculture.
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3. The proposal is inconsistent with Clause 22.02 of the Local Planning
Policy that relates to hilltop, ridgeline and prominent coastal land
reform protection policy.
4. The proposal is inconsistent with the purpose and decision guidelines
of the Farming Zone provisions at Clause 35.07 of the Bass Coast
Planning Scheme.
5. The proposal is inconsistent with the decision guidelines of Clause 65
of the Bass Coast Planning Scheme.
6. The proposal is inconsistent with the objectives and decision
guidelines of the approved Rural Land Use Strategy 2014.
7. Inadequate justification has been provided in relation to the
economic merits of substantially reducing a broad acreage land
AT-1 106195 - Planning Scheme Requirements
3 Pages
AT-2 160195 - Proposed Plan of Subdivision
1 Page
AT-3 160195 - Farm Management Plan
29 Pages
AT-4 CONFIDENTIAL - 160195 - Submissions 6 Pages
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Bass Coast
Shire Council
160089 - Subdivide the land at 2A Dover Street, Sunderland Bay into two
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Sustainable Development and
Natural Environment
Our unique natural environment is
protected, maintained and enhanced
for the enjoyment of all.
Previous Items:
PR1/16 - 160089 - Subdivide the land at 2A Dover Street,
Sunderland Bay into two allotments - Council - 14 Dec 2016
Application Details
Use/Development Sought:
The Land:
Planning Scheme:
Locality Plan:
Two lot subdivision
2A Dover Street (Lot 2, PS506136)
Bass Coast Planning Scheme
Low Density Residential Zone
Vegetation Protection Overlay,
Schedule 2
(refer attached)
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
Executive Summary
This application proposes to subdivide the land at 2A Dover Street into two
The proposal triggers the need for a planning permit under clause 32.03-3 (Low
Density Residential Zone) of the Bass Coast Planning Scheme. The application was
advertised and attracted five submissions.
The application was presented to Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 14 December
2016. Council resolved to defer decision to allow for further consideration of the
The merits of the application have been considered against the relevant policy of the
Planning Scheme. Whilst the proposed subdivision is within the town boundary and
zoned appropriately, the Bass Coast Planning Scheme discourages increased housing
densities in towns without the appropriate infrastructure or services to support such
development. It is assessed that a whole of catchment drainage strategy is required
prior further development.
On this basis, it is recommended that Council resolve to refuse planning permit
application 160089.
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Shire Council
Proposed Subdivision
The application proposes to subdivide the land into two allotments in general
accordance with the proposed plan of subdivision prepared by Brosnan Engineering
Solutions (Revision C, dated 12 July 2016). A full copy of the proposed plan of
subdivision is included in Attachment 1 (AT-1).
The proposed allotments have a land area measuring above 2000sqm, as such are
required by the Bass Coast Planning Scheme to be connected to reticulated sewerage.
Image one: Proposed subdivision of 2A Dover Street
Reason a Council Decision is required
Council’s delegations require applications that attract five or more objections to be
determined by Council. This application attracted five objections.
The application was presented to Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 14 December
2016, Council resolved the following;
That Council defer consideration of this matter to the next Ordinary Council Meeting.
Subject Site
Following is a description of the subject site and other relevant information pertaining
to the allotment.
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Image two: Subject Site
Site Dimensions
5000 sqm
Site Frontage
Flat; site level of 19.5m AHD
Vegetation Cover
Grassed paddock with trees located centrally within the
allotment, and a mixture of native and exotic plant species
located around the perimeter of the site.
Current Use
A dwelling is located within proposed Lot 1.
Note: the above image is from Council’s GIS system and
was taken in November 2015, before the dwelling was
relocated to the site.
A 3.0m wide drainage and sewerage easement is located
on the sites eastern and southern boundary
Restrictive Covenants
The site is not encumbered by any restrictive covenants
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sensitivity
The site is not located in an area of Aboriginal Cultural
Heritage Sensitivity
Planning Permit History
The site has not been subject to any other planning
The Subject Site is located within the defined settlement boundary of Sunderland Bay.
Sunderland Bay is a coastal hamlet located approximately 5.0 km south of Cowes,
Phillip Island’s main township. Sunderland Bay does not have any commercial or
community infrastructure; rather residents in this settlement are required to travel to
Cowes or the mainland to fulfil their day-to-day needs. The coastline is located
approximately 200m west of the subject site. The physical infrastructure servicing the
residential areas of Sunderland Bay includes gravel roads and open swale drains,
reticulated electricity, reticulated water/sewerage and telecommunications. It is
noted that those allotments included in the Low Density Residential Zone, are not
connected to reticulated sewerage. The topography of Sunderland Bay is flat, with
the westernmost section of the township having a ground level of approximately
19.5m AHD, the implications being significant drainage issues.
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Image three: Subject Site’s location within Sunderland Bay
Image four: Zone Map.
Source: Bass Coast Planning Scheme. Land coloured Pink is included in the General Residential Zone,
land coloured apricot is included in the Low Density Residetnial Zone and land coloured light blue is
included in the Farmng Zone.
Notice of the application was required under Section 52 of the Planning & Environment
Act 1987, as the responsible authority was not satisfied that the grant of the permit
would not cause material detriment to any person.
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Shire Council
The Applicant gave notice in the following manner:
 Sent copies of the Notice by registered mail to 51 land owners and occupiers;
 Placed a Notice on the land.
In response to notification the application attracted six submissions. One submission
was withdrawn as the Applicant agreed to relocate the proposed building envelope so
that it would be setback a minimum of 3.0m from the boundary shared with 1A
Dover Street, Sunderland Bay.
Should Council resolve to approve this application it is recommended that a condition
be placed on the permit to secure the 3.0m setback of the building envelope.
A summary of the remaining objections is listed in the following table and a copy of
each objection is included in Attachment 3 (AT-3).
Table 1: Summary of Concerns raised in each objection
Summary of Concerns
Current land supply is adequate and a further allotment is unnecessary.
Current land supply is adequate and a further allotment is unnecessary
Lack of footpaths in Dover Street
Increase traffic on Phillip Island and within Sunderland Bay
Increase traffic in Dover Street and Sunderland Bay; inadequate road infrastructure
and increased traffic will result in dust and noise.
The following table outlines the referral requirements of this application.
Table 2: Referral requirements and their comments
Referral Authority
External (Section 55 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987)
Not required
Clause 66.01 applies, therefore referral not required to servicing authorities
providing the conditions at Clause 66.01-1 are included on any permit issued.
Internal (Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987)
Revenue Services
Asset Management
No objection to approval of the application.
Objected to the approval of the application for the following reasons:
Housing density should not be increased in this area due to the
drainage system capacity.
The piecemeal approval of planning permit applications will not
resolve drainage issues in fact it will make it more difficult to develop
a solution.
The application is considered premature until such time that the
Sunderland Bay Drainage Strategy, which addresses the entire
catchment, is prepared.
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Shire Council
Planning Scheme Considerations
A planning permit is required to subdivide the land into two allotments; in areas with
connection to reticulated sewerage the allotments can have a land area of 2000 sqm.
Works are currently being progressed to connect the site to reticulated sewerage.
The planning controls, planning permit triggers and policy as relevant to the
assessment of this application is included in Attachment 3 (AT-3).
Officer’s Considerations
State and Local Planning Policy Framework Assessment
The intention of the relevant State and Local Planning Policies is to encourage
residential subdivisions to be located within existing settlements, encourage
development at a range of densities; and improve housing choice and affordability.
Policy further intends to achieve growth that is considerate of neighbourhood
character, environmental quality, service limitations and cost of providing
The proposed subdivision meets some of these policy objectives because the subject
site is located within the Sunderland Bay township boundary; it respects the prevailing
pattern of subdivision and will result in improved housing choice to cater to the
diverse needs of the community. However, it is considered that the proposal does
not respond to other policies, which require growth to respect environmental and
infrastructure constraints. The essential failing of this application rests with the
drainage infrastructure limitations of the Sunderland Bay.
Of concern is stormwater management. The Bass Coast Planning Scheme at Clause
22.01 has the relevant objectives to maintain stormwater flows and discharges at a
maximum of the pre-development flow level and to design a stormwater system that
manages flooding and drainage so as to minimise risks to the community and the
environment. This application was referred to Asset Management as they are
responsible for stormwater drains and assessing the impacts of proposed
developments upon that system. Upon review of the application, Asset Management
resolved to object primarily due to the capacity of the Sunderland Bay drainage
By way of background, Council’s Drainage Services Asset Management Plan (DSAMP) and
Urban Roads and Drainage Improvement Policy, acknowledge there are drainage issues
throughout the Shire. These drainage issues are a legacy of the time prior to the
implementation of planning legislation where housing estates were developed without
the requirement for construction of road and drainage infrastructure. Sunderland Bay
is an example of this as evident by DSAMP that identifies the current level of drainage
service is less than four star (Council’s adopted level of service). The issues are also
shown in image five, six and seven.
The settlement and housing policy contained in the Bass Coast Planning Scheme
acknowledges this issues and it is policy to discourage increased housing densities in
towns like Sunderland Bay that are without the appropriate infrastructure or services
to support development. It is also policy to ensure that development is of net
community benefit.
The Urban Roads and Drainage Improvement Policy and DSAMP furthers planning policy
and ensure that infrastructure upgrade projects are funded in a financially sustainable
manner, which is fair and equitable for all ratepayers, both current and future, within
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Shire Council
the Shire. In particular, DSAMP identifies that a Sunderland Bay drainage strategy is
required to be developed to understand and plan for future works and funding.
As such, it is clear that the upgrading of Sunderland Bay infrastructure should not be
dealt with in a piecemeal manner, whereby each development or subdivision
application creates its own interim drainage solution; rather a strategic and whole
catchment approach is required.
On this basis, an application to Melbourne Water for funding to develop a Sunderland
Bay Drainage Strategy has been sought and approved. Once finalised, the Strategy will
provide clear direction to the Council and community as to the proper and orderly
development of drainage infrastructure within the township. It is considered that the
approval of development within the catchment prior to developing a strategy would
be premature.
Image 5: Drainage issue at intersection of Jill Street and Anglers Avenue.
Photos Supplied by Objector to planning permit 140334.
Image 6: Drainage issue at intersection of Jill Street and Anglers Avenue.
Photos Supplied by Objector to planning permit 140334.
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Image 7: Ponding swale drain on Dover Street.
Photo was taken on 19 October 2016 at 8.18am by Statutory Planner.
Zone Assessment
The application has been considered against the purpose and decision guidelines of
the LDRZ. It is acknowledged that the proposed subdivision generally meets the
purpose of this zone because it will provide for low-density residential development
on lots that can be connected to reticulated sewerage. However, the decision
guidelines also require that before a decision is made about the application
consideration must be given to the provision of utility services, including drainage; and
the Integrated Water Management Objectives of Clause 56.
With regards to utility services, the subject site can be connected to reticulated
water, sewerage, electricity and telecommunications.
However, the application fails to meet the objective of Clause 56.07-4, Urban Run-off
Management, because in a storm event runoff from the proposed development, even
if captured to pre-development levels, will be of detriment to the surrounding
Due to the drainage issues it is recommended that Council resolve to refuse this
Response to Submitters Concerns
A response to each of the objectors concerns is as follows:
Current land supply is adequate and a further allotment is unnecessary
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Shire Council
The predicted population growth has resulted in this land being zoned for
residential land uses and included within the Sunderland Bay township boundary.
Therefore, an application can be made to further subdivide this land.
Lack of footpaths in Dover Street
There is no nexus between the creation of one additional residential allotment and
the requirement for a footpath along Dover Street. Furthermore, the application
was considered by Asset Management who has not raised any concerns, or
requirement for, footpaths.
 Increase traffic; inadequate road infrastructure and increased traffic will result in dust and
The creation of one new allotment is not anticipated to increase traffic to
unacceptable levels or create unreasonable amenity impacts. Furthermore, the
application was referred to Asset Management who did not raise any concern
about traffic.
The application has been assessed against the Bass Coast Planning Scheme. Whilst
the application is within the town boundaries and zoned appropriately, on balance the
proposed development fails to comply with Planning Scheme requirements related to
drainage, stormwater management and orderly development.
The development of the Sunderland Bay Drainage Strategy provides Council the
opportunity to ensure that drainage infrastructure meets the needs of current and
future residents.
It is recommended that Council resolve to refuse planning application 160089 on the
basis that it is inconsistent with the Bass Coast Planning Scheme and does not
represent orderly development.
That in relation to planning permit application 160089 for the two lot
subdivision located at 2A Dover Street, Sunderland Bay, the Council
resolves to issue a Notice of Refusal on the following grounds:
1. The application is contrary to the objectives of Planning in Victoria
as it will not result in orderly planning or secure a pleasant
residential living environment.
2. The proposal is contrary to Clause 19.03-2 (Infrastructure – water,
supply, sewerage and drainage) of the Bass Coast Planning Scheme
as it will not provide drainage services that efficiently and effectively
meet State and community needs.
3. The proposal is contrary to Clause 21.02-2 (Settlement – housing) of
the Bass Coast Planning Scheme as it will result in an increased
housing density in an area that does not have the appropriate
infrastructure to support the development.
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4. The proposal is contrary to the objectives of Clause 22.01
(Stormwater management policy) as it will not maximize the
effectiveness of the stormwater infrastructure.
5. The proposal is not consistent with the objectives or decision
guidelines of Clause 32.03- Low Density Residential Zone
6. The proposal does not meet the objective of Clause 56.07-4 or
Standard C25 that relate to urban run-off management.
AT-1 160089 - Planning Scheme Requirements
3 Pages
AT-2 160089 - Proposed Subdivision
1 Page
AT-3 CONFIDENTIAL - 160089 - Submissions 5 Pages
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Inverloch Transfer Station additional information and Phillip Island
Transfer Station progress update
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Sustainable Development and
Natural Environment
Our unique natural environment is
protected, maintained and enhanced
for the enjoyment of all.
Previous Items:
SR2/16 - Closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station - Council 17 Aug 2016 5.00pm
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
The Waste Management Strategy 2015 – 2025, adopted by Council in September
2015, incorporated a preliminary review of Councils waste facilities, identifying a
range of issues affecting the viability of these sites into the future. The document
identified a range of best practice standard shortfalls at the Inverloch Transfer Station,
as well as potential impacts to the environment and aesthetic impacts due to
encroachment from residential development. The strategy also identified the
requirement for Council to address the rehabilitation of the closed Inverloch Landfill
as per Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria Closed Landfill Guidelines.
Council officers considered these issues along with:
 The financial viability of undertaking the range of works required at the
Inverloch Transfer Station
 Council’s new waste service contracts including additions to kerbside services
to commence from September 2017
 The impact of any changes on the community
In August 2016 Council resolved to close the Inverloch Transfer Station, to coincide
with the commencement of the new kerbside food and green waste bin service in
September 2017. The Inverloch Transfer Station currently operates three days per
week and the closure timing allows for the additional kerbside food and green waste
organics service to address a primary use of the Inverloch Transfer Station – the
disposal of green waste.
Council considered a number of factors in making this decision, including:
 Environmental risks
 Proximity of other transfer stations
 The significant investment required to bring the site up to best practice
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Shire Council
 The additional operational budget to maintain the site and services into the
 Community feedback
In addition, the Inverloch Transfer Station is located within the boundaries of the
closed Inverloch Landfill site, which raises a number of issues, most notably that the
closed landfill may need rehabilitation works under a Pollution Abatement Notice
from EPA Victoria. This notice is expected to be served in 2017. The Inverloch
Transfer Station infrastructure will need to be removed to undertake any significant
works directed by EPA Victoria in line with the Best Practice Environmental
Management (BPEM) 2010 guidelines.
The closure of Inverloch Transfer Station reduces Councils risks and liabilities
associated with the transfer station, and continues to provide residents with access to
these facilities within approximately 15 minutes, through the Wonthaggi Transfer
A petition, containing 618 signatures, was presented to Council at its 23 November
2016 Ordinary Council Meeting. The petition requested that Council rescind its
previous decision to close the Inverloch Transfer Station and commit to the reestablishment of a Transfer Station on Phillip Island.
At the 14 December 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to seek
further information in relation to the closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station and
the progress of the development of the Phillip Island Transfer Station. The purpose of
this report is to provide Council with advice and information as directed by the 14
December 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting resolution.
Council Decisions on the Inverloch Transfer Station
At its 22 June 2016 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved the following:
That Council:
1. Note the report on the proposed closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station in
September 2017.
2. Defer consideration of the closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station to the August
2016 Council meeting to enable two information sessions to be held in July to discuss
the recently adopted Waste Management Strategy and officers recommendation to
close the facility.
At its 17 August 2016 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved the following:
That Council:
1. Closes the Inverloch Transfer Station on the 1 September 2017 to coincide with the
introduction of the food and garden organics kerbside collection.
2. Thanks the community for their attendance at the information sessions.
3. Notes that an infrastructure review and plan to upgrade the Wonthaggi transfer
station to best practice will commence in 2017/18 with State government funding
sought to undertake the capital works upgrades to meet best practice.
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Shire Council
A petition was presented to Council at its 23 November 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting
the petition reads:
“We, the undersigned present the accompanying petition to be considered by Bass Coast
Shire Councillors:
This petition recognises the highly valuable service the Waster Transfer Stations provide to
community, and requests that Council rescind the decision of the previous Council to close the
Inverloch Transfer Station, and also requests that Council commit to the re-establishment of a
Transfer Station on Phillip Island by no later than December 2017.
This public petition is endorsed by more than 600 members of the Bass Coast Shire
We commend this petition to Councillors for their consideration.”
The petition contains 618 signatures and a brief breakdown of the addresses of the
signatories is provided the locality information in the table below.
Number of Signatures
Phillip Island
Pioneer Bay, Coronet Bay, Grantville and Corinella
Pound Creek and Venus Bay
Non BCSC Residents
Total 618
At its December 2016 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved the following:
1. That a report be presented to Council at the next ordinary meeting providing:
A report on the likely economic, social and environmental impacts on residents in
Inverloch and surrounds.
A report on any likely increased costs to the Wonthaggi location as a result of
the closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station.
Whether written confirmation has been received that the EPA requires the exInverloch landfill to be rehabilitated in 2017.
Whether the Inverloch Transfer Station can remain in place while any
rehabilitation work to the landfill is being undertaken and the options around
A progress update on the establishment of a new Phillip Island Transfer Station.
2. That the head petitioner be advised of Council’s decision.
Inverloch Transfer Station
The Inverloch Transfer Station is located in close proximity to Inverloch Township,
and within 300m of developed properties. It is also located approximately 15 minutes
from the Wonthaggi Transfer Station. The facility operates for three days per week,
on Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
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The Inverloch Transfer Station is located within the boundaries of the Inverloch
Landfill site, which was opened in 1977 and closed in 1985. Officers understand that a
level of capping and rehabilitation work has been undertaken at the site in the past
however these works will need to be assessed by the EPA through the Pollution
Abatement Notice. This is a regulatory requirement for all Victorian landfills. Council
is legally required to rehabilitate closed landfills, and was notified by EPA Victoria in
December 2016 that a notice to undertake this process will be served in 2017.
The landfill site, and transfer station is located on Department of Environment Land
Water and Planning (DELWP) Crown Land. The site is zoned Public Use Zone
(PUZ6) (Local Government) with adjacent land uses zoned as follows:
 East – PCRZ – Public Conservation and Reserve Zone, incorporating Screw
Creek; and
 North, west and south – GRZ1 – General Residential Zone.
Screw Creek runs to the south east and east of the site where stormwater is likely to
be discharged to. The site is also subject to a Wildfire Management overlay and a
Vegetation Protection overlay.
The surrounding land was zoned General Residential in the mid 1970’s and planning
permission was granted to the respective developers.
Community feedback during development of Councils Waste Management Strategy
2015-25 in July 2015, recognised that the Koonwarra Transfer Station and Landfill, the
Wonthaggi Transfer Station and the Inverloch Transfer Station have a degree of
overlap in users depending on opening days and current charges.
It is generally regarded within industry that a catchment area for a waste transfer
station is usually defined by a 15 minute travel time (one way) from a residential area
to the facility. A review of travel times within a comparable Shire (Surf Coast Shire)
reveal average times between 15 – 20 minutes between major towns in the shire to
the Transfer Stations either within the Shire (Anglesea, Lorne or Winchelsea) or
adjacent to the shire (Drysdale). Also by way of comparison Baw Baw Shire Council
has positioned its transfer stations to be an average of 25km drive for most residents.
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Residential Land
Transfer Station
& old landfill
Screw Creek
Image 1: Arial image showing Inverloch Transfer Station, Screw Creek and Residential Land
Phillip Island Transfer Station
Phillip Island previously had a Council landfill site located near the township of Rhyll
which was closed by the former Council of Phillip Island.
Bass Coast Shire Council recently completed capping and is currently in the
rehabilitation phase at this site. This land is Crown Land, now managed by Phillip
Island Nature Parks under agreement with the state government.
The site remained operational as a transfer station until June 2013.
An interim Recycling Bank currently operates on Dunsmore Road in Cowes, 5 days
per week (Friday to Tuesday).
The Waste Management Strategy identifies the inadequacy of the Cowes Recycling
Bank as a permanent transfer station facility and specifies that feasibility studies be
undertaken for the:
‘Provision of appropriate waste infrastructure/services for all Shire residents…’. The
consideration of the Cowes Recycling Bank is considered a high priority as it is currently
not considered a long term solution to meet the needs of the community’.
Council’s ‘Waste Collection Service and Waste Facility Management and Operation
Services’ tender, awarded in July 2016, included provision for a new transfer station on
Phillip Island, and received limited response.
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As a result of the limited response received during the tender process to a new Phillip
Island Waste Transfer Station facility, a Probity Advisor engaged to oversee the
process recommended that Council should undertake an Expression of Interest (EOI)
process in February 2017, specifically for the siting, design, construction and operation
of the facility. This does not omit the expressions of interest or proposals received
to date through the tender process.
The EOI process will begin in February 2017.
Strategic Basis
Council Plan Principles
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both
current and future generations.
 The intrinsic value of biodiversity and the protection of the natural eco systems
will be recognised.
 Equity in the distribution of resources across the Shire.
 Transparent evidence-based and inclusive decision making.
 The provision and use of energy and resources will be promoted in an efficient
and sustainable way.
The Natural Environment Strategy 2016 –26 responds to the Council Plan 2013- 17
strategic objective:
Our unique natural environment is protected, maintained and enhanced for the enjoyment
of all.
Waste Management Strategy 2015-25
The Strategy refers to the consideration of the closure of Inverloch Transfer Station,
encroachment of residential development on the area, and travel distances to other
facilities in sections and 6.8.6, and page 59:
Best Practice Review
 Inverloch Recycling and Waste Transfer Centre – Rezoning of the land to Rural
Residential has caused a number of unverified complaints regarding odours and green
waste mulching. If the facility is no longer able to accept such waste, the facility may
no longer be required.
Inverloch Transfer Station
The cost to Council to operate and maintain the Inverloch Transfer Station in its
current condition for financial year is $185,000. The cost to operate the facility for
2017/2018 would be $215,000, with the cost rising by CPI annually after that. The
2017/18 operating cost reflects the requirements in the new Waste Contract to
improve data recording and transaction monitoring. The facility operates three days a
week (Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm).
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The site is currently not operating to Best Practice Standards (Sustainability Victoria;
Guide to Best Practise at Resource Recovery Centres, 2009). To upgrade the site to an
acceptable standard Council would need to consider investing significant capital
funding, and then further operational budget to maintain the site to standard.
A preliminary review of the facility undertaken during the development of the Waste
Management Strategy 2015-2025 has identified the need for the following upgrades
(page 54):
 Bitumen roads need to be upgraded.
 Site layout needs to be redeveloped to allow:
o recycling loads to be disposed of prior to general waste disposal
o reduce conflicting traffic issues
 Improved product and traffic signage.
 Improve areas for the deposit and storage of currently accepted products such
as mattresses and e-waste.
 Develop contaminated stormwater capture and management infrastructure including asphalting and kerb and channelling.
 Litter interception infrastructure such as enclosed sheds.
 The Council Waste Management Strategy 2015-2025 (pg. 54) recommends that
all green waste be removed to Wonthaggi (or another suitable site) for storage
and processing purposes due to the potential fire hazard of stockpiling as well
as the potential aesthetic impacts on the local community, e.g. dust, noise,
vermin and odour.
 The installation of a potential weighbridge facility would also be considered.
 The site would also likely require improvements to attendant amenities as well
as security and product control systems.
The cost of bringing similar scoped sites up to best practice standard has been in the
order of $500,000. In addition, Inverloch could attract significant costs related to
road development and maintenance required for the length of Old Ford Road, and
potentially power infrastructure.
The infrastructure on the site will need to be removed prior to any required
rehabilitation of the Inverloch landfill site. The cost to remove this infrastructure is
estimated at approximately $5,000.
Inverloch Landfill Rehabilitation
Until the initial EPA Victoria assessment of the site is undertaken, including
assessment of previous works, the costs for capping, rehabilitation and aftercare for
Inverloch landfill can only be estimated.
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Using recent rehabilitation works at the Grantville Landfill as an example: capping
costs were approximately $64 per square metre. The current known extent of waste
at the Inverloch Landfill covers an area of approximately 17,000 square meters, and
would be expected to cost approximately $1.08 million to rehabilitate. The annual
aftercare cost for the facility will be primarily based on the monitoring regime and
infrastructure required by the Post Closure documentation approved by EPA Victoria.
As an example, the monitoring regime at the closed Wonthaggi Landfill costs
approximately $60,000 per year. This aftercare cost will be a liability for Council up
to 30 years after final approval by EPA Victoria.
Phillip Island Transfer Station
At its 20 July 2016 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved that the tender for a Transfer
Station on Phillip Island be put on hold for Expressions of Interest to be sought in
Specifications and costings for the facility have not been detailed at this time; however
the tender documentation provided by Council during the procurement of the new
waste contracts specified that the proposed facility replicates, at minimum, the service
levels offered by the Wonthaggi Transfer Station. Indicative costs for a contract that
includes, build, own and operate, transfer specifications are estimated to equate to
$10 million over 10 years.
Signatories of the petition
Bass Coast Shire residents
Property developers
South Gippsland Conservation Society
South Gippsland Shire Council
West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
EPA Victoria
Gippsland Waste and Resource Recovery Group
Inverloch Business and Tourism Association
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
Environment Protection Act 1970
Planning and Environment Act 1987
Sustainability Victoria Act 2005
Sustainability Victoria; Guide to Best Practise at Resource Recovery Centres, 2009
Bass Coast Planning Scheme
Other Options
Council may resolve to seek further information in relation to closure of the
Inverloch Transfer Station.
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Shire Council
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
The following points directly reply to the Council resolution at the December 2016
ordinary meeting:
a) Likely economic, social and environmental impacts on residents in
Inverloch and surrounds
This analysis was completed by Council officers. A full economic impact study would
require external expertise.
Community feedback:
Two community information sessions were held in July 2016. 74 residents registered
their attendance across the two sessions. At these sessions the community
expressed concerns around the following:
1. Impacts of increased traffic on the road to Wonthaggi
Travel from Inverloch to the Wonthaggi Transfer Station is possible via a number of
routes which are frequently used on Tuesdays through Fridays by Inverloch residents.
The impact of additional vehicle movements on Wonthaggi residents is expected to
be minimal with 55 cars per day (peak period daily attendance at Inverloch)
expected through Wonthaggi on any given day.
2. Cost to residents to travel to Wonthaggi in terms of time, fuel and mileage
There would be a range of variables that could impact such costs (for example, the
type of vehicle, route taken, weight and load size). Some residents may not need to
access transfer stations as often, due to the increased capacity of kerbside waste
collection with the introduction of the 240l organics bin. Each organics bin is
expected to accommodate 180l of loose green waste per week (in addition to
organic waste from the kitchen) equating to 9.36 cubic meters of green waste
annually. Disposal of this volume at a Council Transfer Station would currently cost
approximately $140 as compared to $51 for the kerbside alternative negating the
need for loading and transport of materials.
3. The closure will have a negative impact on the community
While the closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station would reduce the convenience for
some users, it is believed that significant savings will be passed on to the community
as a whole and Council will be able to actively address a range of potential and
current risks relating to amenity, funding and health of the natural environment
which the facility currently poses. Approximately 4,200 properties currently receive
kerbside services around Inverloch, the organics collection service will allow over
39,000 cubic meters of garden waste to be collected from the community annually
which far exceeds the average intake of material at the Inverloch Transfer Station of
approximately 5,300 cubic meters of green waste, including the green waste
4. The environmental impact of fly-away rubbish from trailers on the way to
It is the responsibility of any motorist to ensure that their load is secure when
transporting any type of material, regardless of the distance of travel and destination.
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5. The environmental impact of pollution generated by car fumes from additional
cars travelling to Wonthaggi in terms of carbon pollution
Such figures have not been determined. The weighting of the environmental impact
of greenhouse gas emissions created by the public travelling to the Wonthaggi
Transfer Station from Inverloch versus the environmental impacts on the surrounding
environment from the ongoing operation of the Inverloch Transfer Station would be a
very complex investigation requiring significant resources.
Further considerations:
The facility’s location poses potential impacts to the environment, in particular
relating to stormwater discharge and fire, and aesthetic impacts to the community
due to the continued encroachment of residential development.
The potential cost of the upgrades required to meet best practice standards as
identified in Councils Waste Management Strategy 2015-25 (page 54, July 2015), see
The transfer station is currently located within the boundaries of the closed Inverloch
Landfill subject to a future EPA Victoria Pollution Abatement Notice (PAN) that is
likely to require capping of the landfill and removal of infrastructure on top of the
waste area. Any future capital infrastructure should be placed off the area subject to
capping rehabilitation.
Increased residential development in the area is encroaching on the informal area that
has provided a buffer zone for amenity, noise, surface water and odour concerns.
Council officers and West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority have been
discussing a plan to improve the river health of Screw Creek. The Inverloch Transfer
Station and former landfill site are considered a risk and ongoing threat to the
waterway health and mangrove community due to surface water issues and proximity.
Council has a Native Vegetation Offset Reserve to the south and west of the transfer
station and former landfill site that the Department of Environment Land Water and
Planning (DELWP) has identified as being suitable habitat for nine rare and threatened
species of which some have been seen on the site. These include Fairy Tern, Eastern
Curlew, Glossy Grass Skink, Dwarf Galaxias, Marsh Saltbush, Leafy Twig-sedge, Salt
Lawrencia, Dune Wood-sorrel, and Black-tailed Godwit. Closure of the transfer
station and future rehabilitation of the landfill will remove the risk and ongoing threat
to the waterway health, flora and fauna due to potential surface water and ground
water contamination.
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Image 2: Screw Creek Native Vegetation Offset Reserve and proximity to the Inverloch Transfer Station and
Screw Creek
b) Likely increased costs to the Wonthaggi location as a result of the
closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station
Tenderers for Council’s new Waste Facilities contracts were asked to submit tenders
that accounted for, and considered the impact of the possibility of the Inverloch
Transfer Station closure. Through this process it was identified that no additional
costs are expected in operating the Wonthaggi Transfer Station as a result of
increased patronage resulting from the closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station.
c) Whether written confirmation has been received that the EPA
requires the ex-Inverloch landfill to be rehabilitated in 2017
Council received email correspondence from the EPA on 20 October 2016, outlining
the agency’s expectations regarding the management of risks associated with the
closed landfill at Inverloch. The correspondence further reiterated Councils
responsibilities as a closed landfill owner in accordance with the Closed Landfill
Guidelines (EPA Victoria publication number 1490). These guidelines outline the
process for issuing ‘Supporting Pollution Abatement Notices’ and ‘Post Closure Pollution
Abatement Notices’ (PANs) on closed licenced landfills.
Council received notification from EPA Victoria, dated 14 December 2016 (refer
ATT-1.), that the Inverloch Landfill will be inspected in the first quarter of the
2017/2018 financial year (July - Sept 2017). This will start the rehabilitation process
requiring Council to produce aftercare management and rehabilitation plans, show
evidence of an environmental monitoring program and undertake a hydrogeological
assessment to enable appropriate leachate levels to be determined and maintained.
This information is a requirement of a Pollution Abatement Notice (PAN).
d) Whether the Inverloch Transfer Station to remain in place while any
rehabilitation work to the landfill is being undertaken and the options
around this
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An assessment by Council officers has deemed it unfeasible to undertake
rehabilitation of the Inverloch Landfill in sections. The Inverloch Transfer Station
occupies approximately 85% of the known footprint of the former landfill. Excluding
this area from rehabilitation works would not meet the requirements of a PAN.
e) A progress update on the establishment of a new Phillip Island
Transfer Station
The Expression of Interest (EOI) process will begin in February 2017, and is expected
to take between four to six months. This is expected to be followed by a selective
tender process. The process will follow the Local Government Act 1989 and Councils
Procurement Policy and begins with the call for expressions of interest, an assessment
of submitted proposals, request for tenders for a proposed delivery model and ends
with tender being awarded to the successful contractor. July 2017 would be the
earliest that the tender would be let.
An outline of the process is as follows:
 EOI documentation was finalised in January to be presented to the private
market through a publicly advertised EOI at the end of February 2017.
 An Evaluation Committee assess the varying models of facility development and
operation to present to Council.
 Concurrently, Council officers are undertaking an infrastructure gaps analysis
incorporating community and Council consultation to ensure the strategic
provision of waste facilities around the Shire to address the expectations of the
broader community. The findings and recommendations of this analysis will be
incorporated into the tender documentation put to market.
 It is expected that the private market is likely to come back to Council with a
range of options around how to develop, operate and finance a facility such as:
o Design Build Own Operate (contractor retains the ownership and
management of the facility into perpetuity)
o Design Build Own Operate Transfer (Contractor cedes ownership of
facility to Council after contract period)
 Once a preferred model of delivery is established, Council will go out to a
selected tender identifying the preferred delivery model as the basis for tender.
The tender process will utilise Councils Procurement team, as well as potential
involvement by a Procurement Advisor to ensure community confidence
around process of tender and award. This tender process will also identify
service delivery specifics and pricing on which to base contract award.
 Committee based evaluation of submitted tenders utilising a quantifiable tender
evaluation matrix.
 The Evaluation Committee’s findings will be presented through a report to
Council identifying the recommended tenderer. Council will have the option
to adopt this recommendation and commence implementation.
 It is expected that subject to Council adoption, the facility will be built within a
two year period.
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 During this time the Cowes Recycling Bank will remain the primary point for
waste disposal on Phillip Island, to be closed upon commencement of
operations at the new facility.
1. That Council notes this report and information provided as requested
at the 14 December 2016 Ordinary Meeting of Council covering;
a) The likely economic, social and environmental impacts on residents
in Inverloch and surrounds,
b) Any likely increased costs to the Wonthaggi location as a result of
the closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station,
c) Whether written confirmation has been received that the EPA
requires the ex-Inverloch landfill to be rehabilitated in 2017,
d) Whether the Inverloch Transfer Station can remain in place while
any rehabilitation work to the landfill is being undertaken and the
options around this,
e) A progress update on the establishment of a new Phillip Island
Transfer Station.
2. That Council
a) Proceeds with the planned closure of the Inverloch Transfer Station
and any required rehabilitation of the closed Inverloch landfill,
b) Proceeds with the establishment of a Transfer Station on Phillip
3. That Council notifies the head petitioner of its decision.
Closed Inverloch Landfill - Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
Victoria Advice
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Bass Coast
Shire Council
Car Ferry Infrastructure - Business Case
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Sustainable Development and
Economic Development
Our economy is supported by diverse,
local and innovative businesses and
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to participate in the Cowes to
Stony Point Car Ferry Infrastructure Business Case Project. There has been
considerable work undertaken over the past two decades to determine the need,
cost and viability of a car ferry from Stony Point to Cowes.
Investigation into the feasibility of a car ferry is supported by Council’s Phillip Island
and San Remo Visitor Economy Strategy 2035, Growing Tourism which was adopted
in August 2016 and Destination Phillip Island’s Strategic Tourism Plan 2014 – 2019. In
August 2016, Regional Development Victoria (RDV) contacted Council officers about
the prospect of RDV contributing $200,000 to a $250,000 project to review the cost,
requirements and viability of the car ferry between the Mornington Peninsula and
Phillip Island. This would be provided out of the Regional Tourism Infrastructure
Fund. It was proposed that the remainder of the funds be split evenly between Bass
Coast Shire Council and Mornington Peninsula Shire Council.
A project proposal was lodged with the State Government which has now sent
Council an ‘Agreement’ to be signed should Council decide to accept the funding.
A range of studies have previously been undertaken into the need, cost and viability of
a car ferry from Stony Point to Cowes. In July 2010, after strong sentiment was
expressed by the Cowes community about having a new car ferry terminal on the
main beach in Cowes and a range of other issues such as traffic flow and
environmental concerns, a Council motion was passed:
1. That in relation to the Stony Point – Cowes Vehicular/Passenger Ferry Project, Council
resolves not to proceed to the Statutory Planning Stage
2. That in relation to any future proposals for the establishment of any ferry terminal in
the Cowes area, Council resolves to investigate the appropriateness of establishing an
exclusion zone between Erehwon Point and Mussel Rocks, for the purpose of
excluding vehicular /passenger ferry terminal infrastructure in that zone.
Since that time, there has continued to be strong interest by a range of key
stakeholders, such as Visit Victoria, Regional Development Victoria, Destination
Phillip Island, Mornington Peninsula Shire Council, Destination Gippsland and key
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Shire Council
tourism attractions on Phillip Island to continue to explore the viability of the car
ferry. Supporters suggest that a car ferry between Stony Point and Cowes will stop
Phillip Island being a ‘one way’ destination, and will create an iconic coastal touring
Such a touring route, incorporating the Great Ocean Road, Mornington Peninsula,
Phillip Island, Mainland Bass Coast, Wilson’s Promontory and the Gippsland Lakes, has
the potential to boost both international and domestic visitation, particularly during
the shoulder and winter seasons – a key objective of the Phillip Island and San Remo
Visitor Economy Strategy 2035. The Stony Point to Cowes leg is the missing link,
which has the potential to increase economic activity across mainland Bass Coast and
greater Gippsland.
The proposed car ferry could also provide an alternative means of getting on and off
Phillip Island in the advent of an emergency which impacts on the bridge.
The Phillip Island and San Remo Visitor Economy Strategy 2035, Growing Tourism,
states that ‘the need for and funding of a car ferry is not expected in the short to medium
term, however the planning for the facility should commence in 2017’.
Should Council agree to participate, this project is to undertake a review of the need
for a car ferry including engagement with key stakeholders, it does not commit
Council to agree to the installation of a car ferry. Council will have the opportunity
to assess the recommendations of this project before any further decisions are made
about a car ferry.
Strategic Basis
The Bass Coast Shire Council Plan 2013 – 2017 outlines strategies to achieve
increased Economic Development, including:
 Facilitate activities which support and promote businesses to become
commercially resilient
 Facilitate the attraction of businesses and industry with sustainable principles
 Promote Bass Coast as an all year unique tourist and events destination
A review of the viability of a car ferry between Stony Point and Cowes may be
appropriate to see whether it will assist Council to achieve these objectives.
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Plan Principles
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both
current and future generations
 Transparent evidence-based and inclusive decision making
Council’s Phillip Island and San Remo Visitor Economy Strategy 2035, Growing
Tourism lists clear actions in relation to the car ferry:
 Year 1 action: Action 5. Actively encourage the Passenger Ferry to run at an
optimal level prior to building the case for a car ferry (page 48)
 Years 6 to 10 - Action 46. Identify up to three suitable sites to undertake
environmental effects statement on the likely impacts of suitable locations for a
car ferry (page 51)
The Appendix to the Strategy also provides detailed analysis of a range of demand
scenarios and business benefits.
The car ferry is also listed in a range of other key strategic documents including:
Victorian Regional Tourism Strategy 2013- 2016
Phillip Island Strategic Tourism Plan 2014 – 2019
South East Melbourne Plan 2014 – 2019
Mornington Peninsula Region Destination Management Plan 2016 – 2019
Mornington Peninsula Marine Precincts Study 2015
Mornington Peninsula and Bass Coast Economic Development Strategies
Gippsland Regional Plan 2015
Funding for the proposed project is as follows:
Regional Tourism Infrastructure Fund
Bass Coast Shire Council
$ 25,000
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
$ 25,000
Project Total
It is proposed that Bass Coast Shire Council’s commitment of $25,000 will be
included in the draft budget for 2017/18.
Bass Coast Shire Council
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
Visit Victoria
Regional Development Victoria
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Parks Victoria
Bass Coast community and business/tourism industry
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Shire Council
Destination Phillip Island
Destination Gippsland Limited
Mornington Peninsula Regional Tourism Board
Key tourism organisations including Phillip Island Nature Parks and Phillip Island
Grand Prix Circuit
Neighboring tourism regions including Great Ocean Road, Mornington Peninsula,
Wilson’s Promontory and Gippsland Lakes
Public Transport Victoria
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
There is no statutory requirement for Council to undertake a feasibility study of the
car ferry.
Council has options in relation to the offer of funding from the State Government in
relation to the Car Ferry Infrastructure – Business Case:
1. Council can accept the funding and undertake the project as per the Project Brief and
Agreement with the State Government of Victoria
There has been relative inaction on the car ferry since 2010, despite it featuring
in a range of key strategic documents. There is interest from a number of key
stakeholders to review the viability of the car ferry and make a decision about
how to proceed. There is also the potential for significant economic benefit
from the project and it is consistent with the recommendations of the Phillip
Island and San Remo Visitor Economy Strategy 2035 Growing Tourism.
2. Council can decide not to accept the funding from the State Government of Victoria
There are some risks associated with this option that Council may wish to
 Given the significance of this project, to the state of Victoria, the
Government may decide to complete the project regardless of Bass
Coast’s preference not to proceed with the project. This may result in
Bass Coast having less input into the outcome than if Council played a
key role in managing this phase of the project and achieving the best
outcome for the community.
 The State Government may decide that if Bass Coast does not engage
in reviewing the viability of the car ferry, it will reallocate funding for
the project.
 Thirdly, Council may suffer reputational damage as a result of not
participating in the review of the viability of the car ferry given its
significance as a state project and the strategic support for the car ferry
listed in a range of key strategic documents.
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Shire Council
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
Project Purpose and Scope
The Project Purpose as outlined in the Project Brief is to:
Develop a business case to determine the cost, requirements and viability of a vehicle
and passenger ferry service between Mornington Peninsula and Phillip Island
The Project Scope as outlined in the Project Brief is to:
Prepare a business case for State Government of Victoria about the development of a
vehicle ferry service between Cowes and Mornington Peninsula considering French
Island resident needs and reporting on any development shortfall
Undertake community consultation and technical investigation of terminal locations
and the development of infrastructure designs and their costs
Investigate the economic impact of ferry service operations estimating the level of
government support required for service viability
Investigate benchmark environmental standards required for the development and
maintenance of ferry infrastructure and operations
Develop a schedule for project implementation
Refer to Attachment 1. Carry Ferry Infrastructure – Regional Tourism Infrastructure
Fund Project Brief.
Project Timeframes
It is proposed that the project formally commence in July 2017 and is completed by
the end of June 2018 according to the following timetable:
Initial briefing to Councillors about the project Bass Coast (BC) and Mornington Peninsula (MP)
February 2017
Project brief presented to Council meetings for
endorsement (BC and MP)
March 2017
Finalise tender documents (BC)
April 2017
Release tender (BC)
Early May 2017
Select successful tenderer (BC, with Project
Control Group)
30 June 2017
Project funding confirmed (BC) and (MP)
30 June 2017
Project commencement (BC)
1 July 2017
Develop project plan including community
engagement and consultation, technical
investigation and benchmarking (Consultant)
August 2017
Implement project plan including community
engagement and consultation, technical
investigation and benchmarking (Consultant )
September 2017
10. Briefing to Councillors re initial Draft (BC) and
December 2017
11. Initial draft released to the community for
consultation (BC) and (MP)
February 2018
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12. Feedback obtained and final draft presented to
Councils (BC)and (MP)
April 2018
13. Councils consider the Business Case(BC) and
June 2018
It is proposed that a Project Steering Committee would oversee the implementation
of the project. The role of the Committee would be to provide direction on the
overall project based upon regular status reports and updates tabled at committee
meetings. Should Council agree to participate in the project the Steering Committee
membership would include:
Bass Coast Shire Council Mayor (Chair)
Morning Peninsula Shire Councillor
Bass Coast Shire Council Manager Economic Development and Tourism
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Manager Economic Development and
RDV representative
Destination Phillip Island representative
Mornington Peninsula Regional Tourism Board representative
Destination Gippsland representative
Parks Victoria representative
Ports and Harbours Representative
Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP)
Bass Coast Shire Council’s Manager Economic Development and Tourism will be the
Project Supervisor.
That Council:
1. Approves participation in the Cowes to Stony Point Car Ferry
Infrastructure Business Case Project.
2. Accepts funding of $200,000 through the Regional Tourism
Infrastructure Fund offered by the State Government and
contributes $25,000 out of the 2017/18 Council budget.
3. Appoints the Mayor as the chair of the Project Steering Committee.
AT-1 Car Ferry Infrastructure - Project Proposal 6 Pages
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Bass Coast Shire Council Road Management Plan Review 2017
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Sustainable Development & Growth
Our built environment complements
our landscape, lifestyle and climate.
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement from Council to provide Notice
of its intention to review its Road Management Plan.
In accordance with the Road Management (General) Regulations 2016, Council is
required to undertake a review of its Road Management Plan (RMP) during the same
period that it is preparing its Council Plan. The review therefore needs to be
completed within 6 months of the general election or by 30 June 2017. A written
report will be produced summarizing the findings and conclusions of the review.
Council last reviewed its RMP in 2014. The RMP is currently documented within the
Road Services Asset Management Plan 2014 (RSAMP) at attachment AT-1. The
RSAMP 2014 includes a mix of how Council will maintain a safe road network as well
as some more aspirational targets.
An initial review of Council’s RSAMP indicates that a likely recommendation will be to
separate the RMP from the RSAMP 2014 and develop a standalone RMP. The
standards and priorities relating to the inspection, maintenance and repair of roads
and road classes will be clear and appropriate in the RMP.
It is recommended:
That Council:
1. Resolve to separate the Road Management Plan from the Road Services Asset
Management Plan 2014 and review as a standalone document.
2. Resolve to provide notice of its intention to review its Road Management Plan.
3. Receives a further report of the review of its Road Management Plan at the 17
May 2017 meeting, for consideration, following community consultation.
The Road Management Act 2004 is the legislation that requires Council to develop and
adopt a RMP. The RMP needs to explain how Council intends to maintain a safe road
network for the local roads as Responsible Authority. Council must ensure that the
standards and priorities relating to the inspection, maintenance and repair of roads
and road classes are appropriate.
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Council last reviewed its RMP in 2014 and incorporated it into the RSAMP 2014. The
RSAMP 2014 therefore includes a mix of how Council will maintain a safe road
network, and some more aspirational targets. An aspirational target may be a road
improvement that Council would like to make to its road network if upcoming
budgets allow for it.
There is a legislative requirement for Council to achieve everything that it states it
will do in its RMP. There is therefore a possible risk in Council having both its RMP
and more aspirational targets combined in the one document. An initial review of
Council’s RSAMP indicates that a likely recommendation will be to separate the RMP
from its RSAMP 2014 and develop a separate document.
To finalise this review of Council’s Road Management Plan a written report will be
produced summarizing the findings and conclusions of the review. A further project
would then commence in 2017/18 to draft, finalise and implement a revised RMP in
accordance with this year’s review findings. The RSAMP will be reviewed at the time
of the development of the revised RMP.
Strategic Basis
Council Plan Principles
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both
current and future generations
 Equity in the distribution of resources across the Shire
 Transparent evidence-based and inclusive decision making
 The provision and use of energy and resources will be promoted in an efficient
and sustainable way
The budgets are developed in response to the Council Plan and in consideration of
the RMP. The capital works budget is developed based on community expectations,
Council priorities in service provision, asset condition information and risk
assessment on assets.
The maintenance budget is based on the results from customer satisfaction surveys,
asset inspections and risk assessments.
Road works can be funded from sources other than those provided directly from
Council, including:
 Developer Contribution Schemes
 Special Rates and Charges Schemes
 State and Federal Government grants
In accordance with Council’s Communication and Engagement Strategy the
community engagement process relating to the Road Management Plan has been
developed utilising the principles of the International Association of Public
Participation (IAP2). The tools for engagement vary depending upon the ‘spectrum’
of public participation, as set out below:
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Figure 1. IAP2 Spectrum
There are five key deliverables of the RMP Review Project which involves engagement
with external stakeholders:
 Notice of Intent to Review the Road Management Plan (Report to Council
February 2017)
 the production of a Road Management Plan Review Report summarizing the
findings and conclusions of the review of the RMP (Report to Council May
 Notice of Intent to revise the RMP (Report to Council May 2017)
 the production of the new RMP (Commence June 2017)
 the production of the revised RSAMP (Commence June 2017).
Road Management Plan Consultation
The Road Management Plan will use the ‘Inform’ element of the spectrum as it is a
legislative requirement for providing a safe road and pathway network. It is no longer
a requirement of the Road Management Regulations 2016 to provide notice of
Council’s intent to review the plan, however the recommendation is to give the
community the opportunity to review the existing Road Management Plan and
provide comments to inform the review process.
The legislative process requires the Road Management Review Report to be made
available for copying or inspection in accordance with the Act; or on Council’s
website. This allows the community to make submissions and be considered by
Council as part of the revised Road Management Plan.
Once the review has been undertaken Council must give notice of whether or not it
will revise its Road Management Plan. If the Road Management Plan is to be revised
then, as part of the legislative process, the community would get a further
opportunity to comment on the revised Plan prior to it coming into effect.
Road Services Asset Management Plan Consultation
The revised Road Services Asset Management Plan will include community levels of
service which are technical in nature and it is considered beneficial to undertake
targeted engagement with stakeholders who have specific experience in the planning,
implementation and utilisation of road and pathway projects. This project is due to
commence in 2017/18, and is subject to consideration in the 2017/18 budget approval
It is proposed that this engagement activity will focus on the ‘Consult’ and ‘Involve’
elements of the IAP2 spectrum to secure a set of logical, open and transparent
criteria for community levels of service to be assessed. The engagement activities at
this stage of the project are proposed to comprise workshop style engagement to
ensure that the community levels of service are developed and tested in a robust
manner. Targeted stakeholders for this engagement will include (but not limited to):
 peak bodies – cycle groups, heavy vehicle groups, tourism etc
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 user groups – cycle clubs, walking clubs, motor cycle clubs etc
 relevant land managers – for example, Phillip Island Nature Parks (PINP),
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
 relevant agencies – for example VicRoads, utility providers
The second engagement opportunity is in relation to community consultation
regarding the community levels of service. It is intended that this engagement
opportunity will reach out to a far broader section of the community and will focus
on the ‘Inform’ and ‘Consult’ elements of the IAP2 spectrum. The details for
community consultation regarding this part of the project will need to be refined
following completion of the initial consultation.
Notwithstanding it is recommended that the engagement activities are based upon the
following high level opportunities:
 direct notification of the Road Services Asset Management Plan project to a
range of stakeholders including (but not limited to):
o the community in general - for recreation, sport, leisure and business
o tourists and visitors to the area
o residents and business adjoining the road network
o pedestrians (including the very young, those with disabilities, and the elderly
with somewhat limited mobility)
o users of motorised vehicles such as trucks, buses, commercial vehicles, cars
and motor cyclists
o users of a range of miscellaneous smaller, lightweight vehicles such as pedal
cycles, motorised buggies, wheel chairs, prams, etc
o utility agencies that use the road reserve for their infrastructure (water,
sewerage, gas, electricity, telecommunications)
road maintenance contractors
 notification of the engagement opportunity via the Council website and social
media forums (Facebook, Twitter etc)
 notification via local media outlets
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
Road Management Act 2004
Road Management (General) Regulations 2016
Road Services Asset Management Plan 2014
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Improvement Plan 2012-2016
Other Options
To not provide a notice of intent to review Council’s Road Management Plan as it is
no longer a legislative requirement under the Road Management (General) Regulations
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Shire Council
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
It is proposed to conduct a review of Council’s Road Management Plan, which will
likely include recommending separating it from its Road Services Asset Management
Plan 2014 and develop a standalone document. This will ensure that the standards in
relation to, and the priorities to be given to, the inspection, maintenance and repair of
roads and classes of road to which the plan apply are clear and appropriate.
The review is in accordance with the Road Management (General) Regulations 2016,
where Council is required to undertake a review of its Road Management Plan during
the same period that it is preparing its Council Plan.
That Council:
1. Resolve to separate the Road Management Plan from the Road
Services Asset Management Plan 2014 and review as a standalone
2. Resolve to provide notice of its intention to review its Road
Management Plan.
3. Receives a further report of the review of its Road Management Plan
at the 17 May 2017 meeting, for consideration, following community
AT-1 Road Services Asset Management Plan 2014 110 Pages
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Public Art Allocation - Wind Blades- Creative Artwork/Play Project at Guide
Park, Wonthaggi
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Healthy Communities
Our community feels connected, safe
and strong.
Previous Items:
SR16/16 - Public Art Allocation - Council - 17 Aug 2016 5.00pm
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
This is a report outlining Council’s Resolution of 17 August 2016, that Council:
1. Notes the reserve allocation of the public art funds to the Wonthaggi
Wind Blades project ($45,000) and approves the development of a
masterplan for Guide Park including renewal landscape design
($15,000) to ensure an integrated design approach in Guide Park.
2. That a report come to the October 2016 Ordinary Council meeting
for endorsement of the Wonthaggi Wind Blades project final design,
inclusive of the Guide Park Masterplan.
3. Approves the allocation of the 16/17 public art funds of $45,000 to a
project in San Remo. The balance of $5,000 be kept in reserve for
development of the 17/18 project.
This report notes that since this Resolution:
 the Wind Blades- Creative Artwork/Play Project at Guide Park, Wonthaggi
design has been completed
 the Detailed Landscape Design for Guide Park has been completed, including
cost estimates.
 this Council report is presented to Council in February 2017 due to recent
Council Elections and a need to consider future budgets for the delivery of the
 Council Officers have commenced planning for the San Remo Public Art
Project with members of the San Remo community for the 2016/17 year.
Council has allocated $50,000 for the 2015/16 Public Art Project and it was agreed to
allocate the funding to the Wind Blades- Creative Artwork/Play Project at Guide
Park, Wonthaggi.
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Council Officers have completed a successful design competition for the 2015/16
public art project at a cost of $5,000 for the proposed Wind Blades- Creative
Artwork/Play Project at Guide Park, Wonthaggi (Wind Blades Project). This project
would use two decommissioned wind blades from Wonthaggi Wind Farm in
partnership with Senvion Australia. The project is funded using the 2015/16 allocated
budget and in- kind support from Senvion Australia.
Senvion Australia is currently storing the two wind blades (42 metres each) locally. It
is proposed that conversations with potential funders of the Wind Blades Project
Orchard Design submitted an expression of interest for the competition which was
assessed by the project panel (AT-1). Orchard Design was successful in the design
competition and was awarded the $5,000 to complete the detailed design for the
Wind Blades Project. It was expected that this design would be used to deliver the
Wind Blades Project at the allocated contribution by Council for public art of
$45,000. This would include the installation of the two wind blades and a central
kinetic sculpture.
The competition amount, combined with the allocation for the public art installation,
totalled $50,000, the annual contribution from Council.
Council’s 2016/17 Design and Infrastructure Budget allocated $15,000 to conduct a
Detailed Landscape Design for Guide Park, Wonthaggi. This was completed by
Orchard Design, understanding the relationship with the public art project and the
skill set required to undertake this design. The completed Detailed Landscape Design
for Guide Park incorporates the detailed design for the Wind Blades Project (AT-2).
Orchard Design provided cost estimates to complete both the Wind Blades Project
and Detailed Landscape Design for Council to consider (AT-3). The cost estimates
provide a list of priorities, allowing for a staged approach to deliver the project.
The cost estimates to complete the entire project range from between:
‘Low Line’ - $1,731,000
‘High Line’ - $2,332,000
The outcome of the design competition was for the two wind blades to be installed in
Guide Park, Wonthaggi with a small sculpture placed in the centre. It is important that
Council understands the scale of this project and the need to have supporting
landscaping if it was to progress to installation stage, as the wind blades alone will not
be considered suitable for a public play space.
Strategic Basis
Council Plan Principles
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both
current and future generations.
Strategic Objective: Healthy Communities
Key Strategy:
 Support and promote a dynamic arts and cultural life in Bass Coast.
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Arts and Culture Plan 2015 – 2019
Principal 4: Public Art and Acquisitions
Key Objective 4: Recognise the value of public art and art collections for enhancing
the built and natural environment, strengthening a sense of place and identity and
increasing community liveability and pride in Bass Coast.
 4.1.1 Deliver Bass Coast Sites and Themes Ten Year Plan for location and
themes for public art.
 4.1.2 Maintain a Public Art Reference Committee
Bass Coast Shire Council Public Art Sites and Themes Plan 2014-2024
Council resolved at its Ordinary Meeting on 18 March 2015:
That Council adopts the Bass Coast Public Art Sites and Themes Plan
2014 – 2024 as a working document to assist in the implementation of
the public art program in Bass Coast.
The document is a planning and action framework, designed to achieve Council’s
vision for public art from 2014 to 2024.
At its Ordinary Meeting on16 March 2011 Council resolved that it:
consider funding a ten year program to provide public art as part of
the budget process including:
an annual contribution of $50,000 toward the creation of public
art at prioritised sites.
to provide a funding contribution for public art when council
undertakes major works in excess of $3 million at a rate of three
percent of the project value.
encourage developer contributions at a rate of three percent of the
project value on projects in excess of $1 million.
refresh the Bass Coast Strategy for Art in Public Places and
incorporate relevant policy support for the inclusion of public art in
developments in the Bass Coast Planning Scheme, as part of the
review of the Municipal Strategic Statement in 2011.
consider a special events contribution towards public art as part of
the review of the Council’s Events Policy.
Council allocates $50,000 per year for public art projects. Developer contributions
are held in reserve funds for Cowes and Wonthaggi projects. Projects for Wonthaggi
are described as Entry Points in the Sites and Themes Plan 2014-2024 (AT-4) and are
proposed to commence in 2021.
To date, Council has expended $5,000 of the $50,000 2015/16 Public Art allocation
which has been planned for the Wind Blades Project in Wonthaggi. This leaves
$45,000 in the reserve account for the project.
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The San Remo Public Art Project has commenced with plans to spend the $50,000
allocation by the end of the 2016/17 Financial Year.
The following stakeholders have been directly involved in these projects:
 Public Art Reference Committee (currently in recess) – Council’s advisory
group for public art projects
 Senvion Australia – Partner organisation for the proposed Wind Blades Project
 Orchard Design –Landscape Design company successful through the Wind
Blades Project EOI stage and contracted to deliver the Landscape Design
Project for Guide Park, Wonthaggi.
 San Remo – San Remo Foreshore Committee, Department of Environment,
Land, Water and Planning, Tides of Change Community Committee and the
San Remo community.
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
There are no statutory requirements to undertake this project.
Other Options
Council could:
1. determine not to proceed with the Wind Blades Project or
2. request an amended masterplan and design which is in line with the public art
available budget allocation of $45,000.
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
The Masterplan prepared by Orchard Designs is grand in scale and would make for an
amazing play space. However, it is important that Council understands the scale of this
project and the need for the blade installation to have supporting landscaping, as the
wind blades alone will not be considered suitable for a public play space. Therefore, it is
recommended to retain the $45,000 currently allocated toward the project in the Public
Art Reserve until such time as the project can be realised. It is proposed that
conversations with potential funders of the Wind Blades Project continue and that
Senvion Australia be asked to continue to store the wind blades until such time as
funding is allocated to the project.
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Shire Council
That Council:
1. Endorses the masterplan for the Guide Park Wonthaggi Wind
Blades Creative Artwork/Play Project
2. Refers the Guide Park Wonthaggi Wind Blades Creative
Artwork/Play Project to the Capital Works budget process for
future consideration
3. Retains $45,000 in the Public Art Reserve Fund to be allocated to the
Guide Park Wonthaggi Wind Blades Creative Artwork/Play Project.
AT-1 Orchard Design Wind Blades EOI Submission
9 Pages
AT-2 Guide Park Masterplan Priority Costs
1 Page
AT-3 Final Public Art Sites and Themes Plan 2014-2024 12 Pages
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Future Art Gallery Options
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Healthy Communities
Our community feels connected, safe
and strong.
Previous Items:
11/16 - 164/16 - Future Art Gallery, Cr Les Larke - Council - 14
Dec 2016 5.00pm
SR6/16 - The Robert Smith Social Realism Collection - Council 21 Sep 2016 5.00pm
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
Council has requested a report of various buildings in Wonthaggi to assess suitability
for being used as a gallery and exhibition space for art works including the Robert
Smith Collection (Collection). Art Consultant, Rodney James, who has assessed and
catalogued the Collection was also tasked with conducting a site inspection of
potential future exhibition spaces. Four buildings within the Wonthaggi CBD have had
a basic assessment to their suitability for conversion to an Art Gallery. These
buildings are the Old Wonthaggi Post Office (corner Watt Street and McBride
Avenue), the Wonthaggi Union Community Arts Centre, the Wonthaggi RSL and the
Wonthaggi Centennial Centre.
At its 14 December 2016 Ordinary Meeting Council resolved:
1. That the Chief Executive Officer prepares a report that comes back to
the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 15 February 2017 outlining the
options to house and display art collections owned by our Community
and the valuable Robert Smith art and book collection gifted to our
2. In that regard, the report to include the future use of the Old
Wonthaggi Post Office Building as an option for an Art Gallery that
houses and displays these art and book collections.
3. In the meantime, the Old Wonthaggi Post Office continue to be used as
a Council meeting space and for Council events with no money spent
on the building other than for standard maintenance of the facility.
4. Further, that such report outlines the cost of a master plan, indicative
timeframes and indicative costs for implementation of the respective
options identified.
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Council is the recipient of a loan in perpetuity for an art and book collection due to
the generosity of Mr Robert Smith. One of the conditions of the loan is that the
Collection is housed in Wonthaggi to a suitable standard to maintain its integrity and
The collection includes 606 works of art valued in excess of $1million. A major
strength of the Collection is the emphasis on Australian social realist artists and their
use of graphic media (linocuts, screenprints, lithographs and posters) to critique
social, political and economic inequities and advance alternative visions of society.
These range from the mid-19th century gold-field inspired commentaries of S T Gill
(the subject of a recent book and major exhibition at the State Library of Victoria)
through to a major collection of mid-20th century works by the respected social
realist artist Noel Counihan. The collection of Counihan works on paper is extensive
(83 works in total) and is on par with major Australian museum collections. It
includes two major paintings from his anti-Vietnam series.
Council also has an art collection of over 100 works, mostly sourced from local
artists who have been awarded the Your Art Collection prize. This is an annual
acquisition program which invites the winners from the community art shows to
submit four works for exhibition. An external judging panel determines the winner
and from this, Council acquires the work. Currently these works are displayed in
Council owned buildings.
During the assessment process for the cataloguing of the Robert Smith Collection the
consultant, Rodney James, made walk-through observations of four buildings in
Wonthaggi – the Centennial Centre, the Old Post Office, the RSL and the Wonthaggi
Union Community Arts Centre (WUCAC), both for storage and possible exhibition
spaces. Mr James recommended the WUCAC as the most suitable place to store the
collection in the immediate term and works have been undertaken to provide a safe,
secure and appropriate store. The Collection is now on-site and Mr James is
completing the cataloguing of the Collection. His final report, which will include his
assessment of the four facilities, is due mid to late February 2017.
Given the short turnaround time for the completion of this Council Report, accurate
costings or quotations have not been sought. Sites would need to have specific
hanging/exhibition requirements, climate control, security, access, amenities and
lighting plans developed. Both capital and operational cost plans would need to be
In the interim, Council Officers have spoken with Mr James, some stakeholders and
also with Creative Victoria in the context of a future gallery space within Wonthaggi.
The Wonthaggi Centennial Centre has been leased to the consortia of the Wonthaggi
Tourism Business Association and Artspace and therefore is not available in the short
term. The Wonthaggi RSL was not considered as it is not owned or managed by
Council. However, the RSL has subsequently requested to be considered as a possible
The Old Wonthaggi Post Office - Corner Watt Street and McBride Avenue
With considerable upgrade, this building could be a wonderful exhibition space. Built
in 1912, the grand old building has multiple rooms and walls for displays, high ceilings
and spaces within the upstairs area for storage and additional exhibition displays.
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It is therefore proposed that a masterplan be completed for the old Post Office
Building to give indicative costs for its redevelopment as a gallery and exhibition
The Wonthaggi Union Community Arts Centre (WUCAC)
The WUCAC requires significant functional upgrades to ensure viability as a
performing arts centre and cinema. These works have been assessed in a Business
Case for the Centre but did not include consideration of a dedicated gallery space.
The laneway and meeting room (where the Collection is currently stored) and the
foyer of the Centre do have the potential as a future gallery space, but like the rest of
the building will need significant upgrade to make it functional and suitable for display
of art. Therefore, it also proposed that a masterplan be completed for WUCAC to
give indicative costs for its redevelopment to include gallery and exhibition space.
Strategic Basis
Council Plan Principles
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both current
and future generations.
Strategic Objective: Healthy Communities
Key Strategy: Support and promote a dynamic arts and cultural life in Bass Coast.
Arts and Culture Plan 2015 – 2019
Key activity 4.3: Display, enhance and promote the value of Councils’ art collection
4.3.1 Acquire art that can be displayed and installed across the Shire, creating
opportunities for all people to access and enjoy. The long term vision states – that
Council’s art collection has value to attract funding for a public gallery and displayed
collection works add to the cultural vibrancy of the Shire.
A fully costed assessment has not been undertaken. Council may wish to explore two
alternatives, being the Old Post Office and the WUCAC. Each masterplan would cost
in the order of $30,000 to $50,000 depending on the scope of works. Briefs will be
developed and quotes sought upon Council’s decision. This would be referred to the
2017/18 budget process for consideration.
 Mr Robert Smith, collection owner
 Bass Coast Shire Council
 Wonthaggi and broader Bass Coast community
 Rodney James, Arts Consultant
 Local Schools
 Local Artists
 Creative Victoria
 Wendy and John Crellin
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 State Coal Mine- Rescue Station Arts Inc
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
The Museums and Galleries Association has produced a Practical Guide for Sustainable
Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries (2013) which sets out standards
for maintaining art collections in various mediums. Light, temperature, humidity and
air pollutants need to be considered.
Other Options
Council could determine to display the collection as it currently does within Council
buildings, rotated on an annual basis.
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
As this report does not include costings, it is recommended that a future report be
presented to Council with a masterplan for the Old Post Office and for the
Wonthaggi Community Union Art Centre, subject to consideration in the budget
That Council refers funding for a masterplan for the Old Wonthaggi Post
Office and for the Wonthaggi Union Community Art Centre to the
2017/18 budget process for consideration.
There are no attachments for this report
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Council Meeting Schedule 2017
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
The reporting officer does not have any direct or indirect interest in this matter.
This report recommends that Council confirms the proposed meeting schedule dates
and venue location for the 2017 Council Ordinary Meetings.
It has been Council’s practice to set a meeting schedule for the year ahead to assist
with the planning of Council business and decision making.
Strategic Basis
Good governance requires that Council Meetings be run effectively and smoothly and
are made accessible to the community to ensure openness and transparency in
decision making. Council Plan Strategies commit to the development of good
governance processes and strong democratic government which is effectively
communicated to the community.
There are extra staff and travel costs involved with conducting a Council Ordinary
Meeting at a venue other than the Civic Centre Council Chamber located in
Wonthaggi. These costs are allowed for within the current resources in the
Governance Department.
Council, Council Staff, the media and the general community have an interest in
Council meeting arrangements.
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
The provisions of the Local Government Act 1989, in relation to meetings, include:
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Shire Council
That Council can hold Ordinary meetings at which general business of the Council
may be transacted and hold Special meetings at which the business specified in the
notice calling the meeting may be transacted.
Meetings of the Council must be open to members of the public. Council can resolve
that the meeting be closed to the public if the meeting is discussing any of the
Personnel matters
The personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer
Industrial matters
Contractual matters
Proposed developments
Legal advice
Matters affecting the security of Council property
(h) Any other matter which the Council or special committee considers would prejudice
the Council or any person
A resolution to close the meeting to members of the public
A Council must make local laws governing the conduct of meetings of the Council
and special committees. Except as provided in the Act and subject to any local laws,
the conduct of meetings of a Council is in the Council’s discretion. Local Law
Number 12 governs the conduct of Bass Coast Shire Council meetings.”
Other Options
Council can choose to alter the proposed meeting schedule.
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
It is recommended that the proposed schedule be adopted.
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
That Council adopts the 2017 Council Ordinary Meeting Schedule as
15 March 2017
19 April 2017
17 May 2017
21 June 2017
19 July 2017
16 August 2017
20 September 2017
18 October 2017
15 November 2017
13 December 2017
Civic Centre, Wonthaggi
Cultural Centre Hall, Cowes
Civic Centre, Wonthaggi
Civic Centre, Wonthaggi
Civic Centre, Wonthaggi
Civic Centre, Wonthaggi
Civic Centre, Wonthaggi
Cultural Centre Hall, Cowes
Civic Centre, Wonthaggi
Cultural Centre Hall, Cowes
There are no attachments for this report.
Page 82
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Determination of Councillor and Mayoral Allowances
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
Section 74 of the Local Government Act 1989 (Act) requires a Council to pay each of
its Councillors and Mayor an allowance that does not exceed the limits specified in an
Order in Council (Order). The latest Order was published in the Victorian
Government Gazette on 26 November 2015 as follows:
Local Government Act 1989
In accordance with section 73B(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1989, notice is
hereby given that an adjustment factor of 2.5% applies to Mayoral and Councillor
In accordance with section 73B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1989, the new limits
and ranges of Mayoral and Councillor allowances, adjusted in accordance with the
adjustment factor, are:
Category 1 Councillors: $8,121–$19,350 per annum Mayors: up to $57,812 per annum
Category 2 Councillors: $10,033–$24,127 per annum Mayors: up to $74,655 per annum
Category 3 Councillors: $12,065–$28,907 per annum Mayors: up to $92,333 per annum
This notice does not apply to the Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and Councillors of the
Melbourne City Council, and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the Greater Geelong City
The new adjusted limits and ranges take effect on 1 December 2015.
Dated 18 November 2015
Minister for Local Government
Under the Act a Council can pay each of its Councillors an allowance higher than the
minimum, however it must not exceed the maximum limit specified in the Order. It
also provides for the Council to pay Councillors and the Mayor an amount equivalent
to the superannuation guarantee contribution (SGC) of 9.5%. Bass Coast Shire
Council is considered a Category 2.
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Shire Council
Council gave Public Notice of its intention to set the Councillor and Mayoral
allowances and invite submissions. No submissions were received.
This report recommends that:
1. The Councillor allowances be set at $24,127 plus equivalent of 9.5%
superannuation guarantee and any future increases as gazetted by the Minister
for Local Government in the future from 4 November 2016.
2. The Mayoral allowance be set at $74,655 plus equivalent of 9.5%
superannuation guarantee and any future increases as gazetted by the Minister
for Local Government in the future from 4 November 2016.
Until Council make a final determination in relation to setting the allowances,
Councillors must continue to be paid the same allowance as the previous Councillors
and Mayor.
The Act requires that Councillors review and determine the level of the Councillor
and Mayoral allowances by 30 June following a general election. This review is subject
to a Section 223 submission process, with an opportunity for submitters to be heard
in person by Council. A Public Notice of Council’s intent to set allowances was
published in the local newspapers and on Council’s website, with written submissions
closing on Tuesday 20 December 2016. No submissions were received.
Strategic Basis
The establishment of Councillor and Mayoral allowances aligns with the Council
Objective of Effective Governance. It also achieve the following Council Plan
 Equity in the distribution of resources across the Shire.
 Transparent evidence-based and inclusive decision making.
Councillor and Mayoral Allowances are budgeted for through the Executive Office
budget in the 2016/17 Adopted Budget.
Councillors, Mayor, residents, ratepayers, and visitors are impacted by this report.
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
The establishment of Councillor and Mayoral Allowance are prescribed in Section 74
of the Act.
The consultative process associated with the setting of Councillor Allowances is
prescribed in Section 223 of the Act.
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Shire Council
Other Options
The current Councillor and Mayoral allowance continues to be paid until 30 June
2017. If Council does not set an allowance by this period they will be in breach of the
Local Government Act 1989.
Council could determine to alter the amount paid to them as their allowance. This
cannot exceed $24,127 for Councillors or $74,655 for the Mayor.
That Council set allowances from 4 November 2016 as follows:
1. Councillor allowances at $24,127 plus equivalent of 9.5%
superannuation guarantee and any future increases as gazetted by
the Minister for Local Government.
2. Mayoral allowance at $74,655 plus equivalent of 9.5% superannuation
guarantee and any future increases as gazetted by the Minister for
Local Government.
There are no attachments for this report
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
H.10 Adoption of Provision of Resources to Councillors Policy
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
The elected Councillors are provided with a range of resources to enable them to
effectively carry out their role. These resources include a Councillors’ allowance,
administrative support, reimbursement of expenses associated with Council business,
travel and accommodation entitlements, professional development opportunities and
information technology support.
This report recommends the adoption of the Provision of Resources to Councillors’
Policy (Policy).
This Policy sets out the current provisions in relation to the assistance, support and
resources provided to the Councillors and Mayor.
Policy Objectives
 Provide Councillors with the resources required to carry out their duties as
representatives of their communities, and communicate with each other,
Council staff and the Bass Coast community.
 Assist Council staff in providing the necessary resources, equipment and
support to Councillors.
 Clearly set out the level of professional support that staff will provide
Strategic Basis
The Council Plan Principle equity in the distribution of resources across the Shire most
closely relates to this report.
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Shire Council
The adopted budget has made allowance for Councillor and Mayor allowance,
professional development opportunities, expenses associated with the Councillor
Transition Plan and other reimbursement expenses such as travel to and from
Council associated meetings. The budget also made allowance for appropriate
equipment identified in the Policy to allow Councillors to undertake their duties.
Councillors and the Bass Coast community benefit from the implementation of this
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
Sections 74 and 75 of the Local Government Act 1989 apply to the provision of
resources to Councillors to enable them to perform their duties.
Other Options
Councillors could opt to not adopt this Policy. The Policy provides consistent
guidelines and transparency to the level of support that Council provides to its
elected members in order to undertake their duties as Councillors.
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
To ensure transparency and consistency in approach in the support to Councillors it
is recommended that Council adopt the Provision of Resources to Councillors Policy.
That Council adopts the Provision of Resources to Councillors Policy.
AT-1 Provision of Resources to Councillors Policy 6 Pages
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
H.11 Cowes Yacht Club Lease Area Variation
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
The Cowes Yacht Club (Club) is located on Crown Land fronting the corner of
Osbourne Road and The Esplanade, Cowes. The Club has been in existence since
1958, initially holding the Club site under a permission license through the Victorian
Government. This subsequently changed to a lease held through the then Phillip Island
Council and now with the Bass Coast Shire Council.
The Club renewed their lease in 2010 for a further term of 21 years, however since
then they have sought to expand their storage area to meet the Club’s demand for
more boat space.
An extension of lease area will require Department of Environment Land Water &
Planning (DELWP) and Council approval, and will require the surrender of the
existing lease and replacement with a new lease showing the increased lease area.
This report seeks support to allow the lease area to be expanded as shown in the
attached plan (AT–1) and in line with the Local Government Act 1989 requirements.
The Club formally approached Council back in February 2015 to consider an
extension of their lease area. Discussions took some time to complete due to
consideration of the area, and issues with drainage and vegetation clearance.
Approval in Principle by DELWP was received in December 2015 and subsequent
negotiations over the lease have extended well into 2016. This delay in resolving the
lease is due, in part, to storms causing erosion issues and requiring some rewording
of the lease to include the management of the erosion along the foreshore areas in
front of the Club.
The Club has a current lease area of 2,973m2 (as per lease document) including
boathouse and boat ramp. The attached map shows an area of 2,829m2 excluding the
boat ramp. It is proposed to increase the storage area for boats by 575m2 to
approximately 3,548m2, (3,404m2 excluding boat ramp).
The draft lease document has now been agreed, in principle, by the Club. As a final
requirement public comment will be sought to the revised lease area.
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Bass Coast
Shire Council
Strategic Basis
Council Plan Principles
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both
current and future generations.
 Equity in the distribution of resources across the Shire.
 Transparent evidence-based and inclusive decision making.
The current lease payment is $104 per annum which is in line with other community
groups that engage with a wide section of the community, and that do not have any
commercial aspects to their club.
Costs for the renewal of this lease can be met from existing budget.
The stakeholders impacted by this report include Cowes Yacht Club members,
Cowes residents fronting the foreshore near Cowes Yacht Club, Bass Coast
Community, Bass Coast Shire Council; and Department of Environment, Land, Water
& Planning
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
Local Government Act 1989
Crown Land Reserves Act 1978
Land Act 1958
Leasing Policy for Crown Land in Victoria 2010
Committee of Management – Responsibilities and Good Practice Guidelines May 2014
Council adopted its Crown Land Leasing policy 10 December 2014, which stated that
Council utilizes the guidelines and principles within the Victorian Government Leasing
Policy for Crown Land in Victoria 2010 for all Crown Land leases. Part of this policy
is that Council would only enter direct negotiations with existing or prospective
tenants of Crown land in specific circumstances. In this instance it can be stated that,
the writer is of the opinion that, after assessment of the site, it can be determined
that direct negotiations with a prospective tenant would maximize benefits to the
community or Council or government.
Other Options
Council has a number of options to consider;
1. Agree to the request. The requested area is considered required and
appropriate and will help the Club continue to perform its function as a yacht
2. Decline the request which would limit the clubs ability to manage boats on the
site and potentially impact upon their membership development; or
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Shire Council
3. Consider a revised area. The club had previously sought a larger area, however
after extensive negotiations the area shown within this report has been agreed
between the Crown, Council and the Club.
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
It is recommended that approval be granted to allow the Cowes Yacht Club to
surrender their existing lease and replace it with a new lease with an increased area
to approximately 3,548m2 subject to the requirements of the Local Government Act
That Council:
1. Negotiate directly with Cowes Yacht Club for surrender of their
existing lease dated 22 March 2010, and renewal of a new lease for
the site known as the Cowes Yacht Club, The Esplanade, Cowes with
an increased total land area of 3548m2 and described as portion of
allotment 37D Township of Cowes Parish of Phillip Island for the
permitted use of a yacht club, for a term of 21 years at rental of $104
per annum subject to the requirements of the Local Government Act
2. In accordance with Section 190 of the Local Government Act 1989,
publish a public notice indicating Council’s intent to renew the lease
with an increased lease area to the site known as the Cowes Yacht
Club at The Esplanade, Cowes;
3. Pursuant to Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989, seek
submissions from the public to this proposed lease arrangement;
4. Appoint a Committee of Council, comprising the Mayor and two
Councillors, to consider submissions in accordance with Section 223
of the Local Government Act 1989 made in response to the required
public notice and make recommendations back to Council;
5. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to complete and sign all
necessary documentation for the new lease to the Cowes Yacht
Club should no submissions be received.
AT-1 Lease Area Cowes Yacht Club Site 1 Page
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Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
H.12 Wonthaggi Highball Facility - Victorian School Building Authority 2017-17
Shared Facility Fund
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Healthy Communities
Our community feels connected, safe
and strong.
Previous Items:
SR4/16 - Sports and Active Recreation Needs Asessment Council - 20 Apr 2016 5.00pm
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
In November 2016, Council prepared and submitted an expression of interest
through the Victorian School Building Authority 2016-2017 Shared Facilities Fund
(AT-1) to develop a three court highball stadium (recreation/basketball). The facility
is proposed to be located on a greenfield site accessed via McKenzie Street,
Wonthaggi. If successful, the stadium facility would be co-located with the future
Wonthaggi Secondary College senior campus.
Wonthaggi Secondary College has finalised a Masterplan (AT-2) and is seeking funding
to commence the construction of the new school at this site.
A one court facility would be fully funded as part of the Wonthaggi Secondary College
project – this would be for educational uses only. The two additional courts are
being considered within the Shared Facilities Fund as a partnership between the
school, Council and community.
On 3 February 2017 Council was informed by the Victorian School Building Authority
that it had been invited to supply additional information for its submission to the
Shared Facilities Fund (AT-3). This is required to be completed and submitted by 17
February 2017.
The provision of enhanced highball facilities has been identified as a high priority for
the Bass Coast community as part of the Sports and Active Recreation Needs
Assessment 2016 (SARNA) (AT-4). The Shared Facilities Fund application offers the
opportunity for Council to work collaboratively with Wonthaggi Secondary College
and prospective user groups to achieve the delivery of the project in the short term
and enhance recreational outcomes for the community.
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Shire Council
Current provision for highball recreation activities in Wonthaggi is limited to a single
court at the Wonthaggi Aquatic and Leisure Centre. The Masterplan for future
redevelopment of the Wonthaggi Aquatic and Leisure Centre identifies the potential
for development of a two court stadium, however, this is indicated as being a
secondary (future) phase of development.
The Sports and Active Recreation Needs Assessment 2016 (SARNA) identified the
development of an indoor highball facility in Wonthaggi as a ‘High Priority’. The
report recommended as follows:
“Develop an indoor highball stadium (minimum 2 court) in Wonthaggi. Consider reviewing
the Bass Coast Aquatic and Leisure Centre Master Plan to accommodate the short term need
for indoor highball facilities on the mainland or investigate alternate locations for facility
development (e.g. Wonthaggi Education Precinct, Wonthaggi Secondary College – Dudley
The Victorian School Building Authority 2016-17 Shared Facilities Fund (SFF) seeks to
meet local infrastructure needs by developing community facilities on school sites
across Victoria. The funding allocated through this program will deliver greater
support to schools, councils and other institutions to develop shared facilities
arrangements. This fund can be used to implement a range of community
infrastructure projects on school sites, including early learning centres, sporting
facilities and community hubs.
The Shared Facilities Fund outlines the following key points from its guidelines:
 The Victorian Labor Government invested $50 million into the SFF. This new
fund will deliver integrated community facilities on school sites.
 No more than 10% of the fund is to be allocated to a single Council. The
funding guidelines do not identify a level of co-contribution from Council or
third party organisations for any specific project.
 Infrastructure projects that benefit from the funding will be required to
commence construction within 12 months of being announced, and service
delivery must be ready to commence once construction has been completed.
An SFF Expression of Interest submission was submitted by Council for a three court
highball stadium in November 2016 supported with backing from 13 prospective user
groups and recreation associations.
Strategic Basis
Council Plan Principle:
 Our community feels connected, safe and strong.
Council Plan Strategies:
 Enable our diverse communities to be strong and healthy.
 Provide opportunities for involvement in a range of lifestyle and learning
activities for groups and individuals.
 Foster wellness in a supportive, inclusive, healthy and active community.
 Improve the opportunity to enjoy our recreational and open spaces.
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Shire Council
The provision of highball facilities in Wonthaggi is identified in the SARNA study as a high
priority action. The SARNA report identifies that options should be explored for
alternate locations from the Bass Coast Aquatic and Leisure Centre in order to expedite
the construction of facilities in the short term.
This approach is supported by consultation with a range of user groups and recreation
associations whose recreational activities are impacted by the lack of facilities currently
The SFF provides Council with the opportunity to implement the recommendations of
the SARNA report. The SFF also provides the opportunity for collaborative working
relationships between Council, the State Government and the Bass Coast community to
achieve enhanced community infrastructure.
The SFF request for further information requires Council to consider the next level of
detail associated with the future highball stadium facility. This includes the total cost of
the project, timelines for delivery, level of co-contribution from Council (and/or other
third party sources) and the anticipated model for joint use arrangements of the facility.
To complete this task within the specified timeframes, Council has engaged Inside Edge
Sport and Leisure Planning to assist in the research required to complete the submission,
working alongside Wonthaggi Secondary College, their project group and architects.
At the time of writing these further information project details were not yet available.
An updated report taking into account these factors will be made available prior to the
February Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Council Officers have engaged with many local sport and recreation groups, local
schools and community organisations and all have offered support for the application.
The Wonthaggi Amateur Basketball Association has been a key driver for a highball
facility due to the limited availability of suitable facilities in the area and has also provided
their support for the proposal.
The SFF opportunity is considered to be consistent with the strategic direction of
Council, as set out in the SARNA report. The project also has the support of
Wonthaggi Secondary College and local user groups and recreation associations.
Next Steps
If Council pursues the funding opportunities via the SFF the following next steps and
timelines are anticipated for the project:
 Assessment of the proposal and Government approval – March 2017
 Community Joint Use Proposals Executed – March/April 2017
 Funding announcement – May 2017
These timelines are contingent upon the anticipated funding schedule associated with the
Wonthaggi Secondary College development.
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Shire Council
Financial details regarding the Wonthaggi Highball Stadium were being developed at
the time of writing and will be made available as part of an updated Council report.
Council will be required to determine the level of co-contribution to the funding
opportunity and also the financial implications associated with any future joint use
agreement for management of the facility.
It will also be necessary for Council to consider the implications for the proposed
Bass Coast Aquatic and Leisure Centre Masterplan. If successful, the revised location
for a future highball facility will impact upon the future operation of this facility.
 Wonthaggi Secondary College
 Local Primary and Specialist Schools
 Bass Coast Shire Council
 Wonthaggi Amateur Basketball Association
 Wonthaggi Recreation and Leisure Groups
 Bass Coast Community
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
Other Options
The following options are available to Council in consideration of this matter:
1. To complete the Shared Facilities Fund - Additional Project Information Form
in order to pursue funding for a proposed highball facility associated with the
future development of Wonthaggi Secondary College – senior campus.
2. To not complete the Shared Facilities Fund - Additional Project Information
Form and advise the State Government and Wonthaggi Secondary College that
Council is not in a position to pursue funding for the project at this time.
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
The Victorian School Building Authority 2016-17 Shared Facilities Fund application for
the Wonthaggi Highball facility provides Council with the opportunity to achieve a
strategic objective to provide enhanced recreation facilities for the Bass Coast
community. This reflects the recommendations of the SARNA (2016).
It is therefore recommended to pursue the funding opportunity by submitting the
additional information to the Victorian School Building Authority and identifying a
budget allocation as a co-contribution from Council towards the project.
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Shire Council
That Council:
1. Completes the Victorian School Building Authority 2016-17 Shared
Facilities Fund - Additional Project Information Form for submission
by 17 February 2017.
2. Commits a budget allocation of not greater than $xxxx as a cocontribution to the project in the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 budget.
Shared Facilities Fund Expressions of Interest
7 Pages
1 Page
Shared Facilities Fund - Request for additional project information
1 Page
April 2016 Part A Bass Coast Sport and Recreation Needs
Assessment Final Report Part A
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Bass Coast
Shire Council
Statutory Reports
Page 96
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Statutory Reports
CEO's Report for February 2017
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
Council is committed to introducing more regular updates on the key projects and
initiatives that are implemented. The attached report (AT-1) highlights a number of
key projects and their progress.
Strategic Basis
The Council Plan 2013-2017 contains a number of principles and key strategic
objectives. The projects outlined in this report all contribute to the achievement of
this Plan. The objectives in the Council Plan include:
Natural Environment
Sustainable Development and Growth
Healthy Communities
Effective Governance
Economic Development
The relevant principles within the Council Plan, which are to guide all Council
decisions and actions include:
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both current
and future generations
 The intrinsic value of biodiversity and the protection of the natural eco systems will be
 Equity in the distribution of resources across the Shire
 Transparent evidence-based and inclusive decision making
 The provision and use of energy and resources will be promoted in an efficient and
sustainable way
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Shire Council
Delivery of the Major Initiatives, delivers key actions, strategies and plans which aid
Council to sustain and deliver better services to the community. This assists Council
in achieving all five key strategic objectives and associated strategies within the
Council Plan.
All of the projects highlighted in this report are funded through the 2016/17 Budget.
Some of these projects have received grant funding.
Council, ratepayers, external funding bodies, residents and visitors are all affected by
the delivery of the program
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
The Major Initiatives are allocated for in the 2016/17 Budget. These projects are
developed, approved and spent in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989, and
the Procurement Policy.
The Local Government Act states that the primary objective of Council is to
endeavour to achieve the best outcomes for the local community having regard to the
long term and cumulative effects of decisions.
That the CEO’s Report for February 2017 be received.
AT-1 CEO's Report - February 2017 2 Pages
Page 98
CEO's Report for February 2017.DOC
Attachment 1 - CEO's Report - February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Page 99
CEO's Report for February 2017.DOC
Attachment 1 - CEO's Report - February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Page 100
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
2016/2017 Major Initiatives, Finance and Capital Works Second Quarter
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
Annually Council adopts a Budget that identifies the services to be provided, the
Capital Works Program and other major initiatives that it will deliver during that year.
The purpose of this report is to provide a quarterly update on our progress.
The Council Plan articulates Council’s Vision for the future of Bass Coast and outlines
strategies to be used by Council in fulfilling the Vision. It is an important tool for
measuring the performance of Council. Council approved the Major Initiatives and
Capital Works Program as part of the 2015/2016 Budget. All of the 27 Initiatives
adopted as part of this Budget were completed within the financial year. A copy of
the final report for 2015/2016 is attached (AT-1).
The 2016/17 Budget identified 14 Major Initiatives and 25 Initiatives. These Major
Initiatives and Initiatives will be reported on quarterly throughout the year.
Strategic Basis
The Council Plan 2013-2017 contains a number of principles and key strategic
objectives. The projects outlined in this report all contribute to the achievement of
this Plan. The objectives in the Council Plan include:
 Natural Environment
 Sustainable Development and Growth
 Healthy Communities
 Effective Governance
 Economic Development
The relevant principles within the Council Plan, which are to guide all Council
decisions and actions include:
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both current
and future generations
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Shire Council
 The intrinsic value of biodiversity and the protection of the natural eco systems will be
 Equity in the distribution of resources across the Shire
 Transparent evidence-based and inclusive decision making
 The provision and use of energy and resources will be promoted in an efficient and
sustainable way
Detailed information on the financial performance of Council has been provided in
the attached financial report for period ending December 2016 (AT-4). In summary,
the year to date position is favourable, with the end of year operating result also
forecast to be favourable, due primarily to capital grants funding. For further
information please refer to the attached financial report.
Council, ratepayers, external funding bodies, residents and visitors are all affected by
the delivery of the services, key initiatives and the capital program.
Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
Section 138 of the Local Government Act 1989 (Act) requires that each quarter Council
(and the community) is provided with a statement comparing the adopted budget
with the actual results for the year to date.
The Major Initiatives and Capital Works are allocated for in the 2016/17 Budget. All
of Council’s expenditure is approved and spent in accordance with the Act and the
Procurement Policy.
The Act states that the primary objective of Council is to endeavour to achieve the
best outcomes for the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative
effects of decisions.
Officer’s Comments/Conclusion
Major Initiatives and Initiatives
Attached to this report is a progress summary of the Major Initiatives and
Initiatives identified in the 2016/17 Budget. Council identified 39 initiatives. Of
 4 have been completed;
 33 are underway and on-track for completion within planned timeframes;
 1 Major Initiative – Cowes Revitalisation Project – is subject to review
in accordance with Council’s decision of 14 December 2016; and
 1 Initiative – Wonthaggi Landfill Rehabilitation – is at risk due to lack of
sources of fill.
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Shire Council
During this period we completed the following initiatives:
 Contribute to the development of the Victorian and Gippsland intensive
agriculture policy and strategy.
 Manage the transition of a new Council.
 Conduct the 2016 Council Election
Natural Environment
Implement Year One of the Natural Environment
Sustainability Strategy
Project Underway
Finalise contracts for waste services, including kerbside
services and management of waste facilities
Project Underway
Commence preparation of Council’s Bio-links Plan
Project Underway
Commence the review of the Foreshore Use Policy
Project Underway
Commence rehabilitation of the Wonthaggi Landfill
Project Underway
Complete the design of Grantville Landfill Cell 7
Project Underway
Healthy Communities
Prepare a new Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan
Project Underway
Commence construction of the Bass Valley Children’s Centre Project Underway
Project Underway
Review the Domestic Animal Management Plan
Implement Year One of the Municipal Early Years Plan
Project Underway
Implement Year Three of the Education Plan
Project Underway
Implement Year one of the Youth Action Plan
Project Underway
Implement Year Two of the Arts and Culture Plan
Project Underway
Implement Year One of the Disability Action Plan
Project Underway
Economic Development
Implement Year One of the Economic Development Strategy
Project Underway
Complete the Phillip Island and San Remo Tourism Strategy
Secure funding and undertake detailed design for the Cowes
Revitalisation Project
Project Underway
Undertake a review of the Events Policy
Project Underway
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Contribute to the development of the Victorian and
Gippsland intensive agriculture policy and strategy
Implement priority actions form the Phillip Island and San
Remo Tourism Strategy 2035
Project Underway
Effective Governance
Develop and Adopt the Council Plan 2017/2020
Project Underway
Conduct the 2016 Council Election
Commence Implementation of the Property Strategy
Project Underway
Manage the transition of a new Council
Commence the upgrade to Council’s website
Project Underway
Develop a Revenue Strategy
Project Underway
Commence investigation of shared services initiatives
Project Underway
Commence implementation of a workforce attraction,
diversification and retention strategy
Project Underway
Finalise development of the Asset Recognition and Valuation
Project Underway
Develop and adopt a new Councillor Code of Conduct
Project Underway
Commence implementation of the Core System replacement
Project Underway
Sustainable Development and Growth
Complete preparation of the Wonthaggi North East Precinct
Structure Plan
Project Underway
Complete review of the Wonthaggi Dalyston Structure Plan
Project Underway
Complete review of the Road Management Plan
Project Underway
Commence preparation of a Municipal Recreation Plan
Project Underway
Review the Asset Management Strategy and Policy
Project Underway
Develop a Tree Management Policy
Project Underway
Commence preparation of the Open Space Asset
Management Plan
Project Underway
Undertake the Community Engagement Process for Pioneer
Bay Road and Drainage Improvement Project
Project Underway
The attached report outlines the progress of each project. Summaries and highlights
of some of these projects are also available in the CEO’s Report and on Council’s
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Capital Works Program 2016/2017 – Quarter 2 – 1 July 2016 to 31
December 2016
The 2016/2017 Capital Works Program, was made up of 71 capital works projects or
actions when the 2016/2017 Council Budget was approved at the 22 June 2016
Council Meeting. At that time the approved Capital Budget was valued at $15.988
Subsequent to the 2015/2016 end of year process the number of capital works
projects or actions included within the program increased. The increase in the
number of projects was a result of projects not completed at 30 June 2016 being
carried over for completion from the 2015/2016 financial year to the current financial
year. With the addition of carry over projects, the current Capital Works Program
for 2016/2017 financial year has a total of 91 project actions being reported on which
is valued at $ 25.157 million.
The attached Capital Works Progress Report (AT-1) shows the progress of
projects/actions up to 31 December 2016. Within the report, projects that have had
carry-over funds attributed to the project have “C/O” included within the title of the
project action as shown in the attached report. Projects with a revised budget have
‘**’ included within the title of the project action as shown in the attached report.
A breakdown of the capital program by project type is shown in the table below.
Capital Works Item
No of
Open Space (recreation
and foreshore projects)
Plant and Equipment, IT
and Other
Roads, Drainage, Bridges
(Civil Projects)
The attached report indicates that of the 91 capital works projects or actions:
 5 projects have not been started
 33 projects are progressing through the planning and design phase
 20 projects are underway
 33 projects are completed
 0 projects have been deferred
Since the start of the 2016/17 financial year 33 projects have been completed, of
which 10 of these were carry over projects from the 2015/16 financial year. With
there being 33 projects out of the 91 action items now complete, the overall program
is over 35% complete, up until 31 December 2016.
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Whilst 33 projects or actions have been completed up until the end of December
2016, an additional 58% of the program is underway with 33 projects in the planning
and design phase and 20 projects underway in the tendering or construction phase.
The attached report shows that whilst 5 projects had not yet been started, 71
projects or 77% of projects were at a stage where they are achieving at least 90% of
the progress targets for the end of December 2016. This is an indication that the
Capital Works Program is progressing and projects are scheduled to be completed by
30 June 2017.
Some of the projects that have been completed between 1 July 2016 and 31
December 2016 that form part of the current 2016/2017 Capital Works Program are
as follows:
1. C/O Building Upgrade - Old Post Office and Watt Street, Wonthaggi - design only
2. C/O Building Upgrade - Civic Centre Refurbishment - Community Health and
Wellbeing Area - construction only
3. C/O Building Renewal Program – Targeted Projects - various locations construction only
4. C/O Building Upgrade - Civic Centre Refurbishment - Information Technology
Area -construction only
5. C/O Building Renewal Program – Cape Paterson Bay Beach Caravan Park –
construction only
6. C/O Building Renewal - Newhaven Jetty Shed - Roof Renewal - construction only
Open Space
7. Open Space Renewal Program - Landscape Renewal - Wonthaggi Guide Park design only
Plant & Equipment, IT & Other
8. C/O Art Development - Art Collection Storage
9. Street Decorations - Christmas Street Decorations replacement - various
locations -construction only
Roads, Drainage, Bridges (Civil Projects)
10. C/O Road Renewal - South Dudley Road, Wonthaggi - Final Sealing works
11. C/O Open Space Renewal Program - Inverloch Boat Ramp Erosion Protection
Works -construction only
12. Final Spray Seal - Carneys Road, Wonthaggi from Service Road to Loughran Road
13. Reseal Program - Spray Sealing – various locations
14. Urban Asphalt Seal Program – Chapel Street, Cowes from Thompson Avenue to
Osbourne Avenue - construction only
15. Rural Pavement Program – Sheepways Road, Krowera from McGraths Lane (300
metres east) to Chainage 2380 - construction only
16. Final Spray Seal - Sheepways Road, Krowera from Loch Wonthaggi Road to
McGraths Lane (300 meters south)
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17. Traffic Control Structures – various locations - construction only
18. Urban Asphalt Seal Program – Devon Avenue, Cowes from Church Street to End
of Court - construction only
19. Urban Pavement Program – Fincher Street, Wonthaggi from Wentworth Road to
No. 33 Wentworth Road - design and construction
20. Roadside Safety Structures – various locations - construction only
21. Kerb Renewal Program - various locations - construction only
22. Rural Pavement Program - Cowes Rhyll Road, Cowes from Chainage 1250 to
Chainage 1555 - construction only
23. Final Spray Seal - Treadwells Road, Mahers Landing from Inverloch Venus Bay
Road to Mahers Landing Road, Inverloch - construction only
24. Shared Path Renewal - Thompson Avenue from Cowes Rhyll Road to Number
201 Thompson Avenue, Cowes - construction only
25. Pathways - Gaps Program - Miners Drive, Wonthaggi - design only
26. Footpath Renewal - Hagelthorn Street from McBride Avenue to Billson Street,
Wonthaggi - construction only
27. Footpath Renewal - Smiths Beach Road from Murray Street to opposite
Hollywood Crescent, Smiths Beach - construction only
28. Footpath Renewal and Pram Crossings Renewal - Genista Street, San Remo from
Corner Tanagra Close to Genista Street, Cowes - construction only
29. Pathways - Gaps Program – Cashin Street, Inverloch - construction only
30. C/O Pathways - Principal Bicycle Network - Inverloch Foreshore, Surf Parade,
Inverloch - Stage 1 - construction only
31. Pathways - Gaps Program – Mortimer Street, Wonthaggi - construction only
32. Shared Path Renewal - South Dudley Road, South Dudley 100 meters north of
Guide Park, Wonthaggi - construction only
33. Pathways - Gaps Program - Pier Road, Grantville - construction only
Refer to AT-2 for Photos of Capital works completed projects 1 July 2016 to 31
December 2016
Of the 91 projects, there are a number of projects which are subject to grant or
external funding in order to proceed. There is a risk that these projects won’t be
able to proceed if funding applications are unsuccessful.
1. **Buildings Group - Bay Beach, Cape Paterson - BBQ Shelter - construction only subject to external funding
2. Cowes Revitalisation Projects – Cowes Cultural and Civic Centre - design and
construction - subject to grant funding
3. ** Cowes Revitalisation Projects – Cowes Transit Hub – design and construction
– subject to grant funding
4. **Cowes Revitalisation Projects – Cowes Jetty Triangle - design and construction
– subject to grant funding
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5. C/O Phillip Island Football and Netball Club - New Changerooms - construction
The 2016/17 value of these five projects is in the order of $7.8 million.
Council Officers have submitted and are currently working on a number funding
applications relating to these projects to secure funding so these projects can be
However, this report does not reflect the Council resolution in December to halt
further progress on the Cowes Cultural and Civic Centre and the Cowes Transit Hub
as part of the Cowes Revitalisation Projects. These projects will therefore be
reported as deferred in future capital works progress reports.
In relation to the Phillip Island Football and Netball Club - New Changerooms, a
meeting was held with club representatives late December 2016 to discuss project
costs and confirm that the Club would be responsible for any additional costs that are
above what has been currently budgeted. The Club is reviewing costings and will
report back to Council in early 2017. This project is at risk of not being delivered this
financial year. A request for an extension of time from the grant funding body will be
required due to the delay in the Club finalising their plans for the building.
Further updates of the outcome of these applications will be available in future
quarterly Major Initiatives and Capital Works Reports.
Detailed progress of all Capital Works projects is attached to this report
Further information is available in the attached Quarter 2 Financial Report (AT-3)
That the Finance, Major Initiatives and Capital Works Progress Report for
the 2016/17 first quarter be received.
Capital Works Progress Report 01 July to 31 December 2016 Final
Photos of Capital Works Completed Projects 1 July to 31 December
8 Pages
Quarter 2 Report Major Initiatives and Initiatives 2016 / 2017
Quarter 2 Financial Report - December 2016
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Bass Coast
Shire Council
Quarter 2 Efficiency Report 2016/2017
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
The purpose of this report is for Council to note the efficiencies that the organisation
has found during the second quarter of 2016/2017. These efficiencies have been
organised into three categories which include:
 Service Reviews
 Organisation Design
 Continuous Improvement
Officers continue to look for opportunities to review the way we provide services to
ensure that they remain relevant and are as efficient as possible. Any savings
identified within the 2016/17 financial year will allow greater investment in Capital
Works or a reduction in any need for rate increases in future years.
The Council Plan articulates the Council’s vision for the future of Bass Coast and
outlines strategies to be used by Council in fulfilling the vision. The Chief Executive
Officer is responsible for the delivery of services and initiatives that align to the
achievement of the Council Plan (Plan).
Staff resources are aligned to ensure that the structure allows for efficient delivery of
services and key initiatives identified within the Plan. Management continually
reassess the structure of the organisation to ensure resources are best allocated to
achieve good outcomes for our community.
Council has also committed to a culture of continuous improvement and review of
processes and practices to ensure the way we deliver services is efficient, relevant and
meets the needs of our community. Council has also committed to a series of
Service Reviews which include the review of six services per year. The purpose of
the service reviews:
 is designed to find operational efficiencies and innovations to deliver services to
the community in accordance with the Council Plan and Long Term Financial
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 is our commitment to continuous improvement in what we do.
 in general, service reviews are designed to determine the level of service we
will provide and the most appropriate strategic business model to provide that
Each of these initiatives provides Council with opportunities to identify savings and
Strategic Basis
The Council Plan 2013-2017 contains a number of principles and key strategic
objectives. The efficiencies identified in this report align to the provision of services
outlined in this Plan. The objectives in the Council Plan include:
 Natural Environment
 Sustainable Development and Growth
 Healthy Communities
 Effective Governance
 Economic Development
The relevant principles within the Council Plan, which are to guide all Council
decisions and actions include:
 The social, environmental and economic priorities of the Shire benefit both current
and future generations
 The intrinsic value of biodiversity and the protection of the natural eco systems will be
 Equity in the distribution of resources across the Shire
 Transparent evidence-based and inclusive decision making
 The provision and use of energy and resources will be promoted in an efficient and
sustainable way
All of the major efficiencies identified during 2016/17 will be considered in the
preparation of the 2017/2018 Budget and will be transferred to future Capital Works
or to the reduction in any need for rate increases in future years.
All efficiencies will be in accordance with the Council resolution from the Ordinary
Meeting of Council dated 22 April 2015:
That future rate increases proposed in the long-term financial plan be reviewed when
considering options for the application of savings achieved as a result of service reviews.
Council, Council staff, ratepayers, residents and visitors are all affected by the delivery
of efficiencies across Council.
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Statutory Requirements/Codes/Standards/Policies
The Local Government Act 1989 states that the primary objective of Council is to
endeavour to achieve the best outcomes for the local community having regard to the
long term and cumulative effects of decisions.
Officer’s Conclusion and Recommendation
The efficiencies and savings that have been identified in the second quarter for
2016/2017 are detailed in the attachment (AT-1), they include:
Service Reviews
Efficiency Realised
Health Services – Premises Registrations Fees are up
Reduction in Workcover Premium from reducing a
work site at Wonthaggi Visitor Information Centre
Organisation Design
Reduction of Effective
Full Time (EFT) Staff
Continuous Improvement
Activity or Process
Savings in annual software licence costs as a result of
immediate implementation of the Core System –
Technology One
Annual infrastructure costs associated with hosting a
server network on premise (savings will not be
completely realised until all software is externally hosted)
Initial Data Recovery annual savings as a result of
implementation of Core System – Technology One
$ Savings or
Hours Saved
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That the 2016/2017 Quarter 2 Efficiency Report be received.
AT-1 2016/2017 Q2 Efficiency Report 3 Pages
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Shire Council
Contracts Awarded Report
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Finance and Organisation
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
For the period from 1 October 2016 to 31 December 2016, the following contracts
have been awarded under the Chief Executive Officer’s Instrument of Delegation.
Contract Sum
Including GST
Cassinia Street Wetland & Ayr Creek
Rehabilitation Works
EcoProjects Australia
2016/2017 Building Renewal Program –
Package 1 Phillip Island Area
TS Constructions Pty
Building Valuation and Condition
APV Valuers & Asset
For the period from 1 October 2016 to 31 December 2016, no contracts have been
awarded by Council Decision.
That the Contracts Awarded Report be received.
AT-1 16036 Contracts Register 1 Page
AT-2 16051 Contracts Register 2 Pages
AT-3 16053 Contracts Register 1 Page
Page 113
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Assembly of Councillors Report
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The reporting officer has no direct or indirect interest in this matter
Section 80A of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) requires all assembly of
Councillors records to be reported on at the next practicable ordinary meeting of
Council and to be recorded in the minutes of that meeting. This report intends to
fulfil the requirements of the legislation.
Section 76AA of the Act defines an Assembly of Councillors as
‘a meeting of an advisory committee of the Council, if at least one Councillor is present, or a
planned or scheduled meeting of at least half of the Councillors and one member of Council
staff which considers matters that are intended or likely to bea. the subject of a decision of the Council; or
b. subject to the exercise of a function, duty or power of the Council that has been
delegated to a person or committeebut does not include a meeting of the Council, a special committee of the Council, an audit
committee established under section139, a club, association, peak body, political party or
other organisation.’
Section 80A requires a written record to be kept of all such assemblies, stating the
names of all Councillors and Council staff attending, the matters considered and any
conflict of interest disclosures made by a Councillor. These records must be
reported, as soon as practicable, at an ordinary meeting of the Council and recorded
in the minutes.
Below is a summary of all assembly of Councillors records since the last Ordinary
meeting of Council.
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Assembly of Councillors
Councillors in attendance
30 November 2016
Policy Workshop
Cr Rothfield, Cr Tessari, Cr Brown,
Cr Larke, Cr Fullarton, Cr Whelan,
Cr Ellis, Cr Kent, Cr Le Serve
7 December 2016
Policy Workshop
Cr Rothfield, Cr Tessari, Cr Brown,
Cr Larke, Cr Fullarton, Cr Ellis, Cr
Kent, Cr Le Serve
7 December 2016
Community Engagement
Cr Rothfield, Cr Tessari, Cr Brown,
Cr Larke, Cr Fullarton, Cr Ellis, Cr
Kent, Cr Le Serve
14 December 2016
Policy Workshop
Cr Rothfield, Cr Tessari, Cr Brown,
Cr Larke, Cr Fullarton, Cr Whelan,
Cr Ellis, Cr Kent, Cr Le Serve
That the Assembly of Councillors Records be received.
Councillors Workshop 30 November 2016
Policy Workshop 7 December 2016
Community Engagement Session 7 December 2016
Policy Workshop 14 December 2016
1 Page
1 Page
2 Pages
1 Page
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Shire Council
Planning and Building Statistics - November 2016
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Sustainable Development and
Sustainable Development & Growth
Our built environment complements
our landscape, lifestyle and climate.
Island Ward
Construction of two dwellings located at 2 Boonderabbi Way, Cowes.
Buildings and works associated with a dwelling on land affected by the
DDO1, LSIO and BMO; and remove 5 trees located at 66 Bruce Road,
Buildings and works (dwelling) on land affected by LSIO at 12 Settlement
Road, Silverleaves.
Multi dwelling development located at 5 Coastal Rise, Cowes.
Two lot subdivision located at 12 Leslie Avenue, Cowes.
Application for a liquor licence at 58 Chapel Street, Cowes.
Buildings and works to extend an existing dwelling located at 21 Poulter
Avenue, Rhyll.
Buildings and works in association with a dwelling in the Bushfire
Management Overlay located at 3 Hanna Court, Cowes.
Construction of a single dwelling located at 14 Walpole Street, Cowes.
Westernport Ward
Two lot subdivision of land located at 245 McCraws Road, Wattle Bank.
Re-subdivision of land located at 25 Turnbull-Woolamai Road, Kilcunda.
Create an access to a Road Zone Category 1 located at 105-107 Phillip Island
Road, Surf Beach.
Vegetation removal for the purpose of road widening at 60 Corinella Road,
Two lot subdivision in accordance with an approved development located at
7 Albon Street, Corinella.
Develop a dwelling located at 12 Vision Lane, Grantville.
Develop and use a Dependant Person Unit on land affected by a Bushfire
Management Overlay located at 1955 Dalyston-Glen Forbes Road, Glen
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Two lot subdivision (house lot excision) located at 441 Nyora-St Helier
Road, Woodleigh.
Buildings and works in association with a shed over 100 square metres in a
Rural Living Zone at 10 Pennell Court, Wattle Bank.
Buildings and work on land within the PCRZ (construction of water main
pipe) located on Crown Land and Public Purposes Reserve, River Frontage,
Bass (CA 18 Sec 28 Parish of Woolamai).
Buildings and works – extension to existing warehouse buildings,
reconfiguration of access and car parking layout located at 28/30 Boys Home
Road, Newhaven.
Construction of a single dwelling in a BMO located at 54 Island View Road,
The Gurdies.
Bunurong Ward
Vary covenant PS648346X (Variation of Restriction 1 by removal of part 2)
located at 1/587 Cape Paterson Road, Cape Paterson.
Use of land for industry ‘screen door manufacture and assembly) located at
55-57 McBride Avenue. Wonthaggi.
Subdivide the land into two lots at 51 Billson Street, Wonthaggi.
Subdivide the land into two lots and the removal of one tree located at 3
Victoria Street, Inverloch.
Subdivide the land into two lots at 17 Regency Drive, North Wonthaggi.
Construction of a deck and pergola on land affected by the Design and
Development Overlay (DDO9) located at 45 Toorak Road, Inverloch.
Two lot subdivision located at 1-11 Regency Drive, North Wonthaggi.
Removal of one tree Lot 1 TP512047 Bass Highway, Inverloch.
Construct a dwelling in a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) located at
108 Surf Beach Road, Cape Paterson.
Construction of a dwelling located at 1 Overlook Drive, Inverloch.
Internally illuminated advertising signage located at 1-7 Market Place, Cape
Statutory Planning
Year to
% of applications determined within statutory
Average Gross Days (Responsible Authority
(new) Average Gross Days to final outcome
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Shire Council
Number of live applications
Number of applications received for the month
Number of Responsible Authority outcomes
Building Services
Year to
Number of Essential Service Measure inspections
Number of pool audit inspections
Number of Report and Consent applications
Number of building permits issued
Siting consents issued
Number of building notices/orders issued
Number of live notices/orders
Year to
Number of new planning cases
Number of building cases
Number of live enforcement files
Number of planning infringement notices issued
Number of VCAT enforcement orders issued
Number of Magistrates Court prosecutions
Total fines received
That the Planning Permits issued under delegation for November 2016 be
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There are no attachments for this report
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Shire Council
Planning and Building Statistics - December 2016
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Sustainable Development and
Sustainable Development & Growth
Our built environment complements
our landscape, lifestyle and climate.
Island Ward
Develop and use a second dwelling and alter access to a Road Zone,
Category 1 located at “Wanawong” 511 Ventnor Road, Ventnor.
Extension to existing dwelling and balcony located at 2 Salmon Row Close,
Smiths Beach.
Remove vegetation located at Lot A PS626843 Waterford Drive, Cowes.
Use the land as a caravan park, buildings and works associated with installing
seven cabins and car parking located at 4A Douglas Road, Cowes.
Construct one dwelling on an allotment included in the GRZ that has a land
area less than 300sqm; and vegetation removal located at 6 Ventnor Beach
Road, Ventnor.
Construct one dwelling on an allotment included in the GRZ that has land
area measuring less than 300sqm; and remove vegetation located at 4
Ventnor Beach Road, Ventnor.
Change of use to restricted recreation facility (yoga studio) at 2 Hollydene
Court, Cowes.
Subdivision of the land into two (2) lots, each containing an existing dwelling
located at 16 Marlin Street, Smiths Beach.
Construct a dwelling on land that has a land area measuring less than 300sqm
in the GRZ; and vegetation removal located at 14 Ventnor Beach Road,
Wimbledon Heights.
Construct a rear deck, minor extension to the building and car parking
waiver located at 58 Chapel Street, Cowes.
Single dwelling relocation at 4 Honeysuckle Grove, Cowes.
Removal of vegetation located at 20 Kenwyn Court, Cowes.
Westernport Ward
Use and development of the land for a funeral parlour and chapel with
associated car parking area located at 3085 Loch-Wonthaggi Road, North
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Staged multi-lot subdivision of the land at Penniwells Drive, San Remo.
Buildings and works in association with proposed additions to existing
dwelling at 40 Phillip Island Road, San Remo.
Subdivision of the land into land into two (2) lots at 1396 Bass Highway,
Subdivision of the land into three (3) lots and remove native vegetation
located at 19-23 Cuthbert Street, Corinella.
Construction of a Dwelling and Shed on land affected by the Bushfire
Management Overlay located at 64 Acacia Road, Grantville.
Subdivision of the land into two (2) lots located at 38 Bergin Grove, San
Use and development of a dwelling and ancillary buildings and works located
at 4 Bellevue Court, Kilcunda.
Subdivision of the land into two (2) lots located at 16 Forster Court, Wattle
Buildings and works in association with an outbuilding (shed) located at 225
Bay Road, Jam Jerrup.
Develop and use land with a dwelling located at CA 61B Sheepways Road,
Home occupation located at 9 Genista Street, San Remo.
Buildings and works (alterations to emergency services facility) within the
GRZ located at land owned by CFA, 23 Grantville-Glen Alvie Road,
Extension to a dwelling in an EMO and SLO located at 15 McDowell Road,
Bunurong Ward
Construct a dwelling and amend a building envelope located at 113-115
Viminaria Road, Harmers Haven.
Use and develop a restaurant, car parking waiver, and display signage located
at 25 Wilsons Road, Cape Paterson.
Use and development of land as a camping and caravan park located at 80
Drowleys Road, Inverloch.
Develop land with five dwellings located at 8 Dowling Street, Wonthaggi.
Buildings and works in association with an extension to a dwelling over seven
(7) metres in the Design and Development Overlay, schedule 1 at 55 The
Esplanade, Inverloch.
Display a promotional sign (Wonthaggi Power Football/Netball Club) located
at 59 Graham Street, Wonthaggi.
Subdivision of the land into two (2) lots located at 8 Cameron Street,
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Construction of a pergola over an existing deck located at 29 Toorak Road,
Use of the land for a market and food and drink premises and a reduction in
car parking requirements located at 1/17 Korumburra Road, Wonthaggi.
Subdivision of the land into two (2) lots located at 121 Broome Crescent,
Use of the land for a licensed food and drinks premises (cellar door), and
alterations and additions to the existing front shed building located at 64
Cashin Street, Inverloch.
Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling (decking, balcony and
carport) and garage on land affected by the Design and Development Overlay
(DDO9) at 88 Surf Parade, Inverloch.
Construct a single dwelling in the BMO at 3 Old Rifle Range Road,
Removal of native vegetation located at Crown Land Lease 2018842, 163
Surf Parade, Inverloch (Pt CA 2B Sec 1 South of Goroke St – Parish of Kirrak
[Committee of Mgt Lease 2018842 – Surf Life Saving Club].
VicSmart approved – Remove one tree Eucalyptus radiata (Narrow leaved
peppermint) due to major deadwood, termite infestation and signs of recent
limb failure due to white rot at 33 Florida Avenue Inverloch.
VicSmart approved – Remove one tree Eucalyptus radiata (Narrow leaved
peppermint) due to internal decay at 33 Florida Avenue, Inverloch.
VicSmart approved – Remove one tree Eucalyptus radiata (Narrow leaved
peppermint) due to termite infestation and internal decay at 33 Florida
Avenue, Inverloch.
Statutory Planning
Year to
% of applications determined within statutory
Average Gross Days (Responsible Authority
(new) Average Gross Days to final outcome
Number of live applications
Number of applications received for the month
Number of Responsible Authority outcomes
Page 122
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Building Services
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Year to
Number of Essential Safety Measure inspections
Number of pool audit inspections
Number of Report and Consent applications
Number of building permits issued
Siting consents issued
Number of building notices/orders issued
Number of live notices/orders
Year to
Number of new planning cases
Number of building cases
Number of live enforcement files
Number of planning infringement notices issued
Number of VCAT enforcement orders issued
Number of Magistrates Court prosecutions
Total fines received
That the Planning Permits issued under delegation for December 2016 be
There are no attachments for this report.
Page 123
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Place Names Committee Meeting Minutes
File No:
Council Plan Strategic Objective:
Healthy Communities and
Effective Governance
Our leadership will be achieved
through good governance, community
engagement and excellence in service
The author has no direct or indirect interests in relation to this report.
Council’s Place Names Committee met on Thursday 1 December 2016. A copy of
the meeting minutes are attached. (AT-1)
At this meeting, the Committee considered the following issues (which are outlined in
greater detail in the meeting minutes):
1. Re-naming of Wattlebird Close, Cowes to Cape Barren Close, Cowes;
2. Current status of the naming of Cape Paterson Access Tracks;
3. Re-numbering/Naming of unit complex Cashin Street Inverloch;
4. Change to Everett Street Wonthaggi;
5. Other Business.
That the minutes of the Place Names Committee meeting held on
Thursday 1 December 2016 be received.
AT-1 Minutes Place Names Committee December 2016 7 Pages
Page 124
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Urgent Business
Page 125
Ordinary Meeting - 15 February 2017
Bass Coast
Shire Council
Mayoral Announcement Of Next Meeting Of Council
The next Ordinary Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 15 March 2017 in the
Bass Coast Civic Centre Council Chamber, Baillieu Street East, Wonthaggi commencing at
The next Community Engagement Session will be held on Wednesday, 8 March 2017
in the Bass Coast Civic Centre Council Chamber, Baillieu Street East, Wonthaggi
commencing at 3.00pm.
Page 126